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later, slowly on van gogh has in-depth understanding of his nature of goodness, love life, but in life, repeated setbacks, hard times. he devoted himself to art, boldly innovated and absorbed the experience of impressionist painters on the basis of extensively studying the painters of rembrandt and others. he was influenced by oriental art, especially japanese prints, and formed his own unique artistic style. creating a lot filled with life passion, full of humanitarianism works. "sunflower", "starry night" and "the crows of wheat fields" were completed in the last six years of his life, expressing the anguish, sadness, compassion and hope in his heart. through these works, i can see to a more realistic van gogh, a better understanding of the artist's spirit and thought.

vincent william van gogh, born in the netherlands zande tezhen a protestant pastor family. 24 years old in the hague, london, paris and other places of the ancient piel painting shop clerk, and later became a missionary in the southwest of belgium borinat mine mission, sympathy and support for the requirements of poor miners were dismissed. having spent a period of extreme despair and poverty, he decided to complete the liberation of the self in the search for art. after 1880, he went to school, to the royal academy of fine arts in belgium to the netherlands landscape painter anton moufu painting, but in the end decided to self-study. in 1886 years ago, his works are also in the exploration period, representative of "eat potatoes", "textile workers" and so on. in 1886, van gogh went to paris with his brother, a senior staff member of the pueblo painters, and met toulouse-lautrec, gauguin, pissarro, seura and cezanne, and participated in the impressionist painters of the assembly, inspired by the color and nurtured. in february 1888, he accompanied gauguin, accompanied by alfresco in southern france, for up to a year. this was the most important period of his artistic style, with the strong sunshine of the south and the towns, fields, flowers, rivers, farmhouses and churches that the sun shone, making him shout again and again: "bright, some! "but after the two disagrees, gauguin left, van gogh's spirit began to split. van gogh on december 23, 1888 after the onset, the condition is good and bad, when the light weight, again and again admitted to the hospital. in may 1889, he was sent to the saint-rémi neurological hospital, one kilometer away from al, and became an out-and-out mental patient. but at this time, a miracle, van gogh's painting actually leaps and bounds, the rapid formation of style. however, the cost of this miracle is a soul self-immolation. in 1890, after a long-term hospitalization in the psychiatric hospital in saint-remy, the van gogh returned to paris, living in orwell, on the banks of the oise, where he was treated by dr. ghassé. diligent painting, as a "portrait of dr. garcia", "orwell's church" and so r, on october 27, 1890, after a quarrel with dr. ghassé, van gogh shot himself in the wheat fields and ended his life.

van gogh's life left a rich work, until after the death of gradually been recognized by people. the writers of these works highlight the pursuit of self-spiritual performance, all in the form of intense mental domination jump and twist. this art on the 20th century expressionism is very deep, especially sautin and german performance painter, from van gogh's work draws a lot of important principles. he was the greatest dutch painter with worldwide influence after rembrandt. however, when he was still alive, a total of only sold a painting.

van gogh brings classic works, people first thought is often "sunflower." it is van gogh in the bright sunny southern france made, is now hidden in the london national gallery. on the screen that seems to be flowing from the heart of the golden wanton rendering, simple pottery vases, rough table cloth, layers of sunlight intertwined into the background, in the table cloth on the moving glow halo; full of vigor and vitality 9 sunflower in full bloom season, the disk is not fully exposed, even with a delicate green, while the other several flowers sunflower is old, mature and even about to decadent, incomplete petals, branches stiff and twisted tilt. this seems to imply a certain fate, although the strong sun bathing, sunflower can not escape the fate of the old decadent, as if everything is so short glory, the world can not be anything like the eternal light of the sun, short seems to be all things of the fate. van gogh, however, imposes all the backgrounds, air, vases and tablecloths on the sun's golden yellow. when he finishes the transfer of paint from the palette to the canvas, he should have seen that the entire studio has been illuminated by the dazzling golden color of his face, his solemn expression , his spiritual world. in van gogh's pen, the flaming sunflower, not just plants, but with the original impulses and passionate life, they are more wild to show the artist's passionate desire for life and tenacious pursuit of catharsis painter's enjoyment of life experience and permanent excitement.

van gogh, another representative works "starry night", painted in june 1890, is now hidden in the new york museum of modern art. "starry night" presents two lines of style, one is bent long, one broken short. interaction between the two, so that the screen showing a dazzling fantasy scene. this is clearly out of reality, purely van gogh's own imagination. in composition, the riotous sky contrasts with the peaceful village. cypress and horizontal mountains, the sky to achieve a visual balance. dark dragon cypress witch as waving, the vortex-like nebula, the rotation of the size of the stars, and even the crescent are in rapid rotation. the rushing flow of the kind of fate is like the flow of life, everything is turbulent, crumbling. and the steeple of the church seemed so slim and helpless, its spire was almost drowned by the vortex of the night sky. van gogh's world is so fragile and helpless, and he fell into a vortex can not get rid of. the paintings are painted in blue and green in color, and the artist's movement is characterized by continuous, wave-like strokes of nebulae and trees. in his writing, nebulae and trees are like a ball of fire burning fiercely. , with a strong expressive force, left a deep impression.

van gogh wrote to his brother dior in the letter "staring at the bright stars, i always could not help but imagination

pina ... ... i can not help but ask myself, why the bright spots in the night sky can not be as black as the french map on the map so easy to reach it?we can get to trusken or to rouen by train, and to death there is a death journey. "van gogh's whirling stars seem to us to be just but for the van gogh, the death is not a disaster, but to the tunnel of heaven, is a kind of spirit of the liberation of van gogh, the death of van gogh, the last painting, "the crows of wheat fields," is the last realistic and frightening portrayal of his life, and a testament to the stinging images he has left to the world, a disturbing picture: three of the fork road cut into two equal parts of the wheat, the leftmost road almost presents a border state, in the middle of a road to infinite reverie s-shaped to the far, the end of the road is a confused and gloomy, next to the road is full of respect for the green grass, another road to the right suddenly deviated and is like a person holding his arms, lying down, shoulders holding a harvest of wheat kind of exciting and comfort gold, as if the sun shines in the sanctuary, it ignited the joy of a person's heart, but at this time, the sky is disturbed by clouds covered, to be exact, it is a group of flying shadow, it is a group crows, pure black crows and distant haze as if the black witch of the witch, like cover less and less sunshine and wheat fields of is a contradictory mood, is a deep vaguely fear .this is the brink of death before van gogh's world, his eyes of the world is spanided into two colors, one is exciting golden yellow, it is his dedication to the spirit of the sun color, the other is his fear of the shadow and disappointment, he lost the final confidence in the world, his mind was cut so disintegrated, a wheat field so fall, a piece of sunshine and thus broken.

van gogh to his own life as a bet to paint, like a thorn bird with the soul and blood to write the final chapter of life. in this painting must express van gogh's "sadness and extreme loneliness", his outcome seems to have long been doomed. then, in orville, in the summer of july, he pulled his trigger towards his chest, and at the moment of his fall, his soul was upon the eternal golden earth, and the frenzied genius painter was at last free.

i would like to pay tribute to the artists i love the most, van gogh ups and downs of life, especially in the last years of life, his spiritual world has been completely broken. as the sea, the storm, the ups and downs, not much smooth land. but in contrast, it is his love of art. in the face of irresistible disease, he said: "there is no beauty in the end, there is no use, it is doubtful. but how do? some people even mental disorders, but still love nature and life , because he is a painter! "" the face of a destroyed me, so i am afraid of the disease and my faith will not be shaken! "however, such a painting is paranoid belief in the" madman ", with its short life to us to depict his love of life and the pursuit of life, tell of his passion and ideals, to our lives add eternal color.


in december 1949, mao zedong's trip to the soviet union, often with the soviet interpreter, sinologist federline conversation. federline often consulted mao zedong on a number of issues in chinese literature, and mao zedong was also eloquent about it. federling made these conversations. these conversations are really wonderful poetry.

fei delin asked mao zedong to talk about the "book of songs", he believes that "the book of songs" "is undoubtedly the highest model of chinese poetry."

mao zedong said: "the book of songs" is the essence of chinese poetry .it is derived from folk creation .all are unknown author .creation of the time has been unable to check .this document to the past that old age with us. the poetry of the early chinese aesthetics, this poem is true, easy to understand, the language is very concise.

"is it because of this reason that for thousands of years the book of songs has always been a sample of imitation of chinese poets?

mao zedong replied: "yes, this is no problem .it can be said that the poetry of the poem of the later thought of each have had an problem is how to understand these ancient folk is the essence of the problem. for those who do not understand or misinterpret, we do not have to say, we can recall those who not only understand and try to imitate this ancient poetics, they imitate not only its rhetorical characteristics, but also inherited the " "the essence of the content of folk creation.

"you mean the most successful poet in the creation of the unnamed predecessors?"

mao zedong said:

yeah. it can be said that this is the language of art and poetry in the development of the most valuable image content. the innate talent of the ancient unnamed is to turn their ideas into concise poetry and songs. "

fei delin said: "according to the history of chinese literature, said in the" book of songs "after the nameless author, second to none of the qu yuan, he is the first poet with creative personality.

mao said: "oh, this is your favorite subject matter, but this issue is not so simple to talk about. qu, quyuan lived where i am quite familiar with, is my hometown. so we qu yuan, his we are the descendants of this poet of genius, we are particularly deep feelings for him, but now people may not hello, they do not necessarily understand the qu yuan  .therefore, the great achievements.

"i think, because of the local relationship, even if the peers are separated for many generations, there is a direct feeling of qu yuan, their evaluation of the poet is more persuasive.

mao zedong said: "however, the home of the commemoration of qu yuan is very insignificant, not to mention the poet 's time has been more than two thousand years, for his fate, each generation has its own views.

fei delin said: "any great change in history will have some joys and sorrows of the for qu yuan, political change is his personal yuan painstakingly through his time, he was concerned about the people, to save the chu danger.

mao zedong said: "the year after the war to the country withered, people are destitute, the destruction of chu, this is one aspect of the began another historical process, that is, scattered, competing for the interests of the vassal kingdom united process , the process is not the will of man for the transfer of finally, it unified the qin shi huang china ended, resulting in the formation of the first centralized and unified empire, which later china's fate has played an important role in. this is another matter the problem we will have to talk about the future.

mao zedong said: "yes, these are in my hometown of hunan, occurred in the martyrdom of qu yuan --- changsha .for this reason, qu yuan's name is more sacred to us .he is not only the ancientgenius singer, but also a great patriot: selfless fearless, brave and image remains in the minds of every chinese. both at home and abroad, qu yuan is an immortal image. we are the witnesses of his life. "

fei delin said to mao zedong: "now we the soviet readers can understand qu yuan's know that qu yuan is a long time ago the poet, but also belongs to the future poet, he used poetry to express his mind, to express their own his "li sao" tells us that with the life experience to write poetry, only to know themselves, to change their own.

mao zedong said: "yes, ah, qu yuan's feats are not immediately recognized by people .it was later a lot of days, the poet's character was fully revealed, his image was really tall .qu yuan drink is a cup of bitterness wine is also a liqueur for the truth, poetry, like other creations, is a spiritual creation.

fei delin said: "qu yuan worries about the world of the people, the pain of the pain people love him, worship him, it can be considered a personal worship it ... ..."

mao zedong said: "yes ah, this worship is not made by qu yuan own, but love his people spontaneously produced this worship has continued to the present, can blame him? we can not be responsible for others, people to establish their the need for authority and idols, this is their thing, we can not be responsible for this.i do not think this is his fault ... ...


"big success by the team, small success by personal." this is the world's richest man for 13 consecutive years, bill gates, one of the summary, in his path to the rich and brilliant entrepreneurial way, always embodies the importance of team spirit , bill gates of this sentence industry is called "big success rule."

bill gates was born in seattle in 1955, he loves computers, he was 13 years old, has been able to carry out simple computer programming design, 14-year-old gates and his high school classmate paul. allen began a further programming exploration . since childhood love and thinking about the computer, gates in front of the hole gradually opened a bright future of computer science. 18-year-old gates admitted to harvard university, the study of computer programming is hungry, he and roommate steve ballmer is very close, usually like to wear a printed gates "to support ballmer "round neck shirt to show this unusual friendship. they are always learning about each other, encouraged, steve ballmer's shop, gates at harvard university was the first computer for the successful development of a programming language version. however, the next year gates decided to withdraw from harvard, in order to work with another friend paul allen to work hard in the community, co-founder of both of them microsoft. in 1975, 20-year-old bill gates was appointed microsoft chairman, ceo and chief software designer. in 1976 gates and allen registered (microsoft) trademark, originally intended to be named "allen and gates" finally changed to "micro software company", fade inspanidual personal, to highlight the company's team image.

november 1983 windows operating system debut debut, provided by the graphical user interface changed the text of the tedious, very intuitive and convenient, by the public favorite. in 1985, 30-year-old gates at microsoft's press conference for the first time with melinda. then, both fell in love, experienced a decade of tempting lingering love, january 1, 1994 finally to the marriage hall. in order to refuse a large crowd to come to celebrate the wedding ceremony admirers, gates wedding ingenuity arrangements in the independent separation of lanai island in hawaii held, fortunate enough to be invited to participate in the wedding is very limited, and must take a special helicopter or yacht to arrive. gates and melinda is said to be specially scheduled during the wedding all the hotel rooms on the island and all the helicopters, no noise, but also pu guizhen, making beautiful lanai island has become more quiet, peaceful and pure. in lanai island wedding in addition to their loved ones, in the guest table first paul. allen, warren. buffett so heart-to-heart, like brothers and sisters.

with the growing prosperity of microsoft, gates is also more concerned about the charity around. in 20xx, the gates held a grand charity buffett, a friend of warren, announced that he would donate $ 30 billion of his own investment company to the bill & melinda gates foundation, which doubled the size of the fund to double the world's largest charitable foundation.

all the way around the gates business always flashing a group of followers, partners, supporters of the figure, the formation of elite teams, such as steve ballmer's intimate, such as paul allen's long-term work together,such as warren buffett's generosity, it is behind a high-quality elite team achievement gates career on the "big success", and this success can not be separated from gates personal struggle of the local "small success."

bill gates once said, "if i just want to win, i would have gone to another stage." "i hope i am not the richest man in the world, this is not any good." he also did: 20xx october 28, gates celebrated his 50th birthday in london, england announced that he will not politics, tens of billions of dollars of wealth will be donated to the community, not as a legacy to future generations. in the same year, bill gates in the united kingdom buckingham palace was awarded the british queen elizabeth ii awarded the "honor jazz medal" in recognition of gates and his wife melinda to eliminate the commonwealth and other developing countries, poverty and improve the health of local people level of the efforts made. in 20xx, bill gates in the united kingdom bbc television interview once again said that his 58 billion us dollars of property will be donated to the name of charitable funds, the money will be used to study aids and malaria vaccines, and the world's poor countries to provide assistance to reduce inequalities that exist globally.

"when paul allen and i started microsoft, i had a lot of dreams about software development, and we wanted our software to have a big impact on the world, and having a computer at every desk and home was always the topic of our discussion. "this is the gates of the old dream relive, and now his dream has been achieved, daily, we are sharing gates's operating system, and therefore feel the power of the computer's charm. a fence three piles, a hero three help, when we aftertaste "big success rule", can deeply feel the team spirit of the noble.


vincent van gogh, a think of it to contact his piece of fanatical sunflower painter, van gogh read. i have never studied his paintings carefully, and have always had a feeling of sympathy for his talented and abjectionist artists. today, finally the owen stone's "desire to live" van gogh read, from a new perspective to know him, and changed his sympathy that attitude, for the respect and look up. with tears, you want to record something. tears not because of his miserable life, or the poor end, but because moved, an extraordinary vitality of the move. a kind of love of life and moved to tears.

his life in the wandering through, he did not have a home, in addition to his brother theo outside the exclusion of their loved ones. there is no source of income, and only the theo, the selfless love of his brother, from the initial month to send him 50 francs to 150 francs a month later, theo's life with his brother did not separate from such a relation. in the van gogh six months after the death of a few days before and after, theo also went to accompany his brother. van gogh to painting around wandering, whether it is the first gray bo nina, or find the direction of the art of niuenan, he is four people who suffered supercilious. in the earthly life, he is not good at, too simple, he does not follow the rules of life in the world, in the art of the road he took to heaven, but in life he has been in hell (with our ordinary people's eyes ). no matter what kind of suffering, no penny hungry for ten days, more than a fever, or painting all day and was considered a madman, he can bear, and finally let him go to the path of self-destruction is art inspiration of failure, after reading "van gogh after reading." although living in the most difficult of the earth, he has never felt so hard, as long as he can draw, he can draw, he is very happy. finally, because of schizophrenic torture, leading to his inspiration failure, and then shot himself, it did not make people feel dark, but that he longed for the power of life has always existed. but he himself and nature become one.

in his work, he has always wanted to express his thoughts, his love of life, worship of nature. flashing stars "starry night", publicity sunflower "sunflower" is probably our picture books in the textbook is not unfamiliar to some of the paintings, which stars were swirling rotating stars, is full of shining power of light, dazzling yellow sunflower is a hand to the sky longing for life. i could not express van gogh's painting intentions in such a messy way, but i would like to copy the manifesto at the impressionist meeting to promote him and his fine artistic expression:

we see the character is more important than the ugly. to see the pain is more important than the beautiful, naked to see the harsh reality of all the wealth is more important than france.

we accept life in its entirety, without any moral judgment. we consider prostitutes and countesss, gatekeepers and generals, peasants, and cabinet ministers alike, because they all meet the requirements of nature and are part of life.

as van gogh's first friend of a painter said, the talent needed to nourish the pain of art. perhaps it is because of poverty in life, inequality, only to create his relentless pursuit of artistic expression of the road. his love of life will never give up, until the spirit of schizophrenic torture to disappear.

as a kind of high above the emotion, i moved to van gogh's love of life, the art of fanaticism. this alone, superficially finished reading after feeling, in order to commemorate this artificially born soul.


always can not forget the junior high school when the first contact with the painting, listen to the teacher talk about van gogh, art books to see his sunflower, i can not tell where his paintings are good, but his paintings fascinated me, intoxicated. i watched over and over again, perhaps his enthusiasm infected me, i hope i was that sunflower, always toward the sun.

later, slowly on van gogh has in-depth understanding of his nature of goodness, love life, but in life, repeated setbacks, hard times. he devoted himself to art, boldly innovated and absorbed the experience of impressionist painters on the basis of extensively studying the painters of rembrandt and others. he was influenced by oriental art, especially japanese prints, and formed his own unique artistic style. creating a lot filled with life passion, full of humanitarianism works. "sunflower", "starry night" and "the crows of wheat fields" were completed in the last six years of his life, expressing the anguish, sadness, compassion and hope in his heart. through these works, i can see to a more realistic van gogh, a better understanding of the artist's spirit and thought.

vincent william van gogh, born in the netherlands zande tezhen a protestant pastor family. 24 years old in the hague, london, paris and other places of the ancient piel painting shop clerk, and later became a missionary in the southwest of belgium borinat mine mission, sympathy and support for the requirements of poor miners were dismissed. having spent a period of extreme despair and poverty, he decided to complete the liberation of the self in the search for art. after 1880, he went to school, to the royal academy of fine arts in belgium to the netherlands landscape painter anton moufu painting, but in the end decided to self-study. in 1886 years ago, his works are also in the exploration period, representative of "eat potatoes", "textile workers" and so on. in 1886, van gogh went to paris with his brother, a senior staff member of the pueblo painters, and met toulouse-lautrec, gauguin, pissarro, seura and cezanne, and participated in the impressionist painters of the assembly, inspired by the color and nurtured. in february 1888, he accompanied gauguin, accompanied by alfresco in southern france, for up to a year. this was the most important period of his artistic style, with the strong sunshine of the south and the towns, fields, flowers, rivers, farmhouses and churches that the sun shone, making him shout again and again: "bright, some! "but after the two disagrees, gauguin left, van gogh's spirit began to split. van gogh on december 23, 1888 after the onset, the condition is good and bad, when the light weight, again and again admitted to the hospital. in may 1889, he was sent to the saint-rémi neurological hospital, one kilometer away from al, and became an out-and-out mental patient. but at this time, a miracle, van gogh's painting actually leaps and bounds, the rapid formation of style. however, the cost of this miracle is a soul self-immolation. in 1890, after a long-term hospitalization in the psychiatric hospital in saint-remy, the van gogh returned to paris, living in orwell, on the banks of the oise, where he was treated by dr. ghassé. diligent painting, as a "portrait of dr. garcia", "orwell's church" and so r, on october 27, 1890, after a quarrel with dr. ghassé, van gogh shot himself in the wheat fields and ended his life.

van gogh's life left a rich work, until after the death of gradually been recognized by people. the writers of these works highlight the pursuit of self-spiritual performance, all in the form of intense mental domination jump and twist. this art on the 20th century expressionism is very deep, especially sautin and german performance painter, from van gogh's work draws a lot of important principles. he was the greatest dutch painter with worldwide influence after rembrandt. however, when he was still alive, a total of only sold a painting.

van gogh brings classic works, people first thought is often "sunflower." it is van gogh in the bright sunny southern france made, is now hidden in the london national gallery. on the screen that seems to be flowing from the heart of the golden wanton rendering, simple pottery vases, rough table cloth, layers of sunlight intertwined into the background, in the table cloth on the moving glow halo; full of vigor and vitality 9 sunflower in full bloom season, the disk is not fully exposed, even with a delicate green, while the other several flowers sunflower is old, mature and even about to decadent, incomplete petals, branches stiff and twisted tilt. this seems to imply a certain fate, although the strong sun bathing, sunflower can not escape the fate of the old decadent, as if everything is so short glory, the world can not be anything like the eternal light of the sun, short seems to be all things of the fate. van gogh, however, imposes all the backgrounds, air, vases and tablecloths on the sun's golden yellow. when he finishes the transfer of paint from the palette to the canvas, he should have seen that the entire studio has been illuminated by the dazzling golden color of his face, his solemn expression , his spiritual world. in van gogh's pen, the flaming sunflower, not just plants, but with the original impulses and passionate life, they are more wild to show the artist's passionate desire for life and tenacious pursuit of catharsis painter's enjoyment of life experience and permanent excitement.

van gogh, another representative works "starry night", painted in june 1890, is now hidden in the new york museum of modern art. "starry night" presents two lines of style, one is bent long, one broken short. interaction between the two, so that the screen showing a dazzling fantasy scene. this is clearly out of reality, purely van gogh's own imagination. in composition, the riotous sky contrasts with the peaceful village. cypress and horizontal mountains, the sky to achieve a visual balance. dark dragon cypress witch as waving, the vortex-like nebula, the rotation of the size of the stars, and even the crescent are in rapid rotation. the rushing flow of the kind of fate is like the flow of life, everything is turbulent, crumbling. and the steeple of the church seemed so slim and helpless, its spire was almost drowned by the vortex of the night sky. van gogh's world is so fragile and helpless, and he fell into a vortex can not get rid of. the paintings are painted in blue and green in color, and the artist's movement is characterized by continuous, wave-like strokes of nebulae and trees. in his writing, nebulae and trees are like a ball of fire burning fiercely. , with a strong expressive force, left a deep impression.

van gogh wrote to his brother dior in the letter "staring at the bright stars, i always could not help but imagination

pina ... ... i can not help but ask myself, why the bright spots in the night sky can not be as black as the french map on the map so easy to reach it?we can get to trusken or to rouen by train, and to death there is a death journey. "van gogh's whirling stars seem to us to be just but for the van gogh, the death is not a disaster, but to the tunnel of heaven, is a kind of spirit of the liberation of van gogh, the death of van gogh, the last painting, "the crows of wheat fields," is the last realistic and frightening portrayal of his life, and a testament to the stinging images he has left to the world, a disturbing picture: three of the fork road cut into two equal parts of the wheat, the leftmost road almost presents a border state, in the middle of a road to infinite reverie s-shaped to the far, the end of the road is a confused and gloomy, next to the road is full of respect for the green grass, another road to the right suddenly deviated and is like a person holding his arms, lying down, shoulders holding a harvest of wheat kind of exciting and comfort gold, as if the sun shines in the sanctuary, it ignited the joy of a person's heart, but at this time, the sky is disturbed by clouds covered, to be exact, it is a group of flying shadow, it is a group crows, pure black crows and distant haze as if the black witch of the witch, like cover less and less sunshine and wheat fields of is a contradictory mood, is a deep vaguely fear .this is the brink of death before van gogh's world, his eyes of the world is spanided into two colors, one is exciting golden yellow, it is his dedication to the spirit of the sun color, the other is his fear of the shadow and disappointment, he lost the final confidence in the world, his mind was cut so disintegrated, a wheat field so fall, a piece of sunshine and thus broken.

van gogh to his own life as a bet to paint, like a thorn bird with the soul and blood to write the final chapter of life. in this painting must express van gogh's "sadness and extreme loneliness", his outcome seems to have long been doomed. then, in orville, in the summer of july, he pulled his trigger towards his chest, and at the moment of his fall, his soul was upon the eternal golden earth, and the frenzied genius painter was at last free.

i would like to pay tribute to the artists i love the most, van gogh ups and downs of life, especially in the last years of life, his spiritual world has been completely broken. as the sea, the storm, the ups and downs, not much smooth land. but in contrast, it is his love of art. in the face of irresistible disease, he said: "there is no beauty in the end, there is no use, it is doubtful. but how do? some people even mental disorders, but still love nature and life , because he is a painter! "" the face of a destroyed me, so i am afraid of the disease and my faith will not be shaken! "however, such a painting is paranoid belief in the" madman ", with its short life to us to depict his love of life and the pursuit of life, tell of his passion and ideals, to our lives add eternal color.


command of computer skills: familiar with different versions of windows os and office application software, able to program with c and fortran languages, obtained some experience and understanding about other widely-used software like autocad, photoshop, coreldraw and dreamweaver.

perception & intellect; with widen and swift thinking; able to be quickly adapted to different nt; with sureness; responsible; everytime fulfil my duties to my own entiously, absorbedly work in a planned and order way; pursue the image; temperate, calm and steady personality; strong affinity; good at getting along with t; have holding capacity to pressure and setback.

ted all the courses in the specialized field, obtaining good command of theoretic knowledge and experimental and diy skill; very adaptable and good at leaning.

-going and congenial, with a strong sense of responsibility and good team-spirit.

in oral english , with fairly good of reading and writing ability; speaking authentic mandarin-chinese.

played a couple important roles in the student organizations, honing the interpersonal communication skills and organizational capability.

a wide range of hobbies, including oral english, music, movies and literature .


in december 1949, mao zedong's trip to the soviet union, often with the soviet interpreter, sinologist federline conversation. federline often consulted mao zedong on a number of issues in chinese literature, and mao zedong was also eloquent about it. federling made these conversations. these conversations are really wonderful poetry.

fei delin asked mao zedong to talk about the "book of songs", he believes that "the book of songs" "is undoubtedly the highest model of chinese poetry."

mao zedong said: "the book of songs" is the essence of chinese poetry .it is derived from folk creation .all are unknown author .creation of the time has been unable to check .this document to the past that old age with us. the poetry of the early chinese aesthetics, this poem is true, easy to understand, the language is very concise.

"is it because of this reason that for thousands of years the book of songs has always been a sample of imitation of chinese poets?

mao zedong replied: "yes, this is no problem .it can be said that the poetry of the poem of the later thought of each have had an problem is how to understand these ancient folk is the essence of the problem. for those who do not understand or misinterpret, we do not have to say, we can recall those who not only understand and try to imitate this ancient poetics, they imitate not only its rhetorical characteristics, but also inherited the " "the essence of the content of folk creation.

"you mean the most successful poet in the creation of the unnamed predecessors?"

mao zedong said:

yeah. it can be said that this is the language of art and poetry in the development of the most valuable image content. the innate talent of the ancient unnamed is to turn their ideas into concise poetry and songs. "

fei delin said: "according to the history of chinese literature, said in the" book of songs "after the nameless author, second to none of the qu yuan, he is the first poet with creative personality.

mao said: "oh, this is your favorite subject matter, but this issue is not so simple to talk about. qu, quyuan lived where i am quite familiar with, is my hometown. so we qu yuan, his we are the descendants of this poet of genius, we are particularly deep feelings for him, but now people may not hello, they do not necessarily understand the qu yuan  .therefore, the great achievements.

"i think, because of the local relationship, even if the peers are separated for many generations, there is a direct feeling of qu yuan, their evaluation of the poet is more persuasive.

mao zedong said: "however, the home of the commemoration of qu yuan is very insignificant, not to mention the poet 's time has been more than two thousand years, for his fate, each generation has its own views.

fei delin said: "any great change in history will have some joys and sorrows of the for qu yuan, political change is his personal yuan painstakingly through his time, he was concerned about the people, to save the chu danger.

mao zedong said: "the year after the war to the country withered, people are destitute, the destruction of chu, this is one aspect of the began another historical process, that is, scattered, competing for the interests of the vassal kingdom united process , the process is not the will of man for the transfer of finally, it unified the qin shi huang china ended, resulting in the formation of the first centralized and unified empire, which later china's fate has played an important role in. this is another matter the problem we will have to talk about the future.

mao zedong said: "yes, these are in my hometown of hunan, occurred in the martyrdom of qu yuan --- changsha .for this reason, qu yuan's name is more sacred to us .he is not only the ancientgenius singer, but also a great patriot: selfless fearless, brave and image remains in the minds of every chinese. both at home and abroad, qu yuan is an immortal image. we are the witnesses of his life. "

fei delin said to mao zedong: "now we the soviet readers can understand qu yuan's know that qu yuan is a long time ago the poet, but also belongs to the future poet, he used poetry to express his mind, to express their own his "li sao" tells us that with the life experience to write poetry, only to know themselves, to change their own.

mao zedong said: "yes, ah, qu yuan's feats are not immediately recognized by people .it was later a lot of days, the poet's character was fully revealed, his image was really tall .qu yuan drink is a cup of bitterness wine is also a liqueur for the truth, poetry, like other creations, is a spiritual creation.

fei delin said: "qu yuan worries about the world of the people, the pain of the pain people love him, worship him, it can be considered a personal worship it ... ..."

mao zedong said: "yes ah, this worship is not made by qu yuan own, but love his people spontaneously produced this worship has continued to the present, can blame him? we can not be responsible for others, people to establish their the need for authority and idols, this is their thing, we can not be responsible for this.i do not think this is his fault ... ...


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