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最新辞职信简短 辞职信最合适(九篇)

格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-03-22 16:18:43
最新辞职信简短 辞职信最合适(九篇)
时间:2023-03-22 16:18:43     小编:zdfb


辞职信简短 辞职信最合适篇一

i feel sorry to say that i decided to pursue an external opportunity. maybe it is really a surprise for you. after serious and careful consideration, however, i have to make this adjustment regarding my personal career development plan. i’m sorry about the inconvenience it may bring to you and our team.

the decision is really hard for me because i have so enjoyed my working relationship here. our team has offered me great latitude and opportunity within our business area. and as a result, i’ve not only gained the technical skills, interpersonal skills, but also learnt a lot on predominant company culture and the art of management. i’d like to express my deep thanks for the rewarding experience i’ve enjoyed during those days.

however, all good things must come to an end. i have to say goodbye to you and our excellent team. i will be dedicated to hand over all my work to the appointed personnel before my departure. i would like to take this opportunity to thank again for your kindly support and instruction during my work.

wish you every success in future!


[your name]

辞职信简短 辞职信最合适篇二

dear mr. wang,

i would like to inform you that i am resigning from the position as an editor for your magazine design & fashions. the last day of my employment will be october 31th, 2005. i would like to thank you for the opportunities that you and your magazine have given to me. i have enjoyed being part of your team and working with so many outstanding people. i also want to express my gratitude for your support in my personal and professional development during this period.

however, i received from another company an offer, which sounded more interesting and challenging than what i am doing at the moment. although it is a hard decision for me to choose to leave, i painfully make up my mind to begin this new career. please let me know if i can be of any assistance with the transition of the new person into their role.

i am sorry for any inconveniences that my resignation may cause and i wish you and your magazine all the best.

yours truly,

li ming

辞职信简短 辞职信最合适篇三










辞职信简短 辞职信最合适篇四

company name or letterhead


city, state zip




city, state zip


effective october 1, i will assume the position of director of human resources for xxx, inc., in baton rouge. therefore, please accept my resignation as benefits and compensation coordinator of the human resources department within aaa associates, effective september 30.

the decision was a difficult one for me because i have so enjoyed my working relationships here. the job description has given me great latitude in assisting other coordinators within the human resource area, and as a result, i’ve gained skills in several related fields. these cross-training opportunities have been invaluable, and in a much more formal, classroom setting, i’ve been able to take advantage of classes in management, interpersonal skills, writing, and oral presentations. all of this training has been a worthwhile effort for both aaa (company) and me.

as i go to the new position, i’ll do so with the utmost respect for the management examples and philosophies learned here and with gratitude for the personal attention to my career growth.

thank you for the rewarding experience i’ve enjoyed during my seven-year association with the organization.


辞职信简短 辞职信最合适篇五


after months of reviewing the outlook for the pany in the wake of this economic downturn, i see no other alternative than to resign my position as chief financial officer with hhh (pany)。 needless to say, after 12 years of service, this decision was not an easy one。

please make my resignation effective january 31, which is the end of my scheduled vacation。 i will turn over all pany books and settle my accounts prior to that date。

i look back on the experience gained and the friends made with much regard。 my association with hhh has been a valued part of my life。

good luck to you in the years to e。


辞职信简短 辞职信最合适篇六

dear leaders:

hello! first of all thank you for taking the time to read my resignation letter.

i wrote this letter of resignation with great feelings. since i entered the hospital, i have been given many opportunities and challenges in the nurse industry because of your concern, guidance and trust in me. after this period of work in the hospital, i learned a lot of knowledge in the field of nurses and accumulated some experience. i am very grateful for this.

i am ready to leave and do a good job transfer to reduce the inconvenience caused to my hospital by my departure.

thank you very much for your guidance and care for me during this time. this experience in the hospital was very precious to me. in the future, i will be honored for being a member of the hospital. i am convinced that this work experience in the hospital will be an important part of my career development.

once again, i apologize for the inconvenience caused to my departure. i will consider and approve my application.

i wish the hospital leadership and colleagues good health and smooth work!




x year x month x day

辞职信简短 辞职信最合适篇七





subject: resignation

please accept my resignation as associate chemist at xxx research, inc.; my last day will be august 15, 19–.

while enjoying assigned projects and contributing to the company’s overall growth, i feel my work tasks here have not allowed me to investigate projects in which i developed a keen interest during my graduate studies. therefore, i have accepted a position more in line with those interests at meadows chemical company.

this decision has been difficult due to the rewarding relationships developed during the past three years. please accept my thanks for your unquestionable support and leadership here at xxx inc..

辞职信简短 辞职信最合适篇八









提前三个月上交辞呈,这样你有时间去找合适的人来填补我的空缺,同时我也会尽量协助新人的工作交接。 再此也希望梅姨不要给自己那么大的压力,要让自己带自由和快乐的生活,多给老师引路,道路是她们自己走出来的。希望蓓蕾越来越好!








辞职信简短 辞职信最合适篇九

dear xxx,

i am offering my resignation as operations manager of the xxx plant, effective may 15. as of now, i’m not quite sure where i’ll be looking for employment and am toying with the idea of turning one of my life-long hobbies into a profit-making enterprise.

frankly, vernon, i was deeply disappointed the vacancy of general manager was filled by someone from outside the pany. through years of excellent performance appraisals, i was led to believe i was in line for that position. under the circumstances, i think you’ll understand my decision to resign.

i do appreciate the management training i’ve been given here; it has indeed prepared me well for almost any general business career i decide to pursue. my best wishes for the pany’s continued growth.




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