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新概念青少版starter a unit 94篇(实用)

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新概念青少版starter a unit 94篇(实用)
时间:2023-05-01 22:40:07     小编:zdfb


新概念青少版starter a unit 9篇一

lesson 1

meet [mi:t] v.与„„见面

is [iz] v.是

hi![hai] int.嗨!你好!the [??] art.这;那

this [?is] pron.这;这个

and [?nd] conj.和 family

['f?m?li] n.家庭;家

wife [waif] n.妻子

nephew ['nefju:] n.侄子;外甥 hello [he'l?u] 哈罗,你好

how do you do?


friend [frend]

n.朋友 my [mai] pron.我的 daughter ['d?:t?] n.女儿

teacher ['ti:t??] n.老师

name [neim] n.名字

son [s?n] n.儿子

mrs.[misiz]n.夫人;太太 nice to meet you.很高兴认识你。

lesson 2 your [j?:] pron.你的,你们的 no [n?u] adj.没有;不是


[h?t] n.帽子 pen [pen] n.钢笔


[k?ut] n.外套

bag [b?ɡ] n.书包

yes [yes] 是的 it’s [its] = it is


mobile ['m?ubail] n.手机 it [it] pron.它

isn’t [iz?nt] = is not



['ru:l?] n.尺子 not [n?t] adv.不(用于否定句)


['pens?l] n.铅笔

book [buk] n.书 whose [hu:z] pron.谁的(疑问代词)

lesson 3 what [hw?t] pron.什么


adj.好的; adv.行

bird [b?:d] n.鸟 hey

[hei] int.喂!你好!

now [nau] adv.现在key [ki:] n.钥匙 good [ɡud] adj.好的 flower ['flau?] n.花

right [rait] adj.正确的 look [luk] v.看

red [red] adj.红色的silver ['silv?] adj.银色的 a

[?] art.一(个)

umbrella [?m'brel?] n.雨伞

chair [t?ε?] n.椅子 wheel [hwi:l] n.车轮

that [??t] pron.那;那个

table ['teibl] n.桌子 green [ɡri:n] adj.绿色的 grey [ɡrei] adj.灰色的

lesson 4 bicycle ['baisikl] n.自行车

white [hwait] adj.白色的 blue [blu:] adj.蓝色的 colour ['k?l?] n.颜色

black [bl?k] adj.黑色的brown [braun] adj.褐色的 what colour? 什么颜色

dress [dres] n.连衣裙

desk [desk] n.书桌 an [?n] art.一(个)(在元音字母前)

camera ['k?m?r?] n.照相机

lesson 5 who [hu:] pron.谁

mother ['m???] n.母亲

student ['stju:d?nt] n.学生 boy [b?i] n.男孩

girl [ɡ?:l] n.女孩

his [hiz] pron.他的 which [hwit?] adj.哪一个

sister ['sist?] n.姐妹

her [h?: ] pron.她的 on [?n] prep.在„„之上

look at

[luk] [?t] v.看

new [nju: ] adj.新的 man [m?n] n.男人

young [j??] adj.年轻的 new [nju: ] adj.新的 with [wi?] prep.有,带着

in [in] prep.在„之内

brother ['br???] n.兄弟 mr.[mist?]


old [?uld] adj.年老的too [tu:] adv.也 he [hi: ] pron.他(主格)

car [kɑ:] n.小汽车

father ['fɑ:??] n.父亲

so ['s?u] conj.那么,这样看来

woman ['wum?n] n.女人

their [?ε?] pron.他们的,她们的;它们的she [?i:] pron.她


cousin ['k?z?n] n.堂兄弟姊妹;表兄弟姊妹

lesson 6 horse [h?:s] n.马

tell me about告诉我关于„ yellow ['jel?u] adj.黄色的taxi ['t?ksi] n.出租汽车

lesson 7 well [wel] adj.健康的i [ai] pron.我hungry ['h??ɡri] adj.饥饿的 how [hau] adv.怎么样?

fine [fain] adj.健康的 poor [pu?] adj.可怜的 how are you? 你好吗?

very ['veri] adv.非常

doctor [d?kt?] n.医生 am [?m] v.是

him [him] pron.他(宾格)

ill [il] adj.生病的

but [b?t] conj.但是

hot [h?t] adj.热的better safe than sorry.有备无患!thirsty ['θ?:sti] adj.口渴的 are [ɑ: ] v.是

cold [k?uld] adj.寒冷的 sure [?u?]

adj.确信的,肯定的 what about?


what’s the matter with?


sorry ['s?:ri] adj.抱歉的;遗憾的 perhaps [p?'h?ps] adv.也许;可能

busy ['bizi] adj.忙碌的

lesson 8 or [?: ] conj.或,或者

clever ['klev?] adj.聪明的 sad [s?d] adj.伤心的 happy ['h?pi] adj.高兴的 stupid ['stju:pid] adj.愚蠢的silly ['sili] adj.愚蠢的 story ['st?:ri] n.故事

funny ['f?ni] adj.有趣的lesson 9 neighbour ['neib?] n.邻居

nice [nais] adj.美好的 at [?t] prep.在 what do you do? 你是做什么工作的? come [k?m] vi.来

writer ['rait?] n.作家 art college [ɑ:t] ['k?lid?] 艺术学院

our ['au?] pron.我们的thank you!谢谢你 aunt [ɑ:nt] n.姨妈;姑妈

husband ['h?zb?nd] n.丈夫

or [f?: ] prep.因为,为了 everybody ['evri,b?di] pron.每个人

welcome ['welk?m] vt.欢迎

sports academy [sp?:ts] [?'k?d?mi] 体育学院

lesson 10 her [h?: ] pron.她的policeman [p?'li:sm?n] n.警察

actor ['?kt?] n.男演员 job [d??b] n.工作

housewife ['hauswaif] n.家庭主妇

tall [t?:l] adj.高的 photographer [f?'t?ɡr?f?] n.摄影师

postman ['p?ustm?n] n.邮递员 accountant [?'kaunt?nt] n.会计师

lesson 11 gossip ['ɡ?sip] n.闲聊;说长道短

over there ['?uv?] [?ε?] adv.在那里

pretty ['priti] adj.漂亮的 where [wε?] adv.哪里

english ['i?ɡli?] adj.英国的 from [fr?m] prep.来自

washington['w??i?t?n]n.华盛顿 american [?'merik?n] adj.美国的 here [hi?] adv.在这里

famous ['feim?s] adj.著名的 beautiful ['bju:tiful] adj.美丽的 see [si:] vi.看;看见

handsome ['h?ns?m] adj.英俊的 london ['l?nd?n] n.伦敦 expensive [ik'spensiv] adj.昂贵的 wait [weit] vi.等待

nationality [,n???n'?liti] n.国籍

lesson 12 describe [di'skraib] vt.描述

short [??:t] adj.矮的fat [f?t] adj.胖的 chinese [,t?ai'ni:z] adj.中国的actress ['?ktris] n.女演员

thin [θin] adj.瘦的 french [frent?] adj.法国的lesson 13 mum [m?m] n.妈妈

one [w?n] pron.一个东西

favourite ['feiv?rit] adj.特别喜爱的 long [l??] adj.长的 me [mi: ] pron.我(宾格)

schoolbag ['sku:lb?ɡ] n.书包 give [ɡiv] vt.给

please [pli:z] int.请

pencil-case['pens?lkeis] n.铅笔盒 here you are.给你

thing [θi?] n.东西

no harm done.没关系!oh, well噢,好吧

thanks.[θ??ks] 谢谢!

put [put] vt.放 dad [d?d] n.爸爸

lesson 14 case [keis] n.箱子

cup [k?p] n.杯子

light ['lait] adj.轻的 small [sm?:l] adj.小的 dirty ['d?:ti] adj.脏的plate [pleit] n.盘子

ball [b?:l] n.球

floor [fl?:] n.地板

heavy ['hevi] adj.重的 box [b?ks] n.盒子

thick [θik] adj.厚的shelf [?elf] n.搁板;架子 big [biɡ] adj.大的thin adj.薄的 cupboard ['k?b?d] n.橱柜 clean [kli:n] adj.干净的under ['?nd?] prep.在...之下

bed [bed] n.床

lesson 15 bump [b?mp] n.碰撞

kitchen ['kit?in] n.厨房

someone ['s?m,w?n]pron.有人,某人 night [nait] n.夜

here it is.给你。

nonsense!['n?ns?ns] 胡说!废话!wake up [weik] [?p] 醒来

torch [t?:t?] n.手电筒

living-room ['livi?] [ru:m] n.起居室 listen ['lis?n] vi.听

be careful.['kε?ful] 小心

garden ['ɡɑ:dn] n.花园 noise [n?iz] n.噪音

we [wi: ] pron.我们

bedroom ['bedru(:)m] n.卧室 burglar ['b?:ɡl?] n.窃贼

all [?:l] n.所有

downstairs ['daun'stε?z] adv.楼下 there [?ε?](与be 连用,表示“有”)

wide-awake ['waid?,weik] adj.完全清醒的lesson 16 door [d?:] n.门

bowl [b?ul] n.碗

secretary ['sekr?t?ri] n.秘书 basket 'bɑ:skit] n.篮子

orange ['?rind?] n.桔子

near [ni?] prep.在„..附近apple ['?pl]


house [haus] n.房子

river ['riv?] n.河

tree [tri:] n.树

lesson 17 pink [pi?k] adj.粉红的 a bit


lovely ['l?vli] adj.可爱的 here are „


shirt [??:t] n.衬衫

those [??uz] adj.& pron.那些 pyjamas [p?'d?ɑ:m?z] n.(一套)睡衣裤

washing machine ['w??i?] [m?'?i:n] 洗衣机 them [?em] pron.他们;它们;她们

bright red [brait] [red] adj.鲜红色的 they [?ei] pron.他们;它们;她们

pure white [pju?] [wait] adj.纯白色的

lesson 18 cat [k?t] n.猫

dog [d?ɡ] n.狗

sock [s?k] n.短袜

lesson 19 jump [d??mp] v.跳

come on!快点儿!

of course [?v] [k?:s] 当然 hurry ['h?ri] up 快点儿

full [ful] adj.满的people ['pi:pl] n.人 bus [b?s] n.公共汽车

school [sku:l] n.学校

never mind!不要紧!oh, dear![?u] [di?] 噢,天啊!

mom [m?m] n.妈妈

empty ['empti] adj.空的 wait a minute![weit] [?] ['minit] 等一下

lesson 21 smart [smɑ:t] adj.神气的 outfit ['autfit] n.服装


[b?uθ](两者)都 these [?i:z] pron.& adj.这些

tie [tai] n.领带,领结

shoe [?u:] n.鞋 play [plei] n.戏剧,演出

all right

合适的part [pɑ:t] n.角色 elegant ['eliɡ?nt] adj.优雅的unusual [,?n'ju:?u?l] adj.独特的 interesting ['intristi?] adj.有趣的 colourful ['k?l?ful] adj.颜色鲜艳的

lesson 23 like [laik] prep.像„„一样

show [??u] v.出示,给„„看 gymnast ['d?imn?st] n.体操运动员

maybe ['meibi] adv.可能,或许

just [d??st] adv.正好,恰恰是

daddy ['d?di] n.爸爸

muscle ['m?sl] n.肌肉 drawing ['dr?:i?] n.图画,素描

honey ['h?ni] adj.亲爱的 little ['litl] adj.小的 strong [str??] adj.强壮的great [ɡreit] adj.好极的 bad [b?d] adj.坏的

lesson 24 again [?'ɡen] adv.再一次;又

weak [wi:k] adj.弱的ugly ['?ɡli] adj.丑陋的 workman ['w?:km?n] n.工人

child [t?aild] n.孩子

blonde [bl?nd] adj.金发的 dark ['dɑ:k] adj.黑色的schoolboy ['sku:lb?i] n.男学生 schoolchild ['sku:lt?aild] n.学生

office worker ['?fis] ['w?:k?] 文职人员

lesson 25 late

[leit] adj.晚的,迟的 go [ɡ?u] v.走,去


让我们„„ early ['?:li] adj.早的 kid [kid] n.小孩,孩子

late for school 上学迟到 time [taim] n.时间

call [k?:l] v.叫,称为

slow [sl?u] adj.慢的 o’clock „„点钟


[spi:d] n.速度

gate [ɡeit] n.大门 in a hurry 急忙地,匆忙地

shut [??t] adj.关闭的 fast [fɑ:st] adj.快的 you’re welcome.[?welk?m] 不用谢。

what time is it?


lesson 26 what’ the time? 几点了?

open ['?up?n] adj.开着的lesson 27 catch

[k?t?] v.抓住

ready 准备就绪的 can’t [kɑ:nt] v.不能 jar [d?ɑ:] 罐,坛

bring [bri?] v.带来

can [k?n] v.能够,可以 stop

[st?p] v.停止

room [ru:m] n.房间

football ['fut,b?:l] n.足球

lesson 28 glass [ɡlɑ:s] n.玻璃杯

us [?s] pron.我们(宾格)

window ['wind?u] n.窗户

in front of [fr?nt]


lesson 29 fair [fε?] adj.公平的idea [ai'di?] n.主意

player ['plei?] n.球员

referee [,ref?'ri:] n.裁判员

lesson 30 shop [??p] n.商店

cow [kau] n.奶牛

animal ['?nim?l] n.动物

cheap [t?i:p] adj.便宜的knife [naif] n.刀子

bone [b?un] n.骨头

fresh [fre?] adj.新鲜的dish [di?] n.盘子

beside [bi'said] prep.在„„旁边

behind [bi'haind] prep.在„„后面

field ['fi:ld] n.场

play [plei] v.打(球)other ['???] 另外的captain ['k?ptin] n.队长 well [wel] adv.好

how many?


side [said] n.一方,队

street [stri:t] n.街道

boat [b?ut] n.小船

beach [bi:t?] n.海滩

bench [bent?] n.长椅

新概念青少版starter a unit 9篇二

新概念英语青少版1a unit 1 lesson 1 meet the family!william: name is william is my is is my : how do you do?

william;this is ’s my : hello!

william: this is my son, : hi!

william: and this is ’s my : hello!nice to meet you!unit 2 lesson 3 what is it? robert: hey, this is good!look, lucy!what is this? lucy: it's a : no, it isn't!look!it's green!it's a hat!lucy: 's a green : now look!what's this? lucy: it's a 's a red : no, it isn''s a red : 's that? robert: it's it a bird? yes!it's a grey : no!it's a key!robert: right!it's a silver 3 lesson 5 who's that? annie: who is that boy, polly? polly: which boy, annie? annie: the boy on the silver : that's robert : who's that man? polly: which man? annie: the man with the black : that's 's robert's : who's that woman with the white umbrella? polly: that's mrs.'s robert's : and who's that girl on the red bicycle? polly: that's lucy 's robert's : look at that young is he? polly: which young man? annie: the young man in that old : oh, that's is lucy's : so paul is robert's cousin, : that's is lucy's paul is their 's a 4 lesson 7 robert isn't : hello, are you? karen: i'm robert isn't very : oh, i'm sorry!what's the matter with him? 2 karen: i'm not 's very isn't : is he hungry? karen: no, he isn't : is he thirsty? karen: yes, he's very : poor robert!i am sorry!what about the doctor? karen: the doctor's very : yes, but robert is : perhaps not very you are safe than sorry!

unit 5 lesson 9 meet the neighbours paul: hello!my name's : hello, name's claire.i'm your new : claire!that's a nice do you do, claire? claire: i'm a about you? paul: i'm a student,too.i'm at the sports academy.(体育院校)what about you? claire: i'm an art student.i'm at the art college.(艺术院校)paul: come and meet 's my aun's a , this is 's our new : hello, to meet and meet the is william, my is this is m: how do you do, claire? claire: hi, everybody!thank you for the welcome!unit unit 6 lesson 11 gossip!3 annie: who's that girl, polly? polly: which girl, annie? annie: the girl over tall girl with the jenkins : oh, that's claire, our new 's an art : she's a very pretty : yes, she's clever, 's a nice : where's she from? is she english? polly: no, she isn''s 's from : is her family here, too? polly: father's an accountant, and her mother's a famous !that's her mother over : that woman in the expensive car? polly: that's righ's very : pretty? she's beautiful!what about her husband? is he handsome? polly: wait and see!unit 7 lesson 13 where's my pen?

karen: where's my pen, lucy? lucy: which pen, mum? karen: the blue : this one? karen: yes, that 's my favourite pen, lucy!lucy: sorry, mum!karen: and where's my new ruler? lucy: the long one? 4 karen: the long silver : it's in my schoolbag, : oh, lucy!give me my ruler, : here you are.i'm sorry, 's a very nice : yes, it : mum!karen: yes? lucy: is this your pencil-case, too? karen: no, it isn''s your father's old 's his favourite thing!lucy: sorry, mum!it's my favourite thing, : oh, well!put it on his harm done!(不要紧)lucy: thanks, mum!unit 8 lesson 15 a bump in the night!karen: william!wake up!william: 's the matter? karen: listen!there's a noise in the 's a burglar(夜贼)!william: a burglar? nonsense!you're right!there's a noise in the kitchen now!it is a burglar!karen: shh!there's a torch(手电筒)m: give me the torch, : here it , william!please be careful!william: shh!there is someone 's there? who is it? lucy: it's me, dad!i'm wide-awake(完全清醒的), and i'm m: we're all wide-awake now!5 karen: oh, well!no harm done!unit 9 lesson 17 red, white and...pink!

robert: here are paul's new pyjamas.(一套睡衣裤)look at them!they are bright red!but they are a bit : here are dad's are pure they're a bit dirty, them in the washing : what about your shirts? robert: shirts are dirty, : put them in the washing m: karen!where are my new shirts? karen: they're in the washing machine, with paul's pyjamas and robert's you are!two lovely clean shirts!william: those shirts aren't white!they're pink!karen: yes, they are, and they're very pretty!unit 10 lesson 19 jump in!robert:hurry up, lucy!here's the bus!lucy: wait a minute!my bag's : my bag's heavy, on!oh, no!the bus is full!lucy: oh, dear!our school buses are all : what's in your bag? lucy: books, of course!robert: my bag is full of books, , there's claire!hello, claire!claire: hello, robert!hello, lucy!what's the matter, lucy? lucy: the buses are all full and our bags are very heavy.6 claire: gee, they are heavy!what's in them? robert: they're full of books, and the buses are full of : never mind!here's my mom with the the car's in, and put your bags in, too!unit 11 lesson 21 very smart!robert: look!these are our outfits for the school : oh, very smart!look, william!william: yes, you're both very and robert: thank you, m: that's an interesting tie, : um, yes, thanks, m: it's very : yes, um, it's my favourite : those are funny shoes, they a bit big for you? robert: these shoes? no, 're all 're right for the : where are my new shoes? they aren't in my and william: oh, robert!paul: hey, robert!that's my tie!those are my new shoes!and those are my socks, too!unit12 lesson 23 just like you!jack: claire? claire: yes, daddy? jack: show me your new drawings, : drawings are 're all people at the sports academy.7 jack: 're very good, claire!who is this tall man with the big muscles? claire: oh, that's .he's a 's very : and who are these little men?

claire: that's gary, and that's 're 're both small, but they're strong, 're gymnasts.(体操运动员)jack: and who is this boy here?

claire: that's 's a student at the sports : he's a handsome young : 's very : your drawings are good, : thank you, they aren't : no, honey!they're great!just like you!unit 13 lesson 25 late or early

robert: come on, lucy!we're late!lucy: ok, ok!what time is it? robert: it's eight o' up!daisy: hi, there, kids!are you in a hurry? robert: yes, we 're both late for : never in!robert: gee, thanks, : you're welcome!call me daisy, , kids!let's go!robert: wow, what a speed!what a car!daisy: here you are!the school aren't late 's the matter, 8 lucy? lucy: look!the gates are 're both early now!unit 14 lesson 27 one, two, three, catch!

karen: give me that jar, please, : which jar, mum? this one? karen: no, not that one on the empty : here you are, mum!ready? one, two, three, catch!karen: no, robert!stop!robert: what's the matter, mum? karen: i can't catch it!bring it here, please!robert: here you are, mum!karen: thank you, robert!unit 15 lesson 29 that’s not fair!

robert: where are paul and gary? sam: they're over there, on the football 're with tom and .robert: great, we can play football with , paul!can we play football with you? paul: that's a good idea, 're the captain of one side, sam, you're the captain of the other side.i'm the , how many players are there? robert: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, there are seven on my side, and six on sam's : that's not fair!robert: yes, it is!'s on your 's very big and very can 9 play very 's like two players!10

新概念青少版starter a unit 9篇三

新概念英语 1a 词汇表

u1li meet [mi:t] vt.遇见;满足vi.相遇;集合 the [ðə, ðɪ] art.这,那 family ['fæmɪlɪ] n.家庭,家族 hello ['hə'ləʊ] int.喂 my [maɪ] pron.我的 name ['neɪm] n.名字 is [ɪz] v.是

this [ðɪs] a.这;这个 wife [waɪf] n.妻子

how do you do? 您好 [初次见面时打招呼的用语] daughter ['dɔ:tə] n.女儿 son [sʌn] n.儿子 hi!你好,嘿,喂

and [ænd, ənd] conj.和,又,并,则 nephew ['nevju:] n.侄子,外甥 nice to meet you.很高兴认识你。friend [frend] n.朋友 teacher ['ti:tʃə] n.教师 mrs.n....夫人 u1l2

your [jɔ:] pron.你的,你们的 pen [pen] n.钢笔 yes [jes] ad.是,是的 whose [hu:z] pron.谁的 no [nəʊ] ad.不,并不a.没有的 not [nɒt] ad.不,没有 it [ɪt] pron.它 it's pn.它是 isn't 不是 pencil ['pensl] n.铅笔 hat [hæt] n.帽子 coat [kəʊt] n.外套,上衣 mobile ['məʊbaɪl] 手机 ruler ['ru:lə] n.直尺 book [bʊk] n.书籍 bag [bæg] n.袋,包 u2l3

what [wɒt] pron.什么 hey [heɪ] interj.嘿 good [gʊd] a.好的 look [lʊk] n.看

a [eɪ, ə] art.一(个),每一(个)wheel [wi:l] n.轮,车轮 green [gri:n] a.绿色的 n.绿色ok ['əʊ'keɪ] int.行,好

now [naʊ] n.现在 flower ['flaʊə] n.花 red [red] a.红色的n.红色 umbrella [ʌm'brelə] n.伞,雨伞 that [ðæt] a.那,那个 grey [greɪ] n./a.灰色(的)bird [bɜ:d] n.鸟,禽 key [ki:] n.钥匙 right [raɪt] a.正确的 silver ['sɪlvə] n.银色的 chair [tʃeə] n.椅子 table ['teɪbl] n.桌子 u2l4

bicycle ['baɪsɪkl] n.自行车 colour ['kʌlə] n.颜色

what colour...?......什么颜色? an [æn, ən] art.一(个,件...)white [waɪt] a.白的n.白色 black [blæk] a.黑色的,黑暗的 dress [dres] n.连衣裙

camera ['kæmərə] n.照相机,摄影机blue [blu:] a.蓝色的 n.蓝色 desk [desk] n.书桌,办公桌 brown [braʊn] n.褐色,棕色 u3l6

who [hu:] pron.谁

boy [bɒɪ] n.男孩,少年,家伙 which ['wɪtʃ] pron.哪一个a.哪一个 on [ɒn] prep.在…上 man [mæn] n.男人 with [wɪð] prep.有,带着 mr.n.先生

he [hi:] pron.(主格)他 father ['fɑ:ðə] n.父亲 woman ['wʊmən] n.妇女,女性 she [ʃi:, ʃɪ] pron.她 mother ['mʌðə] n.母亲 girl [gɜ:l] n.女孩子 sister [sɪstə] n.姐妹 look at 看着;注视;察看 young [jʌŋ] a.年轻的n.青年们 in [ɪn] prep.在…里 old [əʊld] a.陈旧的

cousin ['kʌzn] n.堂(表)兄弟(姐妹)oh 噢!car [kɑ:] n.轿车

so [səʊ] conj.那么,这样看来 too [tu:] ad.也,还;太

their [ðeə] pron.他(她,它)们的 brother ['brʌðə] n.兄弟 student ['stju:dənt] n.学生 his [hɪs] pron.他的,他的东西 her [hɜ:, hə] pron.(宾格)她,她的 new [nju:] a.新的 u3l6

horse [hɔ:s] n.马

tell me about 告诉我关于......yellow ['jeləʊ] a.黄色的n.黄色 taxi ['tæksɪ] n.出租汽车 u4l7

well [wel] ad.健康的 how [haʊ] ad.怎么,怎样,多少 how are you? 你好吗?

i [aɪ] pron.(主格)我 am [æm, əm] v.是

fine [faɪn] a.健康的,舒适的 but [bʌt] conj.但是,可是 very ['verɪ] ad.很,非常

sorry ['sɒrɪ] a.难过的;对不起的 him [hɪm] pron.(宾格)他

what's the matter with?......怎么了?hot [hɒt] a.热的,刺激的,辣的 sure [ʃʊə] a.确信的,确实的 hungry ['hʌŋgrɪ] a.饥饿的,渴望的 thirsty ['θɜ:stɪ] a.渴的;渴望的 poor [pʊə] a.贫穷的;可怜的 what about?......呢? doctor ['dɒktə] n.医生,博士 busy ['bɪzɪ] a.繁忙的

ill [ɪl] a.有病的

perhaps [pə'hæps] ad.也许,可能 are [ɑ:] v.是

better safe than sorry 有备无患!

cold [kəʊld] a.冷的 u4l8

or [ɔ:, ə] conj.或,或者

clever ['klevə] a.聪明的,机敏的 happy ['hæpɪ] a.快乐的,幸福的 stupid ['stju:pɪd] a.愚蠢的 story ['stɔ:rɪ] n.故事,小说

funny ['fʌnɪ] a.好笑的,有趣的,滑稽的sad [sæd] a.悲哀的 silly ['sɪlɪ] a.傻的,愚蠢的 u5l9

neighbour ['neɪbə] n.邻居 nice ['naɪs] a.美好的,令人愉快的 what do you do? 你是做什么工作的? at [æt, ət] prep.在 sports academy 体育学院 come [kʌm] vi.来,来到,出现 art college 艺术学院 writer ['raɪtə] n.作者,作家 aunt [ɑ:nt] n.伯母,婶母,姑母 our ['aʊə] pron.我们的 husband ['hʌzbənd] n.丈夫 thank you!谢谢你!

everybody ['evrɪbɒdɪ] pron.每人,人人 for [fɔ:, fə] prep.为,给,因为

welcome ['welkəm] int.欢迎n.欢迎vt.欢迎u5l10

her [hɜ:, hə] pron.(宾格)她,她的 housewife ['haʊswaɪf] n.家庭主妇 job [dʒɒb] n.职业,工作

photographer [fə'tɒgrəfə] n.摄影师 policeman [pə'li:smən] n.警察 postman ['pəʊstmən] n.邮递员 actor ['æktə] n.男演员

accountant [ə'kaʊntənt] n.会计,会计师 u6l11

tall [tɔ:l] n.高的,身材高的

gossip ['gɒsɪp] n.闲谈,碎嘴子,漫笔 pretty ['prɪtɪ] ad.相当地a.漂亮的 over there 在那里(指较远处)where [weə] ad.在哪里pron.哪里

from [frɒm, frəm, frm] prep.从…来,根据english ['ɪŋglɪʃ] n.英语 a.英国人的

american [ə'merɪkən] a.美洲的 n.美国人 washington ['wɒʃɪŋtən] n.华盛顿 here [hɪə] ad.这里,向这里

famous ['feɪməs] a.著名的

expensive [ɪks'pensɪv] a.昂贵的,花钱多的 beautiful ['bju:tɪfʊl] a.美的,美丽的 handsome ['hændsəm] a.英俊的 wait [weɪt] vi.等待n.等待 see [si:] vt.看见 london ['lʌndən] n.伦敦

nationality ['næʃə'nælɪtɪ] n.国籍,民族u6l12

describe [dɪs'kraɪb] vt.形容,描写,描绘 short [ʃɔ:t] a.短的;矮的

chinese ['tʃaɪ'ni:z] a.中国的 n.中国人

french [frentʃ] a.法国的 n.法国人 fat [fæt] a.肥胖的 n.脂肪,肥肉 thin [θɪn] a.薄的;淡的;瘦的 actress ['æktrɪs] n.女演员 u7l13 mum [mʌm] n.(口语)妈妈 one [wʌn] a.一样的东西

favourite ['feɪvərɪt] n.特别喜爱的人(或物)a.最爱的

long [lɒŋ] a.长的,远的 schoolbag n.书包 give [gɪv] vt.送给 me [mi:, mɪ] pron.我 please [pli:z] ad.请 here you are.给你。

pencil-case 铅笔盒 thing [θɪŋ] n.东西,事情 oh, well!噢,好吧!put [pʊt] vt.放,摆;写下 no harm done!没关系!thanks!谢谢!dad [dæd] n.爸爸


case [keɪs] n.箱子 small [smɔ:l] a.小的,少的 ball [bɔ:l] n.球

box [bɒks] n.箱,盒,包箱 big [bɪg] a.大的

clean [kli:n] a.清洁的,纯洁的 cup [kʌp] n.杯子

dirty ['dɜ:tɪ] a.脏的,下流的 floor [flɔ:] n.地板,楼层 thick [θɪk] a.厚的;密的,浓的 wake up 醒,唤醒;醒来 listen ['lɪsn] vi.听;听从 there [ðeə] ad.在那里;在那点上 noise [nɒɪz] n.喧闹声,响声 thin [θɪn] a.薄的;淡的;瘦的

under ['ʌndə] prep.在…下面;在bed [bed] n.床,苗圃,河床 light [laɪt] a.轻的 plate [pleɪt] n.盘 heavy ['hevɪ] a.重的,大的 shelf [ʃelf] n.搁板,架子 cupboard ['kʌbəd] n.碗柜 u8l15

bump [bʌmp] .撞击 night [naɪt] n.夜晚

...的情况下living-room n.起居室 burglar ['bɜ:glə] n.盗贼 nonsense!胡说!,废话!kitchen ['kɪtʃɪn] n.厨房

torch [tɔ:tʃ] n.火炬,火把;手电筒 here it is.给你。

someone ['sʌmwʌn] pron.某人,有人 be careful!小心!

downstairs ['daʊn'steəz] ad.在楼下we [wi:] pron.我们 wide-awake a.完全清醒的 all [ɔ:l] a.全部的 prep.全部

楼下的 m ['bedrʊm] n.卧室 pink [pɪŋk] n.粉红色a.粉红色的 garden ['gɑ:dn] n.花园,菜园,公园 u8l16

door [dɔ:] n.门

secretary ['sekrətrɪ] n.秘书,书记 basket ['bɑ:skɪt] n.篮,篓,筐 bowl [bəʊl] n.碗,钵 apple ['æpl] n.苹果

orange ['ɒrɪndʒ] n.桔子a.橙色的 house [haʊs] n.房屋,住宅 near [nɪə] prep.在......附近river ['rɪvə] n.河 tree [tri:] n.树


here are 这些是…

pyjamas [pə'dʒɑ:məz] n.睡衣 a bit 有点儿,稍微

them [ðem, ðəm] pron.(宾格)他(她,它)们shirt [ʃɜ:t] n.衬衫

they [ðeɪ] pron.(主格)他(她)们 lovely ['lʌvlɪ] a.可爱的 bright red 鲜红色的 dog [dɒg] n.狗 pure white 纯白的 cat [kæt] n.猫

washing machine 洗衣机 those [ðəʊz] pron.那些 sock [sɒk] 短袜 u10l19

jump [dʒʌmp] vi.跳 vt.跳过 hurry up ['hʌrɪ] 快点儿 bus [bʌs] n.公共汽车 wait a minute!等一下!oh, dear!噢,天啊!come on!快点儿!full [fʊl] a.满的,完全的 school [sku:l] n.学校,学院 of course 自然,当然,无疑 gee![dʒi:] 哎呀!(用来表示惊讶)people ['pi:pl] n.人民;人 never mind!不要紧!mom [mɒm] n.[美]妈妈 empty ['emptɪ] a.空的,空洞的 u10l20

smart [smɑ:t] a.神气的 these [ði:z] a.这些pron.这些 outfit ['aʊtfɪt] n.服装 play [pleɪ] n.戏剧,演出 both [bəʊθ] pron.两者都

elegant ['elɪgənt] a.(举止、服饰)雅致的interesting ['ɪntrɪstɪŋ] a.有趣的 tie [taɪ] n.领带,领节 um...[ʌm] 呃...colourful a.颜色鲜艳的 shoe [ʃu:] n.鞋

unusual [ʌn'ju:ʒʊəl] a.不平常的,独特的 all right 合适的 u12l23

just [dʒʌst] ad.刚才,只是,正好 part [pɑ:t] n.角色

like [laɪk] n.爱好a.相似的, [ə'geɪn, ə'gen] ad.又一次,再 喜欢prep.象, 如同 daddy ['dædɪ] n.爸

show [ʃəʊ] vt.给…看;表明vi.显现,露面n.表示;展览;炫耀

drawing ['drɔ:ɪŋ] n.绘画 honey ['hʌnɪ] n.亲爱的(昵称)muscle ['mʌsl] n.肌肉;力量 strong [strɒŋ] a.强壮的;浓的 little ['lɪtl] a.小的,幼小的 gymnast ['dʒɪmnæst] n.体操运动员 maybe ['meɪbi:] ad.大概,也许 bad [bæd] a.坏的,恶的,严重的 great [greɪt] a.大的,伟大的 u12l24

weak [wi:k] a.弱的,软弱的

workman ['wɜ:kmən] n.工人,劳动者 ugly ['ʌglɪ] a.丑的 dark [dɑ:k] a.暗的,黑色的 blonde n./a.白肤金发的(女人)child [tʃaɪld] n.小孩

schoolboy ['sku:l'bɒɪ] n.(中、小学的)男学生,学童

schoolchild ['sku:ltʃaɪld] n.学童

office worker 公司职员 u13l25

late [leɪt] a.迟的;晚(期)的;已故的ad.迟,晚 early ['ɜ:lɪ] ad.早 a.早的,早期的 time [taɪm] n.时间;时机 what time is it? 几点了? o'clock ad.…点钟

kid [kɪd] n.小孩,儿童,少年 u13l26

what' the time? 几点了?

open ['əʊpən] a.(敞)开的;开放的, a hurry 匆忙;立即,很快地 late for school 上学迟到 you're welcome.不用谢 call [kɔ:l] vt.把…叫做,称为 go [gəʊ] vi.去,走,变为

wow![waʊ] 哇!(表示惊讶或羡慕)what!(表示惊叹)let's [lets] 让我们

speed [spi:d] n.快;速度vt.加快 gate [geɪt] n.大门

shut [ʃʌt] vt.关上,关闭a.关闭的 slow [sləʊ] a.慢的

fast [fɑ:st] .快速的,紧紧的

打开 u14l27

catch [kætʃ] vt.捉住 jar [dʒɑ:] n.罐子,坛子,广口瓶

ready ['redɪ] a.准备好的;愿意的;就要stop [stɒp] vt.阻止;中断 can't v.& aux.不能

bring [brɪŋ] vt.带来,引出,促使 can [kæn] aux.v.能,会,可能 room [ru:m, rʊm] n.房间;余地 football ['fʊtbɔ:l] n.足球 u14l28

...的 glass [glɑ:s] n.玻璃,玻璃杯 beside [bɪ'saɪd] prep.在…旁边 us [ʌs, əs] pron.我们 cheap [tʃi:p] a.廉价的,劣质的 window ['wɪndəʊ] n.窗户

knife [naɪf] n.小刀,餐刀 v.用刀刺(切)in front of 在…前面,面对 bone [bəʊn] n.骨,骨骼

behind [bɪ'haɪnd] prep.在…后面 fresh [freʃ] a.新的,新鲜的 dish [dɪʃ] n.碟,盘子,菜肴 u15l29

fair [feə] adj.公平的 field [fi:ld] n.田野,域,运动场 play [pleɪ] vt.打(球)idea [aɪ'dɪə] n.想法,思想,意见

captain ['kæptɪn] n.队长 side [saɪd] n.一方,队 other ['ʌðə] a.另外的,其余的 referee ['refə'ri:] n.裁判员,how many? 多少......? player ['pleɪə] n.球员 well [wel] ad.好 u15l30

shop [ʃɒp] n.商店,店铺;车间 street ['stri:t] n.街道a.街上的 boat [bəʊt] n.小船,艇,渔船 beach [bi:tʃ] n.海滩,湖滩,河滩 animal ['ænɪməl] n.动物,兽 a.动物的 cow [kaʊ] n.母牛

bench [bentʃ] n.长凳,条凳,工作台

新概念青少版starter a unit 9篇四



1,妈妈:_______2,一:_______3,最喜欢的:_______4,长的:_______ 5,书包:_______6,给:_______7,我(宾格):_______8,请:_______ 9,给你:_______10,铅笔盒;_______11,放:_______12:没关系:_______ 13,谢谢:_______



______________________________________________________ 2,对不起

______________________________________________________ 3,it’s your father’s old pencil-case.______________________________________________________ 4,put it on his desk.______________________________________________________ 5,give me my ruler.______________________________________________________ 三,句型转换 1,he is my good friend.(改为一般疑问句)______________________________________________________ 2,he can play football.(改为否定句)______________________________________________________


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