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时间:2023-04-01 14:11:58     小编:admin



walking to the scenic spot, after passing through the gate of "lingshanresort", a stone archway connected by five gates stands in the middle of themain road, engraved with plaques of "keep precepts", "give alms" and "endurehumiliation" - it is said that this is the discipline requirement forbuddhists.

after the mountain gate, the two bronze lotus ponds attract the attentionof many tourists. according to legend, the buddha was born in the lotus. furtheron, there is the "jiulong guanyu" scenic spot. this is a very wide square. inthe center of the square, there is a huge copper tower made up of statues andaquarius. at the top of the tower, there is a huge lotus flower. with the musicof "the birthday of the buddha", many fountains burst into the sky around thesquare, the lotus petals on the top of the tower slowly opened, and the youngsakyamuni was born in the lotus. high water columns were spurted from the ninedragon mouths under the giant tower to bathe him. this landscape reproduces thestory of the birth of buddha. the holy water from jiulong falls into the pooland flows out slowly from the mouth of fenghuang. some tourists take out theirwater cups one after another and respectfully accept the auspicious holywater.

on the east side of jiulong guanyu, the vatican palace and the five sealmandala are even more dazzling against the blue sky.

a clear water encircles the five seal mandala in the middle of the water,which makes people feel that the temple is so far away, but it can be shuttling through the flowers and trees for a while, i finally found theentrance. this tibetan buddhist temple looks like the potala palace. enteringthe mandala, countless exquisite buddha statues and murals have come into thesight of tourists. the exquisite craftsmanship is amazing.

the vatican palace made of gold is even more glittering and full of buddhalight. this is the site of the world buddhist association. there is a tall andround performance hall in the vatican palace. on the roof of the sky, there is acolorful light like gems. there are 20__ seats in the hall, where a large-scalemusical "ode to the auspicious mountains" is performed all year round. it tellsthe story of where people come from and where they go. with the help of the hugering screen movies around, it tells the story of sakyamuni's founding ofbuddhism.

after visiting the above scenic spots, i am too tired to go. but it's apity that we don't visit lingshan buddha when we get to lingshan mountain. froma distance, the buddha stands on the top of the mountain and waves to us. i'mready to walk up the mountain again. on the way, i first met "the first palm inthe world", which is about three stories high and one finger is one meter is the palm of the buddha, as big as the palm of the bronze statue on thetop of the mountain. the tour guide said that touching the buddha's palm canbring good fortune, and the tourists immediately went to touch the buddha's palmwith great interest, as if they were full of good fortune and happy.

after the giant buddha's palm, there are hundreds of steps up the rs stop and go, pedaling the steps with difficulty. in the breath, i cameto the foot of the buddha, tourists one by one to embrace the buddha. this bigbuddha is 88 meters high. in front of the giant buddha's feet, i am so smallthat any toe is higher than me. i try my best to hold the thumb of the buddha'sfeet, leaving a precious lens.

looking around from the platform at the foot of the buddha, the buddhastatue is surrounded by mountains on both sides. just to the south is the vasttaihu lake. xuanzang, an eminent monk of the tang dynasty, saw this excellentgeomantic treasure land and called it lingshan. i believe that this beautifultreasure land gathers the aura of heaven, earth and mountains. this trip made meknow something about buddhism. the belief of buddhism is to have a good heart,do good deeds and promote social harmony. this tour is an eye opener for me.


hello, everyone. my name is lin zhiwei. i'm your guide. you can call mezhizhi guide. welcome to huaguo mountain.

next, i'd like to talk about the geographical location of huaguo is located in lianyungang, in the middle of china's sea border, and in thenortheast of jiangsu province. the area of the scenic spot is 84. 3 squarekilometers, 136 peaks. among them, yunv peak in huaguo mountain is the highestpeak in jiangsu province, with an altitude of 624. four meters.

now, please take your belongings with you. be careful. we are going tovisit. you can see many little monkeys. they are monkey grandchildren of themonkey king! look, some of them are dazzling, some of them are jumping up anddown. how lovely! you can go to the right to buy food or give them peaches. youcan't feed them anything else, otherwise they will eat bad. and you can't gettoo close to them, because they are still a little savage!

now you can see the water curtain cave. the water falls from the cliff andsplashes. it's spectacular! now you can go through the water curtain cave, butremember to wear a raincoat. now when we enter the water curtain cave, you cansee the throne that monkey king sat on. you can sit on it and experience it.

through the water curtain hole, you can see a garden of peach trees,covered with delicious and attractive peaches, you can pick some peaches totaste. here's free time. meet here in an hour.

i wish you happy every day. if you come to huaguo mountain next time, youcan let me be your guide!


zhouzhuang is located in the southeast of suzhou city and the southwest ofkunshan. it has the reputation of "the first water town in china". it is one ofthe six ancient towns in the south of the yangtze river. zhouzhuang is a watertown with a history of more than 900 years, but it was officially namedzhouzhuang town in the early years of kangxi in qing dynasty. zhouzhuang islocated in the southwest of kunshan under the jurisdiction of suzhou, which wascalled zhenfengli in ancient times. with thousands of years of history and richwu culture, zhouzhuang has become a treasure of oriental culture with itsbeautiful water style, unique cultural landscape and simple folk customs. as anoutstanding representative of chinese excellent traditional culture, zhouzhuanghas become the cradle of wu culture and the model of jiangnan water town. themost famous scenic spots are: shen wansan's former residence, fu'an bridge,shuangqiao, shenting, quelou, zhouzhuang eight scenic spots, etc.

fu'an bridge is the only three-dimensional building in the south of theyangtze river; the double bridges are connected by two bridges, with uniqueshape; shenting is a qing style courtyard house, with strict overall structureand different local styles; in addition, there are chengxu taoist temple, quanfutemple and other religious places. zhouzhuang ancient town is bordered by alarge lake in the south, commonly known as nanhu and nanbaidang, which borderswujiang river. by boat, you can get to qingpu commercial couch and visit grandview garden. the lakeside is luxuriant in forest and bamboo, the environment isquiet, the lake water is clear, and the fish and shrimp are abundant. it is notonly a natural reservoir and fish farm, but also a rare scenic spot. the sceneryof nanhu is suitable for all seasons, and the moonlight on autumn night isparticularly intoxicating. when the golden wind blows and the moon is high, thelake is green and golden, full of the artistic conception of "a long smoke, abright moon, a floating light, a silent shadow". eight sceneries in zhouzhuang:quanfu xiaozhong, zhigui chunwang, boting sunset, clam river fishing song, southlake autumn moon, wild geese falling in zhuangtian, sailing in swift water,dongzhuang snow. with the change of years, some traces remain, some add newluster. some are hard to find. be annihilated by the dust of history. mazetower: located in zhenfeng bridge, formerly known as deji hotel. li defu, theowner of the shop, was born in zhenjiang. in the late qing dynasty, he moved tozhouzhuang town with his family. he was good at cooking delicacies and opened ahotel. when the couple were over 40 years old, they were so happy that they werenamed ah jin.

when she was older, rua yizhi came out of the water to conquer qunfang inzhouzhuang. under the love of parents, boycotting foot binding, the nickname of"big foot guanyin" spread like wildfire. the suitors came in droves. li defucouldn't give up her daughter. she kept her daughter away from her knees. shekept her parents to spend her life together. she encouraged her to drink andsolicited customers. her business was booming. at the junction of new and oldtowns at the south end of quanfu road stands an antique archway. four strong andstraight light brown granite square columns support the top of the raised eaves,and the rough wooden brackets reveal the style of imitating ming whole archway is magnificent and elegant, just like a solemn and simple doorof zhouzhuang ancient town.

zhouzhuang town was formerly known as zhenfengli. according to historicalrecords, during the reign of yuanyou in the northern song dynasty (1086 ad),zhou digonglang (official name) believed in buddhism and donated 200 mu (morethan 13 hectares) of zhuangtian to quanfu temple as a temple property. thepeople felt his kindness and named the land "zhouzhuang". but at that time,zhenfengli was just the rudiment of a market town, similar to a village. 1120_in 1930, the prime minister of jin 20 followed song gaozong to the south. it wasonly when they moved here that the population became dense. in the middle ofyuan dynasty.

shen you, the father of the legendary jiangnan rich shen wansan, moved fromnanxun in huzhou to dongzhai village in the east of zhouzhuang (in the late yuandynasty, he moved to the vicinity of yinyinbang). he gradually made his fortuneby doing business, making zhenfengli prosperous and forming an old market townwith fu'an bridge as the center on both sides of the nanbei river. in the mingdynasty, the town was enlarged and developed westward to the areas of fuhongbridge in hougang street and puqing bridge in zhongshi street. in the qingdynasty, the residents became more and more dense. the area around xizhagradually became a line of shops, and the commercial center moved from hougangstreet to zhongshi street. at this time, it was a big town in the south of theyangtze river, but it was still called zhenfengli. it was not until the earlyyears of kangxi that it was officially renamed zhouzhuang town. in addition,there is a saying of "shaking the city" in zhouzhuang region from the spring andautumn period to the han dynasty. it is said that shaoziyao, king of wu, andbojun of han dynasty were granted here, so zhouzhuang has a longer history. theliangzhu cultural relics excavated in taishidian, a suburb of zhenjiang, alsoprove this point. zhouzhuang belonged to changzhou county of suzhou in yuandynasty. in the middle of ming dynasty, it belonged to huating county, songjiangprefecture, and returned to changzhou county in the early qing dynasty. thethird year of yongzheng in qing dynasty (1720 ad)_ zhouzhuang town was spanidedinto two parts by yuanhe county, about four fifths of which belonged to yuanhecounty (now wuxian city). one fifth belongs to wujiang county (now wujiangcity). in 1761, chen wengong, the governor of jiangsu province, moved theinspection department in jiaozhi town of wuxian county to zhouzhuang, which wasunder the jurisdiction of chenghu, huangtiandang, dushu, yinshan and baishenlakes, covering almost half of the county.

zhouzhuang has developed rapidly from a small town to a big commercialtown, which is closely related to the prosperity of shen wansan, a rich man inthe south of the yangtze river. shen wansan used baibai river (dongjiang) toconnect the grande canale and zhouzhuang, and the advantage of the northeastriver connecting liuhe river. the trade of zhouzhuang became a distributingcenter and trading center for grain, silk and various handicraft products, whichpromoted the rapid development of handicraft industry and commerce in thecountry. the most outstanding products were silk, embroidery, bamboo ware, footfurnace, baijiu and so on. zhouzhuang has a quiet environment and simplearchitecture. although it has gone through more than 900 years of vicissitudes,it still retains the architectural style of the original water town. more than60% of the dwellings in the town are still built in the ming and qing ancient town with an area of only 0.47 square kilometers has nearly 100classical dwellings and more than 60 brick gate buildings. zhouzhuang dwellingsare still ancient. the most representative ones are shenting and zhangting. atthe same time, zhouzhuang has also preserved 14 ancient bridges with their owncharacteristics, which together form a wonderful water landscape painting of"small bridge, flowing water and people". zhouzhuang, with its long history, hascreated many beautiful sceneries for the ancient town. luo zhewen, a famousarchitect, praised zhouzhuang as "not only a treasure of jiangsu province, butalso a treasure of the country".


today we are going to visit xinyang nanwan lake scenic spot. nanwan lakescenic spot is located in the southwest suburb of xinyang city, only 5kilometers away from xinyang city.

nanwan lake scenic spot is centered on nanwan lake, including most of themountains, forests and water areas of six townships, including dongjiahe,shihegang, shishiliqiao and nanwan. it is adjacent to xinying (xinyang yingshan)highway in the east, xintianfan in the south, zhaihouwan in the west andshuangtouzhai in the north, with a total area of 443 square kilometers.

nanwan lake scenic area is a transitional climate zone from northsubtropical zone to warm temperate zone. the four seasons are distinct and theclimate is pleasant. the terrain is high in the southwest and low in thenortheast, surrounded by low mountains and rolling hills. nanwan lake, thecenter of the scenic spot, is the confluence of chengshi river, wudao river,dongjia river, xiaoyou river and feisha river. the water quality is clear andblue. the unique geographical features have created the beautiful mountains andwaters in nanwan. the long history of nanwan has left many places of interestand revolutionary sites, making it a famous tourist attraction at home andabroad. nanwan lake scenic area is spanided into five browsing areas, namely:nanwan lake dam browsing area, cheyun mountain browsing area, huanglong templetourism area, xianshifan browsing area and tanjiahe browsing area. today we arevisiting the nanwan lake dam area.

dear friends, we are now on the nanwan lake dam. nanwan lake, also known asnanwan reservoir, is named after the dam built in nanwan. built from 1952 to1958, the reservoir is a comprehensive reservoir integrating flood control,power generation, breeding, water supply and shipping. the dam is 38 metershigh, 835 meters long, 8 meters wide at the top and 22 or 4 meters wide at thebottom. the lake area is 70 square kilometers, the reservoir capacity is 1.63billion cubic meters, and the drainage area is 1100 square kilometers. morefamous are bird island, monkey island, osmanthus island, rhododendron island,etc. every year hundreds of thousands of tourists come here for sightseeing andvacation.

zhuxian town tour guide · zhongyue temple tour guide · yuefei temple tourguide · henan songshan shaolin temple tour guide

with the launch of the yacht, our journey is about to begin. nanwan lake islocated in the climate transition zone between the north and the south of china,with natural scenery of lakes and mountains, morning mist and morning the more than 100 small islands in nanwan lake, one is called bird year, hundreds of thousands of migratory birds come to the island to liveand breed. the island is simply the home of birds. most of these birds areherons, including egrets, herons, grey herons, cuckoos, huangpeng, myna, etc.,which attract countless tourists. this reminds me of the famous tang poem "twohuangpengming green willows, a line of egrets in the sky". in addition to thebird island, in recent years, the scenic area has also developed monkey island,"tang wang's visit to the earth", osmanthus island, etc., as well as wateryachting, skyspaning and other activities. dear friends, if we abandon the shipand travel to the upstream area, we must not miss heilongtan and dragon pool, white dragon pool and the surrounding cheyun mountain, jiyunmountain, lianyun mountain, tianyun mountain and yunwu mountain form the "fiveclouds and two pools" scenic spot, which is a good place for tourists: themountain is beautiful, the pool is quiet and pleasant. xinyang maojian, a famouschinese tea, grows around wuyun and liangtan. in 1915, xinyang maojian won thegold medal at panama international exposition. in 1990, longtan xinyang maojianwon the national gold medal in the national famous tea competition. modernmedical research has proved that tea has the functions of clearing the heart,eliminating food and diuresis, invigorating the brain and refreshing,anti-aging, etc. when you get here, don't forget to bring some bags ofhigh-quality xinyang maojian tea to yourself and friends!


hengshan, also known as nanyue, is one of the five mountains in china,located in nanyue district, hengyang city, hunan province. because the climateconditions are better than the other four mountains, there are luxuriant forestsand bamboos everywhere, green all the year round; exotic flowers and grasses,fragrant at four seasons, and beautiful natural scenery, so it is also known as"nanyue unique beauty". wei yuan of qing dynasty said in hengyue yin: "hengshanis like walking, daishan is like sitting, huashan is like standing, songshan islike lying, only nanyue is like flying." this is a compliment to hengshan.

in 1982, hengshan, as a famous natural and cultural landscape in china, wasapproved by the state council as one of the first batch of national scenic spotsin the name of hengshan scenic spot in hunan province. on august 1, 20__, nanyuehengshan mountain was approved as a national nature reserve by the statecouncil.

hengshan mountain is composed of 72 towering peaks, including yuelumountain in changsha and huiyan peak in hengyang. it is also known as "qingtian72 hibiscus". the first peak of nanyue is huiyan peak, the south gate ofhengyang city center. starting north from "the first peak of nanyue in theworld", you can drive along north zhengxiang road for more than an hour. you cansee dozens of graceful peaks like hibiscus before you and enter the scenic spotof nanyue.

there are also many places of interest, myths and legends in hengshanmountain, which has attracted all kinds of people in the past dynasties andformed a rich and colorful cultural deposit, just like a huge park with theharmony and unity of the vast humanities and landscape culture.

hunan nanyue hengshan scenic spot is a national aaaaa scenic spot. hengshanmountain is one of the five famous mountains in china. its main peak is locatedin hengyang city, hunan province. there are 72 peaks in hengyang city. it isfamous for its "unique five mountains", "holy land of religion", "olympiccivilization area" and "longevity mountain of china". now it is a national keyscenic spot, a national civilized scenic spot demonstration site and a nationalaaaaa tourist area.

hengshan is the religious and cultural center of southern china, and thebirthplace of chinese southern zen, tiantai sect, caodong sect, nanyue sect andqingyuan sect. the most famous taoist holy land in the south includes the thirdof the thirty-six taoist caves, zhuling cave, and the seventy-two taoisttemples, including jade altar, guangtian temple and donglingyuan.

in 1982, hengshan, as a famous natural landscape and cultural landscape inchina, was approved by the state council as one of the first batch of nationalkey scenic spots in the name of hengshan scenic spot; in 20__, it became one ofthe first batch of 4a tourist spots in china; in 20__, it won the honor of"national civilized scenic spot demonstration site" which is the top in chinaand the only one in hunan province; in february 20__, it was selected into thefirst batch of national natural and cultural heritage list; in 20__, it wasrated as one of the 50 places most worthy of foreigners to visit; in march 20__,it became one of the first batch of 5a scenic spots in china; on august 1, 20__,nanyue hengshan was approved by the state council as a national nature reserve;in 20__, it was rated as china's top ten most popular scenic spots.

hengshan starts from huiyan peak in hengyang city (the first peak of 72peaks in nanyue) in the south and ends at yuelu mountain in changsha (the tailpeak of hengshan mountain) in the north. it is composed of 72 towering peaks,also known as "seventy-two hibiscus in the blue sky". hengshan mountainstretches 800 li across eight cities and counties in hunan province, with 72peaks. among them, there are 43 peaks in nanyue district. huiyan peak, the firstpeak of hengshan mountain, is located in the center of hengyang city, withxiangjiang river in the east, hengzhou avenue in the south, south qiyang road inthe west and south zhongshan road in the north. starting from the "no.1 peak ofnanyue in the world" northward, driving along north zhengxiang road for onehour, you can see dozens of graceful peaks like hibiscus in front of you andenter the core scenic spot of hengshan mountain.


dear passengers

hello, everyone. i'm your tour guide. my name is zhang chen. you can callme zhang guide. this time we are going to a beautiful coastal city, shantou,guangdong.

shantou is located in the vast seaside, a green ribbon like seaside roadbuilt along the coast. the beautiful promenade is built along the road. on thepromenade, the trees become shade, the flowers are in full bloom, and there aremany pavilions and benches for people to rest. in the morning, people can domorning exercises here, watch the sun rise from the sea, and bathe in the warmmorning sunshine here. at noon, people can have lunch and talk here. in theevening, people can enjoy the cool, take a walk and drink tea here. inparticular, you can enjoy the beautiful night view of this coastal city. it's agood place to go and have a look.

dear tourists, we are going to the overseas chinese park at the end ofhaibin road. the park is an overseas chinese park donated by mr. li jiacheng, afamous overseas chinese in chaoshan. it is located on the north bank of shantoubay, adjacent to the sea in the south, the seawall belt park "sea viewingcorridor" in the west, and the south side of lin baixin times square. uniquesubtropical seaside scenery. it is one of the largest theme parks in shantoucity. the garden is full of trees, flowers, grass and trees all over the is also a big ferris wheel, which stands in the bay. sitting on it, youcan not only have a panoramic view of the overseas chinese park, but alsoexperience the feeling of flying on the sea. the overseas chinese park, built onthe coast of the south china sea, has a unique geographical location and anelegant and pleasant environment. it is a good place for shantou citizens andforeign tourists to enjoy their holidays and entertainment.

tourists, we are now in the people's square at the end of haibin road. it'svery spacious here. you can do what you want. children can roller skate and playgames here. especially after 7:30 p.m., when the music starts and the fountaincomes out, people's square becomes an ocean of joy and a paradise on earth.

there are still many beautiful scenery in shantou. it's too much to time flies. tourists, our tour today is over. we'll go to other scenic spotstomorrow. goodbye!


jilin province is located in the middle of northeast china, north of heilongjiang province, liaoning province in the south and west inner mongolia autonomous region. in japan, russia, north korea, south korea, mongolia and northeast china centre of northeast asia, bordering east and russia, southeast to the tumen river, the yalu river as the border with the democratic people's republic of korea on the other side of the river. is located in the 122-131 degrees east longitude, 41 and 46 degrees north latitude. is an area of 18.74 square kilometers, accounting for 2% of the nation's total, 750 km long, north and south 600 kilometers wide. high in southeast, northwest low, is the vast plains in midwest.

forestry and grassland resources: jilin province is one of the six forest region in china. changbai mountains, thousands of miles, known as the "changbai lin hai," said. the provincial forestry land area of 9.7226 million hectares, accounting for 51.37% of the province's land area, the national 12th; the forest land area of 7.9767 million hectares, accounting for 82.04% of the land area of forestry, national eighth. the provincial forestry total volume of 860 million cubic meters, the sixth; forest coverage rate of 42.5%. the peak of changbai mountain yun-feng bai, at an altitude of 2691 meters. western grassland, which is located at the center of the songnen grassland, is one of the famous grassland in our country, with rich in l. chinensis and renowned chinese and foreign, growth in perennial rhizome grass and bunch grass edge, class is a plain meadow pasture. is in the national commodity bull in the north, one of the main producing area of fine wool sheep. grassland in jilin province can use an area of 4.379 million hectares, mainly concentrated in the east and west. is the most eastern end of the eurasian steppe in west jilin, water rich, the quality is good, is part of the well-kown horqin grassland is base of jilin province animal husbandry development.

mineral resources: the rich mineral resources, 136 kinds of found mineral deposits. proven reserves of mineral 93 species, 75 kinds of development and utilization. there are 22 kinds of mineral reserves among the top five cities in china. the main mineral types are: nearly 2.1 billion tons of coal reserves, oil remaining recoverable reserves of 113.99 million tons, 460 million tons of iron ore reserves and gold reserves of the 13th; oil shale, diatomite, wollastonite and other 10 kinds of mineral reserves in the country first, and the corrosion surface with gabbro, carbon dioxide gas reserves in the second place, molybdenum, germanium ownership in the national third, oil remaining recoverable reserves the sixth in the nation. nonmetallic minerals is the advantage of jilin, export products are basically non-metallic mineral raw materials and products. wollastonite, diatomite and bentonite clay, refractory clay and so on can fully guarantee the mining. has rich reserves of oil, natural gas, coal.

abundant wildlife: mountain resources, especially in the changbai mountains wildlife resources for the most. jilin province is a world-famous "northeast sambo" - ginseng, mink, velvet antler's hometown. ganoderma lucidum, gastrodia elata, boschniakia rossica, astragali and tricholoma matsutake, hedgehog fungus, oviductus ranae had an impact at home and abroad. changbai mountains there are more than 2300 kinds of plant resources, including higher economic value of more than 900. more than 870 kinds of medicinal plants, more than 200 kinds of edible plants. for industrial use of the fine tree species of korean pine, changbai, yeddo spruce, pine, manchurian ash, yellow pineapple, walnut, chinese catalpa, linden, etc. vitis amurensis, fructus schisandrae, bilberry, hawthorn, etc is liquor-making raw materials. more than 300 wild nectar source plants. has 437 a variety of terrestrial animal resources, these precious fur animals have spotted deer, sable, otter, lynx, manchurian tiger, leopard, flower chicken tail rods, etc.; rare animal pharmaceutical has red deer, musk deer, bear, badger, frog, the frog, etc; high economic value of wild boar, roe deer, pheasant and so on.

crops: jilin province soil fertile, specially suitable for planting beans, oil, sugar beet, tobacco, linen, potato, ginseng, herbs, fruits and other crops. planting area of 3.959 million hectares. grain per capita, forage-livestock system of grain, grain diaochuliang, corn exports for many years in the country first. jilin province is china's largest commodity grain base. corn, soybeans, rice, etc. the songliao plain of jilin province is china's important grain production base, the world famous corn belt.

tourism resources: jilin province tourism resources are very abundant, in changchun, capital of manchukuo, site of the moon lake forest park, the projected a century city, the red army martyrs monument, motown and changchun film studio. a symbol of cultural city in changchun, jilin university, changchun institute of light machine, university and other colleges and universities. there are represented by noble hotel, shangri-la hotel place several five-star hotel service. in jilin city long tanshan koguryo mountain city, beishan park, plump songhua lake; the city of six top mountain bohai tomb complex; the city of yenji son mountain mountain city, located in the changbai, antu, fusong changbai mountain nature reserve in three counties, of the tianchi, waterfalls, hot springs, the grand canyon; tonghua jingyu cemetery; ann bolus of mountain city, hole groove tomb complex, known as the oriental pyramid "general tomb", good too king memorial; farmers of the liao tower; ytong volcanoes, and so on.


ladies and gentlemen

hello everyone! maybe some of you have been to bozhou, but i think even thenative bozhou people sometimes feel a little strange to bozhou. now i will giveyou a brief introduction of bozhou.

bozhou is a national famous historical and cultural city and one of china'sexcellent tourist cities. it has a long history and profound cultural are many talented people in the past dynasties: cheng tang, the founder ofthe shang dynasty, lao tzu and zhuang tzu, the founder of taoism, hua tuo, thefounder of surgery, cao cao, the emperor of literature, cao zhi, hua mulan, theheroine such as shining stars in the long history. the sites and landscapes leftby them are like beads, which make people forget to return. bozhou was thebirthplace of nanbo in ancient times. in the 16th century bc, shang tangestablished its capital here, and later generations called it "nanbo". in thesecond year of daye of sui dynasty (ad 6)___ in 624, qiaojun was renamed bozhou,one of the ten wangzhou capitals in tang dynasty. in 1355, liu futong, the sonof han shantong, called chao lin'er emperor in bozhou. his national name wassong dynasty. he changed his name to dragon and phoenix in yuan dynasty and wascalled xiao ming king. at the beginning of hongwu period in ming dynasty (1368),the prefecture was demoted to county. the ninth year of hongzhi (1496) ofemperor xiaozong of ming dynasty is also called bozhou. 19___ in, the state waschanged into a county. bozhou city was set up in the early days of liberation,and then it was changed into a county. in may 1986, the county was set up as acity (county level, subordinate to fuyang region). in december of the same year,it was approved as a national historical and cultural city by the state 1996, it was approved by the state council as a provincial municipalitydirectly under the central government and managed by fuyang city. in february1998, the provincial party committee and the provincial government decided thatbozhou city should be under the direct jurisdiction of the province. in the sameyear, bozhou city was rated as a national excellent tourist city___ it wasapproved by the state council as a city under the jurisdiction of the provincein june, 20__.

beautiful qingdao, old and young.

bozhou is full of talents. for thousands of years, this beautiful and richland has cultivated countless sages and celebrities who have made greatachievements in literature and martial arts. laozi, the founder of taoism, leftthe classic tao te ching (tao te ching) to later generations with his uniqueview of the universe and the theory of knowledge. although it has only 5000words, it is rich and profound, and puts forward a very complete philosophicalsystem, known as the "king of ten thousand classics"; chuang tzu, a sage of ageneration, was once an official in the lacquer garden. his story of "yu niu cixiang" and wang anshi's poem "officials have no field, and the people have thewind of zhuang zhou dynasty" are still widely recited among the people cao's heroic spirit of "cooking wine to discuss heroes" and "writing poemsin a horizontal voice" has attracted many people of insight around the world;the marvelous doctor hua tuo's "mabeisan" is the "best in the world" of generalanesthesia in the history of medicine, and the first "wuqinxi" is stillpracticed by many people every day. the heroine hua mulan, who joined the armyon behalf of her father, is admirable for her courage, strategy and demeanor,and her story is known to all women and children; shang chengtang, the sage of ageneration, chen tuan, the supreme taoist, li shen, the poet who sympathizeswith the peasants, and hua mulan, the heroine of nien army leader zhang lexing,are all the proud sons of this land of accumulated talents. they have made anindelible contribution to the creation of splendid ancient chinesecivilization.

the long history and splendid culture have left many historic sites andprecious cultural heritage to bozhou. there are more than 200 national,provincial and municipal cultural relics protection units in bozhou, of which 22are above the provincial level, accounting for 13% of the province. thesehistoric sites integrate natural scenery and cultural landscape, and containrich cultural heritage everywhere. huaxilou, a state-level key cultural relicprotection unit, is famous for its superb craftsmanship and marvelousarchitecture. taiqingguan, also known as taijing palace and commonly known aslaozi temple, is the largest hall of taoism in china. it has a grand scale,brilliant buildings, green tiles and red walls, purple atmosphere, solemn andsolemn, and extraordinary momentum. tang mausoleum mound port towering, ancientwood qiu branch pan kong, cang stele stand, in the garden, with respect to thesages, the feeling of admiration arises spontaneously. the ancient hermit road,known as the "underground great wall", is parallel, crisscross, interconnected,with huge projects and magnificent buildings. it is said that it was built bycao cao, which can be called a miracle in the ancient military history. huazuyan, the contemporary literary and historical master guo moruo personallywrote the name of the museum, includes eight landscapes, such as "the sound ofthe sutra in the thatched cottage", "the fragrance flowing in the medicinegarden" and "the longevity of five birds". the temple is complete, simple andelegant, which is actually a great monument in bozhou. other famous places ofinterest include the cao clan tombs, which cover an area of more than ten squarekilometers and have exquisite architecture; the daodezhong palace, which isresplendent, spacious and where confucius asked for rites; the xue valve pagodaand the ten thousand buddha pagoda, which are beautiful in shape, towering inthe sky and offering incense to the mountain; the white law court and the muslimstone temple, which are lofty and quiet; there are ji kang's former residence atthe top of ji mountain, where the ancient style is still the same; there arechen tuan's lying traces on the convex stone of the abbot, which is smooth as astone and printed with the traces of giants; there are 36 old streets and 72ancient alleys in the urban area, where the style of ming and qing dynastiesstill exists and the ancient appearance remains the same. the historical andcultural landscape of bozhou echoes the natural landscape of huangshan mountain,which is known as "south huangshan, north bozhou". in 1986, it was named"national historical and cultural city". in 1998, it was rated as "the firstbatch of excellent tourist cities in china".

bozhou is the hometown of hua tuo, the "miracle doctor", and also one ofthe four major drug capitals in china's history. it is rich in traditionalchinese medicine and has a long history in the market. in 1994, bozhou built thelargest trading center of chinese herbal medicine in china. there are many kindsof medicinal materials listed in the trading center___ there are more than 40million kg. the annual turnover reached more than 2 billion yuan. at the sametime, china traditional chinese medicine futures exchange and china traditionalchinese medicine information center have been established in bozhou. in 1995___xinran wrote an inscription for bozhou: "hometown of huatuo, hometown ofmedicinal materials".

the state banquet wine "gujinggong wine" produced in bozhou is well-knownin jiuzhou and at home and abroad. in recent years, the museum of chinese wineculture has been built, with rich exhibits and exquisite display, which fullyshows the profound and long history of chinese wine culture.

mengcheng county, under the jurisdiction of bozhou, is the largestproducing area of improved cattle in china. recently, this county hired niu qun,a famous crosstalk actor and senior photographer, as the deputy head of thecounty, which has become a sensational news.

we've just got off the plane. we must be very tired. let's have a restfirst, and then let's come to bozhou together. please allow me, on behalf of allthe staff of bozhou travel agency, to extend my most sincere welcome to you. iwish you a good night's sleep in bozhou and a happy return!

thank you!


dear tourists

hello and welcome to chizhou. i'm your tour guide.

chizhou city is located in the southwest of anhui province, adjacent tohuangshan in the east, jiangxi in the south, yangtze river in the west, tonglingin the north, guichi district, dongzhi county, shitai county, qingyang county,jiuhua mountain scenic area and national chizhou economic and technologicaldevelopment zone, covering an area of 8272 square kilometers and a population of1.56 million. chizhou has a superior geographical position with obviousadvantages. located in wanjiang city belt and yangtze river economic belt, it isan important part of anhui "two mountains and one lake" (huangshan, jiuhuashanand taipinghu) tourism economic circle. as one of the key ports along theyangtze river, chizhou port can berth 5000 dwt ships throughout the al highway 318, national highway 206, tongjiu railway, riversideexpressway and shanghai chongqing expressway run through the territory. hefeitongling huangshan expressway, anqing jingdezhen expressway, chizhou jiuhuashanairport and ningyi intercity railway under construction form a convenientthree-dimensional transportation network. in 20__, it won the title of leisurecity with chinese characteristics - landscape leisure city. [1] chizhou city isthe second batch of national pilot low-carbon cities. [2]

chizhou is the "back garden" of the pan yangtze river delta region, withbeautiful environment and excellent ecology. with warm and humid climate,developed river systems and 60% forest coverage, it is the first ecologicaleconomy demonstration zone in china, one of china's excellent tourism cities,and one of the top 100 cities in china's tourism competitiveness. it is animportant part of the "two mountains and one lake" (huangshan, jiuhua mountainand taiping lake) region with the most concentrated tourism resources and thehighest taste in anhui province, and also the "two mountains and one lake" fortourists it is an important entrance and exit of the "one lake" area. there aremore than 300 tourist areas in chizhou, including four national tourist brands:national key scenic spots, national 5a tourist areas, international buddhisttemples, jiuhua mountain, one of china's four famous buddhist mountains;guniujiang national wildlife reserve, known as east china's "animal and plantgene bank"; jiuhua mountain, one of china's four famous buddhist mountains;shengjin lake, a national wetland rare bird nature reserve known as "china cranelake", and jiuziyan, a jiuhuashan national forest park. there are also the firstbatch of four national industrial and agricultural tourism demonstration sites,as well as pingtianhu national water sports training base and xinghua village,which are ideal leisure resorts. [chizhou city is located in the southwest ofanhui province, facing anqing city across the river in the north, huangshan cityin the south, jiujiang city in jiangxi province in the southwest, wuhu city,tongling city and xuancheng city in the east and northeast, respectively. it isan important riverside port city on the south bank of the yangtze river, aprovincial historical and cultural city, and a demonstration area city forindustrial transfer in wanjiang city belt. it is also the "two mountains and onelake" city in anhui province mountain, jiuhua mountain, taiping lake) is animportant part of the tourist area. the ecological environment of the city isgood, and the economy, population and environment develop harmoniously. it isthe first national ecological economy demonstration zone in china.

in the song, yuan, ming and qing dynasties, chizhou was in the same area,and it was basically shaped in the ming dynasty. according to chi zhou fu zhi yudi zhi (1545) in the 24th year of jiajing reign of ming dynasty, the boundary ofchi zhou fu is 150 li from jingshan of qingyang county to ningguo fu. in thewest, it is bounded by fangjiazhuang of dongliu county, 240 li away fromjiujiang mansion. in the south, it is bounded by xingxiao township of guichicounty and connected with huizhou prefecture for 200 li. in the north, it isbounded by the north trunk of qingxikou river in guichi county, and 15 li toanqing mansion. the northeast is bounded by takoupu, shidai county, and 200 liconnects with ningguofu. in the southeast, it is bounded by zhaotan, jiandecounty, which is 320 li away from raozhou prefecture. the northeast is boundedby digang in tongling county and connected with taiping mansion for 200 li. thenorthwest is the same as the north. the whole area is 390 li wide and 400 liwide. from chizhou fucheng (guichi county) to nanjing, it is 500 li by land and550 li by water; to the capital (beijing, moved from nanjing in 1421), it is2800 li by land and 4050 li by water.

from the qing dynasty to the republic of china, chizhou was in the samesituation as chizhou in ming dynasty. after the founding of the people'srepublic of china, chizhou area was abolished twice and rebuilt three times, andits jurisdiction and boundaries changed a lot. since the establishment ofchizhou district approved by the state council in august 1988, the district hasjurisdiction over four county-level administrative districts, namely guichicity, dongzhi county, shidai county and qingyang county (including jiuhuashanadministrative office). the four administrative districts are located in thesouth of the yangtze river, of which guichi city and dongzhi county are adjacentto the yangtze river. the boundaries of the whole region are: huangshan districtof huangshan city (formerly taiping county) in the east, tongling county oftongling city, nanling county of wuhu city and jing county of xuancheng area,bordering qingyang county and shidai county; jingdezhen city, poyang county andpengze county of jiangxi province in the west, and dongzhi county; in the northand northwest, it faces anqing city and wangjiang, huaining and zongyangcounties across the river. the boundary of the district goes up along the district and dongzhi county are bordered by qimen county, yi county andshidai county under the jurisdiction of huangshan city in the south. the totalarea of the region is 8271. 7 square kilometers.

chizhou has a history of more than 1380 years since it was established intang dynasty. in this ancient and magical land, generations of literati,scholars and celebrities have been bred. du mu in the late tang dynasty and baozheng in the northern song dynasty once served as governor and magistrate ofchizhou. tao yuanming, li bai, du mu, su dongpo, yue fei, sima guang and wanganshi all stayed in chizhou.


li bai, an ancient poet, once said, "once upon a time, on the jiujiangriver, you could see jiuhua peak from afar. the river is covered with greenwater, showing nine hibiscus. " it's a famous poem. today, i'd like to show youthe unique beauty of jiuhua mountain

two days ago, a heavy rain just passed, arousing the clouds and fog ofjiuhua mountain. so, we can walk up the mountain path through the clouds andfog.

from a distance, the tiantai peak is like a silver sword standing in theclouds. looking up at the rooftop, the peak is shrouded in clouds, and themountain path is winding, like a ribbon falling from the clouds.

we are still halfway up the mountain. it seems that many tourists aretired. let's stop and have a rest. you can take photos. now it's beautiful. isthere a place where the holy mountain lives? if we have enough rest, we willcontinue, because the panoramic inspiration of jiuhua mountain is morebeautiful, but if you want to see the panoramic view of jiuhua mountain, youmust climb the mountain, so in order to make the trip worthwhile, let's gotogether and refuel together.

after a lot of hard work, we finally reached the top of the mountain. takea deep breath. do you think the air is particularly fresh? and here you canlisten to the pines and streams, and look around. but you can see the boundlesssky. the peaks of jiuhua mountain are like lotus blossoms, looming in the sea ofclouds. it's beautiful to see the distant view and the river like a drill!

standing here, you still feel like an immortal. it's rare to have suchfresh air. you must take a deep breath. let's enjoy the beauty of jiuhuamountain.


dear tourists

hello everyone!

i'm __ tour guide. today i'll show you around hengshan mountain. hengshanmountain is located in the central part of hunan province. it crosses sixcounties and cities, including hengyang, hengshan, hengdong, xiangxiang,xiangtan and changsha. it spans 800 li and has 72 peaks. zhurong peak, the mainpeak, is 1290 meters above sea level. it is outstanding among the hills incentral and southern hunan. "all the mountains are small at a glance.". hengshanis like a piece of xiang embroidery, with a panoramic view of the chu tian andxiang shui. it is also like a scroll of painting, with thick shading and lightdyeing, unparalleled in the world. it is more like a poem, with high sigh andlow chant, with endless aftertaste.

there are many legends about the origin of hengshan mountain. after death,pangu turned into mountains and trees, the head into mount tai in the east, thefoot into mount hua in the west, the belly into mount song in the middle, theright arm into mount heng in the north, and the left arm into mount heng in thesouth; on the other hand, emperor yan, one of the ancestors of china, chased theimmortal bird in a shennong style, and beat the zhuniao into nanyue with a magicwhip. therefore, the missing bird pattern was painted on the memorial archway atthe entrance of nanyue ancient town, and the "zhuniao" of nanyue mountain emblemalso came from the mountain. the ancients often used the sky map to dospanination, the so-called "there are stars in the sky, and there are cities inthe earth.". according to the records of xingjing, nanyue is located on the wingof fuxing, which is called hengshan. there is no "changsha" star in charge ofhuman life beside the star. hengshan was originally changsha, so it is alsocalled "shouyue". people often say that "shoubi nanshan" comes from themountain.

passing through the ancient town of nanyue, we are confronted with a groupof magnificent palace like buildings, which is called "nanyue temple" as"jiangnan imperial palace".

nanyue temple is a key protected cultural relic in hunan province. it wasbuilt in the early tang dynasty, more than 1000 years ago, and has undergone sixfires and 16 reconstructions in song, yuan and qing dynasties. ruicun buildingwas rebuilt in the sixth year of the reign of emperor guangxu of the qingdynasty, covering an area of 76800 square meters. along the central axis, thereare nine entrances and four courtyards, including lingxing gate, kuixingpavilion, chuanmen gate, yubeiting pavilion, jiaying gate, yushulou, main hall,bedroom and north back door.

now you are crossing shoujian bridge. in front of it is lingxing gate, thesouth main gate of nanyue temple. "lingxing" is one of the ancient stars. theperson in charge of the temple is xingguowang. the temple gate named after"lingxing" naturally hopes that our country will have a large number of talentsand prosper.


hello everyone! welcome to star city changsha. now we are in the xiangjiangriver bridge. standing on the bridge, the scenery of changsha's "mountains,waters, continents and cities" can be seen at a glance. this "mountain" is thelush yuelu mountain in front of it, which is known as the tail of nanyue 72peak. naturally, this "water" is the mother river flowing quietly under thebridge - xiangjiang river. across the river is juzizhou, which is known as"unsinkable aircraft carrier". of course, the "city" is changsha city. next, iwill talk about it in detail from near to far.

xiangjiang river, originated from haiyangshan, lingchuan county, guilincity, guangxi zhuang autonomous region, has a total length of 856 km. it entershunan from yongzhou, flows through hengyang, chenzhou, zhuzhou, xiangtan,shaoyang, louerdi, changde and yueyang, and flows into dongting lake at thehaohekou of xiangyin county, with a drainage area of 85300 square kilometers inhunan. it is the largest river in hunan and also the mother river xiang is namedfor it. the word "xiang" in xiangjiang comes from the sentence "in the book ofsongs, zhaonan, caiping" that is "to build and cauldron with xiang". "xiang"originally means "cooking food", which is extended to refer to the appearance offog transpiration. xiangjiang river in hunan province, from south to north, nineileum, clouds, so take such a name.

you see, juzizhou in the middle of the river looks like a long belt, about5 kilometers long from north to south, and about 100 meters wide from east towest. mr. guo moruo once described it as "an unsinkable aircraft carrier". inthe western jin dynasty, it got its name because of the orange production on theisland. in tang and song dynasties, orange island had become a famous scenicspot at that time. one of the famous "eight sceneries of xiaoxiang" is "theevening snow on the river", which refers to the evening scenery of snowy dayshere. many famous poets have come here to chant, leaving poems and essays handeddown through the ages. mao zedong's "qinyuan spring · changsha" makes juzizhou aplace that the world yearns for.

yuelu mountain, located on the west bank of the xiangjiang river, is 300.8meters above sea level and the tail of the 72 peaks of nanyue mountain."southwest clouds come to hengyue mountain, and the sound of the river goes downdongting day and night" is a wonderful summary of the situation of yuelumountain. yuelu mountain is a huge "botanical museum", where ancient and famoustrees can be seen everywhere. yuelu mountain is a famous cultural mountain,which integrates confucianism, buddhism and taoism in ancient china. at the footof the mountain is yuelu academy, which is the first of china's four academiesand promotes confucian neo confucianism; at the back of the mountain is lushantemple, which is "the first scenic spot in han and wei dynasties and the firsttaoist temple in hunan"; at the top of the mountain is yunlu palace, which islisted as one of the seventy-two blessed places of taoism. in addition,aiwanting, baihequan, yuwangbei, relic tower and so on are also attractiveplaces. yuelu mountain is also a place where we look forward to people withlofty ideals. the cemeteries of huang xing, cai e, jiang yiwu and chen tianhuaare hidden in the green pines and cypresses.

next, let's talk about the city. changsha, with beautiful ecologicalenvironment and rich human resources, is one of the first batch of historicaland cultural cities announced by the state council, and one of the first batchof "china's excellent tourism cities" awarded by the state. in 20__, changshawas also rated as "national forest city". as the capital of hunan province,changsha is the political, economic, technological, cultural, commercial andtransportation center of hunan province. the city covers an area of 11800 squarekilometers with a total population of 6.31 million, including 556 squarekilometers of urban area and more than 2 million urban population. it hasjurisdiction over furong district, tianxin district, yuelu district, kaifudistrict and yuhua district, liuyang city and changsha, wangcheng and ningxiangcounties.

changsha has a superior geographical position, known as "jingyu lips,guizhou and guangdong throat". changsha, located in the middle of china, has astrategic position of connecting the east and the west. at present, the trafficin changsha is very convenient. the beijing zhuhai expressway and changshachangzhou expressway are connected here. the national highways 107, 319 and 1016are connected in the territory. the beijing guangzhou railway and shijiazhuangchangzhou railway pass through the city. through yueyang, the inland riverterminal can reach chongqing, wuhan and shanghai. huanghua international airportis one of the largest airports in central and south china. its route network hasspread to more than 40 large and medium-sized cities in china. it has openedflights to hong kong and macao, as well as international flights to bangkok,thailand and seoul, south korea.

"changsha star in the sky, changsha city on the earth." the name ofchangsha comes from the stars in the sky. the ancients spanided the stars in thesky into 28 constellations, and each constellation corresponds to a certain areaon the earth. among the twenty-eight constellations, there is a one called fusu,which corresponds to jingzhou. changsha used to be the city of jingzhou. thereis also a small star in charge of human life, also known as changsha star."astronomical records of the ming dynasty" said: "changsha xiaoxing, down tochangsha." therefore, the ground corresponding to changsha star is calledchangsha, so changsha is also called "xingsha".

changsha is a "famous city of chu and han dynasties" with a history of morethan 3000 years. the name "changsha" first appeared in the western zhou the spring and autumn period and the warring states period, changsha hadbecome an important economic, cultural and military town in the south of qin dynasty unified china, there were 36 counties in the world, andchangsha and its surrounding 9 counties were changsha counties. in the handynasty, wu rui was granted the title of king of changsha and established thestate of changsha. since the tang dynasty, changsha has become the political,economic and military center of hunan province.

"xiaoxiang zhusi, the hometown of qujia", which is a historical gift tochangsha. the ci and fu handed down by qu yuan and jia yi, the cultural relicsunearthed from han tombs, the bamboo slips of the three kingdoms, zhangzhongjing's treatise on febrile diseases, and the underglaze color of changshakiln are all shining with the glory of changsha's history and culture. changsha,known as the "cradle of revolution", has produced many great people in moderntimes. it has nurtured huang xing, li weihan, xu teli, yang kaihui, tian han andother people with lofty ideals. it is also the hometown of party and stateleaders hu yaobang, zhu rongji and li tieying.

changsha is rich in products, known as "the land of fish and rice", "theland of fireworks", "the land of xiang embroidery", "the land of pottery" and"the land of non-ferrous metals". it has been one of the four tea markets, fourrice markets and five pottery capitals in china since ancient times. richproducts have created changsha's unique catering culture. hunan cuisine andsnacks are made of exquisite materials.


liaocheng city is a famous cultural city with a long history. named after the deep chat is located in the ancient river west bank, has a "city" reputation. liaocheng city in shandong province is located in the economically developed, the highest in luxi, henan, hebei, is located in east china, north china, central china at the junction of three administrative region.

liaocheng as early as in primitive society have ancestors in the breeding, engaged in agricultural production. can be traced back to about sixty-seven thousand years ago the eight longshan culture city, found they are by far the largest of the longshan culture. visible, the ancient west bank dhi water was an important political and cultural center.

xia period, liaocheng economic and social development faster, agriculture and handicraft industry is developed. minister of early shang yi zhi has "put his ideas into the field of qixin", for thomson destroyed xia jie, he xian phase. there is "one of the 24 filial piety" minziqian. during the spring and autumn period, liaocheng for qi west important cities. there are counselors meter. during the warring states period, liaocheng fight for governors. there is a famous town sun bin, luzhonglian fame spread far to celebrities.

glorious period in the history of the ming and qing dynasties is liaocheng, yuan to $26 years (1289) to the ming yongle nine years (1411) brought several times between the open river, motivated throughout much of north and south china grand canal boom brought vitality to the development of liaocheng, linqing, liaocheng along one of the nine largest commercial port. "chan liaocheng city of fireworks, more than thousand households", many businessmen, doing well in all sectors, boat and zhoulu connect, horses and chariots, goods product, however. foreign merchant guild alongside the river, a famous chung building shelf, a house, the qing emperor kangxi emperor 4 times to chat, qianlong emperor nine times in liaocheng.

chengjianli after the people's republic of china, liaocheng people inherit the historical tradition, the arduous struggle, forge ahead, in all walks of life have made significant achievements. liaocheng called dongchang, has a long history, the humanities landscape and the natural landscape is very rich. 446 places of interest, of which 3 national key cultural relics protection units, the provincial key cultural relics protection unit 15. picturesque fairmont lake, covers an area of 4.2 square kilometers, the ancient liaocheng city is located in the middle of the lake, formed "the city has a lake, the lake city, lake city" of the unique pattern and style of the ancient city, is a famous city in northern china, is known as the "oriental venice". the city's major tourist resources of liaocheng shanshan hall, linqing stupas, mosques, the company's tomb, si 5 jingyang hill, etc.

dccement built in the ming dynasty, grand, "yellow crane, yueyang also when looking at worship". shanshan hall built in the qing dynasty, fine carving, layout rigorous, is a rare masterpiece in our guild buildings. is known as "dongchang sambo" one of the song dynasty tower, of primitive simplicity is bold, vigorous tall and straight, is one of the few remaining tower in our country. four private realm, one of the library in qing dynasty, the collection of the rich "map of armour to view". around the city, wu song also distributed on the west door celebrate lion pavilion, wu3 song dozen tiger jingyang hill, fish's tomb, at the foot of the mountain and the ancient well, labyrinths, topped the rocky, stupas etc. a large number of famous places of interest.

liaocheng is a beautiful place, and is a famous scholar fu sinian, ji, his traditional chinese painting master flavor, national hero and the party's good cadre kong fansen hometown.


shanghai xintiandi is a city tourist attraction with the historical andcultural features of shanghai and the integration of chinese and westerncultures. it is the first time to change the original residence function ofshikumen for the first time based on the old building of shikumen, a symbol ofshanghai's modern architecture. it has been innovatively assigned its commercialfunctions to transform the old house that reflects shanghai's history andculture into an international level of catering, shopping and performing other functions of fashion, leisure and cultural entertainment center.

on the eve of christmas eve, i am visiting the new world. in my heart,shanghai can be regarded as the most romantic and petty bourgeoisie.

xintiandi is spanided into two parts: nan li and bei li. modern buildingsare the main buildings in south lane, and old buildings in shikumen aresubsidiary. in the northern part of the block, the old buildings of shikumen aremainly preserved, and the old and the new interact with each other. nanli hasbuilt a shopping, entertainment and leisure center with a total floor area of25000 square meters, which was completed in the 20th century__ officially openedin the middle of this year, this glass curtain wall building full of modernsense has entered into various distinctive businesses. in addition to cateringplaces from all over the world, it also includes the favorite fashion shop,fashion jewelry shop, food plaza, cinema and one-stop fitness center of greatscale, providing a spanersified and unique environment for local and foreignconsumers and tourists taste of the hot spot of leisure and entertainment.

there is a huge christmas tree in the nan li square of xintiandi. it isholding an activity of kissing the sky and the sky.

this is the old building of xintiandi. when shikumen lane was the largest,there were more than 9000, accounting for more than 60% of the total residentialarea in shanghai. simply from the perspective of architecture, shikumen is theproduct of a specific historical period, which has a history of more than 100years. moreover, the spatial structure of some shikumen is not suitable for theliving concept of modern people, so it is normal for them to disappear. in theearly 1990s, shanghai began large-scale reconstruction and development. many oldhouses in shikumen have been demolished and replaced by high-rise buildings oneby one. one by one, old houses full of nostalgia are gradually then do people realize that they want to preserve these unique "artworks"in shanghai.

the north lane, which is separated from a south road, is made up of manyancient houses in shikumen, shanghai xintiandi. it combines modern architecture,decoration and equipment, and becomes a number of advanced consumption placesand restaurants. xingye road, the watershed between nanli and beili, is the siteof the first national congress of the communist party of china. the shikumenbuilding along the street will also become a city landscape that condenseshistory, culture and art.

walking in the new world, as if the time is back, as if it was in shanghaiin two and 30s of twentieth century, but stepping into every building inside, itis very modern and fashionable. it has a unique experience of the new world. ithas a skillful arrangement and a well proportioned arrangement of shanghaiyesterday, tomorrow and today, so that tourists from home and abroad can enjoythe unique style of shanghai style. it's not easy.


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