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格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-05-18 21:44:07
时间:2023-05-18 21:44:07     小编:xiejingc



(比赛前,主持人在幕后提醒:比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进 行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!i、opening: lisa :ladies and gentlemen, george :ladies and gentlemen, lisa&george:good evening!george :welcome to the 12th english speaking contest of xxxxxx university.i’ m your host :and i’ m : first, my great honor to introduce you our distinguished are:.. president of xxxx normal university, mrxxx or of teaching affairs office, mrxxx or of student affairs office, mrxxx or of pre release center, mrxxx an of youth league, mrxxx lisa :now it ’ s my turn to introduce you our honorable are: director of english teaching and research department, profeorxxx;profeor xxx;profeor xxx;mi xxx;profeor xxx;mi xxx;and , we also have two foreign guests with ’ s welcome xxx,;and lets welcome : today we have two are 13 contestants in group a and 7 contestants in group group a, there will be 1 first prize winner, 3 second prize winners and 5 third prize group b, there will be 1 first prize winner, 1 second prize winner and 2 third prize ther we have 7 lisa :now let me introduce the rules of the contest: our contest is spanided into two i prepared speech and part ii question and part i, each contestant will share with us a prepared speech in no more than five will be graded according to their fluency, pronunciation ,intonation, and so mark for this part----8 part ii, every contestant will answer one or two questions raised by our question master and be graded mark for this part----2 :now the principles of the judging: each contestant will be scored by our nine judges, so he will get 9 final score of this contestant will be the average of the seven scores except for the highest and lowest andgeorge:now, we’ d like to declare: our contest begins!t: 1、合一

george :lisa, what do you think are the responsibilities of our generation? lisa :eh, protecting our environment, developing our education, making great contribution to our country, and so :then what should you do in your daily life?

lisa :work hard and try my best to do :now, let ’ s welcome contestant no.1, xxx, from college of will tell us his understanding about the responsibility of our generation.2、george : what kind of life do you want to live? a busy life or an idle life? different people have different , let’s welcome contestant no.2, xxx, from college of chinese literature to give us a title of her speech is: the busy e!3、lisa everyone has many unforgettable memories in his are sweet, and some are can get a lot from your , let’s welcome contestant no.3, xxx, from college of chemistry to give us a title of her speech is: one of my unforgettable e!4、合二 lisa :george, do you think your life is meaningful? george : i regret wasting a lot of time on unimportant :is there any way that we can avoid regret in our life? george :tant no.4, xxx, from college of information technology, may give you the will share with us a speech: will you regret this when you are old? lisageorge :welcome!5、george

many people want to be can we get succe? now, contestant no.5, xxx, from college of law, may tell us a way to ’s welcome her!

6、lisa do you know how to breathe? what is the art of breathing? what is the art of living? now, contestant no.6, xxx, from college of busine, will share with us a speech, breathing with e!7、george how can we speak english well? different people have different tant no.7, xxx, from college of busine, will tell us her ’ s welcome her!

8、lisa president xxx put forward the concept chinese ne has a dream in his dream is like a box of candies, you never know how sweet it is unle you taste , contestant no.8, xxx, from college of chinese literature, will tell us her e!9、george there are many difficulties we have to will you do when you have them? just give up or overcome the obstacles? it is up to let ’ s welcome contestant no.9, xxx, from college of culture and title of his speech is:surmounting life’ s obstacles.a 组 10xxx :合三

lisa: how much do you know about barack obama, george?

george: well, he is the president of the united states, a great politician and also a great speech : yes, you are right.i like listening to his speeches very always makes me feel : then you ’ ll have a chance to enjoy his speech mengjiao from college of foreign languages will bring the president ’ s speech e!

a 组 11xxx :lisa for most chinese people, they will still remember the thick haze in northern cities early this ngs loomed in and out of the mist, the sun shone hazily and a faint smell of burning hung in the air day after can we do to protect our environment? now, let’s welcome contestant no.11, li yanan, from college of law to give us a title of her speech is: protect our e!a 组 12xxx :合四

lisa: george, where are you going for the may day holiday? george: oh, i’ ve planned to drive to some place near luoyang and take a walk in the open air with my : don ’ t you want to go to some famous scenic spots? george:no, i just want to embrace the peaceful nature and enjoy the sunshine and green i don’ t hope to see the crowd : sounds like a good ’ s a good way to feel the beauty of the nature!another warm welcome goes to contestant 12 zhang jingyan from college of may share with us her understanding of nature.a 组 13 xxx:合五

lisa: hey, george, you look so ’ s wrong with you?

george: i am busy with some petty things every day.i rarely have enough time to have a good rest!it’ s so :come on!there are still many interesting and meaningful things waiting for to cheer up!you can listen to our next contestant ’ s you will get your paion : i hope :so now zhang shan from college of title of her speech is “ embrace the new day with paion”.welcome!

until now, contestants of group a have finished their ’ s enjoy a song brought by ….b 组 1xxx:george nowadays, shopping on the internet is becoming more and more can almost buy anything on the contestant no.1 shi yanan will tell us the advantages and disadvantages of shopping on the e.b 组 2xxx :合六

lisa:dreams are so important for our life many contestants today have chosen the topic about ?

george: let ’ s welcome wei ying from college of fine ’ s going to tell us her own story about dreams.b 组 3 xxx: following contestant no.2, contestant no.3 wang yingqiu will give us her speech “ always have dreams”.let’ s welcome!

b 组 4 xxx:合七 lisa lisa: what’ s succe in your mind, george?

george:fame, wealth, power and so in my opinion, the most important is we can realize our own : i just have the same idea with you!and maybe different people will have different standards of : contestant no.4 zhang tong will tell us his views about e!b 组 5xxx :合八

george: do you like traveling, lisa? lisa: yeah, very : then, have you ever left your litter in the scenic : ly i hate people doing :what a wonderful girl!you have contributed a lot to our environment!

lisa: thank you!i think it’ s everybody’ s duty to do tant no.5 ma mengyu will give us a speech entitled “ tourism and our environment”.let ’ s welcome her!b 组 6 xxx:合九

george: have you ever kied by god of fortune? lisa: yes!so i think i’ m lucky enough to be looked after by god meanwhile, i also meet a lot of challenges in my daily : such a lucky dog you are!you know, opportunities are always with : you’ re let’ s welcome wei xiang from college of chinese language and title of her speech is challenge and chance.b 组 7xxx :george how time flies!we have listened to 19 students’ speeches, and now our last contestant feng weiqing from college of music will bring us her speech flying e!sion: george :all the students have finished their speeches let ’ s welcome our foreign teachers to give us some let’ s welcome chris to give us a comment for this :then lets welcome quincie to give her : while we are waiting for the final scores, lets enjoy a sweet song by......george :good evening, e back to the 12h english speaking now you are watching the our judges’

discuion, the exciting moment is it ’ s time to know the winners : exciting :first, i would like to announce the winners of the …… congratulations!lets welcome them to come onto the ’ s welcome mi xxxto present the :welcome!next i would like to announce the winners of the 3rd are contestant no.…… congratulations!lets welcome the third winners to come onto the ’ s welcome profeor xxx to present the :the 2nd prize winners today are.......congratulations!lets welcome profeor xxx to present the :now is the most exciting moment.i will declare the first prize goes to contestant no.… congratulations!ladies and gentlemen, lets bring the first winner onto the stage with a warm ’ s welcome to present the e!: lisa :i know we are all deeply impreed by the wonderful speeches of the 20 you for your wonderful performance!thank you!george :and i think our distinguished guests and judges who make this

contest poible deserve the warmest you!lisa: i think our dear audience also deserve another round of you!george:how time flies!lisa:maybe we have to end up you next year!good night, everyone!george: good night!11








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