当前位置:网站首页 >> 作文 >> 最新银行信息披露管理办法(五篇)


格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-01-11 15:51:17
时间:2023-01-11 15:51:17     小编:zdfb














































































































































































































第一条 为了贯彻落实中国证监会关于证券市场“法制、监管、自律、规范”第二条





第四条 的八字方针,加强信息披露规范化建设,体现保护投资者利益,维护证券市场“公开、公平、公正”的三公原则,促进证券市场健康发展的要求,特制定本管理办法。


根据有关法规规定,公司信息披露的范围主要包括四大部分: 招股说明书; 上市公告书;



信息披露的基本原则: 董事会全体成员必须保证信息披露:内容真实、准确、完整,没有虚假、严重误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并就其保证承担连带责任。












上市公告书 上市公告书按照《公开发行股票公司信息披露的内容与格式准则》第七号编制,在股票挂牌交易日之前的三天,应当将简要上市公告书刊登在至少一种上市公司信息披露指定报刊上。


















第七条 临时报告:
















有关收购、出售资产的代价总额及支付方式; 如属出售情况,出售所得款项的用途;(6)如属收购情况,应说明该项目是否与招股说明书、配股说明书或其它募集资金说明书中列示的项目相关,同时还应说明本次交易的资金来源。











4、公司就关联交易发布的临时报告至少应当包括以下内容:(1)协议签署日期、生效日期;(2)(3)(4)(5)协议当事人及其关联关系; 本次交易目的; 标的及交易金额;








重大经营性或非经营性亏损; 资产遭受重大损失; 可能依法负有的赔偿责任; 重大诉讼、仲裁事项; 重大行政处罚;


公司经营政策、经营项目发生重大变化或主营业务变更; 直接或间接持有另一上市公司发行在外的普通股百分之五以上; 持有百分之五以上的发行在外的普通股股东的股东变动情形; 持有百分之五以上的发行在外的普通股股东,其持有该种股票的增减变化每达到该种股票发行在外的普通股百分之二以上的事实;(6)(7)








股东大会、董事会或监事会的决定被法院依法撤消; 法院做出裁定禁止对公司有控制权的大股东转让其股份; 公司进入破产、清算状态; 有关股票交易异常波动的临时报告

发生下列情况之一的,公司有义务报告并公告: 股票交易发生异常波动;


公司应关注本公司股票交易的波动以及传播媒介对公司的报道。公司对有关传闻的公告包括以下内容: 有关传闻及其来源; 公司的有关真实情况; 证券交易所同意的其他内容。





















与配股有关的信息披露: 董事会有关配股的方案表决通过后,应当在二个工作日内通知上海证券交易所上市部,同时公布召开股东大会的会议通知;其内容应当包括董事会决议、股东大会表决的配股具体方案,应对前次募集资金(最近一期审计报告截止日前)的使用及效益情况作出详细说明,为 公司出具审计报告的注册会计师应编制《前次募集资金使用情况专项报告》。董事会应披露本次配股的投向及可行性,涉及运用募股资金收购资产或权益的,应按照重要性原则,对于预计收购后达到实质控股或收购(包括投资)金额占本次配股预计筹资总额30%以上的,董事会需向股东提供被收购企业的最近一期经审计的会计报表及被收购资产的评估报告。并载明“该项决议尚须经股东大会表决后,报中国证监会核准”字样,召开股东大会的通知应当提前三十天公布。注册会计师出具的《前次募集资金使用情况专项报告》,应在股东大会的股权登记日前至少5个工作日公告。









第一章 总 则

第一条 为了规范发行人、上市公司及其他信息披露义务人的信息披露行为,加强信息披露事务管理,保护投资者合法权益,根据《公司法》、《证券法》等法律、行政法规,制定本办法。

第二条 信息披露义务人应当真实、准确、完整、及时地披露信息,不得有虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏。



第三条 发行人、上市公司的董事、监事、高级管理人员应当忠实、勤勉地履行职责,保证披露信息的真实、准确、完整、及时、公平。

第四条 在内幕信息依法披露前,任何知情人不得公开或者泄露该信息,不得利用该信息进行内幕交易。

第五条 信息披露文件主要包括招股说明书、募集说明书、上市公告书、定期报告和临时报告等。

第六条 上市公司及其他信息披露义务人依法披露信息,应当将公告文稿和相关备查文件报送证券交易所登记,并在中国证券监督管理委员会(以下简称中国证监会)指定的媒体发布。


第七条 信息披露义务人应当将信息披露公告文稿和相关备查文件报送上市公司注册地证监局,并置备于公司住所供社会公众查阅。

第八条 信息披露文件应当采用中文文本。同时采用外文文本的,信息披露义务人应当保证两种文本的内容一致。两种文本发生歧义时,以中文文本为准。

第九条 中国证监会依法对信息披露文件及公告的情况、信息披露事务管理活动进行监督,对上市公司控股股东、实际控制人和信息披露义务人的行为进行监督。


第十条 中国证监会可以对金融、房地产等特殊行业上市公司的信息披露作出特别规定。

第二章 招股说明书、募集说明书与上市公告书

第十一条 发行人编制招股说明书应当符合中国证监会的相关规定。凡是对投资者作出投资决策有重大影响的信息,均应当在招股说明书中披露。


第十二条 发行人的董事、监事、高级管理人员,应当对招股说明书签署书面确认意见,保证所披露的信息真实、准确、完整。


第十三条 发行人申请首次公开发行股票的,中国证监会受理申请文件后,发行审核委员会审核前,发行人应当将招股说明书申报稿在中国证监会网站预先披露。


第十四条 证券发行申请经中国证监会核准后至发行结束前,发生重要事项的,发行人应当向中国证监会书面说明,并经中国证监会同意后,修改招股说明书或者作相应的补充公告。

第十五条 申请证券上市交易,应当按照证券交易所的规定编制上市公告书,并经证券交易所审核同意后公告。



第十六条 招股说明书、上市公告书引用保荐人、证券服务机构的专业意见或者报告的,相关内容应当与保荐人、证券服务机构出具的文件内容一致,确保引用保荐人、证券服务机构的意见不会产生误导。

第十七条 本办法第十一条至第十六条有关招股说明书的规定,适用于公司债券募集说明书。

第十八条 上市公司在非公开发行新股后,应当依法披露发行情况报告书。

第三章 定期报告

第十九条 上市公司应当披露的定期报告包括报告、中期报告和季度报告。凡是对投资者作出投资决策有重大影响的信息,均应当披露。


第二十条 报告应当在每个会计结束之日起4个月内,中期报告应当在每个会计的上半年结束之日起2个月内,季度报告应当在每个会计第3个月、第9个月结束后的1个月内编制完成并披露。


第二十一条 报告应当记载以下内容:











第二十二条 中期报告应当记载以下内容:








第二十三条 季度报告应当记载以下内容:




第二十四条 公司董事、高级管理人员应当对定期报告签署书面确认意见,监事会应当提出书面审核意见,说明董事会的编制和审核程序是否符合法律、行政法规和中国证监会的规定,报告的内容是否能够真实、准确、完整地反映上市公司的实际情况。


第二十五条 上市公司预计经营业绩发生亏损或者发生大幅变动的,应当及时进行业绩预告。

第二十六条 定期报告披露前出现业绩泄露,或者出现业绩传闻且公司证券及其衍生品种交易出现异常波动的,上市公司应当及时披露本报告期相关财务数据。

第二十七条 定期报告中财务会计报告被出具非标准审计报告的,上市公司董事会应当针对该审计意见涉及事项作出专项说明。


第二十八条 上市公司未在规定期限内披露报告和中期报告的,中国证监会应当立即立案稽查,证券交易所应当按照股票上市规则予以处理。

第二十九条 报告、中期报告和季度报告的格式及编制规则,由中国证监会另行制定。

第四章 临时报告

第三十条 发生可能对上市公司证券及其衍生品种交易价格产生较大影响的重大事件,投资者尚未得知时,上市公司应当立即披露,说明事件的起因、目前的状态和可能产生的影响。























第三十一条 上市公司应当在最先发生的以下任一时点,及时履行重大事件的信息披露义务:








第三十二条 上市公司披露重大事件后,已披露的重大事件出现可能对上市公司证券及其衍生品种交易价格产生较大影响的进展或者变化的,应当及时披露进展或者变化情况、可能产生的影响。

第三十三条 上市公司控股子公司发生本办法第三十条规定的重大事件,可能对上市公司证券及其衍生品种交易价格产生较大影响的,上市公司应当履行信息披露义务。


第三十四条 涉及上市公司的收购、合并、分立、发行股份、回购股份等行为导致上市公司股本总额、股东、实际控制人等发生重大变化的,信息披露义务人应当依法履行报告、公告义务,披露权益变动情况。

第三十五条 上市公司应当关注本公司证券及其衍生品种的异常交易情况及媒体关于本公司的报道。



第三十六条 公司证券及其衍生品种交易被中国证监会或者证券交易所认定为异常交易的,上市公司应当及时了解造成证券及其衍生品种交易异常波动的影响因素,并及时披露。

第五章 信息披露事务管理

第三十七条 上市公司应当制定信息披露事务管理制度。信息披露事务管理制度应当包括:












第三十八条 上市公司董事、监事、高级管理人员应当勤勉尽责,关注信息披露文件的编制情况,保证定期报告、临时报告在规定期限内披露,配合上市公司及其他信息披露义务人履行信息披露义务。

第三十九条 上市公司应当制定定期报告的编制、审议、披露程序。经理、财务负责人、董事会秘书等高级管理人员应当及时编制定期报告草案,提请董事会审议;董事会秘书负责送达董事审阅;董事长负责召集和主持董事会会议审议定期报告;监事会负责审核董事会编制的定期报告;董事会秘书负责组织定期报告的披露工作。

第四十条 上市公司应当制定重大事件的报告、传递、审核、披露程序。董事、监事、高级管理人员知悉重大事件发生时,应当按照公司规定立即履行报告义务;董事长在接到报告后,应当立即向董事会报告,并敦促董事会秘书组织临时报告的披露工作。

第四十一条 上市公司通过业绩说明会、分析师会议、路演、接受投资者调研等形式就公司的经营情况、财务状况及其他事件与任何机构和个人进行沟通的,不得提供内幕信息。

第四十二条 董事应当了解并持续关注公司生产经营情况、财务状况和公司已经发生的或者可能发生的重大事件及其影响,主动调查、获取决策所需要的资料。

第四十三条 监事应当对公司董事、高级管理人员履行信息披露职责的行为进行监督;关注公司信息披露情况,发现信息披露存在违法违规问题的,应当进行调查并提出处理建议。


第四十四条 高级管理人员应当及时向董事会报告有关公司经营或者财务方面出现的重大事件、已披露的事件的进展或者变化情况及其他相关信息。

第四十五条 董事会秘书负责组织和协调公司信息披露事务,汇集上市公司应予披露的信息并报告董事会,持续关注媒体对公司的报道并主动求证报道的真实情况。董事会秘书有权参加股东大会、董事会会议、监事会会议和高级管理人员相关会议,有权了解公司的财务和经营情况,查阅涉及信息披露事宜的所有文件。



第四十六条 上市公司的股东、实际控制人发生以下事件时,应当主动告知上市公司董事会,并配合上市公司履行信息披露义务。







第四十七条 上市公司非公开发行股票时,其控股股东、实际控制人和发行对象应当及时向上市公司提供相关信息,配合上市公司履行信息披露义务。

第四十八条 上市公司董事、监事、高级管理人员、持股5%以上的股东及其一致行动人、实际控制人应当及时向上市公司董事会报送上市公司关联人名单及关联关系的说明。上市公司应当履行关联交易的审议程序,并严格执行关联交易回避表决制度。交易各方不得通过隐瞒关联关系或者采取其他手段,规避上市公司的关联交易审议程序和信息披露义务。

第四十九条 通过接受委托或者信托等方式持有上市公司5%以上股份的股东或者实际控制人,应当及时将委托人情况告知上市公司,配合上市公司履行信息披露义务。

第五十条 信息披露义务人应当向其聘用的保荐人、证券服务机构提供与执业相关的所有资料,并确保资料的真实、准确、完整,不得拒绝、隐匿、谎报。


第五十一条 上市公司解聘会计师事务所的,应当在董事会决议后及时通知会计师事务所,公司股东大会就解聘会计师事务所进行表决时,应当允许会计师事务所陈述意见。股东大会作出解聘、更换会计师事务所决议的,上市公司应当在披露时说明更换的具体原因和会计师事务所的陈述意见。

第五十二条 为信息披露义务人履行信息披露义务出具专项文件的保荐人、证券服务机构,应当勤勉尽责、诚实守信,按照依法制定的业务规则、行业执业规范和道德准则发表专业意见,保证所出具文件的真实性、准确性和完整性。

第五十三条 注册会计师应当秉承风险导向审计理念,严格执行注册会计师执业准则及相关规定,完善鉴证程序,科学选用鉴证方法和技术,充分了解被鉴证单位及其环境,审慎关注重大错报风险,获取充分、适当的证据,合理发表鉴证结论。

第五十四条 资产评估机构应当恪守职业道德,严格遵守评估准则或者其他评估规范,恰当选择评估方法,评估中提出的假设条件应当符合实际情况,对评估对象所涉及交易、收入、支出、投资等业务的合法性、未来预测的可靠性取得充分证据,充分考虑未来各种可能性发生的概率及其影响,形成合理的评估结论。

第五十五条 任何机构和个人不得非法获取、提供、传播上市公司的内幕信息,不得利用所获取的内幕信息买卖或者建议他人买卖公司证券及其衍生品种,不得在投资价值分析报告、研究报告等文件中使用内幕信息。

第五十六条 媒体应当客观、真实地报道涉及上市公司的情况,发挥舆论监督作用。



第六章 监督管理与法律责任

第五十七条 中国证监会可以要求上市公司及其他信息披露义务人或者其董事、监事、高级管理人员对有关信息披露问题作出解释、说明或者提供相关资料,并要求上市公司提供保荐人或者证券服务机构的专业意见。



第五十八条 上市公司董事、监事、高级管理人员应当对公司信息披露的真实性、准确性、完整性、及时性、公平性负责,但有充分证据表明其已经履行勤勉尽责义务的除外。



第五十九条 信息披露义务人及其董事、监事、高级管理人员,上市公司的股东、实际控制人、收购人及其董事、监事、高级管理人员违反本办法的,中国证监会可以采取以下监管措施:







第六十条 上市公司未按本办法规定制定上市公司信息披露事务管理制度的,中国证监会责令改正。拒不改正的,中国证监会给予警告、罚款。

第六十一条 信息披露义务人未在规定期限内履行信息披露义务,或者所披露的信息有虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏的,中国证监会按照《证券法》第一百九十三条处罚。

第六十二条 信息披露义务人未在规定期限内报送有关报告,或者报送的报告有虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏的,中国证监会按照《证券法》第一百九十三条处罚。

第六十三条 上市公司通过隐瞒关联关系或者采取其他手段,规避信息披露、报告义务的,中国证监会按照《证券法》第一百九十三条处罚。

第六十四条 上市公司股东、实际控制人未依法配合上市公司履行信息披露义务的,或者非法要求上市公司提供内幕信息的,中国证监会责令改正,给予警告、罚款。

第六十五条 为信息披露义务人履行信息披露义务出具专项文件的保荐人、证券服务机构及其人员,违反《证券法》、行政法规和中国证监会的规定,由中国证监会依法采取责令改正、监管谈话、出具警示函、记入诚信档案等监管措施;应当给予行政处罚的,中国证监会依法处罚。

第六十六条 任何机构和个人泄露上市公司内幕信息,或者利用内幕信息买卖证券及其衍生品种,中国证监会按照《证券法》第二百零一条、第二百零二条处罚。

第六十七条 任何机构和个人编制、传播虚假信息扰乱证券市场;媒体传播上市公司信息不真实、不客观的,中国证监会按照《证券法》第二百零六条处罚。


第六十八条 涉嫌利用新闻报道以及其他传播方式对上市公司进行敲诈勒索的,中国证监会责令改正,向有关部门发出监管建议函,由有关部门依法追究法律责任。

第六十九条 上市公司及其他信息披露义务人违反本办法的规定,情节严重的,中国证监会可以对有关责任人员采取证券市场禁入的措施。

第七十条 违反本办法,涉嫌犯罪的,依法移送司法机关,追究刑事责任。

第六章 附 则

第七十一条 本办法下列用语的含义:




















第七十二条 本办法自公布之日起施行。《公开发行股票公司信息披露实施细则》(试行)(证监上字〔1993〕43号)、《关于股票公开发行与上市公司信息披露有关事项的通知》(证监研字〔1993〕19号)、《关于加强对上市公司临时报告审查的通知》(证监上字〔1996〕26号)、《关于上市公司发布澄清公告若干问题的通知》(证监上字〔1996〕28号)、《上市公司披露信息电子存档事宜的通知》(证监信字〔1998〕50号)、《关于进一步加强st、pt公司信息披露监管工作的通知》(证监公司字〔2000〕63号)、《关于拟发行新股的上市公司中期报告有关问题的通知》(证监公司字〔2001〕69号)、《关于上市公司临时公告及相关附件报送中国证监会派出机构备案的通知》(证监公司字〔2003〕7号)同时废止。




第一章 总 则

第一条 根据中国证券监督管理委员会有关上市公司信息披露的要求和《上市公司治理准则》,《上海证券交易所股票上市规则》以及上海交大南洋股份有限公司(以下简称公司)章程规定,为规范公司信息披露行为,确保信息真实、准确、完整、及时,特制定本管理制度。

第二条 本管理制度所指信息主要包括:





(五)新闻媒体关于公司重大决策和经营情况的报道。第三条 公司董事会秘书及证券事务代表是公司信息披露的具体执行人和上海证券交易所的指定联络人,协调和组织公司的信息披露事项,包括健全和完善信息披露制度,确保公司真实、准确、完整、及时地进行信息披露。

第二章 信息披露的基本原则







第五条 公司各部门和所属各企业按行业管理要求向上级主管部门报送的报表、材料等信息,应切实履行信息保密义务,防止在公司公开信息披露前泄露。报送的信息较难保密的,应同时报董事会秘书,由董事会秘书根据有关信息披露的规定决定是否向所有股东披露。

第六条 公司公开披露信息的指定报纸为《上海证券报》。指定网站为:http://。


第三章 信息披露的审批程序






1.以董事会名义发布的临时报告应提交董事长审核签字; 2.以监事会名义发布的临时报告应提交监事长审核签字;

3.在董事会授权范围内,总经理有权审批的经费事项需公开披露的,56 该事项的公告应提交总经理审核,再提交董事长审核批准,并以公司名义发布;



第四章 定期报告的披露

第八条 公司应按《公开发行证券公司信息披露编报规则》的内容与格式公开披露定期报告。




第五章 主要临时报告的披露

第九条 应公开披露的临时报告:






















1. 其他重要事项包括但不限于:


















第六章 责任与处罚

第十条 公司有关部门应当向董事会秘书提供信息披露所需的资料和信息。公司作出重大决定之前,应从信息披露角度征询董事会秘书意见。

第十一条 公司各部门(包括各分公司)、各子公司发生符合本制度第九条规定事项时,需按以下时点及时向董事会秘书报告,董事会秘书按照《上海证券交易所股票上市规则》的有关规定,及时公开披露:




第十二条 公司各部门(包括各分公司)、各子公司在报告本制度第九条规定事项时,应附上以下文件:




第十三条 公司本部各部门(包括各分公司)、各子公司当发生符合本制度第九条规定事项时,应在规定时间内及时报告董事会秘书,同时提供相关材料。

第十四条 公司本部各部门(包括各分公司)、各子公司按公开信息披露要求所提供的经营、财务等信息应按公司制度履行相应的审批手续,确保信息的真实性、准确性和完整性。

第十五条 公司各部门由部门负责人负责信息披露工作,各分公司、控股子公司应指定专人负责信息披露工作,参股子公司的有关信息披露工作归由公司投资管理部负责。

第十六条 公司各部门(包括各分公司)、各子公司发生本管理办法第九条规定事项而未报告的,造成公司信息披露不及时而出现重大错误或疏漏,给公司或投资者造成损失的,公司将对相关的责任人给予行政及经济处分。

第十七条 凡违反本制度擅自披露信息的,公司将对相关的责任人按泄露公司机密给予行政及经济处分,并且有权视情形追究相关责任人的法律责任。

第十八条 信息披露不准确给公司或投资者造成损失的,公司将对相关的审核责任人给予行政及经济处分,并且有权视情形追究相关责任人的法律责任。不能查明造成错误的原因,则由所有审核人承担连带责任。

第十九条 各分公司、控股子公司指定的信息披露负责人应是有能力组织完 61 成信息披露的人员,信息披露负责人的名单及其通讯方式应报公司董事会秘书;若信息披露负责人变更的,应于变更后的二个工作日内报公司董事会秘书。

第七章 附 则

第二十条 本管理制度未尽事宜,遵照《上海证券交易所股票上市规则》及有关上市公司信息披露的法律、法规的规定执行。

第二十一条 本管理制度所称“以上”含本数。第二十二条 本管理制度由公司董事会负责解释。第二十三条 本管理制度自股东大会通过之日起生效。



administrative measures on information disclosure by listed companies china securities regulatory commission order no.40 january 2007

chapter 1-general principles

article 1 these measures are formulated pursuant to the provisions of the company law, the securities law and other relevant laws and administrative regulations for the purposes of standardising information disclosure by issuers, listed companies and other information disclosure obligors, strengthening administration over information disclosure matters and protecting the lawful rights and interests of e 2 information disclosure made by obligors shall be truthful, accurate, complete and timely, and the information disclosed shall not contain any falsehood, misleading statement or major ation disclosure made to all investors by obligors shall be public and a listed company issues securities and derivatives in the china or overseas stock markets, the information disclosure made in an overseas stock market must simultaneously be made in the china stock e 3 the directors, supervisors and senior management personnel of issuers and listed companies shall perform their duties faithfully and diligently, and ensure the veracity, accuracy, completeness, timeliness and impartiality of the information e 4 no person with knowledge of inside information shall, prior to a lawful disclosure of inside information, make public or disclose such information or conduct insider trading with such e 5 information disclosure documents mainly include the prospectus, listing memorandum, listing announcement, regular reports and interim e 6 listed companies and other information disclosure obligors shall submit the draft public announcement and the relevant documents for inspection to the stock exchange for registration when making information disclosure pursuant to law, and make the announcement on media designated by the china securities regulatory commission(hereinafter referred to as the “csrc”).the timing of the information announced on the corporate website and other media by an information disclosure obligor shall not precede the announcement of such information in the designated media;the reporting and public announcement duties may not be in the form of a press conference or reply to questions posed by reporters or in any other form;and the duty to make interim reports may not be substituted with a regular e 7 information disclosure obligors shall submit the draft public announcement and the relevant documents for inspection to the securities regulatory bureau at the place of registration of the listed company, and make copies of the same available at the company address for inspection by members of the e 8 information disclosure documents shall be written in an information disclosure document is also written in a foreign text, the information disclosure obligor shall ensure the consistency of the contents in both any inconsistency arises between the two versions, the text shall e 9 the csrc shall supervise and inspect information disclosure documents, public announcements and the management of information disclosure matters pursuant to law;and supervise and inspect the conduct of controlling shareholders, actual controlling parties and information disclosure obligors of listed stock exchange shall supervise and inspect the information disclosure activities of listed companies and other information disclosure obligors and urge them to make timely and accurate information disclosure pursuant to the law;and implement real-time monitoring of securities and derivatives listing rules and other information disclosure rules formulated by the stock exchange must be submitted to the csrc for e 10 the csrc may make special provisions for information disclosure by listed companies in the financial, real estate and other special r 2-prospectus`




listing announcement

article 11 prospectuses prepared by issuers shall comply with the relevant provisions of the information which may significantly affect the investment decision of an investor must be disclosed in the issuer shall, upon approval of the securities public offering application by the csrc, make a public announcement of the prospectus prior to the securities e 12 the directors, supervisors and senior management personnel of an issuer shall sign and endorse the prospectus and ensure the veracity, accuracy and completeness of information disclosed prospectus shall have the company seal of the issuer e 13 where an issuer applies for initial public offering, the issuer shall, upon acceptance of the application documents by the csrc but prior examination by the offering review committee, disclose a draft declaration of the prospectus on the csrc website in draft declaration of the prospectus disclosed in advance is not a formal document for issuance of shares by the issuer and shall not include any pricing information;and the issuer shall not issue shares based on the draft declaration of the e 14 where an important matter occurs during the period after the csrc approves the issuance of securities application but before issuance is complete, the issuer shall submit a written explanation to the csrc;and a revised prospectus or a corresponding supplementary public announcement must be made upon the consent of the e 15 where an application is for a listing of securities, a listing announcement shall be formulated pursuant to the provisions of the stock exchange and a public announcement must be made upon examination and approval by the stock directors, supervisors and senior management personnel of the issuer shall sign and endorse the listing announcement and ensure the veracity, accuracy and completeness of the information disclosed listing announcement shall have the company seal of the issuer e 16 where a prospectus or listing announcement quotes the expert opinion or report of the sponsor or a securities services organisation, the relevant contents must be consistent with the contents of the document issued by the sponsor or securities services organisation;and the issuer shall ensure that the quoted opinion of the sponsor or securities services organisation is not e 17 the provisions of article 11 to article 16 on prospectuses shall apply to listing memorandums for corporate e 18 a listed company shall, upon making a private issuance of new shares, disclose a report on the circumstances of issuance pursuant to r 3-regular reports

article 19 regular reports to be published by a listed company shall include annual reports, half-yearly reports and quarterly information which may significantly affect the investment decision of an investor must be disclosed financial accounting report in the annual report must be audited by an accounting firm qualified to audit securities and futures business e 20 the annual report must be prepared and published within four months after the end of each accounting year;the half-yearly report must be prepared and published within two months after the end of the first half of each accounting year;and the quarterly report shall be prepared and published within one month after the end of each accounting year's third and ninth time of publication of the first quarterly report shall not be earlier than the time of publication of the annual report for the preceding e 21 an annual report shall contain the following contents:

(1)basic information of the company;

(2)key accounting data and financial indices;

(3)information on shares and bonds issued by the company and the changes thereto;the total number of shares and bonds and shareholders at the end of the reporting period;and information on the shareholding held by the ten largest shareholders of the company;

(4)information on shareholders holding 5% or more of the shares, controlling shareholders and actual controlling parties;

(5)information on the appointment of directors, supervisors and senior management personnel, their changes in shareholding and their annual remuneration;

(6)the board of directors report;

(7)the discussions and analyses of the management;

(8)significant events that occurred during the reporting period and their effect on the company;

(9)the financial accounting report and audit report in full text;and

(10)any other matter stipulated by the e 22 a half-yearly report shall contain the following contents:

(1)basic information of the company;

(2)key accounting data and financial indices;

(3)information on shares and bonds issued by the company and the changes thereto;the total number of shareholders;the information on the shareholding held by the ten largest shareholders of the company;and the changes to the controlling shareholders and actual controlling parties of the company;

(4)the discussions and analyses of the management;

(5)the major matters in litigation or arbitration and other significant events that occurred during the reporting period and their effect on the company;

(6)the financial accounting report;and

(7)any other matter stipulated by the e 23 a quarterly report shall contain the following contents:

(1)basic information of the company;

(2)key accounting data and financial indices;and

(3)any other matter stipulated by the e 24 the directors and senior management personnel of a company shall sign and endorse regular reports;and the board of supervisors shall issue a written review opinion that sets out whether the preparation and review procedures of the board of directors comply with the laws and regulations and the provisions of the csrc and whether the contents of the report are a true, accurate and complete reflection of the actual status of the listed the directors, supervisors and senior management personnel are unable to ensure the veracity, accuracy and completeness of a regular report or differing views are held, their reasons and opinions shall be stated and e 25 where a listed company foresees a loss or any major change to its operating results, a timely business result forecast must be e 26 where business results are leaked before disclosure in the regular report or where rumours on business results and unusual fluctuations in the company's securities and derivatives transactions exist, the listed company must timely disclose the relevant financial data for the current reporting e 27 where a qualified audit report is issued in respect of the financial accounting report in a regular report, the board of directors of the company shall provide a special explanation on the matters to which the audit opinion a qualified audit report is issued in respect of the financial accounting report in a regular report and the stock exchange believes an illegality exists, the stock exchange shall request the csrc to open a case file for e 28 where a listed company fails to publish an annual report or a half-yearly report within the stipulated period, the csrc shall immediately open a case file and conduct investigation, and the stock exchange shall handle the case pursuant to the listing rules for e 29 the templates and preparation rules for annual reports, half-yearly reports and quarterly reports shall be formulated by the csrc r 4-interim reports

article 30 where the occurrence of a significant event is likely to have a relatively large effect on the trading prices of a company's securities and derivatives, and the investors have yet to be informed, the listed company shall timely make a disclosure;and state the cause, the current status and the likely effect of the event.a significant event referred in the preceding paragraph shall include:

(1)a significant change in the business direction and scope of business of the company;

(2)a significant property investment or acquisition decision made by the company;

(3)a major contract concluded by the company that may significantly affect the assets, liabilities, rights and interests and business results of the company;

(4)a significant debt incurred by the company for liability in default or liability for compensation and the inability to pay off the significant amount of debt incurred that is due and owing;

(5)a heavy financial deficit or loss suffered by the company;

(6)a significant change to the external conditions of production business operations of the company;

(7)a change in the directors, one-third or more of the supervisors or managers;or the chairman or managers' inability to perform their duties;

(8)a substantial change to the shareholders holding 5% or more of the company's shares, the company's de facto controllers or the control of the company;

(9)a capital reduction, merger, spanision, dissolution or bankruptcy application decision of the company;or the commencement of bankruptcy proceedings by the company or the order for closure of the company pursuant to law;

(10)a revocation or invalidity declaration pursuant to law of a resolution passed by the board of directors or a general meeting for a major company matter in litigation or arbitration;

(11)an investigation of the company by the relevant authorities for an alleged violation of law or regulation, or the imposition of a criminal penalty or severe administrative penalty on the company;or an investigation of any of the company's directors, supervisors or senior management personnel by the relevant authorities for an alleged violation of law or regulation, or the imposition of an enforcement measure;

(12)newly promulgated laws, rules, regulations or industry policies that may significantly affect the company;

(13)relevant resolutions on the issuance of new shares, any other refinancing scheme or share option scheme passed by the board of directors;

(14)a ruling by the court on the prohibition of transfer of shares held by a controlling shareholder;or where the shares of any shareholder with 5% or more of the company's shares have been pledged, frozen, put into judicial auction or receivership, placed under a trust, or the voting rights of such shares have been restricted pursuant to law;

(15)a seal, seizure, freezing, mortgage or pledge of the main assets;

(16)a suspension of the main or entire business operations;

(17)a significant guarantee provided to an external party;

(18)a receipt of large-sum government subsidies that may yield extra gains, and which, significantly affects the assets, liabilities, rights and interests or business result of the company;

(19)a change in accounting policies or accounting estimates;

(20)a correction ordered by the relevant authorities or decided by the board of directors, for errors or false information disclosed or a failure to disclose in a previous period;and

(21)any other circumstance stipulated by the e 31 a listed company shall perform, the duty of information disclosure of a significant event, as soon as any of the following circumstances arise:

(1)when the board of directors or board of supervisors pass a resolution on the significant event;

(2)when the relevant parties conclude a letter of intent or agreement in respect of the significant event;or

(3)when the directors, supervisors or senior management personnel become aware and report the significant listed company shall timely disclose the status of all relevant matters and risk factors which may affect the development of the significant event where any of the following circumstances occur before the events mentioned in the preceding paragraph:

(1)keeping the significant event confidential is difficult;

(2)the significant event has been spanulged or a rumour thereto surfaces in the market;or

(3)trading activity in the securities and derivatives of the company is e 32 where the listed company has disclosed a significant event and the disclosure may develop or change the trading prices of a listed company's securities and derivatives substantially, the development or change and the likely effect must be disclosed e 33 where a significant event as mentioned under article 30, occurring to a subsidiary controlled by a listed company, may substantially affect the trading prices of the listed company's securities and derivatives, the listed company shall have a duty to disclose the a significant event occurring to a joint stock company of a listed company may substantially affect the trading prices of the listed company's securities and derivatives, the listed company shall have a duty to disclose the e 34 where any acquisition, merger, spanision, issuance of shares, share buyback or other conduct involving a listed company may result in a significant change to the total share capital, shareholders or de facto controllers of the listed company, the information disclosure obligors shall perform reporting and announcement obligations and disclose the changes in rights and interests pursuant to e 35 a listed company shall monitor any unusual trading activity in the securities and derivatives of the company and media reports on the any unusual securities and derivatives trading activity or media news may significantly affect trading of the company's securities and derivatives, the listed company shall timely gather the facts from the relevant parties and make written queries where controlling shareholders, de facto controllers of the listed company and other persons acting in concert shall timely and accurately notify the listed company of any proposed equity transfer, assets restructuring or other significant event, and cooperate with the listed company in making proper information e 36 where the csrc or the stock exchange deems the trading of any securities and derivatives of a company as unusual, the listed company shall timely assess the factors which caused such unusual securities and derivatives transactions and make a timely r 5-administration of information disclosure matters

article 37 listed companies shall formulate a system of managing information disclosure system of managing information disclosure matters shall include:

(1)defining the information to be disclosed by the listed company and determining the disclosure standards;

(2)the procedures for the transmission, review and disclosure of information that has yet to be made public;

(3)the duties of the information disclosure department and its person-in-charge of information disclosure;

(4)the reporting, review and disclosure duties of the directors, board of directors, supervisors, board of supervisors and senior management personnel;

(5)the system of recording and maintaining records of the duties performed by the directors, supervisors and senior management personnel;

(6)the measures for maintaining the confidential undisclosed information, and the scope and duties of confidence of insiders with confidential information;

(7)the internal systems of control and supervision over financial management and accounting functions;

(8)the procedures for the application, examination and release of information to external parties;and the modes of communication with investors, securities services organisations and the media;

(9)the system of archiving documents and materials relevant to information disclosure;

(10)the systems of managing and reporting information disclosure matters involving subsidiaries;and

(11)the system of accounting for information disclosure failures pursuant to the provisions and the actions to be taken against personnel who violate the listed company's system of managing information disclosure matters shall be reviewed and adopted by the board of directors, and filed for records with the securities regulatory authorities at the place of registration and the stock e 38 the directors, supervisors and senior management personnel of a listed company shall, be diligent and responsible, monitor the preparation of information disclosure documents, ensure timely disclosure of regular reports and interim reports within the stipulated periods, cooperate with the listed company and other information disclosure obligors in their performance of information disclosure e 39 a listed company shall formulate the preparation, review and disclosure procedures for regular managers, person-in-charge of finance, secretary to the board of directors and other senior management personnel shall timely prepare drafts of the regular reports for review by the board of directors;the secretary to the board of directors shall be responsible for delivering the drafts to the directors for review;the chairman shall be responsible for convening and chairing a board of directors meeting to review a regular report;the board of supervisors shall be responsible for reviewing regular reports prepared by the board of directors;the secretary to the board of directors shall be responsible for organising the disclosure of regular e 40 a listed company shall formulate the reporting, transmission, review and disclosure procedures for significant the directors, supervisors and senior management personnel become aware of a significant event, they shall immediately perform reporting obligations pursuant to the provisions of the company;upon receipt of the report, the chairman shall brief the board of directors immediately and urge the secretary to the board of directors to organise disclosure of the interim e 41 a listed company may communicate its business result, financial status or any other matter with any organisation or inspanidual through, a results presentation, analysts' meeting, road show, investor participation in research and investigation or any other method but no insider information must be e 42 directors must understand and monitor, the company's business operation results and financial status, the significant events that have occurred or may occur and their effects, and actively investigate and obtain information required for decision e 43 supervisors shall supervise the duties of information disclosure performed by directors and senior management personnel of the company;and investigate any information disclosure in violation of law and regulations and propose the actions to be taken, when monitoring the circumstances for information written review opinion on a regular report by the board of supervisors must state whether preparation and review procedures comply with the laws, administrative regulations and provisions of the csrc, and whether the contents of the report truthfully, accurately and completely reflect the actual status of the listed e 44 senior management personnel shall timely report any significant event pertaining to the company's business operations or finances, any development or change in a disclosed matter, and other relevant information to the board of e 45 the secretary to the board of directors shall be responsible for the organisation and coordination of a company's information disclosure matters, the collation of information to be disclosed by the listed company and reporting of the same to the board of directors, and the monitoring of media reports on the company, with those reports actively verified against the secretary to the board of directors shall have the right of participation in general meetings, meetings of the board of directors, meetings of the board of supervisors and the relevant meetings of the senior management personnel, and the right to ascertain the company's business and financial status as well as inspect all documents relating to information disclosure secretary to the board of directors shall be responsible for all matters relating to the dissemination of information to external parties by the listed than public announcements by the board of supervisors, information disclosed by a listed company shall be made in the form of a public announcement by the board of the board of directors authorise in writing, the directors, supervisors and senior management personnel shall not disseminate undisclosed information to external parties.a listed company shall facilitate the duties performed by the secretary to the board of directors;the person-in-charge of finance shall cooperate with the secretary to the board of directors in information disclosure work related to e 46 the shareholders or de facto controllers of a listed company shall actively notify the board of directors of the listed company and cooperate with the listed company in its performance of information disclosure obligations where any of the following events occur:

(1)there is a substantial change in the shareholding or controlling stake of a shareholder with 5% or more of the company's shares or a de facto controller;

(2)the transfer of shares held by a controlling shareholder is prohibited by a court ruling;or the shares of a shareholder with 5% or more of the company's shares are pledged, frozen, put under judicial auction or receivership, placed under a trust, or are restricted in voting rights pursuant to the law;

(3)significant restructuring of assets or business of the listed company is proposed;

(4)any other circumstance stipulated by the relevant information has been circulating in the media or there is unusual trading in a company's securities and derivatives prior to the disclosure of information pursuant to the law, the shareholders or de facto controllers shall timely submit an accurate written report to the listed company and timely make an accurate public announcement in cooperation with the listed shareholders or de facto controllers of the listed company shall not abuse their shareholder rights or dominate their positions or require the listed company to provide them with insider e 47 when a listed company makes a private issuance of shares, the controlling shareholders, de facto controllers and target audience shall timely provide the relevant information to the listed company and cooperate with the listed company in its performance of information disclosure e 48 the directors, supervisors, senior management personnel, shareholders with 5% or more of shares and persons acting in concert with such shareholders and de facto controllers of a listed company shall timely submit a list of the listed company's interested parties and an explanation of the interested party relationships to the board of directors of the listed listed company shall perform review procedures for interested party transactions and strictly implement a system of vote abstention in interested party parties to an interested party transaction must not circumvent the listed company's interested party transaction review procedures and information disclosure obligations by concealing the interested party relationship or by any other e 49 where 5% or more of the shares of a listed company are held by a shareholder or de facto controller through acceptance of an entrustment or by any other means under a trust, the shareholder or de facto controller must timely notify the listed company of the settlor's details and cooperate with the listed company in its performance of information disclosure e 50 information disclosure obligors shall provide all information relating to the practice of their sponsor or securities services organisation and ensure the veracity, accuracy and completeness of the information without any refusal, concealment or a sponsor or securities services organisation discovers at the time of issue of a specialised document for information disclosure that the information provided by a listed company or an obligor of information disclosure contains a false record, misleading statement, major omission or any other major violation of law, it shall request for a supplementation or correction of the the information disclosure obligor refuses to make a supplementation or correction, the sponsor or securities services organisation shall timely report the matter to the securities regulatory authorities and the stock e 51 where a listed company terminates the engagement of an accounting firm, the accounting firm must be notified timely after a resolution by the board of directors is passed;the accounting firm shall be allowed to make representations where a resolution for the termination of engagement of the accounting firm is passed at a general meeting of the a resolution for the termination or change of an accounting firm is passed at a general meeting, the listed company shall specifically state the reasons for change and the representations by the accounting e 52 the sponsors and securities services organisations that issue specialised documents to aid information disclosure obligors in their performance of information disclosure obligations shall be diligent, responsible, honest and trustworthy;and issue expert opinions in compliance with the business rules, industry codes of practice and ethics formulated pursuant to the law;and ensure the veracity, accuracy and completeness of the documents e 53 certified public accountants shall practise risk-oriented audits;strictly comply with the practising standards and relevant provisions for certified public accountants;improve authentication procedures;scientifically select identification methods and techniques;fully understand the organisation in question and its environment;carefully examine the risks to significant reporting errors;obtain adequate and appropriate evidence;and issue reasonable examination e 54 asset valuation firms shall uphold professional ethics, strictly comply with valuation standards or other valuation norms, and select appropriate valuation methods;ensure that assumptions made during a valuation match actual conditions;provide adequate evidence on the legitimacy of transactions, incomes, expenditures, investments, etc, involving a subject under valuation and obtain evidence on the reliability of their forecasts;and give full consideration to the probabilities of the various future outcomes and their effects when making a reasonable e 55 no organisation or inspanidual shall illegally obtain, provide or transmit a listed company's insider information;or make use of insider information to trade, or recommend others to trade, in the company's securities and derivatives` or make use of insider information for any investment analysis report, research report or other e 56 the media shall report on listed companies objectively and factually, and serve as a public opinion supervisory organisation or inspanidual shall provide or transmit false or misleading information on a listed company to an investor suffers loss as a result of violation of any of the two preceding paragraphs, liability for compensation shall be borne pursuant to r 6-supervision and administration and legal liability

article 57 the csrc may request a listed company and other information disclosure obligors or the directors, supervisors or senior management personnel of the listed company, to provide explanation, clarification or the relevant materials, on the relevant information disclosure issues, and request the listed company to provide the expert opinion of the sponsor or the securities services the csrc doubts the veracity, accuracy or completeness of a document issued by the sponsor or the securities services organisation, the csrc may inspect the working draft of the document and request the relevant organisation to provide explanation or listed company and the other information disclosure obligors, sponsors and securities services organisations shall reply timely, and cooperate with the csrc in any inspection and e 58 the directors, supervisors and senior management personnel of a listed company are responsible for the veracity, accuracy, completeness, timeliness and impartiality of information disclosed by the company, unless there is sufficient evidence to prove that they have performed their duties diligently and chairman, managers and secretary to the board of directors of a listed company are mainly responsible for the veracity, accuracy, integrity, timeliness and impartiality of information disclosed by the company via interim chairman, managers and person-in-charge of finance of a listed company is mainly responsible for the veracity, accuracy, completeness, timeliness and impartiality of a company's financial e 59 the csrc may adopt the following regulatory measures against, the information disclosure obligors, their directors, supervisors and senior management personnel;and the listed company's shareholders, de facto controllers, offerors and their directors, supervisors and senior management personnel, for any violation of the provisions of these measures:

(1)order for corrective action;

(2)regulatory dialogue;

(3)issue of warning letters;

(4)record in the creditworthiness database the details of the offence or the failure to perform the public undertaking and make a public announcement;

(5)blacklist the offender as an inappropriate candidate;

(6)adopt any other regulatory measure pursuant to e 60 where a listed company fails to establish a system of managing information disclosure matters pursuant to the provisions of these measures, the csrc may order the company to take corrective action;where the company refuses to take corrective action, the csrc shall issue a warning or impose a e 61 where an information disclosure obligor fails to perform information disclosure obligations within the stipulated period or makes information disclosure with falsehoods, misleading statements or major omissions, the csrc shall impose a penalty pursuant to the provisions of article 193 of the securities e 62 where an information disclosure obligor fails to submit the relevant reports within the stipulated period or where the submitted reports contain falsehoods, misleading statements or major omissions, the csrc shall impose a penalty pursuant to the provisions of article 193 of the securities e 63 where a listed company conceals interested party relationships or circumvents information disclosure or reporting obligations through other means, the csrc shall impose a penalty pursuant to the provisions of article 193 of the securities e 64 where a shareholder or de facto controller of a listed company fails to cooperate with the listed company in its performance of information disclosure obligations pursuant to law, or makes an illegal request for insider information from the listed company, the csrc shall order the person to take corrective action, issue a warning or impose a e 65 where the specialised documents issued by a sponsor or securities services organisation and its personnel for the performance of information disclosure obligations by information disclosure obligors violate the provisions of the securities law, administrative regulations and the provisions of the csrc, the csrc shall order corrective action to be taken, hold a regulatory dialogue, issue a warning letter, record the matter in the creditworthiness database or take other regulatory measures pursuant to law;and administrative penalties shall be imposed by the csrc pursuant to law where e 66 where any organisation or inspanidual spanulges insider information of a listed company or makes use of insider information to trade in securities and derivatives, the csrc shall impose penalties pursuant to the provisions of article 201 and article 202 of the securities e 67 where market order is disrupted by false information prepared or transmitted by an organisation or inspanidual, or false or non-objective information broadcasted by the media, the csrc shall impose penalties pursuant to the provisions of article 206 of the securities false representations or misleading statements are made in the course of securities and derivatives trading, the csrc shall impose penalties pursuant to the provisions of article 207 of the securities e 68 where a person allegedly extorts or blackmails a listed company through news reports or any other means of broadcasting, the csrc shall order the person to take corrective action and issue a regulatory recommendation to the relevant authorities;and the relevant authorities shall impose legal liability pursuant to e 69 where a listed company or information disclosure obligor violates the provisions of these measures under serious circumstances, the csrc may bar the relevant accountable personnel from entering the stock e 70 where a violation of these measures constitutes a criminal offence, the case shall be transferred to the judicial authorities pursuant to law and criminal liability shall be r 7-supplementary provisions

article 71 the respective definitions for the following terms used in these measures are as follows:

(1)“sponsors and securities services organisations that issue specialised documents to aid information disclosure obligors in their performance of information disclosure obligations” shall mean a sponsor, an accounting firm, an asset valuation firm, a law firm, a financial consultancy firm or a credit rating firm which issues sponsor letters, audit reports, asset valuation reports, legal opinions, consultant financial reports, credit rating reports, etc, for securities issuance, listing, trading and other securities business activities.(2)“timely” shall mean a duration of two market days, effective from the date of commencement of a stipulated period or from the date of an event triggering disclosure.(3)a “listed company's interested party transaction” shall mean a transfer of resources or obligations between a listed company or subsidiary controlled by the listed company and an interested sted parties shall include interested legal persons and interested natural persons.a legal person that satisfies any of the following conditions shall be deemed as an interested legal person of the listed company:

(i)a legal person that directly or indirectly controls the listed company;

(ii)a legal person other than the listed company or a subsidiary controlled by the listed company, which is directly or indirectly controlled by a legal person in the preceding paragraph;

(iii)a legal person other than the listed company or a subsidiary controlled by the listed company, which is directly or indirectly controlled by an interested natural person or a director or senior management personnel;

(iv)a legal person that holds 5% or more of the shares of the listed company or a person that acts in concert;

(v)a legal person that satisfies any of the aforesaid conditions during the past 12 months or will satisfy any of the aforesaid conditions within the next 12 months pursuant to a relevant agreement;or

(vi)any other legal person deemed by the csrc, the stock exchange or the listed company as having a special relationship with the listed company according to the substance over form principle, which causes or may cause a disequilibrium of interests of the listed company.a natural person that satisfies any of the following conditions shall be deemed as an interested natural person of the listed company:

(i)a natural person who directly or indirectly holds 5% or more of the shares of the listed company;

(ii)a director, supervisor or senior management personnel of the listed company;

(iii)a director, supervisor or senior management personnel of a legal person that controls the listed company directly or indirectly;

(iv)family members that have a close relationship with a natural person stipulated in items(i)and(ii)above, including spouses, parents, children aged 18 years and above and their spouses, siblings and their spouses, parents-in-law, spouses' siblings and the children's parents-in-law;

(v)a natural person who satisfies any of the aforesaid conditions during the past 12 months or will satisfy any of the aforesaid conditions in the next 12 months pursuant to a relevant agreement;or(vi)any other natural person deemed by the csrc, the stock exchange or the listed company as having a special relationship with the listed company according to the substance over form principle, which causes or may cause a disequilibrium of interests of the listed company.(4)designated media refers to newspapers and websites designated by the e 72 these measures shall be effective from the date of implementation regulations for information disclosure by companies making public offering of shares(trial implementation)(zhengjianshangzi(1993)43), the notice on issues relating to information disclosure by companies making public offering of shares and listed companies(zhengjianyanzi(1993)19), the notice on strengthening examination of interim reports of listed companies(zhengjianshangzi(1996)26), the notice on several issues relating to issuance of clarification public announcements by listed companies(zhengjianshangzi(1996)28), the notice on archiving of electronic files of disclosure by listed companies(zhengjianxinzi(1998)50), the notice on further strengthening of regulation of information disclosure by st and pt companies(zhengjiangongsizi(2000)63), the notice on issues relating to half-yearly reports by listed companies proposing to issue new shares(zhengjiangongsizi(2001)69)and the notice on filing of interim public announcements and the relevant appendices by listed companies with csrc branches(zhengjiangongsizi(2003)7)shall be repealed simultaneously.001)69)and the notice on filing of interim public announcements and the relevant appendices by listed companies with csrc branches(zhengjiangongsizi(2003)7)shall be repealed simultaneously.001)69)and the notice on filing of interim public announcements and the relevant appendices by listed companies with csrc branches(zhengjiangongsizi(2003)7)shall be repealed simultaneously.001)69)and the notice on filing of interim public announcements and the relevant appendices by listed companies with csrc branches(zhengjiangongsizi(2003)7)shall be repealed simultaneously.001)69)and the notice on filing of interim public announcements and the relevant appendices by listed companies with csrc branches(zhengjiangongsizi(2003)7)shall be repealed simultaneously.001)69)and the notice on filing of interim public announcements and the relevant appendices by listed companies with csrc branches(zhengjiangongsizi(2003)7)shall be repealed simultaneously.001)69)and the notice on filing of interim public announcements and the relevant appendices by listed companies with csrc branches(zhengjiangongsizi(2003)7)shall be repealed simultaneously.001)69)and the notice on filing of interim public announcements and the relevant appendices by listed companies with csrc branches(zhengjiangongsizi(2003)7)shall be repealed simultaneously.001)69)and the notice on filing of interim public announcements and the relevant appendices by listed companies with csrc branches(zhengjiangongsizi(2003)7)shall be repealed simultaneously.001)69)and the notice on filing of interim public announcements and the relevant appendices by listed companies with csrc branches(zhengjiangongsizi(2003)7)shall be repealed simultaneously.001)69)and the notice on filing of interim public announcements and the relevant appendices by listed companies with csrc branches(zhengjiangongsizi(2003)7)shall be repealed simultaneously.001)69)and the notice on filing of interim public announcements and the relevant appendices by listed companies with csrc branches(zhengjiangongsizi(2003)7)shall be repealed simultaneously.


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