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格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-03-13 10:37:05
时间:2023-03-13 10:37:05     小编:zdfb



非正式成绩单:申请人必须在网上申请的“教育背景”部分上载每个机构的非正式成绩单,标记表或学术记录(即使您没有获得学位)。所有的成绩单上传必须附有一个关键字,一个图例或成绩单的背面副本。非英文成绩单必须附有英文翻译。来自非美国机构的记录必须有成绩或者商标,并且如果授予学位,则包含一份文凭副本。确保你的名字出现在成绩单/记录上。扫描必须清晰易读。除非入学办公室要求,否则不要邮寄上传在线申请材料或其他材料。如果您在上传您的成绩单时遇到问题,请发送邮件至 [email protected]/*


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parchment exchange

scrip-safe international

national student clearinghouse


国际学术证书:所有不以英文书写的成绩单必须附有经过认证的英文翻译,或由世界教育服务(wes) 或全国信用评估服务协会(naces)的其他成员进行评估。必须为每个成绩单准备一门课程评估。在没有评估的情况下,招生委员会将尽力作出决定。请注意:在某些情况下,如果没有评估就不能进行评估。委员会的决定将会延迟。招生办有权要求成绩单评估。如果使用wes来提交,请访问 获取说明并开始申请流程。“所需文件”部分将解释要发送的内容。如果您要求在线报告,请在选择我们的机构时搜索“新学院”。wes将把你完成的评估直接发送到新学院。如果使用其他naces来提交,请遵循该申请课程得到相关说明。邮寄的评估和翻译应发送到提供支持材料的邮寄地址。转发这些密封文件的申请人应该包括 申请材料封面表 。

résumé: submit a brief résumé/curriculum vitae summarizing your academic qualifications, relevant work experience, volunteer/community work, travel, exhibitions, public speaking, or any other relevant experiences as they may relate to your field of study, including dates and positions held. please also note any special language or computer skills that you have.


statement of purpose: please outline your reasons for applying to this program. in what ways will you contribute to the subject matter of the program? you should include a thoughtful description of your background, tentative plan of study or area of inquiry in the field as you now envision it, your professional goals, and how this graduate program will help you realize those goals. if you have not been enrolled as a student in the past five years, please address anticipated opportunities and challenges in pursuing the degree, and future career expectations upon completion of the program. (500-750-word limit)


recommendation letters: you are required to submit two letters of recommendation from faculty or people with whom you have worked professionally. recommenders can submit recommendations online; instructions are included with the online application. if preferred, the recommendation form can instead be sent by mail in a signed, sealed envelope. to send by mail, download the pdf recommendation form found in the online application, complete the personal information, save the form, and forward it to the recommender for completion and submission. applicants can also send signed and sealed recommendations to the office of admission using an application materials cover sheet.

6.推荐信:您需要提交两份来自您的专业工作人员的推荐信。推荐人可以在线提交建议,在线申请中包含说明。如果愿意的话,推荐表格可以通过邮寄方式发送到带签名的密封信封中。通过邮件发送,下载在线申请中的pdf推荐表格,填写个人信息,保存表格,并转发给推荐人完成并提交。申请人还可以使用签名的方式向签证办公室发送签名和盖章的建议 申请材料封面 。

portfolio: the portfolio must be completed in slideroom only. the purpose of the portfolio is to show your inspanidual perspective and creative skills. prepare a sequence of 15–25 images that best communicate your visual thinking. include work that best demonstrates your skills from previous educational and/or professional experience. sketches and conceptual work can also be welcome students from a wide variety of disciplines. if you are an applicant without previous training in architecture or design-related fields, you can demonstrate your aptitude by submitting examples of freehand drawing, photography, painting, sculpture, graphic design, three-dimensional work, furniture, product design or digital media, or other kinds of work. time-based works such as film, video, performance, installation or sound are also accepted. do not combine images in a prepared presentation or slideshow of any type (e.g., powerpoint or keynote).



any additional supporting documents that need to be sent by mail must include an application materials cover sheet. all supporting materials must be received before your application can be reviewed.

see below for additional information regarding submission of transcripts and recommendations.

some of your required materials will be submitted through slideroom:

所有申请人都需要使用通用申请在线申请。保存一份你日常工作的成果介绍。提交之前,您必须完成所有必填字段并上传。任何需要通过邮件发送的附加证明文件都必须包含申请材料封面。所有辅助材料必须在您的申请被审查之前提交给我们。有关提交成绩单和建议的更多信息,请参阅下文。您所需的一些材料将通过slideroom提交 :

in addition to submitting the online application, parsons requires that you submit a portfolio using slideroom.


finalize your portfolio at the time you submit your application. this will help prevent any delays in reviewing your application, as we need all required materials to be received before we can place your application under review.


once you have submitted the required slideroom materials, a confirmation number will be emailed to you. save this for your records and enter it on the online application when requested.



application form: complete the online application. all applicants are required to apply online.


application fee: a nonrefundable $50 application fee paid as part of the online application. a $15 slideroom fee is also required.



unofficial transcripts: applicants must upload an unofficial transcript, mark sheet, or academic record for each institution (even if you didn’t receive a degree) in the educational background section of the online application.

all transcript uploads must be accompanied by a key, a legend, or the back copy of the transcript.

non-english transcripts must be accompanied by an english translation. records from non-u.s. institutions must have grades or marks and contain a copy of diploma if the degree has been conferred.

make sure your name appears on the transcript/record. scans must be clear and legible.

do not mail materials that have been uploaded with the online application or any other materials unless requested by the admission office.

if you experience trouble uploading your transcript, email [email protected]/*


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the new school reserves the right to require official transcripts at any time during the admission process. any fraudulent activity or discrepancies found between uploaded and official transcripts will result in the immediate revocation of admission and/or dismissal from the new school. transcripts uploaded with the online application are considered unofficial.

official transcripts: applicants offered admission will be required to submit official transcripts (as well as official certified translations and evaluations of the transcripts/mark sheets and degree certifications if the degree was earned outside of the united states) to the new school. admitted applicants must submit all official transcripts pertaining to their entire academic career.

your offer of admission will be contingent upon the receipt and verification of these official documents. new students will not be permitted to register for their second semester of study until all official transcripts (including degree-awarding transcripts) have been received by the office of graduate admission. transcripts uploaded with the online application do not satisfy this requirement.

by mail: official transcripts should have an original signature or a raised university seal, and must be in a sealed envelope that has been signed or stamped by the issuing university’s registrar or records office. applicants can either send official transcripts with an application materials cover sheet or request that institutions send transcripts directly to the new school. see “mailing address for supplemental materials” for our mailing address in the additional instructions and information section below.

electronic transcripts (u.s./domestic institutions only): the new school accepts electronic transcripts only from our approved vendors. the new school’s approved vendors, in order of preference, are

parchment exchange

scrip-safe international

national student clearinghouse

we do not accept electronic transcripts sent directly by a student or school offices. note: all international academic credentials must be submitted as indicated in the international academic credentials sections below.

international academic credentials: all transcripts not written in english must be accompanied by a certified english translation or be evaluated by world education services (wes), or by another member of the national association of credit evaluation services (naces). a course-by-course evaluation must be prepared for each transcript. in the absence of an evaluation, the admission committee will do its best to render a decision. please note: in some cases, a review cannot be made without an evaluation, and a committee decision will be delayed. the admission office reserves the right to request a transcript evaluation if necessary.

if using wes, visit for instructions and to begin the application process. the “required documents” section will explain what to send. if you request your report online, search for “the new school” when selecting our institution. wes will send your completed evaluation directly to the new school.

if using another naces provider, follow instructions for that provider. mailed evaluations and translations should be sent to the mailing address provided for supporting materials. applicants forwarding these sealed documents should include anapplication materials cover sheet.


interviews: an interview may be requested by the graduate faculty.


applying to more than one program: in any given term, a student can apply to only one department or program within the new school. applicants who file more than one application in a given semester will be required to withdraw one of the applications, and application fees will not be refunded.


application materials: all materials submitted in association with the new school application become the property of the new school and cannot be returned to you or transmitted to a third party.


application status: applications become complete and ready for review once all required items have been received by the office of admission. you can check your application status online at the admission hub.

allow at least 14 days from the date you submitted your application for items to be matched and shown as received on the hub. applicants are responsible for following up with schools and recommenders to confirm that items have been sent.

the office of admission will periodically notify applicants by email if their file is missing any documents and again when their file is complete for review. these notifications are sent to the email address provided in the online application.

4.申请状态:一旦申请办公室收到所有需要的课程,申请就会完成并准备好审核。您可以在录取中心 在线查看您的申请状态 。


readmission:the application for readmission should be completed by students who wish to return after an absence of four semesters (fall and spring). if you would like to apply for readmission, review the readmission deadlines and requirements in the readmission section of our how to apply information.

5.重新入学的申请人:重新申请入学只有在四个学期(秋季和春季)缺席后返回的学生才可以申请。如果您想申请重新入学,请查看我们如何申请信息的重新接纳部分的重新接纳期限和要求。(秋季和春季)缺席后返回的学生完成。如果您想申请重新入学 ,请查看我们如何申请信息的重新入学部分的重新入学期限和要求。


gre (optional): although it is not required, if you took the graduate record examination (gre), scores can be submitted to support your application. gre scores should be sent electronically. the institution code is 2638.

toefl, ielts, and pte: all applicants whose first language is not english must submit valid toefl, ielts, or pte scores. the minimum score required for toefl (ibt) is 92, for ielts is 7.0, and for pte is 63. our toefl institution code is 2638.

the new school does not require toefl, ielts, or pte scores for applicants:

who have attended a secondary school for a minimum of three years where english is the primary language of instruction

who have successfully completed two full semesters of non-esl college-level expository writing

who have earned a four-year degree from a u.s. college/university or from a university where english is the primary language of instruction (minimum of three years attendance)

upon review of your application, the office of admission reserves the right to request a toefl, ielts, or pte score.

arrange for the testing service to send your test scores directly to the new school using the codes listed above. we accept scores from the past two years. if your scores are older, you must retake the test. for more information, visit toefl, ielts, or pte.

applicants also have the option of enrolling in the new school english as a second language (esl) program. students must pass level 6 in order to waive the toefl/ielts/pte requirement. visit the esl website for more information.




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