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格式:DOC 上传日期:2022-12-18 21:21:15
时间:2022-12-18 21:21:15     小编:zdfb



yulong snow mountain in lijiang has been a magnificent snow mountain sinceancient times. in the era of yimou xun in nanzhao kingdom of tang dynasty, yimouxun, the leader of nanzhao kingdom, granted yulong snow mountain as beiyue. upto now, beiyue temple in baisha village still exists, with deep courtyard andbright buddha face. there are many pilgrims to the mountains.

yulong snow mountain is the sacred mountain in naxi people's heart and theembodiment of "three gods".

yulong snow mountain is rich in plant resources. from the jinshajiang rivervalley at an altitude of 1800 meters to the permanent snow belt at an altitudeof more than 4500 meters, there are a variety of climates from subtropical zoneto frigid zone, and a variety of plants grow at different heights of themountain according to different climatic zones, forming a very obvious andcomplete zonal spectrum of mountain plants. it is the epitome of hengduanmountain flora in northwest yunnan.

yulong snow mountain is one of the first national key scenic spots andprovincial nature reserves.

yulong snow mountain has important tourism value and natural scienceresearch value, especially in meteorology, geology, animals and plants. yulongsnow mountain is a treasure house of plants, many plants have precious medicinalvalue. yulong snow mountain is still a virgin peak, waiting for brave climbersto conquer it.

in 1988, yulong snow mountain, in the name of yulong snow mountain scenicspot in lijiang, yunnan province, was approved by the state council to be listedin the second batch of national scenic spots. on may 8, 20__, yulong snowmountain scenic spot in lijiang city was officially approved as a national 5ascenic spot by the national tourism administration.

yulong snow mountain is famous for its danger, wonder, beauty and is magnificent and exquisite. with the change of seasons and climate,sometimes the clouds are shining, sometimes the jade dragon is disappearing,sometimes the sky is cloudless, and the peaks are shining. mu zhengyuan, a naxischolar in the qing dynasty, has vividly summed up 12 scenes of yulong, namely:three spring smoke cages, cloud belts in june, dawn before dawn, sunset afterdusk, five colors of clear and rosy clouds, double glow of the moon at night,dazzling green snow peaks and silver lights, reflection of yuhu lake, cloud ofdragon early life, golden water bi flow, and white spring jade liquid. thelandscape of yulong snow mountain can be roughly spanided into mountain and snowscenery, spring pool water scenery, forest scenery, meadow scenery, etc. themain scenic spots are jade pillar, yunshanping, snow mountain cableway, heishuiriver, baishui river and baoshan stone city, etc. it is a multifunctionaltourist resort integrating sightseeing, mountaineering, exploration, scientificresearch, vacation and outing.


ganhaizi is an open meadow in the east of yulong snow mountain. ganhaizi isabout 4 kilometers long, 1.5 kilometers wide and 2900 meters above sea level. itgives people a feeling of openness and emptiness when you come to ganhaizi. infront of the towering east slope of yulong snow mountain, there is such a bigmeadow, which provides a good place for visitors to enjoy yulong snow you can see the peaks of yulong snow mountain and fandou be visible beforethe eyes. from the ganhaizi meadow to the 4500 meter snow line, you can see avariety of flowers and trees, such as orchids, wild peonies and saussureainvolucrata, and tall trees such as pinus yunnanensis, cedrus deodara, fir,castanea spinosa, castanea mollissima, etc. ganhaizi meadow is a natural year, the flowers bloom in spring and the grass sprouts. tibetan, yi andnaxi herdsmen living in the mountain streams near ganhaizi have to wear feltawnings and ride high headed horses to drive yaks, sheep and cattle to themeadow for grazing.

baishui river

from ganhaizi to yunshanping, there is a deep valley. there are many treesin the valley, and the clear stream flows long. the river with clear springflowing at the bottom of the valley is called baishui river. because theriverbed and terrace are composed of white marble and pieces of carboniferousstone, it is gray. the clear spring flows through the stone, and it is alsowhite. it is named "baishui river" because of its color. the water of baishuiriver comes from the melting water of glaciers and snow plains at a height offour or five kilometers. it is very cool and pollution-free. it is a naturaliced drink.


also known as "the land of love death", with an altitude of 3240 meters, itis a holy place in the heart of naxi people. it is said that from here we canget to the third country of jade dragon. according to the records of dongbascripture, "there are endless silks and satins, endless fresh fruits andtreasures, endless wine and sweet milk, endless jinsha silver ball, red spottedtiger as riding, silver horned deer as farming, wide eared fox as hound, andgolden pheasant as heralding the dawn". take the cable car built in baishuihemountain villa to take you to the station in only ten minutes. then you can goalong the wooden plank plank path set up in the forest, or ride the lijiang ponyrented by the local yi girls to yunshanping, another beautiful place in yulongsnow mountain. yunshanping is a forest grassland in the east of yulong snowmountain, about 0.5 square kilometers, about 3000 meters above sea level. thesnow mountain is as high as jade screen, and the spruce terrace is as lush asdaicheng. in the dense forest around yunshanping, there are towering trees, deadbranches hanging upside down, tree beards on the branches, rotten treeseverywhere in the forest, dead branches and leaves, covered with moss, as if noone had come to disturb for thousands of years, just like a natural paradise. itis said that if young men and women die in yunshanping at the foot of yulongsnow mountain, their souls will enter the third country of yulong and geteternal happiness.


there are 19 modern glaciers in yulong snow mountain, with a total area of11.61 square kilometers. among them, baishui-1 is the most suitable glacier forsightseeing.

the baishui-1 glacier is 2.7 km long and is located just below the fansteep peak of yulong snow mountain. from the foot of the mountain, it looks likea waterfall hanging in the sky, which is shocking. the ice pagoda forest in theice tongue is like a knife and halberd piercing into the sky. under thesunlight, it is not white but green and snowy. it looks like huge jadeitesinlaid in the jagged rocks. this scene is the "green snow peak" described by thelate vice president of the national palace museum of chinese taiwan, li lincan. close tothe glacier, i can only hear the sound of "hua la la", which is the glacierformed after the melting of the glacier. the fan in front of it makes a loudnoise. it's the sound of avalanche, just like "snowing cow". for thousands ofyears, fans have been supplying new snow to the glacier. the ever-changing snowmountain is full of snowflakes from time to time, which makes it difficult forpeople to walk; the wind and clouds from time to time make people feel a littlechilly; the light from time to time makes people feel as if they are separatedfrom each other.

snow mountain cableway

there are three cableways in the snow mountain, big cableway, yunshanpingcableway (small cableway) and maoniuping cableway. the scenery is lly speaking, the big cableway can let you touch the snow, while the smallcableway (yunshanping) is in the middle of the snow mountain, which can let youtake a panoramic view of the snow mountain. maoniuping, like yunshanping, islocated in the middle of the mountain. it is open and has more foreign most crowded cableways are yunshanping and the big cableway.


dear friends: hello!

i'm your guide. today, i'll lead you into lijiang, the magical andbeautiful yulong snow mountain!

now let me introduce this legendary snow mountain to you. yulong snowmountain is the southernmost snow mountain in the northern hemisphere. it is 35kilometers long from north to south and 25 kilometers wide from east to area of the snow mountain is 960 square kilometers. the mountain scenery islocated above 4000 meters above sea level. yulong snow mountain is located inthe north of lijiang dam, the tail of hengduan mountains in western yunnan andthe south end of yunling mountains. it is 15 kilometers away from lijiangcounty, and the north foot of the mountain reaches jinsha river. the whole snowmountain is composed of 13 peaks. from north to south, there are 18 peaks withan altitude of more than 5000 meters, commonly known as "18 peaks of yulong".they are arranged vertically, stretching nearly 50 kilometers and 13 kilometerswide from east to west. thirteen peaks, the peak of snow does not melt all theyear round, like a row of jade pillars standing in the sky, the main peak fansteep, 5596 meters above sea level, 5596 meters above sea level, geographicalcoordinates of 100.1 degrees east longitude, 27 degrees north latitude, is theworld's lowest latitude in the northern hemisphere, the highest altitude snow mountain is towering, with an average slope of more than 40 snow mountain is not only majestic, but also beautiful and straight, withexquisite shape. it is as bright as crystal jade and as brilliant as thirteensharp swords. under the blue sky, it is like a silver jade dragon dancingforever. therefore, it is named yulong mountain. it means that the peak iscovered with silver all year round, white clouds around the mountainside, andjade in the sun. yulong snow mountain is also called "black and white snowmountain" because its lithology is mainly limestone and basalt with distinctblack and white. later, people called it "yubi jinchuan" together with theroaring jinsha river at the foot of the mountain.

the main peak fandou is 5596 meters above sea level, which is the lowestlatitude and the highest altitude peak in the northern hemisphere of the d in the northwest of lijiang, yunnan province, china, it is about 13 kmwide from east to west and 35 km long from north to south, facing the haba snowmountain and surging jinsha river. yulong peak's main peak fan steep,geographical coordinates of 100.1 degrees east longitude, 27 degrees northlatitude, snow peak quietly pull sky, snow line height between 4400-4500 bedrock above the snow basin on the east ridge is exposed, with an averageslope of more than 40 degrees. the north ridge is connected with a 5391 meterhigh mountain peak through a 5000 meter high saddle. along the ridge line, youcan see the towering edge ridge; the lower part of the south ridge is the faultcliff.

yulong snow mountain is called "boshioulu" by naxi people, which means thesilver rock of baisha. yulong snow mountain is a sacred mountain in the mind ofnaxi people and lijiang people. the naxi protection god "three flowers" is theincarnation of yulong snow mountain. up to now, lijiang has held the annualgrand "three flowers festival". in the era of yimou xun in nanzhao kingdom oftang dynasty, yimou xun, the leader of nanzhao kingdom, granted yue to worshipthe mountain. he once granted yulong snow mountain as the north yue. up to now,beibei yue temple in baisha village still exists, with deep courtyard and brightbuddha face. there are many pilgrims to the mountains. at the beginning of theyuan dynasty, when kublai khan, the ancestor of the yuan dynasty, came tolijiang, he once named yulong snow mountain as "the great saint snow stonebeiyue anbang jingdi". up to now, beiyue temple in baisha village still exists,with deep courtyard and bright buddha face. there are many pilgrims to themountains. yulong snow mountain's charming landscape, mysterious legend and thevirgin peak which is still unconquered will surely make you fascinated.

yulong landscape yulong snow mountain is a very high mountain insubtropical yunnan. from the foot of the mountain valley to the peak, it has acomplete vertical natural landscape of subtropical, temperate and frigid mountain is rich in natural tourism resources, and its landscape can beroughly spanided into snow area, glacier landscape, alpine meadow landscape,primeval forest landscape, snow mountain waterscape and so on. the landscape ofyulong snow mountain can be roughly spanided into mountain and snow scenery,spring pool water scenery, forest scenery, meadow scenery, etc. the main scenicspots are jade pillar, yunshanping, snow mountain cableway, heishui river,baishui river and baoshan stone city, etc. yulong snow mountain is not onlymajestic and magnificent, but also with the change of the four seasons, it showsa variety of strange and beautiful, sometimes wrapped in clouds, snow mountainsuddenly appears, like a beauty with a pipa half covering face; sometimes thetop of the mountain is covered with clouds, it seems unpredictable; sometimesthe top and bottom are open, white clouds are around the waist, another style;sometimes the sky is blue, the peaks are like washing, glittering with crystalsilver light. even in one day, yulong snow mountain is changing. in the earlymorning, the mountain village is still sleeping, but the snow mountain hasalready met the dawn. the peak is dyed with dawn, the morning glow reflects thesnow peak, and the snow light shines with each other. in the evening, the sungoes down in the west, and the afterglow is on the top of the mountain. the snowmountain looks like a girl in red gauze, graceful and graceful. the moon rises,rusts, and the moonlight melts, making the snow mountain seem to hide in thewhite gauze and gradually enter a sweet dream.

have you ever heard of the twelve sceneries of yulong snow mountain? it isthese sceneries that add a layer of mystery to the already reverie snowmountain. yulong twelve scenes, namely: three spring smoke cage, cloud belt injune, dawn before dawn, sunset after dusk, five colors of clear and rosy clouds,double glow of the moon at night, green snow peak silver lamp dazzle flame,reflection of yuhu lake, dragon early cloud, jinshuibiliu, baiquan yuye. yulongsnow mountain is famous for its danger, strangeness, beauty and beauty. it ismajestic and exquisite. with the change of seasons and sunny days, sometimes theclouds are steaming and the jade dragon appears and disappears; sometimes thesky is as clear as water, and the peaks are crystal clear and dazzling;sometimes the clouds are girdled, and the snow peaks in the clouds are brightand green; sometimes the clouds are shining, and the snow peaks are as beautifulas red gauze.

in the fertile land of snow mountain, there are many exotic flowers andplants. in late spring and early summer, there are all eight famous flowers inyunnan. there are more than 40 kinds of rhododendrons alone. in terms of pinetrees, there are pinus yunnanensis, pinus armandii, spruce, redwood and fir frombottom to top; hometown of medicinal materials: cordyceps sinensis, snow tea,snow lotus, ephedra, sanfensan, fritillaria, poria cocos, aucklandia, etc!

in 1988, yulong snow mountain, in the name of yulong snow mountain scenicspot in lijiang, yunnan province, was approved by the state council to be listedin the second batch of national scenic spots. on may 8, 20__, yulong snowmountain scenic spot in lijiang city was officially approved as a national 5ascenic spot by the national tourism administration.

the large area of snow sea is an excellent natural ski resort. according toexperts' investigation and argumentation, this is the longest ski resort in theworld, and also the warmest ski resort. for the convenience of tourists, it isthe highest tourist passenger ropeway in china. convenient facilities can takeyou into this magical world.

as your guide, i will serve you wholeheartedly. if you have any questions,please feel free to raise them. we will try our best to solve them for y, i wish you a happy journey!

































































































玉龙雪山在纳西族被称为“波石欧鲁”,意为白沙的银色山岩。玉龙雪山是纳西族及丽江各民族心目中一座神圣的山,纳西族的保护神“三朵”就是玉龙雪山的化身,至今丽江还举行每年一度盛大的“三朵节”。唐朝南诏国异牟寻时代,南诏国主异牟寻封岳拜山,曾封赠玉龙雪山为北岳,至今白沙村北北岳庙尚存,仍然庭院幽深,佛面生辉。拜山朝圣者不绝于途。元代初年,元世祖忽必烈到丽江时,曾封玉龙雪山为“大圣雪石北岳安邦景帝”,至今白沙村北北岳庙尚存,仍然庭院幽深,佛面生辉。拜山朝圣者不绝于途。玉龙雪山迷人的景观、神秘 的传说和至今尚是无人征服的处女峰肯定会让你们心驰神往哦。

玉龙景观玉龙雪山是云南亚热带的极高山地,从山脚河谷到峰顶具备了亚热带、温带到寒带的完整的垂直带自然景观。雪山自然旅游资源丰富,景观大致可分为雪域·冰川景观、高山草甸景观、原始森林景观、雪山水景等。玉龙雪山景观大致可分为高山雪域风景、泉潭水域风景、森林风景、草甸风景等,主要景点有玉柱擎天、云杉坪、雪山索道、黑水河、白水河及宝山石头城等。玉龙雪山不仅巍峨壮丽,而且随四时的更换,阴晴的变化,显示奇丽多姿,时而云雾缠裹,雪山乍隐乍现,似犹抱琵琶半遮面的美女神态;时而山顶云封 ,似乎深奥莫测;时而上下俱开,白云横腰一围,另具一番风姿;时而碧空万里,群峰如洗,闪烁着晶莹的银光。即使在一天之中,玉龙雪山也是变化无穷。凌晨,山村尚在酣睡,而雪山却已早迎曙光,峰顶染上晨曦,朝霞映着雪峰,霞光雪光相互辉映;傍晚,夕阳西下,余辉山顶,雪山象一位披着红纱的少女,亭亭玉立;月出,星光闪烁,月光柔溶,使雪山似躲进白纱帐中,渐入甜蜜的梦乡。
















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