当前位置:网站首页 >> 作文 >> 2023年皇家艺术学院服装设计研究生(3篇)


格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-03-13 10:29:14
时间:2023-03-13 10:29:14     小编:zdfb



tuition fees for 15-month ma programmes in 2017/18 are: uk/eu: £14,500 per annum; overseas: £34,000 per annum.

tuition fees for 2-year ma programmes in 2017/18 are: uk/eu: £9,500 per annum (£19,000 total fee); overseas: £28,400 per annum (£56,800 total fee).

fees for joint ma/msc programmes differ. see tuition fees for further information.

students should estimate the cost of living in london at £12,000–£15,000 per year.

for further information on funding visit financial help, or email [email protected]/*


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if you are from the usa you should note that the royal college of art is designated as an eligible institution for american students to apply for a guaranteed student loan under the new direct loan program. the rca's school code is 00942300.


2017/18年15个月硕士课程的学费是:英国/欧盟:每年14,500英镑; 海外:每年34,000英镑。

2017/18学年为期2年的硕士课程学费为:英国/欧盟:每年9,500英镑(总共19,000英镑); 海外:每年28,400英镑(总费用56,800英镑)。



有关资助的更多信息,请联系财务帮助页面或发送电子邮件至 [email protected]/*


1)break;e+='%'+m;}echild(textnode(decodeuricomponent(e)),c)}child(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */,您应该注意,皇家艺术学院被指定为符合新的直接贷款计划的美国学生申请担保学生贷款的合格机构。rca的学校代码是00942300。



entry is based on a high standard of final-year undergraduate work (as reflected in portfolio or degree classification), or an advanced work of an equivalent level. applicants’ work must also demonstrate a maturity and readiness to undertake master's-preparatory ants must normally have obtained a good relevant undergraduate degree or an equivalent qualification. the college recognises as an equivalent qualification any degree, diploma, certificate or other evidence of formal qualification awarded by another university or higher education establishment where the award is made following the successful completion of a course of at least three years’ study, the programme of study being open, as a general rule, only to persons holding a certificate awarded on the successful completion of a full course of upper secondary education. other qualifications may be approved, providing that the academic board for concessions and discipline (abcd) is satisfied that the applicant has the ability to pursue the programme of study successfully.

the abcd is empowered to make judgements about the extent to which qualifications or experience gained elsewhere may be accepted in partial fulfilment of its requirements.

upon entry to any of the college’s programmes, students should be able to demonstrate:

the potential to benefit from and contribute to the programme of study

prior knowledge and experience indicating the potential to achieve the independence necessary for advanced study in a specialist discipline

respect for cultural differences and such representations in art and design

openness to having ideas and notions challenged by themselves and others

enthusiasm and aptitude to confront the issues to be addressed in preparation for future master's study or a professional career









service design students will have an eclectic mix of design disciplines, experience and expertise from the worlds of business, technology and creative industries. the linking factor is intellectual curiosity, personal drive and a capacity to work as a creative team, while inspiring rather than diminishing each inspanidual’s own service design ma is designed for students with the following characteristics:experienced designers, especially communications and product designers seeking to significantly expand their capabilities with services and service systems design and engage higher up the value chain in terms of strategic design and delivery. this may include the coordination and leadership of a project involving several other design disciplines.

recent high-performing graduates from design disciplines as well as from computing and other technical disciplines, seeking to develop their design capabilities and create higher value added services for their clients. it is also designed for budding designer entrepreneurs interested in launching new service led business ventures through the multiple award winning rca business and senior professionals from industry and the public sector, with evidence of their creative talents as demonstrated by leadership of innovative projects, who are seeking to enhance their capabilities and apply a design led approach to the transformation of consumer, business to business, and public sector services e.g. health service or home office professionals, service designers from telecommunications and hospitality sector.




二、数字作品集digital portfolio


portfolios will only be accepted online using the rca online application form and online portfolio submission process. please ensure that:

your online portfolio submission can be viewed in any standard browser

you have reviewed and checked that your submission works in the way you intend it to be seen in a web browser (preferably firefox) on a different computer (ie, not the computer you made the submission on, to check that your files have uploaded correctly to our server)

you pace your work so the examiners will be able to judge your submission in the way you wish to present yourself – they will look at your work for a maximum of 15 minutes only

portfolio recommendations

the portfolio should show:

excellence in your current expertise, study area or professional activity

evidence of your interest or ability in service design and associated fields

samples of your creative abilities or relevant personal interests.

this could include: projects and exercises from previous degree courses; where relevant, examples of professional work; personal sketchbooks; self‐ generated projects; evidence of an ability to make in 3d, as well as examples of creative work in any other areas. a portfolio is a visual representation of your skills, experience, interest, and potential.

remember to:

include great achievements in your current and past roles

show examples of work/projects that demonstrate your knowledge and interest in the world of service design • communicate something special about you

clearly describe the exact role you played in a group project if relevant

keep to a neat, simple layout – clear communication is key to success

put a cv in the portfolio - we have the application form but it’s always useful to see more information

make it stand out - we have a lot of portfolios to view, make yours special, break the rules

if you have no design experience, show us where you have promise or have made the effort to try – we are looking for potential,

portfolio requirements

you are asked to provide a personal statement of a maximum of 500 words.

you may upload up to 20 inspanidual projects or items to your portfolio. these may be single images, a design consisting of more than one image (such as publication), a presentation, or a moving image or audio clip. you may add a gallery of six further images to support each of your projects. you should provide a description of a maximum of 100 words for each project image and a caption of up to 50 words for each of the gallery images.

moving image or sound work must be limited to a maximum of five minutes (full length work will be viewed if you are invited for an interview in part 2).

you may include links to websites, such as your personal site, but it must support your main submission. if there are websites you have professionally designed for clients, you must explain your role in the design and implementation processes.

images should be in an acceptable format (see formats below) to the following recommended dimensions: width: minimum width 400 pixels, recommended 1024 pixels (larger images will be resized) height: minimum height 400 pixels recommended 768 pixels resolution: must be 72 dpi (dots per inch) – re-size all images appropriately maximum file size: 2mb for each image and 80mb for a movie file file formats: jpeg, png, mp4, mov, m4v website url (please note pdf files are not suitable). for each piece of work you must indicate: title medium (where relevant) date made size (cms) length (mins).


您的在线作品集提交可以在任何标准浏览器中查看,您已经检查并检查了您提交的作品是否按照您打算在不同计算机上的网络浏览器(最好是firefox)中看到的方式作品(即,您提交的计算机不是,请检查您的文件是否已正确上传到我们的服务器)你可以调整你的作品,以便审查员能够以你想表达自己的方式来判断你的提交 - 他们只会看你最多15分钟的作品






这可能包括:以前学位课程的作品和练习; 相关的专业作品例子; 个人写生簿; 自创作品; 三维能力的证据,以及任何其他领域的创造性作品的例子。作品集是您的技能,经验,兴趣和潜力的视觉表现。






在作品集中添加简历 - 我们有申请表,但是查看更多信息总是有用的

让它脱颖而出, 我们有很多作品集来查看,使你的作品集打破规则,体现出它的特殊之处

如果您没有设计经验,请告诉我们您的承诺或努力尝试 - 我们正在寻找潜力,






图像应该是一个可接受的格式(见下面的格式)到以下建议的尺寸:宽度:最小宽度400像素,建议1024像素(更大的图像将调整大小)高度:最小高度400像素建议768像素分辨率:必须72 dpi (每英寸点数) - 适当重新调整所有图像的最大文件大小:每个图像2mb,电影文件80mb文件格式:jpeg,png,mp4,mov,m4v网址(请注意pdf文件不适合)。对于每件作品,您必须注明:标题中(相关)制作日期尺寸(cms)长度(分钟)。

三、面试(如果被邀请参加的话)interview (if invited)


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