当前位置:网站首页 >> 作文 >> 爱情的句子英文唯美短句(三篇)


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时间:2023-05-14 13:20:33     小编:xiejingc



2. ill think of you every step of the way. 我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。

3. may everything you work for have a romantic outcome in the future愿一切为之努力的事情在日后都有一个浪漫的结果

4. im going to love you for a long time without the thought of giving up.

5. 我们终其一生,都在寻找幸福的路。

6. 你若一直在,我便一直爱。

7. 我什么都答应你。你是我的唯一。

8. 和你在一起就像在一个清爽的早晨漫步。being with you is like walking on a very clear morning

9. love can turn the cottage into a golden palace. 爱情可化陋室为宫殿。

10. 我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空气。i need him like i need the air to breathe

11. 爱情不是索取,而是给予。

12. 如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。when love is not madness, it is not love

13. 不要对我太好,我怕有一天我会戒不掉。dont be so good to me, im afraid i wont be able to quit one day

14. you mean the world to me.你对我来说,就是全世界。

15. 没有了你,这个世界多么寂寞。how lonely the world is without you

16. you are everything when you are with me, and everything is you when you are not.你在时你是一切,你不在时一切是你!

17. 爱你,藏在我心里,暖在你心!

18. 谁捡走了我的玻璃鞋,寻找遗失的玻璃鞋。who picked up my glass shoes, looking for lost glass shoes

19. 我想和你在一起,却也只是想想而已了。i want to be with you, but i just think about it

20. time such as water, always silent. if you are well, it is sunny. 时光如水,总是无言。若你安好,便是晴天。

21. i love three things: the sun, the moon and you

22. 自作多情只因为想让你也喜欢我。

23. 所谓的爱情只是一场可笑的游戏。

24. live your life and come here on the road. 过好自己的生活,该来的,都在路上。

25. 你是太阳、我是暖光、我们缺一不可。you are the sun, i am warm light, we are indispensable.

26. 青葱时光里花开花谢,一年一年我们学会长大。

27. 生命为你提的字,谱成摇滚乐的诗。

28. 爱或者被爱,其实都是一种喜悦。

29. like is a choice, love is not for you.

30. 她开口说江南如一棵树,我眼前的景色便开始结果。

31. 我能想到的最美好的事就是,在喜欢你的每一天里,被你喜欢。

32. 我们的爱容不下其他人。

33. 我想和她去领结婚证!

34. whats the honor? its meeting you all over the world.

35. think of you every day,your company,happiness is so natural.

36. 我不想总对你说:i love you。我只想请求你今生和我一起走,在漫漫人生路上让我们永远手牵手。520我爱你,爱你一生一世不分离。

37. 发丝也藏了爱你的神经。

38. i love you, happy and auspicious cover.

39. 做一道多选题,但是答案都是迩。

40. if all deep love is secret, so just say to that person.如果所有的深爱都是秘密,那么只说给那一个人听就好。

41. 一跟你讲话,我就会笑得跟个白痴似的。when i talk to you, i laugh like a fool

42. dont be coquettish, love you all your life.

43. 爱情是无形燃烧的火焰。love is a fire which burns unseen

44. 我的猫很皮,可不可以帮我管它。

45. 相逢,不是恨晚,便是恨早。

46. 要输就输给追求,要嫁就嫁给幸福。to lose to lose to pursue, marry to marry happiness

47. 素颜,说的美是你甜蜜的笑容。

48. you are the one i have been looking for.

49. my heart beats for you every day. i am inspired by you every minute, and i worry about you every second. it is wonderful to have you in my life.

50. 你稳稳地住在我心底,让我无法逃避。you live in my heart, i cant escape.

51. 你那么讨人喜欢叫我怎么不爱你。

52. 一朝情义淡,样样不顺眼。once the friendship is light, everything is not pleasing to the eye

53. ihope youre here for me(我希望你为我而来)

54. the answer is that you want to speak and stop, and the answer is that you dont ask the question. 欲言又止就是答案,答非所问也是.

55. because i met a gentle person, so i want to be gentle.

56. love is like a butterfly. it goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes. 爱情就像一只蝴蝶,它喜欢飞到哪里,就把欢乐带到哪里。

57. tired of being a fairy, i want to be your wife.

58. heart gets cold and love gets tired, its inevitable when you experience love. 心会冷爱会累,这都是爱情必经的过程。

59. thanks for your kindness, please give me more advice.

60. 但愿会在梦中再见到我心爱的女孩!wish to meet my angle again lovely girl in my dream!

61. 我想和你过着这样平淡的生活。

62. 爱不爱我够不够深。

63. i cant do anything well except like you.

64. 过去了就过去了,重要的是自己要快乐。the past is over, it is important to be happy

65. 生来执拗,喜恶分明,所以我喜欢你,不是一时兴起,也不是心口不一。

66. 我堵上所有时光只爱你一个人。

67. 热烈的爱情是不可抑制的渴望。passionate love is an impossible thirst

68. one day,we donut have to say goodbye,just say good night.(总有一天,我们不用再说再见,只需道句晚安)

69. 我不想结婚但我只想嫁你。

70. 不是除了你,我没有人要;而是除了你,我谁都不想要。

71. around the galaxy,there are no brighter stars than you.(环游遍了整个星系,找不到比你更亮的星星)


1. 永远在不到饭点的时候说:我饿了!

2. no matter how big the world is, i only have eyes for you.

3. within you i lose myself,without you i find myself wanting to be lost again. 有了你,我迷失了自我。如果失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。

4. believe in the will of the god. there is nothing in this world that happened by accident.

5. 还年轻,就别整天弄得自己一副老无力的样子。still young, dont make yourself all day old weakness.

6. love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties.

7. 我也曾把光阴浪费,甚至莽撞到视死如归,却因为爱上了你,才开始渴望长命百岁。

8. love you forever in this life.

9. 你那熟悉的模样已经深深烙印我心中。your familiar face has been dee* imprinted in my heart

10. the world is suidernly late the mountains rivers sre slready autum(人间忽晚,山河已秋。)

11. love reckons hours for months, and days for years; and every little absence is an age.爱情把小时变成月,把天变成年,把每一次不见面变成一生。

12. 爱很难投入,但一旦投入,便更难走出。love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of

13. 我有咳嗽了,是你想我了吗?

14. 天天看你,你是如此美丽;时时想你,你是如此魅力;分分念你,你是如此如意。520亲爱的我爱你,一生一世只爱你。

15. distance makes the hearts grow fonder. 距离使两颗心靠得更近。

16. 枕头上还遗留你的味道,可你却不在。pillow also left you, but you did not.

17. 我不仰慕前世,也不期盼来生,我只求这辈子与你携手此生。

18. 我找到了快乐,甜蜜却离我而去;我找到了浪漫,温馨却离我而去;我找到了开心,幸福却离我而去;我找到了你,却惊喜地发现:它们都和你在一起。520我爱你,愿与你常相守,长相依!

19. above the milky way, two lovers are happy.

20. 我的生活,在每个微笑里幸福。

21. 一声姐妹大过天我们比爱情更远!

22. a person, be good to yourself; two person, treat each other.一个人时,善待自己;两个人时,善待对方。

23. 我爱的人已是我的爱人。

24. the sea is deep, i think you are true!

25. life and death without regret, all for you.

26. 我喜欢那个,喜欢你的我。

27. 永远在不到饭点的时候说:我饿了!

28. long and long, day and night.

29. theres always that one song that brings back old memories.

30. 假如我年少不自卑,对象肯定一大堆。

31. i have no ambition, just want you.

32. i love you not because of who you are, but because of who i am when i am with you. 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。

33. 爱情这件事情,从来不卑微。

34. 一双筷子,两根竹签,相偎相依过一生;我是杯子,你是杯盖,一生不能没有你;在即将到来的“520”特别的日子里,祝愿所有情侣一生相伴,永不分离!

35. 累了,就放下吧,别伤了自己!

36. you look more beautiful every time i see you.

37. 我说过我爱你,但没说我只爱你。

38. 我非常想你,但我不会说的,你已经这么牛逼了,不能让你太骄傲。

39. 忘记过去,好好活下去才是最重要的。

40. sometimes think, the most sorrowful is grow up. since then, smile no longer pure, cry no longer thoroughly.有时候想想,最大的悲哀莫过于长大。从此以后,笑不再纯粹,哭也不再彻底。

41. 长相知,才能不相疑;不相疑,才能长相知。looks like, can not doubt; do not doubt, in order to know.

42. 爱留下伤痕,但也教人忘记痛过。

43. 山河远阔,人间烟火,无一是你,无一不是你。

44. 沿着记忆的轨迹,寻找你的足迹。

45. 你若不离,我永相随。

46. 择一城终老,遇一人白首。

47. all my life, until i die.

48. 曾经相遇,总胜过从未碰头。

49. we dont meet people by accident,they are meant to cross our path for a reason.

50. 你给的在乎,是我开心的理由。

51. 纸飞机飞的再远带不走我的心情。paper plane fly farther away with my heart

52. 爱上像我这样的一个人。fall in love with someone like me

53. i cant give you the world, but my world can give it all to you.给不了你全世界 但我的世界可以全部给你

54. please accept my hearty congratulations upon your peace,health,happiness and bright future attend both your bride and yourself until the end.。

55. a heart, a life together.

56. it is universally ackonwledged that you are indispensible to me.

57. do you know that the harder thing to do and the right thing are usually the same thing? nothing that meaning is easy.

58. be crazy if you love. if you dont. then be strong.

59. 你所在的城是我思念的源泉。

60. 有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。the darkness is no darkness with thee

61. if equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me.

62. 在我眼里,你永远比别人温柔一点儿,美丽一点儿,善良一点儿,纯朴一点儿。520我爱你,我要让你开心一点儿,甜蜜一点儿,幸福一点儿!

63. never lose, never forget, never leave.

64. to the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.

65. 对于爱情你是不敢还是不能。

66. 你的眼睛很漂亮,但我希望你的眼睛里那个人永远是我。

67. laugh it off, dont like the world of mortals. love one person all your life

68. and my wasted heart will always be with you.

69. spring breeze ten miles, just want you.

70. 你有什么身份,你就有个身份证。

71. white tea qinghuan nothing else, i am waiting for the wind is waiting for you.

72. the darkness is no darkness with thee. 有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。

73. will you accept me? i wanna share my life with you.

74. 不管多累多困,都会想要和你聊天。

75. to the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。

76. 我觉得我暗恋你已经很久了。

77. you are unique in the world. you can meet but not ask.

78. 有的时候、睡觉也是一种享受。

79. i have nothing to do with others,i love you no matter how bad you are,because i care about you.

80. don’t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

81. 你是我今生渡不过的劫,多看一眼就心软,拥抱一下就沦陷。

82. 任无常逐一升起和熄灭,我对你赤子之心永存。

83. you stand behind, gentler than the sunset.

84. with a smile, the sky is full of sunset.

85. cross the stars and the moon to meet yourself better(跨过星河迈过月亮去迎接更好的自己)

86. 即使你不爱我,我会一生保护你。

87. 和你在一起只是我不想给任何人机会!with you its just that i dont want to give anyone the opportunity!

88. 花在美,也没你在我心里美。

89. 尤?的,???哞??。

90. first love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity. (george bernard shaw) 初恋就是一点点笨拙外加许许多多好奇。(英国剧作家 肖伯纳.g)

91. 爱人不必太完美,是你便足以!

92. 不知什麽时后开始,我已学会依赖。

93. 某年某月某天某时,我们幸福的牵手了,从此我们将永远的在一起。

94. my love for you will never change in my life!

95. 我看那晚霞是红的,因为它怀里搂着个太阳。我想我的脸也该是红的吧,因为我心里住着你。

96. the bell meets the wind to ring, sees your heart disorderly bump

97. you are my first and last love.

98. i love you for you.

99. 你是一本书,我读了就不想再放下;你是一片美丽的风景,我看了就不想再离开;你是一个瑰丽的梦,让我永远不想醒来。520我爱你,想读你一生,恋你一生,为了爱梦一生!

100. 思念,成为每天的必修课。

101. 如果我遇见你,就会紧紧抓住你。

102. 我们的爱情,希望一直没有句号。

103. 爱情就像月亮,不增则减。love is like the moon, when it does not increase, it decreases

104. you are the one i have been looking for. 你就是我一直在追寻的幸福。

105. if the sun were to rise in the west, id never change my mind to love you forever.

106. 你的名字是我最爱的英语单词。

107. im really lucky to meet you.

108. 我要变成风,温柔的将你包围。

109. you are backit with all the good things in this world.(你逆光而来配得上这世间所有的好)

110. we don`t meet people by accident, they are meant to cross our path for a reason.

111. you and the sun can shine.

112. want to give you a hug,let the world know.(想给你一个拥抱,让全世界都知道。)

113. carefree, charming and lovely.

114. ill love you as long as i live.

115. cross the stars and the moon to meet yourself better(跨过星河迈过月亮去迎接更好的自己)

116. if you are always here i will always love.

117. 凋谢是真实的,盛开只是一种过去。fading is true while flowering is past

118. 你是我的他城,你是我的他生。

119. 哪怕是世界末日,我都会爱你。

120. 爱情是生活最好的提神剂。love is the greatest refreshment in life

121. with the wonder of your love, the sun above always shines.

122. with you, my body has strength.

123. all my life, i only love you.

124. amazing at first sight, goodbye still.

125. fortunately to know your peach blossom face, from now on crisscrossing much warm spring

126. 愿你的爱乘着飞翔的白鸽,展翅高飞。may your love soar on the wings of a dove fly

127. the warmest, but by your side.

128. i really want to see you and hug you.

129. 遇到你之后,生活一下子不艰难了,街道也好,晚风也罢,都很甜。

130. 我可以,在你身边直到地老天荒。

131. 沉迷在你的微笑里。

132. drips, coaxes you to eat.

133. im lucky to meet you in my life.

134. 永不言弃,涐愿与伱至死不渝。

135. i do not know where to go,but i have been on the road.

136. 让我牵着你的手,陪你一起走。

137. liwe a good life meet slomy(好好生活慢慢相遇)

138. love yourself is the most romantic thing in this life.

139. 不要放弃任何人,奇迹每天都会发生。dont give up on anybody miracles happen every day


1. i really, really love you.

2. 我想我会爱他很久。

3. your forever friend lifts you up in spirits and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full――你真正的朋友会让你振作起来,原本黯淡、空虚的世界顿时变得明亮和充实。

4. 你说我们还小,可爱情也会老。

5. 相遇是春风十里,原来是你;相爱是山长水阔,最后是你。

6. i have a cough, are you thinking of me?

7. takes you off of my mind and out of my heart.

8. traditionally, science fairs are a father-son ifically, traditions are an idiot thing

9. everything is sweet, but you win everything.

10. 你陪我静静在屋顶看世界慢慢睡去。

11. to the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是(她)的整个世界。

12. i love to eat strawberries, strawberry juice, strawberry jelly not line, just like i love you, looks like you cant, temper like you cant, all in all not you cant.

13. full of joy and love.

14. weve sticked for a long time but finally defeated by eternity.

15. 要善待爱情,因为它不会一辈子跟着你!be kind to love, for it will not follow you all your life!

16. the world is suidernly late the mountains rivers sre spreads autumn(人间忽晚,山河已秋。)

17. 情话躲在风里,喜欢的人藏在梦里,你还在我心里!

18. mr. lao she once said that in the past there was no rouge girls face only for lover red

19. here on earth,joy is yours.

20. 有人疼才显得多么出众。

21. after meeting you, happiness needs no prayer.

22. thinking too much of others makes you nothing in their eyes. 把别人看得太重,结果在别人眼里自己什么都不是.

23. 说好永远的,不知怎么就散了。say forever, i do not know how scattered

24. i apply to join your quilt.

25. midnight rose searingbears so much leaving.

26. 送你一枚真情钻戒,愿你套住幸福永远在身边;送你一束甜蜜玫瑰花,愿你爱情浪漫真情留身边;送你一只好运小帆船,愿爱情一帆风顺真爱永不变,520我爱你,给你一生一世的快乐和幸福。

27. being with you is like walking on a very clear morning. 和你在一起就像在一个清爽的早晨漫步。

28. 不知什么时后开始,我已学会依赖。

29. 多少往事,甜在心头。

30. 如果生活很苦的话,你要不要搬进我甜甜的心里?

31. all the bright, precious things fade so they dont come back.

32. i love you not because of who you are, but because of who i am when i am with you.

33. 我一定会坚持耐你的喔。

34. you are back it with all the good things in this world.(你逆光而来配得上这世间所有的好)

35. 我心里一直有你,只是比例变了而已。you are always on my mind, just ratio changed.

36. 信任也是一种爱。爱你,所以相信你。trust is a kind of love love you, so i believe you

37. 跟着你的脚步,走遍天涯海角。

38. 简约不是少,而是没有多余。足够不是多,而是刚好你在。

39. 年纪还小,别总把永远挂在嘴边。

40. the sunshine on the cloud is still there, and our love will last forever.

41. when i met you i knew would forever be by your side -- forever your partner and forever your love.

42. 世间山水草木都很美,随意提笔都是风景,而自命运携你而来,所有风景也不过只为衬托你。

43. 我假装不在乎你,但痛的是我自己。i pretend i dont care about you, but i feel the pain

44. stay with you and never look back.

45. 最厉害的病毒,是爱和谎言。

46. love and a cough cannot be hid. 爱跟咳嗽一样掩饰不了。

47. 我想和她去领结婚证!

48. the spring breeze ten li is not as good as you, the summer yangmanshan is not as good as you, the autumn rain is not as good as you, the white snow in winter is not as good as you, dream dream outside is you

49. gods in his heaven, alls rights with the world.

50. 最平凡的爱,最让人依赖。

51. “want to say too much to say to him^v^“想说的话太多 一辈子慢慢给他说”

52. 也许生死相许,又或许各奔东西。

53. 想想和我一同看日升日落的喜悦吧。

54. put on your sunday clothes when you feel down and out.

55. live a good life meet slomy.(好好生活慢慢相遇。)

56. 久病成欢,喜你成瘾,从此你是我的药,我的世界再也不能没有你。

57. 熟悉的,陌生的,都会擦肩而过。

58. 什么也瞒不过恋人的眼睛。there is no hiding from lovers eyes

59. in the winter rain, i hold you!

60. 人生很简单,做了决定就不要后悔。life is very simple, do not regret the decision

61. 伴你到老,和你共度美好。

62. 给你讲个故事,这故事很长,所以我长话短说,我想你了。

63. you smell like the rest of my life.

64. l hope youre here for me.(我希望你为我而来。)

65. 倾尽我一生,只为成全你半分。

66. one day with you is better than 10000 years.

67. 有点缺点没关系,这样才真实。it doesnt matter if you have a weakness

68. 没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。without love, the earth is a tomb

69. love is a vine that grows into our hearts. 爱是长在我们心里的藤蔓。

70. 爱情无需言作媒,全在心领神会。

71. please accept my hearty congratulations upon your peace,health,happiness and bright future attend both your bride and yourself until the end.

72. life has you, not afraid of difficulties and dangers.

73. guarding you is my choice in this life.

74. 凡事皆有代价,快乐的代价便是痛苦。everything is a price, the price of happiness is pain.

75. 当拥有已经是失去,就勇敢的放弃。when it is already lost, brave to give up

76. 对自己好一点,因为没人把你当全世界。

77. if you are happy, i am happy.

78. the most important thing is to meet a bosom friend.

79. 你想要飞翔,我做你的避风港。

80. 既然想爱,就别怕薄,别怕被辜负。

81. people who watch the sunset together are more romantic than the sunset.

82. 事能知足心常泰,人到无求品自高。

83. 我爱你始于初见,止于终老。

84. 完美的爱情,是致命的毒药。

85. till death do it, till death do not exceed.

86. 爱情,它让我爱上寂寞。love, it makes me fall in love with loneliness

87. the best but the rest of my life with you, the worst but the rest of my life are memories.

88. 谁将烟焚散,散了纵横的牵绊。who will smoke scattered, scattered and bond

89. 柔情是提琴的语丝缠绕指尖的温暖。

90. 不要让太多昨天占据你的今天。dont let too much of you yesterday

91. 你是天光乍现时眉眼青隽的少年,而我在恍惚中路过你的春夏秋冬。

92. the time flies and things change, but i wish that your love for each other would stay unchangeable. congratulations!

93. 什么都介意,又什么都原谅。

94. for the same reason you like me, i like you, too.

95. say nothing, love you.

96. 爱,钱买不到它,却会狠狠的为它买单。love, money can not buy it, but it will be hard to pay for it

97. lend me my life and give it back to you forever.

98. one day,we donlt have to say goodoye,just say good night.(总有一天,我们不用再说再见,只需道句晚安)

99. 对你何止喜欢,还有骨子里的深情。

100. i love you not for who you are, but for who i am before you.

101. 你给的世界,满满的都是爱。

102. a long stream of water spoils you.

103. 有爱,即使没有幸福,一个人也能生存。one can live without love, even if there is no happiness

104. we all get smacked around. we got to learn to take the hits, lick our wounds, and move on.

105. 不希望,不奢望,就不会有失望。

106. love is a kind of chance encounter, and one can neither waiting nor preparing for it. 爱是一种遇见,不能等待,也不能准备。

107. 只要活着,就一定能遇见好吃的。

108. 和喜欢的人四目相对是一次内心的星球大爆炸。

109. 你是不是也记得多久没有说爱我。

110. 还是有种想要爱你的冲动。

111. time urged me to go against your life. 时间怂恿我背离你生存。

112. 你能否把心腾干净只装下我一个人。

113. 骗自己成全他,根本没那么伟大。

114. to make a long story short, i miss you.

115. live well and meet slowly.

116. 我喜欢你,就像夸父逐日、精卫填海,为达目的至死不渝。

117. 不要等到孤独了,才明白朋友的价值。dont wait to be lonely, to recognize the value of a friend

118. all beings are bitter, you are strawberry.

119. 你的路途,从此不见我的苍老。your way, and not see my old

120. 对你,不管阴晴圆缺,也不变。

121. love without end hath no end.情绵绵,爱无边。

122. 诚心诚意送祝福,祝你幸福永远,一心一意去爱你疼你,生生世世永不变,真心真意去陪你,陪你每个春夏秋冬,520我爱你,爱你永远快乐安康。

123. im going to love you for a long time without the thought of giving up.我打算爱你很久很久 没有想要放弃的念头

124. 真的,输了你,赢了世界又如何?

125. loving you is closely to my life.

126. people call ^v^love^v^is just a chemical reaction that compels animal to hits hard, then it slowly g you stranded in a filling marriage.

127. an agreement has been made, and all mountains are unimpeded.

128. both can be collected with you.

129. risking it all in a giance毫不犹豫堵上所有感情

130. 恋爱中,干傻事总是让人感到十分美妙。in love folly is always sweet

131. if this autumn day is too lonely , i wish you all happiness in the future.

132. parents are just kids having kids.

133. every man is a poet when he is in love. (plato ancient creek philosopher) 每个恋爱中的人都是诗人。(古希腊哲学家 柏拉图)

134. 两颗相爱的心之间不需要言语。no words are necessary between two loving hearts

135. passionate love is a quenchless thirst. 热烈的爱情是不可抑制的渴望。

136. marrying you is my greatest hope.

137. 我已是短发,所以不要再逼我出嫁。

138. 真正的爱情需要等待,谁都可以说爱你,但不是人人都能等你。

139. zhong zhongyu is loyal to the end.

140. 转瞬即逝的爱,我愿意追随终老。

141. 一开始我只是想把你骗到手,但是现在我还想把你养到老。


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