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格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-03-13 09:29:51
时间:2023-03-13 09:29:51     小编:zdfb



plast ics is made f rom w ater w hich is a natural resource inex haust ible and av ailable every where, co al w hich can be mined through automatic and mechanical processes at less cost and lime w hich can be obtained from the calcinat io ns of limestone w idely pr esent in nature.

该句的主干是plast ics is made f rom w ater,coal and lime, 而w ater, coal, lime 后面分别跟了3 个定语从句补充说明, 因此可以译成3 个并列的分句。

[ 参考译文] : 塑料是由水、煤和石灰制成的。水是取之不尽的到处可以获得的天然资源; 煤是用自动化和机械化的方法开采的, 成本较低; 石灰是由煅烧自然界中广泛存在的石灰石得来的

② a scheduling planner has been implemented at arcelor's slab caster at florange, which can take various product io n co nstr aint s into account , such as rest rict ing the sequence of a slabcast from a heat to exclude the f irst and last two slabs in the case of ce tain high quality steel grades and opt imize w idth chang es made o n the fly .

该句的主干是planner has been implemen??ted, 后面的which 引导的定语从句修饰planner,因为很长, 所以放在后面单独进行翻译, 并加上了“该” 。

[ 参考译文] : 阿塞洛公司弗洛仑奇厂的板坯连铸机上已安装并使用计划生成器。该计划生成器会考虑各种生产约束条件, 诸如在生产优质钢时要从一炉钢中剔除第一块和最后两块板坯的对板坯浇铸顺序的制约以及快速在线调宽的优化等。


英语中表示状语性质的定语, 往往就具有较强的谓语性, 翻译时难以保留原来的定语形式, 一般可转化为表目的、原因、结果等的状语, 从而加强逻辑的严密性。当然, 有时也需根据意思, 灵活运用各种方法, 适当调整语序进行处理。

① fo llow ing an in??depth inv est ig ation and analysis o f all potent ially available sealing versions, the decisio n aw s reached to implement the sealing funct ion by means o f an electr omagnetic moving field and to integr ate therein another magnetic f ield by means of w hich the posit ion of the ferromag net ic steel st rip can be continuously influenced during operation.

该句的主干是decision w as reached to implement the sealing funct ion and to integr atetherein another magnetic field。w hich 引导的定语从句修饰another magnetic t ield, 这里处理为表目的状语。

[ 参考译文: ] 通过对所有可用的密封方式进行深入研究和分析, 决定采用移动磁场的方式来实行密封功能, 并在运行过程中, 结合利用另一磁场, 这是为了可以不断对铁磁性带钢的位置进行调整。

② to this agreement , wuppermann made available a hot-dip g alv anizing line w hich had already been operat ing since 1990 to pr oduce narrow hot st rip up to 375 mm w ide into which sms demag integ rated a prototype cvgl line with a pro ject volume of approx imately 2. 0 millio n euro .

该句的主干是wuppermann made line。which 引导的两个定语从句都修饰line, 这时调整语序, 把第1 个which 引导的从句放在后面单独翻译, 而把第2 个which 引导的从句前置翻译。

[ 参考译文] : 根据协议, wuppermann 提供热镀锌生产线, sms demag 将cvgl 技术组合到生产线中, 工程投资约2 百万欧元。wupper??mann 热镀锌线于1990 年投产, 生产宽375 mm窄带。


所谓前置译法, 就是把从句融合到主句中, 把定语从句置于所修饰的名词之前进行翻译。这是对于结构相对比较简单、在逻辑上有明确限制作用的定语从句而言的。翻译时通常只需加个“的”字, 既不影响意思的表达, 又符合汉语的习惯。

① the buo yancy fo rce in the liquid zinc needed to seal the channel is produced by the eddy currents which in turn result f rom the change of the magnetic flow over the time.

该句的主干是the buoyancy force is produced by the eddy cur rent s。其中有两个修饰成分: needed to seal the channel 修饰force, 而w hich 引导的定语从句修饰currents。

[ 参考译文] : 锌液中用来封住锌锅底部开口的浮力由随时间变化的磁通在锌液中引起的涡流产生。

②steel g rades w ith standard demands on surface quality are produced via the no. 1 rh degasser, w hich is equipped w ith an ox ygen tb lance, and the single??st rand no. 3 continuo us caster.

该句的主干是steel grades are pro duced via degasser and caster。其中有两个修饰成分: with standard demands on surface quality 修饰grades, 而w hich 引导的定语从句修饰deg asser。

[ 参考译文]: 对以表面质量为标准的钢种的生产是经有tb 氧枪的1 号rh 脱气装置, 到3号单流连铸机。


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