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2023年领导力的重要性论文 有关领导力的英语作文(模板十篇)

格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-05-14 08:00:16
2023年领导力的重要性论文 有关领导力的英语作文(模板十篇)
时间:2023-05-14 08:00:16     小编:xiejingc


领导力的重要性论文 有关领导力的英语作文篇一

the leader with leadership knows how to decide what the goal should be, knows how to analyze the activities, decisions and relationships required to achieve the goal, and has the ability to assign work and complete the work.

leaders with leadership know that through management, through the relationship with subordinates, through reward and punishment measures and promotion policies, employees are encouraged to work hard.

the so-called: what kind of leadership, what kind of subordinates will be led out? a leader with leadership knows how to influence others in the organization and make others try their best to achieve organizational goals.

it is said that to cultivate leadership, the first step is to cultivate value. a leader full of personal charm will have enough strength to restrain himself. under pressure and motivation, he can make himself correct.






领导力的重要性论文 有关领导力的英语作文篇二

leader's leadership plays an important role in the development of an enterprise. the good and bad of leadership is directly reflected in the executive power of its employees. welcome to read! please pay attention to related columns for more information!

today, strong leadership is often seen as one of the most important key factors for organizational growth, change and regeneration. unfortunately, leadership is often short of resources. it is precisely because of this shortage that many enterprises are unable to adapt to the era of intensified global competition.

in order to improve the quantity and quality of leadership, enterprises are investing time and money to develop leadership. in recent years, the role of the development of leadership activities has increased dramatically, and the scope has also expanded rapidly. for example, these activities are increasingly designed around the idea that leadership development is a life-long process, not a single isolated event.

the development of leadership plays three major roles in the process of employee education: developing inspanidual skills, popularizing enterprise values and vision, and conducting strategic interventions to advocate dialogue and implement change throughout the enterprise.

historically, the most common approach has been personal preparation and skill development. in this way, managers learn the core ideas and skills of leadership and get feedback on specific capabilities.

the second role of leadership development is to spread the vision, values and mission of the organization throughout management. this is quickly becoming the primary goal of many leadership training courses. generally, such education aims to cultivate managers (whether they are competent for higher management positions) or as a way to deepen cultural change at all levels of management.

finally, leadership courses are increasingly used for strategic interventions. for example, the education model focuses on collective discussion under behavioral learning, task groups and mentoring, so as to identify organizational proposals that can accelerate major strategic change.

therefore, the definition of leadership development has been constantly broadened. it not only refers to the leadership ability of a manager, but also refers to the development of the whole organization's leadership thinking mode. as a result, today's programs involve a large number of managers, including many action-oriented learning. the model of such strategic intervention comes from specific proposals designed and implemented by enterprises such as ford and philips.

in short, leadership is a comprehensive art. it not only contains a variety of specific management skills and management methods, but also includes forward-looking and planning, communication and coordination, sincerity and balance and many other elements. of course, the suggestions in this paper are not necessarily suitable for the implementation in any enterprise. in some enterprises (such as foreign enterprises and innovative enterprises), they can be more decentralized and equal. but in other enterprises (such as state-owned enterprises and traditional enterprises), we can only do it moderately. however, i sincerely believe that the nine leadership training models mentioned in this article should be able to appropriately improve leadership in any enterprise.










领导力的重要性论文 有关领导力的英语作文篇三

what is the impact on leadership of the relationship between social intelligence and non social intelligence? from two perspectives.

first, some people may always prefer to activate the non social thinking network first and suppress the social thinking network. the tendency is either the result of heredity or the result of long-term practice - these people may have been living in a society that values abstract thinking and despises social thinking.

however, some people think that non social thinking is more important, probably because of their views on their work.

if someone is used to thinking about leadership from a non social perspective, his or her own social mind will be resisted and become insensitive to the social events around him or her. therefore, they seldom think about their own behavior and the social significance of other people's behavior.

many times, when a team member says that he has encountered difficulties in advancing a project, the implication is that he has encountered difficulties in the process of working with other members of the team.

if the leader of the team is a person with a high degree of "socialization", he will realize that the cooperation mechanism within his team needs to be adjusted.

as a result, he won't pay too much attention to whether team members need more personal training (to be competent for the job) - which could be a bad solution for the current problem.

second, the seesaw relationship between non social thinking process and social thinking process has both good and bad sides.

for those who believe that their work basically involves non social thinking, a new understanding of the nature of their work may help to promote the balance of the seesaw. the most efficient and successful leaders are able to switch back and forth between these mental models at will. this is undoubtedly good news.

the bad news is that if a person already favors non social networks on a "biological level," then even redefining his work is unlikely to change the course.

the best boss understands and cares about the social motivations of all members of the team. bosses must promote social connections between themselves and all members of the team, between team members, and between the team and the outside world, which is crucial to the success of the team.

better communication can reduce misunderstanding among team members and eliminate various "social" problems in the bud. try to make your team a real team! your efforts will definitely be rewarded.

as long as members more identify with their own team, it can promote a harmonious atmosphere, so that everyone can think more about how to best serve the team, rather than just consider themselves.

as social animals, we are born with the conditions to do this - as long as we really identify with our team.

please be committed to creating an inspanidual's sense of identity and attachment to the group! this is the core of leadership.

领导力的重要性论文 有关领导力的英语作文篇四

what is leadership?its qualities are difficult to define. but they are not so difficult to identify. leaders don t force other people to go along with them. they bring them along.

leaders get commitment from others by giving it themselves, by building an environment that encourages creativity, and by operating with honesty and fairness.

good leaders aren tlone rangers. they recognize that an organization s strategies for success require the combined talents and efforts of many people. leadership is the catalyst for transforming those talents into results.

successful leaders are emotionally and intellectually oriented to the future--not wedded to the past. they have a hunger to take responsibility, to innovate, andto initiate. they are not content with merely taking care of what s already there. they want to move forward to create something new.

leaders provide answers as well as direction, offer strength as well as dedication, and speak from experience as well as understanding of the problems they face and the peopie they work with.

leaders are flexible rather than dogmatic. they believe in unity rather than yielding. and they strive to achieve agreements out of conflict. leadership is all about getting people consistently to give their best, helping them to grow to their fullest potential, and motivating them to work toward a common good. leaders make the right things happen when theyre supposed to.

领导力的重要性论文 有关领导力的英语作文篇五

teachers are like a lush tree, and we are like grass in the shade of the tree; teachers are like the boundless sky, and we are like white clouds in the sky that day; teachers are like an endless sea, and we are like a small fish in the sea... teachers take us to grow up, teachers take us to travel in the ocean of knowledge, teachers let us have a happy childhood, teachers are great, let me tell you about the teachers in our class!

her dark and shiny hair hangs on her shoulders like soft seaweed. under her neat bangs, a pair of big water smart eyes blink. she is small and exquisite. there is a eloquent mouth under the bridge of her nose. when she smiles, she will show a row of neat and white teeth. her smile is so friendly that she makes the whole person look mature and playful, lovely and gentle.

my teacher is very serious and careful.

my homework is full of red checkmarks, but the teacher never looks bad at my homework because i study well. the teacher will see the structure of words and even the order of strokes. once, i accidentally wrote a word that is extremely difficult to find, but the teacher found it. the teacher looks at his homework very seriously, or it may be because of this. there is a pair of square black framed glasses on the bridge of the teacher's good-looking nose.

my teacher also has a pair of sharp eyes and a pair of sharp ears. during the exam, no matter how small the students' voice is, she can hear it. she can even judge what the students say through their lips, and will quickly find him out. however, the teacher will not beat him or scold him, but give him modest guidance and reason with him until the student knows his mistake.

this is the "leader" of our class, a beautiful, careful and serious teacher. i'm glad i'm her student.

领导力的重要性论文 有关领导力的英语作文篇六

in the workplace, maybe you see that many people with poor ability can be your boss. aren't you very upset.

"a sheep led by a lion can defeat a lion led by a sheep" is the most profound sentence in the book.

there is an old chinese saying that "the three armed forces are easy to obtain, but one general is difficult to obtain" this shows how important a good leader is to a team. when the team encounters difficulties and resistance on the way forward, the belief of leaders is the key to victory. emerson said that "confidence is the first secret of success". self confidence is the full affirmation of one's own talents and the strong faith shown in the face of setbacks and failures. in the growth history of the communist party of china, in the face of well-equipped and powerful enemies, the army led by the party has won one victory after another. under the torture of the enemy, so many excellent children would rather die than surrender. it is because communists have a strong belief that the cause they are engaged in will win. nowadays, shopping malls are like battlefields, with fierce competition. every manager needs to have the self-confidence that "i am born to be useful", dare to challenge, shoulder responsibilities bravely, and believe that he is the "king of the grassland" who commands the sheep.

being a man in advance is my biggest feeling after reading this book.

being a man in advance is the premise and foundation of doing things. in modern enterprises, managers are the soul and pillar of enterprises and the leader of employees. the quality of managers has an important impact on enterprises and employees.

first, be loyal and dedicated. only when a person loves his career, he will have heartfelt passion and motivation in his work and will be willing to contribute to the enterprise. someone once said that there is no shortage of talented people in modern society. what is lacking is talented and loyal people. everyone has his own life ideals and goals. to achieve these, we must work hard and be a down-to-earth person step by step. as a manager, you should fulfill your mission, do what you should do and what you can do well. secondly, managers should have a tolerant heart and a broad mind. no one is perfect, no gold is barefoot, and everyone has advantages and disadvantages. due to differences in personality, concept and understanding, people will have different practices in their work. managers should allow different opinions to exist. every employee is a force for the development of the enterprise. we should timely capture the flash points of each employee and recognize their achievements. we should unite and help people with different opinions. in the process of doing these things, your mind will become more tolerant and your ability will be improved.

do you understand these 2 points?

领导力的重要性论文 有关领导力的英语作文篇七

when the school bell rang, we all hurried to pack up our things and prepare to stand in line downstairs. the waste paper in my drawer disappeared. i was very happy. i jumped three feet high. i quickly ran down the stairs. a drop of rain fell into the corner of my eye. i rubbed my eyes. in order not to let the rain drop into the corner of my eye, i covered my eyes with my hands. when the team left, i also ran over. the big brother and sister in grade 4 were not humble, so we stopped, and class 36 followed. xiaohao kept pushing me. i was so angry that i wanted to throw him into the smelly ditch, but the teacher was still there, and i couldn't hit people, such as guo xiaohao wasn't behind me; if i don't know him; if he is not the son of the leader, does he dare to do so? he is shameless and immoral.

if xiao hao sees my composition, will he correct it? i believe he can, he can get rid of this bad habit, so can xiao shuai. he wrote in his composition that he did wrong, but he just wrote instead of doing it.

i thought that a few days ago, he played with my stationery box and took my stationery box without my consent. it has been more than once.

in music class, xiaohao didn't bring the staff book. xiaoshuai said in an ordered tone, "i ordered you to give the book to xiaohao, come on..." before he finished, i said, "this is my book. he didn't bring it. what's the matter with me? i don't borrow it, i don't borrow it..." xiaohao immediately looked at me with angry eyes. i ignored him. the teacher wrote many questions on the blackboard, but xiaohao didn't write any of them, still reading comic books there, the teacher occasionally turned around and saw him reading books. because he was the son of the leader, the teacher didn't confiscate his books. xiao hao became more and more brave and dared to step on xiao hong's table.

i went to the school gate and found xiaoshuai's paper in my schoolbag. what a nuisance!

i hate them. their fathers are all senior officials. what's the matter? they can bring money every day. what's the matter? can you act recklessly?

领导力的重要性论文 有关领导力的英语作文篇八

leaders, of course, are class cadres! i am one of them. i heard someone ask, "what troubles will class cadres have!" ah? don't even know this? it seems that i must list the troubles of our "leaders"!

no1. super offensive

no cadre on duty will not offend others! take me for example. one afternoon, when i was doing eye exercises, i was "monitoring" the whole class. suddenly, i found a good friend of mine talking to each other. for ordinary reasons, i didn't remember her, but reminded her with my "ferocious" eyes. finally, i couldn't stand staring at her "torture" and went on strike. my hand involuntarily picked up the chalk and wrote down her name at once. she's not convinced yet. she wants to break up with me! so, i comforted myself: there is no cadre on duty who does not offend others!

no2. often attacked by retaliation shells

there is a person in my class who is often offended by me. he has a special liking for my braid and always likes to scratch it. one day in class, i kept talking with my classmates as usual and completely relaxed my vigilance. at this time, the classmate came. he stood quietly behind me, grabbed my braid and pulled it back. by the time i turned my head, he had begun to "escape". i was so angry that i grabbed him and grabbed his hair with all my strength. but... but he was not afraid of me and continued to retaliate! strong revenge

no3. overwhelmed by so many things

"hey! what are you doing there? go to the teacher's office, hold the book, then distribute the book, and then..."

"mr. tang said that the group leader's homework would be changed by you..." "collect the book quickly! remember to hold it to mr. tang after collecting it..." just as i was ready to have a rest, the class bell rang, and then the music of eye exercises rang.

my god! i didn't watch the whole class again!

tell you: if i list the troubles of class cadres one by one, you're afraid you can't finish reading until dawn tomorrow!

领导力的重要性论文 有关领导力的英语作文篇九

zhang shan is a section chief in a very good unit. people often send some cigarettes, wine, local specialties and even red envelopes at home in the dead of night. zhang shan is often complacent about this. but for a while, i found zhang shan a little depressed. when i asked, zhang shan sighed and said, "our unit has recently changed its leadership."

i was puzzled and jokingly asked, "do you have a sad face when you change the leader? you are just a section chief at present, and you can't be your boss."

zhang shan sighed again and said, "the new leader is too difficult to work with and demanding. not long ago, someone sent me some local specialties of tobacco and wine, and asked me to return them. i have to write an inspection. don't you think it's a fuss?"

i don't know how to answer. after a moment of silence, zhang shan said firmly, "i have to hold my breath when i work under such a leader. i have to change my unit when i find a chance."

zhang shan is a very capable person. before long, he really changed to a new unit and is still the section chief. zhang shan's new unit is also very good. people often send some cigarettes, alcohol, local specialties and even red envelopes at home in the dead of night. so zhang shan was full of spring breeze again.

before long, i often heard some gossip about zhang shan. zhang shan and i usually have a good relationship, so i reminded him, "you have to pay attention and be careful not to have an accident."

zhang shan disagreed and said, "it doesn't matter. my leader treats me well. he will take care of me for a little thing."

one day, zhang shan asked me to have a drink in the hotel. "thanks to my leader this time, otherwise my section chief will be finished," zhang shan said suddenly

zhang shan said, "a few days ago, someone gave me something. i didn't think that son of a bitch would cross the river and withdraw the board. after it was done, he sued me. my leader was so kind that he forced it down."

after a while, zhang shan said with deep feeling, "it's cool to work under such a leader."

soon after that, i was transferred to other places to work and gradually cut off contact with zhang shan. a few years later, i went to my hometown on business to inquire about zhang shan. unexpectedly, i learned that he had entered the "huangsha pond".

i was surprised because "huangshatang" is a prison.

when i arrived at "huangshatang" to visit zhang shan, zhang shan looked very happy, but i still could see his face full of depression.

i asked, "how could this happen? what about your leader? didn't he take good care of you?"

zhang shan said: "who said no. over the years, i almost had an accident several times. it was my leader who helped me round the scene. but this time it was too big for the leader to do anything."

zhang shan said, "my leader is really a good leader. even when i come in, i often take time to see me."

after a moment of silence, zhang shan said to himself with deep feeling: "my leader, but the best leader i have ever met!"

i'm speechless.

领导力的重要性论文 有关领导力的英语作文篇十

in the evening, we rested in the room for a while, and the teacher's crisp whistle pulled us to the first floor? the campers wondered: it's seven o'clock. what are you going to do? have a snack? attend class;class begins? play a game? none of us guessed right. in fact, we are going to the studio to see an "ancient" film "the wizard of oz" made in 1939. i always thought the wizard of oz was a book, but i didn't expect to have a movie version so early!

after finding a place in the movie room, the teacher began to play the movie. entering the first scene, is the protagonist dorothy on the road with her dog toto?

the kind-hearted little girl was blown by a tornado to a strange and magical country - oz, and lost her way home. the scarecrow met many dangerous and strange things, and they did their best to help each other. finally, with their extraordinary intelligence and tenacious perseverance, they all fulfilled their wishes.

little girl dorothy lives on a central farm in kansas with her uncle henry and aunt em. in order to prevent her beloved dog "toto" from being taken away by the police for chasing and biting aunt dorsey's cat, dorothy decided to leave her uncle and aunt temporarily with "toto". but before she could get out of the farm, dorothy returned to the farm under the persuasion of a professor named marwell. just then, the farm was suddenly attacked by a strong tornado. after uncle, aunt and other people hid in the cyclone cave, poor dorothy was thrown into the air by the tornado and uncle's wooden house.

after the tornado stopped, when dorothy came out of the wooden house, she had fallen into a dwarf country called oz. as the wooden house fell and killed the northern witch who had harmed the dwarf country, dorothy received a warm welcome and respected treatment in the dwarf country. to this end, dorothy also got a pair of ruby shoes, the treasure of the northern witch. when dorothy proposed to return to her uncle and aunt, ganlin witch, deeply loved by the people of the dwarves, also guided her to emerald city and asked wizard oz for help.

on the way to emerald city along the yellow floor tiles, dorothy became good friends with the mindless scarecrow, the heartless tin man and the courageous lion. in order to realize the wishes in their hearts, the four people move forward together. after finally arriving at emerald city and defeating the western witch, the sister of the northern witch, the scarecrow found that he had a mind that could count. the tin man found that he had a healthy heart. the lion regained his courage and became the king of beasts. with the help of the magic power of ruby shoes, dorothy also returned to kansas farm and his uncle and aunt.


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