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时间:2023-05-24 09:56:46     小编:xiejingc




须都用上。词数 60 - 70 左右。

(1)昨天晚上我和妈妈出去散步。(2)在路上我们 遇见了一个外国人。(3)他向我询问如何去温泉饭店。(4)我告诉他沿路往前走,在第三个转弯处向左拐就能看见饭店。(5)他非常感谢我,我也为能帮他而高兴。

提示词语: go out for a walk,on the road,the way to,walk along,on the left,thank for,be happy day evening,i went out for a walk with my the road,we met a asked me the way to the hot spring hotel.i told him to walk along the road and take the third turning on the left,then he could see the thanked me very much for my help.i was happy thati could help him.中考英语满分作文 我爱我的家


几年以前我家只有一间小屋。三个人住一间屋真是艰难。现在我们已经搬进了一套两室一厅 的单元房。我非常高兴。当我父母做..., 我能...。我爱我的家。

1.a few years ago, family, have one small room

, be, three people, in the same room

, a new flat(单元房), one living room, two bedrooms

happy, my homework, quietly, my own room, my parents

a few years ago, my family had only one small was very hard for three

people to live in the same we have moved into a new flat with one living room

and two bedrooms.i'm very happy.i can do my homework quietly in my own room when my parents do the housework or other things.i love my home.中考英语满分作文 向人们介绍本校的情况

hello,friends,you are warmly welcomed to our school.i'm wu dong.i'm very glad to be your ,i'd like to tell you something about our was set up in number of students is over 0,and the teachers about are altogether s the teaching buildings,we have a library for different kinds of subjects,and a school-run have four classes in the morning and two in the classes,we join in various activities,such as ball games,painting,singing and let me show you around our way,please.中考英语作文:便条

假定你是 sally,tommy 是你的弟弟,你需要让你的弟弟把一些东西带到你学校,如学生证、帽子、笔记本和铅笔等,它们分别在抽屉(drawer)里、椅子上、书桌和笔盒里。


tommy,can you bring some things to school? i need my hat,my id card,my notebook,and my hat is on the id card is in the notebook is on the desk and my pencils are in the ,sally




may 17th

on the evening of may 16th,i left my oxford advanced learner’s english-chinese dictienary in the reading- is the finder please send it to me in class two,junior grade three or to our monitor?thank you very di(loser)











friendly basketball match

under the auspices of the recreational and physical culture department of the students' union of our school,a friendly basketball watch will be held between the visiting ield team and ours on the cement basketball count on sunday, may 25th,2008 at 4:00 recreational and physical culture department of the students' unionmay14th 2008


明天(星期五)全班同学将去参观科学博物馆(the science museum),由你(班长)通知全体同学。(通知的开头和结尾已给出)内容如下:







fellow students,we are going to visit will meet at the school gate at eight in the morning and we will go there on your pens and notebooks with should listen and watch carefully and write down something interesting when you visit the don't make any noise in the museum and don't take any 'll have to hand in a report about the visit next monday.中考英语作文范文(书信)



dear david,i'm glad you'll come tobeijingto learn e is very useful, and many foreigners are learning it 's difficult for you because it's quite different from have to remember as many chinese words as 's also important to do some reading and can watch tv and listen to the radio to practise your your best to talk with people in can learn chinese not only from books but also from people around you have any questions, please ask me.i'm sure you'll learn chinese to see you soon ,wang ming




(一)april 20th is an ordinary day in 2013,it is in this day that shocking earthquake happened again in sichuan province, earthquake was can't describe the scene what we saw with any nds of people were injured even thousands of children became such unlucky ones who lost fathers or mothers, they longed to have families to continue their lives.i am sympathetic(adj.同情的)to their fate!but i believed that we can fight against the fate and change example, there are many people keeping living without food or water for about 100 hours during the earthquake!

what an unbelievable thing it is!their great spirits showed the powerful life vitality of humans!however, they must keep fighting against the schools were destroyed and there were many students and teachers who left us s, hopelessness and different kinds of danger spreaded out here and there!

but, fortunately, love is around us: the communist party helps us, the army helps us, the people all over the world help offer us with money, goods, love and so on!

with the help of the such a large love ,we will over come the damage of the earthquake and face our beautiful future!


on april 20th, a big earthquake happened in ya'an, people lost their relatives and their the chinese people feel quite sorrow.a lot of people volunteer to help people raise money for them, some people buy something for them, some people go there to comfort the sad nds of soldiers help them to save their relatives and rebuild their homes even foreign friends also give them a hand.i'm deeply moved by these i'll use my pocket money to buy some food and school things for the children there.i think all of us should try our best to help them to get out of the trouble together.(非震区学生补充措施)

as a middle school student, what i can do is to donate my pocket money to the quake –stricken area.i have also made some beautiful cards with some encouraging words on it in order to help to cheer the kids who are of the same age as we are.i firmly believe with the help of all the chinese people and the humanitarian aid, the rescue work will be successfully finished, and no difficulty will beat our chinese people!


一定有不少同学已经通过网络进行购物了,比如**网,京东商城等;但是网络购物究竟有何利弊呢? 请写一篇短文,谈谈网上购物的好处与坏处。

(一)we talked about the advantages and disadvantages of internet shopping these students think it's very convenient for us to go shopping on the shops on internet,for example , are open for almost 24 hours a day, so we can buy something we want at any time if we 's more, we needn't to wait in a r, some students disagreed with can't see the things while we are we are not sure whether they are good or s, we can't enjoy the happiness of shopping with our friends.(二)

with the help of the internet, shopping is not a difficult click your mouse to choose the article you like, and the shopping is needn't step out of the seems easy and there's always a trap(陷阱) you are careless, it will bring you some may find the color of the article is different from what you want, or the size is either too small or too you want to be different, you'd better not buy clothes you put on the clothes you bought online and go out, you will find many people wear the same clothes in the you must be careful, because everything has two sides.中考英语范文之三:网上交友

人们对于学生网上交友持不同意见。请你用英语写一篇关于学生网上交友的短文,介绍人们的不同观点,并表达自己的看法。赞成的理由 反对的理由1.广交朋友,浪费时间

2.可自由表达思想 2.影响学习


should students make friends on line? some people say et helps people make many ng on line, students can express more freely their feelings and opinions, and even get help for their foreign language , however, think students should say making friends on line is a waste of time, which should be spent more meaningfully on s, some students get cheated on is my opinion that students should place their study, health and safety before other for friendship, we can readily find it in our classmates and other people around us.中考英语范文之四:关于中学生使用手机 赞成意见:






dear editor,nowadays mobile phones are becoming more and more popular among the middle school my opinion, we can bring mobile phones to we know, the 21st century is a modern age and full of information.a mobile phone is one of the quickest tools for us to exchange mobile phone is a fashionable and useful invention, so we ought to make the best use of e there’s a sudden accident, it is more convenient for us to dial for help ’re also some games in the mobile can relax ourselves by playing them when we’re tired of our my opinion, it’s not wrong to follow the fashion, but the most important thing is how to use the mobile phone in a right truly,lu ming


expert tips on how to prevent avian influenza h7n9 collated by current argument data dictionary


y strengthen physical exercise, rest more, avoid excessive overworked, do not smoke, wash their hands;pay attention to personal hygiene, when sneezing or coughing and cover your nose and mouth.2.保持室内清洁,使用消毒液清洗的地毯,避免使用难以清洗的地毯,保持地面、天花板、家具及墙壁清洁,确保排水道通畅;保持室内空气流通,应每天开窗换气两次,每次至少10分钟,或使用抽气扇保持空气流通;尽量少去 空气不流通的场所。 the room clean, use disinfectant cleaning carpets, avoid the use of hard to clean the carpet, keep the floor, ceiling, furniture and walls clean, to ensure smooth drainage channel;maintains the indoor air circulation, ventilation windows should be at least two times a day, 10 minutes each time, or use a fan to keep air circulation;as little as possible to airless places.3.注意饮食卫生,进食禽肉、蛋类要彻底煮熟,加工、保存食物时要注意生、熟分开;养成良好的卫生习惯,搞好厨房卫生,不生食禽肉和内脏。解剖活(死)家禽、家畜及其制品后要彻底洗手。

attention to food hygiene, eating meat, eggs should be thoroughly cooked, processing, preservation of food to the attention of raw, cooked separately;develop good health habits, good kitchen hygiene, do not eat raw poultry meat and y of living(dead)to wash hands thoroughly, livestock and poultry products.同时,在户外洗手不方便的时候,可以使用免洗洗手液,随身携带,随时随地隔离病菌,呵护您的健康。

at the same time, when the outdoor hand-washing is not convenient, can use hand sanitizer, carry whenever and wherever possible, isolate the pathogen, take care of your health.4.发现疫情时,应尽量避免与禽类接触;公众特别是儿童应


in the epidemic, should avoid contact with poultry;the public especially children should avoid close contact with poultry and wild birds.5.注意生活用具的消毒处理。禽流感病毒不耐热,100°c下一分钟即可灭活。对干燥、紫外线照射、汞、氯等常用消毒药都很敏感。

attention to disinfection and living influenza viruses do not heat, 100 ° c, one minute can be in sensitive to normal disinfection and drying, ultraviolet irradiation, mercury, chlorine and other drugs.6.若有发热及呼吸道症状,应戴上口罩,尽快就诊,并切记告诉医生发病前有无外游或与禽类接触史。

fever and respiratory symptoms, should wear a face mask, visit as soon as possible, and remember to tell the doctor prior to the onset of no travel or history of contact with poultry.7.一旦患病,应在医生指导下治疗和用药,多休息、多饮水,注意个人卫生。

the disease, doctors should be under the guidance of treatment and medication, more rest, drink plenty of water, pay attention to personal hygiene.中考英语范文之六:卫生健康饮食




how to stay our health / fit?

dear boys and girls :

i'm talking about / here is my advice about how to keep health/fit? as a middle school student first you'd better do more exercise such as playing ball games running swimming and jumping rope(绳子).then you should pay attention to your diet or meals don't eat too much meat and sugar but more vegetables and you need enough sleep or keep yourself people often say smiling makes you mustn't drink wine or are bad for your is my advice.i hope you are healthy and enjoy your you bye!


is very important to keep can we keep healthy?

can't go to sleep too can't get up too should eat the food should do more exercise

tuesday i got a cold and had a pain in my head7.i didn't feel like eating anything8.i decided to see the the doctor's office, the doctor looks over me said: “nothing serious.” and he told me to take a rest and drink more water.11.a nurse gave me an was a little doctor asked me to take the medicine three times a day.13.a few days later, i felt then on i believe that keeping healthy is the most important thing in the world.中考英语范文之七:环境友好型、资源节约型社会

近日你所在的学校开展了“为建设节约型社会献一计”主题活动,同学们提出了许多建议。请你根据以下要点,用英语写一篇短文向english horizons杂志编辑部投稿建议:1.不浪费粮食和纸张



注意:1.不要逐字翻译,可适当增加细节;2.词数:120字左右,开头已经为你写好,不计入总词数;3.参考词汇:方便筷disposable chopsticks

recently,there has been an activity of “doing your bit for an energy-saving society”in our schoolmates are highly concerned about the increasing lack of energy and provide their own students suggest that we shouldn't waste any food or paper, though they appear very easy to ile, some other students think it advisable to refuse to use disposable chopsticks and plastic s, it is also strongly recommended that those used textbooks as well as reference books of graduates, which are still in good condition, not be thrown but recycled

actually, there are still quite a lot that we can easily do: say, try to take buses or ride bicycles instead of driving cars, of these will definitely help to build an energy-saving society.中考英语范文之八:建设和谐社会






build a harmonious society

dear fellow students,our government is going to build a “harmonious society”.i think it is everyone's duty to work hard to achieve this middle school students, what should we do?

first of all, we should love our 's take a great interest in the development of our hometowns and take an active part in our school's ly, let's fill the world with should show our respect for old people, our parents and our should also care for each other and help those in important of all, all

of us must be faithful and honest in our daily y, let's work together to save energy and protect our natural environment, including animals, trees, flowers and for myself, i will study even harder and try my best to do all the fellow students, let's start right now and spare no effort to do a little bit every day, every hour, and every minute!

lu ming

from wanda middle school


lu ming去年来到大明所在的学校学习。在学习期间,他对学校提倡的“创建和谐校园”活动感触颇深。他发现该校的学生学习主动,兴趣广泛,友爱互助,师生之间关系融洽,人与环境和谐相处(如:保持环境卫生,爱护花草树木,不随地乱扔废弃物等)。(15 分)①请你以lu ming的名义,给远在美国的父母写一封信,介绍学校的现状并谈谈你的感受。


③以下词汇仅供参考:build up建立,创建a harmonious campus和谐校园,empress vt.给„„留下印象dear mum and dad, time flies!i've been here for nearly a year.i'm very pleased to find that our school is really a good students in our school_________yours, tom中考英语满分作文:

dear mum and dad, time flies!i've been here for nearly a year.i'm very pleased to find that our school is really a good students in our school work hard at their take an active part in activities that help to improve their qualities and are friendly to each other and always ready to help each teachers here all enjoy their work and they love their work hard and do what they can do to help their the students respect their get on well with each students in our school try their best to kkp the school yard clean and never throw waste about nor pick the a word, i am deeply impressed by the harmonious atmosphere in this school.i love my new , lu ming


现在全世界都在倡导“低碳生活”(low-carbon life),即:降低二氧化碳的排放,采取低能量、低消耗、低开支的生活方式。低碳生活对我们大家都有好处,请你写一篇短文向一家英文报社投稿。内容包括:你的具体做法、你的感受以及建议。提示词语:be good for,everyone,ride a bike,think,make a difference,environment,suggest,reuse

(一)low-carbon life is good for help with the environment,i always walk or ride a bike to school instead of taking a s,i will try to use things that can be recycled and i never forget to turn off the lights when i leave the classroom.i think it’s my duty to live a low-carbon even the simplest activities can make a real difference to the i suggest

we should reuse books as long as we’d better not spend much money on expensive everyone does something for the environment,i believe the earth will be a better place.(二)

my name is lu ming.i live a low-carbon the morning, i go to school on foot and i am used to eating up the food given to me during every meal and never waste i turn off the lights when i leave the classroom.i remember to turn off the tap when i'm not using the s, i make full use of every piece of paper.i never use plastic bags because they can cause d, i use paper bags for shopping and 's really important for us to live a low-carbon the one hand, living a low-carbon life is a good way to save money and the other hand, living a low-carbon life is good for our living have only one earth, so we should try our best to protect but not least, living a low-carbon life can also make us 's live a low-carbon life.中考英语范文之十一:环境保护(水资源节约)

our environment is very important for our need the fresh air, the clean water and so the past, there were many trees around us, the air was fresh and the river was now, people cut down many pollution and water pollution are very environment around us becomes very should protect our , we should plant many trees to keep , we can ride a bike or walk to the school and , we shouldn't throw the dirty water into the , we shouldn't use the plastic y, we can ask more people to join us.环保作文典型句子

's our duty to save water

we know, water is very important to man, can't live without amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and some people don't care about rivers and lakes are seriously 's our duty to protect our is very important to take care of our should not throw litter onto the ground

should not spit in a public place / cut down the should plant more flowers and must pick up some rubbish and throw it into a dustbin

everyone makes contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more are very helpful and important for should plant more and more trees in order to live better and more healthy in the is everyone's duty to love and protect the environment.中考英语范文之十二:保护我们的城市(saving our city)

it is very important to deal with the rubbish in h must be thrown away or reused it may cause a lot of

may pollute the air and may get ill when they breathe the polluted air or drink the polluted city has started to face the rubbish is sorted and sent to a certain gas is cleaned before it goes into the water is also cleaned before it is poured into should be prevented from throwing rubbish should try our best to take care of our environment and fight against pollution.中考英语范文之十三:家乡或祖国变化(great changes in china)great changes have taken place in new buildings have been built in cities, towns and more cars we have, the more crowed the roads the roads become wider and overpasses(立交桥)have been built in big e people's life is much better than ever have tv sets, washing machines, fridges, even computers, cars 'll study harder and make our countrry stronger and more beautiful.中考英语范文之十四:演讲、口头通知

许多学习生活中的烦恼都会使人产生压力,为了更好地发现及解决同学们中存在的心理压力问题,你们班特意开展了一次以“less pressure, better life”为主题的英语演讲比赛,请你准备发言稿,谈谈你的一些缓解压力的好办法,与同学分享,内容包括:1.同学们中普遍存在的压力是什么;2.我的压力是什么;




less pressure, better life

hello, boys and girls!

pressure is a serious problem in today's ts in our class are under too much students can't get on well with their classmates, while others may worry about their exams.i'm always under pressure, parents want me to be the top student in they send me to all kinds of training classes at monday evening, i had a talk with my mother.i told her i was not lazy.i really felt tired.i needed time to mother agreed with me at i think a conversation with parents is necessary to solve the 's you!



提示词供参考。three years, memories, one of, one day, think, happy/ sorry

how time flies!i have studied in my school for three i will graduate from middle school in a month.i am eager to share my happiness and sadness with you.i had so many memories in three years' of them impressed me very much.i still

remember, when i began to learn english, i found it too matter how hard i tried, i still couldn't do well in it and almost gave it soon as my english teacher found my problem, she had a talk with me about how to learn english then, she has kept helping by little, i've become interested in english and i'm good at it.i think i am so lucky to become one of her students.i've learned a lot from her.i will try to help others when they are in trouble.i think it is a happy thing to help others.中考英语范文之十六:毕业 回顾评价

回顾初中三年成长过程,你一定有很多感受,从学习,生活,爱好等方面作出自我评价(毕业 回顾评价)

i have studied in my middle school for three years.i have learned a lot.i have learned not only how to make friends but also how to talk to others.i have many hobbies.i like sports.i often play basketball, football and volleyball with my ll is my all my subjects, i do best in english and my math and physics are a little weak.i think i will try my best to learn them well.i hope i can study in no.1 high school.中考英语范文之十七:如何与同学相处

how to get on with classmates

how do you get on with your classmates? i think it‘s easy to answer that you meet up with your friends, you can say, hello!your friends must be happy, they will think that you are a polite girl or a boy!if your friends have some questions, you should help will thank you for your classmates are very helpful and one of my classmates has some problems, my classmates will help them solve they are help each other and take care of each other.i hope you can be a polite and helpful child, and i hope you can get on well with all of your classmates.中考英语范文之十八:给国家主席的一封信 respected president,i am a middle school student in sichuan name is lu ming.i wrote this letter to express my sincere gratitude and respect to you and what you have done to help those people who have suffered a lot in the disaster of wenchuan earthquake.i saw the disaster on tv, it was really horrible many people died, so many houses were destroyed, the worst is that so many children lost their must be very terrible for a few days after the earthquake, you went there to console them and help them a must be a great comfort to those sympathetic people, especially the you a happy sincerely lu ming





★范文 best friend

my best friend is---he is 15 years are both in the same works very is never late for school and he does well in all his is always ready to help math is very poor, so he often helps me with my math after parents are both are very busy, so he often helps do the housework at is a little shorter than me but he is very likes playing football very much at often play football together and he plays it pretty well, he gets on well with us, everyone in our class likes him.★范文 teacher i like best of all my teachers, i love taught us english in junior middle had many ways of making her classes interesting and always taught us something new in easy helped us use english by doing interesting activities, such as, making surveys, playing games, etc. was a strict but kind often asked us to be on time for class and do homework by we had trouble, she often helped us out.★ chinese teacher of all the subjects, i like chinese best because i have a good chinese she has been teaching us for only three years, i respect and love her very chinese teacher,ms sun is thirty-six years old and she is neither tall nor short.折works very is always the first to come and the last to leave her tries to make her classes lively and we enjoy her lessons very sun is very kind and friendly to we're getting on well with each she is very strict with us in our sun teaches us so well that we all enjoy learning the students think she is one of the most popular teachers in our school.话题二:毕业,回忆,感恩,幸福,助人为乐,烦恼,压力

1.回顾初中三年成长过程,你一定有很多感受,从学习,生活,爱好等方面作出自我评价(毕业 回顾评 价)


i have studied in my middle school for three years.i have learned a lot.i have learned not only how to make friends but also how to talk to others.i have many hobbies.i like sports.i often play basketball, football and volleyball with my ll is my all my subjects, i do best in english and my math and physics are a little weak.i think i will try my best to learn them well.i hope i can study in no.1 high school.2.初中生活马上就要结束了,三年的初中生活一定给你留下了很多挥之不去的回忆。请你给大家讲一个最值得你回忆的故事。包括时间、人物、事情经过和事后你的感想(请不要写出真实的学校名称以及真实姓名)。

提示词语: three years, memories, one of, one day, think, happy/ sorry

★ 范文

how time flies!i have studied in my school for three i will graduate from middle school in a month.i am eager to share my happiness and sadness with you.i had so many memories in three years' of them impressed me very much.i still remember, when i began to learn english, i found it too matter how hard i tried, i still couldn't do well in it and almost gave it soon as my english teacher found my problem, she had a talk with me about how to learn english then, she has kept helping by little, i've become interested in english and i'm good at it.i think i am so lucky to become one of her students.i've learned a lot from her.i will try to help others when they are in trouble.i think it is a happy thing to help school life(我的学校生活)

my name is beth.i'm 14 years old, and i study in no.1 middle school of school is very big and beautiful.i'm very happy in the school.i usually get up at 6:15 in the i do morning exercises in the 6:40, i have my can see many students and teachers in the dinning breakfast, i often read english with my have six classes every first class begins at 7:50 am.i like all the classes for my teachers can make the classes lively and favorite subject is english, so i join english corner every week.i can speak english with many other students 's very interesting and exciting.i think it's help for me to learn english class, i always play games with my play soccer ball, basketball, volleyball, ping-pong and so are very relaxing.i like my lessons, my friends and my a word, i love my school.i find my school life more and more school life is wonderful, isn't it? 4.三年的初中生活就要结束,崭新的高中学习即将到来。回顾过去,你一定有许多成功的喜悦与失利的遗憾;展望未来,你肯定有美好的憧憬和实实在在的打算。请你以―unforgettable memories ‖为题,给英文报纸21st century ―青春校园‖栏目写一篇80词左右的征文。

unforgettable memories how time flies!three years passed in a of memories left in my rs, classmates, hard work and above all friendship stay in g back, i have gone through either the joy of success or the pains of rs are friendly to us in life and always strict with us in ates and friends help me so their help i‘ve made great i‘m a careless i always make mistakes which can be middle school life is a new beginning and it gives me a chance to overcome my it is said, ―it is not our abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choice.‖ the two-month holiday will also provide me the freedom to think over and make up my mind to do it better in the i believe i can do it..在即将告别母校的时刻,你想表达你对母校、老师、职员和同学的感恩之情。请以the last moment held on to(难舍时刻)为题,用英语写出一篇短文。

the last moment held on to

how time flies!we‘re just leaving you—our lovely junior high school.i have so many words from my heart to , dear junior ‘re a beautiful and happy home for us all.i hope you‘ll be better and , dear ‘re taught us lot of knowledge and helped us in all ways.i‘ll remember you , our staff ‘ve taken good care of us and helped us grow up.i hope you are happy all the , dear ‘ve got on well with me just like sisters and ‘s always keep in touch with each , all my loved the best to you!goodbye!6.假设让你代表今年的初中毕业生在毕业典礼上发言,请根据所给提示用英语写一篇发言稿。




good morning,my dear teachers and schoolmates,it's a great honor for me to make a speech on behalf of the graduating time flies!our junior high school lives will come to an end.________________________________________________________________________

thank you for listening.参考范文:

good morning,my dear teachers and schoolmates, it's a great honor for me to make a speech on behalf of the graduating time flies!our junior high school lives will come to an the past three years, we've had a beautiful school and it provides us with a good study rs are our 've given us interesting lessons and we all love 've learned a lot from them, not only knowledge but also the way to solve problems in for our teachers' training, parents' support and the help from t them, we couldn't have so much wonderful last, we hope our school will become better, our teachers will be healthy for ever and all our dreams will come you for listening.7.初中阶段的学习即将结束,回想自己在父母和师长的关爱和帮助下的成长过程,心中充满感激之情。请用英语给父母或老师写一封80词左右的信表示感谢。

★范文 dear parents,words fail me when i want to express my thanks to have taken good care of me since i was i am in trouble,you always encourage me and cheer me i argued with my best friend and was upset,you talked with me the whole night and finally helped me solve the your help,i have become a good student.i am so thankful for your love that i will work harder and try to do better in the , zhang hua


when i just opened my eyes , i could see my mom and dad‘s smiling i just learned to walk, i could hear mother‘s encouraging voice.i still remember when i was ill, daddy took me to the hospital deep in the , most of the time, i didn‘t understand h more than 10 years of understanding, i know that they also have many hobbies and troubles, just like us.i am growing up day by day with my family love.9.幸福是什么?幸福是父母为你营造的温馨的家,幸福是老师望向你的赞许的目光,幸福是孤独时朋友送来的一杯奶茶,幸福是„„ 请以my happiness为话题,写一件曾经发生过的令你感到幸福的事情。


★ 范文

happiness is important in our fact, happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it。

i will never forget one , i had a bad mark at a math test.i was shy and afraid to meet my when i got back home late, my parents knew what happened, they said to me: ―it doesn't matter, my er we'll be always beside you when you need believe you can be better next give up!‖ i was moved and made up my mind to work harder and harder。

i feel er i am in trouble, i can feel my parents' love.i want to be a good child for my parents.10.年是学习雷锋五十周年纪念日,雷锋同志说过:―我要把有限的生命,投入到无限的为人民服务之中去。‖



★ 范文

leifeng was known as a pattern that offered help to others devoted all this life into his beloved career as well.i, myself, was totally shocked by his is human nature;people trace the good, water flows to ne should copy his sprit as our daily life goes instead of uttering a meaningless slogan ―learn from leifeng, our decent idol‖,so that we could definitely see a lot more smiling faces rather than help others is not a hard thing, however, what you need is to consist doing myself as an example.i am the representative of math, to collect homework is my daily task, however, i would turn them to the right page for shorten the time for teachers when correcting them.11.在和谐社会里,人与人之间的互帮互助已构成我们生活中的重要组成部分。下周英国友好学校将来你校访问,你校英语俱乐部将举行一次以“helping each other makes the world wonderful”为主题的英语演讲比赛。假如李智要参加演讲比赛,请你以“李智”的名义用英语写一篇讲稿。内容要点提示:








helping each other makes the world wonderful

hello, everyone.i'm li 's nice to speak about help our life we often help others and also get help from we help our classmates with their study and other things, we can develop our we give a hand to old people, we can understand the meaning of we know, patient in our life.i think we can get much when we help the people around the saying goes, “giving is much better than receiving.”

thank you for your listening.12.爱是心中的太阳,融化你我身边的冰雪。假设你是李明,你们学校的 “english garden”正在举办主题为“付出即是收获”的征文活动,请你联系自己平时的爱心行为和感受写一篇文章投稿。




参考词汇:help ,clean up,an old people's home,make...happy giving is receiving

i am a student from green middle name is li ming.i like helping others because i think it makes me very happy.i often help my classmates with their mes i help clean up city parks.i go to the old people's home and do some cleaning for them once a i'm pretty popular there.i often visit the children's hospital to cheer the sick kids up.i read stories and sing songs for them.i'm good with children.i also give money to charities to help people in trouble.i think giving is g others is helping you agree with me?

13.假如你是han mei, 下面是一封你的笔友alice 给你发来的e-mail,请你根据e-mail 的内容给她写一封回信,与她交流看法,并帮她排忧解难。

提示词语:listen to, mother's love, care about, communicate with, get along with, smile


dear han mei,i'm afraid i've got a big problem mother talks too much to always tells me, “be careful while crossing the street.” “put on more clothes.” “did you do a good job at school?” and so on.i'm annoyed(烦恼)。what shall i do?


例文 dear alice,as a teenager, i met the same problem as now i can get along better with my are some ideas for r mother talks much, because she cares about it's not a good way, but it shows your mother's i think you should listen to your opinions are different from your mother's, you can communicate with her, and tell her what you are thinking your mother doesn't take your advice, just keep silent and give her a smile.i hope what i say here can help you a ,han mei




dear josh,thanks for your e-mail.i have ever had the same experience.i even had a fight with my now, i understand them.____________________________________________________________________

i hope this helps!emma

参考范文1: dear josh,thanks for your e-mail.i have ever had the same experience.i even had a fight with my now, i understand are growing up, but often, it's hard for our parents to see them, we are still children and they want to protect mes, it's hard for you to talk to your 's an idea: write your mother and father a the letter, tell your parents what you are thinking maybe they will understand you your parents read the letter, try to talk to your free time, you'd better do something you can to help your example, you can help your parents with some 's more, you can describe your friends to your parents and tell them more about you and your life.i hope this helps!



hi, emily.i think it's lucky for you to have such good should understand and respect them, and do what they ask you to have richer experience and better advice for young your parents, they surely hope you become an excellent demands are helpful for your growing member should be responsible and do something for the you should do what you can do, such as keep your room clean and do the er: learning by should keep your hair tidy and wear smart ers should look like , if you have any problems, just talk with your lin, dongying



1.分析mary 不开心的原因; 2.给她一些建议使她减少压力; 3.给她美好的祝福。

dear mary,pressure is a serious problem in today‘s world.i know you are under too much can‘t get on well with your classmates;you may worry about your exams.i‘m always under pressure, parents want me to be the top student in they send me to all kinds of training classes at monday evening, i had a talk with my mother.i told her i was not lazy.i really felt tired.i needed time to mother agreed with me at i think a conversation with your parents is necessary to solve the pressure, better life!best wishes to you!


ways for students to relax

recently i have had a discussion about the ways for students to relax with terry, a student from class one grade two.(as we study too long every day, every student should choose ways to relax.)in his opinion, the best ways are watching tv and playing computer also believes that sometimes hanging out with friends isn't a bad r, i'm not quite agree with my opinion, watching tv or playing computer games is not a good way to help us relax.i think listening to music and playing sports are good ways because they can help us keep healthy.i often play pingpong after class and i find it really helpful to both my health and my s, i think chatting with our friends isn't a bad way.i think it can help me get on better with my friends.话题三:保护环境 low-carbon life

my name is li ming.i am a middle school student.i go to school on foot every day.i always remember to turn off the lights, the tv and the fans when i leave the i am not using water, i always turn off the tap.i often reuse water, for example, when i finish washing the clothes, i use the water to clean the floor and water flowers.i never use plastic bags.i think saving paper is necessary, so i often make full use of 's important for us to live a low-carbon life to protect the water as we all know, water is important to us can‘t live without and animals will die if there is no water in the amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and some people don't care about waste a lot of water in their daily worse, they pour dirty water into throw rubbish into rivers, rivers and lakes are seriously polluted and there are still some people wasting example, some students often forget to turn off the taps;some people take showers for a long what should we do to save water? first, we should turn off the taps after we use , we‘d better recycle and reuse the , we should take a bath instead of having a ,something must be done to stop the pollution if we don't save water, the last drop of water will be a tear-drop of us.i believe if everyone makes a little effort, we can make a big difference.3.保卫地球

(saving the earth)


as time goes by ,man is making the earth cut down too many trees and leave rubbish ies let out their waste without doing anying to has cause some serious as,the land is sandy ,the river is dirty,the air is less clean,even the temperature of the earth is should we do to save the earth?my suggestions is that we should plant more trees ,put rubbish into dusbins and stop factories pouring waste directly into the air or all ,we have only one earth ,we should do our best to protect it,or we will regret.4.保护环境,人人有责‖,请以how to be a greener person 为题,写一篇有关环保的短文,并适当发表你的看法。

how to be a greener person it‘s our duty to protect the environment around three rs—reduce, reuse and recycle—are important.i think we‘d better not buy bottles or boxes which people can only use should turn off the lights when we are not using can give old clothes to others to reuse we go shopping, we‘d better take a cloth bag rather than use plastic shouldn‘t throw things away if they can be reused, repaired or ‘s important for us to protect animals and are supposed to prevent the factory from pouring waste water into rivers, lakes and so everyone is doing that, our world will become more and more to protect the animals animals are our friends, but human beings often kill them for meat, fur and should we do to protect them? our government has done something to protect animals, such as passing laws and setting up some nature reserves(自然保护区).under the laws, we mustn‘t hunt or kill these animals or destroy their living the other hand, we shouldn‘t eat wild them away from our will not be wild animals on sale.i think the hunters and killers will become fewer and , we shouldn‘t pollute our environment so that 9 nowadays mobile phones are becoming more and more popular among the middle school students think that it is easy to use them to keep in touch with parents and , they can be used to listen to music or take others think that we don‘t need to talk with parents and classmates with mobile phones, because we meet them every mobile phones may influence our my opinion, it‘s not wrong to follow the fashion, but the most important thing is how to use the mobile phone in a right truly, wang lin


to keep healthy /fit(怎样保持健康)i think healthy habits are very important for of us want to be , we should get enough sleep during the can go to bed early and get up g up late is bad for our , we must have the right kinds of should eat more fruit and vegetables and less should drink a lot of should have healthy eating , we should do more exercise to build up our y, we should wash hands before meals and brush our teeth twice a we don't feel well, we should go to see the doctor at once.2.健康一直是人们关注的问题,我校要举行以“关爱健康”为题的主题班会,请根据以下内容谈谈你的看法。


(2)、保持健康的方法:.多吃水果蔬菜;每天锻炼一小时;再睡早起;勤洗手;(3)、自己的看法(至少一条)。参考范文: boys and girls, it is very important for us students to keep are many ways to be ‘d better eat more fruits and exercise for at least one hour every need enough sleep and rest so it is important to go to bed early and get up s, we should wash our hands as often as my opinion, we mustn't drink wine or are bad for our you.话题六:怎样学好英语

how to learn english well english is important and useful to can we learn it well? here are my , we should often listen to the tapes, english songs and ng english movies is also helpful to , we should speak english in class as much as 't be afraid of making more you speak, the fewer mistakes you'll 'd better join the english club and practice with , we can read more english newspapers and 's good for last, we should recite some good passages and keep a word, as long as we do more listening, speaking, reading and writing, we will learn english well.话题七:我的理想职业






时装设计师(fashion designer)

喜欢漂亮衣服,擅长绘画 kate









你 ? ?



★ 范文

recently we did a survey in our class in order to learn about students' ideal 's a report about my group members' ideas。

mary wants to be a fashion designer because she likes beautiful clothes and is good at wants to be a gardener, she loves plants, and she wants to make the cities would like to be a 'd like to share his wonderful stories with would like to be a 'd like to cook delicious food for others.i would like to be a policeman.i want to protect the people safe。

hopefully everyone can realize their dreams in the dream everyone has his own want to be hope to be dream is to become a rs can not teach us many things at school, but they do their best to teach us how to to them, we learn at the same time, we learn how to live a happy spend most time on their are great in my eyes.i hope to be a teacher because i admire teachers.i know it is not easy to make my dream come i decide to study harder from now on.i am sure my dream will come life in the future my life in the future will be colorful and meaningful.i'm going to be a good doctor after i graduate from the university.i believe i'll bring my parents health and my spare time, i'll stay with my 'll travel a lot and do lots of sports.i'll also read as many books as i can for i want to improve if i work, i will never give up studing.i'm sure my dream will come true because of my hard work and the life in the future will get better and better.话题八:

介绍你的兴趣爱好 my hobby i am a 15-year-old student in junior grade i am occupied with my study, i would like to spend time on my hobbies, such as playing the piano, surfing the of my favourite hobby is g has been in my life for many years, since i began to learn can not only kill the time, but also, more important, help improve my comprehension reading, i can learn a g shakespear's works, i know how hamlet looks g scorates, i can see how great ancient greek philosophers g lu xu, i come back to the old time of g really affect my life.话题九:我的暑假


my summer vacation(我的暑假)

my summer vacation is the best time of the is no school for months and i get to do what i no tests and no homework, i'm as free as a bird.i do many things during the summer vacation.i relax by reading books and watching tv.i also hang out with my friends or travel with my r, i don't only play in summer.i spend my free time to learning example, last summer i learned to summer i might study computers or vacation flies by fast, so it's important to do as much as you can.参考范文:(b)the summer holiday is coming.i‘m going to have a good rest and learn to relax myself.i will read more useful books because reading more books is not only interesting but also can make me learn more knowledge.i will try to spend more time in chatting with my parents and help them to do some housework.i am going to take part in the social activities so that i can know more about the possible, i‘d like to go to shanghai for a visit of the world expo.i‘m sure i‘ll have an interesting and meaningful summer holiday.话题十:我的改变

初中的学习生涯即将结束了。三年来,在你获取知识的同时,你的外貌,兴趣爱好,习惯„都有了一定的改变吧!请你以(how i change)为题,写一篇短文,告诉我们你的变化好吗?字数在80词左右。


how i change my life has changed a lot in the past three years.i was fat and short when i came to the middle that time i was interested in computer games and i spent most of time on parents were worried about , i like sports and i often play football with my classmates after i become taller and stronger than before.i like reading, too.i usually go to the library to read some interesting habits help me to study better and keep healthier.话题十一:is it ok to tell white lies(善意的谎言)? last week our class had a discussion on whether it is ok to tell white students have different think it is all right to do so out of s, white lies can often help people get on well with each mes, they may make one r, many others take telling lies very insist that white lies are lies after do harm to ‘s worse, lies never go my opinion, i have to admit that all people lie at long ass we‘re true to each other, lies, whatever kinds they are, won‘t stand in our way.话题十二: 如何地震中逃生

how to survive an earthquake if earthquake happened,firstly,don‘t panic and calm ly,find some safe place to stay and don‗t run in such a in the room,one should hide himself/herself under something hard,such as desk,table or even bed and keep away from shelf and cupboard,and never take a lift to go in the open air,find an open place and never get close to cars or y,we should help each other when we meet last,no matter how strong the earthquake is,if only we have the belief to defeat it and never give up,we must be able to overcome any to protect it, or we will regret.话题十三 :学生考试作弊现象

原因:1.考试太滥 2.自身勤奋不够 3.把大量时间用在上网和玩游戏上 4.为了骗取家长和老师高兴










at present, a number of middle school students have picked up a bad habit-cheating in are three main , schools have given students too many exams, some of which are too , some students are not hard-working and they don't work hard at their , they waste a lot of time playing games or surfing the they haven't enough time to prepare for the y, students have to do so to make their teachers and parents my opinion, cheating in exams does great harm to our students should be honest and diligent, and only in this way can we improve our study and make s, our teachers should offer us fewer exam.话题十四:传统文化

假设你是刘伟,你的美国朋友mike 想通过你了解中国的传统节日。请你根据提示,给mike 写一封e-mail,向他介绍我国传统节日春节的情况。

spring festival 内容提示:1.春节是中国最重要的传统节日;2.春节期间人们的主要活动(节前、除夕、节日期间)< spring festival, traditional, decorate, on the eve of the festival, get together, set off fireworks, lucky money>

★ 范文 dear mike,how are you? i'm really glad that you are interested in traditional chinese are many traditional festivals in china, such as spring festival, mid-autumn day and so on.i'd like to introduce the spring festival to festival is the most important traditional holiday in usually lasts for 15 days。

days before the festival, people clean their think cleaning sweeps any bad decorate their houses with paper the eve of the festival, family members get together and have big they watch the spring festival gala on midnight, they set off fireworks to welcome the new the festival, kids get lucky money from old visit their relatives and wish each a happy year and good happy we are。

best wishes!

yours,liu wei

mid-autumn day/ festival august 15th in chinese lunar calendar is the mid-autumn is one of the most important traditional festivals in that day people usually go back home to have family reunion

.each family will have the members get together to have a big dinner and have mooncakes are various kind of mooncakes, such as bean paste, egg-yolk or shape of a mooncake is round as it symbolizes a big er, in the evening of the middle-autumn festival, people get together in a vacant place, eating delicious mooncakes while appreciating the beautiful moon hanging in the dark conclude, the midde-autumn festival is a very nice festival for chinese a great festival!

great wall of china

the great wall of china, a wonder of the world, is called “the ten-thousand li great wall ”in 's over 6,000 kilometres long, 6 to 7metres high and 4 to 5 that snakes along the is said that it's the only man-made structure that can be seen from great wall has a history of more than two thousand was during the qin dynasty that the parts were joined up into one long ancient days it was difficult to build such a forefathers carried, lifted and laid big bricks and stones with simple brick and stone fits well, even though they didn't have our modern machines!

nowadays the great wall has become a place of year people from all over the world come to visit of them have got to know the famous chinese saying: “he who docs not reach the great wall is not a true man.”(可用句子)now the great wall is a famous tourists from china or other countries are attracted to visit has been a place of great wall is the sign of is the pride of all the chinese.4、伟大的中国,我爱你!(great china, i love you!)

when people talk about china, they often think of many great chinese people such as confucius, mao zedong, deng xiaoping, yuan longping and so of them made a great contribution to making china people talk about china, they also think of many great places of interest such as the great wall, mount tai, sun-moon lake and so attract many tourists from all over the world and let them know more about people talk about china, they think of many great things of china such as the four great inventions of ancient china, shengzhou vi spacecraft, chang'e i lunar probe(探月卫星)and so beautiful china is becoming stronger and stronger, china's tomorrow will be china, i love you!话









参考词汇:sidewalk 人行道 zebra-crossing 斑马线


★ 范文

with more and more cars coming into our families, we are happy that it has greatly improved our unluckily, it has also brought many problems, such as heavy traffic and traffic accidents。

traffic safety is everybody's must obey the example, we must walk on walk side, when we cross zebra – crossing, stop and look right and left, then go across 't play football on the can tell our parents not to drink before they drive, not to run through red lights, not to talk and laugh while driving etc。

we can say cars are coming into our life, but only when everybody thinks traffic safety is everybody's business can we be safe driving on roads and walking on sidewalks.话



★ 范文

today, i received the reader's letter.i was shocked at ally speaking, i think we should pay more attention to the food government must make some necessary 's more, some businessmen shouldn't be only interested in making must care about people's 'd better not eat anything in dirty places though some food is delicious, because eating unhealthy food does harm to our health。

finally, i hope the family in the accident will get better soon.话题十七:旅游介绍



dear li lei,i haven't heard from you for a long time.i'm glad to tell you that i'll visit beijing this summer is said that beijing is a great city with a long history and more changes have taken place since the 2008 olympic games.i would like to know something about beijing, such as places of interest, the environment, traffic and people there。

i 'm looking forward to hearing from you ,tommy

★ 范文

dear tommy,i'm glad to know you will come to beijing。

beijing, the capital of china, is one of the largest cities in the are many places of interest, such as the summer palace, the forbidden city and the great of them are beautiful and well-known to the changes have taken place in beijing since we successfully held the 2008 0lympic games。

now, people pay more attention to the trees and flowers have been the traffic, it is very convenient for people to travel around beijing, because several new subway lines have been you come to beijing, you will find people here are very friendly and 's more, a lot of people can speak g is really an attractive city with a long history。

i'm looking forward to hearing from you soon。

yours,li lei


changes in our hometown in the past ten years, great changes have taken place in our the past, there used to be old river was very roads were narrow and the living conditions were went to work on foot or by now, there are many tall buildings in my river is clean and the water is are many ring roads and the living conditions are usually go to work by bus or by car.i am glad to see these great changes in my i think it‘s still important to remember the tells that we should cherish the present life.话题十九:文明行为

为了使同学们交往时举止更加文雅,你校学生会正在举办以how to behave well为题的英文征文比赛,请你写一篇短文参赛。要求:1.请列出一些文明的举止行为,并补充一至两点自己的看法;2.80词左右 3.文中不得出现自己的姓名及学校名称。

范文 to behave well behaving well is the key to getting on well with a student,i think it‘s very important to do everything on time and keep lie to others or say dirty should be polite to others and ready to help the people in ‘d better not talk loudly in ‘t throw litter or spit rememeber to obey the traffic y,learn to work with rk will be very important in the future.范文 to behave well?

in order to build a civilized city,we students should try our best to behave well in the 's a good habit to keep our clothes clean and city should be kept clean every 't throw litter or spit 's good manners to say ―thank you‖ and ―please‖ and so should never say dirty friendly to others and always ready to help the people in example,when we are on a bus,we should give our seats to the old and the women with should also obey traffic the traffic lights are red,we should we'd better not talk or laugh loudly in everyone behaves well,our city will be more beautiful and more attractive.话题二十:人口问题

the population problem in china as we all know ,china is a developing country with the largest population in the are about 1.3 billion people in large population causes many problems both in cities and in the example,in the poor countryside,farmers don't have enough land to grow crops,in those places people even don't have enough food to some cities,many young people can't find there is more pollution in government of china has successfully found its own way to deal with the has improved the population and family planning program----“one family,one child.”and china's national economy has developed at a high speed,the people's living standards greatly improved.(first,the problem of living is more serio a result ,our society will be in a mess and many people will be ,the resource will be more less.)

话题二十一:构建和谐社会(building a harmonious society)

dear fellow students,our government is aiming to build a “harmonious society”.i think it is every citizen's duty to work hard to achieve th is high school students, what should we do?

first of all, we should love our ‘s take a great interest in the development of our hometowns and take an active part in our school and ly, let‘s fill the world with should show our respect for old people, our parents and our should also care for each other and help those in importantly, all of us must be faithful and honest in our daily y, let‘s work together to save energy and protect our natural environment, including animals, trees, flowers and for myself, i will study even harder and try my best to do all the fellow students, let's start fight now and spare no effort/efforts to do a little bit every day, every hour, and every minute!

li xiaolong

话题二十二: 时间

is money/ please cherish time!time is money, but i think time is more valuable than reason is that when the money is spent, we can make it r, when time is spent, it will never ‘s life is not very long, so we mustn‘t waste our is a pity that some people don‘t know the importance of don‘t make full use of their often spend their time doing nothing useful, like smoking, drinking, and so fact, wasting time means wasting a part of valuable a word, we should keep a good habit of saving ‘t put off what can be done today untill we do so, success will be just waiting for us.i never waste i hope everyone will make the best use of time to learn friends, please cherish time!

to make full use of middle school students, we have to study well you know how to make full use of time ?if your answer is let me tell you the key of this of all, we should make a plan of our time from now , we should listen to the teacher in class and write down the important points and difficult we should go over our lessons and finish our time after y,of course we also need time to exercise to relax myself is the best choice such as playing basketball, running, walking in the park freely and so is important to time will never come must keep this in mind in our daily life and make the best use of our in this way can we succeed in give up

i come from a small family is poor.i don't have any money to buy a computer or an e-dictionary like other i never feel unhappy.i try my best to study hard and get along well with my classmates.i like reading.i've learned a lot from give me not only knowledge but also confidence.i believe that i will have a better life in the the storm, there must be a wonderful rainbow.i will overcome any problem and never give up.4.i believe i can fly

i believe i can fly is a nice song by r.kelly.this song tells us that confidence is very important.when a person has confidence,he believes in himself.he believes that he can and will succeed,and this gives him the courage to try new things.dreams and confidence are what keep us going on in the face of difficulties.no one can achieve success without them.if you believe you tail fly,then you can really fly someday.

i think i will never give up whenever i meet any difficulties.i'll remember confidence is the promise for achieving success.

good luck to you all!i believe you can fly!it’s my honor to teach you!thank you for bringing me so much happiness!




1.节水节电; 2.垃圾分类; 3.少用纸巾,重拾手帕;4.步行,骑自行车或乘坐公交车。参考词汇:低碳low carbon 纸巾tissue


dear jack,thank you for your letter asking about our discussion on low carbon is something about it。

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________best wishes,li bing


dear jack,thank you for your letter asking about our discussion on low carbon is something about it。

we can do a lot in our daily life to achieve the goal of living low carbon , we’d better turn off lights if possible and spend less time watching tv or surfing the water also matters s, we should sort out the rubbish, hoping that we might recycle some, which will surely benefit us a great addition, we suggest using handkerchiefs instead of tissues so that we can prevent more trees from being cut importantly, when we go out, walking, riding bikes or taking buses should be our first choice, which contributes to a cleaner world。

best wishes,li bing


随着互联网的发展和普及,网络购物在中国也变得越来越普遍了,甚至已经成了我们日常生活的一部分了;相信同学们身边一定有不少同学已经通过网络进行购物了,比如*****网,京东商城等;但是网络购物究竟有何利弊呢? 请写一篇短文,谈谈网上购物的好处与坏处。参考范文:we talked about the advantages and disadvantages of internet shopping these students think it's very convenient for us to go shopping on the shops on internet,for example , are open for almost 24 hours a day, so we can buy something we want at any time if we 's more, we needn't to wait in a queue。

however, some students disagreed with can't see the things while we are we are not sure whether they are good or not..besides, we can't enjoy the happiness of shopping with our friends。


许多学习生活中的烦恼都会使人产生压力,为了更好地发现及解决同学们中存在的心理压力问题,你们班特意开展了一次以“less pressure, better life”为主题的英语演讲比赛,请你准备发言稿,谈谈你的一些缓解压力的好办法,与同学分享,内容包括:●同学们中普遍存在的压力是什么;



注意:文中不得出现真实的姓名和校名。词数80~100;短文的开头已给出(不计入总词数)。less pressure, better life

hello, boys and girls!

pressure is a serious problem in today’s ts in our class are under too much pressure.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

that’s you!参考范文:

less pressure, better , boys and girls!

pressure is a serious problem in today’s ts in our class are under too much students can’t get on well with their classmates, while others may worry about their exams.i’m always under pressure, parents want me to be the top student in they send me to all kinds of training classes at weekends。

last monday evening, i had a talk with my mother.i told her i was not lazy.i really felt tired.i needed time to mother agreed with me at i think a conversation with parents is necessary to solve the problem。

that’s you!





提示:防火安全fire safety 电 electricity 燃放烟花爆竹 set off fireworks爬行crawl on one’s knees 消防栓 the fire hydrant

usually fire accidents are caused because of example, _____________________________________________________________________________


what can we do to protect ourselves when there is a fire?____________________________




2011年初,我国南方大部分地区遭受冻雨(freezing rain),特别是贵州、湖南和四川,灾情失分严重。公路、铁路、机场都被迫关闭,电网瘫痪。冻灾致使贵州40万人饮水难,四川两电厂停运。部分山区人民生活异常困难,在各级政府的带领下,人民群众、解放军战士英勇抗击冰灾,涌现出大批可歌可泣的英雄事迹。作为一名中学生,你有何感想?有何打算?能不能改变这种状态?


as we know, our country suffered heavy ice early hing was covered with freezing u, hunan and sichuan suffered the caused the buses, trains and planes stop disaster destroyed power facilities, cutting power supplies in many a result, huge economic loss was people could not work and live was no food, water or light in some government called on people to fight against heavy a student, i think we should learn from those must study hard at should learn all kinds of knowledge to make our motherland stronger, better and richer。


据报道,从2011年开始韩国除了向所有小学和初高中学生发放纸质的语文、英语、数学教科书之外,同时还将发放光盘形式的电子教科书。这表明,在韩国,电子图书即将走进寻常百姓家。某英文论坛发起了一次主题为“e-books, good or bad?”的讨论,请你写一篇80词左右的短文,表达你对这件事情的看法。参考范文:

e-books are good

it’s reported that school students in korea will use e-books from good news this is!e-books have many advantages。

most importantly, they are good for the environment, since they can save lots of paper and s, they are very get a paper book, one has to spend a lot of time searching for it in a we can find e-books very quickly on the computer。in short, e-books can help us enjoy our life more。



赞成的理由 反对的理由

1.广交朋友 1.浪费时间

2.可自由表达思想 2.影响学习




should students make friends on line? some people say et helps people make many ng on line, students can express more freely their feelings and opinions, and even get help for their foreign language studies。

others, however, think students should say making friends on line is a waste of time, which should be spent more meaningfully on s, some students get cheated on line。it is my opinion that students should place their study, health and safety before other for friendship, we can readily find it in our classmates and other people around us。



1.最近我校启动了“光盘行动”(clear your plate campaign).号召全校师生“文明用餐,节俭惜福”。同时健康饮食,拥有健康身体。请根据内容提示,适当发挥,以“save food and eat healthy” 为题写一篇英语作文。

save food and eat healthy

recently, our school has called on all the teachers and students to save food and eat healthy so that we can enjoy our happy called it “clear your plate campaign”.we middle school students should take actions and do something for save food, first of all, we shouldn’t waste any s, we shouldn’t order the food more than we can eat, because many people in the world don’t have enough food to addition, we shouldn’t eat junk food but healthy ’s good for our health to eat a balanced but not the least, we’d better not in the small material and the oil they use are not clean or healthy ’d better eat at home if we have sum up, it is very important for us to save food and keep middle school students, we should make an attempt to form a good habit.2.如今,随着人们生活水平的提高,越来越多的垃圾也随之产生。环


dear editor,with the development of our country, now more and more people are becoming richer and there is also more and more rubbish around should we do?

as middle school students, i think we shouldn’t throw rubbish anywhere and put it into the classroom, we should clean the classroom very we go shopping, we should use cloth bags instead of plastic ’s good for our public places, we mustn’t throw litter onto the ground and pay attention to our the end, i hope everyone around us should try their best to keep our environment , we will have a comfortable place to live in.3.政府要求大力弘扬中华民族勤俭节约的优良传统,从我们身边的小事做起。假如你是吴明,请用英语写一篇倡议书,呼吁同学们在日常的生活中注重勤俭节约,反对浪费,并且告诉同学们你是怎么做的。dear students,i am writing this letter to ask everyone to pay attention to life the development if our mankind society,the natural resources are less and less and the pollution is much more serious than ’s our duty to protect the begin with, we should go to school on should save electricity and water by turning off the lights before we leave the classroom and remembering to turn off the taps in ly, it is good to make full use of should use both sides of the doing this, we can save many but not the least, remember to go shopping with basket rather than plastic carbon,happier ’s take action.i believe our life will become better and better if we can do these things.4.中学阶段你一定读了很多书。请根据自己的亲身体会,谈一谈读书的好处,并向全校发出倡议书:多读书,读好书。

hello friends,do you like reading? i’ve read many english books during the three my opinion, reading is very important in our g books has the following , when i readfor pleasure,i can learn how english speakers use english;i also find examples of good writing in , i can learn new vocabulary and the western , reading excellent books can help me become happier than here, i would like to suggest that everyone should more

books and good can gain knowledge through can not only open our minds but also make us more books you read, the more confident you will ’s start reading now!


is a lot of homework a good thing?

is a lot of homework good for students? different parents hold different parents think lots of homework is good for students, because it can make students understand the knowledge that they have others don’t agree with this would rather give children more time to do what they like than do a middle school student, i think we shouldn’t be given too much e we may be tired of finishing it, and it is neither good for our health nor homework should be assigned, but it shouldn’t be too we all know, things will develop in the wrong direction when they become extreme.


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