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上海中考英语阅读技巧 上海中考英语改革精选(3篇)

格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-05-15 10:40:34
上海中考英语阅读技巧 上海中考英语改革精选(3篇)
时间:2023-05-15 10:40:34     小编:一叶知秋


上海中考英语阅读技巧 上海中考英语改革篇一





1. 表示重要性的信号词:point/ essence(essential)/ / major/ necessary/ critical/ important/ matter/ the point to note here….

2. 表示转折的信号词:but/ yet/ however/ while

3. 表示绝对性的信号词:only/ absolutely/ all/ every

4. 表示结论的信号词:the result/ in conclusion/ we can conclude/ therefore/ one of the primary conclusions…

5. 标点类信号词:“?”“----” “:”

6. 其他:作者反复提出观点(in other words)



1. 表示列举的信号词:for example/instance, like, such as, these include, to illustrate, among these are, ranging from… to…, say

2. 标点符号信号词:“:”“----”“/”

上海中考英语阅读技巧 上海中考英语改革篇二

1. 数字引号大写优先原则:2046,“the green eye” playpump

2. 人名首字母提炼原则 khumaloadof ---> k

3. 同意转换原则



(12 青浦) inspected= a. built b. found c. printed d. examined 构词法

(13奉贤) well-behaved=a. holding hands g excitedly构词法

c. showing good manners d. showing bad manners

(13奉贤)the underlined word "scared" in the third paragraph means “ __________”.

a)very frightened b)very excited

c)very surprised d)very happy

原文:andrew had a malignant brain tumor(恶性脑肿瘤) . it was pressing on the part of the brain that makes new memory. he should be operated on as soon as possible. andrew wasscared!

(12黄浦) the underlined word “frustrated” means ________.

a) tired b) pleased c) excited d) disappointed

原文:as i left his office, i felt frustrated. i asked aloud, “how can a man become a sport announcer if he can’t get a job in a radio station?”

(12 虹口) the underlined word “dash” in paragraph two probably means “_________”.

a. pass the entrance safely b. look for something carefully

c. call someone loudly d. go to some place quickly

原文:out of breath, they finally reached the gate. the clerk saw them dash up and shook her head sadly.

(12 浦东)the underlined word “eliminate” in the passage properly means __________.

a. run out of b. get rid of c. take hold of d. look out of

原文:there are two main parts: the drive zone to pump water and the material zone toeliminate harmful things.

(13松江)the underlined word “company” in paragraph 3 probably means “_________”.

a) way of running a business b) way of being together with him

c) way of playing chess d) way of speaking to him

原文:after that we played chess every wednesday afternoon --- in complete silence. usually, he arrived earlier than agreed. it seemed as if he enjoyed my company.

(13虹口一模). the underlined word “contact” probably means _________.

a) 联系 b) 影响 c) 手机信号 d) 电

原文:the pilot was in constant radio communication with grand control, when the engines suddenly went wrong and all contact was lost. the plane crashed on the site of the roman camp at hadrian’s hill, a place well known to archaeologists(考古学家)and tourists.

(中考真题)the underlined word "volume" in paragraph two probably


a) the type of music b) the amount of a sound

c) the length of a song d) the colour of an mp3 player

原文:keep it down! you have to notice the volume of your music. you should not play your music so loud that everyone around you can hear it. some people might even get angry.

(13徐汇二模) in the 6th line, the underlined word solid means “________”.

a) strong and hard b) good but not special

c) common and cheap d) expensive but friendly

原文:but then i found that the cost of dream school’s tuition(学费)was around $ 40,000 --- an impossible amount! how could i afford to attend? what good reasons did i have to go there when three other fine colleges were offering me free tuition? my other choices were also solid schools even if they weren’t as famous as my first choice.

上海中考英语阅读技巧 上海中考英语改革篇三

1. 细节理解题






i 构词法

前缀:dis, un, im, in 后缀:ful,less 词根:spect, audi, vis

ii 上下文

iii 旧词新意现象

3. 推理判断题(不要自行推理+过度推理)



4. 是非判断题

which of the following is (not) true?

which of the following descriptions about… is right?

(13崇明) of the following is not true according to the third paragraph?

a) boys and girls were kept in different classes at schools.

b) students learned aztec history, myths, and rituals at school.

c) boys and girls both received intensive military training.

d) students had to have good memory because they had no textbooks.

education was very important to the ancient aztecs of mexico. boys and girls used to attend school, but they were kept in different classes. they learned aztec history, myths, and rituals, but they memorized (记住) everything because there weren’t any textbooks. the boys received intensive military training, and the girls learned how to manage the home and the family. there were two kinds of schools: one for children of rich families and another for children of ordinary families.

5. 主旨大意题(best title)


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