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格式:DOC 上传日期:2022-12-29 09:05:05
时间:2022-12-29 09:05:05     小编:zdfb











my name is __________,and jhonvie is my english name. i was born in

november__, ____ ,in _____ rovince, china . now i am studying as an undergraduate in ________ college of __________ university . i take tourism management as my major. here are parts of the courses i have learned during my undergraduate as follows: tourism culture, principles of management, microeconomics,

macroeconomics, principles of tourism, tourism geography, organization behavior, culture tourism, economic law, accounting principles, principles of statistics, management information system.

additional information

i was born in a harmonic and cozy family. my parents both work in a furniture company. the cost of studying and living in korea will be offered by my parents. they both have stable income. they are also in support of my e_change to korea. i really thank them a lot . they taught me how to be a good person when i was young. they help me develop good habits and healthy, optimistic personalities.

i had several outstanding achievements since childhood. additionally, with an outgoing personality, i am able to make friends easily. now,i am the minister of research department in college students' union.

as a student in tourism management, i know that communications between china and korea have developed quickly since the two countries established a diplomatic relationship in 1992. especially in recent years, china and korea 's

cultural and economic e_changes are on an unprecedented growth. so i have the idea of being an e_change student to korea. moreover, the first-class faculties and teaching of hanyang university really attract me.

study plan

realizing the language barrier, i plan to improve my english and learn some basic korean from now on, so that i can live well at far as i am concerned, a si_-month e_change study, can not let me learn a lot of professional knowledge. in addition to learn the school curriculum well. i have some other wishes.

first, must grasp korean in the shortest time and adapt korean culture. to travel around hanyang, understand the basic situation of hanyang, and even the whole south korea.

ne_t, make a few foreign friends, preferably the south korean local students. after completes the studies to return to china, i will try my best to learn my professional courses and share my korea e_perience with my friends.

all in all, during the semester, i will take advantage of all my time to enrich myself to improve my spoken language and to learn advanced concepts. i know that the road ahead maybe bumpy, but i believe that through my efforts, i can realize my dream. thank you very much.


dear admissions committee:

among all the students who have received my instruction in the courses of “international marketing” and “strategic management” at abc university, mr. john doe is one of the few who stood out and left with me a positive impression. therefore, i am confident to recommend this young man to your prestigious mba program.

john is a bright and aggressive inspanidual who possesses a strong motivation to learn and excel in his course work. unlike most of his peers, who gained knowledge merely from school lecturing, john would spend a great amount of efforts and time in reading outside articles and textbooks and share his ideas with the class. in addition, as an open- minded inspanidual who never let go any learning experience, john often came to me discussing various questions and problems he encountered in his coursework.

i would like hereby to draw upon an instance that i believe fully exemplifies john’s academic ability. while attending my class he presented an excellent report focusing on the research of the european community (ec), in which he shared with us his careful observations on ec, and proposed a number of innovative suggestions for chinese taiwanese industries that wished to gain successful presence in that market. having noticed his superior ability to conduct independent research studies and to support his arguments with logical quantitative analyses, i recommended john to submit his paper to the accounting & statistics quarterly published by the executive yuan of r.o.c.. needless to say, john has acquired very high marks in both of my courses.

the very positive impression made by john has been repeatedly re- enforced by his strong performance in various extracurricular activities. john has managed to earn full confidence from me in his sound managerial potential by demonstrating an intelligence, aggressiveness, and leadership quality in both academic and extracurricular contexts.

in general, i consider john a very promising applicant to your esteemed mba program. i have the least reservation on his potential to succeed in his future educational as well as professional pursuit, and will be more than happy to discuss with you any matters pertaining to this reference letter.

sincerely yours,

jerry smith, ph.d. professor



步入初中之后,父母对我的学业更加严格要求。由于成绩突出曾担任学习委员班长之职。_____年__月考入_______高级中学,在掌握知识的同时,从小就热爱体育运动的我喜欢上篮球运动,多次代表校方参加比赛荣获奖项。同时我还喜欢多种体育运动,并且喜欢国外音乐。就在这时我喜欢上了韩国歌曲。自此接触了少量的韩国语言。精通英语的同时让我掌握了一点点的韩国语!度过高中充实的3年后,____年_月我以高出录取线百分的成绩考入_____学院继续_年____专业的学习。学习期间品学突出,荣幸被老师推荐学生会工作。结交了更多的朋友,扩充了交际领域,增加了我对生活的认识。更加珍惜我的大学生活! 通过对专业知识的学习,入党申请书范文我了解到中韩自1992年建交以来,两国的各方面交流就以飞快的速度增长。近几年来韩国与中国之间的经济和文化交流空前壮大。自此我萌生赴韩留学深造的想法。韩国是亚洲经济强国,社会安定、人民友善的发达国家,国际贸易往来频繁。是我学习国际贸易知识与经验的最佳地点;其次,贵国大学一流的师资和教学也是我学习进修的理想校园。并且贵国语言,礼节,建筑,服饰,饮食,娱乐等各方面文化是一直深深吸引着我想去接触了解的国度。









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