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最新unit Bees language points(十三篇)

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最新unit Bees language points(十三篇)
时间:2022-12-09 11:40:38     小编:zdfb


unit Bees language points篇一





amazing,spot,surround,astonishment,to onet astonishment,troop,downward


prohibitions and warnings(禁止与警告)

cant/mustnt do…

you…,you will…

had better not do…



out!/take care!/be careful!

sure you lock the door when you levave!

the wet paint!

your own business!别管闲事!

out where you are walking.




kind of 与sort of


this kind of question(questions)is not easy.


that kind of food is too expensive.

3.口语中,学习惯说these kind (s)of+单数或复数名词,动词复数。因其结构不太亚谨,在书面语中常改用另一种说法。试比较:

these kind(s)of flower(s)are very beautiful.

flowers of this kind (sort)are very beautiful.

these kinks of deer are very rare.

deer of this kind are very rare.这种鹿非常罕见。




these kind of bikes are made in shanghai.

these sorts of bikes are made in shanghai.

these kinds of bike are made in shanghai.



this sort of thing is often heard about.

this sort of things is often heard about.

things of this sort are often heard about.

5.还应注意,在修饰不定代词时,this kind(sort)常放在不定代词之后。例如:

i have never heard of anything of this kind.

6.a kind of…与…of a kind

(1)a kind of表示“一种……”的意思。但并非都可译为“一种”,在对所说事物(人)不能确定其真正含义时,常常译成“大致可以说成是……”,“类似……的东西”。例如:

he is a kind(sort)of genius(天才).

at the same time another kind of paper was developed.同时另一种纸也被研制出来。

(2)…of a kind (sort),也有很多不同的含义。表示“同种类的”,“徒有其名的,劣质的,勉强算是……的”等意思。例如:

things of a kind come together.物以类聚。

you bought some tea leaves of a sort yesterday.你昨天买了什么劣质茶叶。

the boss gave his workers rice of a kind.那老板给工人们吃极差的米饭。

(sort)用于复数,也可用of kinds(sorts)形式。应注意修饰kinds(sorts)的形容词也应放在of之后。例如:

people eat different kinds of food (food of different kinds) which change into energy.

he saw all kinds (every kind)of people (people of all kinds/every kind.)



the new car goes at an amazing speed.

amazing可以作形容词。amazed作形容词是“被惊异”。amazement是名词“惊异,惊愕”。常用词组有:to ones amazement使某人惊异的是……。如:

i was amazed to find him there as well.

to my amazement i came first.


mystery surrounded the actresss death.女演员之死笼罩着神秘的气氛。


the wall surrounds the church.=the church is surrounded by/with the wall.

we found the village surrounded by a river.

the old man sat there telling stories,surrounded by some children.

the beauty of the surrounding scenery is beyond description.


she like to bring up her child in healthy surroundings.她希望在健康的环境中养育孩子。


ies of多种多样的

in large groups群居

icate with sb与某人交流信息

with bees=make a study of bees=do research on bees研究密蜂

the left 向左。on the left在左边

sth blue把某物标成蓝色记号

to light被发现

out to do sth=set about doing sth着手干……

through the air 在空中飞行

away on holiday外出研究

e ones understanding of增进对……的了解

of the research of够不着的地方




are also other varieties that do not live in groups at all.还有些蜂根本不群居。

(1)variety n.变化:多样化;种种;种类。如:a variety of fruits 各种水果,make a choice from three varieties of whisky从3种威士忌酒中作一选择,a life full of variety 丰富多彩的生活,different varieties of plant不同种类的植物。

(2)in groups一组一组的;一群一群的。in large groups 大批地。

2.…many more came to it one after another in a short time .不一会儿,越来越多的蜜蜂很快就来了。

(1)one after another一个接一个地(着重表达连续性,且是三者以上),不能变形为one…after another。但one after the other一个接一个地(常指两个间的连续动作),有时也变形为one…after the other。而one by one 一个一个地,依次地(不着重连续性,而着重逐个,各个)如:

they entered the meeting-room one after another.


we destroyed the enemy forces one by one.我们各不歼灭敌军。

(2)in a short time 很快,不久。in such a short time在如此短时间内。

frisch wanted to find out whether the dance told them how far away the feeding place was .冯弗里施想要弄清楚这种舞是否告诉它们喂食的地方离得有多元。

how far away有多远距离(带与静态性动词连用)。而how far 多远(多与移动性动词连用)。如:

how far did you go?你走了多远?

how far away do you live?你住得多远?

dancer ran in a straight line,wagging from side to side.跳舞的蜜蜂沿着直线跑,边跑边左右摇摆。

(1)in a straight line以直线的方式。in常用于表达形式、方式、排列等,译作“按照,以,符合于”。如:stand in a cicle站成圆圈,speak in a whisper低声讲话,run in threes and fours三五成群地跑,in a good order井井有条地,in my opinion/view以我之见。

(2)from side to side从一侧到另一侧;左右地。已学过的类似无结构还有:from mouth to mouth中中相传,from sun to sun 从日出到日落,from door to door沿门,挨家挨户地,from day to day 日复一日地,from end to end从头到尾(=from cover to cover),from hand to hand从一人之手到队人之手,from time时常,不时。

at the hive they watched the wagging dance closely.他们回到蜂房旁,密切注视着摇摆舞。

closely密切地。close 既可作形容词表“密切的”又可作副词表“紧紧地”亲近地。像这种有两种形式的副词在使用中应注意:一般与形容词同形副词不能用在动词之前,而带…ly 的副词可以;与形容词同形的副词不能置于it be…that强调句型中,而带-ly的副词则可以;表示距离远近、物体高度、深度及宽度时,与形容词同形的副词往往表具体含义;而加-ly的副词表抽象意义。又如:

we flew high in the sky.我们在高空飞行。

we think highly of their research.我们对他们的研究评价很高。

set out to discover whether the wagging dance showed direction.他开始着


set out to do开始干/set about doing开始干/set off for 出发到某地;使爆炸

up for sb;sit up with sb;sleep late;stay late;stay up

(1)sit up for sb深夜不睡以等待某人;sit up with sb熬夜照看(或护理)某人。如:he sat up for his son, who sat up with hissick mother-in-law.


(2)sleep late睡懒觉;stay late(或stay up late)很晚才睡觉。如:

i wonder why tom never sleeps late and mike always stays up late.


aside,put away,lay up


its wise to have some money put away(或:laid up,put aside)for old age.为养老而储蓄些钱是明智之举。

但put saide着重“把……这放到一边”暂不去动它,或不做某事,而put away着重“把……收藏起来”以便以后使用。如:

put your books are going to have a dictation.


put all the instruments away on the shelf so that they wont yet broden.


an end to; put a stop to

(1)put an end to使结束,使终止,使消灭。如:

that accident put an end to his life .那次事故断送了他的命。

(2)put a stop to =bring sth to a stop使……停下来(说明只是停止,而不是终结)。如:

its saining hard, we have to put a stop to the work.


sb sth;owe sthe to sb

owe sb sth欠某人债务;应向某人表达……。如:

i owe her 20 yuan=i owe 20 yuan to her .我欠她20元。

we owe you an apology(=we owe an apology to you)我们应向您道歉。

owe sth to sb还可表达:应把……归功于……。如:

we owe our happy life to our party.(注意这时不能改换为:we owe our party our happy life.)我们的幸福生活归功于党。

ones own;on ones own

of ones own“自己的”,常作定语。on ones own“独自地,独立地”,常作状语。如:

we have a house of our own.我们自己有一座房屋。

he directs the film on his own.他独自导演那部影片。


a bad neighbor

were fed up with their neighbor. he was always borrowing things

from them.

“its not right,”mr,wu said to his wife one evening.“at some time or another that man thing.”

“youre quite right,”hiswife replied,“and most of the thing hes never returned.”

“what i want to know,”her husband said,“is why cant he buy the things he needs,like everyone else?”

“because people like us are foolish enoughto lend him what he needs,”she replied.“as long as we arewilling to lend,hell keep on borrowing.”

“then well never lend him anything again,” said.“the next time he asks to borrow something,ill say no.”

“we must have a good reason for saying no,”his wife said,“and we must always try to be polite to dont want to make an enemy of the man.”

it was not long before their decision not to lend their neighbor anything ever again was put to the test.

the next morning there was a knock on the door.

went to answer it.

their neighbor was standing knew he was going to ask to borrow something,and was ready to refuse him politely.

“good morning,”their neighbor said,“im sorry to trouble you,but i wonder if i could borrow your garden scissors.”

“im sorry,” said,“but im afraid my wife and i will be using them be spending all day working in the garden.”

“oh,i see,”the neighbor said ,“in that case,may i borrow your golf clubs?you wont be needing them if youre working in the garden all day,will you?”


you were to throw a stone into the red sea, what would it become?

is a boxers motto?

a 747s motto?

every babys motto?

答案: at first you dont succeed,try,try again. at first you dont succeed,fly,fly again. at first you dont succeed,cry,cry again.






this is one of the books which were written by charles dickens.

he is the only one of the boys in our class who has learned french.


he said he a frenchman,which was not true.


a young man from our school,whose name i have forgotten,has gone to scotland.

this is the desk,whose legs we have repaired.(whose legs可改为the legs of which)




i dont know the foreigner with whom my teacher shook hands.

(或i dont know theforeigner(whom)my teacher shook hands with.)

但要注意:who和that不能直接位于介词后作宾语;有的短语动词是不能拆开的,因为这些介词存在于关系密切的固定短语中,常见的这类短语有:look for,look after等,如:

this is the pencil that ma lili is looking for.(对)

this is the pencil for which ma lili is looking.(错)


he stood by the window,through which he could see what was happening outside.(the window 是介词through的逻辑宾语)


this is the house in which(=where)chairman mao once lived.

everyome knows the reason for which(=why)the high dam was built.

i still remember the day on which(=when)we visied the temple.


the evening that people spent singing and playing music was exciting.(充当宾语)

the summer palace,where we spent last sunday,is a famous place.(作状语)

the islands of britain that we visited last year are made up of four parts.(作宾语)


the factory where he works there is a large one.(应去掉there)

this is the factory which we visited it last sunday.(应去掉it)






this is the reason(for which/why/that)he came last for class.

i dont like the way (in which/that)he talks.




y the thief handed he had stolen to the police.


is the highest building .

have ever built in out school has ever been built since1994

all the senior students will live for us to live in

building are bright at night is our school library.

windows windows of which

girl is our new english teacher.

spoke to you talded

whom hair is beautiful said something to

has two daughters .

of them are bright r of whom works as a teacher

are both workers of whom have gone to college

person is a professor.

a. who is talking to the shop assistant the shop assistant is talking to

you are talking who they are talking

is the office my mother once worked.


skirt is mine, .

colour is blue i bought last year

cost me twenty yuan se colour i am interested in

washing machine works well.

a.i bought last thursday mother is eager to buy

se sides are all white is made is shanghat

ai is the very place .

the foreigners are interested in foreigners are eager to visit

live a lot of foreigners the foreigners like to stay at

is one of the best writers .

are thought highly of

books the people in the world enjoy very much

have published a lot of books

has been given medals

two friends met again,and tehy talked about a lot of things an persons

they could remember at college.

is everyone likes to work with.

one that person

is the modern hotel the visitors can enjoy all good things.


earth goes round the sun, even a child knows.

railway bridge will be finished in two days.

is being built now we visited yesterday

visited yesterday there are a lot of busy workers

that laboratory ?

one that we visited yesterday we visited yesterday

one we visited yesterday we visited yesterday

that the laboratory yesterday?

visited we visited yesterday

one we wisited we visited

答案: 12.d











1.i heard from you yesterday,/i received/got you letter yesterday.或者:your letter reached me yesterday.

you for your invitation.

/when i stayed in your home,you gave me a lot of help.

come to our city for a visit if you have time./please come to our city to visit if it is convenient to you.

5.i wish you to succeed./i wish you successful./i wish you success.

you have a good trip./a good journey to you.

will be an english evening party this english evening party will be held this evening.

四、 同步题库


father persuaded me not to time tv all day and all night.

;to see ;to watching ;watching ;to see

you watch the tv broadcast of the football match last night?

must have known the result of her maths exam, she?

manager is over not make yourself him?

about to by as

glad to see you in fact,i know you .

;are coming ;have come

;came ;were coming

wet clothes should to dry.

up hung up up hanged up

7. ,we plant young the young trees grow taller .

after year;year after year by year;year by year

by year;year after year after year;year by year

is a good is always the first to school and the last


;leaves come;to leave

;leaving ;leave

museum they visited last week the 15th century.

from back from since back to

ng you know in fact you dont is a terrible mistake.

;what ;that ;that ;what

11.i feel like in the fresh air after supper,but id like at home today.

;to stay g;staying

walk;staying g;to stay

12.-where are you from?

- .

british b.i speak english

c.i was born in ireland d.i used to live in wales

that the church is great.

;makes ;plays ;plays ;play

1 girl took of the two oranges and gave one to her brother.

r;bigger small;the big

smallest;the biggest smaller;the bigger

be honest,that problem made me .

d;puzzled ng;puzzling

d;puzzling ng;puzzled

hing must be an zhang in the minutes.

arrive about to arrive

possible to arrive probable to arrive

cousin went abroad ,that is .

his thirties;in the 1990s his thirty;in the

the age of 30;in 1999s thirty;in 1990s

wont get well unless you the doctors advice.


headmaster would like with the boy henry.

have words;whose name is a talk;with the name of

to word;his name is have a word;named

20.-how are you getting along with you work?

-i havent made i should.

more progress as much progress as

many progress as progress like


we are often warned by our teachers not to waste time because time(1)will never return.i think it quite(2).what does time look(3)?nobody knows,and we cant see it or touch it and no(4)of money can buy is abstract,so we have to (5)about it.

time passed very quickly.(6)students say they dont have(7)time to review their is(8)they dont know how to make(9)of their waste it in going to theatres or parks,and (10)other useless do we study every day?why do we work?why do most people(11)take buses instead of walking?the answer is very(12).we wish to save time because time is (13).

today we are (14)in the 20th (15)time as a person dies,his life life is short,we must (16)our time and energy to our studies so that we (17)be able to serve the people well in the ss is the(18)of time,for it not only brings us(19),but also does other(20)to itis(21)for us todo our work today,(22)us do it today and not(23)it until tomorrow.(24)that time is much more(25).

2.portant le

y ty

e e


able e n



to to rather better


ess ess ng

g ling ing

upon e

r ion

19.alth alth e s

e ulty

sful ient ary ant

er e

le ive e



there was a time when the owners of shops and businesses in chicago had to pay large sums of money to gangsters(匪徒)in return for “protection”.if the money was not paid immediately,the gangsters would quickly put a man out of business by destroying his g“protection money”is not a modern longago as the fourteenth centruy,an englishman,sir john hawkwood,made the remarkable discovery that people would rather pay large sums of money than have their life work destroyed by gangsters.

then sir john hawkwood arrived in italy with a group of soldiers and settled near soon made a name for himself and came to be known to the italians as giovanni er the italian city-states were at war with each other,hawkwood used to hire his soldiers to those who were willing to pay the high price he times of peace,when business was bad,hawkwood and his men would march into a city-state and,after burning down a few farms,would offer to go away if protection money was paid to them,hawkwood made large sums of money with this spite of this,the italians regarded him as a sort of he died at eighty,the florentines gave him a state funeral and had his picture painted,which was in memory of“this bravest man”.

protection did chicago gangsters give to those who paid them?

saved those peoples businesses from destruction.

left those peoples business unharmed much.

y sent soldiers to serve them no matter what help they needed willingly.

didnt take those peoples lives

john hawkwooks italian name‘giovanni acutowas one which .

gave himself in order to become better known to the italians

earned through his sharp practice of selling his‘protection

needed so as to hire his soldiers to italians

given him in telling his services to the others

italians regarded hawkwood as a sort of hero .

e they couldnt help admiring his bravery and boldness

he aided the citizens in peacetime when business was bad for them

had played an important role in their daily life

he lived so long and was given a state funeral by the florentines

the passage,we can guess the gangsters were those .

were of great importance to the poor

made the businessmen do whatever they were in need of

were always ready to be sent abroad

did harm to others

ing to the writer,hawkwood was .

a.a sort of national hero experienced leader

c.a brave soldier c.a noble gangster


the sun had gone behind a cloud.i was very tired and wanted nothing in the world so much as to be at last i got to the gate of hide this was worse than ever;there were buses there-high and terribly red cars,taxis and still more buses in an endless here there were people hurrying past or waiting to get into the buses,while i stood lost in the middle of them.

i was ready to despair,i crossed the street on to an“island”, where i found a policeman. i took my last bit of courage in both hands and said, “please,sir,where is addison road?”he began to explain,but when he saw that i couldnt understand he became helpless,too.“are you french at school?”a few minutes later,he smiled and raised his wonderful!the traffic the red buses stood still and waited until i had crossed the road.

is the most probable reason why she was tired out.

had been very hot by then

writer had been standing lost for a long time

writer had been completely lost

writer had been wandering in the park for a long time

e the writer was made so worn out, .

wanted nothing on earth but her home

thought it perfect to stay at home

would never leave her home at all

didnt get to the park on time.

this passage“island”means .

a.a piece of land surrounded by water

b.a raised place in a busy street where people may be safe from traffic

c.a safe place that can omly be used by policemen

d.a safe place that nobody can use without permission

did the traffic stop? because .

the drivers could understand french

s a certain driver had broken the traffic rules

the drivers knew the policeman very well

policeman was directing the traffic

which country do you think the story happened?

rland. .

d. d.a certain non-english speaking country.


is my physics has 1.75metres 1.

in the was born on november4, 2.

he is a middle-aged man. graduated qinghua 3.

university in graduation,he becomes a middle 4.

school has been taught physics for 20years. 5.

he is a success as a has been given a 6.

lot of is not only a good teacher in the 7.

physics but also opeak english and russian very well. 8.

in his spare time,he likes reading books,collect 9.

stamps and listening , is kind-hearted. 10.

答案:(一)1.c 2.a live“实况的” 3.c。对过去肯定推测的反意疑问句用have与主语相一致。 4.b 5.d对说话前动作的陈述。 6.b 7.d 8.d序数词后常用不定式作定语。 9.a date from=date back to 10.a 11.d 12.a 13.c 该句是为强调part而使其提置句首,后跟that定语从句。play a part/role in 在……起作用;扮演……角色。14.d “the+比较级+of the two+复数名词”表“两者中最……”。15.d puzzling“令人迷惑的”,puzzled“被迷惑的”。16.a“be about to ”不与表将来的时间状语连用。17.a 18.c follow/talk with advice听取……的意见,ask for ones advice征求……的意见。19.d have a word/talk with 和……聊一聊,have words with sb=quarrel with sb和……争吵 20.b

(二)1.a 2.b 3.b 4.a 5.b 6.b 7.c 8.c 9.b 10.a 11.b 12.b 13.b 14.b 15.a 16.a 17.c 18.b 19.c 20.b 21.c 22.b 23.d 24.a 25.a


(四)改为is 2.去掉the ted后加from s改为became 改为teaching 6.对 7.去掉the 改为speaks t改为collecting ing后加to

unit Bees language points篇二

lesson85 the language of honey bees(1)

i. do true or false on p229 of the workbook

ii. reading comprehension:

1. which of the following statements is right?

a. all the bees live together.

b. most bees live together.

c. many bees live together.

d. some bees live together.

2. the scientists can study the language of honey bees only after the development of


a. the modern beehive b. experiments

c. dishes of honey d. both a and b

3. you can find out the main idea of the text simply from_______.

a. the title

b. the first sentence of paragraph 1

c. the first sentence of paragraph 2

d. the first sentence of paragraph 3

4. the phrase “ tell the bees apart” in paragraph 2 means _________.

a. let the bees live separately

b. tell one bee from the other

c. drive the bee away

d. tear the bees into pieces

5. karl von frisch made an experiment to research _________.

a. the food of honey bees

b. the dance of honey bees

c. the hive of honey bees

d. the ways honey bees communicate

6. the marked bee told the other bees by ________.

a. making a circle to the left

b. making a circle to the right

c. performing a circle dance

d. all of the above

7. after the marked bee danced, the other bees ______.

a. danced together

b. became very excited

c. seemed not to notice it

d. both a and b

8. different dances indicate different _______.

a. food b. feeding places

c. steps d. semicircles

9. the circle dance communicates ________.

a. the distance of food

b. the information of food

c. the amount of food

d. both a and b


iii. questions:

1. how did karl von frisch find that one bee was able to communicate the news of food to the other bees in its hive?

2. how did karl von frisch find out whether the dance of one bee told the other bees how far away the feeding place was?

suggested answers:

1. first karl von frisch built special hives, and each hive had got only one honeycomb. he then built a glass wall so that he cold watch what was going on inside. in order to tell the bees apart, he painted some bees with little spots of colour. when all this was ready, he watched through the glass. he found that as soon as a marked bee returned to the hive from the feeding place, the bee began to perform a dance on the surface of the honeycomb. and the circle dance, he thought, seemed to communicate news of food.

2. karl von frisch set up two feeding places. one was close to the hive while the other was much farther away from the hive. he marked all the bees that came to the nearby feeding place blue, and all the bees that went to the faraway place were marked red. when all these bees came back to the hive, he found that all the “blue” bees were doing a circle dance. but the “red” bees were doing a wagging dance. things were quite clear now. the circle dance meant that food was near, while the wagging dance meant that food was far away.

lesson 86 the language of honey bees (2)

i. do true or false on p230 of the workbook

ii. reading comprehension:

1. which of the sentences tells the main idea of paragraph 1?

a. but then another question came up.

b. the number of wagging dances per minute told the exact distance to the feeding place.

c. von frisch and his co-workers wet up a feeding place close to the hive.

d. then they slowly moved it farther and farther away.

2. the phrase “came to light” in paragraph 1 means ________.

a. became known

b. came to a bright place

c. turned bright

d. both b and c

3. we can rewrite the last sentence of paragraph 1 as “_______”

a. they also discovered that bees can only fly 3.2 kilometres.

b. they also discovered that bees can fly as far as 3.2 kilometres.

c. they also discovered that the farthest distance bees can fly is 3.2 kilometres.

d. both b and c.

4. the word “astonishing” in paragraph 1 means ______.

a. unusual b. surprising

c. frightening d. shocking

5. which paragraph(s) is (are) mainly about “the wagging dance shows direction”?

a. paragraph 2 b. paragraph 3

c. paragraph 2 and 3 d. paragraph 2, 3 and 4

6. the different position of the sun can be shown by _______.

a. the right part of the wagging dance

b. the right part of the circle dance

c. the straight part of the wagging dance

d. the straight part of the circle dance

7. which of the following statements is possible according to the last paragraph?

a. we human beings can communicate as honey bees do

b. we human beings can go as quickly as honey bees.

c. we human beings can come to help each other in a very fast way.

d. we human beings can learn something from animals’ behavior


iii. questions:

1. did the wagging dance tell the bees how far away the food was?

2. how did the bees learn the direction of a feeding place?

suggested answers:

1. in order to answer this question, karl von frisch and his co-workers set up a feeding place close to the hive. then they slowly moved it farther and farther away. they then watched the wagging dance and discovered that the father away the feeding station was, the slower the dance was. so it was clear that the number of wagging dances per minute told the exact distance to the feeding place.

2. karl von frisch watched the wagging dance very carefully. he noticed that the straight part of the dance was different in the afternoon from what it had been in the morning. he found out that the straight part of the dance changed when the sun’s position changed. if the feeding place was toward the sun, the dancer headed straight upward during the straight part of the wagging dance. if the feeding place was away from the sun, the straight part of the wagging dance pointed downward. in this way, the wagging dance of the bee showed the direction of a feeding place.

unit Bees language points篇三

i. fast reading

1. in the cave the two brothers discovered______.

a. a secret art museum b. strange-looking animals

c. nothing but paintings d. lots of paintings and carving

2. after they decided to say the night in the cave, they_____.

a. talked about the discovery b. danced excitedly

c. didn’t feel sad at all d. collected enough food

3. the two brothers thought that it looked as if they had stepped into a secret art museum because______.

a. there was a wall of painted animals in the cave

b. there were so many paintings and carvings on the rock

c. they were examining the pictures like visitors to a museum

d. the cave was like an art museum which only the two boys knew

4. which of the following statements is not correct about the writer’s feelings?

a. he was excited because he wanted to tell about the discovery.

b. he felt sad because he couldn’t tell his family they were safe.

c. he was proud they discovered something of great value.

d. he felt disappointed because the cave would become very noisy the next day.

5. why did the writer think that they were in a better position than their grandparents?

a. because they were safe and had made a great discovery.

b. because their grandparents did not know what was happening to them.

c. their grandparents were very worried, but in fact they were safe.

d. because they had discovered such extraordinary paintings in the cave.

2. questions

1. how did the boys feel when they saw the shapes on the rock?

2. what did the writer do then?

3. what astonished them?

4. why did they stay the night in the cave?

5. why did the writer feel excited? and why did he feel sad at the same time?

6. why did the writer want that moment to continue for ever?

7. what did the two boys imagine would happen?

8. what did they wonder about?

9. how old were those carvings and paintings?

10. what was the headline in the newspaper?

ge points

1. i got the radio____ again by twiddling(缠绕)with some wires.

a. to work b. working b. worked c. work

2. many american women are choosing single life or_____ later in life. they are more independent than women______.

a. get married; used to b. getting married; used to be

c. marrying; used to d. getting marry; used to be

3. i made a great ______in a second-hand bookshop yesterday and got many old books i had wanted for long.

a. discovery b. find c. looking for d. research

the novel harry potter ______, it topped best-seller lists for many months.

a. came across b. printed c. came out d. published

5. many plant species________ by humans and becoming extinct(灭绝).

a. destroy b. are destroying

c. is destroyed d. are being destroyed

6. the guinness book of records is a reference book that______ all types of records about the world and its inhabitants(居住者).

a. covers b. writes c. obtains d. holds

7. thin oxygen, strong winds, and awfully cold temperatures make_____

impossible for any animal or plant life to exist on the mountain.

a. this b. it c. which d. its

8. centuries ago, women in europe ______wear wooden or metal corsets (紧身内衣) to give them thin waists.

a. use to b. used to c. are used to d. were used to

9. red, often used in fast food restaurants, makes us feel active, _____after we have eaten, we want to get up quickly and leave, thus ____space for more customers.

a. so that; making b. so that; to make

c. however; making d. in case; make

germany, for instance, ____ there are now very few wolves, a campaign has started to protect wolves.

a. which b. where c. that d. when

11. the successfully man talked about the difficulty ____he managed to collect enough money to start his first company.

a. which b. with which c. with it d. in which

12. _____weather it is, we shall start tomorrow; and i cannot wait any longer.

a. no matter b. what c. whatever d. even though

13. ----have you repaired my watch yet?

----not yet, but i _____it by 11 am.

a. am repairing b. have repaired

c. will have repaired d. have been repaired

14. it looks as if the rain will continue for some time, but it may____ before dark.

a. turn out b. turn up c. come out d. clear up

15. from 1920 to 1950 many attempts to climb mount everest failed _____ the cold and dry air, fierce winds, _____ difficult terrain, and high altitude.

a. as a result b. because of c. so that d. that’s why


was very quiet this morning.

it’s bad manners tokeep silent when the teacher asks you a question.

he stood there still.

still waters run deep(prov.)

the sea is calm now,but it can also be rough sometimes.

he tried tobe calm,but couldn’t.

2)with+n.+doing/done/to do/adj./adv./prep phrase

the house burnt,he had nowhere to stay.

he can’t fall asleep with the light on.

with the man leading the way,i found the way easily.

with a report tofinish,he had tostay up until midnight.

he can’t be engaged in the work with such a loud noise outside.

3)clear up

weather has cleared up.

her face cleared up as she read the letter.

when you finish your meal,please clear up=fix up the kitchen.

the book has cleared up=solved many problems for me.

they have cleared up the misunderstanding between them.


on one’s way;in the way;by the way;by way of

eg.i’m writing a report;don’t be in the way.

he went to beijing by way of shanghai.

feel/fight/make/wind/find one’s way

’s so dark in the cinema that we had to feel our way.

after school,the students made their way=headed for home.


dog has a keen ~ of smell.

this word has many ~s.

a ~of pleasure/humor/duty/beauty/safety/justice

there is no ~ in doing that.

in a sense/make sense/make sense of

you say is true in a ~=in some/a way=to some extent.

what you said at the meeting made no ~.

can youmake ~ of this poem?


in a word=as a rule=on the whole/in words/with these words/by word of mouth/leave word/break one’s word/eat one’s words/waste one’s words/have a word with/have words with=quarrel with


1.d a d d c

3.b b b c d a b b a b b c c d b

unit Bees language points篇四

unit 14 the language of honey bees教学设计

兰溪五中 外语组 龚小芳

一. 教材分析

本篇课文the language of honey bees 是新编英语教材第三册的第14单元,是一篇科技性说明文。讲述了一位科学家对蜜蜂交流食物信息途径的研究。涉及到蜜蜂如何通过舞蹈传递食物的远近和距离等内容。就本单元zoology而言,reading部分是本单元的中心,一方面有warming- up 和 speaking 当中学到的有关动物的知识为其作铺垫,另一方面此课的学习又为下面的primates 打下基础,使学生能在reading 中学到的关于动物的信息和探索的科学方法,以及阅读中获得的阅读技巧得到更好的应用和发挥。就本册教材而言前四个单元都是有关对自身极限和对自然界的探索,在第十单元又涉及到了成功的关键,这就为本课的学习奠定了情感基础。另一方面,这是第十三单元的课文,已接近本册书的结尾,所以在语言能力的各个方面学生也都有了一定的积累。因此,从内容上看,本节课是对前面所学单元主题的再现与升华。本课的学习可以进一步培养学生的探索能力,推理能力和空间的想象力。.




三.teaching goals

knowledge objectives

1. enable the students to know the communicating ways of bees.

2. enable the students to understand how professor karl von frisch’s experiment is done.

skill objectives:

1. improve students’ reading ability, especially in exploring the implied information.

2. improve students’ thinking ability, especially deducing.

moral objective: to promote the spirit of scientific thin king and cooperation and loving animals.

points : to improve students’ reading ability and skills

difficult points: the ways bees use to communicate information of food

ng methods and tool

multi-media method, acting ect.

computer, recorder.

ⅵ. procedures

g in

1、show a group of pictures of animals on the screen. ask the students to speak out the names of the animals.

2、ask the students to say as many proverbs or sayings containing the name of an animal as possible.

it rains and _ 倾盆大雨

to kill two with one stone 一石二鸟

when the is away, the will play.


to teach a how to swim. 班门弄斧

stupid as a 蠢得像头猪

busy as a 非常忙碌的人

ⅱ. presentation

step 1: fast reading and do t or f

all bees do not live in trees.

honey-bees interested scientists most.

bees communicate the news of food to other bees outside their hive.

there are three dances mentioned in the text.

the number of wagging dances per minutes told the direction to the feeding place.

step 2: careful reading

task 1: reading the text and match the main idea with the right paragraph.

task 2: find out the ways bees used to communicate information of food

answer some questions

para2-3 the scientist assume first?

2. what did they do for their assumption? was it proved?

kind of a dance was found?( flash)

4. what was the conclusion?

para 4-5 5. what was the other dance?(flash)

information did it convey?

’s the difference between the two dances ?

a circle dance food is near.


a wagging dance food is far away.

para 6 do you think the remaining question is

step 3:consolidation

a circle dance

a wagging dance

a faster wagging dance

a slower wagging dance

2. doing some reading comprehension

step 4: activity

karl von frisch got a noble prize together with his partner.

now suppose we are at a rewarding ceremony, one of you is karl von frisch,

the others are reporters from different tv stations.


find out the way to communicate direction.

unit Bees language points篇五

1. mystery. [c]神秘的事;不可思议的事。

her sudden disappearance was a complete mystery.他的突然失踪是一件不可思议的事。

it’s a mystery to me how she passed the exam.她是如何通过考试的对我来说是一个谜。


stories full of mystery

mysterious. adj. 神秘的,难以理解的

the mysterious disappearance of jim upset everyone.吉姆的神秘失踪使大家心烦意乱。

2. sorry, i didn’t recognize you.对不起,我刚才没认出你来。


i never thought you were going to bring me a gift.我没想到你会给我带礼物。

the problem is so simple. i wonder why i didn’t think of that.我刚才怎么没想到呢。

oh, it’s you, i’m sorry i didn’t know you were here.抱歉我不知道你在这。

*recognize (recognize): vt. 没有进行式

①辨认出 recognize sb/sth (by sth)

dogs recognize people by their smell.狗凭嗅觉认人

the town has changed so much you wouldn’t recognize it.这个城镇变化太大你会认不出它的

②承认recognise sb/sth (as sth) recognize sb/sth (to do)

everyone recognize him to be a good man./as a good man.大家都承认他是个好人

③认清;认识到recognise+ (that)

he didn’t recognize that he was wrong.他不承认他错了

*recognise与know比较,前者指“认出,辨认”,为短暂性动词。而know指“知道,认识”, 为延续性动词。

i recognize my son’s voice on the phone. 从电话中我认出是我儿子的声音。

tom pretended that he didn’t know the old man. 汤姆假装不认识那位老人。

3. “ years of hard work, very little food ……a moment’s rest.”



“…only a small cold room to live in”是不定式作定语。不定式作定语通常放在它所修饰的名词后面,与该名词在逻辑上有动宾关系。

could you find me a job to do?帮我找个工作做?

do you have anything to say on this question?


there is nothing to worry about.没什么好担心的。

please give me a knife to cut with.

i need some paper to write on.我需要一些写字的纸。

4.surely. adv.


he will surely succeed in passing the exam.他一定会成功通过考试的

careless driving will surely cause accidents.粗心驾车一定会导致事故


i surely met him somewhere in beijing.我一定在北京的某个地方见过他

surely you are not going to eat that! 你不至于吃那种东西吧?


-can i use your car for a while?


5. &vi. 解释,说明

explain sth (to sb). explain + (to sb) + that/wh-

the lawyer explained the new law (to us).

can you explain what this word means? 你能解释一下这个词的意思吗?

he explained to the policeman that his driving licence was lost. 他向警察解释他的驾驶执照丢了。

6.jewelly. [u] 珠宝,首饰 a jewelly box珠宝盒

this necklace is my most valuable piece of jewelly.这个项链是我最贵重的珠宝

jewel (一般用复数),宝石饰物,首饰

she locked her jewels in the safe. 她把她的首饰锁在保险箱里了。

7. can’t you just wear a flower instead? 你不能只戴朵花吗?


can’t you help me now? (表示请求)

can’t you finish such an easy job in so long a time? (表示惊讶)


-don’t you like your present?

-yes, i do. 不,我喜欢。

-isn’t he a writer?

-no, he isn’t. 对,他不是。

8. continue. vi(+with)& vt (使)继续;(使)延续

the fighting continued for a week.战斗持续了一个星期。

how long can they continue (with) this damaging strike?他们这种破坏性罢工能持续多久?

[+to do]

she continued to make progress in her lesson.她继续在学习中取得进步。


he continued writing his diaries until he died.他坚持写日记直到去世。

* to be continued未完待续

* continuous. adj.持续的,不间断的,连续的

the brain needs a continuous supply of blood.大脑需要不断的供血

9. call on, call at, visit, drop in

call on sb 拜访某人 call at some place访问某地

i decide to call on mr smith and hope to ask him for some good advice.

i called at my friend’s office during my stay in shanghai.


pay a visit (to) sb/some place

he was happy to have a chance to visit canada.

he often pays a visit to the poor areas of his own country.

drop in “顺便拜访”,指未事先通知的非正式访问。是不及物动词短语,通常需要接介词on和at. drop in on sb drop in at some place

please drop in when you’re free.

tom often drops in on me.

on my way home, i dropped in at li hua’s house.

call back 召回 call for要求

call forth 使产生…;唤起… call in请…;招请

call off 取消…;停止 call out大声叫喊

call up打电话给…

10.pierre and i did have a good time at the ball.……确实在舞会上玩的很开心。


i did see him on my way to school yesterday. 我在上学途中确实看到他了。

my father does enjoy traveling.我父亲的确喜欢旅游

they do come here every saturday morning.他们确实每周六早晨来这里。


*have a good/pleasant/wonderful time (=enjoy onself) 过得愉快

*have a hard/bad time过得艰难;日子过得不好

unit Bees language points篇六

1. patent 专利,有专利的


get a ~ for

obtain a ~ to protect an invention

it’s my ~. 这是我的专利发明。


~ drug / right 专利药物、专利权

2. prepare

1) ~ sth. 侧重“准备:的动作本身

~ for sth.=get ready for 侧重准备动作的目的

e.g. ~ a meal ~ for trouble

the teachers are preparing the examination questions.

the students are preparing for the examination.

2) prepare sb. sth.

~ him a meal

3) ~ sb. for 使某人对某事有所准备

~ the students for an examination

~ yourself for a shock

4) be prepared for / to do sth.

the troops were being prepared for battle / to go into battle.

3. iq: intelligence quotient eq: emotional quotient

4. a matter of sth.是~的问题

e.g. ---- she is a fine signer.

---- that’s a matter of opinion.

it’s a matter of time before the rebels are srushed.

* a matter of life and death

5. limit

1) v. ~ sb./ sth. ( to sth )

her childhood world was limited to the all-black parts of town.

she limited her conversation to ten minutes.

* limited company longman group limited

2) n.

the speed limit is 70 mph.

there is a ~ to how much i’m prepared to spend.

he tried my patience to its limits.

within limits

without limit

6. allow

1) ~ sb. to do sth.

2) ~ for 在计算、估计时考虑到某人或某事

it will take you an hour to get to the station, allowing for the traffic delays.

7. reject

1) 拒绝接受

~ a gift / suggestion / the new heart

2) 抛弃、剔除

imperfect articles are rejected by our quality control. 在我们的质量检查中,不合格的产品将会被剔除。

3)refuse 和 reject 表示拒绝时的区别

refuse 可用于拒绝请求、要求、邀请、帮助,可以接不定式


8.be/ get stuck (adj.) 困住,不能继续做某事

we were stuck in a traffic jam for an hour.

i’m stuck on the second question.

9. otherwise

he reminded me of what i should ~ have forgotten.

we should have to hurry, ~, we shall miss the train.

10. invisible in direct in correct incomplete

with : like

as with drawing a picture, you should be patient and careful in doing this job.

12. attempt

1) v. ~ + n. / to do

the prisoners attempted an escape / to escape.

2) n. make an ~ to do sth.

13. be (well/ quite) aware of

everyone is well aware of the importance of protecting wildlife.

14. trial and error 反复试验,从失败中找出解决的办法

learn by trial and error

a scientist has to go through trial and error before he can succeed in discovering a new solution.

15. try to do(try your best to do) & try doing (尝试做)

try knocking at the back door if nobody answers it at the front door.

that: because of the fact that

now that you mentioned it, i’d like to discuss it with you.

17. at a high pace = at (high) speed

keep pace with

18. once一旦

once you have made a decision, you should carry it out.

unit Bees language points篇七

[step i greetings

step ii revision

retell the text in our own words

step iii reading

language points:

1. whatever great achievements the future may have in store for china, it is likely that many of them will be born in northwestern beijing.


whatever (conj.) ---regardless of what , no matter what 引导让步装语从句。在句中可以做主语,宾语和定语。

a. whatever happens, the first important thing is to keep cool.

( whatever happens = no matter what happens)


b. whatever dictionary you have, lend it to me.


c. whatever you do, don’t be late.



注意:当whatever 引导名词性从句时, 不可用no matter what 替换, whatever= anything that 。

d. you may do whatever you want to do.(whatever= anything that)


e. whatever can be done has been done. (whatever= anything that)已经做了能做的一切。

in store (for sb./sth.)

a. about to happen 必将发生的,就要到来的

b. being stored 储备(贮存)着,准备着

a. i can see trouble in store.

b. there is a surprise in store for you.

c. when i first set ______ in australia, i didn’t know what the future might have in ______ for me.

a. my foot; the store b. a foot; the store

c. foot; store b. feet; stores

2. it is home to the chinese academy of sciences and more than ten famous universities, including peking university and tsinghua university.


home n. --- 所在地,家,发源地,栖息地。

a. i left my book at home.

b. america is the home of baseball.

c. india is the home of elephants and tigers.

d. at home

feel at home

make oneself at home

3. zhongguancun was set up as a special economic zone in the late 199os and quickly got started became the leader of china’s hi-tech industry.

set up as --- establish (oneself) in business as

立业,当上, 使(自己或他人)从事某职业

a. he has set himself up as a bookseller.


b. his parents set him up as a teacher.


set up 开办,树立,升高,建立,创立,设立

set up a shop

set up a flag

set up a committee

set about doing sth

set off / out

set out to do sth.

4. they all have their own …, but they all share the spirit of creativity and scientific skill that have made zhongguancun a success.

success n --- a. (u) a degree of succeeding

b. (c) a person or thing that succeeds

(failure is similar to success)

a. failure is the mother of success.

b. as a writer, she is a success.

c. his new book was a great success.

d. she’s just set up a new company; we hope she makes a success of it.

e. this experiment turned out to be _____ failure, but ,as we know, success often comes after ______ failure.

a. a; a b. /; / c. a; / d. /; a

succeed / be successful in doing sth.

were you successful (did you succeed) in persuading him to change his mind?

step iv homework

1. review the words and expressions

2. preview the language points

unit Bees language points篇八

aims and demands:


importance and difficulty:

1. words and expressions: one after another, to his astonishment, come up, come to light

2. sentences:

a. among the different types of bee, it is the honey bee that has most interested scientists because of the “language” they use to communicate wit each other.

b. to answer this question, von frisch and his co-worker set up a feeding place close to the hive.

c. back at the hive they watched the wagging dance closely.

3. grammar: attributive and appositive clause

a. i still remember the time when i joined the army.

b. the pen which you are using is mine.

c. there is no doubt that this is the only way out.

d. i have no idea whether i will leave or not.

4. useful expressions:

a. you can’t / mustn’t

b. look out!

c. be careful!

d. you’d better not do …

e. don’t ….

lesson 85 the language of honey bees (1)

aims and demands:

develop the ss’ reading ability and have a better understanding of the text.

deal with the language points:

importance and difficulty: understanding and the usage of the language points.

teaching aid: tape recorder

teaching procedure:

step 1. warming up ( picture showing )

t: what are these? ------ bees

t: what kind of people are compared to bees? ---- hard working people

t: do you know what bees feed on? ----- pollen ( 花粉 ) and nectar ( 花蜜 )

t: do you like bees? why or why not?

ss: people can collect honey made by the honey bees.

i am afraid of being stung / bitten.

t: all female bees have a sting.( bite – bit – bitten )

t: what are these bees doing ? ----- dancing

t: some are making a circle dance and some are making a semicircle dance.

what do these dances mean?

----the circle dance meant that food was near. the wagging dance meant that food was far away.

step 2. reading

read the text and find out the answer and do the comprehension 2.

step 3. careful reading and do the other comprehension

wb, paper comprehension , questions.

reading completion for unit 21 (lesson 85)3b ddabd ddbd

1. which of the following statements is right?

a. all the bees live together.

b. most bees live together.

c. many bees live together.

d. some bees live together.

2. the scientists can study the language of honey bees only after the development of ___.

a. the modern beehive b. experiments

c. dishes of honey d. both a and b

3. you can find out the main idea of the text simply from ___.

a. the title

b. the first sentence of paragraph 1

c. the first sentence of paragraph 2

d. the first sentence of paragraph 3

4. the phrase “tell the bees apart” in paragraph 2 means ____.

a. let the bees live separately

b. tell one bee from the other

c. drive the bees away

d. tear the bees into pieces

5. karl bon frisch made an experiment to research __.

a. the food of honey bees

b. the dance of honey bees

c. the hive of honey bees

d. the ways honey bees communicate

6. the marked bee told the other bees by ___.

a. making a circle to the left

b. making a circle to the right

c. performing a circle dance

d. all of the above

7. after the marked bee danced, the other bees ___.

a. danced together b. became very excited

c. seemed not to notice it d. both a and b

8. different dances indicate different __.

a. food g places rcles

9. the circle dance communicates ___.

a. the distance of food b. the information of food c. the amount of food d. both a and b

step 4. listen toe the tape and deal with the language points.

1 . it is the honey bee that has most interested scientists.

the scientists are most interested in the honey bee.

the honey bee is most interesting.

2. communicate with : pass information to sb. or to and animal

3. the development of the modern beehive in 1851 made it possible to design.


i found it important to learn spoken english.


i think it difficult to master a foreign language.


the storm made it impossible for them to start / set out on time.

4. spend…in doing sth.

spend …on sth

5. 先行词是way 的定语从句中,引导词可以是:that , in which , / .

eg. i don’t like the way he acts. ( that he acts. / in which he acts. )

6. again and again

over and over

over and over again

7. one after another

one by one

8. tell… apart : be able to know one from another

the twins are so much alike that we can hardly tell them apart.( tell one from another)


can you tell the two things apart?

9. to one’s astonishment

to one’s surprise

10. the dance seemed to excite the surrounding bees.

the surrounding bees seemed to be excited by the dance.

11. troop: come or go together in a group

12. faraway adj. adv. 作定语时连写,作表语时常分开

nearby adj. adv. prep. 作定语时连写,作其他时有板有3 种形式

nearby , near-by , near by

13. wag: to shake quickly and repeatedly from side to side 摇摆

the dog wagged its tail with pleasure.

step 5. wb.


lesson 86 the language of honeybees (2)

aims and demands: develop the ss’ reading ability

importance and difficulty: have a deeper understanding of the text and develop their reading skill

teaching aids: tape recorder and slides

teaching method: reading and writing

teaching procedure:

step 1. revision

t: do all the bees live in groups? (no.)

where do other types of bee live? (in holes in the ground, in holes in the rocks or trees.)

what was the name of the scientist who did research into bees? (karl bon frisch.)

was bon frisch a new zealander ? (no, he was austrian.)

what was special about the beehive he built for his research? (it had only one honeycomb and a glass wall.)

how did he mark the bees? ( with spots of colour.)

what did the wagging dance mean? (it meant that food was far away.)

what dance means food was near? ( circle dance.)

step 2. reading

read the text and do the comprehension exercises:

text comprehension 2

workbook ex 1

paper comprehension

reading comprehension for unit 22 lesson 86 (3b)

1. skim the passage to figure out what the different dance dances mean and them make a choice.

dances meanings

a. a circle dance

b. a wagging dance

c. a faster wagging dance

d. a slower wagging dance is closer.

is farther away.

is near.

is far away.

ii. further comprehension (lesson 86) ccbdc

1. which is wrong about the further information the professor and his men discovered?

a. the closer the feeding place is, the faster the wagging dance is.

b. bees fly a maximum distance of 3.2 km between their hive and a feeding place.

c. the speed of the wagging dance can tell about the amount of food.

d. the direction of the wagging dance tells the direction of the feeding place.

2. professor von frisch did his third experiment to discover ___.

a. whether the wagging dance showed direction

b. how far bees can fly between their hive and a feeding place

c. whether the wagging dance told the bees how far away a feeding place was

d. how the straight part of the wagging dance was different when the sun’s position changed

3. “so another astonishing fact came to light .”the underlined part can be replaced by ___.

a. came up b. was discovered

c. remained unknown d. needed to be checked out

4. ____ can show the different position of the sun.

a. the right part of the wagging dance

b. the left part of the circle dance

c. the straight part of the circle dance

d. the straight part of the wagging dance

5. what can be inferred from the fourth paragraph?

a. honey bees can pass news of food at high speed.

b. man can communicate in the same way as honey bees do.

c. man can learn something from animals’ behavior.

d. the expression “to make a beeline for someone or something” was used centuries ago.

step 3. language points

underline the language points

step 4. practice

practice 3

note making 4

wb. ex 2

homework : note making 4

wb exercises

unit 22 lesson 85~86 language points

correct the mistakes if any.

1. it was in this house which we lived last year. that

2. where was it mr. smith met his friend yesterday? that


3. it is this house that we lived in last year. 定语从句 (此句的主句为一般现在时,从句为过去时,显然不是强调句。)

4. it was in this house that we lived last year. 强调句。强地点状语

5. it was this house that we built last year. 强调句。 强调宾语

6. the development of modern beehive in 1851 made that possible to design experiments to research the language pf honey bees. it

7. the music made this possible for you to fall asleep. it

a. it 在句中可作代词(前面提到过的事物或一个句子, 或一个部分)

---- look at that girl on the stage . she is already fifty.

----you are joking. she doesn’t look it.

b. it 也可作强调 it

c. it 作形式主语或形式宾语

8. many people criticized me , but i did what i thought it was right.

9. the twins are so much alike that we can hardly say them apart. tell

tell 常与 can, could , be able to 连用表示区分。识别。


tell… from

10. i don’t like the way which he acts ./ he speaks to his mother. that . in which . /

11. i don’t like the way in which he told me to learn english.

he learned english. which . that

在定与从句中,当先行词是 way 时,如果在从句中作状语用 that, in which, /;

而在从句中作宾语则用 that , which.

11. in his surprise , he found nobody in the classroom. to

to one’s surprise , astonishment, pleasure, anger, disappointment, joy , delight , happiness…

12. the game was over and the players trooped to home .

go home

troop home

on one’s way home

14. the house is not faraway. far away

faraway :作定语时常连写;作表语、状语时则分开。

nearby : 可作定语、状语,既可连写(nearby)也可分开(near by ) 还可加连字符号( near-by )

15. i saw her going to a near-by post-box before lunch.

16. they live nearby ---- less than a kilometer.

17. he gave up his seat to the old man standing near by.

18. what i want is to get farther education. further

19. translate:

the farther away the feeding station was, the slower the dance was.



the more he gives his children , the more they want.


the sooner you do it, the better it will be.

20. so another astonishing fact came into light. to

21. 这笔钱直到那位老人临死才透露出来。

the money didn’t come to light until the old man was going to die.

21. the number of students in our class are 53. is

22. a number of students in our class is out by the lake. are

23. now we have flew a distance of about kilometers. flown

24. as he spoke he made a beeline to the door. for

make a beeline for 走直路, 走近路

head for 前往(某地)

step 2. exercises (useful expressions )

fill in the blanks with a proper word.(unit 22)

1. in order to tell the bees apart, he painted some bees with little spots of colour.

2. we set out in search of / for the lost child on a stormy night.

3. a new hospital will be set up next to our school.

4. after a short while , a line of bees fly to and from the hive like a thin stream.

5. go upward along the path, you’ll find the temple on the top of the hill.

6. the students came into the classroom one after another.

7. he cares more for music than for anything else.

8. when jack arrived there, he learned mary had been away for almost an hour.

9. we’ll play a game . please stand in rows.

10. don’t get close to the river. it’s dangerous.

solve the problems as soon as they came _up__.

12. where was it _that__ mr. smith met his friend yesterday.

13. the suggestion was made _that__ shops remain open till ten in the evening.

14. was it because of illness _that__ tom was absent from school?

step 3. practice

correct the mistakes if any ( lesson 85~86)

1. it was in this house which we lived last year.

2. where was it mr. smith met his friend yesterday?

3. it is this house that we lived in last year.

4. it was in this house that we lived last year.

5. it was this house that we built last year.

6. the development of modern beehive in 1851 made that possible to design experiments to research the language pf honey bees.

7. the music made this possible for you to fall asleep.

8. ---- look at that girl on the stage . she is already fifty.

----you are joking. she doesn’t look so.

9. many people criticized me , but i did what i thought it was right.

1. the twins are so much alike that we can hardly say them apart.

2. i don’t like the way which he acts ./ he speaks to his mother.

3. i don’t like the way in which he told me to learn english./he learned english.

4. in his surprise , he found nobody in the classroom.

15. the game was over and the players trooped to home .

16. the house is not faraway.

17. i saw her going to a near-by post-box before lunch.

18. they live nearby ---- less than a kilometer.

19. he gave up his seat to the old man standing near by.

20. what i want is to get farther education.

21. 译:the farther away the feeding station was, the slower the dance was.



22. so another astonishing fact came into light.


number of students in our class are 53.

24. a number of students in our class is out by the lake.

25. now we have flew a distance of about 2000 kilometers.

26. as he spoke he made a beeline to the door.


unit Bees language points篇九

=help vt. 援助,扶助 , 帮助

vi. 援助,帮助 ~ in doing sth.






with the aid of = ______________= ___________________ 在某人的帮助下

first aid 急救

in aid of 为了……



go /come to one’s aid=go/come to help

2. it looked as if she were dead.

it looks / seems as if …

it seems / appears that…

sb. / sth. look / seem / appear ( to be) …/ to do…

there seem/ appear to be…

he seems to be the best person for the job.

she seems to be ill.

there seemed to be something wrong with her.

they appeared to have known the fact.

3. if i had known more about giving first aid, i could have

helped them.

rewrite the sentences following the above sentence.

i didn’t take your advice, so i failed .


she was late because she was caught in the traffic jam.


he hurt his legs in the last training, so he didn’t take part in the world cup.


4. people who have witnessed an accident often wish that they had done things differently.

witness v./n.

did anybody witnessed the robbery?





i was taken to the police station as a witness of the accident.


a man called to claim that he was the only witness


witness to“为…作证; 其中to是介词,后接名词或动名词




5. seconds count in an emergency and knowing what to do

can mean the difference between life and death.

= time is very important in an emergent case. if we know what to do, we can save a life.

count : vi. be important

what i say counts!___ ___________



does it really count so much?


count the chicken before they are hatched.

count on sb.

count in

6. (p.2)

the most important thing…is to stay calm.


the question will also calm the person, …

calm 指内心的平静, 也指大海的风平浪静,天气的稳定

still (运动概念)静止不动

quiet 安静,不吵闹

silent 寂静无声

still water runs deep.

keep quiet in class.

the letter “b” in “climb” is silent.

calm adj. (指天气)平静的,无风的;(指海洋)无风浪的;(指人) 沉着的,冷静的

a calm voice ___________________

a calm sea ___________________

calm weather ____________________



他碰到紧急事件时, 总是保持镇定。



calm oneself ___________________



vi.平静下来;镇定下来 ~ (down)





pay attention to the part of speech of the following words:

stay calm, calm the patient

cool the area of the skin, it is cool in autumn

dry it and cover …, a piece of dry clean cloth

clear the airway, a clear photograph

7. keep /bear/carry .. in mind __________

you should always keep these rules in mind that the petrol can only last 2 hours.

keep that the petrol can only last 2 hours in mind.

keep in mind that the petrol can only last 2 hours.

v. (panicked) (使人或动物)受惊





n.恐慌, 惊慌

在惊慌中 be/get in a panic







we were to panic, we wouldn’t be able to help.

perhaps , __________________________


i won’t have the chance to go abroad, so i won’t go to scotland.


the little girl is not likely to take piano lessons and

it is not possible that she will have less free time..


10. many hospitals recommend that we use the letters

=many hospitals recommend that we should use the letters.

insist, order, suggest, require, recommend等表示

强烈意愿的动词所带的宾语从句要用should+do (should


he insisted that the company (should) apologize.

the officer ordered that the guns be fired.

proof reading

she suggested we had a meeting right away.

the regulations requires that everyone arrives at by 7:30 am.

以suggest 为例, 由suggest 及suggestion


均要用( should ) do 形式的虚拟语气.

she suggested that

it was suggested that …

her suggestion was that …

we took her suggestion that…

se n. (to)回答;作答;响应







in response to “回答; 回应”



v. respond 回答;应答;常与介词to搭配

respond to a letter








12 . on the/one’s way

home / there / here

to the school / the spot

to doing …/ n.


she is on the way to get well . ( )

he is on the way to succeed. ( )





more :

she likes to spend the weekend in the way_______ she likes best.

don’t stand _____ my way, stand aside.

although she thought she was helping us prepare the dinner, she was actually __ the way.

13. conscious adj. 神志清醒的;意识到;有意的; 察觉的

be conscious of sth./that 意识到……







______________ n.

14. revive vi. 苏醒, 复活; 复兴 revival n.





vt.使苏醒, 使复活





15. recovery n.



_________ v. 恢复,弥补, 找到





16. roll over ___________




1. though he was ___ in the leg, the soldier went on firing at the enemy.

a. injured b. hurt c. wounded d. killed

2. before giving an operation to the patient, doctor brown ____ that all the preparations for the operation had been____.

a. examined, made b. made sure, done

c. checked, made d. checked, done

3. in spite of many difficulties, the brave climbers___ the summit of the high mountain.

a. tried to reach b. managed to reach

c. tried reaching d. managed to arrive in

4. when a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it ___.

a. breaks b. has broken

c. were broken d. had been broken

5. if you ___ late, you would have caught the first bus.

a. aren’t b. haven’t been

c. hadn’t been d. won’t be

6. if i ____ do it, i ___ it in a different way.

a. were to, would do b. would , had done

c. had to, could do d. should , will do

7. i’ll always keep the happy hours in mind ___ i stayed with the american students.

a. that b. which c. where d. when

8. it is recommended that the project ____ until all the preparations have been made.

a. is not started b. not be started

c. will not be started d. is not to be started

fill in the blanks with the words in brackets. you many change the form if necessary.

1. our teacher suggested that we ___________ (discuss) the questions in groups of four.

2. if he had not made many mistakes, he ______ _________(pass) the test.

3. if you had gone to see the doctor earlier, you ________________ (fall ) seriously ill.

4. if you had arrived at the airport ten minutes earlier, you _____________(miss) the flight.

5. if you _______(be) here last night, you would have met the well-known cancer expert.

6. someone recommended that the housing program ______________(carry out) soon after the conference.

7. if the little girl should take piano lessons, she ______ (have)less free time.

8. if we had listened to her advice and brought a map with us, we __________ (lose) our way.

9. if he ______ (see) you yesterday, he would have told you.

it were to rain tomorrow, we _______ (go) for a picnic.

grammar and integrating skills:

1. drown v. 淹死,淹没





2. worn-out adj. 穿破的 用旧的 疲惫的

wear out _______________





3. in honor of 为了(纪念或表敬意而举行活动)



honor n. (u)荣誉 信誉 尊敬 高尚 ;(c)使人感到光荣的人或事 荣幸

he is a man of honor.




have the honor of 有幸,荣幸地

v. 使感到荣幸,纪念



4. eventually= at last, finally

eventual adj.



5. bite v./n.

take a bite of _______________________

insect bites_________________________

6. tap n./v.

n. 水龙头,轻快的敲击声


v. 轻拍


7. loose adj./v.

break loose from ____________________

let sb./sth. loose ____________________

let the dog loose.

= _______________________________

loosen (used more often)= loose

if your seat belt is too tight, loosen it.

8. bandage n./v.

do you know how to bandage the injury?

wrap a bandage around your injury.

9. call for 来找(人)去取(物)要求,需要



i will call for you at 9.


call on ___________________________

call at ___________________________

call in____________________________

10. search n./v.





unit Bees language points篇十

n. 信任, 信心, 信仰

have belief in 相信, 信任

that man has a strong belief in god.


beyond belief


his story is beyond belief.


2. league n.同盟, 联盟, 盟约, 联合会, 社团

in league (with)


3. make a living 谋生

* earn [gain, get, make] ones living 谋生

they made their living by hunting.


4. apply vt.申请, 应用

be applied to

适用于, 应用于, 施加于, 用来表示, 与...接触

apply for

申请; 请求, 接洽

apply oneself to

致力于, 集中精力做某事

apply sth. to

把...施于...; 把...运用于..

apply to the consul for a visa


apply a theory to practice


applied adj 应用的;实用的

applied mathematics 应用数学 applied art 实用美术

5. foundation n.基础, 根本, 建立, 创立, 地基, 基金, 基金会

slavery provided the foundation for many ancient types of society.


he laid the foundations of his success by study and hard work.


6. servant n.仆人 雇员 公务员

a politician should be a servant of the people.


ministers are called the servants of god.


7. hunter n.猎人

hunt v. 打猎 (与after, for连用)搜索;追寻

i hunted for my book everywhere.


8. set out 出发

set out to do something 着手开始一个热切的计划;着手做某事

9. collision n.碰撞, 冲突

a collision between two trains


come into collision with

和... 相撞[冲突, 抵触]

in collision with

和... 相撞[冲突]

the workers came into collision with the manager last night.


10. companion n.同伴, 共事者

make a companion of

与...作伴, 与...为友

companion in adversity


companion in arms 战友

a faithful companion


companion volume


11. overboard adv.自船上落下, 在船外

he fell overboard.


12. permanent adj.永久的, 持久的

a permanent job固定职业

permanent address


permanent tooth


13. guest n.客人, 来宾, 旅客

guest rooms. 客房

participating as a guest:


a guest conductor.


14. voyage n.航程, 航空

to make a voyage.


15. aboard adv.在船(飞机、车)上, 上船(飞机、车)

prep.在(船、飞机、车)上, 上(船、飞机、车)

we must not take combustible goods aboard.


16. dislike vt.讨厌, 不喜欢 n.

likes and dislikes


17. prisoner 囚犯; 犯人; 俘虏

take sb. prisoner (=take sb. captive)


he made her hand a prisoner.


my work kept me a prisoner all summer.


18. gentle adj.温和的, 文雅的

a gentle scolding; a gentle tapping at the window.


a gentle wind 和风

19. luggage n.行李, 皮箱

four pieces of luggage 四件行李

20. in public


i do not want to speak about it in public.


hes not used to making speeches in public; its so embarrassing.


in private 私下

21. throw light upon 阐明;帮助把……弄清楚

the facts threw light upon the matter.


bring the scandal to light.


22. brilliant adj. 灿烂的, 闪耀的, 有才气的

a brilliant color 鲜明的颜色

a brilliant speaker 一位卓越的演说家

a brilliant artist 一位有才华的艺术家

brilliant achievements 显赫的成就

a brilliant mind 头脑敏锐的人

23. labour n. 劳动; 努力

labour force 劳动力

24. hesitate v. 犹豫, 踌躇

hesitate at/about/over sth 对……犹豫不决

hesitate to do sth 不愿做某事

hesitate at nothing


in case you need something, please dont hesitate to ask me.

如果你需要什么东西, 请不客气地对我说。

he who hesitates is lost.

[谚]当断不断, 必受其患。

embarrassment caused me to hesitate.


n. hesitation 犹豫 without hesitation 毫不犹豫

25. creation n. 创造, 创作物

an artists creation


the whole creation


26. horror n. 惊骇, 恐怖

the horror of war


horror film 恐怖影片

strike horror into sb.


he was filled with horror at the sight.


27. horrible adj. 可怕的, 恐怖的, 讨厌的

there was a horrible accident here yesterday.


what a horrible building!


what horrible weather!


28. grave n. 墓穴, 坟墓 adj. 庄严的;严重的

faced the grave with calm resignation.


a grave wound.


a grave procession.


29. cut up 切碎

cut across



a new group of members of parliament that cuts across party lines


cut back



to cut back on industrial production


cut down


to cut down a tree with an axe



to cut down on smoking


cut in


dont cut in while im talking.



to cut in on a queue


cut off 切断, 停掉 隔绝, 挡住

cut out 删掉 停止

unit Bees language points篇十一

teaching aims: vocabulary revision

grammar revision

teaching main-points: vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss

teaching crux: 1) ss’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2) teacher’s further explanation and supplement

teaching materials & focuses:

1. be diagnosed with vt. 诊断疾病

the plastic surgeon diagnosed my illness as a rare bone disease. 整形外科医生诊断出我的病是一种罕见的骨病。

the general practitioner diagnosed the illness of the baby as pneumonia. 全科医生把小儿的病诊断为肺炎。

2. suffer from 与suffer 区别


she was suffering from a headache. 她正经受头痛之苦。

many people suffer from a great dread of heights. 许多人非常畏高。


to suffer death 丧生

the enemy forces suffered heavy casualties by their own admission. 敌军自己承认伤亡惨重。

3. depending on (常与on, upon连用)视情况而定

that depends. 视情形而定。

it all depends on how you tackle the problem. 那要看你如何应付这问题而定。

(常与on 连用)信任,信赖;需要

can i depend on you? 我可以信任你吗?

i havent a car, i have to depend on the buses. 我没有汽车,只能靠公共汽车。

4. thanks to 由于; 多亏, 因为

camp meals are no great problem. neither are beds, thanks to air mattresses and sleeping bags.


引申:常见的表示“因为”的词组:owing to, because of, on account of, as a result of, due to, for the reason of 等。

5. in time to do sth 赶得上做。。。

you are just in time to speak at the meeting.

6. prevent …from doing (常与from连用)阻止;制止;妨碍

we were prevented by heavy smog from seeing anything. 浓雾使我们看不到任何东西。

what prevented you from joining us last night? 昨天晚上什么事使你不能参加我们的晚会?

teaching aims: vocabulary revision

grammar revision

teaching main-points: vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss

teaching crux: 1) ss’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2) teacher’s further explanation and supplement

teaching materials & focuses:

7. 对过去的虚拟

if i had had insurance, the sickness wouldn’t have caused such a big problem.

表示与过去的事实相反的假设时,条件状语从句的谓语动词用“had +过去分词”,主句中的谓语动词用“would(should, could, might)+have +过去分词”。例如:

if you had taken my advice, you wouldn’t have failed in the examination.

8. aimed vt., vi. (常与at连用)瞄准;对准

he aimed with the gun. 他用枪瞄准。

she aimed a pistol at the bandit point-blank. 她用手枪直接瞄准强盗。

he aimed the gun at the enemy officer. 他用枪瞄准了敌军官。


i aim to be a lawyer. 我要当个律师。

he aimed to swim a mile. 他的目标是游一英里。

the factory must aim at developing new models of machines. 该工厂必须致力于研制新型机械。

n. 瞄准;对准

the hunter took aim at wolf. 猎手瞄准狼。


what is your aim in life? 你生活的目的是什么?

his aim was to swim a mile. 他的目标是游一英里。

the aim is not just to keep busy. 其目的不仅是为了使每个人不致闲着。

9. access to n. 进入;通道

there is no access to the street through that door. 穿过那个门没有通向大街的路。

the only access to that ancient castle is along a muddy track. 到那座古老城堡去的唯一通道是一条泥泞小路。


easy of access 易于接近

students need access to books. 学生需要使用书本。

he gave me free access to his library. 他让我随意进他的藏书室

10 consult vt. 参考;查阅;咨询

i consulted george about buying a car. 我向乔治请教购买小汽车的事。

i must consult my principal on this matter. 这件事我必须与委托人商量一下。


teaching aims: vocabulary revision

grammar revision

teaching main-points: vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss

teaching crux: 1) ss’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2) teacher’s further explanation and supplement

teaching materials & focuses:

11. nor can they 看半倒装

1. 在结果状语从句句型so …that …中,如果强调so…放在句首,主句需要部分倒装。

so excited was she at the news that she couldn”t say a word .


2. only放在句首,强调状语(副词,介词短语或状语从句等),全句语序要部分倒装。

only in this way can we get in touch with them .

only because he was ill was he absent from school .


only mr wang knows about it .

3. 带有否定意义的词放在句首,语序需要部分倒装。常见的词语有: not , never , seldom , scarcely , barely , little , at no time , not only , not once , under on condition , hardly … when , no sooner …than …rarely, little, hardly, nowhere, at no time, by no means, in no way, in/under no circumstances, in vain, much/even/still less, no sooner…than, hardly/scarcely…when, not a single word, not a soul, not frequently, not longer, not often, not only…but also, not until…等。

little did i think he was a spy . 我一点也没想到他是一个间谍。

hardly had i reached home when it began to rain .

no sooner had i entered the room than the phone rang .

not only does radio enable people to send words, music, and codes to any part of the world, it can also be used to communicate far in to space.(toefl,.10/11)

we have been told that under no circumstances may we use the telephone in the office for personal affairs.(cet4,.6/60)

not until the game had begun did he arrive at the sports ground.(cet4,.6/23)

scarcely had she fallen asleep when a knock at the door awakened her.

nowhere was the lost car to be found.

4. 在虚拟语气中,倒装代替条件。

should he be here next week , he would help us with the problem .

were there no light , we could see nothing .

5. 用于某些表示祝愿的句子。

may you succeed ! 祝你成功! long live france ! 法兰西万岁!

teaching aims: vocabulary revision

grammar revision

teaching main-points: vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss

teaching crux: 1) ss’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2) teacher’s further explanation and supplement

teaching materials & focuses:

6. 当比较和方式状语从句中主语不是人称代词时,常可在主语前添加与前面呼应的助动词或情态动词,构成倒装结构,例如:

mammals have a larger, more well-developed brain than do other animals. (toefl, 1994. 8/5)

he traveled a great deal as did most of his friends.

pure iron can not be hardened by heating and cooling as can steel, because iron lacks the necessary carbon. (toefl, 1999.10/13)

7. 让步状语从句可引起倒装,例如:

be he king or slave (=whether he is a king or a slave), he ought to be punished

come what may (=what may happen), we’re not going to make any concessions to his unreasonable demands

12. as was the case with wang lin 特殊的定语从句

13. warn 用法vt. (常与of, against连用)警告;提醒;告诫

she warned me about the dangerous road, so i crossed it carefully. 她提醒我这条马路很危险,因此我过马路小心翼翼。


the whistle warned visitors that the ship was ready to sail. 汽笛通知旅客船即将启航。

integrating skills

1. as a result of , result from , result in

2. consider 用法 vt., vi. 考虑;思考

i am considering going abroad. 我正在考虑出国。

the court would not even consider his claim for the old mans legacy. 法庭根本不会考虑他所提出的对老人遗产的要求。

let me consider. 让我考虑一下。


i consider it a great honor. 我认为这是极大的荣幸。

we consider that the driver is not to blame. 我们认为这不是司机的过错。

teaching aims: vocabulary revision

grammar revision

teaching main-points: vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss

teaching crux: 1) ss’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2) teacher’s further explanation and supplement

teaching materials & focuses:

3. it was not until …that 强调句用法

it was not until i called her from behind that she found me.

在强调句型中,not until置于句首构成倒装句以及until放在句首时,均不能用till替换until。例如:

it was not until 1920 that regular radio broadcast began.


notuntil12o”clock last night did tom come back.(倒装句)


until i was 20 i had never been away from my hometown.


4. search for

5. of even greater significance = significant

引申:常见类似结构还有:be of importance, be of necessity, be of value 等等。

6. despite prep. 不管;不顾;即使

despite the bad weather we enjoyed our holiday. 尽管天气不好,我们的假期仍过得很愉快。

7. lack n. (常与of连用)缺乏;需要

there is no lack of vegetable. 蔬菜不缺。

the lack of rain aggravated the serious lack of food. “由于干旱少雨,缺粮问题更加严重。”


lack vt. 缺乏;不足;没有

he lacks courage. 他缺乏勇气。

owing to lack of time, we cannot do more than what we have done. 由于时间不够,我们只能做到这样。

their actions lack consistency; they say one thing and do another. “他们言行不一,说的是一回事,做的又是另一回事。”


something is lacking. 缺少点什么东西。

is she lacking in courage? 她缺乏勇气吗?

teaching aims: vocabulary revision

grammar revision

teaching main-points: vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss

teaching crux: 1) ss’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2) teacher’s further explanation and supplement

teaching materials & focuses:

8. when asked about his discovery…

分词做状语时,经常放在连词when, while, if , unless 之后。

if invited, i will go to attend the conference.

unless paid special attention to, the orchid is hard to grow.

while doing sport, you lose the most calories.

when scolded by his boss, he remained silent.

9. 虚拟语气2


1). “wish +宾语从句”表示不能实现的愿望,汉语可译为“可惜……”. “……就好了”, “悔不该……”, “但愿……”等.

表示现在不能实现的愿望,从句的谓语动词用过去式;表示将来不能实现的愿望用“would(could) +动词原形”;表示过去不能实现的愿望时用“had +过去分词”或“(could)would +have +过去分词”.例如:

i wish it were spring all the year round.

i wish you could go with us.

we wish we had arrived there two hours earlier.

2) 虚拟语气在动词arrange, command, demand, desire, insist, order, propose, request, require, suggest,等后面的宾主从句中用“(should)+动词原形”.例如:

we suggested that we (should) have a meeting.

we insisted that they (should) go with us.

the doctor ordered that she (should) stay in bed for a few days.

he demanded that we (should) start right away.

注意:insist作“力言”, “强调”解时,宾语从句不用虚拟语气,只有当insist作 “坚持(认为)”, “坚持(应该)”解时宾语从句才用虚拟语气.例如:

mike insisted that he had never stolen anything.

teaching aims: vocabulary revision

grammar revision

teaching main-points: vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss

teaching crux: 1) ss’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar

2) teacher’s further explanation and supplement

teaching materials & focuses:


作advice, idea, order, demand, plan, proposal, suggestion, request等名词的表语从句和同位语从句,其谓语动词要用虚拟语气的结构“(should)+动词原形”.例如:

we all agreed to his suggestion that we (should) go to beijing for sightseeing.

my idea is that we (should) exercises first.

(四)虚拟语气在 as if(as though),even if( even though)等引导的表语从句或状语从句中的应用.


he looked as if he were an artist.

he speaks english so fluently as if he had studied english in england.

even if he were here,he could not solve the problem.


在主语从句中,谓语动词的虚拟语气结构用“ should 十动词原形”的结构,表示惊奇、不相信、惋惜、理应如此等.例如:

it is necessary( important,natural,strange,etc) that … we should clean

the room every day.

it was a pity ( a shame,no wonder,etc) that you should be so careless.

it will be desired( suggested,decided,ordered,requested,proposed,etc)

that she should finish her homework this afternoon.



it is a strange that he did not come yesterday.

it is a pity that you can’t swim.


这种从句常用在 it is( high) time( that)…句型中,定语从句的谓语动词用过去式,或 should十动词原形( should不能省略,be用 were)来表示,意为“(现在)该……”。例如:

it is ( high) time we left (should leave).

lt is high time we were going.

(七)虚拟语气用于 if only引导的感叹句中

if only i had taken his advice.


if only i were a bird.我如果是一只鸟就好了.



it would be better for you not to stay up too late.

would you be kind enough to open the door?


would you like a cup of tea?

i would rather not tell you. you had better go now. 3)用“ may 十动词原形”表示“祝愿”、“但愿”. may须置于句首,例如:may you be happy! may you succeed!

unit Bees language points篇十二

the third period reading (ii)

teaching goals 教学目标

1. target language目标语言

a. 词汇和短语

unspoken, facial, function, at ease, lose face, turn one’s back to, fist, subjective

b. 重点句子

body language is one of the most powerful means of communication, often even more powerful than spoken language.

2. ability goals能力目标

a. enable the students to know more about body language.

what is the function of body language?

what is the similarity of body language?

how can you understand the universal facial expression “smile”? does “a smile” always mean the same thing?

what is the difference of body language between various cultures?

b. enable the students to understand better body language.

what is the proper attitude towards body language?

what would happen if we knew nothing about body language?

3. learning ability goals 学能目标

how we can “show our feelings” with the body language learned in this unit or gained in our social life.

teaching important points 教学重点

how body language shows the same or different feelings among people from different cultures.

teaching difficult points 教学难点

how to tell that the same body language shows different feelings in different cultures.

teaching methods 教学方法

fast reading: dealing with the “true” or “false” questions.

discussion: the importance of body language.

teaching aids 教具准备

a recorder, a projector and a computer.

teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式

1 pre-reading

1. what is the function of body language?

2. how do you find body language in our daily life?

3. how can the same body language express different feelings or ideas in different cultures?

4. how can different body language express the same feeling or idea in different cultures?

2 fast reading

ture of false

1. body language is never as powerful as spoken language.

2. if you are angry at a person, you might turn your back to him or her.

3. you can threaten a person by refusing to speak.

4. you should not greet your new boss by giving her or him a hug.

5. body language is the same all over the world.

6. most people can understand each other if they try.

then ask the students to do it one by one and ask them to explain why some of the statements are wrong.

3 further reading

t: we have just read a passage entitled “showing our feelings”, which tells us more about body language. now let’s read another passage in the workbook on p66. the title of the reading text is: the open hand - a universal sign. you will be given 3 minutes to read through the text as quickly as you can, trying to get as much information from the text as possible.

ss: yes, sir.

t: what information have you got?

s1: more about body language, sir. we have learned how people are communicating or getting along with each other besides using spoken language. we are also asked to think about some new situations in which we will communicate in body language.

s2: and we have to think about the following questions: it is known that a smile is a sign that people feel friendly and happy. but we have to consider: 1. what if we don’t know who the new person is? 2. what if we are not introduced by a friend? 3. what if we are meeting a stranger in an unfamiliar place?

s3: and the most important of all is that we have to make

sure whether we can trust people we do not know, and we have to show that we are not dangerous.

s4: quite true. we have different ways to show our hands -our open hands, which means that we are not armed and we are friendly.

s5: in many cultures today, the western custom of the handshake is used. besides this, traditionally, chinese greet others by covering the left hand with the right hand and bowing; the japanese cover on hand with the other and bow slightly or quite low, depending on whom they greeted; hindu people join their hands in front of their faces and bow their heads; muslims will touch their heart, mouth and forehead to show respect.

s6: now young people in the west give each other the “high five” when they clap each other’s hands in the air.

s7: you have taken the words out of my mouth. and i believe that in almost all cultures, to smile and show an open right hand is the most common way to show the goodwill greeting.

t: i am more than happy to hear you can get so much information from the passage when you do the reading! now let’s act out some of the gestures in the reading material, ok?

some students are asked to act out the body language which appears in the reading text is: the open hand - a universal sign, such as a handshake, the traditional greetings in china, the japanese way to greet people, the ways hindu people and muslims use to greet people, and the way young people in the west use now.

several minutes later.

t: before we come to the end of this period, let’s take up the last item, doing the arrangement of the information under the passage on page 67.

s8: it can be dangerous to meet people you do not know.

s9: many asian people do not usually physically touch strangers.

s10: if we show an open hand, it means that we are not holding anything dangerous.

s11: the right hand is usually used because it is almost the stronger.

s12: people shake their hands when meeting to show that they can be trusted.

s13: to show respect, people will touch their heart and mouth when greeting someone.


1. read aloud all the reading texts in this unit.

2. get ready to retell the two reading passages learnt in this period.

unit Bees language points篇十三

teaching goals

1. talk about amusement parks

2. practice asking and giving directions

3. learn to use the -ing form (3) as adverbial

4. write a description

period 1 word study

word study

period 2 listening

step 1 warming up

1. show some pictures on the screen about some extreme sports or fun

2. questions:

where can you experience such activities?

have you ever been to an amusement park?

have you ever tried sitting a roller coaster or a bungee jumping or something else like these?

how did you feel?

do you like it ? why?

3. fill in the blacks. (inspanidual work). then share the answer on the screen.

4. students tell about other activities, such as rock-climbing, rafting, skiing,

surfing, skyspaning and so on.

5. there are such thrilling activities in some parks. you may experience some of

them if you are interested. i hope all of you can experience what you like.

step 2 listening

1. a theme park must have a special theme.

2. pre-listening: go over the questions or sentences that have something to do

with the listening materials at p.64 and p65 and guess

3. while-listening:

1). listen for the first time with the book closed

2). listen again with the book open and inspanidually answer the questions

and complete the sentences at p.64 and p.65.

4. check the answers in pairs. then with the class.

5. which of the parks do you think is better?

name theme your reason and ideas

lots of fun company the environment entertainment

museums and exhibitions

about environment

how to protect


merry rides limited the ocean e have jobs

about life in the ocean

fun and learn

step 3 summary

1. summary:

t: in this period, we have talked and heard a lot about amusement parks. you may realize what amusing activities mean to people.

talks of amusement parks should accompany you all the way in life, not just limited in class. do you think so?

2. homework

a. recall all the new words and expressions that occur in this period.

b. write about your own experiences in a theme park

c. oral homework: talk about one of your experience in a theme park.

period 3 speaking

step 1 revision & warming-up

1. review the new words

2. check oral homework: a report about your experience to a theme park.

3. if you want to go to a theme park, how can you get there?

step 2 listening

listen to 2 dialogues and answer the following: (book closed)

(bb) where is she/he going?

how to get there?

step 3 speaking

1. pre-speaking

1.t: suppose we are at the main entrance of this theme park and we want to go to some places: the ocean world, the history land, the bungee jumping…

please write about how we can get there, according to page 65.

ce: make up dialogues, using the information above.

make up dialogues, talking about their own destinations.

step 4 homework

surf the internet and find some information about theme parks, the ocean park of hong kong, walt disney and disneyland, and so on. then write a few sentences about what you’ve got. make a copy of 10 wonderful pictures that you find about theme parks, and your copies will be shown to others before the following lesson.

period 4 reading

step 1 revision

1. new words

2. check the students’ homework and show the finest copies of theirs to the

whole class. after the class watch the nice pictures on the screen, the teacher

gets students to discuss the following:

1). what do you think you can see in a theme park?

2). what do you think about adventure sports?

3). do your town or city have an amusement park? what can you do there?

4). is a theme park different from a traditional park? why?

step 2 reading

1. skimming

question 1. how many theme parks does the writer tell us?

what are they ? where are they?

question 2. what are the themes about?

2. scanning

question: what attract people in these theme parks?

3. then fill in the form below.

title theme parks (people can have fun and experience sth. different.)

par. parks themes attractions

1 the world park to teach visitors sth…

to help experience sth buildings, castles, statues,

customs of chinese minorities,

cartoon characters, animals

2 the ocean park to get visitors to know more about the idea..

to help people to explore the past. thrills and entertainment;

rides, opportunities to learn about life in the ocean,

a conversation center,

the dinosaur exhibition,

the two giant pandas…

3 disneyland walt disney and his characters. cartoon characters, rides, games, exhibitions; universal

4 new theme parks are being built.

4. check the reading comprehension on the screen.

5. dictate these sentences and explain their structures and meanings:

(1) what they all have in common is that they combine fun with the opportunityto learn something.


(2) but theme parks also try to make sure that visitors leave knowing more about the idea behind the park.


(3) .having enjoyed the rides at the headland, visitors can take the shuttle to the lowland.


(4)entering one of the attractions at universal studios is like stepping into the world of your favourite movie.

走进universal studios其中一个吸引人的场地就象步入你最喜爱的电影中的一个画面。

entering one of the attractions at universal studios是动名词结构作主语;

stepping into the world of your favourite film是动名词结构作宾语。

(5) visitors can go on exciting rides where they can feel what is it like to do the things they have seen their heroes do in the movie.


where they can feel …是rides的定语从句

what it is like to do the things 是feel的宾语从句

they have seen their heroes do in the movie 是things的定语从句

(6) the parks are becoming more advanced and new technology allows us to experience almost anything without actually being in danger or risking injury.


step 3 homework

the reading part of the workbook.

on line to search the information of a certain theme park that one is interested in and write a short description about that.

ideas for an “english-speaking world park”, using the form of page 67.

period 5 language study

step 1 revision

1. words

2. have a dictation about the text

step 2 exercises about words

step 3 grammar

1. study the example:

2. compare with another example:

after they enjoy the rides at the headland, visitors can take a cable car to the lowland. →

having enjoyed the rides at the headland, visitors can take a cable car to the lowland.

summary: this having enjoyed …means the subject has finished an action before he does another. the form is used to emphasize two actions that happen in different times.

suggested answers for part 2:

notes: the –ing form is used to tell about the result or aim of the main character.

1. jack and jane have just returned from their trip to walt disney world, saying that they had a wonderful time.

2. kids have great fun in this world-famous theme park, discovering many cartoon characters seen on tv.

3. he only paid half of the price for the seven-day ticket, having much saved.

4. having worked as a guide in her part time for 2 months, sandy has made enough money to buy a five-day ticket to three water parks. (as in part1)

5. they went to visit disney’s animal kingdom theme park right after breakfast, arriving at 9:00 .

6. having heard there would be a magic show, jim decided to visit the world of magic theme park instead of universal. (as in part1)

step 4 homework

finish the word study and grammar part on the workbook.

read more passages about theme parks.

period 6 integrating skills

step 1 revision

step 2 reading


1).what attraction can be found important in theme parks?

→ rides, the “thrill ride” …

2) how do people ride roller coasters nowadays?

---- rides are wider and scarier than ever.

the cars run faster, the tracks are higher, and people go through twists, loops, and drops. some let people race against their friends.

some ride through darkness inside a mountain and a building.

3). what is a thrill ride like?

---- very exciting and scary.

thrill rides use speed, motion, and special effects to give you a thrill.

some let you feel what it is like to fall through the air.

some rides send you through caves and even rivers.

thrill rides can also send you into space or deep down in the ocean.

2. reading comprehension exercises

3. summary:

we can imagine so many ways, but it’s still not enough.

the only limit to the fun is the imagination of the designers of the thrill rides. it seems to be endless.



quote: the great progress in science roots in completely new and brave imaginations of the human beings. ---- dewey

“科学的伟大进步源自于崭新与大胆的想象力。” ----- 杜 威

step 4 tips

step 5 exercises:

1. the old man smokes a great deal, only his health worse.

2. the host into the meeting room, we found many new faces.

3. the film jurassic park iii, we walked out of the cinema.

4. in the heavy rain, the pupils got all wet through.

5. visitors leave the museum more about nature.

wu replied to the invitation, .


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