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格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-03-29 15:11:17
时间:2023-03-29 15:11:17     小编:zdfb

































welcome to fenghuangshan scenic area! im your guide. my name is x. you can call me xiao x. in order to make it convenient for you to visit, let me first introduce fenghuangshan scenic area.

fenghuang mountain is located 60 kilometers northwest of dandong city. in ancient times, it was “the first famous mountain in eastern liaoning”. during the reign of daoguang and xianfeng in the qing dynasty (1821-1860), fenghuang mountain, together with yiwulu mountain, qianshan mountain and yaoshan mountain, was known as the four famous mountains in fengtian province (now liaoning province). now it is known as “the famous mountain of the country” and “the first famous mountain of the great wall”, with an area of 216.875 square kilometers. now the road we take is shendan road, that is, the road from dandong to shenyang. shendan highway is about 280 kilometers long, and fenghuang mountain is just next to shendan highway. it is 60 kilometers from dandong to fenghuang mountain, and 220 kilometers from fenghuang mountain to shenyang.

it takes about an hour to get to fenghuang mountain from the entrance of shendan highway. id like to use this time to tell you something about fenghuang mountain. we say that fenghuang mountain is “the first famous mountain of the great wall”. to connect fenghuang mountain with the great wall is not to boast fenghuang mountain in the name of the great wall. fenghuang mountain is indeed the first beautiful mountain at the starting point of the east end of the great wall. experts on the great wall have already proved that the starting point of the east end of the great wall is not shanhaiguan, but hushan in dandong. then you may ask, since the starting point of the great wall is hushan, hushan should be “the first mountain of the great wall”. and hushan focuses on the great wall. i think you will agree with me.

fenghuang mountain once had several names in history. as early as in the northern and southern dynasties, there was a “wugu city” built here, and the mountain was called “wugu mountain”. in the late sui and early tang dynasties, when the “bear mountain city” was built, the mountain was changed to “bear mountain”. now we call fenghuang mountain not because it looks like a phoenix, but according to a legend: it is said that during the reign of emperor zhenguan of tang dynasty, emperor taizong li shimin of tang dynasty came to visit. the phoenix on the mountain danced, stood on the “ancestor worship stone” and nodded to taizong of tang dynasty. taizong of tang dynasty was very happy and immediately gave this mountain the name of “fenghuang mountain”. we all know that the emperor is a “golden mouthed jade tooth”. since then, more than 1300 years have passed. it has been called fenghuang mountain. the hole where fenghuang flies out is called fenghuang cave.

fenghuang mountain is located in the remaining vein of changbai mountain, covering an area of more than 120 square kilometers. the highest peak is zanyun peak, with an altitude of 836.4. fenghuang mountain is spanided into xishan, dongshan, miaogou, gucheng, yulong lake and other scenic spots. it is often said that fenghuang mountain has the characteristics of taishan, huashan, huangshan and emei. among them, “laoniubei”, “tiantianjue”, “arrow eye” and other wonders are rare in the world; “phoenix cave”, “three churches”, “yipin cave” and other ancient caves are deep; “shanyunpuhai”, “tianchi in sight” and other ten landscapes are changeable; “crane shadow on the stone wall”, “shenniang wangfu” and other strange rocks are lifelike; “la tussah lianli”, “shenniang tussah” and other ancient trees are swaying; “danquan”, “fengdong” and other springs are inexhaustible in the four seasons; “magnolia”, “yuling”, “azalea” and other precious flowers are fragrant in the four seasons; “ziyang temple”, “doumu temple”, “guanyin pavilion” and other ancient temples are solemn and simple; “kublai tower”, “liberation memorial tower”, “ancient city base” and other historical sites still exist; seven peaks, such as “jiangjun peak”, “shenma peak” and “jianyan peak”, soar up to the sky; more than 40 cliff inscriptions, such as “high mountains and long waters” and “eternal zhongtian”, are quite powerful. in this way, fenghuang mountain has become a natural and artificial beauty, interwoven into a beautiful, harmonious and spectacular chinese landscape painting. in spring, the mountain is verdant and the azalea is red. in summer, you can enjoy the sea of clouds and listen to the sound of waterfalls. in autumn, the wind is beautiful. in winter, the snow and ice cover the pines. this poem is a true portrayal of fenghuang mountain.

because of the time constraint, we cant visit every scenic spot of fenghuang mountain today. id like to visit several representative scenic spots of xishan mountain with you, so that we can have a glimpse and see the whole picture. now we stop here. please get ready for climbing.

what we see in front of us is ziyang temple. in the book, the origin of the name of ziyang temple is explained as follows: “when you get up in the morning, you are exposed to the light of the sun. in the early days, the light of xiyang was purple. it was said that ziqi came from the east. taoism called xiyang ziyang and said that ziyang was auspicious, so the taoist concept was named ”ziyang“. today, we also come to ziyang temple early. its a good opportunity for us to ”come from the east“. it seems that this will bring us good luck and good luck.

ziyang temple is hosted by fenghuang mountain, also known as sanguan hall. it was first built in the early years of hongzhi in ming dynasty, formerly known as ”daning temple“. later, it was also known as ”xiaoyao temple“. at first, monks lived in the temple. during the ming and qing dynasties, due to constant wars and chaos, there was only one old monk in yongzheng period. after the old monk died, the temple belonged to taoism. in the early years of qianlong, taoist li yongyi changed the temple to build a temple, and then called ”ziyang temple“. the taoist temple was rebuilt in the 13th year, which was composed of sanguan hall, dongxipeidian hall, bell and drum tower.

now lets go into the sanguan hall and have a look. in the hall of three officials, there are statues of heaven, earth and water. in the middle is tian guan yao, who can bless; on the right is di min shun, who can forgive sins; on the left is shui guan yu, who can punish evils. if devout people worship in front of the three official statues, they will get rid of their sins and enjoy the blessings of heaven.

on the left side of the statue is the group sculpture of ”yaochi jinnv“ (legend), and on the right side is the group sculpture of ”eight immortals crossing the sea“ (legend). on the east side of the main hall is the ”dharma protector lingguan“, warning the world that everyone is equal before the law, and the prince is guilty of the same crime as the common people. on the west side is the ”dharma protector land“. the pictures painted on the walls are ”magu xianshou“, ”dayu zhishui“, ”emperor zhanchiyou“ respectively“ shennong taste a hundred herbs ”(legend), these legends can take you to the distant ancient times, lift your continuous nostalgia. as the partners of ziyang temple, the legends of the four ancient pines outside the temple have been guarding ziyang temple for half a century. the ancient pines and the ancient temples reflect each other, making ziyang temple more solemn and simple.

the liberation monument was built in 1947 to commemorate the liberation of northeast china. climbing from the tower to the mountain, there are “one hundred single eight pairs” of stone steps. the road to the top is spanided into two paths. along the road to the right, we come to the “three churches”. the door of the “three churches” is made up of two big stones, and the top of the church is a whole stone slab which is stuck on the two walls. now lets go to see what is extraordinary about these three immortals and saints? what is the light of wisdom of chinese philosophers shining on the foreheads of laozi and confucius? we can see that the main hall in the hall is paved with stone steps, which gradually go up. when the steps are put up, there is a huge stone standing on top of the statue of “three religions”. it turns out that buddhism and taoism cant be believed at the same time, but “three religions have the same origin” has its historical reasons. at the end of the northern song dynasty, huizong of the song dynasty worshipped taoists and called himself “the lord of taoism, the emperor of taoism”.

although the emperors of yuan dynasty believed in both buddhism and taoism, the mixture of buddhism and taoism began to decline in the early ming dynasty. after the middle of the ming dynasty, because of the emperors advocacy, the preaching of alchemists and monks, and the participation of buddhists, confucianism, buddhism and taoism became a huge, complex and chaotic polytheism. it can be seen that the “three churches” were built after the end of the northern song dynasty. there are two holes on the left and right in the three church cave. to the left is the “tongxuan cave”. after drilling through the “tongxuan cave” and passing through the “tongtian biequ”, after getting out of the cave, climbing the hanging wall is the “guanyin pavilion”.

at the top of this huge stone, there was a chair like depression that could only accommodate one person, which is the guanyin seat. why does guanyin sit here? because there are many deities and buddhas living in its cave, and there are many different sects, it is inconvenient for her to practice the skills there, so she changed the place of meditation to here. over time, the rock was set in a pit. guanyin bodhisattva often teaches magic, preaches scriptures and preaches to the flute here. the believers feel very uneasy. in order to be grateful and praise virtue and show the sincerity of respecting the teacher, a temple has been built on the rock on the right, which is now the guanyin pavilion. from then on, faithful men and women went back and forth like shuttles, worshiping and offering incense.

guanyin pavilion was built in the reign of emperor shenzong of ming dynasty. it is spanided into two layers, one for guanyin and the other for weituo. “guanyin” is the name of a buddhist bodhisattva. according to the buddhist “dharma sutra · pu men pin”, if all the dead people recite their name, that is “guanyin”, the bodhisattva immediately observes their voice and goes to rescue and extricate themselves. according to this statement, “guanyin” is paraphrased. later, li shimin, emperor taizong of tang dynasty, taboo the word “shi”, so he had to omit “shi” and change it to “guanyin”. it is said that guanyin was originally male and female. guanyin began in the northern and southern dynasties, and there are many legends about bodhisattvas with thousands of hands and thousands of eyes and giving away children and wealth. as for the “pure water bottle” and the “willow branch” in guanyins hand, they were originally the meaning of universal buddhism and a symbolic “prop”.

later, it became a magic weapon to control the weather in the world, a panacea to treat all kinds of diseases. wei tuo is a buddhist god. his surname is wei and his name is hun. he is one of the eight generals of the southern changtian king, ranking first among the 32 generals of the four heavenly kings. now we come to phoenix cave. there is a doggerel when visiting fenghuang mountain: “come to fenghuang mountain, explore fenghuang cave, climb arrow eye peak, and enjoy endless scenery.”. when it comes to fenghuang mountain, you have to experience the interesting fenghuang cave and climb the famous “arrow eye peak”.

it seems that climbing arrow eye peak is too difficult. as the saying goes, “the mountain is not high, there are fairy spirit.”. we have worshipped many immortals. it can be said that the aura of fenghuang mountain has been appreciated. now we go into fenghuang cave to find out. i dont think we have any regrets. it is said that phoenix cave is the habitat of phoenix, which contains phoenix eggs. when emperor taizong visited fenghuang mountain, fenghuang flew out of the cave to worship his ancestors. phoenix cave is about 200 meters long. after entering the cave, the sky is bright, and the darker you go, you need to hold a candle. ok, now we have the lighting tools ready. lets experience the phoenix cave. the temple between guanyin pavilion and doum palace is bixia palace, also known as niangniang temple. the palace was built in 1824 and restored in 1982. it is called “three notre dames”, “empress of descendants” and “empress of vision”.

“three notre dames” refer to the goddess of heaven, that is, the grandmother of king wen of zhou; the goddess of heaven, that is, the mother of king wen of zhou; the goddess of heaven, that is, the wife of king wen of zhou, and the mother of king wu of zhou, that is, the “virtuous wife liang ping”, who enjoys a position among the faithful men and women. many people come to pay tribute and burn incense for good luck. the temple built on guanshengtai is doumu palace. doumu palace was built in the ming dynasty. it is said that it was donated by women. it was rebuilt in 1753. it contains an eight handed statue of “yuanming daomu tianzun”. it is said that it is the mother of the big dipper. this kind of three eyed and eight armed statue is very common in buddhism, but it is rare among taoist gods, which makes it very different.

according to beidou benmingjing, no matter how poor, humble and unlucky you are, as long as you sincerely worship doumu and recite her name, you will be able to eliminate disasters and diseases, prolong your life and be blessed. the next item on our agenda today is to have dinner at fenghuang villa in dongshan scenic area.

(return) it is called “phoenix does not fall without treasure”. it seems that fenghuang mountain is indeed a treasure land. otherwise, how could fenghuang live here? how could the emperor admire the name of touring? fenghuang mountain is a mountainous tourist scenic spot with natural landscape as the main body, peak caves, temples and historic sites as the main features. the charming scenery has formed a natural tourist attraction since ancient times. monks travel around, emperors and generals travel around, celebrities travel in fenghuang mountain, leaving behind historical relics and beautiful legends.

in recent years, with dandong speeding up the pace of opening up, fenghuang mountain has also attracted more and more visitors to dandong. at ordinary times, the peak number of tourists can reach more than 00. at present, it has received tourists from more than 30 countries and regions. every april 28 of the lunar calendar, people are everywhere at the root and the top of fenghuang mountain. its really a sea of people. when the flow of people is the most, it can reach four or five hundred thousand people a day. they all come to rush to the mountain and visit the temple, also known as fenghuangshan temple fair. once upon a time, the annual “medicine king temple fair” was held in fenghuang mountain by qing kai envoys. that is to say, on april 28 of the lunar calendar, sun simiao, a famous pharmacist of the tang dynasty, was sacrificed.

on the 27th, the statue of the “king of medicine” toured the streets. on the 28th, people visited the mountains and temples to pray for his early recovery or safety. as more and more people entered the temple to burn incense, the merchants took advantage of this opportunity to start business. artists also come to show their skills. at this time, the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, and the mountains and rivers are different. the people who visit the spring also choose this day to enjoy themselves.

this tradition has been carried on for a long time. whats different is that this activity has become a large-scale mass material exchange meeting, which lasts from april 26 to april 30 of the lunar calendar. today, although we havent finished the tour of fenghuang mountain, we all have a certain understanding of the general situation of fenghuang mountain. after a hard morning and just having lunch, we have a short rest. lets learn from each other if you have any problems. ill learn from you. ok, thank you.


today we are going to visit fenghuang mountain scenic spot.

fenghuang mountain, located 60 kilometers northwest of dandong city, has been known as “the first famous mountain in eastern liaoning” since ancient times. during the reign of daoguang and xianfeng in the qing dynasty, fenghuang mountain, together with yiwulu mountain, qianshan mountain and yaoshan mountain, was known as the “four famous mountains in fengtian province”. now it is known as “the famous mountain of the country” and “the first famous mountain of the great wall”.

now the road we take is shendan road, that is, the road from dandong to shenyang. the highway is about 280 kilometers long, and fenghuang mountain is just next to shendan. it is 60 kilometers from dandong to fenghuang mountain, and 220 kilometers from fenghuang mountain to shenyang. it takes about half an hour from here to fenghuang mountain. id like to use this time to tell you about fenghuang mountain.

the reason why fenghuang mountain is called fenghuang mountain is not because it looks like a phoenix, but according to a legend: during the reign of emperor zhenguan of tang dynasty, li shimin, emperor taizong of tang dynasty, came to visit the mountain in admiration of his name. the phoenix danced on the “ancestor worship stone” and nodded to emperor taizong of tang dynasty. emperor taizong of tang dynasty was very happy and immediately gave the mountain “fenghuang mountain”. fenghuang mountain is located in the remaining vein of changbai mountain, covering an area of more than 120 square kilometers. the highest peak is zanyun peak, with an altitude of 836.4. fenghuang mountain is spanided into xishan, dongshan, miaogou, gucheng, yulong lake and other scenic spots. it is often said that fenghuang mountain has the characteristics of taishan, huashan, huangshan and emei. because of the time constraint, we cant visit every scenic spot of fenghuang mountain today. id like to visit several representative scenic spots of xishan mountain with you, so that we can have a glimpse and see the whole picture.

now we stop here. please get ready for climbing.

we are now at the gate of fenghuang mountain. this is an antique style building. on the left is phoenix, male bird, on the right is phoenix, female bird.

what we see in front of us is ziyang temple. it is said that ziyang is auspicious in taoism, so the taoist temple takes this as its name. today, we also come to ziyang temple early. its a good opportunity for us to “come from the east”. it seems that this will bring us good luck and good luck. ziyang temple is hosted by fenghuang mountain, also known as sanguan hall. it was first built in the early years of hongzhi of ming dynasty. it is composed of sanguan hall, dongxipeidian hall, bell and drum tower.

now lets go into the sanguan hall and have a look. in the hall of three officials, there are statues of heaven, earth and water. in the middle is tian guan yao, who can bless; on the right is di min shun, who can forgive sins; on the left is shui guan yu, who can punish evils. if devout people worship in front of the three official statues, they will get rid of their sins and enjoy the blessings of heaven. on the left side of the three official statues are the group sculptures of “jinnv in yaochi” (legend), on the right side are the group sculptures of “eight immortals crossing the sea” (legend), and on the east side of the main hall are the “dharma protector lingguan” (legend) everyone is equal before the law. the prince is guilty of the same crime as the common people. on the west side is the “law protecting land”. the pictures on the wall are “magu xianshou”, “dayu zhishui”, “emperor zhanchiyou”, “shennong tasted a hundred herbs” (legends). these legends can bring you to the distant past and arouse your continuous nostalgia for the past. as partners of ziyang temple, the legends of the four ancient pines have been guarding ziyang temple for more than half a century. the ancient pines and the ancient temples complement each other, making ziyang temple more solemn and simple.

there are two holes on the left and right in the three church cave. to the left is the “tongxuan cave”. after drilling through the “tongxuan cave” and passing through the “tongtian biequ”, after getting out of the cave, climbing the hanging wall is the “guanyin pavilion”. at the top of this huge stone, there was a chair like depression that could only accommodate one person, which is the guanyin seat. why does guanyin sit here? because there are many deities and buddhas living in its cave, and there are many different sects, it is inconvenient for her to practice the skills there, so she changed the place of meditation to here. over time, the rock was set in a pit. guanyin bodhisattva often teaches magic, preaches scriptures and preaches to the flute here. the believers feel very uneasy. in order to be grateful and praise virtue and show the sincerity of respecting the teacher, a temple has been built on the rock on the right, which is now the guanyin pavilion. from then on, faithful men and women went back and forth like shuttles, worshiping and offering incense. guanyin pavilion was built in the reign of emperor shenzong of ming dynasty. it is spanided into two layers, one for guanyin and the other for weituo. “guanyin” is the name of a buddhist bodhisattva. according to the buddhist “dharma sutra · pu men pin”, if all the dead people recite their name, that is “guanyin”, the bodhisattva immediately observes their voice and goes to rescue and extricate themselves. according to this statement, “guanyin” is paraphrased. later, li shimin, emperor taizong of tang dynasty, taboo the word “shi”, so he had to omit “shi” and change it to “guanyin”. it is said that guanyin was originally male and female. guanyin began in the northern and southern dynasties, and there are many legends about bodhisattvas with thousands of hands and thousands of eyes and giving away children and wealth. as for the “pure water bottle” and the “willow branch” in guanyins hand, they were originally the meaning of universal buddhism and a symbolic “prop”. later, it became a magic weapon to control the weather in the world, a panacea to treat all kinds of diseases. wei tuo is a buddhist god. his surname is wei and his name is hun. he is one of the eight generals of the southern changtian king, ranking first among the 32 generals of the four heavenly kings.

now we come to phoenix cave. there is a doggerel when visiting fenghuang mountain: “come to fenghuang mountain, explore fenghuang cave, climb arrow eye peak, and enjoy endless scenery.”. when it comes to fenghuang mountain, you have to experience the interesting fenghuang cave and climb the famous “arrow eye peak”. it seems that climbing arrow eye peak is too difficult. as the saying goes, “the mountain is not high, there are fairy spirit.”. we have worshipped many immortals. it can be said that the aura of fenghuang mountain has been appreciated. now we go into fenghuang cave to find out. i dont think we have any regrets. it is said that phoenix cave is the habitat of phoenix, which contains phoenix eggs. when emperor taizong visited fenghuang mountain, fenghuang flew out of the cave to worship his ancestors. phoenix cave is about 200 meters long. after entering the cave, the sky is bright, and the darker you go, you need to hold a candle.

ok, now we have the lighting tools ready. lets experience the phoenix cave personally?

everybody, phoenix cave is really good ~!

ok, i think everyone is a little tired now. lets have a rest here. if you have any questions, lets learn from each other, and ill learn from you. ok, thank you.









































dear friends: hello everyone! welcome to fenghuangshan scenic area.

dandong fenghuang mountain scenic spot is one of the four famous mountains in liaoning province and a national scenic spot. it covers an area of 182 square kilometers. it has high mountains, lush forests, waterfalls and springs. it is magnificent and has different scenery in four seasons. cultural relics and historic sites are everywhere. it is a famous tourist attraction. it has more than 100 key landscapes with the ten major landscapes of “scenery, peak, danger, stone, cave, spring, object, temple, carving and trace” as the main line.

dandong fenghuang mountain scenic spot is located 3 kilometers southeast of fengcheng city. fenghuang mountain was formed 150 million years ago. it belongs to the aftervein of changbai mountain. the main body is composed of granite, with huge cliffs, broad stones, moss like ink. the landscape is unique. the main peak, zanyunfeng, is 836.4 meters above sea level.

since ancient times, fenghuang mountain has been known as “the first famous mountain in liaodong”, “the famous mountain at the gate of the country”, “the first famous mountain of the great wall” and “the first famous mountain of chinese adventure”. as early as the qing dynasty, it was the first of the four famous mountains (fenghuang mountain, qianshan mountain, yiwulu mountain and yaoshan mountain) in liaoning province. it is rated as a national scenic spot and a national 4a scenic spot.

fenghuang mountain has a long history and culture. it was called “wugu mountain” in the southern and northern dynasties and “xiongshan mountain” in the late sui and early tang dynasties. it is said that during the reign of emperor zhenguan of tang dynasty, li shimin, the emperor of taizong, was on a tour to the east. when he toured the mountain, a phoenix led a hundred birds to pay homage to it. taizong was so happy that he named it “phoenix mountain”, which has a history of more than 1300 years.

scenic spots

fenghuang mountain has been built into the west and east mountain scenic spots, with high mountains and luxuriant forests, crisscross streams and waterfalls, and beautiful scenery. since the jin dynasty, fenghuang mountain has been famous for its eight beautiful sceneries. in the ming and qing dynasties, the inscriptions on dashiya by literati made fenghuang mountain combine natural beauty with artificial beauty, forming ten world-famous scenic spots: stone shed for summer vacation, flying waves in streams, holy land of doumu, mountain clouds for sea, cangsong standing in the moon, strange rocks flying in the sky, pine path for autumn, tianchi lake in sight, overlapping peaks for clouds and dongdi yingzhou.

the hero of fenghuang mountain

fenghuang mountain is a majestic mountain scenic spot, which integrates natural beauty and humanistic beauty, and integrates “majestic, dangerous, secluded, strange and beautiful”. its like a wonderful place for tourists to climb the mountain and enjoy the scenery of “a thousand feet of blue and blue paintings on the rocks, and a stream of poetry on the sea cloud pavilion”.

fenghuang mountain is a “majestic” mountain. seven steep peaks, such as jiangjun peak, shenma peak and jianyan peak, soar up to the sky and soar up to the blue clouds. they look at the world and are the places for a hundred li high and distant view.

the wonder of fenghuang mountain

fenghuang mountain is a “strange” mountain! stone wall crane shadow, golden turtle courtship and other strange stone scenes are both vivid and vivid; magnolia, yuling, rhododendron and other rare flowers vie for splendor and fragrance all over the mountain; more than 40 cliffs, such as “high mountains and long waters”, “standing in the middle of the sky” and so on, are engraved with solemn, magnificent and colorful carvings; the trestle road in the air is like a dark dragon. you can lie in the mountains, look up at the heaven and the earth, and walk freely, making the tourists feel at ease.

the danger of fenghuang mountain

fenghuang mountain is a “precipitous” mountain. the famous dangerous scenery of laoniubei, tiantianjue and baibujin make people afraid, daunted and awe inspiring. the “mountain city” is built on the mountain with grand scale and great momentum. the 800 meter cableway crosses the mountains, sweeps through the jungle and hovers at the mountainside and foot of the mountain.

the seclusion of fenghuang mountain

fenghuang mountain is a “quiet” mountain! the scenery of mountain clouds spreading over the sea and streams flying like a dream, beautiful as a fairyland; danquan, shengyuan, fenglei and other mountain springs are sweet and refreshing; fenghuang cave, tongxuan cave and other winding paths lead to seclusion, with unique caves; kublai tower, liberation memorial tower and other towering stands, carrying history; ziyang temple, chaoyang temple and other temples are solemn, simple and fragrant.

phoenix mountain show

fenghuang mountain is a “beautiful” mountain. the scenery of fenghuang mountain changes from time to time. it can be enjoyed in four seasons: the spring mountain is verdant, the azalea is red, the summer is full of clouds, the sound of waterfalls is heard, the autumn maple is beautiful, and the winter snow and ice cover the pine.

fenghuang yam king temple was built in memory of sun simiao. the annual april 28 yaowang temple fair has been held since the qing dynasty. it lasts for three days from april 27 to april 29 of the lunar calendar. during this period, merchants gathered, heroes gathered, lively, tourists as many as hundreds of thousands of people.

“if i had known that the scenery of fenghuang mountain was good, why should i have traveled thousands of miles to the south of the yangtze river?”. now, fenghuang mountain has become the leading scenic spot in dandong.

thats the end of our explanation. when you visit by yourself, you must pay attention to safety. i wish you a pleasant journey.


tourist friends: hello!

im very glad to meet you in the beautiful jiangcheng “dandong” on this sunny day. im a tour guide of __ travel agency. my name is __x. ill do the tour guide work for you this time. now, on behalf of all the staff of __ travel agency, i warmly welcome you. at the same time, i wish you a happy and happy travel life!

dear friends, during our tour, you can call me liu dao or xiao liu. if you have any needs, please dont mention it. as long as it is reasonable and possible, i will try my best to meet your needs. in addition, there is a driver who serves us. his surname is __x. now we would like to thank the driver for his hard work with applause.

today, im going to visit qingshangou, a famous provincial scenic spot in dandong. its located in qingshangou town, __ county, __ city, liaoning province. its 160 kilometers away from the urban area of __ city. the scenic area covers an area of 127.4 square kilometers and the car runs for about 3 hours. “qingshangou”, “feibaojian” and “hutanggou” are integrated to form a huge natural picture. there are 126 scenic spots and 36 waterfalls in the area. it is a perfect natural scenic spot with mountains and rivers. the scenery here is beautiful, the water is beautiful, the mountain is green, the momentum is magnificent, the vegetation is mostly primitive forest state, the forest is luxuriant, the canyon is deep, the strange stone stands, the stream murmurs, the waterfall is magnificent, the scenery is very charming. the seasons here are distinct, and the landscape in spring, summer, autumn and winter has its own characteristics. in spring and summer, we can see red spots in the green clusters; in late autumn, we can see red wind leaves and yellow spots; in winter, we can see snow covered peaks like jade. it is a first-class scenery in the north of china, and it is also excellent in the whole country. it can be said that “there is jiuzhaigou in the west and qingshangou in the east”. chinas first painter village was born here. because of its four distinct seasons, the scenery of spring, summer, autumn and winter is unique and unforgettable. it has been listed as a scenic spot in liaoning province.

there are 7 villages and 36 villager groups in qingshangou scenic area, with a population of about 8000. there are han, manchu, korean and other ethnic minorities, but most of them are manchu, with strong manchu culture. qingshan lake covers an area of 23.3 square kilometers, and hunjiang river, the largest tributary of yalu river, flows through the scenic area for 35 kilometers. in 1984, the united nations educational, scientific and cultural organization (unesco) listed qingshangou as one of the six pollution-free areas in the world through satellite observation. the average life expectancy of people living here is 88 years, which is a rare longevity town in the world. because of its beautiful scenery and outstanding people, the scenic spot was once praised as “the place where immortals lived” by the singapore press. source: big test

after several years of development and construction, the basic service facilities of qingshangou scenic spot have been greatly improved, with convenient transportation and developed communication. there are more than 30 high, medium and low-grade hotels and restaurants in the scenic area, which can receive 4000 tourists at the same time. there are 18 ships, which can carry 800 tourists at the same time. here you can eat carp from qingshan lake, a variety of river fish, and a variety of pollution-free mountain vegetables and other local specialties.

qingshangou scenic spot is surrounded by mountains and barriers. the terrain inclines from west to east, showing a trend of low in the east and high in the west. the forest coverage rate is 80%. the annual average temperature is 8.5 ℃, the minimum temperature is - 28 ℃, the maximum temperature is 32 ℃, the annual average rainfall is 1200 mm, and the frost free period is 180 days.

qingshangou scenic area is rich in animal and plant resources. there are 98 families and 1900 species of plants in the area, including more than 200 woody plants and 8 precious plants, namely ginseng, apostichopus japonicus, salix mandshurica, fraxinus mandshurica, wild soybean, juglans mandshurica, tiller, etc. the main forest species are deciduous broad-leaved forest, including oak, chestnut, maple, elm, birch, poplar, white wax, etc. rare medicinal materials include ginseng, asarum, guanzhong, liaowuwei, astragalus, fritillaria, gastrodia elata, clover, etc., as well as various wild mushrooms, such as tricholoma matsutake, tricholoma yuhuangensis, coprinus comatus, tricholoma matsutake, and artificially planted edible mushrooms such as lentinus edodes and pleurotus ostreatus. the annual output of pleurotus ostreatus is 2500 tons, and the scenic spot is rich in hawthorn, chestnut, walnut, club, auricularia auricula, etc., with an annual output of chestnut up to 400 tons tons. the scenic spot is also rich in famous exotic mountain wild vegetables such as pteridophytes, dragon teeth and celery. there are more than 200 species of animals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, fish and so on. there are black bear, roe deer, fox, rabbit, otter, mandarin duck, grey heron and various tits on the mountain. in the water, there are not only rare amphibians such as dragon claw turtle and giant salamander, but also turtle, high back carp, mandarin fish, pond fish, forest frog, loach and stream lobster.

the hardness of hunjiang water is 1.17 mg / l, which is much lower than the standard hardness of drinking water of 1.96 mg / l stipulated by the world health organization. it is equivalent to the drinking water standard stipulated by the world health organization. due to the high vegetation coverage, good soil and water conservation, no industrial and air pollution, rivers, streams and streams are extremely clear, most of the streams can be directly drunk, sweet and delicious, and contain a variety of trace elements and mineral resources necessary for human body. ok, heres a brief introduction of the scenic spot.

now our tour bus has been running for 60 minutes. lets have a rest. if you have any questions, please ask your guide.

hello, everyone. our destination is coming. please pack up your luggage. in a moment, well spanide our rooms and have dinner downstairs in 10 minutes. then well visit castle peak lake directly. please bring your camera, water, glasses and so on.

now we are going to visit qingshan lake scenic spot, which is known as “li river in the north of the great wall”. its 8 kilometers away from qingshangou town, and it takes about 15 minutes. now id like to introduce the general situation of qingshan lake to you. the water area of qingshan lake scenic spot is vast. the widest part of the lake can reach 1500 meters, up and down more than 100 kilometers, and the water depth is 30-70 meters. the lake water is clear and green. you can go boating on the lake, but you can see the green hills on both sides of the lake. the boat breaks through the water, and the mountains and waters become a fairyland. qingshan lake scenic area has arrived, the first thing we see is a european style pavilion, which is “yugui villa”. it was in july 1993

the famous chinese painter song yugui invested 6.5 million yuan, covering an area of 3800 square meters. it is a high-grade hotel integrating food, accommodation and entertainment.

when you get on the ship for a while, please pay attention to your safety and take your valuables. especially on the ship, its easy to lose things or fall into the water. at the same time, you should take care of each other on the ship and carry forward the spirit of unity and friendship, so that our play can be more relaxed and enjoyable.

(after you sit down) let me tell you a true story: in the early summer of 1994, kong xiangyi, secretary of the party committee of zaohua township, __ district, __ city, and others came here for a tour. they found a big red carp weighing more than 20 jin in qingshan hotel and were ready to kill it. when he saw the fish, he bought it for 120 yuan and set it free in qingshan lake. when he visited qingshan lake by boat, the carp led the fish to follow the boat, jump in the water and see each other off. i dont know if this big red carp is human or spiritual.

now we see the “clove cliff”. in late spring, the cliff is full of gorgeous clove flowers, and you can smell a refreshing fragrance from afar. compared with dingxiang cliff, “huaxiantai” is more beautiful. when spring comes, the wild azaleas all over the mountain compete for beauty. the crown of chinas famous calligrapher inscribed “huaxiantai” on it. the 100 meter long cliff in front is “_ _”, which is the best place for tourists to fish. lets take a look at the cliff in front of us. is it like a turtle putting its head into the lake.

in front of this is “baiyun peak”, which has a thousand strokes and is surrounded by clouds. it is said that the eight immortals came here from penglai to drink and sing. there is a beautiful legend on “baiyun peak”, but there is a sad story under “baiyun peak”: a long time ago, there was a mountain dweller who put wooden rafts south to support his family. one day, the mountain dweller was engulfed by jiang tao. his wife did not see his husband return, so she stood on the huge natural terrace to watch him return. after a long time, she fell into the river, so people began to welcome him back the high platform standing by the river is called “wangfu platform”.

looking to the right, you can see that thousand year old pine, which is more than ten meters high and has double hugs. no one knows why it withered in the year of xuantong (1919). for three years, a man surnamed li wanted to cut it down for firewood. but as soon as his axe fell, the pine was bleeding. the man also had abdominal pain and fell under the tree. from then on, no one dared to cut it down years later, it miraculously resurrected, and even more leafy. therefore, people call it “songshen”.

in front of the cliff, which stretches for 1000 meters and is as high as 100 meters, is the “bronze wall”. next to the “bronze wall” is the “grand canyon”. there is another scene in the valley, such as the “mountain sound waterfall” flowing between the valleys, the “sister spring” with two springs flowing side by side, and the “zhonghundong” relic of the anti japanese alliance. it is an ideal place for tourism and picnics.

if you look to the right, this is the unique castle peak lake - midsummer ice. even in the middle of the summer, its cold. you can also see the goose egg sized ice growing in the crevice of the stone. every morning, a white fog belt from the “midsummer ice” blows across the lake and goes straight to the grand canyon. its called “white dragon crossing the river” for a long time. these two phenomena can be called “white dragon crossing the river” all over the world wonder, a mystery.

now we can see that an ancient temple on the left bank of the lake is qingfu temple. qingfu temple was built in the late ming and early qing dynasty. there were 48 monks in the heyday of incense. the temple was burned by japanese invaders when they invaded china. after repair, it was destroyed during the cultural revolution. in 1994, mr. cai jinzhong of singapore invested $80000 to relocate and repair the temple. now the painting is over and will be open to the public in the near future.

from afar, we can see the “eight immortals terrace” in the “immortal valley”. under the “eight immortals terrace” is the “chinese painter village” built by mr. song yugui with an investment of 3.6 million yuan, covering an area of 5000 square meters. these are many western style buildings located at the entrance of “immortal valley”. with the ups and downs of the mountains, pavilions, scattered. it is the best place for leisure vacation and painting from life. along the “chinese painter village”, there is wugu spring gushing from the top of the cliff, just like wulong spitting water, which is called “wulong spring”. if you go on, you will see a huge stone like sleeping buddha, which is called “sleeping monk stone”. on the left side of the gully, there is a “liuhua waterfall” which has been splashed by the cliff. around the “liuhua waterfall”, there is a large and small deer shaped “luming spring” lying in the forest. on the right side, you will see a majestic spring rushing down from the 80 meter high cliff, which is gushing from the gap between heaven and mountain it comes from the sky, so it is called “feiyun waterfall” and “immortal valley” has many beautiful interior scenes.

ascending along the river, you can see the tall and straight “shenwang peak”. it is said that there are a lot of ginseng on the peak, and there are zhushenwang. every time the ginseng is pulled, shenduo reflects half of the river red, and the scenery is full of people. when the japanese invaders occupied northeast china, they heard that there was a ginseng king at the top of the peak, so they forced the local people to cut down wood to build a ladder to collect treasure. when the ladder was half built, yang jingyu led his subordinates to come and beat the japanese invaders away. it is said that the ginseng king was good at hiding changes and is still on the “ginseng king peak”.

look at the small and beautiful “xiaoxianshan” and “shuangrufeng” on the right bank of the river. there are many layers of cliffs. in spring and autumn, swallows flock to the “swallow tail”. on the cliff, there is a pit about one meter deep and square. it is said that in ancient times, the local people used to infer the time according to the change of the position of the shadow projection in the pit, which is very accurate, so it is named “jinzhongbi” ”。

tourists, the island in front of the river is the destination of our qingshan lake scenic spot, “liuhua island”. it is like a bright pearl embedded in the center of the river. “liuhua island” is famous for its luxuriant grass, willow trees, poplar and catkins.

friends, what we are going to visit now is hutanggou scenic spot, which is about 6 kilometers away from our starting place, and the journey is about 20 minutes.

hutanggou scenic spot is the most original scenic spot among the three scenic spots. it has deep canyons, rattan trees blocking out the sun, steep mountains, many strange rocks, gurgling streams and splashing waterfalls. it is known as “the most secluded place in the world” and was named by puyi, the last emperor of china

in order to appreciate the quiet state of hutanggou, his younger brother pujie named it “hutangyoujing”.

why is it called “hutanggou”?

listen to the old people say, a long time ago, there lived two brothers in this ditch. they lived by hunting and firewood all day. one day, they went hunting in the mountains as usual, but they got nothing. when they were tired to go home, they found an injured tiger in the fork of the ditch. they saw the tiger crawling on a stone, and their eyes seemed to be still streaming with tears. the two brothers couldnt bear to ask for help any more to hurt it, so the brothers took the injured tiger home, while treating the injury, they gave the tiger what they had to eat. in a few days, when the tigers injury was healed, the brothers put it back to the injured place. the tiger walked away step by step, and seemed to be grateful to both of them. a year has passed, and the days of the two brothers are as usual. one day, a girl came from a distance who said she was in a panic. she had no place to settle down and asked her brothers to take her. the kind-hearted brothers saw that the girl was also poor, so they took her. every day, they went hunting in the mountains, and the girl cooked, washed and cleaned up the housework at home. since they came to this girl, their days have been better and better, and they have been harvesting more and more prey for a long time, the elder brother married the girl. a year later, he gave birth to a fat son. the two brothers were very happy. just when they had a good life, they found that the girl was in a bad mood and always seemed to have something on their mind. however, the girl didnt say anything. one day, the two brothers went hunting again. the girl cooked the meal, put the child in the yard and told the child to listen to his father in the evening, when the two brothers came home happily, they found that there was no girl in the family, so they searched everywhere. there was only a picture left on the table, and the two brothers understood it as soon as they saw it. it turned out that the girl was the tiger who was injured in that year. because of the help of the two brothers, they came to repay their kindness. for two years, they have been taking care of them, and now they are dead after the completion of the task of repaying kindness, we must go back, otherwise it will not be left in the world. although the two brothers miss her very much, there is no way. in order to commemorate this beautiful story in the world, people named this place “hutanggou”. this folk story has also been handed down. believe it or not, in fact, this story mainly tells us that the people here are simple and kind-hearted, and the mountains, water and people here are more beautiful.




















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