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最新高二英语差从哪开始补 高二英语语法知识点总结5篇(通用)

格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-05-18 13:33:01
最新高二英语差从哪开始补 高二英语语法知识点总结5篇(通用)
时间:2023-05-18 13:33:01     小编:xiejingc


高二英语差从哪开始补 高二英语语法知识点总结篇一




4.写作最能使人感到英语学习上的不足,最能提高对语言的敏感性和吸收能力。要常写常改常背,写作文觉得难,可先从造句,翻译入手,应随时记下并背熟常用的“句套子” (包括一些复杂结构,如定语从句,非谓语动词短语,强调句型等等 )和惯用语,并多多练习套用仿写。背范文更是好方法。还要练习用好连接词语,因为连接词语用好了,可以使意思表达更准确,文章更顺畅。有一点需要提及的是不要生造中国式的英文。所以模仿最好了。另外在生活中尽可能“心译”你接触的东西,如一闪而过的广告,偶尔听到的话语。这是一种休息方式,也是一种训练写作的方式。






















高二英语差从哪开始补 高二英语语法知识点总结篇二

分享就是关爱 sharing is caring

nowadays, many parents choose to send their children to study abroad, because everyone believes that foreign education takes the lead in the world. we cant deny the fact that education in the developed countries has many advantages, especially the idea of sharing is caring. the education pays special attention to the return of society. they aim to cultivate the students to be nice and considerate. the schools expects students to make a contribution to the world with what they have learned at school. the idea of sharing is caring calls for students to be the ones who care about others and are willing to offer help when someone is in need. the aim of education is to let students improve their talents and then find their places in the world. at the same time, they can make the world better with their skills.如今,许多父母选择送孩子出国留学,因为大家都认为外国的教育是世界领先的。我们不能否认,教育在发达国家确实有很多优势,特别是分享就是关爱的理念。教育注重对社会的回报,他们的目标是培养为友好、考虑周到的学生。学校希望学生用他们在学校里学到的知识对世界做出贡献。分享就是关爱的理念要求学生关心他人,当别人需要的时候愿意提供帮助。教育的目的是让学生提高他们的才能,然后在世界上找到他们的位置,与此同时,他们用自己的技能让世界变得更美好。

人工智能 artificial intelligence

today, with the fast development of science and technology, the artificial intelligence has gone much further than people can imagine, such as the robot. now the first robot is admitted to be a citizen, which scares so many people. many scientists had predicted that someday robots would replace human being not only in physical work, but also in minds. how terrible it would be. it is said that scientists saw two robots discussing by creating a new language, then they decided to turn down the machine and made them stop working. they knew clearly the danger may happen in the future. most people have thought about self-consciousness that robot may have some day, but scientists still have a lot of passion in searching the robots. they want to complete everything. but no one can make sure what they can bring for human being.今天,随着科技的快速发展,人工智能比人们想象中走得更远,比如机器人。现在有了第一个成为公民的机器人,这让许多人感到恐慌。许多科学家预测,总有一天机器人将取代人类,不仅在体力劳动方面,还在思想上。这是多么可怕啊。据说科学家们看到了两个机器人通过创建新的语言在讨论,然后他们决定关掉机器,让它们停止工作。他们显然知道将来可能发生的危险。大多数人认为机器人将来可能会有自我意识,但科学家们仍然富含激情去探索机器人,完善所有的事情。但是没有人能确保他们可以为人类带来什么。

中国制造的改变 the change of made in china

made in china was once the presentation of low price and bad quality. in western movies, when people saw the label of made in china, they would look down upon the products, or just made fun of these products. but now, chinese products astonish foreigners by good quality and low price, and many of them are willing to spend money on the products that labelled with made in china. chen guangxi made a speech in the new york university about the changes of made in china. he said when he started his business and sought cooperation with foreign manufacturers, they refused, because they feared chinese quality. now his business is successful and many foreigners are willing to do business with him. the great change shows the rise of china. in the future, more chinese products will be admitted in the world.中国制造曾经代表着低价格和质量差。在西方电影中,当人们看到中国制造的标签时,他们会看不起这些产品,或者取笑这些产品。但是现在,中国产品由于质量好、价格低,让外国人感到震惊,很多人愿意把钱花在标明中国制造的产品上。陈冠希在纽约大学做了一个关于中国制造变化的演讲。他说当他开始他的生意时,想与外国制造商谈合作时,他们拒绝了自己,因为他们担心中国产品质量不行。现在他的生意成功了,很多外国人都愿意与他做生意。巨大的变化显示了中国的崛起。在不久的将来,世界上将有更多的中国产品会得到承认。

教育可以改变命运吗 could education change fate

when i was very small, the elder always told me that if i did not study hard, then i wouldn’t change my fate by making little money. as i grow up, i start to realize education can change a persons thought and makes him a charming person. like one of my friend, she likes reading so many books. every time when we discuss about something, she always explains to us and shows us more information. we admire her so much. her brain is like the data base, which is full of all kinds of knowledge. education makes a person become stronger. one can chase his dream by equipping himself with many essential skills. i am not sure whether education can change fate, but i am sure that reading more books can help us to be a better person. i think that is enough for me.在我很小的时候,长辈们总是告诉我,如果不努力学习,那么我就无法改变自己的命运、挣不了很多的钱。当我长大后,我开始意识到教育可以改变一个人的思想,让他变成一个有魅力的人。像我的一个朋友,她喜欢看很多书。每次当我们讨论一些事情,她总是能给我们做出解释,给我们更多的信息。我们很钦佩她,她的大脑就像数据库一样,充满了各种各样的知识。教育使一个人变得更强,可以追逐自己的梦想。我们用基本技能武装自己。我不确定教育是否可以改变命运,但我相信,多阅读可以帮助我们成为一个更好的人。我认为这对我来说就足够了。

好心有好报 good heart brings happy ending

though we have been educated to be nice to others, or offer our help when someone is in need. but during recent years, so many bad guys make use of the publics kind hearts and then people start to become cold. but still we can see the inspiring news and feel the world is nice. a girl from america was stuck in the wild land at midnight, because her car was ran out of oil. when she got out of the car and checked the oil, a tramp walked passed. he asked the girl to stay in the car, then he showed up again with a bottle of oil. when the girl wanted to pay him, she found she had no money at hand. the tramp knew her problem and just let the girl go home safely. the girl was so thankful that she took the food and clothes to the tramp now and then, even raised money to help the man back to life again. good heart brings happy ending most of the time.尽管我们已经受过教育要善待他人,或当别人需要帮助的时给予帮助。但最近几年,很多坏人利用公众的善良,然后人们开始变得冷漠。但我们仍可以看到一些振奋人心的消息,觉得世界还是美好的。一个来自美国的女孩一天夜里因为她的车油已经耗尽被困在野外。当她下车,检查油的时候,一个流浪汉路过。他叫女孩呆在车里,然后再出现的时候手里拿了一瓶油。当女孩想给他钱的时候,发现自己手头上并没有钱,流浪汉知道她的困境,就只让女孩安全回家。女孩非常感激,她时不时带些食物和衣服给流浪汉,甚至筹集资金帮助他重新开始生活。好心总是有好报的。

高二英语差从哪开始补 高二英语语法知识点总结篇三














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高二英语差从哪开始补 高二英语语法知识点总结篇五


should students make friends on line? some people say yes. the internet helps make many friends. chatting on line, students can express their feelings and opinions more freely, and even get help with their foreign language , however, think students should not. they say making friends on line is a waste of time, which should be spent more meaningfully on study. besides, some students, get cheated on is my opinion that students should place their study, health and safety before other, things. as for friendship, we can readily find it in our classmates and other people around us.关于朋友的英语作文高二120字2

friend plays important role in our lives. everyone needs his or her own friends. some people make friends easily but some do not. and “friend” means differently to people. some people think friends should stay together all the time, but some others think that share and support is the real meaning of friend. from my point of view, friend is the person who will always be with you no matter what happens. it’s the person who can share your happiness as well as sorrows.关于朋友的英语作文高二120字3

friends are important for us, everyone has their own friends, we share sorrow and happiness with our friends. we are making new friends now and then, but it is hard to find the genius friends, the trust between friends are hard to build. if the trust exists, friends can talk anything, they are willing to show who they are in front of their friends. while if the trust doesn’t exist, the friendship is not real deep, people will ask you when they are in trouble. the real friendship is built on the basis of trust. my best friend will never ask me to do thing all the time, instead, she cares about me, and comforts me when i am upset. that’s a real friend.关于朋友的英语作文高二120字4

there is an old chinese saying: top students come from strict teachers. perhaps affected by this saying for a long time, we believe it right. however, as time flies, lots of things have changed. therefore, i am eager to discuss what relation is the best between teachers and students.a teacher can treat a student in two ways .one is strict, and the other is friendly. most teachers prefer the first start with, we certainly have to admit that strictness is very effective, especially to the naughty pupils we aren’t able to control ourselves well or fix our attention on one thing for a long time. we do most things because they are interesting or we feel like doing. we are always looking out of the window in class. sometimes, we get to play games and forget our homework. on this occasion, strictness is a must. it not only forces us to do the right thing, but also helps us develop a good learning habit, which is of great importance during our whole life .in other words, it is the first step to , everything has two sides. its weak points are very obvious. you see, there’re top students in a class, where average students make up the majority. then teachers’ orders or suggestions are for the majority, not for top students. however, top students always have their own study plans and prefer special homework, so orders usually won’t take great effect on you have thought out that teachers can give orders only to the majority and set some freedom to top students. however, it’s impossible .for a whole class, teachers couldn’t give order to part of the class, for the majority would question why they needn’t do such work, but we need? it would be probable that they think teachers treat them not equally, and will not obey teachers’ orders any more. this is a difficulty for also has another disadvantage——the communication problem .since teachers are strict, we never tell teachers our personal affairs or secrets. mostly we just tell them to our friends, but as students too, they couldn’t help to solve our problem, such as puppy love, communication problems or study problems .not being solved completely, they always disturb us, influencing our daily life and study. i’m sure that you think that making friends with teachers can solve the problem, and you are eager to do so as well. but if we do so, new problems will come out .you see, an adult couldnt control himself well at times, let alone us r if teachers are our friends, i doubt whether their orders will take effect any more .you see, have we ever treated our friends’ orders as orders? we think they’re only jokes. this is another difficulty for onally, our parents have the same problem. yes, we need to be friends, but not complete friends. we need to keep a certain distance, making us communicate well and willing to take your orders. i remember a day, a lady had her rest room decorated. and a skilled worker was bricking up the wall. seeing large cracks between the bricks, she questioned why. the worker told her after this summer, the bricks would become bigger, and those cracks would is not only decoration, but also communication. the principle is the same.关于朋友的英语作文高二120字5

i have many friends. one of them is my classmate ma is a league member and one of the best students in my is fond of english and good at it. he often practises reading aloud. so he has a good pronunciation.我有很多朋友。其中一个是我的同学马华。他是共青团员而且还是我们班最好的学生之一。他喜欢英语而且也擅长。他经常大声的朗读英语,所以他的发音很标准。

he is always ready to help others. with his help i have made great progress. i have made up my mind to catch up with him and to join the league in the near future.他总是乐于帮助别人。在他的帮助下,我取得了很大的进步。我已下定决心要赶上他,在不久的将来加入共青团员。


last year, i went to guilin for travel. on the train, i felt so bored. a girl who sat next to me was reading a book, which caught my attention. i asked her about the book, i found that i had read it before and then we discussed about the novel. we talked happily, when the train arrived, we got off together. when we got aparted, we promised to keep in touch. we communicated by the computer. now a year has passed, we become good friends and i miss her all the time. she is a genuine friend. i plan to go to guilin again and then we will meet.关于朋友的英语作文高二120字


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