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格式:DOC 上传日期:2022-12-18 21:27:10
时间:2022-12-18 21:27:10     小编:zdfb



yunnan province is located in the southwest of china. in this colorfulcountry, there are 26 ethnic minorities. there is an oasis at the southernmostend of the city. in other parts of the tropic of cancer, there are vast r, there is only such a unique scenery about xishuangbanna. this is thebeautiful and magical xishuangbanna! yunnan there is also the world wonder of"three parallel rivers" [jinsha river, nujiang river and lancang river]. lancangriver is a tributary of the yangtze river. one river passes through sixcountries [china, laos, myanmar, cambodia, vietnam and thailand]. lancang riveris also the mother river of the people of banna. jinghong city, the capital ofthe prefecture, is spanided into two districts, jiangnan and jiangbei. there arethree state-level ports in banna, namely the south and north mohan port, guanleiport and jinghong port!

xishuangbanna has one city and two counties [jinghong city, mengla county,menghai county], with a total area of more than 20000 square kilometers! it wasformerly known as cheli "cheli", later as "mengbi", also known as "city ofdawn", and later as "xishuangbanna"! in our dai language, "xishuang" means 12,and "banna" means bazi, that is, 12 bazi there are 13 ethnic minorities inxishuangbanna dai autonomous prefecture, one third of which are dai, one thirdhan and one third other ethnic minorities!

now let's introduce the dai family. don't underestimate the dai people. ithas a history of more than 1300 years. they have their own language, charactersand many other things worth watching. the dai people also have their own newyear, which usually lasts three to seven days in the middle of april everyyear!

on the first day of dragon boat race, at night, all the men, women andchildren gather by the lancang river to put out kongming lantern and waterlantern. everyone will write down their wishes and names. they will go down theriver and fly with the wind, hoping that their dreams will come true. on thesecond day, they will go to the market. all the people gather in man to listen,especially lively. there are all kinds of hawking sounds! on the third day, tooit's the buddha bathing ceremony. in the streets, no matter men or women, old oryoung, they will hold a basin or bucket to pour happiness water on you.

there is a very old legend about this. it is said that a long time ago,there was a demon who occupied the beautiful and rich xishuangbanna. here, hedid all kinds of evil deeds. people hated him to the bone, but no one couldsubdue him. they could only hold him in their hearts and dare not say it! he hadseven wives, all of them were robbed, all of them were cruel to him, but theyhad no way to take him, among them, the little sister seven the girl is the mostbeautiful and intelligent. one day, she discussed with her sisters, and finallydecided that she couldn't fight him hard. let's get him drunk by using thebeauty trick, and then set up his words, and then make the next plan. asexpected, the plan was held as scheduled. the devil was drunk, and said hisshortcomings. there was a red hair on his head. the seven girls took advantageof the evil when the devil was drunk and asleep, he pulled off his hair andstrangled the devil's neck. without much effort, the devil's head fell r, once the head was put on the ground, the ground would be full of girls held the head and did not dare to put it down, because he knew thatonce it was the common people who would be injured, the other six girls wouldkeep splashing water on her, hoping to wash away her body filthy, i hope thedisaster can pass. finally, the emperor will live up to those who want to. herhead will no longer burn, and seven girls will not. in order to commemorate thegirl who has done harm to the people, this day is called the water splashingfestival, also known as the buddha bathing festival. it is known as "splashingthrough one's body, happy life"!

there are also many stories of dai people, such as "mumnuna andzhaoshutun", "lotus princess nabohan" and many other folk stories, which ourancestors told us when we were very young. in the next few days, tina will tellyou one by one. the dai people live in a bamboo house with bars. the first flooris uninhabited. it is used to place crops and raise livestock. the owners liveon the second floor. such a house is warm in winter and cool in summer. the daipeople are a buddhist people. they believe in theravada buddhism. fromchildhood, dai boys have to be sent to buddhist temples to receive when they grow up can they return to the secular life if you don't go, youcan't get a wife, just like if han people don't go to school, others will laughat him for being "uneducated".

because it is said that men don't wear women, dai people have achieved thatthere are buddhist temples in their villages, and every family has buddhisttemples. dai people also keep their doors open at night, because they are veryconscious. so, next i'll teach you a few simple dai language! when boys see agirl, they call her "sao duoli", which means beauty. so when we girls see a boy,we call him "cat duoli", which means handsome.

well, our destination is almost here. let's talk about our itinerary andprecautions for tomorrow. we're going to xishuangbanna dai garden and menglunbotanical garden tomorrow morning. because it's rainy season, you'd better takean umbrella with you if you have an umbrella. and then you'd better remember totake sunscreen, because the ultraviolet radiation in banna is unforgiving, andthen it's big home can wear thin t-shirt and small underpants, because tomorrowwill be a little hot, the temperature is 21-36 degrees celsius, there will beshowers, but it's ok, banna east rain, west stop. ok, the destination is can get off. be careful!


there is a beautiful place with poetic and picturesque scenery. this is thebeautiful xishuangbanna.

here is a famous scenic spot in china, its main feature is the integrationof the advantages of natural landscape and cultural landscape. located on thenorthern edge of the tropics south of the tropic of cancer, it is warm, sunny,humid and rainy all the year round. it is the only oasis in the tropic of cancerdesert belt of the earth and is known as a natural wonder of the earth.

let's first visit the "wangtian tree" scenic spot. wangtian tree, about 60meters high, is listed as a protected tree species in the world. next, let'sfeel the unique style of dai nationality. this kind of house is made of bambooand wood, which is spanided into upper and lower floors. the upper floor is notonly damp proof and ventilated, but also can avoid the attack of poisonoussnakes and mosquitoes. it is suitable for people to live in. the lower floor canalso be used to raise livestock and store commonly used farm tools and shape of the bamboo building is like a peacock, and also like a huge tentbetween the blue sky and green trees. bamboo building is a unique building ofdai people. it has historical, artistic and scientific value.

another attraction of xishuangbanna is the wild elephant valley in thetropical forest. the trees in the tropical rainforest are as thin as people inthe tropics. the rainforest is twined with vines. the famous plants arestrangled. it's a kind of silent cruelty that comes from such places. it's rareto see a wild elephant in the wild elephant valley. there is a tree hotel in thevalley. it's a legend! if you have time, you can stay in the tree and wait forthe wild elephant. when you go back to mount tai in the forest

. if you are lucky enough to meet a wild elephant, you may as well watch afree elephant show, which is also very interesting. let's have a look at thedawen landscape here and the charming dai village water. dai people have anatural sense of reverence for water. villages are usually built near the most solemn festival of dai people is the water splashing festival. theybuild a kind of god tower on the drinking well in the village. on the decoratedcolorful tower, there are many small mirrors inlaid in order to get theprotection of gods.

the tower covers the well to avoid dust and debris falling into the dai family, even the children, have been influenced by adults sincechildhood and never play by the well. the dai family's love for the water thataffects their survival can be seen.

another major feature of the dai people is that they laugh at life anddeath. they think that "if people don't practice good before they live, theywill suffer in hell after they die." so the dai people, who are deeplyinfluenced by this idea, are very friendly to people. dai people's life anddeath, outlook on life, rich in a strong sense of buddhism. they also believethat life and death are only between thoughts. it is precisely because of thefear of death that the happiness of life is so real and the fragments of lifeare so brilliant.

well, our trip is over. if you have a feeling that it is not enough, pleasecome to the beautiful xishuangbanna for sightseeing in person!


xishuangbanna is located in the south of yunnan province, covering an areaof about 20000 square kilometers. there are more than 10 ethnic groups living inxishuangbanna. among them, the dai nationality has the largest population and isthe dai autonomous prefecture. as a scenic resort, xishuangbanna has its owncharacteristics. the ethnic minorities living here basically retain their ownunique culture and customs. here people can see the colorful headdresses andskirts of dai and bulang people, the bamboo buildings they live in and thebamboo rice they eat

in the middle of april every year, the dai people's new year's festival,the water splashing festival. during the festival, whether in bamboo buildings,villages, streets or highways, whether men or women, young or old, passers-by,there are lively water splashing activities everywhere. some of them arecarrying washbasins, some are carrying buckets, and they are splashing waterwith each other's hands. everyone is drenched. according to local customs, thismeans washing away the dirt on the body with water, eliminating disasters andgetting happiness. in the days of water splashing festival, people also enjoysinging, dancing, drinking and feasting. going to xishuangbanna to participatein the water splashing festival has become a very attractive tourist program

dai bamboo house is a kind of castles in the air with bamboo and woodstructure. the area is quite large. the whole pavilion is supported by dozens oflarge wooden columns, and the floor is made of bamboo. the downstairs is open onall sides, not inhabiting people, just piling up sundries and raising live upstairs. the roof is covered with a very thin flat tile, and itsshape is very similar to the hat worn by ancient people. according to localpeople, this is kongming hat. it is said that kongming layer taught the localpeople rice in those years. in order to commemorate him, the local peopledesigned the roof of the bamboo building as kongming's hat

in addition to enjoying the scenery of tropical rain forest, you can alsoappreciate the style of exotic trees and grasses, such as gypsophila, mimosa,wangtian tree, alsophila spinulosa, curculiaria, hercules, wanglian, travelerbanana, mysterious fruit (tree), big bangen of sishu tree you can also watch thescene of "fish in a hurry". you can meet peacocks and take pictures with wildelephants

the water splashing festival is the most solemn festival of the dainationality. it is held in the middle of april every year, that is, the firstmonth of the dai calendar. water splashing festival is the dai new als generally last three to ten days. the first day is called "mai ri" indai language, which is similar to the lunar new year's eve. the second day iscalled "chari" (empty day) in dai language. the third day is the new year, whichis called "ba wang ma" (meaning the beginning of the year). people regard thisday as the most beautiful and auspicious day. in the early morning of thefestival, the whole village dressed up to visit the buddha in the buddhisttemple and built a pagoda in the temple. on the top of the tower, there areseveral bamboo schools wrapped with cloth and colored paper. people sit aroundthe pagoda, listening to buddha chanting scriptures and explaining historicallegends. young men and women go up the mountain in groups to pick wild flowersto make a flower house. at noon, the women each picked a load of water andsplashed it on the buddha to wash the dust. then, men and women, old and young,carrying buckets and washbasins, sprinkle and bless each other, believing thatthis can eliminate disasters and diseases, and be safe and auspicious. tens ofthousands of people dance to the beautiful dai music and shout "water! water!aquatic products" while dancing. the shouting is moving and the sound of drumsand gongs resounds through the sky. the scene is very spectacular. during thewater splashing festival, dai youths like to play games in the forest. theflower bag is sewn with beautiful flowers. it contains cotton paper, cottonseedand so on. the four corners and the center are decorated with five flower is a token of love. first, he tossed aimlessly, and then he gradually had afixed goal. when the girl consciously let the young man lose, the young man gavethe prepared gift to lan niang, and they both left the crowd and went to a quietplace to make love. at the water splashing festival, dragon boat races will alsobe held. thousands of chinese and foreign tourists gather by the lancang riverto watch groups of red and green dragon boat races. the dai people split thewaves and forge ahead bravely with the sound of gongs and whistles, adding a lotof tension and joy to the festival.

fanggaosheng and kongming lantern are unique activities in dai the festival, people set up a high lift and ignite the homemade earthrocket. it spews white smoke and whizzes into the blue sky, attracting people tolook up and cheer from time to time. the higher and farther gaosheng flies, themore glorious and auspicious it is. the winner will win the prize. at night,people light the lanterns in the open space of the square, put them into theself-made big "balloon", and use the buoyancy of the air to release the"kongming lamps" into the sky. one by one bright kongming lamps fly higher andfarther in the dark night. people use it to commemorate the ancient sage kongming.

water splashing festival also includes river boat, elephant foot dance,peacock dance and chicken fighting. in recent years, folk customs investigation,economic and trade negotiations and other contents have been added, making thewater splashing festival more colorful. the water splashing festival is heldsimultaneously in xishuangbanna and dehong, both of which can be directly fromkunming by air.

there is also a beautiful legend about the origin of the water splashingfestival: a long time ago, there was a demon king with boundless power in thedai area. he did all kinds of evil, and the people could not bear to suffer. hesuccessively occupied six girls, and later he forcibly occupied nanzongbu, themost beautiful princess in the world. seven girls were humiliated and waited forrevenge. the clever seven girls drunk the demon king at the banquet and learnedhis achilles' heel from him. one night, the demon king fell asleep after he wasdrunk. according to the demon king, nan brown cloth pulled out a demon king'shair and put it on the demon king's neck. the demon king's head immediately fellto the ground. but the blood dripping from the devil turned into a raging fire,and quickly spread to the world. nan brown cloth quickly picked up the devil,and the fire on the ground went out. as soon as it was put down, the firestarted again. so the seven girls took turns holding the devil's head, and theothers poured water on her. it took 999 days to put out the fire, and thevillagers lived happily ever after.


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