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格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-05-13 21:00:38
时间:2023-05-13 21:00:38     小编:xiejingc



compared with cars, bicycles have many advantages. firstly, they are not so expensive as cars and almost every family can afford to buy and repair them. secondly, riding bicycle is a healthy form of exercise. they do good to our health. thirdly, bicycles can save energy and does not cause any pollution, while cars will cause serious air pollution, which makes the air in our living place very dirty and makes a lot of people suffer from lung cancer. as weall know, china is a country with a large population. ifeach family has a car, a large amount of energy would be wasted and air pollution would become more and more serious. finally, most chinese people don' t live far away from where they work or study, it is convenient to ride bicycles. i think that is why bicycles are used so much.

bicycles are so popular in china that china is often referred to as the kingdom of bicycles. i hope more and more people can ride bicycles in order to make our planet better and cleaner.





it is known to all that china has the largest population in the world. the large population brings many problems. the gap between the rich and the poor becomes more serious. but since the policy of family plan, the growth is slow down. it has been predicted that india’s population will surpass china in the future.


when talking about india, the first impression for me is bollywood. bollywood produces a lot of indian movies every year. the hottest movie during recent years is three idiots. it reveals the indian problem in a humorous way. as india gets more population, but the economy is not that boom. most people live in the low life standard. thus, becoming a engineer is every young people’s dream, so that they can change their fates.


there is something in common between china and india. both has the large population and the economy develops fast. but china’s population has been controlled while india’s not. so there is no doubt that india will have the largest population in the future.



阻击疫情 中国加油

stop the epidemic. come on, china

20xx年的春节很特殊, 一场新型冠状病毒打的全国人民措手不及,每天新闻,电视报道着各种各样的疫情信息, 白衣天使为大家舍小家的英雄事迹,让我深受感动看到爱心人士有钱出钱,有力出力,万民一心的精神让我备受鼓舞 。

novel coronavirus was be taken by surprise all over the country in 20xx. the news of the day was reported by tv and all kinds of epidemic information was reported. the white angels were the heroic deeds of everyone, and i was deeply moved to see that the love people paid money and worked hard.

作为学生,我们能做的就是好好呆在家,尽量不出门,出门戴口罩,做好防范,不给祖国添负担,我们一定会打赢这场没有硝烟的战争,晋城加油 武汉加油 中国加油,必胜!!!

as students, what we can do is to stay at home, try not to go out, wear masks, do a good job of prevention, do not add burden to the motherland, we will win this war without gunpowder smoke, jincheng refueling wuhan refueling china refueling, we will win!!!


photo taken at 9:26 am monday shows the partial solar eclipse observed in yinchuan, northwest chinas yinia hui autonomous regions, march 19, . many parts of china eperienced a partial solar eclipse on monday morning, lasting around one and a half hours.

many parts of china eperienced a partial solar eclipse on monday morning, lasting around one and a half hours, according to the china national astronomical observatory.

in nanjing, east chinas jiangsu province, the partial eclipse occurred from 9:25 a.m. to 11 a.m. on monday, in which the moon covered about 20 percent of the sun, according to wang sichao, researcher with zijinshan astronomical observatory under the chinese academy of sciences.

sky gazers in northeastern jilin, central henan, eastern shandong provinces and northwestern ningia hui autonomous region also witnessed the partial eclipse.

in western china, 70 percent of the sun was eclipsed but in beijing, however, cloudy and drizzly weather deprived enthusiasts of the chance of seeing their first partial eclipse since 1997.

"those who missed this one will have opportunities to see total solar eclipses on august 1, and july 22, , and a partial eclipse on january 15, ,"

during the last century (1901- 1999), 78 partial and 71 total solar eclipses have been reported worldwide.

chinese astronomers are believed to have been the first to record solar eclipses more than 3,000 years ago.


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