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时间:2022-12-22 14:30:58     小编:zdfb



西双版纳傣族自治州位于云南省最南端,在北纬21°08′~22°36′,东经99°56′~101°50′之间,系北回归线以南,亚洲大陆向东南亚半岛过渡地带。全州总面积19184.45平方公里,人口79.6万,下辖景洪市和猛海、猛腊两县。这里居住著傣、哈尼、布朗、基诺、拉祜、佤、瑶等十几个民族, 其中傣族占1/3,汉族占1/3, 其他民族占1/3。与老挝、缅甸接壤,国境线长1069公里。

西双版纳距省会昆明约700馀公里,乘汽车两天或一昼夜可到达。版纳机场可起降“波音737”飞机,每天有从昆明到西双版纳的直达航班,空中飞行时间约50分钟, 另外辟有从成都、重庆、曼谷等城市到西双版纳的直达包机航缐。境内公路四通八达,十分方便。 西双版纳这个名称,是明代隆庆四年(1570年),宣慰司(当地最高的行政长官)把辖区分?十二个“版纳”(傣语“十二”?“西双”,“版纳”?一 千亩之意,即一个版纳?一个徵收赋役的单位)。从此便有了“西双版纳”这一傣语名称。

西双版纳是国家44处重点风景名胜区之一,有著300多万亩自然保护区,其中70万亩是保护完好的大原始森林,森林占全州总面积近60%, 到处青山绿水,郁郁葱葱,以其美丽和富饶闻名遐迩。

西双版纳境内共有植物二万多种,其中属热带植物5000多种,有食用植物一万多种,野生水果50多种,速生珍贵用材树40多种。许多 植物是珍贵用材或具有特殊用途,如抗癌药物美登木、嘉兰;治高血压的罗芙木;健胃虫的槟榔;风吹楠的种子油是高寒地区坦克、汽车 发动机和石油钻探增粘降凝双效添加剂的特需润滑油料;桐子油可替代柴油;被誉为“花中之王”依兰香可制成高级香料;有1700多年前的古茶树;有天然的“水壶”、“雨伞“;会闻乐起舞、会吃蚊虫的小草……

广大茂密的森林,给各种野生动物提供了理想的生息场所,目前已知有鸟类429种,占全国鸟类总数2/3,兽类67种,占全国兽类总数的16%, 西双版纳鸟兽种类之多,是国内其他地方无法相比的。其中被列为世界性保护动物的有亚洲象、兀鹫、印支虎、金钱豹等;有国家一级保护动物野牛、羚羊、 懒猴等13种,还有许多二、三类保护动物。

西双版纳还盛产橡胶,是全国第二大胶区、橡胶单产居全国之首,另外还盛产大米、多种热带水果和砂仁等珍贵药材,是名副其实的“植物王国”、 “动物王国”、“绿色王国”、“南药王国”。

到版纳旅游,有时会看到美丽的孔雀、白鹇、犀鸟在林中飞翔;有时会看到大象在公路上漫步;有时会看到羚羊、野鹿、野兔在奔跑……那情那景,真叫 人开心,这是在其他地方难以想象得到的奇观和乐趣啊!

西双版纳属热带雨林气候,日照充足,雨量充沛,一年内分干季和湿季,年平均气温在21℃。干季从11月至翌年4月,温季从5月至10月。终年无霜雪。 年雾日达108—146天。景洪地区极端最高气温达41.1℃,极端最低气温2.7℃,常年适於旅游观光。 傣族的历史悠久,在长期的生活中创造了灿烂的文化,尤以傣历、傣文和绚丽多采的民族民间文学艺术著称於世。早在 一千多年前,傣族的先民就在贝叶、绵纸上写下了许多优美动人的神话传说、寓言故事、小说、诗歌等,仅用傣文写的长诗就有550馀部。《召树屯与楠木诺娜》、 《葫芦信》等是其代表作,被改编成电影、戏剧等,深受群众的喜爱。

傣族的舞具有很高的艺术水平和鲜明的民族特色,动作为多类比和美化动物的举止,如流行广泛 的“孔雀舞”、“象脚鼓舞”等。 傣族的音乐悦耳动听,除了为舞蹈伴奏外,常与诗歌相结合。雕刻、绘画也具有鲜明的特点。傣族信仰上座部佛教,在傣族地区, 佛塔和佛寺随处可见。傣族民居——竹楼,是我国现存最典型的干栏式建筑,造型古雅别致,住在里面清凉舒爽。

傣族男子有纹身的习俗,表示勇敢、美观,亦能吸引异性的爱慕。 具有特色的旅游纪念品有:傣包、傣锦(绣花埝单、枕头、筒裙)、陶瓷水罐、竹篾饭盒、银腰带、筒巴、各种民族服装、花包、绣花腰包、木雕、鹅石工艺等。至于别有风味的傣味菜,那是每一个游客都要品尝一番的。临别,你千万不要忘了买几盒红豆(也叫相思子)回去,送给你的妻子、恋人或朋友,那是最具有特殊意义和浪漫情调的礼物啊!因此古人早就有诗云:“红豆生南国,春来发几枝,愿君多采撷,此物最相思。”




xishuangbanna is located in the south of yunnan province, covering an areaof about 20000 square kilometers. there are more than 10 ethnic groups living inxishuangbanna. among them, the dai nationality has the largest population and isthe dai autonomous prefecture. as a scenic resort, xishuangbanna has its owncharacteristics. the ethnic minorities living here basically retain their ownunique culture and customs. here people can see the colorful headdresses andskirts of dai and bulang people, the bamboo buildings they live in and thebamboo rice they eat

in the middle of april every year, the dai people's new year's festival,the water splashing festival. during the festival, whether in bamboo buildings,villages, streets or highways, whether men or women, young or old, passers-by,there are lively water splashing activities everywhere. some of them arecarrying washbasins, some are carrying buckets, and they are splashing waterwith each other's hands. everyone is drenched. according to local customs, thismeans washing away the dirt on the body with water, eliminating disasters andgetting happiness. in the days of water splashing festival, people also enjoysinging, dancing, drinking and feasting. going to xishuangbanna to participatein the water splashing festival has become a very attractive tourist program

dai bamboo house is a kind of castles in the air with bamboo and woodstructure. the area is quite large. the whole pavilion is supported by dozens oflarge wooden columns, and the floor is made of bamboo. the downstairs is open onall sides, not inhabiting people, just piling up sundries and raising live upstairs. the roof is covered with a very thin flat tile, and itsshape is very similar to the hat worn by ancient people. according to localpeople, this is kongming hat. it is said that kongming layer taught the localpeople rice in those years. in order to commemorate him, the local peopledesigned the roof of the bamboo building as kongming's hat

in addition to enjoying the scenery of tropical rain forest, you can alsoappreciate the style of exotic trees and grasses, such as gypsophila, mimosa,wangtian tree, alsophila spinulosa, curculiaria, hercules, wanglian, travelerbanana, mysterious fruit (tree), big bangen of sishu tree you can also watch thescene of "fish in a hurry". you can meet peacocks and take pictures with wildelephants

the water splashing festival is the most solemn festival of the dainationality. it is held in the middle of april every year, that is, the firstmonth of the dai calendar. water splashing festival is the dai new als generally last three to ten days. the first day is called "mai ri" indai language, which is similar to the lunar new year's eve. the second day iscalled "chari" (empty day) in dai language. the third day is the new year, whichis called "ba wang ma" (meaning the beginning of the year). people regard thisday as the most beautiful and auspicious day. in the early morning of thefestival, the whole village dressed up to visit the buddha in the buddhisttemple and built a pagoda in the temple. on the top of the tower, there areseveral bamboo schools wrapped with cloth and colored paper. people sit aroundthe pagoda, listening to buddha chanting scriptures and explaining historicallegends. young men and women go up the mountain in groups to pick wild flowersto make a flower house. at noon, the women each picked a load of water andsplashed it on the buddha to wash the dust. then, men and women, old and young,carrying buckets and washbasins, sprinkle and bless each other, believing thatthis can eliminate disasters and diseases, and be safe and auspicious. tens ofthousands of people dance to the beautiful dai music and shout "water! water!aquatic products" while dancing. the shouting is moving and the sound of drumsand gongs resounds through the sky. the scene is very spectacular. during thewater splashing festival, dai youths like to play games in the forest. theflower bag is sewn with beautiful flowers. it contains cotton paper, cottonseedand so on. the four corners and the center are decorated with five flower is a token of love. first, he tossed aimlessly, and then he gradually had afixed goal. when the girl consciously let the young man lose, the young man gavethe prepared gift to lan niang, and they both left the crowd and went to a quietplace to make love. at the water splashing festival, dragon boat races will alsobe held. thousands of chinese and foreign tourists gather by the lancang riverto watch groups of red and green dragon boat races. the dai people split thewaves and forge ahead bravely with the sound of gongs and whistles, adding a lotof tension and joy to the festival.

fanggaosheng and kongming lantern are unique activities in dai the festival, people set up a high lift and ignite the homemade earthrocket. it spews white smoke and whizzes into the blue sky, attracting people tolook up and cheer from time to time. the higher and farther gaosheng flies, themore glorious and auspicious it is. the winner will win the prize. at night,people light the lanterns in the open space of the square, put them into theself-made big "balloon", and use the buoyancy of the air to release the"kongming lamps" into the sky. one by one bright kongming lamps fly higher andfarther in the dark night. people use it to commemorate the ancient sage kongming.

water splashing festival also includes river boat, elephant foot dance,peacock dance and chicken fighting. in recent years, folk customs investigation,economic and trade negotiations and other contents have been added, making thewater splashing festival more colorful. the water splashing festival is heldsimultaneously in xishuangbanna and dehong, both of which can be directly fromkunming by air.

there is also a beautiful legend about the origin of the water splashingfestival: a long time ago, there was a demon king with boundless power in thedai area. he did all kinds of evil, and the people could not bear to suffer. hesuccessively occupied six girls, and later he forcibly occupied nanzongbu, themost beautiful princess in the world. seven girls were humiliated and waited forrevenge. the clever seven girls drunk the demon king at the banquet and learnedhis achilles' heel from him. one night, the demon king fell asleep after he wasdrunk. according to the demon king, nan brown cloth pulled out a demon king'shair and put it on the demon king's neck. the demon king's head immediately fellto the ground. but the blood dripping from the devil turned into a raging fire,and quickly spread to the world. nan brown cloth quickly picked up the devil,and the fire on the ground went out. as soon as it was put down, the firestarted again. so the seven girls took turns holding the devil's head, and theothers poured water on her. it took 999 days to put out the fire, and thevillagers lived happily ever after.



西双版纳原始森林公园, 位于西双版纳景洪城区以东,澜沧江以北一处叫菜阳河的山谷内。距西双版纳州府所在地约8公里,正在改建的西双版纳昆洛公路从公园北沿通过,是距西双版纳州府所在地最近的一处森林公园。公园地处海拔720米-1355米的河谷地带,占地面积3万亩,以开展西双版纳热带原始森林科考观光旅游为主,兼容民族风情展示,休闲度假避暑等内容。该园在菜阳河两岸,已开辟了6个西双版纳旅游景区:即公园接待区、野外游憩区、西双版纳观光游览区、森林保护区、花果林木区及中心游憩区。公园的接待区,坐落在园门附近。该区建有两个水明如镜的月亮湖,在碧波荡漾的月亮湖畔,辟有停车场,建有一幢幢特点鲜明的别墅楼。野外游憩区,设有游客植树留念场,野营野炊基地和若干个开展西双版纳民俗风情活动的场所: 傣族宫殿



西双版纳原始狩猎活动点,备有原始的狩猎工具弓弩, 西双版纳原始狩猎






西双版纳的居民以傣族为主, 香竹饭



版纳美食尽在夜市,各少数民族风味食品应有尽有,最符合南方人的口味。在夜间,游客边品尝风味佳肴,边观赏景洪城的夜景,五颜六色的灯光下,尝之不尽的美食会使你流连忘返。 西双版纳犀鸟














泼水节,是傣族人民一个古老的传统节日。 傣族一年一度的泼水节传统节日(阳历四 西双版纳泼水节





there is a beautiful place with poetic and picturesque scenery. this is thebeautiful xishuangbanna.

here is a famous scenic spot in china, its main feature is the integrationof the advantages of natural landscape and cultural landscape. located on thenorthern edge of the tropics south of the tropic of cancer, it is warm, sunny,humid and rainy all the year round. it is the only oasis in the tropic of cancerdesert belt of the earth and is known as a natural wonder of the earth.

let's first visit the "wangtian tree" scenic spot. wangtian tree, about 60meters high, is listed as a protected tree species in the world. next, let'sfeel the unique style of dai nationality. this kind of house is made of bambooand wood, which is spanided into upper and lower floors. the upper floor is notonly damp proof and ventilated, but also can avoid the attack of poisonoussnakes and mosquitoes. it is suitable for people to live in. the lower floor canalso be used to raise livestock and store commonly used farm tools and shape of the bamboo building is like a peacock, and also like a huge tentbetween the blue sky and green trees. bamboo building is a unique building ofdai people. it has historical, artistic and scientific value.

another attraction of xishuangbanna is the wild elephant valley in thetropical forest. the trees in the tropical rainforest are as thin as people inthe tropics. the rainforest is twined with vines. the famous plants arestrangled. it's a kind of silent cruelty that comes from such places. it's rareto see a wild elephant in the wild elephant valley. there is a tree hotel in thevalley. it's a legend! if you have time, you can stay in the tree and wait forthe wild elephant. when you go back to mount tai in the forest

. if you are lucky enough to meet a wild elephant, you may as well watch afree elephant show, which is also very interesting. let's have a look at thedawen landscape here and the charming dai village water. dai people have anatural sense of reverence for water. villages are usually built near the most solemn festival of dai people is the water splashing festival. theybuild a kind of god tower on the drinking well in the village. on the decoratedcolorful tower, there are many small mirrors inlaid in order to get theprotection of gods.

the tower covers the well to avoid dust and debris falling into the dai family, even the children, have been influenced by adults sincechildhood and never play by the well. the dai family's love for the water thataffects their survival can be seen.

another major feature of the dai people is that they laugh at life anddeath. they think that "if people don't practice good before they live, theywill suffer in hell after they die." so the dai people, who are deeplyinfluenced by this idea, are very friendly to people. dai people's life anddeath, outlook on life, rich in a strong sense of buddhism. they also believethat life and death are only between thoughts. it is precisely because of thefear of death that the happiness of life is so real and the fragments of lifeare so brilliant.

well, our trip is over. if you have a feeling that it is not enough, pleasecome to the beautiful xishuangbanna for sightseeing in person!







放高升和孔明灯是傣族地区特有的活动。人们在节前就搭好高高的高升架,届时将自制的土火箭点燃,它一边喷出白烟,一边"嗖 嗖 嗖 "的尖啸着飞上蓝天,引得人们举目张望,不时发出喝采声,高升飞得越高越远的寨子,人也觉得更光彩、更吉祥,优胜者还将获奖。入夜,人们又在广场空地上,将灯烛点燃,放到自制的大"汽球"内,利用空气的浮力,把一盏盏"孔明灯"放飞上天。一一盏盏明亮的孔明灯在漆黑的夜晚越飞越高,越飞越远。人们以此来纪念古代的圣贤孔明。
















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