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格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-05-27 20:58:40
时间:2023-05-27 20:58:40     小编:一叶知秋



eleven students from world college, west of the united states, kissed their newly-made chinese fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters “zaijian”(goodbye), tears in eyes, when leaving jiangwan township, in shanghai suburbs. these students, who are studying on a program of international relations, are believed to be the first hatch① of foreign students to live with chinese village families.

the students stayed in the village for two months. at daytime, they were given chinese language and history courses in the village classroom and took part in agricultural practice in the fields. they spent the rest of their time with the peasants, carrying water from wells, making a fire for cooking, even feeding . carlos liked to take little children for a ride in bicycle whereas mr. david often played cards with his young chinese friends. miss tracy, a pretty l9-year-old girl, concentrated her enthusiasm on giving english lessons to pupils at jiangwan primary school. mr. richard with his video camera② finished a tv documentary③ about chinese village life.“we like the life here. its so quiet, so plain, yet so interesting,”said miss sandra, one of the students.

lunch time was the most enjoyable for both guest and host. they talked about everything that interested them. the villagers regarded these students as their own sons, daughters, brothers, or sisters.“this new form is also beneficial④ to ourselves,”said u hongming, deputy director ⑤ of jiangwan township. “we are looking forward to welcoming more foreign students to come here.”

indeed, the students not only learned chinese, but also knew more deeply about china within the two months. “weve learned a lot which we couldnt just at chinese colleges,” said miss nona from canada. when asked about the purpose of going to china and staying with chinese villagers, tracy showed her several articles published in an american newspaper:“living, studying and learning to accept and work within another entirely different culture is an important aspect⑥ of every society. communication, understanding, and above all, love are imperative⑦ for world peace.”


①hatch [h$tm] n. (小鸡等)一窝;(喻)一群,一组(年轻人)

②video camera [vidi u k$m r ] n. 电视摄像机

③documentary[?d&kjument ri] n. 纪录影片

④beneficial [benifim l] a. 有利的;有益的

⑤deputy director[depjuti direkt ] 副乡(镇)长

⑥aspect[$spekt] n. (问题、事物的)方面

⑦ imperative [imper tiv] a. 绝对必要的


the american tour is over, and a little bit of the american swim through time and space tunnel, drip in my heart, printed in my mind.

america is an independent country. as for education, in china, we are all the baby in the family, holding hands in our hands, a little hurt is not willing to let us, more reluctant to stay away from our parents' arms. american parents are more relaxed about their children and let them succeed with their own efforts. i saw such a scene in the united states, a baby fell down, and the baby's mother didn't have as much pain as her parents in china, but taught him how to get up. at the sorran school in los angeles, there are many big brothers and sisters who are doing volunteer work to get credits, and they create their own world with their own hands. our chinese students may be little princess princesses at home. but in the united states, our landlady has made us experience our own dishes and the joys of labor. that's how two parents of different countries have different approaches to education kids. perhaps, the pain is some, but only temporary, but the cowardice in the heart once formed, is permanent, cannot change. this is worth learning.

american thrift is more worth learning. in china, we may be a little wasteful, but in the united states, most of the meals are buffet. there are some chinese students who have been watching for a while. many students take a lot of food, but many of them are wasted, and americans eat as much as they can and never waste food. my mom is a woman who knows her life well and doesn't live in a wealthy neighborhood, but her family has always been frugal. they have three cars, an armored car, a sports car and a car. two of them are luxury cars, and one is a mercedes benz in the eighties. in china, people tend to drive luxury cars, and they usually drive old cars. they have a pool where they often hold parties, so that we have the privilege of meeting more foreigners.

on the first day to los angeles, xu mingjie very lucky and i attended a local wedding, it was a very romantic wedding, under the illuminate of lamplight, a couple looks very bright. little girls and small, well-fitted dresses add another look to the wedding.

christianity was the bishop of the united states, and in the soslan school, it was the propaganda of christianity. in that, although we believe in buddhism, we respect their christian culture, which is the highlight of chinese students abroad. our family still goes to church on the weekend.

in the united states, we went to shopping malls, and the shop assistants were very enthusiastic about us, and we were in that crazy shopping, invisibility, which promoted the economic development of the united states. to think about, and why the salesman students enthusiasm for china, which is not china's continuous development, continuous increase in the national economy, despite this, we don't it is for the welfare of the united states?

after a week of study, we went on to the east, the white house, congress, the united nations, wall street, broadway... let us experience another american amorous feelings.

i don't think americans are as gentlemanly as british people, but there are still places to learn, and i've benefited a lot from this trip to america.


last year, my parents and i arrived in the united states on the other side of the ocean, living in chicago, the third largest city in the united states. the city life there is very different from the city life in china.

special one: building

most people in china live in public housing or apartments, and there are not so many people in the united states. people usually live in semi-detached houses. the left half of the family, the right half the other family, or up and down two families, the economy many people live in the independent house. the two houses are not large, usually made of beautiful bricks, and the first floor has steps to connect the ground and houses, and the houses are numbered with metal. there was a small garden around the house, with lush trees and green grass, and some tables and chairs. there is a fence outside the garden, a password lock on the fence, someone with a key to the password can go in, so it's safe to live in it.

special 2: traffic

car penetration in china is lower than in the u.s., where most chinese residents take public transportation, and almost every home in the united states has a car. why? that's because the united states was designed as a big car in the first place. the roads are designed to be spacious and the garage is so much designed that there are few traffic jams or parking spaces in the united states. back in china, there are no seats left for the training courses, and the half way is still stuck on the high shelf, so it must get up early to be not late.

winter in the united states, people don't have to wear thick wool pants and a sweater, because indoor central heating in the winter, go out is given priority to with the car, go out just get in the car, the car also has air conditioning, so don't feel cold. it's kind of like our northeast china.

special 3: diet

you must be very fond of pizza and cookies. these are the snacks that everyone enjoys during the break. but why eat well and sometimes not to eat? that's because americans eat high-calorie foods, such as a pizza, so they eat them for dinner. americans pay more attention to the nutrition of food, like to eat high-protein things, and also like to eat very sweet snack, so you can't burn chinese food in the united states can only eat these things all day long!

you see how different china's urban life is from the american city life!

author: fourth grade chen

comments: the author introduces the life of the united states and china in the way of small title, which is clear and emphases. if you can express your feelings in the introduction, it will bring you closer to the reader.


high school is a very important stage for students around the world. chinese students spend a lot of time studying and they think it is the hardest stage for them. but when we look at the high school in america, students feel much easier. people believe that study in america is an easy thing.


when we look at the screen, the school atmosphere is so lively. high school students always hang out with friends and take part in all kinds of parties, which seems that they don’t need to worry about their study. when we see this, we feel envious. how nice it would be if our school life is like this?


actually, what we know about the american teenagers’ life is not true for all. some high school students know they will not go to college and choose to enjoy the school life. while for some students who want to fight for the top college, they need to study very hard. at the same time, they also need to take part in some activities to cater for the college’s permission. so don’t be misled by the superficial phenomenon.



what is american dream?


what is the american dream? is it the same for all americans? is it a myth? is it simply a search for a better life? how has the american dream changed over time? some see their dreams wither and die while others see their dreams fulfilled. why? everyone has dreams abut a personally fulfilled life... and what is your dream?


the term american dream was first used by james adams in his book the epic of america which was written in 1931. he states: the american dream is that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. it is a difficult dream for the european upper classes to interpret adequately, and too many of us ourselves have grown tired and mistrustful of it. it is not a dream of cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to get to the fullest stature of which they are capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position."


in the united states' declaration of independence, our founding fathers state: "... all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." might this view be considered the foundation of the american dream?


were homesteaders who left the big cities of the east to find happiness and their piece of land in the unknown wilderness of the west pursuing these rights? were the immigrants who came to the united states looking for their bit of life, liberty, happiness and their dream? and what did the desire of the veteran of world war ii—to settle down, to have a home, a car and a family—tell us about this dream? is the american dream attainable by all americans? would martin luther king feel his dream was attained? did malcolm x realize his dream?



high school in america, after middle school comes high school, which includes grades 9 through 12。 students are required to take certain subjects like english, social studies, math, science, and physical education。 in addition, they choose among elective subjects to complete their high school education。 electives include subjects in technology, music, art, and foreign languages。

each student in the school has their own locker for books and personal items。 this convenience saves students from carrying textbooks, and allows students a small space they can decorate with posters and favorite objects。

cheating in any form is strictly prohibited in american schools。 and in fact, high school students usually don‘t cheat。 a student caught in plagiarism, forgery, or copying another student faces severe discipline, even expulsion。

school activities each school holds certain yearly activities for the entire school body, such as homecoming, prom night, holiday celebrations, etc。

homecoming is celebrated each fall, usually on a weekend, and events leading up to it may last all week。 while homecoming is celebrated differently at each school, it usually includes a parade and the crowning of the homecoming king and queen, and ends with a football game and school dance。

the prom is a formal dance for students in grades 11 and 12, and is generally anticipated as the most important social event of the school year。 it can also be a time of anxiety, as boys have to work up the courage to ask a date to the prom, and girls hope the right boy invites them。 these couples dress in formal clothes — girls in long gowns, boys in suits。 some students even arrange a limousine and driver for their group of friends to arrive in style! at the prom, students dance, have snacks and drinks, and chat。 prom usually ends with a prom king and queen being announced and crowned on stage before an envious audience。

besides hosting events for holidays such as the fourth of july and halloween, inspanidual high schools often have their own special events。 one day might be “inside out/backwards day,” where students and teachers should wear their clothes reversed all day, perhaps walk and speak backwards, and even go to classes in opposite order。 and some schools hold contests where, if certain academic goals are met, the principal will kiss a pig, shave his mustache, or dress as a woman for the day。

sports most high schools have at least one sports team that competes in local events, and all students are encouraged to be involved in athletics。 schools often offer football, baseball and softball, basketball, volleyball, tennis, and soccer。 some may even have sports like golf, swimming, gymnastics and cross-country skiing。

jobs many high school students have part-time jobs by the age of 15 or 16, some even earlier。 their first jobs are often babysitting or cutting lawns, but later they will likely get a job at a fast-food restaurant, video store, or clothing shop。

driving sixteen years old is legal driving age in most states, and students usually want to own a car as soon as they can。 some parents allow their children to drive a family vehicle, and may even buy a car as a graduation present。 others prefer that their sons and daughters earn enough to purchase a used vehicle。 regardless, many teenagers feel it‘s a necessity to own a car, and will do whatever it takes to be able to drive。


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