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最新龙宫导游词400字 龙宫导游词(二十一篇)

格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-05-07 06:37:02
最新龙宫导游词400字 龙宫导游词(二十一篇)
时间:2023-05-07 06:37:02     小编:zdfb


龙宫导游词400字 龙宫导游词篇一






龙宫导游词400字 龙宫导游词篇二

dear members of the group, you have come from afar to anshun, which has"the belly of guizhou and the throat of yunnan", and to the dragon palace scenicarea, which combines the typical karst scenery with religious and humanisticviews. we are really very happy, filled with excitement and joy.

i think you have visited the magnificent and exquisite tianxingqiaodistrict and huangguoshu waterfall. next, we will mainly visit the dragon palacescenic area. today we are going to visit the underground palace of the dragonpalace, which has a water distance of 840 meters and is only the first part ofthe dragon palace.

anshun longgong national scenic spot is a scenic spot combining typicalreligious and cultural landscapes with karst scenery. longgong is mainly locatedin anshun city in the west of guizhou province, 27 kilometers away from anshuncity, 45 kilometers away from the famous huangguoshu waterfall and 132kilometers away from guiyang. it belongs to the pearl river system, with anaverage altitude of about 1000-1400 meters.

the longgong scenic spot in guizhou is mainly composed of water cave, drycave and cave waterfall, including beautiful rural villages, rugged and majesticmountains, craggy and strange stone forest surrounded by green bamboo, etc. thescenic resources are rich, the types are various, and the landscape is is rare to integrate mountains, streams, water, forests, caves, waterfalls,lakes and stones. longgong scenic area belongs to the superimposed karstlandform, which was formed in 3. longgong scenic area belongs to subtropicalmonsoon humid climate. its main characteristics are four distinct seasons, nosevere cold in winter and no severe heat in summer. the annual averagetemperature is 14.6 ℃, and the climate is very mild. the whole scenic area issurrounded by mountains and streams, the natural environment is simple andfresh, and the atmospheric water body is not polluted. guizhou dragon palacecenter view, with rich scenic spots and complete contents, is the essence of thewhole scenic area. there are various karst landforms, majestic cliffs and ruggedstone forests, rich and colorful ethnic customs and quiet and elegant pastoralscenery. at the same time, there are unique landscape resources called "threemost" by tourists in china. first, longmen waterfall is the largest waterfall inthe cave; second, underground river is the longest, with a total length of 5000meters; third, longgong tianchi has the lowest natural radiation in round rivers connect more than 30 mountains and connect more than 90underground river caves.

members, let's take this boat to explore the mysterious world of dragonpalace. longgong rongshui cave, handong cave, canyon, peak forest, cliff, openstream, underground river, xuantang, pastoral scenery, ethnic customs andreligious culture are integrated to form a magical tourist landscape. centerview, extraordinary as if done by the spirits of the four famous scenic spots,namely, the central scenic spot, the whirlpool pond, the rape lake and the fairylake. in 1985, after the national experts of landscape architecture came herefor investigation, they thought that the dragon palace was too "unique". whereis it unique? that is: qijue, xiongjue, xiujue, miaojie. mr. zhang xingcha, afamous calligrapher in guizhou, wrote a couplet for the dragon palace. the firstcouplet is "swallowing stones as holes, spitting stones as flowers, and themagic work depends on water". the second couplet is "gathering water to form anabyss, covering water to form a waterfall, and the scenery depends on thestone". the word "jue" was revealed by the poet.

the scenery of the dragon palace is not only unique, but also "spanine".this place is especially able to stimulate the peculiar imagination, imaginationand association of human beings. its spirit lies in that it is not only uniquein mountains, rivers and caves, but also can find the traces of the dragon,experience the haunting of the dragon, and is a holy land for understandingchinese dragon culture. huaguo mountain, shuilian cave and dragon king crystalpalace in journey to the west are all concentrated here, where people can findcorresponding landscapes one by one. therefore, it is necessary to say that theyare the embodiment of chinese dragon myths and legends. when you come here, youwill feel as if you have been separated from real life and entered an incrediblemysterious world.

talking about dragon in dragon palace

our journey of the dragon begins with the grand archway that enters thedragon palace. chinese people have a special feeling for the dragon. they haveto play with the dragon lantern during the spring festival, row the dragon boatduring the dragon boat festival, play with the water dragon when it's sunny andrainy for a long time, and sacrifice to the dragon king when it's flooded. inchinese culture and customs, the dragon is everywhere. isn't it? the clear andclear spring is often called "dragon spring"; the unfathomable pool is mostlycalled "dragon pool"; the wonderful mountain shape must be called "dragon vein";the gorgeous palace is often called "dragon palace". longjing tea is the bestfor tea, longmen banquet is the best for food. the sharpest sword is calledqinglong sword, and the most valuable horse is called wulongju. many beautifullegends are related to the dragon king, the dragon daughter, the three princesof the dragon king, and the dragon palace. they are well-known and will lastforever. dragon is a kind of auspicious thing in china. any word with the word"dragon" means auspicious, festive, exciting and soaring. for example. "dragonflying and phoenix dancing", "dragon and phoenix presenting", "dragon leapingand tiger leaping", "living dragon and living tiger", "dragon singing and tigerroaring", "dragon traveling all over the world", and "carp leaping and dancingin the dragon's gate". therefore, the chinese consider themselves "descendantsof the dragon". the supreme emperor claimed to be the "real dragon emperor" andcalled his descendants "dragon son" and "dragon grandson". in people's mind, thedragon is spanine and unpredictable. the image of the dragon is magical andstrange. it is the head of a horse, the horn of a deer, the limit of a tiger,the ear of an ox, the body of a snake, the scales of a fish, and the claws of aneagle. it's really impressive. the dragon is a spanine thing. in people's eyes,it has extraordinary ability. it can ascend the sky and ride the mist, which is"thinner than the light of the sky"; it can enter the deep pool, overturn thesea and river, and has the spanine power to call the wind and rain, and startlethe thunder and lightning. people may ask, is there a real "dragon" in nature?in the jurassic period more than 200 million years ago, dinosaurs dominated theworld for more than 100 million years, and before that, there were many marinedragons in the triassic period. however, up to now, no such dragon has beenfound. the dragon in the eyes of chinese people is born in chefu's wonderfulimagination. it is a fuzzy collection of many natural phenomena, such as windand cloud, thunder and lightning, frost, rain and snow, rivers, lakes and seas,rare birds and animals, and all kinds of animals. it is also the totem of manyancient chinese nations, the embodiment of the common psychology of the chinesenation, and the symbol of traditional chinese social power.

water is a special thing in nature. it is not only the source of life, butalso the purpose of all things. evaporation can rise to the sky and becomeclouds, and aggregation can sink into rain and snow. on the ground, it can formrivers, lakes and seas, and it can spane into the ground and become yinhe darklake. therefore, in shuowen, it is explained as follows: the dragon can behidden, can be present, can be quiet, can be bright, can be big, can be small,can rise and fall. in fact, the image of "dragon" is exactly the image of water,so it is said: "if the mountain is not high, there will be fairies and spirits;if the water is not deep, there will be dragons and spirits. "the charm ofdragon officer lies in water, which is a mysterious water. it was a small of the valley. several times they spaned into the ground, several times theygushed out of the ground, passed through more than 20 peaks, and went throughseveral twists and turns. that's not enough. it's still forming a huge waterfallunder the ground. after swallowing the clouds, it's just surging. now, let'sfollow the footprints of the dragon to find the trace of the dragon!

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龙宫导游词400字 龙宫导游词篇四








龙宫导游词400字 龙宫导游词篇五

龙宫位于贵州省安顺市南郊,与黄果树风景区毗邻,距省会贵阳市116公里。龙宫是贵州接待条件最成熟、景观最精华的黄金旅游点之一。龙宫总体面积达60平方公里,分为中心、漩塘、油菜湖、仙人箐等四大景区。有着全国最长、最美丽的水溶洞,还有着多类型的喀斯特景观,被游客赞誉为“大自然的大奇迹”。1988年,龙宫以贵州龙宫风景名胜区的名义,被国务院批准列入第二批国家级风景名胜区名单。20xx年5月8日,安顺市龙宫景区经国家旅游局正式批准为国家 aaaaa级旅游景区。


贵州龙宫景区以溶洞、洞穴、瀑布为主体,堪称黔中一绝,包括龙宫、油菜湖、漩塘、蚂蟥四大片区。贵州龙宫中心区有卧龙湖、迎宾洞、龙门飞瀑、龙潭天池、龙宫暗湖、蚌壳岩、虎穴洞等景点组成,上下辉映,别有洞天,宛如神话中龙王所居的水晶宫殿。天池是一个山间湖泊,澄绿如玉,俗称龙潭,湖水下泻,从巨大的溶洞跌拓而下,水墙壁立,宽 25米,高约50米,惊涛奔涌,蔚为壮观,此即龙门,据称为中国地下瀑布之冠。




龙宫导游词400字 龙宫导游词篇六

members of the group, i'm very glad to accompany you to visit the dragonpalace scenic spot, which is known as "the first cave water in the world".before arriving at the scenic spot, let me give you a brief introduction to thedragon palace. the dragon palace is located in anshun city, guizhou province,next to huangguoshu scenic spot and zhijindong scenic spot. this line is alsothe golden line of guizhou tourism.

the dragon palace has also created some of the best in china. the guinnessworld records headquarters in shanghai once awarded two gold lettered signboardsto the dragon palace. the first one said that "there are 68 karst caves in thedragon palace scenic area, which is the largest, most and concentrated place ofkarst caves in the world." the other gold lettered signboard said that "thedragon palace is the place with the lowest natural radiation in the world."there is another one in the dragon palace, that is longmen waterfall in ourdragon palace is the highest waterfall in the cave in china, which is worthy ofbeing "the first cave water in the world" as we all know, we chinese have aspecial feeling for the dragon. we call ourselves the descendants of the the words related to the dragon are auspicious, such as dragon leaping andtiger leaping, dragon flying and phoenix dancing. not only that, we also playwith the dragon during the chinese new year, and the flood will sacrifice to thedragon king. in fact, the dragon is a very mysterious animal in our imagination,and its image is unique in fact, it is composed of several animal body parts. aswe all know, which animal body parts make up the dragon? (supplement: horse'shead, cow's ears, tiger's eyes, deer's horn, snake's body, eagle's claw, fish'sscale) by the way, it is these animal body parts that make up the image of thedragon we see today. moreover, as we all know, the dragon lives in water, and sodoes water a very special product of our nature, it can become cloud and mistwhen it rises and rain and snow when it falls. on the ground, it is rivers,lakes and seas, and on the ground, it is yin river. shuowen also defines thedragon as follows: the dragon can be hidden and visible, can be quiet andbright, can be big and small, can rise and fall.

let's connect water with the dragon. do you think that water is actuallythe embodiment of the image of the dragon? well, our trip to the dragon palacestarts from this archway of the dragon palace. please follow me. the first thingwe want to go is the largest waterfall in the cave, longmen flying cave hall where longmen waterfall is located is 50 meters high, 38 metershigh and 26 meters wide. so how did the magic longmen waterfall come into being?you see, above longmen waterfall is our tianchi lake. the water of tianchi laketurns a 90 degree bend in the southwest due to the obstruction of sand shale. inthis way, the surrounding rocks are eroded year after year, and finally thecracks are getting bigger and bigger, tianchi lake in this way, the water of thedragon falls, which we see today.

now, we are going to take a boat to enter the dragon palace from thetianchi lake and start our 840 meter long water journey. there is a legend aboutthe formation of the tianchi lake. it is said that a dragon has been trapped inthe mountains for a long time. when we want to see how wonderful the outsideworld is, we lean out. unexpectedly, a dragon's horn pierces the rock, and thedragon leaps out. it turns into our longmen waterfall, and he takes us the watercomes up and forms the tianchi lake. there is another magical thing about thewater in the tianchi lake, that is, the fluctuation of the water level is notbig in either the wet season or the dry season. ok, now let's go into the firstcave hall of the dragon palace. the two characters "dragon palace" are writtenby liu haisu, a famous artist in china, when he was 90 years old. don'tunderestimate these stalactites. they are formed by the dissolution ofcarbohydrates for tens of thousands of years. ok, now we have entered the firstcave hall, we can see many dragons greeting us. the name of this hall is "dragonwelcoming hall". some of them want to show their heads to see us, some areplaying in the water. here, all the chinese imagination about dragons can bereflected, and we also need to give full play to your imagination.

now, do you feel particularly cool? ok, please take a deep breath. do youfeel the air here is particularly fresh? because this is the place with thelowest radiation in china. now the pollution in the world is very serious. youtourists who come to the dragon palace really earn money. you can not only enjoythe strange caves and waterfalls, but also enjoy the low radiation care. now wecome to the second cave hall. do you think the scenery here is different fromthat of the cave hall just now? the stalactites in the first hall are allhanging, and the stalactites here are pasted on the walls on both sides of thecave hall, like murals. therefore, this hall is called "relief mural palace".the huge landscape paintings over there can't be created by artists in theworld, it's really made in heaven. now we are passing through a narrow distance between the huge stone in front and the water is less than onemeter, so we have to bend down to pass. in 1986, when crosstalk master houbaolin came to visit, he jokingly called this stone "politeness stone".

now, please be quiet. do you think the atmosphere here is very quiet? lookup at your heads, there are five intertwined dragons guarding the cave is the third cave hall of the dragon king's three princesses, and the thirdcave hall of our dragon palace: the five dragons protecting the main lly, this lord is our three princesses, and the princess's boudoir. ofcourse, we should be more serious. the next power supply will make everyone'svision suddenly clear, because we come to the crystal palace, which is the mainhall of dragon king's banquet. it covers an area of more than 4000 square metersand has a water depth of 26 meters. there are many immortals in the crystalpalace. it depends on your eyesight which are immortals. there are not onlyimmortals, but also rich banquets. you can see the crystal grapes only once in300 years to entertain our most precious guests. now we are passing through agorge, more than 200 meters long and about 40 meters deep. this is the fifthcave hall of the dragon palace -- gaoxia yougu palace. it is called "threegorges in the cave and underground lijiang river".

we have visited 840 meters of water cave. now we abandon our boat to landin bengke rock to continue our trip to the dragon palace. now we go to thexuantang scenic spot in the dragon palace. the uniqueness of xuantang is thatthe bottom of its pond is like a big funnel. the water from youcai river flowsinto xuantang from the north, sneaks into the underground water dissipation caveand pushes it clockwise tang li's water, we can see the wonder of the pond waterspinning. we have been exploring the dragon in our mind before. next, i willtake you to see the real dragon. what we are going to visit now is the guizhoudragon fossil exhibition hall, which focuses on the guanling marine fauna. thereare mainly four categories of marine animals in guanling, belonging to more thanten genera and species, which have triangular heads, big and round eyes it's avery lovely dragon. it's called "magic dragon" in science. it's only the size ofa four legged snake and it's very small. the kind of flying dragon that lookslike a fish, not a fish, but a dragon, has a short head, a long neck, and fourlimbs like fins. it's called "yulong", represented by zhou's qianyulong. if youare interested in dragons, you can go to our xingyi, where there is a group ofdragons from earlier times.

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龙宫导游词400字 龙宫导游词篇八

dear tourists

hello everyone! we chinese are all "descendants of the dragon". the dragonis the totem of the chinese. do you know where the dragon lives? yes, you havearrived at the dragon palace, the home of the dragon. the dragon palace scenicspot we are visiting today is located in the southern suburb of anshun city,guizhou province, adjacent to the famous huangguoshu scenic spot at home andabroad. it has convenient transportation and is 116 kilometers away from theprovincial capital guiyang city. the dragon palace is the most mature and mostscenic gold tourist spot in guizhou. it is also a national 5a scenic spot.

as the saying goes, when you come to guizhou, you have to see three things:the mountains, the water and the caves. the dragon palace is famous for itsbeautiful caves. it is a typical karst terrain with five most famous caves inchina: the longest water cave in china, the largest cave buddha hall in china,the largest waterfall in the cave in china, the lowest natural radiation doserate in the world, and the most concentrated water and drought caves in theworld, these five are the best, which make the dragon palace famous all over theworld. so it's a great blessing for you to come to the dragon palace today.

now, let's walk into longmen waterfall. it's more than 50 meters high and26 meters wide. it's a waterfall in the cave. it's made by the pouring waterfrom tianchi lake. the flowing water dries through the mountains and splitsrocks with the momentum of sprinkling. it is magnificent and magnificent. it isjust like ten thousand horses galloping. when we approach the longmen waterfall,our hearts will be shocked. you can see that the rainbow formed by the flowingwater under the sunlight is like a fairyland, very beautiful. this waterfallgoes down the river, another 30 kilometers, is the famous huangguoshuwaterfall.

let me introduce the overall situation of the dragon palace. the total areaof the dragon palace is 60 square kilometers, which is spanided into four scenicspots: the center, xuantang, rape lake and xianrenqing. the dragon palace isvery beautiful and spectacular, showing four characteristics. one is theunderground river cave, which is called "china's only beautiful water cave" bytourists. longgong water cave is 15 kilometers long, ranking first in china. atpresent, there are two sections of the scenic area open to the public, 1260meters long. there are many kinds of bell and milk in the cave. compared withthe northern cave, it is more delicate and exquisite. compared with the southerncave, it is more mysterious and strange. the structure of the cave hall is likethe dragon king palace in myth, which is why it is called the dragon palace. ofcourse, with the development of the times, i believe that all of them will notbe open for a long time. you are welcome to visit again. moreover, it is also aparadise for buddhists, because there is the largest cave temple in china - thedragon palace guanyin cave. its biggest feature is that all the temples arenatural caves. there are 32 artificially carved buddha statues, of which thestatue of guanyin is as high as 12.6 meters. on the main hall, there is astalactite with a natural spirit similar to guanyin. the natural and artificialbuddha statues are integrated. in our country, there are many temples on famousmountains, but the temples in karst caves can be called the top of the countryin terms of scale and popularity. the third feature is the waterfall in thecave. we have just visited it. i believe you have already had your own last feature is the dragon palace whirlpool, which is a round pond with anarea of more than 10000 square meters. the water in the pond is rotatingclockwise without wind. you can look at your watch and compare it it's also agood feeling to have a look at xuantang. even the science education channel ofcctv "into science" has explored and reported this strange ore, we are very lucky to have come to xuantang.

after a day's play, i believe you are all tired. when you come to longgong,you can have some good food. because it's longgong, we don't have many famousfish and shrimp dishes. the more famous ones are huajiang dog meat, buckwheatjelly, changwang noodles and fried chicken cake. i believe you will have abetter appetite after enjoying the beautiful scenery, and come to taste the foodof longgong.

ok, distinguished guests, this dragon palace tour is over. you are welcometo come next time, and you are also welcome to criticize our work. i wish youall good health and happiness!

龙宫导游词400字 龙宫导游词篇九









龙宫导游词400字 龙宫导游词篇十




贵州龙宫景区以水溶洞、旱溶洞和洞穴瀑布为主,包括秀丽的田园山寨,粗犷雄伟的山野峰峦,嶙峋古怪、翠竹簇拥的石林等多种景观,风景资源丰富,类型繁多,景观奇特,集山、溪、水、林、洞、瀑、湖、石于一体,实属罕见。龙宫景区属叠系喀斯特岩溶地貌,形成于3 龙宫景区属亚热带季风湿润气候,主要特点是四季分明,冬无严寒、夏无酷暑,一年平均气温为14.6℃,气候十分温和。整个景区的山峦起伏,溪流环绕,自然环境质朴清新,大气的水体未受污染。贵州龙宫中心景区,景点丰富,内容齐全,是整个风景区之精华。这里既有千姿百态的喀斯特地貌,巍峨壮观的悬崖峭壁和嶙峋峥嵘的石林,又有丰富多彩的少数民族风情和恬静淡雅的田园风光。同时有被游人称作中国"三最"的奇特景观资源,第一最,龙门飞瀑属洞中瀑布最大;第二最,地下暗河最长,全长有5000米;第三最,龙宫天池天然辐射量全国最低。地下暗河串联三十余座山头,接九十余个暗河溶洞。




我们的龙之旅,就从这座进入龙宫的大牌坊开始。中国人对龙有一种特殊的感情,每逢新春佳节少不了要玩龙灯,端午节要划龙船,久晴不雨要耍水龙,遇到洪水泛滥则要祭龙王。龙在中国文化习俗中无往而不在,无处不显灵。不是吗?清冽碧透的泉水往往有"龙泉"的美称;深不可测的水潭,大都称为"龙潭";绝妙的山形一定被称为"龙脉";华丽的宫殿往往叫做"龙宫"。茶以"龙井茶"为好,食以"龙门宴"为佳,最锋利的剑谓之"青龙剑",最名贵的马谓之"乌龙驹"。许多优美的传说都和龙王、龙女、龙王三太子、龙宫有关,脍炙人口,千古不衰,难怪人们把讲故事叫做"摆龙门阵"。 龙是中国的吉样物,但凡沾上"龙"字的词,都含有吉样、喜庆、振奋、腾飞的意思。比如。龙飞凤舞"、"龙凤呈样"、"龙腾虎跃"、"生龙活虎"、"龙吟虎啸"、"龙游四海"、还有"鲤鱼跳龙门"。所以,中国人自认是"龙的传人"。至高无上的皇帝自称是"真龙天子",而把他的子孙叫做"龙子"、"龙孙"。龙在人们的心目中神乎其神,高深莫测。龙的形象,神奇而古怪,它是马的头、鹿的角、虎的限、牛的耳、蛇的身、鱼的鳞、鹰的爪,真是神气活现。龙是神物,在人们看来,它有超凡的本领,上天可腾云驾雾,"薄乎天光";下地可入深潭、倒海翻江,有呼风唤雨、惊起雷电的神力。 人们或许会问,在自然界中究竟有没有真的"龙"呢?在距今两亿多年前的侏罗纪,恐龙曾称霸世界1亿多年,而在此之前的三叠纪还有过许许多多的海生龙。不过,至今还没有找到像中国人传说中的这种龙。中国人心目中的龙产生于车富奇妙的想像之中,它是 许多自然现象如风云雷电、冰霜雨雪、江河湖海、珍禽异兽、各种动物的模糊集合物。它也是中国许多古老民族的图腾总汇,是中华民族共同心理的体现,同时也是中国传统社会权力的象征。

水是自然界中一种特殊之物,它既是生命之源,又是万物之目,蒸发可以升腾上天变成云雾,聚集又可以下沉为雨雪;在地面上可以形成江河湖海,又可以潜入地底,成为阴河暗湖。因此在《说文》中这样解释:龙者,能隐能现,能幽能明,能大能小,能升能降。"龙"这个形象其实正是水的形象,所以说:"山不在高,有仙则灵,水不在深,有龙则灵。" 龙官的神韵就在于水,这是一条神秘的水。它本是一条小小的河流。从山谷中出来。几次潜入地下,几次又涌冒出地面,穿过了二十几座山峰,经过了几番回旋。这还不够,它还在地底形成一个巨大的瀑布,吞云吐雾之后,这才滔滔流去。这一切的情景难道不就是龙的神奇身影的再现吗?现在,就让我们沿着龙的脚印,去寻找龙的踪迹吧!

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贵州龙宫景区以水溶洞、旱溶洞和洞穴瀑布为主,包括秀丽的田园山寨,粗犷雄伟的山野峰峦,嶙峋古怪、翠竹簇拥的石林等多种景观,风景资源丰富,类型繁多,景观奇特,集山、溪、水、林、洞、瀑、湖、石于一体,实属罕见。龙宫景区属叠系喀斯特岩溶地貌,形成于3 龙宫景区属亚热带季风湿润气候,主要特点是四季分明,冬无严寒、夏无酷暑,一年平均气温为14.6℃,气候十分温和。整个景区的山峦起伏,溪流环绕,自然环境质朴清新,大气的水体未受污染。贵州龙宫中心景区,景点丰富,内容齐全,是整个风景区之精华。这里既有千姿百态的喀斯特地貌,巍峨壮观的悬崖峭壁和嶙峋峥嵘的石林,又有丰富多彩的少数民族风情和恬静淡雅的田园风光。同时有被游人称作中国"三最"的奇特景观资源,第一最,龙门飞瀑属洞中瀑布最大;第二最,地下暗河最长,全长有5000米;第三最,龙宫天池天然辐射量全国最低。地下暗河串联三十余座山头,接九十余个暗河溶洞。

各位团友,就让我们轻轻松松地乘着这条小船去探寻那神秘的龙宫世界吧。 龙宫融水洞、旱洞、峡谷、峰林、绝壁、明流、暗河、漩塘、田园风光、民族风情和宗教文化为一体,组成一条神奇的旅游风景线。分为中心景区、漩塘、油菜湖、仙人箐四个著名景区,可谓鬼斧神工天造就,集天地之精华而成。1985年全国园林学专家门来此考察之后,认为龙宫实在是太"绝"了。它绝在什么地方呢?那就是:奇绝、雄绝、秀绝、妙绝。贵州著名书法家张星槎先生为龙宫写下一副对联,上联是"吞石为洞,吐石为花,神工赖水造",下联是"聚水成渊,覆水成瀑,胜景依石生"。"绝"字的天机被诗人一语道破。



我们的龙之旅,就从这座进入龙宫的大牌坊开始。中国人对龙有一种特殊的感情,每逢新春佳节少不了要玩龙灯,端午节要划龙船,久晴不雨要耍水龙,遇到洪水泛滥则要祭龙王。龙在中国文化习俗中无往而不在,无处不显灵。不是吗?清冽碧透的泉水往往有"龙泉"的美称;深不可测的水潭,大都称为"龙潭";绝妙的山形一定被称为"龙脉";华丽的宫殿往往叫做"龙宫"。茶以"龙井茶"为好,食以"龙门宴"为佳,最锋利的剑谓之"青龙剑",最名贵的马谓之"乌龙驹"。许多优美的传说都和龙王、龙女、龙王三太子、龙宫有关,脍炙人口,千古不衰,难怪人们把讲故事叫做"摆龙门阵"。 龙是中国的吉样物,但凡沾上"龙"字的词,都含有吉样、喜庆、振奋、腾飞的意思。比如。龙飞凤舞"、"龙凤呈样"、"龙腾虎跃"、"生龙活虎"、"龙吟虎啸"、"龙游四海"、还有"鲤鱼跳龙门"。所以,中国人自认是"龙的传人"。至高无上的皇帝自称是"真龙天子",而把他的子孙叫做"龙子"、"龙孙"。龙在人们的心目中神乎其神,高深莫测。龙的形象,神奇而古怪,它是马的头、鹿的角、虎的限、牛的耳、蛇的身、鱼的鳞、鹰的爪,真是神气活现。龙是神物,在人们看来,它有超凡的本领,上天可腾云驾雾,"薄乎天光";下地可入深潭、倒海翻江,有呼风唤雨、惊起雷电的神力。 人们或许会问,在自然界中究竟有没有真的"龙"呢?在距今两亿多年前的侏罗纪,恐龙曾称霸世界1亿多年,而在此之前的三叠纪还有过许许多多的海生龙。不过,至今还没有找到像中国人传说中的这种龙。中国人心目中的龙产生于车富奇妙的想像之中,它是 许多自然现象如风云雷电、冰霜雨雪、江河湖海、珍禽异兽、各种动物的模糊集合物。它也是中国许多古老民族的图腾总汇,是中华民族共同心理的体现,同时也是中国传统社会权力的象征。

水是自然界中一种特殊之物,它既是生命之源,又是万物之目,蒸发可以升腾上天变成云雾,聚集又可以下沉为雨雪;在地面上可以形成江河湖海,又可以潜入地底,成为阴河暗湖。因此在《说文》中这样解释:龙者,能隐能现,能幽能明,能大能小,能升能降。"龙"这个形象其实正是水的形象,所以说:"山不在高,有仙则灵,水不在深,有龙则灵。" 龙官的神韵就在于水,这是一条神秘的水。它本是一条小小的河流。从山谷中出来。几次潜入地下,几次又涌冒出地面,穿过了二十几座山峰,经过了几番回旋。这还不够,它还在地底形成一个巨大的瀑布,吞云吐雾之后,这才滔滔流去。这一切的情景难道不就是龙的神奇身影的再现吗?现在,就让我们沿着龙的脚印,去寻找龙的踪迹吧!

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dear friends

hello everyone! welcome to anshun, an excellent tourist city in china! i'myour guide xiao zhang. you can also call me zhang dao, but this zhang dao is notthat zhang dao. today, the scenic spot we are going to is the national aaaaascenic spot longgong. longgong is located in anshun city, guizhou province, 27kilometers away from the city and 116 kilometers away from guiyang. the wholescenic area covers an area of 60 square kilometers, which is mainly composed ofcentral scenic area, xuantang scenic area, rape river scenic area and majiaoqingscenic area. the green underground river in the cave, like silk, connects thegorge roads of different widths and halls of different sizes, forming a fourkilometer long water park and underground labyrinth landscape. because thevillage where the underground river is located is called longtan village, it isnamed "dragon palace".

when you come to the dragon palace, you have to mention its "three most".the guinness world records of shanghai once awarded two gold lettered signboardsto the dragon palace. one is that there are 68 karst caves in the dragon palace,which is "the largest, most and most concentrated place in the world". what'sthe other signboard and its first and most important? don't worry, let me sellit here first, and i'll reveal it to you one by one later. after walking throughwolongtan, we are going to find out the first answer. please see, it is called"the first cave water in the world" longmen waterfall.

longmen waterfall is the largest cave waterfall in china. its cave hall is50 meters high. the waterfall is 38 meters high and 26 meters wide. how did sucha magical landscape come into being? you can see that the tianchi lake is abovethe longmen waterfall. the water in the tianchi lake turns a 90 degree turn inthe southwest due to the obstruction of sand and shale. in this way, itdissolves the surrounding rocks year after year. finally, the cracks are gettingbigger and bigger. the water in the tianchi lake "flows thousands of miles" andbecomes the longmen waterfall we see. from longmen waterfall to tianchi, tianticave is our only way. why is it called tianti cave? because the water source ofthe dragon palace is higher than the mountain, the tianchi in the dragon palaceis just like being born in the sky. we need to see the tianchi, and only withthe help of tianti can we ascend from the earth to the sky, so it is calledtianti cave. it is 200 meters long, spanided into one hole and two holes. onehole is the upward roadway. these milky stalactites have various shapes and arethought-provoking. the second hole is flat but narrow, so you should be morecareful when you walk!

wang bishui is the tianchi lake. it belongs to the erosive deep pool, 200meters long, 75 meters wide and 17 meters deep. it is as quiet as the autumnmoon, green as jade, unfathomable. today, let's take a boat from here and startour 840 meter water journey. the two big characters "dragon palace" are powerfuland powerful. this is inscribed by mr. liu haisu, a famous calligrapher inchina, when he visited the dragon palace at the age of 90. ok! now, we are inthe hall of the first cave. look at these stalactites. do they look like the olddragon king's ceremonial team is welcoming our guests from afar? with richimagination, people give it an interesting name "qunlong yingbin hall".

now we have come to the "relief mural palace". with the instruction of thelight, you will enjoy the landscape murals outlined by the stone curtain andstone flowers. there is a narrow passage in front of us. we need to bend down topass it. when visiting, crosstalk master hou baolin humorously called it"politeness stone". please be quiet. do you feel a mysterious atmosphere here?this is the "five dragons protect the main palace". who is the "lord"? she isthe legendary three princesses of the dragon king. the princess's boudoir needsto be quiet. look, the five flying dragons above our heads are hovering in theair to guard us. do you feel extra cool when you come here by boat? pleasebreathe deeply. do you feel the air in the princess's boudoir is extra fresh?this also proves another golden sign of our dragon palace, which is "the placewith the lowest natural radiation in the world". it is also the place with thecleanest air. if you don't take a few more deep breaths, we will also enjoy theworld-class treatment. when you enter this cave hall, you will feel suddenlyenlightened. this is the "crystal palace". it has more than 4000 square metersand the water depth is 26 meters. it is said that there are many immortals it is time for you to show your eyesight and imagination and see who canfind their hiding place.

now we are passing through a gorge, which is more than 100 meters high, 200meters long and 40 meters deep. this is called "gaoxia yougu palace" with thename of "three gorges in the cave, underground panjiang river". our waterjourney is over. let's walk out of the cave and see what kind of world it see, the cliffs on both sides of the river are like oysters, with aheight of 100 meters and a width of 100 meters. if we look from above, we willbecome pearls. so people call them "clam shell rock". looking up, the sky windis falling. i don't know that at this time, you have the feeling of landing onthe sky and entering the earth, and you feel relaxed and happy. next, we aregoing to the dry karst cave, tiger cave, which is located in the middle of themountain. perhaps in terms of volume, it is not as grand as zhijin cave, but thesmall one also contains rich and colorful stalactite landscape. believe it ornot, we'll see!

longgong scenic area always gives us visual surprise again and again, sothe xuantang scenic area we see now will not disappoint you. when you look atthis whirlpool, do you think it's just an ordinary pond? please look carefully,its water always rotates clockwise. is that what people call spanine help? ofcourse not. xuantang landscape is caused by karst landform. you see, the riverwater cuts into the xuantang from the left. because it is funnel-shaped, and itsbottom is connected with the underground river, the thrust of the river waterinjection and the attraction of the underground river make this spectacle. afterlistening to my explanation, maybe you want to find out more. let's leave it toyou for a few minutes. but don't forget to pay attention to safety!

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龙宫前是一开阔深潭,名“天池”,又名“龙潭”,系高山小湖 泊,面积一万多平方米,湖水澄碧,水深四十三米。池边崖石壁立,为古树藤萝覆盖。进入宫门,迎面是“群龙迎客”,青黝的洞顶垂下十数条钟乳石,张牙舞瓜,酷似龙形。暗河水平稳凝重,幽深莫测,水港曲折迷离。


面积约八平方公里的龙宫风景区里,还有因岩溶发育形成的大小旱洞二十多个,有新寨洞、龙旗洞、天剑洞和虎穴洞。四洞中以新寨洞最大,又名“玉柱洞”,洞深一公里许,有七个洞厅和奇丽多姿的岩溶景 观。玉柱洞、龙旗洞、天剑洞,因洞中有奇特的石柱、石幔、石笋,形似玉柱、龙旗、宝剑得名。虎穴洞得名,因附近有一山头状如猛虎。




龙宫 龙宫是国家级风景名胜区,距贵州西线旅游中心城市安顺市27公里,有高等级公路直达景区。



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贵州龙宫景区以水溶洞、旱溶洞和洞穴瀑布为主,包括秀丽的田园山寨,粗犷雄伟的山野峰峦,嶙峋古怪、翠竹簇拥的石林等多种景观,风景资源丰富,类型繁多,景观奇特,集山、溪、水、林、洞、瀑、湖、石于一体,实属罕见。龙宫景区属叠系喀斯特岩溶地貌,形成于3 龙宫景区属亚热带季风湿润气候,主要特点是四季分明,冬无严寒、夏无酷暑,一年平均气温为14.6℃,气候十分温和。整个景区的山峦起伏,溪流环绕,自然环境质朴清新,大气的水体未受污染。贵州龙宫中心景区,景点丰富,内容齐全,是整个风景区之精华。这里既有千姿百态的喀斯特地貌,巍峨壮观的悬崖峭壁和嶙峋峥嵘的石林,又有丰富多彩的少数民族风情和恬静淡雅的田园风光。同时有被游人称作中国"三最"的奇特景观资源,第一最,龙门飞瀑属洞中瀑布最大;第二最,地下暗河最长,全长有5000米;第三最,龙宫天池天然辐射量全国最低。地下暗河串联三十余座山头,接九十余个暗河溶洞。

各位团友,就让我们轻轻松松地乘着这条小船去探寻那神秘的龙宫世界吧。 龙宫融水洞、旱洞、峡谷、峰林、绝壁、明流、暗河、漩塘、田园风光、民族风情和宗教文化为一体,组成一条神奇的旅游风景线。分为中心景区、漩塘、油菜湖、仙人箐四个著名景区,可谓鬼斧神工天造就,集天地之精华而成。1985年全国园林学专家门来此考察之后,认为龙宫实在是太"绝"了。它绝在什么地方呢?那就是:奇绝、雄绝、秀绝、妙绝。贵州著名书法家张星槎先生为龙宫写下一副对联,上联是"吞石为洞,吐石为花,神工赖水造",下联是"聚水成渊,覆水成瀑,胜景依石生"。"绝"字的天机被诗人一语道破。



我们的龙之旅,就从这座进入龙宫的大牌坊开始。中国人对龙有一种特殊的感情,每逢新春佳节少不了要玩龙灯,端午节要划龙船,久晴不雨要耍水龙,遇到洪水泛滥则要祭龙王。龙在中国文化习俗中无往而不在,无处不显灵。不是吗?清冽碧透的泉水往往有"龙泉"的美称;深不可测的水潭,大都称为"龙潭";绝妙的山形一定被称为"龙脉";华丽的宫殿往往叫做"龙宫"。茶以"龙井茶"为好,食以"龙门宴"为佳,最锋利的剑谓之"青龙剑",最名贵的马谓之"乌龙驹"。许多优美的传说都和龙王、龙女、龙王三太子、龙宫有关,脍炙人口,千古不衰,难怪人们把讲故事叫做"摆龙门阵"。 龙是中国的吉样物,但凡沾上"龙"字的词,都含有吉样、喜庆、振奋、腾飞的意思。比如。龙飞凤舞"、"龙凤呈样"、"龙腾虎跃"、"生龙活虎"、"龙吟虎啸"、"龙游四海"、还有"鲤鱼跳龙门"。所以,中国人自认是"龙的传人"。至高无上的皇帝自称是"真龙天子",而把他的子孙叫做"龙子"、"龙孙"。龙在人们的心目中神乎其神,高深莫测。龙的形象,神奇而古怪,它是马的头、鹿的角、虎的限、牛的耳、蛇的身、鱼的鳞、鹰的爪,真是神气活现。龙是神物,在人们看来,它有超凡的本领,上天可腾云驾雾,"薄乎天光";下地可入深潭、倒海翻江,有呼风唤雨、惊起雷电的神力。 人们或许会问,在自然界中究竟有没有真的"龙"呢?在距今两亿多年前的侏罗纪,恐龙曾称霸世界1亿多年,而在此之前的三叠纪还有过许许多多的海生龙。不过,至今还没有找到像中国人传说中的这种龙。中国人心目中的龙产生于车富奇妙的想像之中,它是 许多自然现象如风云雷电、冰霜雨雪、江河湖海、珍禽异兽、各种动物的模糊集合物。它也是中国许多古老民族的图腾总汇,是中华民族共同心理的体现,同时也是中国传统社会权力的象征。

水是自然界中一种特殊之物,它既是生命之源,又是万物之目,蒸发可以升腾上天变成云雾,聚集又可以下沉为雨雪;在地面上可以形成江河湖海,又可以潜入地底,成为阴河暗湖。因此在《说文》中这样解释:龙者,能隐能现,能幽能明,能大能小,能升能降。"龙"这个形象其实正是水的形象,所以说:"山不在高,有仙则灵,水不在深,有龙则灵。" 龙官的神韵就在于水,这是一条神秘的水。它本是一条小小的河流。从山谷中出来。几次潜入地下,几次又涌冒出地面,穿过了二十几座山峰,经过了几番回旋。这还不够,它还在地底形成一个巨大的瀑布,吞云吐雾之后,这才滔滔流去。这一切的情景难道不就是龙的神奇身影的再现吗?现在,就让我们沿着龙的脚印,去寻找龙的踪迹吧!

龙宫导游词400字 龙宫导游词篇十九


龙宫还创造了几个全国之最,上海大世界吉尼斯世界记录总部曾颁发给龙宫两块金字招牌,第一块说“龙宫景区内遍布着68处水旱溶洞,是世界上水旱溶洞最大、最多、做集中的地方”另一块金字招牌说“龙宫是世界上天然辐射最低的地方”龙宫还有一最,那就是我们龙宫的龙门飞瀑是全国最高的洞中瀑布,真不愧是“天下第一洞水” 大家都知道,我们中国人对于龙有种特殊的感情,我们自称是龙的传人,凡是和龙有关的词语都是表示吉祥如意的,比如说什么龙腾虎跃、龙飞凤舞~不仅如此,过年的时候咱们还要耍龙,洪水泛滥就要祭龙王,其实龙在我们的想象种是种很神秘的动物,他的形象其实是由几个动物身体的部分组成,那么大家知道是那些动物的身体部件组成了龙呢?(补充:马的头、牛的耳、虎的眼、鹿的角、蛇的身、鹰的爪、鱼的鳞)对了,就是这些动物的身体部分,组成了我们今天看到的龙的形象,而且,众所周知,龙是生活在水中的,水也是我们大自然一种很特别的产物啊,他上升蒸腾可以成为云雾,下降就可以成为雨雪,在地上就是江河湖海,在地下就是阴流暗河了,《说文》里面又对龙有这样的定义:龙者,能隐能现,能幽能明,能大能小能升能降。

大家把水和龙联系在一块儿想,有没有觉得水其实就是龙的形象的化身呢? 好了,我们的龙宫之旅就从这块龙宫大牌坊开始了,请大家随我来,我们首先要去的就是全国最大的洞中瀑布--龙门飞瀑。 龙门飞瀑所在的洞厅高50米,龙门飞瀑高38米,宽26米,那么这么神奇的龙门飞瀑是怎么形成的呢?大家看啊,龙门飞瀑上面就是我们的天池,天池的水由于受到沙页岩的阻拦又在西南处拐了个90度的弯,就这样年复一年的溶蚀着周围的岩石,终于裂缝越来越大,天池的水就这样一泻千里,成为我们今天看到的龙飞瀑了。

现在呢,我们就要乘船从天池进入龙宫,开始我们长达840米的水上旅程了,关于天池的形成还有个传说,传说一条龙在山里困久了,想出来看看外面的世界有多精彩,就把身子探出来,不料,一只龙角把山岩戳破了,龙就一跃而出,化身成了咱们的龙门飞瀑,他带来的水就泳上来,形成了天池,这天池的水还有个神奇的地方,就是无论是丰水期或是枯水期这儿的水位涨落都有不大。 好的,现在我们就进入我们龙宫的第一洞厅游览,冲大家迎面而来的“龙宫”两个大字是我国著名的艺术大师刘海粟先生在90岁畅游龙宫时亲笔题写的,大家可别小看这些钟乳石哦,这些都是碳酸盐经过几万年的溶蚀而形成的呢,好的,现在我们已经进入了第一洞厅,就看到很多龙在迎接我们了,这个厅的名字就叫做“群龙迎宾厅”他们有的想伸出头看我们,有的在戏水,在这里,中国人关于龙的一切想象都可以得到体现,也要大家充分发挥您的想象力。

现在大家有没有觉得特别凉爽啊?好的,请大家深呼吸一下,有没有觉得这儿的空气特别清新啊?因为这里是我们全国辐射最低的地方,现在世界的污染十分严重,各位来龙宫旅游的游客真的是赚到了哦,不仅可以观赏奇洞异瀑,还能享受低辐射的照顾。 现在我们来到的是第二个洞厅,大家有没有觉得这里的景致和刚才那个洞厅不太一样啊?第一厅的钟乳石都是悬垂的,而这里的钟乳石都是贴在洞厅两侧的墙壁上的,像壁画一样,所以,这个厅叫做“浮雕壁画宫”,那边那副巨大的山水画不可能出自世间画家之手,确实是天造地设的,现在我们正通过一个狭窄的通道,前面那块巨石和水上的距离只有不到一米,所以必须要弯腰低头才能通过,1986年相声大师侯宝林先生来游览的时候戏称这块石头叫“礼貌石”。

现在请大家安静,有没有觉得这里的气氛非常的静寂啊?大家抬头看各位的头顶,有五条相互缠绕的龙在守卫着这个洞厅,这儿就是龙王三公主的寝宫,我们龙宫的第三洞厅:五龙护主宫,这主嘛,自然就是我们的三公主了,公主的闺房,当然是要严肃点了。 接下来的这个供电会使大家的眼界豁然开朗,因为我们来到的是龙王宴请宾客的大殿--水晶宫,这的面积有4000多平米,水深有26米,水晶宫里面有很多神仙,哪些是神仙,就要靠您的眼力了,这里不仅有神仙,还有丰富的宴席,看那些水晶葡萄,320xx年才熟一次,用来招待我们最珍贵的客人。 现在我们经过的是一道峡谷,长200余米,水深40米左右,这是龙宫的第五洞厅--高峡幽谷宫,他被人们称作是“洞中三峡、地下漓江”。

游历了840米的水溶洞,现在咱们在蚌壳岩弃舟登岸,继续我们的龙宫之旅,现在咱们去一个特别有意思的地方游玩,就是咱们龙宫的漩唐景区,漩唐的奇特之处在于,他的塘底像一个大漏斗,油菜河的河水从北边注入漩唐,潜入地下的消水洞,在成顺时针方向推动唐里的水,我们这就看到了塘水旋转的奇景。 之前我们一直在探索我们意想中的龙,那接下来呢,我就要带大家去见见真正的龙了,我们现在去参观的就是贵州龙化石展览馆,这里集中展示了关岭海生动物群,在关岭的海生动物中,主要有四大类,归属十多个属种,那种有着三角形的脑袋,眼睛又大又圆长得非常可爱的龙,科学上把他叫做“幻龙”,他只有四脚蛇那么大,体型很小。那种似鱼非鱼似龙飞龙,头短颈部又特别长,四肢像鱼鳍一样的龙,叫做 “鱼龙”,以周氏黔鱼龙为代表,如果大家对龙感兴趣的话呢,还可以去到我们的兴义,在那儿有一组更早时代的龙。

龙宫导游词400字 龙宫导游词篇二十

longgong, located 27 kilometers southwest of anshun city, guizhou province,more than 30 kilometers away from huangguoshu waterfall, belongs to longtanvillage, matou township, anshun county. the dragon palace was discovered in1980. it is called a strange cave in the dark lake. boating on the lake can beused as the midstream of the cave.

the dragon palace is more than 3000 meters long and consists of five groupsof caves connected by an underground river. the masses used to call it "wujindragon palace". the first entrance to the dragon palace is from the gate to bengke yan, the second from beng ke yan to hua yu tang, the third from hua yu tangto qing yu dong, the fourth from qing yu dong to feng shu dong, and the fifthfrom xuantang to xiaocaihua lake. the deepest part of the dark river is 28meters, the widest part is more than 30 meters, and the narrowest part can onlyaccommodate a small boat.

in front of the dragon palace is an open deep pool, named "tianchi", alsoknown as "longtan". it is a small high mountain lake, covering an area of morethan 10000 square meters, with clear water and a depth of 43 meters. on the edgeof the pool, there are cliffs and rocks, which are covered by ancient trees andvines. when you enter the palace gate, you will be faced with a group ofdragons. more than ten stalactites hang down from the green cave top, whichlooks like a dragon. the underground river is stable and dignified, deep andunpredictable, and the water port is tortuous and confusing.

dragon palace is different from ordinary dry cave, it is immersed in a poolof blue water. boating through the caves is like boating in the dragon kingcrystal palace.

in the longgong scenic area, which covers an area of about 8 squarekilometers, there are more than 20 large and small dry caves formed by karstdevelopment, including xinzhai cave, longqi cave, tianjian cave and huxue the four caves, xinzhai cave is the largest, also known as "yuzhu cave".the cave is about one kilometer deep, with seven cave halls and colorful karstlandscape. yuzhu cave, longqi cave and tianjian cave are named for theirpeculiar stone pillars, stone curtains and stalagmites, which are similar inshape to yuzhu, longqi and baojian. tiger cave is named because there is amountain nearby that looks like a fierce tiger.

the scenic spots outside the dragon palace include longmen waterfall,bengyan flying swallow, huayu taoyuan, yunshan stone forest, wolong pool,bashang bridge, etc. longmen waterfall is near the gate of the dragon palace. itis formed by the water from the tianchi lake pouring down through the cavewindow. the waterfall is about 25 meters wide and 34 meters high. the sound ofthe waterfall is like avalanche and thunder. the width and height of thewaterfall in the cave are rare. local people call this scene "white dragon outof nest". there is a stone forest park on the mountain behind tianchi.

xuantang is located near qingshui cave, which is called "sijinlonggong". itis a pond name, and it is the name of the village. the diameter of the whirlpoolis 120 meters. the water in the pond rotates all the year round from the edge tothe center of the pond. the reason for the continuous rotation is that there isa water dissipation pit in the center of the pond, and the water is rapidlyspaning, forming a unique landscape. there are two beautiful stone mountains inthe stockade. the mountains, water and stockade are picturesque.

"flying swallow of clam shell" is located in clam shell rock. the clamshellrock is a huge partial rock, the upper part of which inclines forward and lookslike a clamshell. there are caves, big and small, in which swallows nest. thereare thousands of swallows competing up and down. at the foot of bengke mountain,a "tiger cave" is opened, in which there are many landscapes, such as "heavymountains", "panoramic scenery", "shangyaotai" and so on.

longgong longgong is a national scenic spot, 27 kilometers away from anshuncity, the western tourism center of guizhou province. there is a high-gradehighway directly to the scenic spot.

the longgong scenic spot is mainly composed of karst caves. it alsointegrates karst caves, waterfalls, canyons, peaks, cliffs, lakes, rivers,ethnic customs and religious culture, forming a picture of a wonderland onearth.

longgong scenic spot is famous for its wonderful scenery, especially thewater cave in the central scenic spot is the longest in the country, thewaterfall in the cave is the highest in the country, and the natural radiationrate is the lowest in the country, which is called the "three best" by expertsand tourists in china. the adjacent xuantang scenic area is also famous for its"three wonders", namely, the wonder of xuanshui, the number of short rivers andthe size of the buddha hall in the cave. stepping into the dragon palace is likeentering a fairyland and a paradise, which makes people forget to returnhome.

龙宫导游词400字 龙宫导游词篇二十一













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