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时间:2023-02-18 10:15:13     小编:zdfb






























4.甲方同意乙方将乙方网站与甲方“_________”网站( )进行善意链接。


































































甲方(盖章):_________ 乙方(盖章):_________


import transaction service agreement

party a:

party b:



post code:

post code:







party a and party b hereof signed this agreement on the basis of fair, voluntary, and mutual -benefit according to 《contract law of people''s republic of china》.


(1)this agreement is notarized and recorded by the notary public office, _________, the prc(hereinafter called“notary office”) and both parties shall follow the relative regulations and requirements of the notary office.

(2)the relative legal documents, such as quotation sheet information of commodity sales and purchase sheet, etc. shall be sent to the other party by fax or express mailing after being put on records at the notary office by the two parties.

(3)all the legal documents recorded by the notary office which mentioned in above clause 2 are to be regarded as legal evidence for settling disputes.

(4)notary office:fax:_________,tel:_________.

2、principal clauses

(一)party a is responsible for selling the legitimate commodities of party b in china. price ofcommodities refers to 《import commodity quotation sheet》(the enclosure 1).all commodities of party b sold in china through party a must be enclosed with explanation in chinese(including commodity packing explanation and commodity explanation).


(1)party b shall choose audit services to verify its production capabilities and quality control systems which supplied by _________ local affiliate in party b''s country according to require of party a. party b shall present grade report of _________ to party a.

(2)party b confirms that the total annual transaction amount of commodity under this agreement is usd_________.

(3)party b shall put the 《import commodity quotation sheet》on records at the notary office by fax which presented to party a and get receipt of notarization and records. party b shall present the《import commodity quotation sheet》in the import quotation column on www._________. party b shall present the colored photo of commodity via internet to party a and must indicate supplier code and commodity code together with the photo.

(4)party b shall visit party a ''s wed site() in time and find out the transaction guide, filling explanation of quotation and business announcement, etc. party b shall assist party a to sell its products. all information issued in party a ''s wed site by party b shall not be against chinese relevant laws and regulations.

(5)party b shall publicize the commodities which being sold through party a on its own web site if he has and commodity code must be indicated when publicizes.

(6)if the commodities sold in china of party b need sales license which is applied to chinese related departments, party b may consign party a to deal with it. party b shall offer documents and samples needed and bear relevant expenses.

(三)party b may amend commodity information. party b presents party a the amendment application only after notarizing and recording all contents of amendment at the notary office. party a only accepts the entire contents of 《import commodity quotation sheet》and amendment which have been recorded at the notary office by fax. party b shall also present the same contents to www._________ via. internet. any amendment from party a about the contents presented by party b is forbidden when party a uses or publicizes the above mentioned contents(viz. party a only uses the newly contents party b presents and have be notarized and recorded at the notary office).

(四)party a agrees party b to link party b''s web site with www._________.


(1)party a shall sell party b''s commodities according to the details in the 《import commodity quotation sheet》 provided by party b in china. party a shall present the《ncen import purchase sheet》(the enclosure 2,for short 《purchase sheet》)to party b by fax as the proof of order according to the sales information of《import commodity quotation sheet》.

(2)party a shall fax the《purchase sheet》to party b after putting it on records at the notary office. party b must confirm the receipt of the《purchase sheet》by fax within 24 hours. shall party b not confirm the receipt of the《purchase sheet》by fax within 48 hours, party b breaks the contract. party a will issue 《default advice》(the enclosure 3)to party b and deal with it according to the clause x of this agreement.

(3)party a shall issue an irrevocable documentary letter of credit at sight in favor of party b with 100% invoice value within 7days after receiving the fax of《purchase sheet》which party b confirmed and well received. the stated negotiable amount of the l/c is 95% value of sales invoice presented to party a by party b.

(六)《ncen import transaction service agreement》 is inspanisible with the relevant 《import commodity quotation sheet》and the《purchase sheet》,etc. those have the same legal effect.

(七)party a shall have the priority to be the exclusive agent of party b''s commodities in china and the two parties negotiate and sign contract later.

3、transaction deposit

(1)to ensure the execution of this agreement, party b shall pay 4% value of the annual total transaction amount of commodity confirmed by party b as the deposit(not less than usd2,000).it means that the total amount of goods in orders which can be accepted by party b shall not exceed 25times of amount of the deposit available. render way of the transaction deposit:within 5 days after signing this agreement party b shall issue a letter of guarantee for deposit payment to party a from a bank authorized by party a and in favor of party a (l/g format is listed in the enclosure 4, for short l/g for payment, this agreement number must be marked in the l/g).the deposit is valid till 6 months after the validity of this agreement. party a shall return the l/g to the issuing bank for cancellation upon expiry. after the l/g has been confirmed by party a and become effective , party b presents the 《import commodity quotation sheet》in the import quotation column on www._________via internet.

(2)shall party b fail to deliver according to the time, place, variety or quantity which are stipulated in the 《ncen import purchase sheet》, party a has the right to deduct 4% value of goods in default by fax from the bank which issued the l/g.

(3)the deposit can be used circularly. party b may increase or decrease the deposit according to the business needs.

4、declaration of audio & video information

(1)party a shall broadcast party b''s enterprise and commodity audio & video information(for short commodity information)in _________ on behalf of party b exclusively.

(2)party b shall present documents and disk of audio & video information(avi format) to _________ which is subordinate to _________, according to the requirement of import transaction information broadcast notification.

(3)verified by _________, party b shall pay the commodity information broadcast charge according to import transaction information broadcast notification.

(4)shall documents and disk of audio & video information which party b presented fail to pass verification of _________ within 30days after this agreement being signed, party b shall pay usd800 to party a within 40days after this agreement being signed as service charge of commodity information broadcast and represent the documents and information to _________ after amending accordingly.

(5)shall documents and disk of audio & video information which party b presented fail to pass verification of _________ within 90days after this agreement being signed, party a has the right to terminate this agreement unilaterally and service charge of commodity information broadcast will not be returned to party b.

5、product liability clauses

(1)party b shall consign party a to apply product liability insurance for all of its products sold in china through party a.

(2)party b shall provide samples for inspection to _________ standards technical services co., ltd.(for short:_________)which is subordinate to switzerland _________ group(the quantity shall meet the inspection demands of _________). party b shall assign _________ to seal the samples for keeping for half a year and provide once again when expires(party b bears the corresponding charges).when disputes about quality take place, both parties agree to inspect the sealed samples and accept inspection result as quality standard. inspection charges will be paid for first in advance by party a and born by the party being at fault finally.

(3)party b shall bear all the losses caused to party a owing to the quality problems of party b''s products. party a has the obligation to provide party b the claim documents from the chinese buyer, which includes claim letter, certificate issued by chinese inspection institute and other relevant documents.

6、inspection and transaction

(一)party b shall consign its local _________ to inspect the batch goods about variety and quantity before loading every time(party b bears inspection charges). _________ shall issue the original inspection report of which contents must be in accordance with description of variety and quantity stipulated in the《purchase sheet》absolutely.


(1)both parties appoint _________ as carrier of this agreement. contents (time and place, etc.) of the original b/l issued by the carrier shall be in accordance with contents (time and place, etc.) stipulated in the 《purchase sheet》t the carrier as follows:

(2)both parties take delivery time and delivery place recorded in the original b/l issued by the carrier as actual delivery time and delivery place. the actual delivery time shall be within the latest shipping date of the last lot stipulated in the 《purchase sheet》.

(3)party a shall inform party b in written the delivery time and delivery place after altering if the delivery time and delivery place are altered because of the reason of party a or the carrier.

(4)after the goods being ready, party b shall fax the inspection report issued by _________ to party a for confirmation not later than 12days before the latest delivery time of each delivery.

(5)if party a has no disputes about the contents of the inspection report issued by _________ which party b faxed, party a should fax party b the 《shipping advice》(the enclosure 5).party b shall deliver the goods to the carrier according to the stipulation in the 《shipping advice》and 《purchase sheet》. if party a has disputes about the contents of the inspection report, party a shall fax party b the 《default advice》and deal with it according to clause x of this agreement.

(三)party b shall pack the commodities under the《purchase sheet》in packages suitable for long distance ocean or inland transportation, protecting the commodities against moisture, shock, rustiness and rough handling. packing of special commodities may be discussed by both parties separately. party b shall be responsible for any damages and losses caused by the improper and poor package.

(四)party b shall mark on each package the contract no., package no., measurement, gross weight, net weight, and marks such as “this side up”,“handle with care” and “keep away from moisture”, etc.

(五)the latest shipping date of party b must be 20days after party a issuing the irrevocable documentary l/c at sight but within the latest shipping date stipulated in the《purchase sheet》.

7、transaction charges

party b hereof agrees to pay 5% value of the total amount of《purchase sheet》as commission. party a shall issue commercial invoice at same amount to party b.

8、payment(clauses in the l/c)

after delivering goods to the carrier according to the time, place, variety and quantity stipulated in the《purchase sheet》,party b may negotiate the l/c from the issuing bank with the following documents, the stated negotiable amount of the l/c is 95% value of sales invoice presented to party a by party b.:

(1)party b shall issue the sales invoice of 100% commodity value, and indicate the corresponding 《purchase sheet》no. on the upper right corner of the invoice. otherwise the invoice will be non-valid and returned to party a.

(2)party b shall present original inspection report about commodity variety and quantity issued by its local _________, and the contents of the report must be in accordance with description of variety and quantity stipulated in the 《purchase sheet》absolutely.

(3)contents(time and place, etc)of the original b/l issued by _________ shall be in accordance with contents(time and place, etc)stipulated in the 《purchase sheet》 absolutely. the 《purchase sheet》no. must be indicated in the b/l.

(4)weight list or packing list issued by party b (if wooden case is used, certificate of fumigation must be presented to party a), and certificate of origin.

9、purchase of samples

(一)purchase way

(1)party b shall supply samples to store in the appointed bonded warehouse according to the 《samples consignment sheet》(the enclosure 6)of this agreement and bear the local charges such as import clearing customs charges, inland freight and incidentals, etc.(for short incidentals :usd240/batch,and must be paid to the account appointed by party a before sending the goods.)party b shall fax the shipping advice and import documents(invoice, packing list and b/l or airway bill, etc.)to party a after sending the goods every time. party a has the right to refuse to deal with the import clearing customs if not having received the mentioned incidentals after goods arrived. party b shall bear the additional expenses accordingly by himself. party a shall pay corresponding 90% value of the goods after actual selling(according to the import customs declaration issued by beijing customs)or send the goods back according to party b''s indication(party b bears the relevant return charges).

(2)party a will send party b the 《replenishment advice》(the enclosure 7)by fax when the samples in stock are less than 50% of confirmed quantity. party b shall send samples to the appointed bonded warehouse according to the 《replenishment advice》 and bear the local charges such as import clearing customs charges, inland freight and incidentals, etc.

(3)this sample particularly refers to the consigned commodity as same as the sample which is sealed by _________.


(1)party b may inquire about the details of sample orders via party a''s web site www._________

(2)party a shall fax ultimo sales sheet to party b before the 5th of every month.

(3)party a will arrange the payment by t/t to the account appointed by party a according to the total amount of the sheet deduct 10% commission after party b confirming and send party b the commercial invoice which amount is 10% value of the total amount of the sheet by post(party a shall mark the《ncen import sample order》no. in the commercial invoice)

10、breach of contract and penalty

(1)shall party b not confirm the receipt of《purchase sheet》by fax to party a according to the stipulation of clause ii 5(2)of this agreement in prescribed time-limit, party b breaks the contract.

(2)shall party b fail to deliver according to time, place, variety or quantity stipulated in the《purchase sheet》, then party b breaks the contract. the inspection report issued by _________ shall be the standard of adjudicating if party b fails to deliver according to variety and quantity stipulated in the 《purchase sheet》. the original b/l issued by _________ shall be the standard of adjudicating if party b fails to deliver according to time and place stipulated in the 《purchase sheet》.

(3)shall party b deliver after the latest shipping date stipulated in the 《purchase sheet》, it is still regarded as breach of contract. if the chinese buyer under the 《purchase sheet》 does not accept the goods, party b has no right to get any payment and shall deal with the goods by himself. all the related expenses shall be born by party b. if the chinese buyer accepts the goods, party b can proportionally get some payment. the 4% value of the goods in default shall be deducted as penalty still. the proportion and time of the payment are at party a''s option.

(4)shall party b have breach of contract actions under the above “1.2.3” clauses, party a has the right to issue《default advice》 unilaterally to the bank which issue the l/g for transaction deposit payment for party b and deduct 4% value of goods of 《purchase sheet》 form the bank as penalty directly.

(5)party b shall compensate party a the losses caused by party b''s failure to deliver according to the 《purchase sheet》. not only the 4% value of goods in default shall be deducted as penalty, but also party a''s losses in business profit shall be compensated by party b.

(6)shall the chinese buyer under the 《purchase sheet》refuse to accept the goods or return the goods because of party b''s breach of contract, party a could help party b to take the goods back. party b shall pay party a the freight and other related expenses in advance.

11、termination of the agreement

(1)in the situation of clause iv 5,this agreement will be terminated.

(2)party a has the right to terminate this agreement unilaterally and doesn''t bear the liability for breach of contract when party b breaks the contract or causes losses to party a or the chinese buyer because of party b''s products quality problem.

(3)this agreement will be naturally terminated after the expiry date if both parties do not renew it and both parties have fulfilled all the obligation in the 《purchase sheet》 which is issued by party a and efficient after being accepted by party b before the termination.

12、force majeur

party b shall present party a the certificate issued by its local relevant institution if party b can not perform according to the 《purchase sheet》 due to force majeure events such as natural disaster, war and strike, etc. the 《purchase sheet》 could be extended to fulfill after both parties negotiating about it.

party a shall not deduct 4% value of goods in default from the deposit as penalty.


all disputes in connection with this agreement or the execution thereof shall be settled friendly through negotiation. in case no settlement can be reached between the parties, the case under disputes could be submitted to the china international economic and trade arbitration commission for arbitration in accordance with the substantive law of the people''s republic of china in beijing.


this contract will come into effect after it is signed by two parties and be valid for one year. english version is translated from chinese version for information only. shall any discrepancy arise, the chinese version prevails.

party a(signature):_________ party b(signature):_________


出卖人: ____________ 签订时间: _______________

买受人: _____________ 签订地点:___________

第一条 标的、数量、价款及交(提)货时间


交货时间 _________________

单位 :(kg)

数 量 :_______________

单 价 :____________

总金额 :________________(元)

第二条 质量标准:按《食用菌菌种管理条例》和《无公害江山白菇省级地方质量标准》标准执行。检验标准、方法、地点及期限;买方于菌种接种之日起10日内提出验收要求的,按前款规定的质量标准到买方种菇地验收。卖方自接到买方在上述期限内提出的验收要求之日起3日内未办理验收的,视为质量不合格。买方在上述期限内未提出要求的,视为质量合格。

第三条 白菇菌种的交货地点、时间及提供方式为:电话通知。

第四条 定金:买方在_______ 年_____ 月_____日前向卖方支付收购定金______元。交货时定金(抵作货款)。定金支付后,因买方违约解除合同的,定金不予退还;因卖方违约解除合同的,应双倍返还定金。

第五条 标的物的所有权自发货时起转移,但买受人未履行支付款价义务的,标的物属于出卖人所有。

第六条 运输方式及运输费用负担;由卖方送到买方指定的投售点。运输费用由出卖方负担。

第七条 结算方式、时间及地点:货到付款

第八条 担保方式(也可另立担保合同) /

第九条 菌种瓶的供应及回收和费用负担:菌种瓶由卖方提供,每个菌种瓶收取押金_____元,由买方于菌种出售后15日内返还菌种瓶时按实际返还的个数退回。

第十条 本合同解除条件:因不可抗力造成不能及时交货时,合同自动解除。

第十一条 违约责任:违约方按合同总金额的2%向守约方支付违约金。

第十二条 合同争议的解决方式:本合同在履行过程中发生的争议,由双方当事人协商解决;也可由当地工商行政管理部门调解;协商或调解不成的,按下列第 ________ 种方式解决:


(二)依法向 __________人民法院起诉。

第十三条 本合同自签订之日起生效。

第十四条 其他约定事项;卖方必须做好对买方的售后技术指导服务。买方未按卖方的技术指导操作而引起的损害,由买方自负。菌种在有效期内出现质量问题的,由卖方负责调换。

出 卖 人 :_____________买 受 人______________

出卖人(章):______________ 买受人(章):________________


法定代表人:_______________ 法定代表人:______________

居民身份证号码;_____________ 居民身份证号码;____________

委托代理人:______________ 委托代理人:______________

电话:_______________ 电话:_________________

开户银行:__________________ 开户银行:______________

帐号:________________ 帐号:___________________




















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