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时间:2022-12-22 13:38:03     小编:zdfb



bao ming jiajing period, in reading the channel mouth piers built on bao temple, main hall sits eight feet tall statue of baogong involved, dynasty, mahan, get, yan-fang stand on both sides, and there are three zha bibcock, tiger, dog; both sides wing cemetery unearthed cultural relics on display package, including the family precepts and exhibits such as pao family tree. temple east hexagonal pavilion has a well, legend corrupt officials drank wells have a headache, so the name "cv 23". hatosy southeast covers an area of 3 hectares of conifers, is the cemetery bao and his wife and children. to commemorate the one thousand anniversary of baogong involved in hatosy park to planning and construction on the basis of the original culture of baogong involved, hereinafter referred to as "package" park. hatosy park in addition to the bao temple, cemetery, also a new sky court, bao memorial, benediction, such as square, the water fountain.

reorganize built bao park, bao temple, bao cemetery, cool breeze pavilion three as the main scenic spot building, another footprint associated with bao tong, floating zhuang two open spots.

the footprints pond:

originally hatosy a pond on a small island, it and jump to the hatosy, middle lies in hatosy. footprints pond nearly 20 meters long, about 8 meters wide, as the giant left a deep footprint.

in the legend, bao zheng youth pier reading, often to visit here. then north island did not "jade belt bridge", one day, zheng have a good time here think of to see the other side, the surface is not wide, but without a bridge without a boat, so had to suddenly jump forward. because legend bao originally wanted heaven descent in the foetus, so that a single island left a deep and big footprints, over time to form a small pond, so people call it "footprints pond". this may be a myth legend, colour, for hefei citizens to bao's admiration.

floating zhuang:

former academy of baogong involved, reconstruction in 1983, in august 20xx, and to build, covers an area of 20 mu. its south and neighbouring packet cemetery, the wind pavilion, west and bao temple from afar is a set of the teahouse, the lotus pond, tingxie, winding scene of classical gardens built in accordance with the water, with jiangnan gardens and artistic architectural characteristics.

floating around the green water swirl zhuang, like floating on the surface of the ancient village, so the former defense secretary general zhang aiping named "floating" zhuang for it.

bao temple

bao temple is located in hefei hatosy lake, south of the town, there is a long and narrow island, the island green trees, colorful flowers like scene, with a white wall park of ancient buildings is the temple of baogong involved, bao temple is the official representative figure in the history of chinese bao's ancestral temple. hefei now bao temple has become a beautiful scenery. the four seasons here visitors constantly, as anyone who to hefei to honor the official history.

hatosy lotus root

hatosy lotus root is a big attraction, the lotus root silk, also symbolizes the bao zheng impartially. lead all the nations.


each visitor:

how are you, welcome you to tienjin to travel, i am your guide david.

i introduce today's route of travel to everyone first, first, we go by carto sight-see tienjin museum, five major ways and benefit follow virtuous bighotel, by boat tour sea river, thou cultural street, then go to a horse can waveluo's square, italian romantic feeling area, and then visit beam qi super pastreside with italian barracks

the position that the car drives now is a plum the river live area, it islocated in the extension of comity road in the south of tienjin city on-line, isthat city hall in tienjin is unified to invite bids construction of large nestleto live area.

now our driving is this road is a comity road, this road is the main trunkhighway that city hall in tienjin faces a guest, the north rises ma chang dao,the south goes to black cow city way, neighbor rapid road, all grow 3.5kilometers.

what we see is an impressive-looking vehemence tienjin museum now, itlocates at on the intergalactic square and sees very much resembling to flapwings to rise the daytime goose that the desire flies from the lake noodles fromthe shape, and the total shape brief introduction is flowing freely and enrichthe feeling and art in ages very in tienjin is a nation one classmuseum, is in original tienjin national museum of history and art museumfoundation in tienjin on set be finished, is to display ancient chinese art andhistory in tienjin to develop large comprehensive sex museum, here the buildinghide each kind of cultural object 20 remaining is ten thousand, among them, onethe class cultural object is about thousand, north sung period famous landscapepainting 《snow landscape wintry forest diagram 》 for north sung"landscapepainting three everyones" of one fan breadth of bequeath to posterity genuinecalligraphy, also have the treasure that be rated as the country of the westernweek protects ding to also collect here too much and believe that museum intienjin will present the bright hall of chinese art to you.

the right that the garage drives is a crystal temple big hotel, is famouschinese descent, designer, wu xiang zi di, , designs of four star classhotel.

the underneath what we sight-seed is five major ways, it is located at topeaceful area in tienjin city, there are total of 22 roads, five major waysrented boundary for england at first, if there were 20__ remainings here, thedifferent garden type ocean building is the style and said to is five majorways, in really six ways, they be:ma chang dao, the mu south way, great reasonway and often virtuous way, chongqing way and chengdu way, rather than five, butspread long, be so called a kind of officer said, now then five major waysbecame the pronoun of small tienjin ocean building.

we drive now of this was ma chang dao, it was a road that grows most infive major ways, all grow 3516 meters, rented boundary race course because ofleading to an english but get, once was still that the big modern tienjinofficer is expensive to swarm about a prosperous road that interleave go backand forth, swarmed about many celebrities here here past reside, everyonepleases see the have big clock face to face of french luo man type what stylebuilding was famous foreign country language college in tienjin, it sets up in20's in last century, the building in the campus all is french building.

we turn now last is road in hebei, everyone saw toward right-hand side infront, the 4 f that has very heavy italian romantic feeling the small oceanbuilding was an only fresh yue wine shop, was so called "pimple" building, theinner part repaired extremely fashionable, especially collect to settle the taokuang imperial decree between the years, various stone carving, ancient weapon,have ascend to spring autumn next to about 4000 cultural objects of republic, bepraised as "the museum edibled", make people call more unique be, the building's305 rooms once were famous city play master, ma lian liang, of old reside.

front of the way was way in tai-an, it is another trunk highway that faceguest and host of our tienjin, and the building of this classic renew type inthe greece is wei location in tienjin city, opened the luan mineral mansion inthe duty bureau at first original here north ocean warlord sun zhuanfang of past reside, now is account to living wei of transact a location.

everyone's inviting the hotel seeing us right ahead is a benefit followvirtuous big hotel, its starting is set up to 1863 is built by the britishpastor's yan sen virtuous property of, hence get, but, also have a kind ofparlance is draw from "reason fluently with virtuous" of the confucianismmenzi's person with ideals and integrity's famous saying but get, the culturalobject inside the store is too many to enumerate, therefore, be listed as bystate department in 1996 whole country point cultural object protectionunit.

connecting down us will by boat sight-see sea river, we will go aboard nowfor the sake of ensuring your safety and please a preservation like yourpersonal luggage so as not to damage with throw to lose, and notice the hygieneon board, don't throw fruit peel indiscriminately, take the kid's passenger toinvite you to nurse like your child, don't want to let him for the sake of hissafety the activity don't explore your head and body on a ship and alone inaddition to a window, finally remind you, there is a life jacket under each seatwith fully need , good, everyone notices foot, please go aboard!the sea river isone of seven big river rivers in the whole countries, all grow 72 kilometers,wind around to flow through several city areas inside tienjin city, mother'sriver of tienjin, load tienjin for 600 years, how much in the last years torrentnot interest, conceive ancient times and now civilization in tienjin, feedpassionate hospitality of sea river position that the ship anchorswas 5 a class view area in nation thou cultural street, asked everyone to takethe good baggage product goes on board and notices foot with me and please!

thou cultural street is with spana temple for center, have a street of placespecial feature in tienjin very much, spana's temple is one of three greatestspana's temples in the world, is our country northern goddess of the sea thecultural research center and north's biggest goddess of the sea temple is also afolk cultural tienjin source, thou cultural street concentrated tienjin is tovarious handicraft product of national all directions, draw by willow youthamong them, clay doll zhang cai su and wei record kite the most famous.

we drove onto the idea type romantic feeling area now, it locates at in thesouth of hebei to carry and once was area in the center of italian lend-lease inmodern tienjin history, is unique italian history appearance buildings that isalso a biggest our country domestic in the center horse of italianromantic feeling area here can wave luo's square

now what we want to visit is the studio being super past to reside anddrink ice room beam qi, the beam qi is super is a modern age only one of theheart parties leaders, he and the kang is only capable to initiate heart andcall "kang beam", after e xu political reform fails, the beam qi is super exiledjapan, xin hai revolution behind return to country, drank ice the indoor tocompose works like 《chinese history research method 》, 《 manchu dynasty academicgeneral outline 》 ,etc in its studio, after again is drinking a finished work inthe ice room and call 《drink ice room to match to gather 》 .

friends, what everyone visited is an italian barracks now, according to therules of the bitter ugly treaty, eight country's allied troops send a soldier tostation tienjin, 1902, italy built up barracks in the lend-lease and pleasedfriends to together visit with me.

liked friends, today's tour was getting aller is ng you to thesupport and match that i work is getting more perfect, has for the sake of mywork what not thoughtful place invite you to leave a precious opinion, wish youall the luck!expect to gather together with you again at my home town,tienjin!

thank everyone!


huangyaguan great wall :

located in the mountainous area of tianjin's northern ji county, thehuangyaguan great wall was first built during the northern qi dynasty (550 -557) and repaired in large scale with bricks during the ming dynasty (1368 -1644). when appointed as the chief commanding officer in the ji garrison (one ofthe eleven garrisons of the ming dynasty), qi jiguang added watch towers andother defensive works.

the huangyaguan great wall comes out first in the ten most-visited sites intianjin. it is considered to be a miniature of the great wall. the entiresection is built on an abrupt mountain ridge. being endowed with both naturalbeauty and cultural interest, it has become famous as a natural beauty spot anda summer resort. the major scenic area is composed of huangyaguan pass andtaiping mountain stronghold.

huangyaguan pass: in 1984, the people of tianjin spent three yearsrepairing 3,308 yards of the main wall from banlagang mountain in the east towangmaoding mountain in the west. they restored 20 terraces, the huangyaguanwater gate, and the bagua castle (the eight diagrams castle). the defensivesystem of the wall is complete. watch towers, frontier cities, drain holes,emplacements, barracks and other indispensable military facilities are arrangedorderly along the wall. besides, the stele forests of the great wall, beijitemple, the exhibition hall of famous couplets, the great wall museum (the firstmuseum along the great wall) and the phoenix fortress have been newly builtwithin the area.

taipingzhai great wall :

six miles southeast of huangyaguan pass is the taipingzhai great wall,another important mountain stronghold of the wall during the ming dynasty (1368- 1644). it is also called taipinganzhai, meaning "a village of peace andprosperity". starting from banlagang mountain in the east and arriving at guafutower (widow tower) in the west, it winds through the precipitous mountains forabout 955 yards.

the wall is an important component of huangyaguan great wall. there are sixwatch towers, one battlement, and one shortcut leading to the wall. thearchitectural styles of the military towers vary considerably. there are square,round, solid and hollow towers, with some inside and others outside the the shortcut, there is a small citadel where an 8.5-meter statue of qijiguang, the chief commanding officer of ji garrison (one of the elevengarrisons in the ming dynasty) is located. the local people built this statue inorder to commemorate his great contribution to frontier peace and stability inthat period. to the west of the citadel, a section of the wall extends 33 yardsout to where a sentry post was situated.

at the western end of the wall is a square stone tower called guafu tower,"widow tower" in english, built by twelve wives whose husbands died during theconstruction of the wall in the ming dynasty. the widows erected this tower tocommemorate their husbands' notable exploits. the tower has two levels andmeasures 13-meters (14-yards) high. arched arrow windows are on the four sidesof the tower.

besides these cultural points of interest, taipingzhai great wall is alsofamous for its amazingly impressive scenery. zigzagging along the mountain ridgefor over 984 yards, the wall looks very much like a giant dragon flying throughclouds.

mt. panshan scenic area :

covering an area of 106 square kilometers (about 26193 acres), mt. panshanscenic area is located in jixian county, 110 kilometers (68.4 miles) away fromtianjin, 88 kilometers (54.7 miles) away from beijing. as the name suggests, thescenic area is mainly mt panshan–oriented. endowed with natural beauty and ahistorical heritage, mt panshan is known as 'the first mountain east of beijing'and is listed as one of the top fifteen mountains in china.

the mountain acquired its present name, early in the eastern han (25-220).taizong , the second emperor of the tang dynasty (618-907), was prodigal of hispraise of its scenery on his chance visit when he led the army in a y-two temples, thirteen pagodas and numerous xanadus and towers were builton the mountain in the ming dynasty (1368-1644) and the qing dynasty(1644-1911). qianlong, a brilliant and wise qing dynasty emperor was soimpressed that he made thirty or so visits and wrote 1366 poems to express hisadmiration of the area. in the first half of the twentieth century, the wholeresort all fell to ruin due to hostilities and neglect. it has undergone aprocess of restoration since the 1990s and is now regaining its fame.

it is famous for jade pine trees, strange and astonishing peaks, clearwaters, grotesquely shaped rocks and clusters of ancient temples. on themountaintop, numerous pines hide the sky from view and block out the rocks in a variety of shapes, some of which resemble a toad, a general ora boa, will greet you in the middle of the mountain. at its foot, clear watersplashes on the rocks. the mountain consists of five peaks, with the main one,guayue (moon hanging) peak. although guayue peak is only 857 meters (2811.7feet) above sea level, to the north it is possible to see a section of the greatwall while to the west mt taihang can be seen.

from the wei state during the three kingdoms period (220-280) onwards,emperors enthusiastically commissioned the building of temples, towers andxanadus resulting in over 160 such sites. there are four main temples: tianchengtemple (god proposing temple), yunzhao temple (cloud-hiding temple), wanfotemple (ten thousand-buddha temple) and wansong temple (ten thousand-pinetemple). tiancheng temple built in the tang dynasty, was enlarged and repairedin the ming and the qing dynasties. to the east of this temple stands theancient dagoba. as the biggest tower in this mountain, it has thirteen roof of the yunzhao temple was a golden yellow, a color that normally wasonly allowed to be used on imperial buildings. by granting permission for this,emperor qianlong demonstrated his approval and admiration of the mountain. wanfotemple (ten thousand-buddha temple) has 10,960 small buddhas statues.


friends, just after changsha railway station is the place where we tour bus, it started in 1975, completed in 1977, at that time with the beijing railway station, guangzhou railway station and called china's three largest train station, when it was built at the same time also for the domestic one of the top ten buildings. online there are sixteen railway bureau in national railway two railway group co., ltd., say every day issued the train trip to countless times, there was a train trip time is very special, it is the t1 time train. t1 time the train starting point is beijing, the terminal is in changsha. we from emotional think this is a special kind of symbolic significance, is the people of hunan created the new china, mao zedong hunan changsha forever context associated with the capital beijing. we can see now, the main body of changsha railway station building is a clock tower, it going off every hour < < the east > > this song. it is the modelling of a torch, also some friends said that it is like a thriving of hot pepper is a symbol of hunan people's uprightness and bloody.

we now go a flat road is 51 avenue, may 1 avenue was founded in 1951 so called no.3, no.3 east railway station, west to the xiangjiang river bridge, the total length of 4138 meters. it is one of the main road, changsha, also the changsha city east-west axis, turned out to be narrow, the road is only 19 meters wide, in 20xx by the provincial government paid more than six rebuilt the 51 avenue, you can see now of 51 avenue traffic, orderly, there are eight roads between both reach 60 meters wide. wuyi avenue is the most straight, the longest, the widest, changsha is also the most beautiful a city center avenue, it passes through is the most prosperous area of changsha, as the most popular commercial pedestrian street of changsha huang xingna road pedestrian street on the south side of it.

changsha city urban construction, especially the construction of road in 20xx years development is very rapid. about changsha city roads with such a small story in folk wisdom. is said to be held in the 15th 98, the former governor of hunan province zhang yunchuan comrade himself received by premier zhu, the prime minister is the genuine xingsha people, he was in changsha for governor zhang said the phrase: "zhang ah, you're going to make some road, to get more." changsha dialect means to do something, do something nice for the common people. and governor zhang is not the local people, he thought that the prime minister was asked him to take more, so a lot of urban main road are fixed in recent years, such as riverside avenue, huang xingna road, west road of liberation. from 20xx to 20xx, in changsha city of changsha urban construction investment up to more than 750 million to make various eyesores has made great improvement and promotion.

chen noticed, our group inside some friends have been to the window outside, everyone is focused on street on both sides of the green? careful friends may see the road on both sides have two rows of trees, the big leaf tree near the road is our hunan province magnolia trees, it is also the chairman mao is like a tree, if you have been to shaoshan dishuidong friends knew outside dishuidong a building there is a lot of tall trees under a strong. inside the a row of small leaves are camphor trees, is that changsha were made, our daily lives in the life of camphor ball camphor wood is used in the leaves. camphorwood furniture also is the good furniture, insect-resistant moth-proofing durable. we all know that hunan province is the birthplace of one of the four most famous embroidery weaving, high-grade of xiang embroidery is done with silk thread in needlework on silk fabric, should pay attention to moistureproof mildew insect-resistant, if deposit with camphor wood box can prevent moth bad, old mother to daughter get married in the countryside when to send a camphorwood deposit box bed blanket quilt cover is this truth. camphor tree grows in the south of the yangtze river, our friends may be rare in the north, but it doesn't matter, the zhangjiajie scenic spot after ma are inside, you can approach the scan.

trees, were finished province, chen to introduce you to our flower of hunan province and changsha city flower. hunan province flower is the lotus flower, because hunan river's lake, river comes through planting lotus and manglietia since the han and tang dynasties, the tang dynasty poet tan yongzhi in the autumn suxiangjiang encounter rain, wrote: "the autumn wind wanli lotus, sunset rain thousands of climbing fig village" inside the lotus countries borrow refers to hunan, in 1961, chairman mao's < < oblique. a friend > > a poem also has "i desire, so the dream boundless lotus kingdom from zhaohui" by the way, make it one or more famous in changsha city flower is called azalea, don't named azalea, is a common ornamental flowers, you can see many places all over the country. rhododendron is the city flower of chairman mao's hometown of shaoshan city, only in chairman mao's 100th anniversary of the original open azaleas in the severe winter blossom was a wonders.

in the square of the lotus is our position now, it is may day along the avenue in large and small five square larger one, named after the deep in and no.3 the intersection of furong road. lotus road is a north-south traffic trunk road, it is also the financial street of changsha, it every few meters there is a bank or securities company, is exiguous in changsha city mall. as changsha zhuzhou xiangtan in hunan province three cities integration accelerates, furong road now also keep pace with the times extends gradually close to 50 km, it as early as 20xx, more than beijing changan road become at present domestic urban road, the longest is known as "china first" all the way.

we now look for the center of the square, square in the middle there is a beauty named "liuyang river" sculpture. it is a long hair flies the image of the goddess of the hand to play the violin, her hair curved around fine count a total of nine bends, it is representative of our province within the territory of a famous river, liuyang river. in addition, the statue of special is that a lot of staff on her hair, spell out the complete is the song "liuyang river". < < liuyang river > > is xiangji singer li gu yi singing of a well-known folk song, where is the liuyang river, as we in changsha city on the east, if come from the airport after the liuyang river bridge.

we are now the location of the already in furong road. may be a lot of friends is the first time to hunan to changsha, chen will give everybody next to introduce in detail, let everybody to our beautiful the openning of land has a more comprehensive and profound understanding. hunan province is located in the yangtze river middle reaches, the surrounding and jiangxi, chongqing, guizhou, guangdong, guangxi, hubei border, for most of the south of dongting lake called "hunan". it is referred to as "xiang, also called xiaoxiang, with a total area of 21.18 square kilometers, ranked 11th in the whole country, population 66.62 million, one of the most populous provinces across the country ranked seventh. hunan has 13 cities, 1 autonomous prefectures, the trip we will be in changsha yiyang city after the chang de city and the destination of our trip, zhangjiajie, chen will make a corresponding introduction. hunan has a long history and is one of the birthplace of farming culture of the chinese nation. as early as 8000 years ago, humans reproduced here. hunan ancient chu, qin shi huang unified china in 211 bc, after a "changsha county," set "observation of hunan provincial" in the tang dynasty, song dynasty set "hunan road", set "huguang provinces" of the ming dynasty and qing dynasty "hunan province". during the period of the republic of china and after the founding of the people's republic of china, set up in hunan province.

eat, xiao chen is to introduce you to them and say, my mouth is estimated to be friends. we said is the last part, what is special about changsha handicraft. changsha only three well-known characteristics of arts and crafts, so-called "changsha" quiet, quiet "changsha" means, chrysanthemum stone carving, chinese red porcelain and xiang. the first special skill chrysanthemum stone materials in changsha liuyang liuyang river bottom shi cong, its pattern generated more than two hundred million years ago, is unique and precious stone in the world. chrysanthemum stone carving started in qianlong years, when people take stone dam, found that the stone with chrysanthemum, then set up "fill days stone" workshop, using this kind of stone carved inkstone, grinding out of ink, jiurun not stem, with "strange stone, color tight and qing", loved by people. as early as the 1915 world's fair in panama, chrysanthemum stone carving "plum, orchid, bamboo, chrysanthemum" landscape, with guizhou moutai won the gold medal, shocked the world, when foreigners are amazed "stone can blossom," chrysanthemum stone is famous in the world.

chairman mao has a party he very treasure inkstone, is to use the chrysanthemum stone. the second is chinese red porcelain. china is the hometown of porcelain, porcelain is the invention of the chinese nation great contribution to world civilization, in english "porcelain" and "china" words are china, visible porcelain pivotal position in the chinese civilization. in our daily life in china also into our life, small to a spoon, big to a bowl, everywhere, everywhere, the cheapest is only a few cents. cheap we look at too many, the most expensive we see less, the most expensive in chinese porcelain is a call "guiguzi down the mountain figure" of the yuan dynasty blue and white porcelain jar, hit a 2. $3 auction price. so a batch of drinking water is not a day, if sold, existing in the bank for interest, can generate interest - yuan a year, every day it will take - yuan to spend it generates interest. types have a lot of famous chinese porcelain, the tang, the porcelain, the song and yuan blue and white, is a famous porcelain, famous again, though, is a kind of color. what color? big red. before on may 11, 20xx, all of china, modern or ancient, at home or abroad, there is no big red this color. the bright red porcelain is developed successfully in changsha in 20xx, was named "china red".

is third unique called xiang, xiao chen are key to introduce you to a special skill. there are four big embroidery, embroidery, xiang embroidery, yue embroidery and shu embroidery, hunan xiang embroidery is one of the four most famous embroidery. said xiang is not the whole hunan, it only spread in hunan changsha area, xiang embroidery at the source of the shaping of the town. chen group visited, that place where women generation in embroidery, for life, a lifetime don't take hoe do heavy work, because we must protect the fingers, so you can fly needle silking, because of excessively with eyes, the old lady there eyes are bad. xiang embroidery has a long history, my lover, as early as two thousand years ago the western han dynasty, xiang embroidery work will reach the level of a surprised the posterity praise. writing unearthed inside a piece of clothing, length 128 cm, sleeve length 195 cm, cuff 29 cm wide, waist 48 cm wide, lap 49 cm wide, this dress is bigger, yao wear is no problem, but such a big a dress weigh? only 48 grams, less than a year or two. this is a what concept? we use modern science and technology have no way to do it. in the 1920 s, when they died sun yat-sen. his coffin pall outside package is the use of xiang. in the united states in 1933 the international exposition held in chicago, xiang out of the limelight. at that time, the chairman of hunan province, he sent a to go to the exhibition of president roosevelt bust xiang embroidery like gave roosevelt himself, caused a sensation. now this tapestry portrait hidden in chicago museum of alexander.

in the contemporary, xiang embroidery further development, create brilliant, become the pride of the people of hunan. in beijing, chairman mao memorial hall of the magnum opus of xiang embroidery treasures "shaoshan", the central office "to burn" birds are typical of the xiang embroidery works. on october 12, the shenzhou vi manned spacecraft launch a success, in addition to yang liwei, in addition to some scientific instruments, six god above also carry some memorable items, including the signs of china's second manned space flight "chinese astronauts center mark" "great man mao zedong's" and "f" four xiang embroidery work. especially the "f" word embroidered, but also greatly exquisite. "f" word embroidery is chairman mao in 1962, three years of difficult time to write a "f" word, brushwork deceit in dense, a word contains a field "endless" fertility, longevity, the profound implication. chairman life wrote many calligraphy work, this is one of the only "f" word. you can see inside the shaoshan mao library, its rubbings, but very limited number of each batch of only 1893 copies.

ok, my dear friends! our car has left the city of changsha, chen all aspects in changsha, the famous historical and cultural city of introduced here is over. on the hope that through chen's explanation, let you in changsha, hunan province have more more profound understanding of, of course, the "how" keep good men company if chen has introduced not incorrect place also hope that we put forward a lot of valuable advice. front over a period of time will be to "silver city" yiyang, if then you haven't go dating with the duke of zhou and chen again to introduce you to the mountain green water, beautiful woman like a cloud. thank you for your applause!


welcome to! i am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. for a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you.

changsha media power is can not be ignored, the domestic mainstream media "hunan tv station in changsha kaifu district is located in the" horse bar mountain, in addition, changsha, outdoor media, newspapers and magazines in media, and digital network media has hugely increased, changsha entertainment media has been becoming a powerful media of mainland china, and even the world. hunan satellite tv to mainland china earning the most-watched local tv stations, and the snare a large number of famous host and media workers. the main works are "happy camp", "day day up", "i'm a singer" "where dad" drama "the princess huanzhu", etc.

"super girl" and "happy boys" talent show held successfully and "dae jang geum", "xuanyuan sword", "(and) see the meteor shower together the most beautiful time, such as tv broadcast and further enhance the influence. hunan economic tv as one of the most popular television hunan native, its ratings and support all does not matched with hunan satellite tv. hunan via visual focus on local audience, so there are often broadcast with local characteristics of hunan. such as variety show more policy more happy, family film "a last-borns rushed forward" and so on. with qinghai tv in 20xx launched a talent show blossoming flowers, it is a new revision test broadcasts in 20xx launched a civil draft activities, aimed at mining the excellent talents, provide the platform. the development of china's domestic animation in changsha is quickly, this also makes the government is determined to build animation. state administration of radio, film and the first approval of nine animation industry base, changsha two exclusive.

golden eagle tv festival in china, changsha as the permanent home, the gold is one of the most important award for chinese film and television. changsha influential newspaper issued by the local newspaper "sansho metropolis daily", "changsha evening news", "xiaoxiang morning post, a national newspaper titan sports, and female today newspaper, have repeatedly received" national local newspaper management advanced unit "title. titan sports for sports, china's biggest circulation newspaper.

with the continuous development of internet and computer technology, the traditional media is turning to the internet development, major newspapers have introduced electronic web version, make people read more efficient, more convenient access to information channels, including "sansho metropolis daily", "hua sheng electronic online", "xiaoxiang morning herald", "changsha evening news", "stars online electronic loved by people. at the same time various networks and changsha, changsha classified information network, massachusetts are constantly emerging, common prosperity with changsha internet economy.

changsha of buddhism, taoism, catholicism, protestantism, islam, five major religions, religious staff of nearly 300 people, tens of thousands of people, be baptized and to convert believers followers more than 100000 people. yamadera foothill, kaifu temple, temple, stone frost temple, cloud palace, scroll view, green yangshan monastery where foothill, mosques, catholic church and the christian north hall 10 religious site is listed as key religious activity places at or above the provincial level, the foot yamadera, kaifu temple, temple, stone frost temple monastery, one thousand of which yamadera foothill and kaifu temple is one national key temples of buddhism in the han nationality; yamadera foothill, kaifu temple, temple, narathiwat temple, north main street to the north of the catholic church, christian church and christianity church 7 in religious activities such as site is listed as key cultural relics protection units in hunan province. as the provincial capital, changsha is a municipal religious group is located, is also the seat of the provincial religious groups, religious people are relatively concentrated.

during the period of the republic of china, changsha have gukaifu temple, west yamadera, waring temple, temple, grace temple lin, valley yamadera, gaoshan temple and tung creek temple known as the "changsha eight big jungle". because experience wen xi fire, after four changsha battle, the "cultural revolution", such as disaster, many temples were destroyed, in recent years, there is a small part of the temple rebuilt, such as the taniyama po lam temple. very strong gukaifu temple, incense every year. also have the foot of the ancient capital city yamadera; hongshan temple area youhong yamadera; ningxiang has a secret temple, etc., are all important temples in changsha area. changsha people also love to hengshan nanyue temple incense worshipping buddha, for the purpose of prayer. taoist shrine in xingsha lang pear town narathiwat temple, began in the northern and southern dynasties, more than 1500 years ago.

due to the eight years war of resistance, wen xi fire and broken capitalism, changsha urban area ancient relics of ancient almost wiped out. in 1978 the mainland since the reform and opening up was carried out by the rapid development of urban construction, but there is no full consideration of the historical block protection, does not yet exist full of historical and cultural blocks, the remaining four complete granite street. begin to pay close attention to in recent years, the ancient city of rescue, set up five protective rescue "historical and cultural blocks, the blocks are: taiping street, tide of street, small order, simon, historical and cultural blocks as pavilion.

changsha rich underground cultural relics, important archaeological finds have writing in changsha, ningxiang charcoal relics of bronze ware in the river, but floor slips of changsha, the spring and autumn period and the warring states period age hunan, copper kiln, etc.


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