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格式:DOC 上传日期:2021-07-28 17:19:20
时间:2021-07-28 17:19:20     小编:CZJ



This Spring Festival is spent in extraordinary. In recent months, the people of the whole country with Wuhan as the focus have withstood another severe test. New Coronavirus infected with pneumonia ravages people's health and even their lives. In this battlefield without gunpowder smoke, the people of the whole country unite as one and pour water

Cast iron bastions against New Coronavirus. They are the "scenery" of this Spring Festival.

We saw it full of love and shining with hope. When the virus occurred, academician Zhong Nanshan, 84, stood in front of the stage again; Medical personnel rescue patients regardless of safety; Countless workers across the country have taken the initiative to fight and support Wuhan... All these actions show great love,

It is the source of the endless national spirit. There are also medical protection materials donated by enterprises and voluntary donations by the masses... All contain the original intention and mission of 1.4 billion Chinese people.

Where there is an epidemic, there are angels in white. Where there is an epidemic, there is a bright red party flag. The relentless virus can't stop the flow of love. Medical workers, Party members and cadres from all over the country form a team of volunteers, abandon the leisure and entertainment on holidays and resolutely rush to be full of love

In the hardest hit areas of the epidemic, we fight for life and for our original intention. This volunteer team has been fighting in every corner. Firm faith and help each other in the same boat, the power of love is infinite.

There must be people who love in the trip of great love! In this unprecedented hard war, everyone in Wuhan and every Wuhan people have contributed their best strength. Don't even laugh at the victims of the epidemic in Hubei and Han, even in front of them

Hey, guys. Whether we are in Wuhan or in Wuhan, as long as we have less suspicion and more love and understanding, the people who love will eventually have greater blessings.

Each of us should also do our part. We should not go out unnecessarily, wear masks when going out, wash our hands when entering the door, always pay attention to the dynamics of public opinion, purify the circle of friends, and do not believe, spread or spread rumors. Wash hands frequently, disinfect frequently, and actively cooperate with relevant departments to provide services for this

Contribute to the campaign.

Wuhan, come on! Go China! The people of the whole country are your backing! We must have confidence, devote ourselves to our duties and unite as one, and we will be able to wipe out the epidemic.

Prini said: "in the duel between hope and despair, if you hold it tightly with courage and firm hands, victory will belong to hope." We also firmly believe that under the leadership of the Party Central Committee, we will be able to lead the masses to gather indestructible forces and win the battle of epidemic prevention and control! Welcome a new round of spring flowers.


My name is "Shanxi" and my brother's name is "Wuhan". This is our story. In early 2020, my brother began to cough and have a fever. The doctor said he had pneumonia and his condition was very serious. He had to wear a mask for our health. At that moment, my brother was afraid, worried and confused. After learning the news, we sent him a mask overnight, even though I knew our family was not rich and we needed him even though we had a cold. This winter's night is very cold. My mother smiled outside the ward and told him: my mother is always by your side, my brothers and sisters will always be by your side, doctors, nurses and aunts will always be by your side. Don't be afraid, be strong, and we will pick you up when the flowers bloom in spring!

The light of dawn will cross the darkness and break all fears. I can find the answer. Even if I want to dispel the darkness against the light, there are 10000 forces to drown loneliness and no longer be lonely... Listening to the song reminds me of this new pneumonia.

The novel coronavirus is derived from wild animal bat. Bat viruses can not infect humans under normal conditions. They may infect humans through intermediate hosts and isolate viruses that reproduce in vivo in the intermediate host. Virus propagation depends on human cells to provide places and materials, so the ultimate goal of virus propagation must be to enhance infectivity and pathogenicity. Otherwise, all cells will be killed by the virus, and the virus itself will lose the basis for survival. However, the variation of the virus in the human body will also lead to the enhancement of infectivity, so the infected people will become super communicators.

In the face of this New Coronavirus, we are in the forefront of our white angels. What, aren't doctors and nurses afraid of being infected? Don't doctors and nurses want to spend the Spring Festival safely with their families at home? Why can they stick to the first front? Don't give in to difficulties? The reason is that as long as you wear a white coat, you have to save the dead and heal the wounded and return the patient to a healthy body; As long as you wear a white coat, you won't be afraid of infection or virus, and you will bravely overcome difficulties; As long as you wear a white coat, you will insist on defending its dignity. In 2003, when Zhong Guojia, a 67 year old academician, went to Wuhan to fight against SARS, he was not afraid of the outbreak of SARS. In 2003, he led all the academicians to fight SARS again. He was 67 years old. He was not afraid of the outbreak of SARS, This time, we will be able to spend it safely. There are countless medical staff risking their lives to forge a great wall of life and health for us!

In the face of the domestic mask crisis, capital crisis, entrepreneurs and stars have devoted themselves to charity donations. You 200000 and I 500000, more or less, will not only become an astronomical number, but also become the pillar of Wuhan's younger brother. What moved me most was Han Hong, the singer, no! To be exact, she is a philanthropist. No matter how big or small disasters are, her figure will always appear on the first battlefield. Looking at the mountain area, you can see her warm smile on the children. She donated money and transported goods and masks to Wuhan. She didn't plan anything, only to contribute her warm but firm strength to the people, the society and the country. This pneumonia has turned domestic masks into scarce goods. Don't be afraid! Look, our neighbor Japan sent us 1 million masks. Don't be afraid! Overseas Chinese are buying masks abroad and flying them back to the motherland. Don't be afraid! The Burmese people have sent us boxes and boxes of goods! Please believe in the power of unity! Believe in the power of the country! Believe in international power! Believe in the power of "believe"!

Unite as one, unite as one, dedicate to the country, do not ask for return, believe in the country and tide over the difficulties!

When the flowers bloom in spring, let's pick up "Wuhan brother" to go home. Let's eat the long lost hot and dry noodles and see the cherry blossoms in full bloom!

Wuhan, come on! Angel in white, come on! Go China!


For our Chinese, the Spring Festival is the biggest of all festivals of the year. But this spring festival in 2020, the epidemic has affected the hearts of the people of the whole country, let us think about the significance of life, and let us see the backbone of China in a new era.

There are many people who go to the front. A petition, a return ticket, everyone has a firm eye and no hesitation. Su Xun once said, "the virtuous do not mourn his death, but worry about the decline of his country." It's probably the best picture of them. Their heart is to save the living life in crisis, the virus to control crime from the source, and to devote their own strength to the reality. In their hearts, there is a natural weight of small families. At the time of family reunion, they also want to be with their families, to be reunited with their families and to have a reunion meal... They have hesitated and never gave up. But, before the epidemic, the country is in a state of crisis. How can they only care about themselves? So they chose to guard Wuhan without hesitation. What's more, they return to Wuhan for the love and responsibility in their hearts. They volunteered to go to the front line. Some people postpone the wedding to guard Wuhan, some people shave their hair with black and bright hair for this purpose, "nothing, no longer hair can grow."“ To die in a national disaster, and to die suddenly will return. " They have no regrets. With the constant wind and waves, there are always people standing up to become the backbone of China and taking on the national responsibility. They are monuments of immortality, and the backbone of the Republic!

Academician Zhongnanshan, 84, took a Spring Festival transport dining car to Wuhan at the first time of the outbreak“ To establish the heart for the heaven and earth, to make a living for the people, to open peace for all ages, to keep the holy and to learn. He is the hero of the times and the backbone of the nation. He, give up the reunion of the small family, only to wait for the lights of the family. He was on the front line of fighting the virus with medical staff, saving the patient from the hands of the dead. They are not afraid, but before disaster, they must be fearless; They know that the water ahead is hot and hot, but they are on the front line without hesitation... Just because, in their hearts, the safety of the Chinese is more important and the security of China is more important!

Isolate the virus, but not love. I heard a very touching sentence: "our city is sick, we will cure her, or welcome you to Wuhan later." yes, Wuhan is a beautiful city in my impression. The cherry blossom season every year adds a lot of beauty and dreams to it. She will be fine, I believe!

The long years of 5000 years, how many wind and rain have passed, it is precisely because of the emergence of these heroes who forget me in the long history, so that the Chinese nation can live and reproduce till now. Our youth should take this as an example, take on the great responsibility, always cherish the patriotic heart, build the Chinese glory together!

In the face of national difficulties and viruses, we hope that the front-line medical staff can take care of their bodies, and that New Coronavirus will be defeated at an early date. I firmly believe that we will definitely open the clouds and clouds to see the day. We will certainly overcome the epidemic, stand up bravely, take up the great responsibility of the times and take a good future! May Wuhan recover soon, and may the cherry blossom in Wuhan remain beautiful and charming!




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