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小学英语写作课教案万能 小学英语写作的教案模板

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小学英语写作课教案万能 小学英语写作的教案模板
时间:2023-05-18 19:50:07     小编:xiejingc


小学英语写作课教案万能 小学英语写作的教案篇一












从小学生刚开始接触字母书写的时候,教师就应该严格要求学生写好每一个字母,并掌握每个字母的大小写书写格式。在学生开始书写单词的时候,给学生强化每个单词与单词之间应该保持一定的间隔距离。学习句子的时候给学生讲解句子开头的第一个单词的第一个字母要大写,句尾也有标点符号。否则无距离,无标点符号会影 响对单词,对句子的理解。







(autumn 2014)

for the normal students in grade 2004(5 years)and grade 2006(3 years)


telephone: office hours: by appointment objectives: requirement:

students should take part in the learning activity energetically, such as discuions in the rk must be finished on students should do some exercises in their spare time to make attendance is very important, and it’ll be related to their final materials:

we will use 美语路路通—写作通(3), written by laurie bla and meredith pike-baky, published in january, 2005, by liaoning education distribution: ance:

the student who is absent will lose 1 mark for each to 10 claes, he/she will get 0 marks in one is absent for one third of all the fixed claes, he/she will not be allowed to take part in the final -cla activity: there will be some activities, such as brainstorming, being designed to train the ’ writing the should take part in the activities -cla aignment:

in spare time, the students the students are required to do some exercises and research to improve their writing skills, and to widen their exam:

the mark in final exam is a standard to check the students’ syllabus will be discued with the students at the first cla of this instructor has the right to make further ed schedule:



摘 要:英语写作是英语教学中重要的组成部分。指出了小学英语写作教学的主要问题,并提出了小学英语写作教学的策略,从而激发学生的写作兴趣,促进学生的写作信心。






小学英语写作课教案万能 小学英语写作的教案篇二



leon plan

nsefc module2 unit reading in teacher: period:period1 type:reading duration: 45minutes teaching ideology

the current theory view reading as a interactive proce which involves not only the printed page but also the reader’s old knowledge of the language in general, the world and the text the reading proce, these factors interact with each other and compensate for each on the understanding of reading as an interactive proce, teaching reading in the claroom is spanided into three stages in which the top-down and bottom-up techniques integrated to develop the students language efficiency in general and reading three stages are pre-reading, while-reading and ng material and learning condition the analysis of teaching material

the teaching material is the reading part from nsefc module2 topic of this unit paage mainly introduces the paage consists of first paragraph is a general introduction of .2 to para.4 last paragraph tells topic is not new to there is some new words and phases in the analysis of learning condition

the students are from grade1 in senior high high school students, they have achieved certain english level and they have the ability to get the basic idea of the they are in grade1, they are easily activated and want to air their own opinions on the are familiar with the topic of and know they may not know er, their vocabulary is limited so they may have difficulties in understanding some ng objectives ge skills ? at the beginning of the cla, can predict the content of the paage based on the title.? can scan the paage and find out the specific information such as the person related with

? can summarize the paage with the help of the clues of the ge knowledge

? can master the key words and phrases of the paage as follows,.? can learn , especially s

? will realize that and they will concern themselves with the iue of

al awarene

? will broaden their minds by knowing something about ng strategies

? will cultivate their ability inspanidual learning and cooperative learning by doing some

activities independently and some in groups.? will communicate with each other in english while doing the group ge difficulties

focuses and anticipated language focuses

this is a reading period so the focus is to cultivate the students’ reading many activities are designed to help to train their reading skills, such as predicting, skimming, scanning and is also important for the to master the new words and pated difficulties

as the have a limited vocabulary, so they may have some difficulties in understanding the the teacher will help them learn the new words and did not heard before, so the teacher will tell them some background knowledge about ng method

three-stage model: based on the understanding of reading as an interactive proce, teaching reading in the claroom is spanided into three stages in which the top-down and bottom-up techniques integrated to develop the students language efficiency in general and reading three stages are pre-reading, while-reading and ng aids

multimedia devices and ppt documents: in order to help to fully understand the whole paage, i adopt multimedia devices and ppt documents to bring the real-life situation into the ng procedures -in(6min)

ngs and free-talking(2min)

t leads into the topic by asking some they the name of the they know freely.t: hello boys and girls.(say hello to the teacher.)

t: when we say , what appears in your minds?(tell the things appear in their minds freely.)t: what are the ?(tell some names of.)


t shows some pictures about the in china and seeing the pictures, are expected to tell the similarities of them.t: just now, you talk about some in , let’s see some pictures of some.(t shows the pictures and see them carefully.)

t: what do the have in common?for example, they are very are your opinions?

(t gives them some hints and tell the characteristics of)[aims]

? in this step, t first leads in the topic by talking with the freely about the which

is familiar to them and then see some pictures and tell the two activities aim to arouse the ’ interests in the topic and activate their old knowledge will be mentally prepared for the reading ’s more,when they are talking about the charateristics of, they will realize that theare rare and precious and they will concern themselves with the iue -reading(3min)

g something about(1min)t gives a brief introduction of know the t: today, we are going to you know what is?(t shows some pictures ofand get to know the.)ting(2min)

t asks to read the title of the paage and then ask them some predict the content of the paage with the help of the title.t: please look at the title “”, what does “” mean?(if the can not give the answer, then t explain it.)

(predict the content, but t will not give the answer here.)[aims]

in this step, the first know some information of the;the background information will make it easier for the to understand the n t asks to make predictions about the aims to help develop the reading skills of -reading(22min)ng(4min)

skim the whole paage and find out and check their predictions.t: why are people still ? here is a multiple choice for ng(3min)

t presents several true or false statements and asks the to scan the paage and judge the right from the wrong.(keys: f,f,t,t,f)

activity3 close-reading(15min)

t designs various kinds of activities and do the activities to fully understand the .1

t: please read para.1 carefully and then take some note about .2-4

please read para.2-4 carefully and then find out the removal of the read para.2-4 carefully and then find out the person related with the amber room and the things them down with .5

please read para.5 carefully and then find out the the rebuilding of the amber room.【篇2:英语教案模板】

施教之功 先在激趣 巧在授法 重在练化 贵在养习

施教之功 先在激趣 巧在授法 重在练化 贵在养习

【篇3:大学英语教案 范文】


课程名称: 大学英语(一级)

专业: 本校05普通本科

年级: 2005

学年: 2005-2006

学期: 第一学期

任课教师:全新版《大学英语》板块任课教师 course schedule aims:

ping ’ ability of independent learning to be automatic ing ’ ability in using english: improving ’ five micro-skills—listening,speaking, reading, writing, translation—especially listening and speaking so that they can communicate in spoken and written ed course materials: e english(book 1)

—integrated curse, listening and speaking course, reading course

note: reading course book is used as ’ self-acce dictionary:

teaching and learning:

in mind that it is you who have to study to improve your you do not study

by yourself, there is no use in coming to other words, just listening to the teacher and other students in cla does not help you improve your well prepared when you come to is of great importance for you to preview the

course materials before cla according to the course not, you’ll find it very difficult to follow the participation is should actively join in pair work or group discuion and do oral presentation before is important to turn in any aignments by the due you know that you have a

circumstance which will makes it impoible for you to turn in your aignment by the due date, you can and should come to consult with me about your problem eays should be done in a loose-leaf notebook so as to hand in your aignments by a loose attendance/absence is part of evaluation, keep in mind that your absence will reduce your english learning resources:

magazines: english language learning, college english, english salon, english weekly, the world of english, english digest, overseas english

newspaper: 21st century, china daily

websites: http://(英语比萨园地);(听力快车);(普特英语听力);(英文写作网);(旺旺英语);.cn(中国日报);(华盛顿邮报)

unit 1 writing for myself 1.教学目标及基本要求: objectives:

students will be able to:

1)grasp the main idea(the eence of writing is to write what one enjoys writing)and structure of the text(narration in chronological sequence);

2)appreciate the narrative skills demonstrated in the text(selection of details, repetition and the use of synonyms.)

3)master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;

4)conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.2.教学内容及学时分配: time allotment:

1st period: pre-reading;text organization nd2 period: while-reading

3 period: post-reading activities 4 period: reading practice 5th period: speaking 6 period: writing


important language points in the text: 4.教学内容的深化及拓宽: ththrd

students conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing practice to deepen their understanding of the points taught in cla.5.教学方式及在教学中应注意的问题:

a combination of traditional teaching methods with the communicative approach will be l attention should be paid to claroom students time to adapt to the new teaching mode in the university that are quite different from the one they were used to in the middle encouragement is needed and more guidance will be given to them in their extracurricular study.6.主要参考书目:



《全新版大学英语综合教程1》第一单元text a后的所有习题。

阅读第一单元text b,完成后面的相关练习。


《大学英语阅读进阶》第一单元及相关练习 writing aignment 1st period:

pre-reading tasks:

1)students listen to the recording and do the pre-reading task on page 2 of their book.(15 minutes)2)warm-up questions(10 minutes)

students are required to scan the text and answer the following questions:

a)suppose you were the writer, would you enjoy writing “the art of eating spaghetti /

noodles”? why / why not? b)why does the author enjoy writing this? in which paragraph lies the answer?

c)look at the title and find out in which paragraph a similar phrase this

paragraph and explain in your own words what the author means by saying “write for myself.”

3)main idea and text organization(10 minutes)

please go through the whole text within 3 minutes and circle all the time words, phrases and clauses, and then answer the following questions:

a)from which point on does the author start talking about his new experience?

b)where does he stop writing about this new experience? do text organization exercise on p.9.4)text analysis(10 minutes)

selection of details: the author is very good at selecting details to prove his how? please think about the following questions.a)what details are selected to show “i’d been bored with everything aociated with english


b)what details are given to show that e was dull and rigid?

c)by which sentences does the author manage to give us the impreion that his eay was very good? 2nd period

1)text analysis

repetition: please think about the following questions:(7 minutes)

a)how many “prim” or “primly” does the author use in para.2?

b)how many “i wanted” are there in para.5?

c)what’s the use of repetition?

synonymous words phrases:(8 minutes)

the author is also very good at avoiding repetition by employing synonymous words and look for synonyms of the following words and phrases.1)tedious 2)write3)anticipate4)prim 5)recall 6)recapture7)delight8)contempt 9)topic 2)language points(30 minutes)the teacher explains the following language points to the students:

off and on;take hold;bore;turn out(turn up;turn down;turn over;turn in;turn away);bore;anticipate;rigid;severe;tackle;face up to;scan;recall;violate;hold back;avoid;career;inspire;aociate.(see the courseware of unit 1)3rd period

post-reading tasks

1)students are required to discu the following questions in pairs:(15 minutes)according to e, what is the very eence of the eay?

what tense should you use to describe a memorable incident? 2)translation: the teacher guides the students through the translation of the useful expreions in the cd rom.(15 minutes)

3)dictation: studetns do the spot dictation task in the cd-rom.(15 minutes)

4 periodreading practice:

1)uncle jim’s wink at life

group discuion: what is a thesis?(5 minutes)

pair work: students discu the following questions in pairs:(15 minutes)

a)the author begins this story with a childhood uncle jim knew about his lie, what did he say?

b)what did the boy do when he found n’s gloves? c)what did he get for his honesty in returning the gloves to the right owner?

d)what did uncle jim tell about his baldhead? e)how did uncle jim treat his friends? f)

thwhat leon did the boy learn from the bet?


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