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格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-04-12 10:51:23
时间:2023-04-12 10:51:23     小编:zdfb



yantai is located in the east of shandong peninsula, bordering on theyellow sea and bohai sea, with a total area of 13700 square kilometers and atotal population of 6.3 million. it is surrounded by the sea on three sides andconnected with the land on the other side. the annual average temperature is 12degrees celsius, without severe cold or heat. yantai's superior geographicallocation and good coastal scenery make it a good resort.

yantai has five districts of zhifu, laishan, fushan, muping and economicand technological development zone, seven counties of haiyang, qixia, penglai,zhaoyuan, longkou, laizhou and laiyang, and one county of changdao.

yantai has a long history. according to research, people lived here asearly as 10000 years ago. yantai was known as zhifu in ancient times, and zhifuisland, the largest land island in china, is here. looking at zhifu island froma height, it looks like a ganoderma lucidum deep into the sea. maybe that's whyqin shihuang believed fang shi's words and made many personal visits to findimmortal elixir. and zhifu's "fu" has a "four" above and a "no" below, which maybe familiar to our friends in shanghai, because shanghai has zhifu road. this fuis also related to qin shihuang's search for immortality. it is said that qinshihuang began his tour to the east after calming down the world. he did notfind the elixir of immortality in his three visits here, so he said: "the fourthtime, i will never come back." it is indeed a golden saying. on the way back forthe third time, he died. this is the origin of the word "fu".

maybe you will ask, "why yantai is called yantai?" this is from the is a coastal area, so it was often invaded by foreigners. it has been animportant place for coastal defense since ancient times. in the ming dynasty,langyanduntai was built on the mountain road near the sea for the purpose ofalarming. langyanduntai is very special because of the mixture of wolf dung,sulfur and nitric acid. you may wonder, can't pig manure and horse manure?there's a way to say that, because wolf smoke is different from other kinds ofsmoke,

when other smoke comes into the sky, it will soon disperse, but wolf smokewill not. so once a pirate invades, wolf dung will emit wolf smoke to remindpeople to defend quickly. later, this mountain was called yantai mountain, andyantai got its name.


dear friends: hello everyone! i'm liu x, your guide today. you can call mexiao liu. today, we are going to visit yangma island, which is known as hawaiiin the east. it is located in the sea 30 kilometers east of yantai city and 9kilometers north of muping city. surrounded by the sea, it looks like island is 7.5 kilometers long from east to west and 1.5 kilometers wide fromnorth to south. there are more than 7000 residents on the island. the island islush with beautiful scenery. the whole island is northeast southwest, high inthe west and low in the east, gentle in the south and upward in the north. infront of the island, the sea is wide and calm; in the back of the island, thereefs are rugged and the waves beat on the shore; in the east, there is clearwater and jinsha, an excellent bathing place. the west end is a good place fortourism and holiday.

yangma island not only has beautiful scenery and charming scenery, but alsohas many moving legends. it is said that 220 b.c___ in the autumn of 1911, thefirst emperor of qin dynasty was on a tour to the east. when a large group ofpeople came to the north of muping city, it was already a scorching sun in thesky and people were tired. the first emperor of qin ordered to have a rest climbed the high slope and looked north. in the distance, the sea wascovered with trees, the sky was covered with auspicious clouds, and a group ofbmw foals were jumping happily. qin shihuang could not help but be overjoyed andexclaimed: "what a treasure island for horse breeding! he also ordered that thisisland be used as a royal horse breeding base for royal horse breeding andcavalry training. since then, the reputation of yangma island has been handeddown.

dear friends, we are going to yangma island soon. from a distance, we cansee the sea crossing bridge like a flying swallow. yangma island used to be anisolated island in the sea. a land connecting dam was built in the late 1970s,making it an artificial land connecting island___ the magnificent sea crossingbridge in front of us was built in, 20 years ago___ it was opened to traffic inseptember, with a total length of 1870 meters. at present, it is the longest seacrossing bridge in shandong province. since then, access to yangma island hasbeen more convenient, and the ecological environment of yangma island waters hasbeen greatly improved. if you take a video camera with you, you will neverforget the island landscape of "sunset and lone ducks flying together, autumnwater growing in the sky"

now we are standing at the top of the bridge. looking north, we can seetianma square, the landmark scenic spot of yangma island. tianma square is alarge square with horse culture and qin culture as the theme, with a totalinvestment of 77 million yuan, covering an area of 145000 yuan square square mainly includes tianma garden, qinhuang garden, red column array,horse culture corridor, music fountain, waterscape wall, sun square, starplatform, sea water music fountain, leisure land greening and other major scenicspots. as we all know, the horse has always been the symbol and symbol of thehorse island. now we see this magnificent white horse. the main sculpture is 30meters high, 9 meters long, 5.2 meters high and 1.8 meters thick. it is made ofstainless steel, which means "heavenly horse flying in the sky". now let's takea field tour to experience the ancient and traditional culture of qin and handynasties!

along the road around the island to the east, most of the tall buildings wesee are sanatoriums and hotels, and the two-story villas are the folk houseshere. most of the people on the island live by fishing and breeding. houhai,which is located in ma island, mainly breeds sea cucumber, abalone, scallop,prawn and other marine treasures. due to the rapid development of aquaculture,the residents of the island are getting rich rapidly.

yangma island is named after horse. when planning yangma island touristarea, experts took the idea of emperor qin and horse and built a sea paradiseand a race course for emperor qin on the island. we drove eastward, and theplace you saw with a grandstand was the qinhuang racecourse. built in 1985, itcovers an area of 150000 square meters and can accommodate more than 10000visitors. modern audio, telecommunications, telex facilities, as well ascatering, living, sightseeing and other facilities are equipped with jackiechan. at present, horse riding, archery, horse drawn chariot and otherentertainment projects are added, and horse racing events are often held onsaturdays and sundays.

we can see that the antique pavilions and pavilions are the paradise on thesea. you can get out of the car and sit around the stone benches to chat andlaugh, or take the elegant boat to ripple on the surface of the lake. thefeeling of leisure can not be expressed by words. in order to further meet thepsychological needs of the vast number of tourists, combined with thecharacteristics of the island, yangma island tourism resort also launched theisland "fishermen's pleasure" folk tourism activities with the theme of "eatingat the fishermen's home, living at the fishermen's home, and enjoying thefishermen's life". here, the vast number of tourists can completely forget thehustle and bustle of the city and enjoy the broad mind of the sea and the fun offishermen's life.

200 meters north of the qinhuang racecourse, easton winery, a wineryintegrating tourism, sightseeing, entertainment and leisure, is built. she ishidden between the mountains and the sea. the overall style of the winery ismodern european manor style. the winery integrates high-grade wine production,wine culture tourism, leisure and entertainment, catering and h the display of the whole production process of high-grade wine, finewine tasting, and the collocation of chinese and western meals, the winerypromotes wine culture, and guides consumers to understand and enjoy thehappiness brought by wine.

there is also a good place for leisure on yangma island: yangma islandbathing beach. the bathing beach is located at the east end of yangma island,with a total length of 1100 meters. the beach here is wide and the sand is fineand soft. the bottom slope is long and gentle. the waves are small and the wateris stable. the water is clear and the sand is clean. the natural conditions arevery superior. if people who have been to yangma island don't go to the bathingbeach and enjoy the tenderness of the sea, it's really a pity.

looking south along the bathing beach, we can see a small island calledlitiao island. it is about 0.5km from the land, 400m from the north to thesouth, and 250m from the east to the west. it is said that the goddess of thesea often conveys her will here, so it is called xiaoyingzhou. because there aremany clams around the island, it is called lipiao island by the word "clam".over the years, the forest has been cultivated and protected, and now the forestis luxuriant. it is a good place for many birds to live. it has become an oasison the sea and a paradise for hundreds of birds.

our car is around the island. now we come to the yubiyuan scenic spot onthe back road around the island. relying on the unique natural conditions of theisland, the scenic spot integrates reefs, rocks and beaches. there are threemagnificent characters "yangma island" in the scenic spot when comrade huyaobang visited the island. down the steps, you come to the reef beach, whereyou can stop to watch or play, and make zero distance contact with the sea.

standing at the place where you stop and looking into the sea, you can seethat there is a huge red stone in the sea. it is wide in the east and narrow inthe west. it is like a giant elephant lying in the water and taking a is xiaoxiang island. xiangdao is 115 meters long from east to west, 28meters long from north to south, and 19 meters above sea level. the whole islandis made of rocks, with a small amount of silt on the surface, sparse weeds andno water source.


dear friends: hello everyone! i'm liu x, your guide today. you can call mexiao liu. today, we are going to visit yangma island, which is known as hawaiiin the east. it is located in the sea 30 kilometers east of yantai city and 9kilometers north of muping city. surrounded by the sea, it looks like island is 7.5 kilometers long from east to west and 1.5 kilometers wide fromnorth to south. there are more than 7000 residents on the island. the island islush with beautiful scenery. the whole island is northeast southwest, high inthe west and low in the east, gentle in the south and upward in the north. infront of the island, the sea is wide and calm; in the back of the island, thereefs are rugged and the waves beat on the shore; in the east, there is clearwater and jinsha, an excellent bathing place. the west end is a good place fortourism and holiday.

yangma island not only has beautiful scenery and charming scenery, but alsohas many moving legends. it is said that 220 b.c___ in the autumn of 1911, thefirst emperor of qin dynasty was on a tour to the east. when a large group ofpeople came to the north of muping city, it was already a scorching sun in thesky and people were tired. the first emperor of qin ordered to have a rest climbed the high slope and looked north. in the distance, the sea wascovered with trees, the sky was covered with auspicious clouds, and a group ofbmw foals were jumping happily. qin shihuang could not help but be overjoyed andexclaimed: "what a treasure island for horse breeding! he also ordered that thisisland be used as a royal horse breeding base for royal horse breeding andcavalry training. since then, the reputation of yangma island has been handeddown.

dear friends, we are going to yangma island soon. from a distance, we cansee the sea crossing bridge like a flying swallow. yangma island used to be anisolated island in the sea. a land connecting dam was built in the late 1970s,making it an artificial land connecting island___ the magnificent sea crossingbridge in front of us was built in, 20 years ago___ it was opened to traffic inseptember, with a total length of 1870 meters. at present, it is the longest seacrossing bridge in shandong province. since then, access to yangma island hasbeen more convenient, and the ecological environment of yangma island waters hasbeen greatly improved. if you take a video camera with you, you will neverforget the island landscape of "sunset and lone ducks flying together, autumnwater growing in the sky"

now we are standing at the top of the bridge. looking north, we can seetianma square, the landmark scenic spot of yangma island. tianma square is alarge square with horse culture and qin culture as the theme, with a totalinvestment of 77 million yuan, covering an area of 145000 yuan square square mainly includes tianma garden, qinhuang garden, red column array,horse culture corridor, music fountain, waterscape wall, sun square, starplatform, sea water music fountain, leisure land greening and other major scenicspots. as we all know, the horse has always been the symbol and symbol of thehorse island. now we see this magnificent white horse. the main sculpture is 30meters high, 9 meters long, 5.2 meters high and 1.8 meters thick. it is made ofstainless steel, which means "heavenly horse flying in the sky". now let's takea field tour to experience the ancient and traditional culture of qin and handynasties!

along the road around the island to the east, most of the tall buildings wesee are sanatoriums and hotels, and the two-story villas are the folk houseshere. most of the people on the island live by fishing and breeding. houhai,which is located in ma island, mainly breeds sea cucumber, abalone, scallop,prawn and other marine treasures. due to the rapid development of aquaculture,the residents of the island are getting rich rapidly.

yangma island is named after horse. when planning yangma island touristarea, experts took the idea of emperor qin and horse and built a sea paradiseand a race course for emperor qin on the island. we drove eastward, and theplace you saw with a grandstand was the qinhuang racecourse. built in 1985, itcovers an area of 150000 square meters and can accommodate more than 10000visitors. modern audio, telecommunications, telex facilities, as well ascatering, living, sightseeing and other facilities are equipped with jackiechan. at present, horse riding, archery, horse drawn chariot and otherentertainment projects are added, and horse racing events are often held onsaturdays and sundays.

we can see that the antique pavilions and pavilions are the paradise on thesea. you can get out of the car and sit around the stone benches to chat andlaugh, or take the elegant boat to ripple on the surface of the lake. thefeeling of leisure can not be expressed by words. in order to further meet thepsychological needs of the vast number of tourists, combined with thecharacteristics of the island, yangma island tourism resort also launched theisland "fishermen's pleasure" folk tourism activities with the theme of "eatingat the fishermen's home, living at the fishermen's home, and enjoying thefishermen's life". here, the vast number of tourists can completely forget thehustle and bustle of the city and enjoy the broad mind of the sea and the fun offishermen's life.

200 meters north of the qinhuang racecourse, easton winery, a wineryintegrating tourism, sightseeing, entertainment and leisure, is built. she ishidden between the mountains and the sea. the overall style of the winery ismodern european manor style. the winery integrates high-grade wine production,wine culture tourism, leisure and entertainment, catering and h the display of the whole production process of high-grade wine, finewine tasting, and the collocation of chinese and western meals, the winerypromotes wine culture, and guides consumers to understand and enjoy thehappiness brought by wine.

there is also a good place for leisure on yangma island: yangma islandbathing beach. the bathing beach is located at the east end of yangma island,with a total length of 1100 meters. the beach here is wide and the sand is fineand soft. the bottom slope is long and gentle. the waves are small and the wateris stable. the water is clear and the sand is clean. the natural conditions arevery superior. if people who have been to yangma island don't go to the bathingbeach and enjoy the tenderness of the sea, it's really a pity.

looking south along the bathing beach, we can see a small island calledlitiao island. it is about 0.5km from the land, 400m from the north to thesouth, and 250m from the east to the west. it is said that the goddess of thesea often conveys her will here, so it is called xiaoyingzhou. because there aremany clams around the island, it is called lipiao island by the word "clam".over the years, the forest has been cultivated and protected, and now the forestis luxuriant. it is a good place for many birds to live. it has become an oasison the sea and a paradise for hundreds of birds.

our car is around the island. now we come to the yubiyuan scenic spot onthe back road around the island. relying on the unique natural conditions of theisland, the scenic spot integrates reefs, rocks and beaches. there are threemagnificent characters "yangma island" in the scenic spot when comrade huyaobang visited the island. down the steps, you come to the reef beach, whereyou can stop to watch or play, and make zero distance contact with the sea.

standing at the place where you stop and looking into the sea, you can seethat there is a huge red stone in the sea. it is wide in the east and narrow inthe west. it is like a giant elephant lying in the water and taking a is xiaoxiang island. xiangdao is 115 meters long from east to west, 28meters long from north to south, and 19 meters above sea level. the whole islandis made of rocks, with a small amount of silt on the surface, sparse weeds andno water source.


members of the group, we are about to arrive at penglai, which is known asthe "fairyland on earth". here is the tour guide of the scenic travelagency____________ first of all, i would like to introduce the general situationof penglai: penglai is located in the northernmost tip of jiaodong peninsula,about 75 kilometers northwest of yantai city, belonging to yantai, borderingbohai sea and huanghai sea in the north, and across the sea from liaodongpeninsula, with a total area of 1128 square kilometers and a total population of447000. however, such a county-level city with a total population of less than500000 can receive more than 2 million tourists from home and abroad every makes chinese and foreign tourists come from afar? that's because penglaiis a "fairyland on earth" full of myths and legends for thousands of years.

you can see the penglai pavilion. now i'll lead you to the past. i don'tknow if you are lucky or not. if you can see a mirage, please pray silently.

what is a mirage? let me explain to you. a mirage is that when thetemperature is near the ground, the air density decreases with the height, andthe light of the distant horizon is refracted to the observer's eyes. there isalso a small story about mirage. i'll tell you this: long ago, some strangeimages often appeared in the bohai sea. at that time, people couldn't explainthis phenomenon in a scientific way. at first, they thought it was a called him "mirage" as the breath of clam essence in the sea. they werevery afraid, burned incense, kowtowed and prayed that "mirage" would not happenas time goes by, people find that "mirage" does not harm human beings. they saythat he is an immortal in this world. it is said that there is a fairy mountainin the sea. houses on the mountain are built with gold and silver, trees arecovered with jade and agate, and immortals walk back and forth. the mostimportant thing is that there is an elixir on the mountain. after the firstemperor of qin unified the six states, he came here to look for the holymountain and the elixir of immortality in order to make the country strong andimmortal. he stood by the sea and looked at the sea. there were three unusualmountains at the end of the sky, which were constantly changing. in fact, hejust caught up with the mirage. he was surprised and asked the accompanyingalchemist what it was. the alchemist replied, "that's the fairy mountain." thefirst emperor of qin was overjoyed and asked what the name of xianshan was. thealchemist said that one was called "yingzhou" because the first emperor of qindynasty also called "yingzheng" of qin dynasty, one called "abbot", and theother one couldn't answer for a moment. suddenly he saw water and grass floatingin the sea. he had an idea and answered with the name of "penglai". "penglai" isalso called "pengcao haolai". in this way, "penglai", "abbot" and "yingzhou"spread like this.

in the period of emperor wu of han dynasty, like the first emperor of qindynasty, he heard that there were three fairy mountains in the sea, and he alsocame here to look for the medicine of immortality. in order to find the immortalmountain, he built a small town here. he lived here for a long time and climbeddanya mountain to look at the sea every day. however, he was not lucky asemperor qinshihuang. he didn't see a mirage or find the elixir of immortality,so he ordered to name the town penglai, which he built to look at the holymountain by the sea. since then, this small town has been called penglai.

everyone has heard the story of "eight immortals crossing the sea". wheredid the story happen? yes, it happened here. it is said that the eight immortalswere drinking at the penglai pavilion. the more they drank, the happier theywere. unconsciously, they got drunk. tie guai li proposed to take a trip to thesea by chengxing, and promised to cross the sea with their own treasures insteadof by boat. it is the so-called "eight immortals crossing the sea, each showinghis magic power.". tie guai li uses his gourd, han zhongli uses his banana fan,lu dongbin uses his sword, he xiangu uses lotus, lan cai uses flower basket, hanxiangzi uses xiao, cao guojiu uses bamboo board, zhang guolao and his donkey usesheng. we all know that zhang guolao has a strange habit. on weekdays, he ridesa donkey upside down and can travel thousands of miles a day. of course, thisdonkey is also a "god donkey". it is said that when he does not ride it, he canfold it up and put it in his skin bag. there is also a poem to illustrate thismove, "how many people in the world, unlike this old man, are not riding upsidedown, looking back on everything.". to teach the world how to do things, weshould always look back to sum up experience. as the saying goes, if themountain is not high, there will be immortals. if the water is not deep, therewill be dragons. penglai is a small city, but it is related to the eightimmortals. let's have a tour. next we're going to baxian crossing the sea

pay attention to everyone's gathering. we are going to baxian haikou whole scenic spot of baxian haikou is floating on the sea. there is sea inthe scenery, there is scenery in the sea, and the sea is connected with the seainside and outside. it's like a gourd lying on the sea. just now, i've told youthe story of daxian crossing the sea. next, let's have a specific look.


dear friends, we meet again. next we are going to long island. changdao,also known as miaodao archipelago and changshan archipelago, is composed of 32islands, with a land area of 56 square kilometers, a sea area of 8700 squarekilometers and a coastline of 146 kilometers. it is the only island county inshandong province, and belongs to yantai city. changdao has a continentalclimate in the east asian monsoon region, with the characteristics of warmwinter and cool summer. the annual average temperature is 11.9 ℃, and the frostfree period is 243 days. the forest coverage rate of the whole county is 53.2%.due to its unique location and superior natural conditions, it has become a mustpass place for migratory birds. there are more than 200 species of migratorybirds, as many as one million every year. it enjoys the reputation of "courierstation" of migratory birds and is listed as a national nature reserve.

next, let's go to yueya bay. yueya bay is located on the road fromintestinal tract to jiuzhang cliff. it's about 2 kilometers long, just like ahuge crescent moon. crescent bay is the most interesting place in its can be said that it is a world of pearly pebbles, white as jade, and crystalclear amber. no matter where you hold it, you will be reluctant to put it downfor a moment.

dear passengers, we are going to reach jiuzhang cliff. jiuzhang cliff, 69.7meters high, is a huge cliff with a face of several hundred meters. due to thestormy dormitories for thousands of years, it has gradually formed a convex andconcave trend, avoiding the crisscross of teeth. it is a paradise for manywaterbirds. you can see that the tower in front is jiudieshi tower. it is madeof nine layers of quartz rock with obvious joints. eroded by waves, it has aunique shape and forms a pair of "mother and son cliffs" with jiuzhangcliff.

if you look further ahead, there are two big sea erosion caves in baxianstone, which are more than 30 meters deep and 5 meters wide. the top of the caveis similar to an arch. it is said that eight years ago, it gathered here, andthe quartz in the cave was crisscross and crystal clear. next to the big cave,there is a small cave, one meter wide and more than 20 meters deep. there arestone tables and windows in the cave. it is said that it was the dormitory of hexiangu.

what do you see when you go ahead? yes, a pile of reefs. what does it looklike? does it look like the dragon tongue protrudes out of the sea? this is thedragon tongue fishing island. the sea water here is usually dense and the cavesare dense. it is an ideal place for fishing.

we are going to reach wangfu reef in front of us. wangfu reef is namedbecause there is a reef shaped like a woman wearing a scarf and holding a is also a moving legend about it: a fisherman was forced to go fishing ondecember 28 of the previous year and encountered wind and waves, and never cameback. his wife was devastated. from then on, she stood by the sea all dayholding her child who was not full moon, expecting a miracle. after many years,she didn't come back. he became a stone statue standing there. he is also theepitome of thousands of loyal love and miserable fate in the old society of longisland.

miaodao archipelago landscape dependent, picturesque, each island has itsown magic. cheyou island, also known as wanniao island, is the kingdom of is magnificent for birds to fly into the sky and block out the sun. zhushanisland and xiaozhushan island are named after bamboo. the river on the islandflows with green bamboos, showing a beautiful jiangnan scenery on the sea. thebig and small heishan islands are also the kingdom of snakes. there are morethan 10000 poisonous vipers on the island, making it the second largest snakeisland in china. tuoji island is a world of stones. there are lots of colorfulstones. the whole island is a world of murals with varied patterns and gorgeouscolors. and tuoji bonsai and "venus snow wave stone" make visitors love it evenmore. the majestic hall of temple island tin hau palace is for visitors to watchand worship. jade street lies across the blue sea, connecting the north andsouth of changshan island, fengshan eagle flying, bird exhibition, thousands ofbirds gathering, ancient city relics, navigation museum, recording thevicissitudes of chinese navigation history. the most fascinating and rare thingis the illusory, real and illusory mirage. according to the data, changdao isthe most frequent area of mirage in china, especially after the rain in july andaugust. there are too many landscapes that can't be described to make miaodaoislands worthy of the reputation of "sea fairy mountain".

marine polar animal world is located in the south of penglai passengerterminal, which is the only way from penglai to changdao. the exhibition area is51800 square meters, and the scale is magnificent. it collects thousands ofmarine animals from all over the world. it integrates the advantages of manyfamilies and highlights its own characteristics. it integrates scientificresearch, teaching, marine biology exhibition and performance, and makes fulluse of interactivity, participation, artistry and creativity scientific methodsbring people into the mysterious ocean world. create the first-class level ofchina's marine aquarium industry at one stroke.


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