冀教版七年级英语教学工作总结 冀教版七年级英语教学案例篇一
总之,让学生在使用英语中学习英语,让学生成为good user而不仅仅是learner。让英语成为学生学习生活中最实用的工具而非累赘,让他们在使用和学习英语的过程中,体味到轻松和成功的快乐,而不是无尽的担忧和恐惧。
第二周-第三周:unit 1a trip to beijing
第四周-第五周:unit 2on the train
第六周-第七周:unit 1-unit 2阶段检测
unit 3having fun in beijing
第八周-第九周:unit 4did you have anice trip?
期中复习考试(unit 1-unit 4)
第十一周-第十二周:unit 5li ming goes to canada
第十三周-第十四周:unit 6winter in canada
第十五周-第十六周:unit 5-unit 6阶段检测
unit 7sports and good health
第十七周-第十八周:unit 8li ming goes home
2011-3-7 msn()
冀教版七年级英语教学工作总结 冀教版七年级英语教学案例篇二
第一类是最容易拼读的词汇:a and ask at back bag bed bigblack box bus but by cake can car cat cla dad desk这些词汇,教师就能够让学生先听,然后试着去拼写。本文由一齐去留学修改整理。
第二类是规律性的由字母组合构成的词汇:car star all walkwhich who that this slow know play gay这些词汇就需要教师加以归类和
,告诉学生一般发音规律,以及例外的读音状况。如ow字母组合读/ ou/音,但在cow中读/au/音。第三类的词汇就是一些无规律的词汇:half one uncle在这些词汇中,个别字母的读音须引起同学们的注意。
2、根据读音来分类(如把有/ei /的单词归类): a ageaustralia away baby cake day eig ht eighteen eighty erasergame grade great hey late make name ok plane play same saystay t able take they today way weekday。透过这种方式的分类,能够使学生意识到字母与读音的关系,他们自我就会认识到,a,ai,ay通常在单词 中读/ei/音。
3、按照字母组合进行分类(如把字母组合al 归类):all ballfootball half small wall透过该项分类,使学生认识到同一字母组合不一样的读音;并且认识到在一般状况读什么音,有时候读什么音。
我们在学习汉语的时候,也有这样的经历:学习一个字或一个词,也不可能把该字或词的几个方面同时全部掌握,往往是听明白了,但不明白怎样写;或者是会写,但不会读;或者是会读会写,但不知好处。随着多听多见,并且透过使用,才得以完全掌握。总之,我们学习语言,无论是母语,还是外语,在学习词汇时,就应是一个逐步的过程,不能一下子把读音,拼写,词性,好处,句法功能等等全部掌握。所以在学习英语单词的时候,也不能过分强调词义的记忆,个性是相对应的汉语好处的记忆,以避免学生产生一种心理定势,认为只要明白词义,就掌握了单词。一旦学生在听或阅读时,遇见一些词而不知汉语好处时,便无所适从,并从心理上产生过度焦虑情绪,从而影响了学生如学习母语那样掌握词汇的正常过程。在初中阶段,个性是低年级,帮忙学生避免用汉语词汇的好处来记忆英语单词的词义是可能的,也是十分重要的。初中一年级的主要词汇大多接近生活。下方是初中一年级课本所出现的有关词汇的统计表:词汇总量名词动词 形容词 副词 其它词 388 181 70 48 24 65。
此刻我们就以词汇量占总词汇量最多的名词和动词为例加以说明。名词中,大多数的词(约94%)是表示 具体的时光、地点、人物、事物的词(仅有下方的词表示抽象的好处:age breakfast close colordiffer ence duty exercise family goodne home lunch secret);动词中,仅有下列词是比较抽象的行为的词: can could excuse findforget gue help love must please study thank want worrywould;其它词 如ask jump watch go等都是一些表示具体行为的词(约79%)。所以我们完全能够透过实物、情景的教学方式来完成词汇的教学而没有必要过分地死记硬背所对应的汉语好处。英语的词汇教学有很多方法,但我们认为在初中阶段,个性是在低年级,就应坚持听说领先原则;加强读音规则教学,培养学生的拼写潜力;透过实物、情景教学的方式讲解词义,帮忙学生摆脱在记忆词义时,对汉语好处的过分依靠,使他们把英语单词和其所指的事物、情景联系起来,以加深记忆。这样,学生就能够从英语单词的语音、拼写、好处等几个方面用心地吸收词汇,从而到达掌握词汇的目的。
②学生能够理解并能口头应答下列句子:what colour are yourhisher eyes ? myhisher eyes are。
但在本课教学中美中不足的是有的同学把单词handsome的音发错了,教师应在多数同学发引发错后进行指导,并且教师应进行多次练习强调handsome beautiful pretty 的不一样。
在英语的教学过程中,学习的环境是十分重要的。除了教室要整洁、优美之外,教师要营造一个简单而又愉快的学习环境,教师以平等、诚挚、友善的态度对待每一位学生,有助于培养学生的自尊心。教师全面关心学生,不仅仅仅关心他们的智力发展,并且还关心他们的思想道德和生活习惯,将有助于学生的全面的发展,良好的师生关系能使教师了解学生,发现他们的特点,促进学生身心健康的发展。对学生来说,他们就会主动接近教师,拥有自我表现的冲动和欲望。也缩短了教师与学生之间的距离,使整个课堂的学习气氛浓烈。在学习my family 这课时,我在导入部分则用了歌曲“boy and girl”。让学生一开始就对学习产生兴趣,没有压抑感,自然而然学起来就简单很多了。
“changing english in the changing world”。现代英语的变化,个性是口语方面的变化可从以下几个方面体现出来:
初中英语教学是要重视培养兴趣,但单靠唱歌游戏不能培养学生持久的兴趣。新鲜劲儿一过,孩子们就会厌倦。所以,唱歌游戏就应作为初中学生学习英语语言知识、技能的一些手段,而不是培养兴趣的手段。我们能够采用多种手段帮忙学生在记忆力强的时期多记单词,多学习语言规则,并尽可能多创造模仿的机会,提高学生的语音和语调。在英语学习中,听、说、读、写、译五种潜力是能够互补的。真正做到听说先行,读写跟上。光听说不读写,很难收到高效。只靠模仿不培养学习潜力,也难减轻学习负担。所以初中学生还是应当认真进行语言学习。[ near the had sandwiches and lunch, we fed the geese.„honk!honk!‟ the geese love bread!then the sky became were many began to rain!we ran to the car, but it was too were all wet!we all a great day!”
“great work, steven!let‟s give a big hand, cla,” says .(the cla claps loudly.)“today is another good days,” steven think.38 leon 35: surfing in sydney
g‟day mates!my name is aaron and i „m 16 years old.i live in sydney, is always sunny here, and we have lots of summers are always very , the temperature reaches 40 degrees!seasons in australia are different from seasons in many other s here go from december to winter is from june to is my favorite season.i don‟t have to wear shoes!we wear shorts and go to the sea every nice it is!on a windy day, i can ride the waves on my g is very popular is difficult, but very good mum and dad often come and watch me dad likes to bring his camera and take pictures of there are always so may people on can never get a good picture of me.i hope to be a great surfer one day.i will work hard and practice every day.39 leon 36: spring in china
hey jenny!how are you? it‟s spring in china now.i lie ‟s a lovely season!the temperature is not too hot or too rain and sun make all the tre and gra green ful flowers are everywhere and everything looks new and is spring like in canada? is it warm? is it rainy? i‟m going to the countryside with my parents are going to pick strawberries and have a ‟ll stay outside and enjoy the nice exciting!let me show you spring in is picture of me in park near my to you ming
40 leon 37: you are what you eat!
jenny and jenny are having lunch look at danny and notices something very are you eating, danny? this is salad, are many different vegetable in it.i you don‟t like jenny, vegetables are good for ‟s tell you the truth, i decided to change my eating day evening, i ate ten donuts as uncle said to my, “you shouldn‟t eat so many ‟s not good for your you know the saying: you are what you eat?” later that night, i had a the dream, i became a big donut and everyone tried to eat no!then i woke up and i was , i decided to eat more for you, danny!41
leon 38: stay healthy
a lot of kids like reading, watching tv and listening to ‟s great!we should exercise our is great for building our what about our bodies? there is an old saying, “a healthy body is a healthy mind.” it‟s bodies need lots of exercise and healthy you know? running helps us remember g can improve our thinking se can keep our brains about healthy food? apples help our brains stay and fish help our brains work can we stay healthy? there are many ways: eat good food!vegetable
meat fish
fruit 42 leon: 39 danny’s report
danny is writing about sports day for the school day was a great succe this year!all the students and teachers from grades 7, 8 and 9 took part in the sports were ten different events like running, long and high jumps, and ball ne worked very hard, and we all got some good were many winners this , from grade7, won first place in four , form grade 8, won first place in two events and second place in three jack, from grade 9, won first place in six done!i took part in a running event.i ran really my tail got in the i didn‟t win first place.i only got third place.i felt a little sad, but then my teammates said, “good work, g is not fun is important.” they were right!we all had lots of fun!thank you everyone for a great sports to see you all next year!43 leon 40: move your body
ben and tim are good used to be very active walked played games now ben worries about is not active any has some bad watched too much tv and plays too many computer he is putting on sends his friend a poem: you can be a couch potato and watch tv all don‟t do is another way!move your body, get out and have air, a bike ride, playing in the sun!tim arrives home from is a letter at his front ‟s ben‟s poem!he reads the poem and he writes a poem back to his friend: your poem is funny, but i feel really a true friend on my side, my world will be open ‟s meet tomorrow at his six o‟clock, and we can go for a good walk.44 leon 41: were people healthy then?
it‟s sunday morin and her grand her grandfather, , are fishing at the a, did people go fishing a long time ago? well dena, we are first nations came to canada a long time that time, there were no people always went fishing and hunting for people healthy then? they were very spent a lot of time worked they ate good, natural food like fish and life hard at that time? it was people were healthy and a hard day of work, people rested and played the evenings, they often made a big people played the drums and others danced around the called this dance the still have pow–wow dances today.i can‟t wait for the pow-wow next years
45 leon 42: know yourself
know yourself!this is the first step towards how? try this!take a piece of paper and write down a list of your habits.i make two is a list of my good habits and a list of my bad habits i usually get up early.i often wake up at 6:30 in the morning.i always eat breakfast.i brush my teeth three times a day.i drink eight glaed of water a habits i don‟t get enough exercise.i spent too many hours watching tv.i don‟t always make my bed.i am not my room is always a habits lead the way to good health and succe!look at your there any bad habits? how can you change those habits? develop your good habits and improve yourself!i tried it and it worked for i watch tv only a few times a week.i often play
46 basketball after i keep my room clean and organized.i still don‟t always make my bad, but i‟m working on it.47 leon 43: have a good summer!
jenny and danny took their final exams is are excited for the summer!how did you do on the english exam, danny? good… i hope.i‟m sure you did are you going to do the summer? do you have any plans? yes, i have big uncle has a house near the lake.i‟m going to stay with his family for one !that will be so will do so many make a long will go swimming and play in the sun every day!we well eat ice cream and enjoy the hot will play basketball, tennis, volleyball and ‟s going to be a great summer.i‟m looking forward to it!how about you, jenny? what are you going to do? well, i‟m going to…
sorry, mum is waiting for me.i have to a good summer!ok, too!48 leon 44: volunteering in summer
what will you do in the summer? here is my plan.i will volunteer at arg(animal rights group).arg takes care of pets without a mes, people move away and they can‟t take their pets with times, people are too old or sick and they can‟t take care of their sometimes, people are not nice to their this puppy? his name is family left him alone in a y, arg found rocket and took him to the animal needs a lot of volunteer.i‟m going to volunteer four times a week.i will walk the dogs and i‟ll help with the other animals, too.i love animal.49 leon 45: baseball season
hello!my name is summer i am going to play baseball for the tigers.“tigers” is the name of my ll is my favorite team and i will usually practice in the some evenings, we will play just for weekends, we will often play against other family and friends will come and watch me ‟ll all sing “take me out to the ball game” and they‟ll buy snacks and pop at the ll is a fun sport for everyone.i love baseball season!take me out to the ball me out to the me some hot dogs and lots of snacks.i don‟t care if i ever get it‟s root toot toot for the home they don‟t win, it‟s a it‟s one, two, three and you‟re the old ball game.50
冀教版七年级英语教学工作总结 冀教版七年级英语教学案例篇三
总之,让学生在使用英语中学习英语,让学生成为good user而不仅仅是learner。让英语成为学生学习生活中最实用的工具而非累赘,让他们在使用和学习英语的过程中,体味到轻松和成功的快乐,而不是无尽的担忧和恐惧。
第一周:准备周(开学思想教育)第二周—第三周:unit 1 a trip to beijing 第四周—第五周:unit 2 on the train 第六周—第七周:unit 1—unit 2 阶段检测
unit 3 having fun in beijing 第八周—第九周:unit
4did you have a nice trip?
期中复习考试(unit 1—unit 4)第十一周—第十二周:unit 5 li ming goes to canada 第十三周—第十四周:unit 6 winter in canada 第十五周—第十六周:unit 5—unit 6 阶段检测 unit 7 sports and good health 第十七周—第十八周:unit 8 li ming goes home 第十九周—第二十周:期末复习、考试
leon 9: getting on the train
teaching aims:
1. words: get, get on, very, stop, onto, ready, stand, where, see, first, man, excuse, pardon, move, problem
2.sentences: jenny and are getting on the ’t jump onto the train!you are in my did that man say? you have to ng resources: audiotape, cards, pictures language points: get on, jump onto, in my seat, have to you have to ng procedures: step 1: 2 revise unit 1 how far is it from china to canada? it is about eight thousand five hundred i go on a trip to beijing? yes, you may./no, you may not.i want to go to the great us take a 3 presentation the students to discu the questions: do you argue with your friends? why? do you have a friend who gets very excited? who? why? the tape and get the students to answer the question: why is jenny angry with danny? the new words and expreions: get on, jump onto, ready, beside, run onto, in the first/my seat, pardon, have to, move write them on the n the language 4 play the tape again and get the students to read after the 5 work in the students to practice the 6 present the 7 homework.1 finish off the activity the dialogue in this w leon 10 what are they looking at ? cla opening several volunteers to act out the dialogue in leon 9. “the trip song.” “i walked to zoo.” look out of , point is/are---can you see---? step1: presentation demonstrate there be with real r:(holding a book)there is a book.(holding two books)there are two 2: drill teacher three ts: there are three r: many ts: there are many r: i see a woman with a you see them? step3:practice
closed!ask this question: what do danny and jenny see outside? play the the the audiotape again as the students follow in their student volunteers to read the volunteers to present the closing off the activity the song “who’s drawing.” ce the dialogue in this w 11: danny’s new friend teaching aims: 1.words: farm, suddenly, hear, voice, ah, scare, meet, course, of course, lot, a lot of, interest, hope, enjoy, well 2.sentences: he hears a are a lot of places of interest in beijing.i hope you will enjoy your are going on a trip to beijing with li ming and his ng resources: audiotape, cards, pictures language points: teaching procedures: step 1: 2 revise leon 9 语法: there be 结构 词汇: here and there
look out of
far away
at the top of---step 3 presentation the question
do you like to make new friends? why or why not?
who is your newest friend? how do you meet? explain “make friends with”and “newest” the tape and ask the students to answer the following questions: what does danny want to buy in beijing? where is wu li from? where does he live? are there many places of interest in beijing? step 4 check the 5 teach the new words and explain the language points
farm, suddenly, hear, voice, ah, scare, meet, course, of course, lot, a lot of, interest, hope, enjoy, well step 6 play the tape again and get the students to read after the 7 practise the dialogue in 8 present the dialogue step 9 homework.1 finish off the activity the dialogue in this w leon 12: lunch on the train teaching aims:
1.words: wait, finally, cart, waitre, drink, fruit, some, grape, any, mi, snack, thirsty, bottle, nothing, own, bowl, anything, else, maybe 2.sentences: it’s time for ne is waiting for the food to would you like? i would like a bottle of i have some donuts, please? we don’t have any ng else? teaching resources: audiotape, cards, pictures language points: it’s time for---be waiting for—
what would you like? i would like---we don’t have any---.anything else? teaching procedures: step 1: 2 revise leon 11
hear/listen to
places of interest step 3 presentation the question
do you like to eat lunch on the train or bus?
what do you like to eat when you travel? the tape and ask the students to answer the following questions: what do danny, jenny and li ming want to eat? step 4 check the 5 teach the new words and explain the language points
wait, finally, cart, waitre, drink, fruit, some, grape, any, mi, snack, thirsty, bottle, nothing, own, bowl, anything, else, maybe step 6 play the tape again and get the students to read after the 7 practise the dialogue in a small a menu for the the menu on a piece of ce using the menu with 8 present the dialogue step 9 homework.1 finish off the activity the dialogue in this w leon 13 what are you doing ?
cla opening “draw and gue”. and teacher does some actions(singing, talking, eating, drinking, crying)and asks the students to gue what am i doing? quiet , play with, join step1: presentation show a picture in which some children are playing r: what are the children doing now? students: they are playing r: who are they playing with? students: with their r: do you want to join them? students: yes, i 2: practice teacher: can i join you? students: can i join you? teacher: do you want to join the game? students: do you want to join the game? closed!ask some questions : what is danny doing? what is the baby doing? listen to the the the audiotape again as the students follow in their ce the up a similar closing off the activity ce the dialogue in this w leon 14
what’s happening on the train ?
cla opening out the dialogue in leon “who am i? “whisper”.loud, 1: presentation talk about the pictures in this is danny doing? what is the man doing? what is the baby doing? step2: practice teacher: he is very ts: he is very r: he is snoring ts: he snoring r: the salesman is too ts: the salesman is too the audiotape as the students follow in their ce in several groups to act out the u a similar the cla into small each group to make up a dialogue about buying and selling closing off the activity ce the dialogue in this w 15 arriving in beijing
cla opening ng teacher: hello, are you doing today? it’s a lovely day, isn’t it? are you ready for the cla? this question: who’s on duty? then listen to the student’s sure the next student for “ who’s on duty?” knows who he or she is for next today on, you can arrange a student to give a duty report every volunteers to act out the dialogue in leon 4 a song “a plane is fast.”
sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, a do you think of it? step1: presentation “what day is it?’
: do you like to make plans for your life? step2: drill t:(holding a book)what do you think of the book? s: it’s ok.t:(holding a pencil case)what do you think of the pencil case? s: it’s nice.t: how about the picture? step3: practice closed!ask this question: what does li ming change in the plan? play the the the audiotape as the students follow along in their student ts listen and the students to make up new dialogues in n “ write home”.it means write a letter to family of our trip step4: presentation show the students a calendar to review the words: sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday and 5: practice the audiotape as the students follow along in their student and ts a: what do they on monday? student b: they leave shijiazhuang and arrive in t a: what do they do on tuesday? n that danny and jenny shop in shijiazhuang means danny and jenny go shopping in closing read the story “li ming goes to the airport” the reader in the activity book and 16 unit review teaching aims:
3.注音及时消化和理解各种英语知识,能做到及时记忆、不断积累。 teaching guide:
1.复习名词复数和现在进行时的用法。 2.复习用餐的语言。3.复习元音和辅音及拼读规则。
7.课前准备:布置学生自行归纳总结本单元重点语法项目和功能项目,重要词汇、句型。teaching resources: audiotape, cards, pictures teaching procedures: step 1: 2 presentation
1.使用音讯卡片复习检查本单元单词。2.复习元音和辅音及拼读规则。3.复习名词复数和现在进行时的用法。4.请学生归纳总结本单元主要内容。step 4 homework. off the activity the dialogue in this w leon17
leon 17 a taxi to the hotel
teaching content: y words: driver, drive, quickly, slowly usage of adv.3.a dialogue about how to take a taxi teaching goals: 1: remember the mastery words the difference between slow and slowly;quick and quickly tand the meaning of the text key points: the usage of slow and slowly;quick and quickly difficult points: the usage of ng aids: word cards, audiotape, flashcard, slide projector type: dialogue teaching procedure opening 1)greet the students in everyday sure they can response correctly.2)duty report: they can say anything they like to say.3)check the homework of last n if concepts step 1 presentation discu the questions in “think about it”:
do you like to take taxi? why or why not? have you ever stayed in a hotel? when? where?
maybe they have many different them and then say “today, li ming and his friends get to want to go to a hotel by has a dialogue with the ’s look at what he says to the driver.”
step 2 listening listen to tape with the following questions: why is danny scared? can danny speak chinese? can the driver speak english?
step 3 answer and analyze after listening to the text, discu the questions with the through the dialogue at the same with the language can use the blackboard or the slide attention to the different usages between slow and slowly, quick and 4 listen, read and act listen to the audiotape again and let the students read after have them read the text for a few minutes and ask them to act out the dialogue in t their pronunciation if 5 demonstration demonstrate quickly and slowly by performing an action quickly and slowly as you say the out the difference between “i am quick/slow.” and “i am ___ing quickly/slowly.”
ask for volunteers to perform actions quickly and be the volunteers’ actions to the ask the cla to describe the 6 practice spanide the cla into small each group to make a dialogue about taking a walk on a busy street in them use slow and slowly, quick and 7 deal with “let’s do it”
work in a small e you are a tour group members are on a trip to do they want to go? where do you take them?
step 8 consolidation fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words.1)they eat a lot of _____.(noodle)2)look!they are ________ over there.(help)3)be ________ , or we will be late.(quickly)4)the train is _________ tonight.(come)5)thank you for _______ me.(help)6)they found that lost sheep ________.(quickly)7)the bike is going _________.(fast)8)that old man is walking ________.(slow)9)that car is _______(slowly), but this bus is _______.(fast)10)_________ , i can’t go down.(help)
answers: 1)noodles 2)helping 3)quick 4)coming 5)helping 6)quickly 7)fast 8)slowly 9)slow, fast 10)help
rk 1)understand the meaning of the text 2)remember the mastery words 3)finish the exercise of the workbook 4)preview the next leon in the student book
leon 18 tian’anmen square
teaching content : y words: laugh, fly, hard, quietly, worry, put a dialogue about flying a kite words such as quiet and quietly, loud and loudly teaching goals: tand the meaning of the text er the mastery words some words of points: re be…
usage of adv. useful words and phrases difficult points: the usage of ng aids: audiotape, word cards, slide projector, a picture of tian’anmen square, a kite type: text teaching procedure g cla 1)greet the students in everyday sure they can response in correct way.2)duty report.3)check the concepts step 1 presentation ask the students some questions : have you ever visited tian’anmen square? if yes, when? if no, why not? do you want to visit tian’anmen square? why or why not?
you may give them some words to help 2 listen, answer and analyze listen to the tape with the following questions: what happens to danny?
can jenny fly a kite? can danny fly a kite?
answer the questions together with the students and then discu the text they have any question, explain to with the language points at the same attention to the usage of loud and loudly, quiet and 3 listen, read and act listen to the audiotape again and let the students read after them a few minutes to practice the t the pronunciation when have them act out the text in 4 practice spanide the cla into small each group to make up a dialogue about walking on tian’anmen age the students to use as much vocabulary as poible from this unit(easy, hard, loudly, quietly, many, men, women, children, people).encourage the students to be active and praise them for talking risks with english!the more they experiment, the more they 5 deal with “let’s do it”
work with a a map of tian’anmen be your maps to each are the people doing? try to use loudly, quietly, slowly and 6 consolidation ation 1)放风筝 _____________ 2)玩得痛快 __________ 3)** __________ 4)看见某人放风筝 _________ 4)hurt one’s arm _________ 5)let’s do sth.___________ 6)laugh at _________
in the blanks with the correct forms of the words given.1)we often see boys ________ football.(play)2)tom is a ____ doesn’t like to talk with others.(quietly)3)the street is so busy, but the people walk ______(happy)4)i can’t hear your words, will you please speak ________(loud)? 5)let’s _______ the basket on the table.(put)
step 7 if there is enough time, do the exercises in activity 8 summary today we learn a text about li ming and his are flying are so many people on tian’anmen people are loud and some are cla you should understand the meaning of the text and try to use loud, loudly, quiet, quietly correctly.rk 1)understand the meaning of the text 2)remember the mastery words 3)finish the activity book in leon 18
leon 19 the palace museum
teaching content: y words: sky, film, camera, picture, smile, break, tail 2.a dialogue about taking pictures useful words teaching goals: tand the meaning of the text er the mastery words the usage of some words and phrases key points: taking a picture permiion to do sth.: may i …? difficult points: what you see taking a picture preparations: a picture of the palace museum, a camera teaching aids: audiotape, pictures, a camera, flashcards and slide projector type: dialogue teaching procedure g cla 1)greet the students in everyday english and make sure they can response correctly.2)everyday report in english.3)check the homework and explain if neceary. leon step 1 lead in discu the questions in “think about it”
have you ever been to the palace museum? if yes, when? what do you know about the palace museum? do you want to live there? why or why not? today li ming and his friends go to the palace weather is palace is red and ’s take some pictures let’s join 2 listen to the tape of the text with the following questions: what happens to jenny? what’s wrong with danny’s nose? what do they do for danny’s nose? what’s wrong with danny’s tail?
after listening, discu the questions with the sure they understand the whole with any language point at the same attention to the usage of the following words: sunny, help sb.(to)do sth., careful, fall, break step 3 listen to the audiotape again and let them read after them read the text for a few minutes and then ask some students to act out the dialogue in attention to their 5 practice spanide the cla into small them to make up a dialogue about visiting the palace age the students to use much new vocabulary as they the cla into small each group to make up a dialogue about taking age the students to use as much vocabulary from this unit as poible(camera, picture, easy, hard, help, hurt, loudly, quietly, many, everyone, men, women, children, people, quickly, slowly)as the students work on this dialogue, take real pictures of each group with your make a poster of these photos to put up in this as a cla project!help the students write english sentences under each photograph to describe the acti 6 deal with “let’s do it”
in a small group, write a dialogue about taking are you taking pictures? what funny things happen? step 7 a test 根据首字母完成下列单词
1)can you sing? yes, it’s e_______.(容易)2)working out the problem is h______.(难)3)he b_______ that gla , look!he is crying.(打坏)4)don’t w________ , the clamates all help you.(着急)5)bad luck!he f________ off his bike.(掉下来)6)now tom is putting the f______ in his c________.(装胶卷)step 8 exercise
if time permits, do some exercises in activity book.rk 1)understand the meaning of the text 2)remember the mastery words 3)finish the activity book of leon 19 read the next reading in leon 20
leon 20 let’s write home
teaching content: y words: letter, dear, dad, soon, bottom, addre,stamp 2.a text about writing a letter useful expreions teaching goals: tand the meaning of the text er the mastery words key points: learn how to write a postcard learn how to write an envelope difficult points: write a letter preparations: postcards, letters, envelopes teaching aids: audiotape, postcards, envelopes, letters type: text teaching procedure g cla 1)greet the students in english and make sure they can response correctly.2)everyday report in english 3)check the homework and explain something when concepts step 1 presentation ask the following questions: have you ever write a letter in chinese? do you know how to write a letter in english? where do you put the addre? where do you put the stamp?
today we will learn how to write an english 2 listen and think listen to the tape of a look through the text together with the the students some letters and envelopes and let them know how to write a the words: top, bottom, left and a letter to the students when 4 demonstration use objects in the claroom—such as the blackboard, a door or a window—to demonstrate top, left, right, bottom and the volunteers to show you the top, left, right and corner of objects in the 5 practice
spanide the cla into small each group to make up a dialogue about buying are they buying postcards? who do they buy them for?what pictures do the postcards have?
step 6 play a game play “opposites” with the new words and the words they 7 deal with “let’s do it” make a a picture on it including a place for writing a note, a place for the addre and a place for the to a you know his or her addre? ask!
step 8 if time permits, do some exercises in the activity book.rk 1)finish the remaining exercises in the activity book 2)preview the next leon in the student book
leon 21: sending an e-mail
teaching aims:
1.words: send(sent, sent), e-mail, waiter, show, straight, ball, per, hour, welcome, paper, again, all, meage, why 2.sentences: go straight down this ball.i send my friend an is five yuan per is the weather in canada? 通过本课文的教学使学生学习运用本课词汇、句型、理解课文内容。学习英文电子邮件的写法,提高英语运用能力。复习问路指示方向的语言,提高交际能力。teaching resources: audiotape, cards, pictures language guide:1.重点词汇 send, e-mail, show, straight, welcome, go straight down this ball, show sb sth, send .2.目标标语言
i can show straight down this it is!you are welcome.i am coming home to canada on february 6th.3.学习策略
布置学生了解发送e-mail的相关知识。teaching procedures: step 1: 2 revise leon 20 1.复习有关英文信件和明信片的写法,特别注意时间和地址的写法。2.请一些学生展示、朗读自己写给亲友的明信片。step 3 presentation task ’s the students how to send an e-mail. the tape and get the students to answer the questions:(1)can danny send an e-mail to his friend in the hotel?(2)who’s the e-mail to?(3)how’s the weather in beijing?
(4)when is danny coming to canada? task ’s sing a song!1. 了解歌词大意。2. 放录音让学生跟着唱。3. 进行歌唱竞赛。step 5 homework.1 finish off the activity the dialogue in this w leon 22
leon 22: the great wall
teaching aims:
2.学习有关指路的语言,提高语言综合运用能力。3.能看懂地图,从中获得帮助。4.了解世界文化遗产,自觉珍惜、保护。teaching guide: 1.重点词汇 today, turn, traffic , light, a map of---, go down this street, turn left, at the bus station, get on, arrive at, stop doing sth, start doing sth, more than 2.目标语言
we can take bus 919 to the great will go down this street and turn left at the traffic long is the great wall? it’s more than 6500 kilometres ng resources: audiotape, cards, pictures teaching procedures: step 1: 2 revise leon 20 and leon 21 step 3 presentation
task 1 how can we go to the great wall?
1.在黑板上写:a man who has not climbed the great wall is not a true man.叫学生猜是哪个中国谚语。
2.看北京地图,假设从不同地点(如北京西路,王府井或**广场等),怎样到达长城? 3.导入以下对话:
a: excuse can i go to the great wall? b: go down this street and turn left at the traffic is a bus can take a bus to the great wall.a: which number do i need? b: you can take bus 919.a: thank you very much.b: you are welcome.练习对话,熟悉问路、指路语言。task ,read and act
closed!play the audiotape and ask the students to answer the questions:(1)how do they go to the great wall?(2)which bus do they take?(3)how long is the great wall? open!get the students to read the text and find the answers.3.explain the main and difficult points(1)we will go down this street and turn left at the traffic /down/on/along this left/right.(2)stop talking and start doing to do sth.(3)a man who has not climbed the great wall is not a true man.1. read after the tape.2. practise the dialogue in pairs and then act it 3 let’s do it!
1.唱一首有关长城的歌或朗诵有关长城的诗。2.制作一份有关长城的海报。step 4 homework. off the activity the dialogue in this w leon 23
leon 23: shopping in beijing
teaching aims:
2.复习时间表达法,学习与购物相关的语言,提高口语交际能力。3.倡导理性消费,感受生活乐趣。teaching guide: 1.重点词汇
chopsticks, gift, want to do sth, buy sth for sb.2.目标语言
what time is it? it’s 2: wants to go shopping today? i don’t want to buys chopsticks for her can’t walk to the hotel with that!
teaching resources: audiotape, cards, pictures teaching procedures: step 1: 2 revise leon 22 step 3 presentation task 1 listen, read and act
1.问学生,去旅游有没有给家人朋友买什么纪念品。 2.问学生,到北京旅游,可以去哪里购物。3.books closed!放课文录音,回答问题:(1)who wants to go shopping?(2)what does jenny buy?(3)what does danny buy? open!阅读课文,找出答案。5.讨论思考题。6.重难点:
(1)my tail and feet hurt.(2)buy sb.=buy .(3)you can’t walk to the hotel with that! after the se the dialogue in pairs and then act it ’s do it!
(1)写一段关于在北京购物的短文。(2)朗读短文。step 4 homework. off the activity the dialogue in this w leon 23
leon 24: unit review
teaching aims:
3.注音及时消化和理解各种英语知识,能做到及时记忆、不断积累。 teaching guide:
1.复习英文明信片、信件和电子邮件的写法。2.复习形容词和副词的用法。3.复习问路与指示方向的语言。4.复习there be句型。5.复习元音和辅音及拼读规则。
teaching resources: audiotape, cards, pictures teaching procedures: step 1: 2 presentation
3.复习英语明信片、信件和电子邮件的写法。4.请学生归纳总结本单元主要内容。5.go through page 30 do you know? step 4 homework. off the activity the dialogue in this w leon 25
leon 25 good-bye, beijing
teaching content: y words: begin, never, every 2.a dialogue about leaving beijing ’s time for do about…?
teaching goals: tand the meaning of the text er the mastery words the usage of some phrases key points: to say good-bye to usage of useful patterns important points: ’s time for do you for doing about…?
teaching aids: a picture of airport, a picture of beijing, audiotape, flash cards, slide projector type: dialogue teaching procedure g cla 1)greet the students in english and make sure they can response correctly.2)do the duty report: a student on duty can say whatever he/she likes to say.3)mainly revision about last unit. leon step 1 lead in the teacher can ask some questions as following: have you ever said good-bye to a good friend? where? when ? how did you feel? today we will learn a dialogue about saying ming and his friends had a good time in beijing and they will go home they have to say good-bye to each other at the 2 listen to the dialogue with the following questions: what makes danny sad? what makes him happy? what can you say if you want to say good-bye to a friend? after listening answer the questions the dialogue again and make sure they can understand the meaning of the with the language points at the same attention to the usage of the following phrases: it’s time for do sth./thank doing sth./ what about doing sth../ you can use the slide projector during this 3 listen to audiotape them repeat the dialogue after 4 give them some time to read the text let them act out the dialogue in t their pronunciation when 5 practice review the story so ming, his mother, danny and jenny are in at the did they do in beijing these days? where did they do? what did they buy? how will they go home? spanide the cla into small each group to review the ask some students to retell the story in 6 let’s do it!
in a small group, make up a are at the train station or friend is others are saying 7 a test 用所给单词适当形式填空 1)jenny ______(want)to visit her friends.2)did you _____(go)there by train or by airplane? 3)she has to _____(walk)to the park.4)thank you for ______(help)me.5)the boys ran out of the claroom_______(quick).6)my mother _____(buy)some vegetables from the shop.7)what did you ______(have)for breakfast? 8)what about _______(eat)donuts every day at home? 9)it’s time for us_____(meet)our teacher.10)do you often go _______(shop)on weekends? step 7 do some exercises in activity book.rk 1)the remaining activities in the activity book.2)understand the meaning of the text 3)remember the words the next reading in the student 26 li ming comes home
teaching content: 1: mastery words: store, t-shirt 2.a dialogue between li ming and his father the usage of the past indefinite teaching goals: tand the meaning of the text er the mastery words the usage of the past indefinite key points: the past experience you have fun in beijing? important points: the past indefinite teaching aids: two t-shirts or a picture of t-shirts, a picture of wangfujing in beijing teaching procedure opening 1)greet the students in everyday english and make sure they can response correctly 2)duty report 3)review last leon leon step 1 talk about the questions in “think about in” when you do on a trip, who mies you? when you go home, who do you bring gifts for? they must have different them and discu them with the li ming comes back bought a gift for his ’s look at what it 2 listen to the tape with the following questions: what did li ming buy for his father? why? did li ming have a good time in beijing? discu the questions with the with the language points at the same sure they understand the meaning of the 3 listen to audiotape again and let them repeat the text after 4 have the students read the text for a few minutes and then have them act out the dialogue in 5 practice spanide the cla into small each group to make up a dialogue about something that happened each group to use the phrase “what happened?” in their 6 activity book in number 1, the students circle the correct match to review the past-tense number 2, the students may practice the structure: “what happened?” “i…” step 7 a test 句型转换
went to beijjing by plane.(用usually改写)________________________________ walks to school every day.(用yesterday作时间状语) often looks at the map.(用last week替换often) 8 summary today we learn a dialogue between li ming and his ming went to beijing for a few came back from beijing and bought some gift for his father and his learned the past indefinite in this after cla you must use some words to expre your past experience.rk 1)understand the meaning of the text 2)remember the mastery words 4)finish your activity book
leon 27 jenny comes home
teaching content: y words: second, third, homework 2.a dialogue between jenny and her mother l numerals sb do see ng goals: tand the meaning of the text the mastery words ordinal numerals key points: ordinal numerals past indefinite tense usage of every important points: the ordinal numerals teaching aids: chopsticks, audiotape, flash cards, slide projector type : dialogue teaching procedure g cla 1)greet the students in english 2)duty report 3)review last leon and deal with some exercises in activity book. leon step 1 talk about the questions in “think about it” what things do you do every day? what did you do last week? what things would you like to do differently? step 2 listen to the tape of the text with the following questions: why did jenny like beijing? what did jenny buy for her mother? deal with any language points at the same sure they understand the meaning of the attention to the word: every, first, second, third step 3 listen to the audiotape again and let the students repeat the text after 4 give them some time to read the dialogue have them act out the dialogue in 5 deal with the second part of leon attention to the difference of the present indefinite and the past the usage of every and can make some other sentences using the word example, last month, last year and so 6 practice spanide the cla into small each group to make up a dialogue about coming home from a age the students to talk about what they did on the 7 deal with “let’s do it”
work with a partner and write a about what you do every day and what you did last last week the same or different? closing 1)understand the meaning of the text 2)remember the mastery words 3)finish the activity book of leon 27 the next reading of student book
leon 28 danny comes home
teaching content: y words: happen 2.a dialogue between danny and mr wood past indefinite usage of fun and fall teaching goals tand the meaning of the text er the mastery words past forms of some verbs key points past forms of verbs usage of word happen and fun difficult points: past forms of some verbs 2.i was taking a picture with jenny’s : dialogue teaching aids: some photos, audiotape teaching procedure g cla 1)greet the students in everyday english and make sure they can response correctly.2)duty report 3)review leon 27 leon step 1 lead in discu the following questions: do you have a favourite teacher? why is he or she your favourite? did you ever hurt yourself? how? gather different answers from the 2 listen to the tape of the text with the following questions: did danny like his trip to china? what happened to danny’s nose?
deal with the language points at the same attention to the word happen and have some sentences to make the students understand the 3 listen to audiotape again and let the students read after 4 have them read the text for a few let them act out the dialogue in 5 practice : ask the students to pretend they have just visited a them to write some sentences about where they went, what they ate and what they for volunteers to read their sentences to the 6 a test 用所给单词的适当形式填空。
fell off the bike and ______(break)his arm was ______(happen)to her? ______(take)a picture when i saw boys planned _______(fly)kites in the you have _____(funny)in dalian? step 7 deal with “let’s do it” work in a small about funny stories from your happened to you? choose the best story and tell it to the whole closing 1)understand the meaning of the text 2)remember the mastery words 3)finish the activity book of leon 28 the next reading of student book
leon 29 pictures and gifts
teaching content: 1.a dialogue about what they did in beijing past indefinite past forms of verb teaching goals:
tand the meaning of the whole text some words: near, fly, buy, welcome, put on the past indefinite tense key points: past forms of some verbs usage of some phrases difficult points: some past forms teaching aids: some pictures, a hat, a kite, audiotape type: dialogue