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2022年天涯海角风景区 导游词1000(15篇)

格式:DOC 上传日期:2022-12-18 20:25:58
2022年天涯海角风景区 导游词1000(15篇)
时间:2022-12-18 20:25:58     小编:zdfb


天涯海角风景区 导游词1000篇一

今天我们将去参观游览的景点是一个非常著名的地方,他的名字给人无限遐想,他就是三亚天涯海角风景区。天涯海角风景区位于祖国最南端的城市海南三亚。首先请大家打开车窗感受一下,海南纯净无污染的空气、阳光、海水、沙滩和良好的环境! 我们车现在行驶的这条路,就是三亚最特色的一条路——滨海路。在车左边,浮在海面上的那两个小岛屿,就是“东玳瑁州岛”和“西玳瑁州岛”。东玳瑁州岛现在还未对外开放,西玳瑁州岛由中国台湾商人投资十多亿开发。现在成为游人感受自然风光和娱乐的最佳地点,被人称为“水上小蓬莱”这两个岛就是是三亚八景之一的 “波浮双玳”。

有句话说的好,来海南不来三亚——等于没来海南,来三亚不去天涯海角——等于没来三亚。那天涯海角在哪里呢? 传承中国传统文化的人们更是这样张开想象的翅膀,把遥远的地方定位在天涯海角。天涯海角被用来形容遥远的难于临至、即使能够临至也要经过千般磨难的地方。

天涯海角游览区坐落与中国最南的三亚市西郊26公里处,我们还要二十分钟就可到达。今天各位闯天涯下海角的多年愿望很快就可以实现了。天涯海角游览去是海南旅游最精彩的节目之一,是海南之行的主题曲。今天让我们在一次回归大自然,开开心心的度过这美好的日子,留下一个难忘的回忆。该景区主要是有热带海滩花岗岩风景区、购物区和度假村组成,集成热带海洋风光,历史遗迹,中华民俗文化为一体的旅游风景区,我们主要是游览该景区的主题景观,天涯 、海角、南天一柱等景观。













现在我们已经进入了天涯海角游览区的停车场,我们所乘坐的观光车就停在这里,该是“束马悬车”的时候了,游览时间是一个半小时,在游览的过程中或许比较辛苦。因为景区天涯 、海角是根据天涯行苦役,海角路漫漫。来刻意营造的。大家想要看到天涯、海角的石刻,需要经过一段漫长的热带海岸沙滩才能到达。达到目的地以后,还得原路返回,如此经过千辛万苦才能体会到前人,闯天涯海角的滋味。千年走一回,天涯海角,这时候人生的一大乐趣。朋友,让我们一起去天涯系日,海角揽月,留着这美好的时光。


往前走不出二十米米,在海边的一块巨石,就是举世文明的“南天一柱”石刻,“南天一柱” 的上款刻着,宣统元年四个小字,下款刻的是,“永安范云梯”字样。“宣统元年”也就是“公元1920xx年”,永安是地名,经考证是指“永安州”,也就是现在的广西贺州地区的锰山县。“范云梯” 是“南天一柱” 的题字作者。字步月,永安水窦村人。,出生于清同治二年,“范云梯”在海南为官前后十八年,宣统元年晚清朝廷腐败无能。外国列强纷至沓来,共同瓜分中国清朝处在内外交困,危机四伏,风雨飘摇之中,当时46岁的“范云梯”出任崖州知州,苦心经营海南岛这快不毛之地。一天巡边至此看见惊涛之中一根石柱顶天立地,心潮澎湃,感慨万千。有道是,“国家兴旺,匹夫有责”。意到笔到,“南天一柱”四个大字一挥而就。只见字体端庄,雄浑有力,笔记饱满,言近旨远。完全是浑然天成。






天涯海角风景区 导游词1000篇二









天涯海角风景区 导游词1000篇三


椰风海韵,碧海蓝天,欢迎大家来到美丽的海南岛,来到祖国最南端的城市三亚观光旅游。首先请大家打开车窗感受一下,海南纯净无污染的空气、阳光、海水、沙滩和良好的环境! 我们车现在行驶的这条路,就是三亚最特色的一条路——滨海路。在车左边,浮在海面上的那两个小岛屿,就是“东玳瑁州岛”和“西玳瑁州岛”。东玳瑁州岛现在还未对外开放,西玳瑁州岛由中国台湾商人投资十多亿开发。现在成为游人感受自然风光和娱乐的最佳地点,被人称为“水上小蓬莱”,这两个岛就是是三亚八景之一的 “波浮双玳”。

朋友们,相信大家都听过《请到天涯海角来》这一首歌吧,这首歌把天涯海角唱红了大江南北,总所周知,许多人来三亚都会来“天涯海角”看一看。有句话说的好,来海南不来三亚——等于没来海南,来三亚不去天涯海角——等于没来三亚。现在我们就将前往“天涯海角”风景区,去圆一圆大家心中那天涯海角梦。那天涯海角在哪里呢? 传承中国传统文化的人们更是这样张开想象的翅膀,把遥远的地方定位在天涯海角。天涯海角被用来形容遥远的难于临至、即使能够临至也要是经过千般磨难的地方。

天涯海角游览区坐落与中国最南的三亚市西郊26公里处,我们还要二十分钟就可到达。今天各位闯天涯下海角的多年愿望很快就可以实现了。天涯海角游览去是海南旅游最精彩的节目之一,是海南之行的主题曲。今天让我们在一次回归大自然,开开心心的度过这美好的日子,留下一个难忘的回忆。该景区主要是有热带海滩花岗岩风景区、购物区和度假村组成,集成热带海洋风光,历史遗迹,中华民俗文化为一体的旅游风景区,我们主要是游览该景区的主题景观,天涯 、海角、南天一柱等景观。












在北京旅游人们常说:“不到长城非好汉”,今天我要说:“不到天涯海角誓不罢休。” 我为诸位能有机会到此一游而感到骄傲,大家想想,在我们漫长的人生道路上,假如有机会到过天涯海角,这个被李德裕“高度赞誉”为“鬼门关”的地方,试问在我们今后的人生道路上,还有什么克服不了的艰难困苦呢?一切困难与天涯海角相比皆显得无足轻重、暗淡无关了。这是我此时的第一个想法。此外,我发现在我们中间有许多成双成对的伴侣,有成年的老夫老妻,也有卿卿我我的年轻情侣,我羡慕你们,为你们高兴。你们想过吗?你们手拉着手,肩并着肩来到天涯海角,作丈夫的把妻子带到天涯海角,妻子则跟着丈夫到了天之边、海之角,请问你们这一辈子还会分开吗?我相信你们一定会更加相亲相爱,心心相印,白头偕老,永不分离。

现在我们已经进入了天涯海角游览区的停车场,我们所乘坐的观光车就停在这里,该是“束马悬车”的时候了,旅客朋友们,请大家按好秩序慢慢下车,我们已经到了我们的目的地,也就是天涯海角风景区,游览时间是一个半小时,在游览的过程中或许比较辛苦。因为景区天涯 、海角是根据天涯行苦役,海角路漫漫。来刻意营造的。大家想要看到天涯、海角的石刻,需要经过一段漫长的热带海岸沙滩才能到达。达到目的地以后,还得原路返回,如此经过千辛万苦才能体会到前人,闯天涯海角的滋味。千年走一回,天涯海角,这时候人生的一大乐趣。朋友,让我们一起去天涯系日,海角揽月,留着这美好的时光。

天涯海角在出三亚市沿海滨西行26公里,到达了马岭山下,便是“天涯海角”奇景,似乎有一种到了天地之尽头的感觉。“天涯海角”意为天之边缘、海之 尽头。古时候交通闭塞,“飞鸟尚需半年程”的琼岛,人烟稀少,荒芜凄凉,是封建王朝流放“逆臣”之地。来到这里的人,来去无路。望海兴叹,故谓之“天涯海角”。宋朝名臣胡诠哀叹:“区区万里天涯路,野草若烟正断魂”。唐朝宰相李德裕用“一去一万里,千之千不还”的诗句倾吐了谪臣的际遇。这里记载着历史上谪臣贬官的悲剧人生,经历代文人墨客的题咏描绘,成为我国富有神奇色彩的著名游览胜地。


天涯海角风景区 导游词1000篇四

dear visitors:

today we are going to tour the scenic spot is a very famous places, his name, give a person infinite daydream, he is sanya tianyahaijiao scenic spot. tianya-haijiao scenic area is located in the motherland's southernmost city of sanya, hainan. first of all, please open the window, feeling the hainan pure pollution-free air, sunshine, sea, beach, and good for the environment. our car now this road, sanya is the most characteristic of a road - the corniche. in the car on the left, floating on the surface of the two small islands, is the "east island tortoise shell state" and "hawksbill state island". east island tortoise shell states now is not yet open to the public, hawksbill state island by the chinese taiwan businessmen investment more than 10 development. now visitors feel the natural scenery and the best place for entertainment, known as "little penglai" water the two island is one of the eight sights of sanya "wave floating double zebina.

there is a saying of good, is coming to hainan sanya - equal to didn't come to hainan, don't go to the ends of the earth -- equal to didn't come to sanya sanya. where the ends of the earth? inheriting chinese traditional culture of the people especially those wings of imagination, the distant place locate at the ends of the earth. the ends of the earth is used to describe the distant difficult to face to, even if can near to also go through thousand tribulation.

the heart of the ends of the earth is located and 26 kilometers in the western suburbs of china's most south of sanya, we also can reach it in twenty minutes. today under each rush tianya cape years wish will soon be realized. the ends of the earth is one of the most wonderful show of hainan tourism gone, is the hainan tour theme song. today, let us in a return to nature, a happy heart through this beautiful day, leave an unforgettable memory. the scenic area is mainly tropical beach granite scenic areas, shopping areas and resorts, integrated tropical ocean scenery, historical sites, as one of the chinese folk culture tourism scenic area, we mainly visit the scenic spot the theme of the landscape, tianya, cape, south sky pillar and other landscape.

each group members, it will soon be the end of the world, why will this place called "the ends of the earth"? in this world really has "tianyahaijiao" such a place? this is what i want to tell you.

a, so, how do we understand the ends of the earth? we can literally look at first, in simple terms, the world is the day of your career, cape horn of the sea. don't believe such a strong everyone is satisfied. often assume that a day is endless, so don't care the ends of the earth. but the ends of the earth, the sea bay is true actually, cape are everywhere, isn't it? are so common, we say, all the ends of the earth is now seen on the left side of the this wang hai angle, this is the angle of the sea. obviously people usually says the ends of the earth is not so simple, the ends of the earth is used non-existing remote and difficult to near to or subject to untold hardships to reach place, thus, throughout history, people often say that the ends of the earth is not referring to a certain place. so, why choose this place called the ends of the earth? with this problem, let's go to visit, to uncover the fans in the heart. "tianyahaijiao" this name is based on ancient religious doctrines appended to the pine-covered grounds this theory, this theory is that: the sky is round and ground is square. if this theory is established, then there must be somewhere in this world is edge or the end, the "sky". where is it? history is that it is in this, as in this - the southernmost tip of hainan island, sanya 24 kilometers to the west, the ends of the earth, that is, today we are going to place.

second, it is well known that the soviet union there is a place called siberia. where ice and snow all the year round, desolate and bleak and desolate, is specially used to convict. in ancient china, especially the tang and song dynasties, this area is in the central plains "siberia", is the feudal dynasty penal colony. why choose here and not choose elsewhere? because of traffic block, sparsely populated, and the plague epidemic, perennial drought, the hot weather, the environment is very bad.

third, the tang and song dynasties, many people into exile at this point because of difficult, to start early, in an unfamiliar environment, water and soil defy, combined with the low mood, pessimistic disappointment, few survivors of the central plains. they are all with you go under, the feeling of the ends of the earth. "tianyahaijiao" in their view, not only refers to the end of the earth, but also means the coming of the end of life. it is no wonder that so far in the tang dynasty exile two-time prime minister li deyu called "gate of hell".

his poem is: "one to one of thousands of miles, thousands of thousand not also;

where cliff state, degree of death. "

(called "sanya city" in the tang dynasty "cliff state")

this is the reality!

due to the above three reasons, namely, the theoretical reason, geographical and historical reasons, people call for "tianyahaijiao" here.

today we go to a "experience" as a exiles go under the tianya cape. as tourists, however, we are not in a bad mood, but be elated, i believe that you will to go to such a magical color, heritage attractions and comforting.

tourism in beijing people often say: "not a true man unless he comes to the great wall", today i want to say: "less than the end of the world don't give up."

i'm proud of you can have a chance to visit, you think, in our long life on the road, if have the opportunity to the ends of the earth, this is li deyu "highly acclaimed as the" gate of hell "place", try to ask in our future life road, there is nothing to overcome the difficulties? all difficulties has nothing to do with the ends of the earth than all seem insignificant and dim. this is my first thought at this time. in addition, i found that there are many among us in pairs of partners, have adult long-term partners, young couples are very much in love, i envy you, happy for you. do you want to? you holding hands, side by side to the ends of the earth, the husband took his wife to the ends of the earth, and his wife went with her husband to the edge of the sky, the sea horn, do you this lifetime will separate? i believe you will be more love each other, mutual affinity, grow old together, never part.

now we have entered the heart of the ends of the earth in the parking lot, we have to take the sightseeing car stop in here, it is the time for "horse car suspension beam", visiting time is an hour and a half, in the process of tour may be hard. because the scenic tianya, cape is based on tianya line of slavery, cape a long way to go. to deliberately create. you want to see tianya stone carving, cape, tropical coast takes a long to get to the beach. get to the destination, still have to return to the original road, so after painstaking to realize our predecessors, and the taste of the ends of the earth. go, the end of the world in one thousand, at that time the one great pleasure of life. friends, let's go to the department, the cape to travel, stay this good time.

this is a stone carving that we encounter along the beach, inscribed with "sea to south day", here is what mean? the sentence to separate, separate and distinguish meaning, can think of the south china sea and south day apart here. if we turn your back on this huge rock together, face toward the south also can comprehend, also can say the sea belt and south day, separated or separate. whether or not, also can be so understanding: the earth, the sea, and south separate days in this is also in the rendezvous. we in return overdo see, who write it? is the qing emperor kangxi imperial envoys miao cao shang 53 years, thus inscribed copy tour edge, the ends of the earth at this time of scenic spot of the carved stone at the earliest.

go out twenty mimi, a big rock by the sea, is the world famous "south tianyi column" stone carving, "south tianyi column" engraved with the above, four of the first year of xuantong fine print, exhausting carved, the wording "wing on fan yun ladder". "confirmed" or "1909", the wing is a place name, by the textual research is refers to the state "wing", which is now the congratulation state region of manganese mountain county in guangxi. "fan yun ladder" is the author of "south tianyi column" inscription. word step, wing on water sinus village people. , was born in qing stagnation for two years, "fan yun ladder" in hainan the officer before and after 18 years, xuantong first year in the late qing government corruption incompetence. foreign powers up to carve up china's qing dynasty in strife-torn, crisis, tottering, 46 years old at the time "fan yun ladder" as cliff state year, elaboration of hainan island this barren land. one day tour edge so far see a pillar of rough indomitable spirit, surge of emotion surge, deeply touched. the tao, the fortunes of a "national prosperity,". meaning to pen to, "south tianyi column" four chinese characters stroke. see font elegant, powerful, full notes, simple words but deep meaning. is completely unaware tiancheng.

ancient ancestors of the "sky", think that the earth is square, in the southeast, northwest is a day to be round, cover with "square earth", the southeast northwest respectively have four pillars supporting the sky, so the south sky on catering to the people of the local sky said. people see the "southern sky on" don't have to worry about the sky is falling collapse down. according to traditional chinese, day is round, it is composed of the four corners of the four pillars supporting the, this is the embodiment of one of the pillars, it holds up south day, let people to live and work in peace and contentment. in addition, i think, it is more strong and brave character to represent the people in hainan, hainan is the symbol of the people.

south sky on independent benji, stands in the south china sea, fairs, spectacular. south sky on and to see the end of the world, behind us cape together form the theme scenic area of the three major landscape. rmb 1986 version of the two designs on the back of the just is the scenery of the "south tianyi column" figure.

to the ends of the earth, you will see two boulders, above the words "tianya" cape ", "this is our destination. front along the beach around 200, more than ten meters high granite hill. is the famous tianya stone carving is located. yongzheng eleven years, then china's southernmost cliff state satrap cheng zhe, one day, passing through the gulf, a sentence boulders beach road, the construction of natural barrier, the blue sky, towering rock horizon, castle peak white clouds around toward the wonderful sea breeze is blowing, sigh with emotion, he wrote "tianya" two words. it has a history of more than 260 years, and now as a tourist scenic spot open to tourists, fascinating tianya together two word is a word.

two words and the ends of the earth, is said to be the hand of literati in the late qing dynasty, although there are all sorts of rumors, but still can't prove that for the moment, but can considerate the inscription, circle the people the ends of the earth's dream, let the lovers and over the course of his life, is predestined friends the human by the match to the horn, the sea day ya, watching the sea waves, to listen to the voice of love. once again make a declaration of love, let the firmness of the love story.

to "tianyahaijiao" must give their family, friends and relatives, lover to make a phone call. tell him (her) i also miss in faraway places with you. send you a crystal like heart! here i have a proposal, to the ends of the earth we have a group photo? hope this pictures can give you permanent memory.


今天我们将去参观游览的景点是一个非常著名的地方,他的名字给人无限遐想,他就是三亚天涯海角风景区。天涯海角风景区位于祖国最南端的城市海南三亚。首先请大家打开车窗感受一下,海南纯净无污染的空气、阳光、海水、沙滩和良好的环境! 我们车现在行驶的这条路,就是三亚最特色的一条路——滨海路。在车左边,浮在海面上的那两个小岛屿,就是“东玳瑁州岛”和“西玳瑁州岛”。东玳瑁州岛现在还未对外开放,西玳瑁州岛由中国台湾商人投资十多亿开发。现在成为游人感受自然风光和娱乐的最佳地点,被人称为“水上小蓬莱”这两个岛就是是三亚八景之一的 “波浮双玳”。

有句话说的好,来海南不来三亚——等于没来海南,来三亚不去天涯海角——等于没来三亚。那天涯海角在哪里呢? 传承中国传统文化的人们更是这样张开想象的翅膀,把遥远的地方定位在天涯海角。天涯海角被用来形容遥远的难于临至、即使能够临至也要经过千般磨难的地方。

天涯海角游览区坐落与中国最南的三亚市西郊26公里处,我们还要二十分钟就可到达。今天各位闯天涯下海角的多年愿望很快就可以实现了。天涯海角游览去是海南旅游最精彩的节目之一,是海南之行的主题曲。今天让我们在一次回归大自然,开开心心的度过这美好的日子,留下一个难忘的回忆。该景区主要是有热带海滩花岗岩风景区、购物区和度假村组成,集成热带海洋风光,历史遗迹,中华民俗文化为一体的旅游风景区,我们主要是游览该景区的主题景观,天涯 、海角、南天一柱等景观。













现在我们已经进入了天涯海角游览区的停车场,我们所乘坐的观光车就停在这里,该是“束马悬车”的时候了,游览时间是一个半小时,在游览的过程中或许比较辛苦。因为景区天涯 、海角是根据天涯行苦役,海角路漫漫。来刻意营造的。大家想要看到天涯、海角的石刻,需要经过一段漫长的热带海岸沙滩才能到达。达到目的地以后,还得原路返回,如此经过千辛万苦才能体会到前人,闯天涯海角的滋味。千年走一回,天涯海角,这时候人生的一大乐趣。朋友,让我们一起去天涯系日,海角揽月,留着这美好的时光。


往前走不出二十米米,在海边的一块巨石,就是举世文明的“南天一柱”石刻,“南天一柱” 的上款刻着,宣统元年四个小字,下款刻的是,“永安范云梯”字样。“宣统元年”也就是“公元1920xx年”,永安是地名,经考证是指“永安州”,也就是现在的广西贺州地区的锰山县。“范云梯” 是“南天一柱” 的题字作者。字步月,永安水窦村人。,出生于清同治二年,“范云梯”在海南为官前后十八年,宣统元年晚清朝廷腐败无能。外国列强纷至沓来,共同瓜分中国清朝处在内外交困,危机四伏,风雨飘摇之中,当时46岁的“范云梯”出任崖州知州,苦心经营海南岛这快不毛之地。一天巡边至此看见惊涛之中一根石柱顶天立地,心潮澎湃,感慨万千。有道是,“国家兴旺,匹夫有责”。意到笔到,“南天一柱”四个大字一挥而就。只见字体端庄,雄浑有力,笔记饱满,言近旨远。完全是浑然天成。






天涯海角风景区 导游词1000篇五

dear visitors:

today we are going to tour the scenic spot is a very famous places, his name, give a person infinite daydream, he is sanya tianyahaijiao scenic spot. tianya-haijiao scenic area is located in the motherland's southernmost city of sanya, hainan. first of all, please open the window, feeling the hainan pure pollution-free air, sunshine, sea, beach, and good for the environment. our car now this road, sanya is the most characteristic of a road - the corniche. in the car on the left, floating on the surface of the two small islands, is the "east island tortoise shell state" and "hawksbill state island". east island tortoise shell states now is not yet open to the public, hawksbill state island by the chinese taiwan businessmen investment more than 10 development. now visitors feel the natural scenery and the best place for entertainment, known as "little penglai" water the two island is one of the eight sights of sanya "wave floating double zebina.

there is a saying of good, is coming to hainan sanya - equal to didn't come to hainan, don't go to the ends of the earth -- equal to didn't come to sanya sanya. where the ends of the earth? inheriting chinese traditional culture of the people especially those wings of imagination, the distant place locate at the ends of the earth. the ends of the earth is used to describe the distant difficult to face to, even if can near to also go through thousand tribulation.

the heart of the ends of the earth is located and 26 kilometers in the western suburbs of china's most south of sanya, we also can reach it in twenty minutes. today under each rush tianya cape years wish will soon be realized. the ends of the earth is one of the most wonderful show of hainan tourism gone, is the hainan tour theme song. today, let us in a return to nature, a happy heart through this beautiful day, leave an unforgettable memory. the scenic area is mainly tropical beach granite scenic areas, shopping areas and resorts, integrated tropical ocean scenery, historical sites, as one of the chinese folk culture tourism scenic area, we mainly visit the scenic spot the theme of the landscape, tianya, cape, south sky pillar and other landscape.

each group members, it will soon be the end of the world, why will this place called "the ends of the earth"? in this world really has "tianyahaijiao" such a place? this is what i want to tell you.

a, so, how do we understand the ends of the earth? we can literally look at first, in simple terms, the world is the day of your career, cape horn of the sea. don't believe such a strong everyone is satisfied. often assume that a day is endless, so don't care the ends of the earth. but the ends of the earth, the sea bay is true actually, cape are everywhere, isn't it? are so common, we say, all the ends of the earth is now seen on the left side of the this wang hai angle, this is the angle of the sea. obviously people usually says the ends of the earth is not so simple, the ends of the earth is used non-existing remote and difficult to near to or subject to untold hardships to reach place, thus, throughout history, people often say that the ends of the earth is not referring to a certain place. so, why choose this place called the ends of the earth? with this problem, let's go to visit, to uncover the fans in the heart. "tianyahaijiao" this name is based on ancient religious doctrines appended to the pine-covered grounds this theory, this theory is that: the sky is round and ground is square. if this theory is established, then there must be somewhere in this world is edge or the end, the "sky". where is it? history is that it is in this, as in this - the southernmost tip of hainan island, sanya 24 kilometers to the west, the ends of the earth, that is, today we are going to place.

second, it is well known that the soviet union there is a place called siberia. where ice and snow all the year round, desolate and bleak and desolate, is specially used to convict. in ancient china, especially the tang and song dynasties, this area is in the central plains "siberia", is the feudal dynasty penal colony. why choose here and not choose elsewhere? because of traffic block, sparsely populated, and the plague epidemic, perennial drought, the hot weather, the environment is very bad.

third, the tang and song dynasties, many people into exile at this point because of difficult, to start early, in an unfamiliar environment, water and soil defy, combined with the low mood, pessimistic disappointment, few survivors of the central plains. they are all with you go under, the feeling of the ends of the earth. "tianyahaijiao" in their view, not only refers to the end of the earth, but also means the coming of the end of life. it is no wonder that so far in the tang dynasty exile two-time prime minister li deyu called "gate of hell".

his poem is: "one to one of thousands of miles, thousands of thousand not also;

where cliff state, degree of death. "

(called "sanya city" in the tang dynasty "cliff state")

this is the reality!

due to the above three reasons, namely, the theoretical reason, geographical and historical reasons, people call for "tianyahaijiao" here.

today we go to a "experience" as a exiles go under the tianya cape. as tourists, however, we are not in a bad mood, but be elated, i believe that you will to go to such a magical color, heritage attractions and comforting.

tourism in beijing people often say: "not a true man unless he comes to the great wall", today i want to say: "less than the end of the world don't give up."

i'm proud of you can have a chance to visit, you think, in our long life on the road, if have the opportunity to the ends of the earth, this is li deyu "highly acclaimed as the" gate of hell "place", try to ask in our future life road, there is nothing to overcome the difficulties? all difficulties has nothing to do with the ends of the earth than all seem insignificant and dim. this is my first thought at this time. in addition, i found that there are many among us in pairs of partners, have adult long-term partners, young couples are very much in love, i envy you, happy for you. do you want to? you holding hands, side by side to the ends of the earth, the husband took his wife to the ends of the earth, and his wife went with her husband to the edge of the sky, the sea horn, do you this lifetime will separate? i believe you will be more love each other, mutual affinity, grow old together, never part.

now we have entered the heart of the ends of the earth in the parking lot, we have to take the sightseeing car stop in here, it is the time for "horse car suspension beam", visiting time is an hour and a half, in the process of tour may be hard. because the scenic tianya, cape is based on tianya line of slavery, cape a long way to go. to deliberately create. you want to see tianya stone carving, cape, tropical coast takes a long to get to the beach. get to the destination, still have to return to the original road, so after painstaking to realize our predecessors, and the taste of the ends of the earth. go, the end of the world in one thousand, at that time the one great pleasure of life. friends, let's go to the department, the cape to travel, stay this good time.

this is a stone carving that we encounter along the beach, inscribed with "sea to south day", here is what mean? the sentence to separate, separate and distinguish meaning, can think of the south china sea and south day apart here. if we turn your back on this huge rock together, face toward the south also can comprehend, also can say the sea belt and south day, separated or separate. whether or not, also can be so understanding: the earth, the sea, and south separate days in this is also in the rendezvous. we in return overdo see, who write it? is the qing emperor kangxi imperial envoys miao cao shang 53 years, thus inscribed copy tour edge, the ends of the earth at this time of scenic spot of the carved stone at the earliest.

go out twenty mimi, a big rock by the sea, is the world famous "south tianyi column" stone carving, "south tianyi column" engraved with the above, four of the first year of xuantong fine print, exhausting carved, the wording "wing on fan yun ladder". "confirmed" or "1909", the wing is a place name, by the textual research is refers to the state "wing", which is now the congratulation state region of manganese mountain county in guangxi. "fan yun ladder" is the author of "south tianyi column" inscription. word step, wing on water sinus village people. , was born in qing stagnation for two years, "fan yun ladder" in hainan the officer before and after 18 years, xuantong first year in the late qing government corruption incompetence. foreign powers up to carve up china's qing dynasty in strife-torn, crisis, tottering, 46 years old at the time "fan yun ladder" as cliff state year, elaboration of hainan island this barren land. one day tour edge so far see a pillar of rough indomitable spirit, surge of emotion surge, deeply touched. the tao, the fortunes of a "national prosperity,". meaning to pen to, "south tianyi column" four chinese characters stroke. see font elegant, powerful, full notes, simple words but deep meaning. is completely unaware tiancheng.

ancient ancestors of the "sky", think that the earth is square, in the southeast, northwest is a day to be round, cover with "square earth", the southeast northwest respectively have four pillars supporting the sky, so the south sky on catering to the people of the local sky said. people see the "southern sky on" don't have to worry about the sky is falling collapse down. according to traditional chinese, day is round, it is composed of the four corners of the four pillars supporting the, this is the embodiment of one of the pillars, it holds up south day, let people to live and work in peace and contentment. in addition, i think, it is more strong and brave character to represent the people in hainan, hainan is the symbol of the people.

south sky on independent benji, stands in the south china sea, fairs, spectacular. south sky on and to see the end of the world, behind us cape together form the theme scenic area of the three major landscape. rmb 1986 version of the two designs on the back of the just is the scenery of the "south tianyi column" figure.

to the ends of the earth, you will see two boulders, above the words "tianya" cape ", "this is our destination. front along the beach around 200, more than ten meters high granite hill. is the famous tianya stone carving is located. yongzheng eleven years, then china's southernmost cliff state satrap cheng zhe, one day, passing through the gulf, a sentence boulders beach road, the construction of natural barrier, the blue sky, towering rock horizon, castle peak white clouds around toward the wonderful sea breeze is blowing, sigh with emotion, he wrote "tianya" two words. it has a history of more than 260 years, and now as a tourist scenic spot open to tourists, fascinating tianya together two word is a word.

two words and the ends of the earth, is said to be the hand of literati in the late qing dynasty, although there are all sorts of rumors, but still can't prove that for the moment, but can considerate the inscription, circle the people the ends of the earth's dream, let the lovers and over the course of his life, is predestined friends the human by the match to the horn, the sea day ya, watching the sea waves, to listen to the voice of love. once again make a declaration of love, let the firmness of the love story.

to "tianyahaijiao" must give their family, friends and relatives, lover to make a phone call. tell him (her) i also miss in faraway places with you. send you a crystal like heart! here i have a proposal, to the ends of the earth we have a group photo? hope this pictures can give you permanent memory.


今天我们将去参观游览的景点是一个非常著名的地方,他的名字给人无限遐想,他就是三亚天涯海角风景区。天涯海角风景区位于祖国最南端的城市海南三亚。首先请大家打开车窗感受一下,海南纯净无污染的空气、阳光、海水、沙滩和良好的环境! 我们车现在行驶的这条路,就是三亚最特色的一条路——滨海路。在车左边,浮在海面上的那两个小岛屿,就是“东玳瑁州岛”和“西玳瑁州岛”。东玳瑁州岛现在还未对外开放,西玳瑁州岛由中国台湾商人投资十多亿开发。现在成为游人感受自然风光和娱乐的最佳地点,被人称为“水上小蓬莱”这两个岛就是是三亚八景之一的 “波浮双玳”。

有句话说的好,来海南不来三亚——等于没来海南,来三亚不去天涯海角——等于没来三亚。那天涯海角在哪里呢? 传承中国传统文化的人们更是这样张开想象的翅膀,把遥远的地方定位在天涯海角。天涯海角被用来形容遥远的难于临至、即使能够临至也要经过千般磨难的地方。

天涯海角游览区坐落与中国最南的三亚市西郊26公里处,我们还要二十分钟就可到达。今天各位闯天涯下海角的多年愿望很快就可以实现了。天涯海角游览去是海南旅游最精彩的节目之一,是海南之行的主题曲。今天让我们在一次回归大自然,开开心心的度过这美好的日子,留下一个难忘的回忆。该景区主要是有热带海滩花岗岩风景区、购物区和度假村组成,集成热带海洋风光,历史遗迹,中华民俗文化为一体的旅游风景区,我们主要是游览该景区的主题景观,天涯 、海角、南天一柱等景观。













现在我们已经进入了天涯海角游览区的停车场,我们所乘坐的观光车就停在这里,该是“束马悬车”的时候了,游览时间是一个半小时,在游览的过程中或许比较辛苦。因为景区天涯 、海角是根据天涯行苦役,海角路漫漫。来刻意营造的。大家想要看到天涯、海角的石刻,需要经过一段漫长的热带海岸沙滩才能到达。达到目的地以后,还得原路返回,如此经过千辛万苦才能体会到前人,闯天涯海角的滋味。千年走一回,天涯海角,这时候人生的一大乐趣。朋友,让我们一起去天涯系日,海角揽月,留着这美好的时光。


往前走不出二十米米,在海边的一块巨石,就是举世文明的“南天一柱”石刻,“南天一柱” 的上款刻着,宣统元年四个小字,下款刻的是,“永安范云梯”字样。“宣统元年”也就是“公元1909年”,永安是地名,经考证是指“永安州”,也就是现在的广西贺州地区的锰山县。“范云梯” 是“南天一柱” 的题字作者。字步月,永安水窦村人。,出生于清同治二年,“范云梯”在海南为官前后十八年,宣统元年晚清朝廷腐败无能。外国列强纷至沓来,共同瓜分中国清朝处在内外交困,危机四伏,风雨飘摇之中,当时46岁的“范云梯”出任崖州知州,苦心经营海南岛这快不毛之地。一天巡边至此看见惊涛之中一根石柱顶天立地,心潮澎湃,感慨万千。有道是,“国家兴旺,匹夫有责”。意到笔到,“南天一柱”四个大字一挥而就。只见字体端庄,雄浑有力,笔记饱满,言近旨远。完全是浑然天成。






天涯海角风景区 导游词1000篇六










天涯海角风景区 导游词1000篇七











天涯海角风景区 导游词1000篇八









天涯海角风景区 导游词1000篇九


欢迎大家来到祖国最南端的城市三亚观光旅游。首先请大家打开车窗感受一下,海南纯净无污染的空气、阳光、海水、沙滩和良好的环境! 我们车现在行驶的这条路,就是三亚最特色的一条路——滨海路。在车左边,浮在海面上的那两个小岛屿,就是“东玳瑁州岛”和“西玳瑁州岛”。东玳瑁州岛现在还未对外开放,西玳瑁州岛由中国台湾商人投资十多亿开发。现在成为游人感受自然风光和娱乐的最佳地点,被人称为“水上小蓬莱”这两个岛就是是三亚八景之一的 “波浮双玳”。

有句话说的好,来海南不来三亚——等于没来海南,来三亚不去天涯海角——等于没来三亚。那天涯海角在哪里呢? 传承中国传统文化的人们更是这样张开想象的翅膀,把遥远的地方定位在天涯海角。天涯海角被用来形容遥远的难于临至、即使能够临至也要经过千般磨难的地方。

天涯海角游览区坐落与中国最南的三亚市西郊26公里处,我们还要二十分钟就可到达。今天各位闯天涯下海角的多年愿望很快就可以实现了。天涯海角游览去是海南旅游最精彩的节目之一,是海南之行的主题曲。今天让我们在一次回归大自然,开开心心的度过这美好的日子,留下一个难忘的回忆。该景区主要是有热带海滩花岗岩风景区、购物区和度假村组成,集成热带海洋风光,历史遗迹,中华民俗文化为一体的旅游风景区,我们主要是游览该景区的主题景观,天涯 、海角、南天一柱等景观。


现在我们已经进入了天涯海角游览区的停车场,我们所乘坐的观光车就停在这里,该是“束马悬车”的时候了,游览时间是一个半小时,在游览的过程中或许比较辛苦。因为景区天涯 、海角是根据天涯行苦役,海角路漫漫。来刻意营造的。大家想要看到天涯、海角的石刻,需要经过一段漫长的热带海岸沙滩才能到达。达到目的地以后,还得原路返回,如此经过千辛万苦才能体会到前人,闯天涯海角的滋味。千年走一回,天涯海角,这时候人生的一大乐趣。朋友,让我们一起去天涯系日,海角揽月,留着这美好的时光。


往前走不出二十米米,在海边的一块巨石,就是举世文明的“南天一柱”。石刻,“南天一柱” 的上款刻着,宣统元年四个小字,下款刻的是,“永安范云梯”字样。“宣统元年”也就是“公元1920xx年”,永安是地名,经考证是指“永安州”,也就是现在的广西贺州地区的锰山县。“范云梯” 是“南天一柱” 的题字作者。字步月,永安水窦村人。,出生于清同治二年,“范云梯”在海南为官前后十八年,宣统元年晚清朝廷腐败无能。外国列强纷至沓来,共同瓜分中国清朝处在内外交困,危机四伏,风雨飘摇之中,当时46岁的“范云梯”出任崖州知州,苦心经营海南岛这快不毛之地。一天巡边至此看见惊涛之中一根石柱顶天立地,心潮澎湃,感慨万千。有道是,“国家兴旺,匹夫有责”。意到笔到,“南天一柱”四个大字一挥而就。只见字体端庄,雄浑有力,笔记饱满,言近旨远。完全是浑然天成。






天涯海角风景区 导游词1000篇十


椰风海韵,碧海蓝天,欢迎大家来到美丽的海南岛,来到祖国最南端的城市三亚观光旅游。首先请大家打开车窗感受一下,海南纯净无污染的空气、阳光、海水、沙滩和良好的环境! 我们车现在行驶的这条路,就是三亚最特色的一条路——滨海路。在车左边,浮在海面上的那两个小岛屿,就是“东玳瑁州岛”和“西玳瑁州岛”。东玳瑁州岛现在还未对外开放,西玳瑁州岛由中国台湾商人投资十多亿开发。现在成为游人感受自然风光和娱乐的最佳地点,被人称为“水上小蓬莱”,这两个岛就是是三亚八景之一的 “波浮双玳”。

朋友们,相信大家都听过《请到天涯海角来》这一首歌吧,这首歌把天涯海角唱红了大江南北,总所周知,许多人来三亚都会来“天涯海角”看一看。有句话说的好,来海南不来三亚——等于没来海南,来三亚不去天涯海角——等于没来三亚。现在我们就将前往“天涯海角”风景区,去圆一圆大家心中那天涯海角梦。那天涯海角在哪里呢? 传承中国传统文化的人们更是这样张开想象的翅膀,把遥远的地方定位在天涯海角。天涯海角被用来形容遥远的难于临至、即使能够临至也要是经过千般磨难的地方。

天涯海角游览区坐落与中国最南的三亚市西郊26公里处,我们还要二十分钟就可到达。今天各位闯天涯下海角的多年愿望很快就可以实现了。天涯海角游览去是海南旅游最精彩的节目之一,是海南之行的主题曲。今天让我们在一次回归大自然,开开心心的度过这美好的日子,留下一个难忘的回忆。该景区主要是有热带海滩花岗岩风景区、购物区和度假村组成,集成热带海洋风光,历史遗迹,中华民俗文化为一体的旅游风景区,我们主要是游览该景区的主题景观,天涯 、海角、南天一柱等景观。












在北京旅游人们常说:“不到长城非好汉”,今天我要说:“不到天涯海角誓不罢休。” 我为诸位能有机会到此一游而感到骄傲,大家想想,在我们漫长的人生道路上,假如有机会到过天涯海角,这个被李德裕“高度赞誉”为“鬼门关”的地方,试问在我们今后的人生道路上,还有什么克服不了的艰难困苦呢?一切困难与天涯海角相比皆显得无足轻重、暗淡无关了。这是我此时的第一个想法。此外,我发现在我们中间有许多成双成对的伴侣,有成年的老夫老妻,也有卿卿我我的年轻情侣,我羡慕你们,为你们高兴。你们想过吗?你们手拉着手,肩并着肩来到天涯海角,作丈夫的把妻子带到天涯海角,妻子则跟着丈夫到了天之边、海之角,请问你们这一辈子还会分开吗?我相信你们一定会更加相亲相爱,心心相印,白头偕老,永不分离。

现在我们已经进入了天涯海角游览区的停车场,我们所乘坐的观光车就停在这里,该是“束马悬车”的时候了,旅客朋友们,请大家按好秩序慢慢下车,我们已经到了我们的目的地,也就是天涯海角风景区,游览时间是一个半小时,在游览的过程中或许比较辛苦。因为景区天涯 、海角是根据天涯行苦役,海角路漫漫。来刻意营造的。大家想要看到天涯、海角的石刻,需要经过一段漫长的热带海岸沙滩才能到达。达到目的地以后,还得原路返回,如此经过千辛万苦才能体会到前人,闯天涯海角的滋味。千年走一回,天涯海角,这时候人生的一大乐趣。朋友,让我们一起去天涯系日,海角揽月,留着这美好的时光。

天涯海角在出三亚市沿海滨西行26公里,到达了马岭山下,便是“天涯海角”奇景,似乎有一种到了天地之尽头的感觉。“天涯海角”意为天之边缘、海之 尽头。古时候交通闭塞,“飞鸟尚需半年程”的琼岛,人烟稀少,荒芜凄凉,是封建王朝流放“逆臣”之地。来到这里的人,来去无路。望海兴叹,故谓之“天涯海角”。宋朝名臣胡诠哀叹:“区区万里天涯路,野草若烟正断魂”。唐朝宰相李德裕用“一去一万里,千之千不还”的诗句倾吐了谪臣的际遇。这里记载着历史上谪臣贬官的悲剧人生,经历代文人墨客的题咏描绘,成为我国富有神奇色彩的著名游览胜地。


天涯海角风景区 导游词1000篇十一

welcome to here! i am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. for a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you.

the ends of the earth, unique scenery. into the heart, that pair of springing up on the beach more than 10 meters high, more than 60 meters long green gray boulders suddenly into the eye. two stone engraved with "tianya" and "cape", meaning the edge of the day, the end of the sea. clear water, blue sky here in color, vast lake, why napa. culture and coconut trees swaying, the stone forest. the engraved with "tianya", "cape", "south tianyi column", "sea to south day" stones more than south china sea, hainan special skill.

came to the ends of the earth, except for sightseeing to the natural and humanistic landscape, believe that everyone will trigger a variety of lenovo and comprehension, "sea life bright moon, tianya" at this time of the family, "love you to the glebe's old, accompany you to the end of the world" love, distance separates no bosom friends, "" friendship," alone on tall building, at the end of the world road "sad," tianya reduced people at the same time, why should meet had met "comfort," the end of the world where no fangcao "open-minded," the ends of the earth are not sharp, far more days "detachment, and" backward "mentality, and so on. fusion of natural landscape and human emotion, it is the end of the world's unique charm.

first, we went to the beach. ready to ride boats to riyueshi located at sea. on the boat, the wind blowing my face, and the seagulls flying on my head, boats passing rolled up heavy waves on the sea. in the sea, i can't express my joy for such an environment. not for a moment, then to the riyueshi. there are two pieces of stone like, like month. appreciate for a while. and in a place called "the seas run dry and the rocks crumble. unexpectedly, open boat people begin to blackmail to us, or take us straight to tianya stone, or charge a small boat to take us to 100 "the seas run dry and the rocks crumble and diaoyutai". we thought for a while, anyway to came, then continue to go to "the seas run dry and the rocks crumble. that is just a rock. then went to the diaoyutai state guesthouse. there are lots of seafood to sell, are expensive. and the turtles. a man decides to 10 yuan. so start haggling. but still not settled at last. so we called up the open boat, sit on the left the diaoyutai state guesthouse. straight toward the tianya stone on the shore. we came to cape tianya stone and stone. two separate stone engraved with the end of the world and the cape. legend has it that a couple in love of men and women, respectively from two feudal family, they love their ethnic opposition, and forced to flee to both jumped into the sea, into two pieces of stone, forever. later generations to commemorate their firmness love, quartering "tianya" cape ", "then the men and women in love with" the ends of the earth forever at your feet "to show their own accomplishments.

then we came to the "south tianyi column". "tianya" "cape" two being walk about three hundred meters, a statue standing tall conical stone, like a magic at the sky, that is "south tianyi column" stone, about 7 meters high, look like a philosopher's head, the side like a ship sets up "a ketch". the design is on the reverse of the fourth edition of rmb 2 "south tianyi column" here. legend has it, it is "gong gong anger and touch not island, bl 10 fold, d the land" of "sky column," south alone were sent here to hold the day. qing xuantong first year (1911), the time of the scarp state the year fan yun ladder is according to the above, inscribed copy of "south tianyi column" this four characters.


天涯海角依山傍水,风景独特。步入游览区,沙滩上那一对拔地而起的高10多米,长60多米的青灰色巨石赫然入目。两石分别刻有“天涯”和“海角”字样,意为天之边缘,海之尽头。 这里融碧水、蓝天于一色,烟波浩瀚,帆影点点。椰林婆娑,奇石林立,如诗如画。那刻有“天涯”、“海角”、“南天一柱”、“海判南天”的巨石雄峙南海之滨,为海南一绝。



然后我们便来到了“南天一柱”。 “天涯”“海角”二石东走约三百米,一尊高大兀立的圆锥形奇石,象一支神笔直指苍穹,这便是“南天一柱”石,高约 7米,正面看像一颗哲人的头颅,侧面看像一艘古船上升起的“双桅帆”。第四版2元人民币背面的图案就是这里的“南天一柱”。有传说讲,它是“共工怒而触不周山,天柱折,地维绝”的“天柱”一截,被派遣到这里来独撑南天。清宣统元年(1911年),当时的崖州知州范云梯就根据上述说法,题刻下“南天一柱”这四个大字。

天涯海角风景区 导游词1000篇十二

"please come to the end of the world, the four seasons here spring often in" lyrics sung in the ends of the earth, you know? yes, in the beautiful island of hainan, a beautiful tropical paradise sanya. sanya city business card is "beautiful sanya, romantic tianya".

tianyahaijiao, sanya scenic area is a city business card, hainan island is one of the landmark landscape. there is a saying well, is coming to hainan sanya - equal to didn't come to hainan, the sanya to go to the ends of the earth, is not to sanya. so, today i want to take you to "the end of the world, go ends of the earth". how there's natural scenery and human landscape? please follow the pace of the i tell you, visit.

the heart of the ends of the earth from sanya 26 kilometers, is located in the town of tianya ma ling at the foot of the mountain. before the sea and the hills, clear water, blue sky here for the same color harmony, and wide fanying fishing boat, the coconut trees swaying, the stone forest, is a picturesque. we see, after stepping into the main entrance, a highway through the sea, the coconut trees on both sides trees, especially green. at the end of the road, the first thing you see is love square. the ends of the earth, the seas run dry and the rocks crumble, left how many introduction in this moment of happiness and the most precious memories.

go forward again, is the seaside square, tourists friends, head of the statue, is approved by the international astronomical union small object naming committee, national astronomical observatory will find 9668 asteroids, named "star ends of the earth". this is the end of the world star signs. everyone see, behind two sculptures, the left one is the western han dynasty general fubo road byrd, on the right is the eastern han dynasty fubo general ma yuan, fubo generals, who as an insurgency in, exchanges between the mainland and hainan, to strengthen the communication of hainan and the road made an important contribution.

you see in my right hand side, the ends of the earth is the botanical garden scenic spot. strange tropical plants, will make everyone enjoy the austral plants unique charm.

here we move on, the ends of the world's most famous beach stone group. the blue sky, white clouds, the blue sea, the graceful coconut trees, a variety of shapes of rocks. here is beautiful, look at these people behind me, they are all around the country who were tourists, here is the place where the most coveted.

you to look at the two stones, please see here "sea to south day", this is the end of the world's earliest inside a carved stone. in kangxi years, in order to revise the calendar, emperor kangxi times, when the astronomical measurement left by the tag. you see, here is the "southern sky column", the word is xuanzheng cliff state of the first year of the year by fan yun ladder to prevent flooding. if you think the scenery here is very familiar with? by the way, it is the fourth set of rmb 2 on the back of the pattern. it has long been deeply in our daily life every day, it serves to show its influence in china. qing dynasty yongzheng years general cliff state the year cheng zhe and during the period of the republic of china wang yi, and here two dependent on the sea of adjacent rock, the inscribed copy "tianya" and "the cape" four characters. make people's tianya complex "was eventually materialized, and find a place, also make the heart of the ends of the earth" complex "the end of the world culture geographical location and specific carrier.

three times in the 1960 s, the famous writer guo moruo, came to the end of the scenic area, left the writing "the heart of the ends of the earth". to the ends of the earth, must give their family, friends and relatives, lover to make a phone call. told them that i in faraway places are still in the miss you, send you a crystal heart. finally, take the ends of the earth's blessings distance separates no bosom friends, "".









天涯海角风景区 导游词1000篇十三

"please come to the end of the world, the four seasons here spring often in" lyrics sung in the ends of the earth, you know? yes, in the beautiful island of hainan, a beautiful tropical paradise sanya. sanya city business card is "beautiful sanya, romantic tianya".

tianyahaijiao, sanya scenic area is a city business card, hainan island is one of the landmark landscape. there is a saying well, is coming to hainan sanya - equal to didn't come to hainan, the sanya to go to the ends of the earth, is not to sanya. so, today i want to take you to "the end of the world, go ends of the earth". how there's natural scenery and human landscape? please follow the pace of the i tell you, visit.

the heart of the ends of the earth from sanya 26 kilometers, is located in the town of tianya ma ling at the foot of the mountain. before the sea and the hills, clear water, blue sky here for the same color harmony, and wide fanying fishing boat, the coconut trees swaying, the stone forest, is a picturesque. we see, after stepping into the main entrance, a highway through the sea, the coconut trees on both sides trees, especially green. at the end of the road, the first thing you see is love square. the ends of the earth, the seas run dry and the rocks crumble, left how many introduction in this moment of happiness and the most precious memories.

go forward again, is the seaside square, tourists friends, head of the statue, is approved by the international astronomical union small object naming committee, national astronomical observatory will find 9668 asteroids, named "star ends of the earth". this is the end of the world star signs. everyone see, behind two sculptures, the left one is the western han dynasty general fubo road byrd, on the right is the eastern han dynasty fubo general ma yuan, fubo generals, who as an insurgency in, exchanges between the mainland and hainan, to strengthen the communication of hainan and the road made an important contribution.

you see in my right hand side, the ends of the earth is the botanical garden scenic spot. strange tropical plants, will make everyone enjoy the austral plants unique charm.

here we move on, the ends of the world's most famous beach stone group. the blue sky, white clouds, the blue sea, the graceful coconut trees, a variety of shapes of rocks. here is beautiful, look at these people behind me, they are all around the country who were tourists, here is the place where the most coveted.

you to look at the two stones, please see here "sea to south day", this is the end of the world's earliest inside a carved stone. in kangxi years, in order to revise the calendar, emperor kangxi times, when the astronomical measurement left by the tag. you see, here is the "southern sky column", the word is xuanzheng cliff state of the first year of the year by fan yun ladder to prevent flooding. if you think the scenery here is very familiar with? by the way, it is the fourth set of rmb 2 on the back of the pattern. it has long been deeply in our daily life every day, it serves to show its influence in china. qing dynasty yongzheng years general cliff state the year cheng zhe and during the period of the republic of china wang yi, and here two dependent on the sea of adjacent rock, the inscribed copy "tianya" and "the cape" four characters. make people's tianya complex "was eventually materialized, and find a place, also make the heart of the ends of the earth" complex "the end of the world culture geographical location and specific carrier.

three times in the 1960 s, the famous writer guo moruo, came to the end of the scenic area, left the writing "the heart of the ends of the earth". to the ends of the earth, must give their family, friends and relatives, lover to make a phone call. told them that i in faraway places are still in the miss you, send you a crystal heart. finally, take the ends of the earth's blessings distance separates no bosom friends, "".

天涯海角风景区 导游词1000篇十四



























天涯海角风景区 导游词1000篇十五

"please come to the end of the world, the four seasons here spring often in" lyrics sung in the ends of the earth, you know? yes, in the beautiful island of hainan, a beautiful tropical paradise sanya. sanya city business card is "beautiful sanya, romantic tianya".

tianyahaijiao, sanya scenic area is a city business card, hainan island is one of the landmark landscape. there is a saying well, is coming to hainan sanya - equal to didn't come to hainan, the sanya to go to the ends of the earth, is not to sanya. so, today i want to take you to "the end of the world, go ends of the earth". how there's natural scenery and human landscape? please follow the pace of the i tell you, visit.

the heart of the ends of the earth from sanya 26 kilometers, is located in the town of tianya ma ling at the foot of the mountain. before the sea and the hills, clear water, blue sky here for the same color harmony, and wide fanying fishing boat, the coconut trees swaying, the stone forest, is a picturesque. we see, after stepping into the main entrance, a highway through the sea, the coconut trees on both sides trees, especially green. at the end of the road, the first thing you see is love square. the ends of the earth, the seas run dry and the rocks crumble, left how many introduction in this moment of happiness and the most precious memories.

go forward again, is the seaside square, tourists friends, head of the statue, is approved by the international astronomical union small object naming committee, national astronomical observatory will find 9668 asteroids, named "star ends of the earth". this is the end of the world star signs. everyone see, behind two sculptures, the left one is the western han dynasty general fubo road byrd, on the right is the eastern han dynasty fubo general ma yuan, fubo generals, who as an insurgency in, exchanges between the mainland and hainan, to strengthen the communication of hainan and the road made an important contribution.

you see in my right hand side, the ends of the earth is the botanical garden scenic spot. strange tropical plants, will make everyone enjoy the austral plants unique charm.

here we move on, the ends of the world's most famous beach stone group. the blue sky, white clouds, the blue sea, the graceful coconut trees, a variety of shapes of rocks. here is beautiful, look at these people behind me, they are all around the country who were tourists, here is the place where the most coveted.

you to look at the two stones, please see here "sea to south day", this is the end of the world's earliest inside a carved stone. in kangxi years, in order to revise the calendar, emperor kangxi times, when the astronomical measurement left by the tag. you see, here is the "southern sky column", the word is xuanzheng cliff state of the first year of the year by fan yun ladder to prevent flooding. if you think the scenery here is very familiar with? by the way, it is the fourth set of rmb 2 on the back of the pattern. it has long been deeply in our daily life every day, it serves to show its influence in china. qing dynasty yongzheng years general cliff state the year cheng zhe and during the period of the republic of china wang yi, and here two dependent on the sea of adjacent rock, the inscribed copy "tianya" and "the cape" four characters. make people's tianya complex "was eventually materialized, and find a place, also make the heart of the ends of the earth" complex "the end of the world culture geographical location and specific carrier.

three times in the 1960 s, the famous writer guo moruo, came to the end of the scenic area, left the writing "the heart of the ends of the earth". to the ends of the earth, must give their family, friends and relatives, lover to make a phone call. told them that i in faraway places are still in the miss you, send you a crystal heart. finally, take the ends of the earth's blessings distance separates no bosom friends, "".










welcome to here! i am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. for a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you.

the ends of the earth, unique scenery. into the heart, that pair of springing up on the beach more than 10 meters high, more than 60 meters long green gray boulders suddenly into the eye. two stone engraved with "tianya" and "cape", meaning the edge of the day, the end of the sea. clear water, blue sky here in color, vast lake, why napa. culture and coconut trees swaying, the stone forest. the engraved with "tianya", "cape", "south tianyi column", "sea to south day" stones more than south china sea, hainan special skill.

came to the ends of the earth, except for sightseeing to the natural and humanistic landscape, believe that everyone will trigger a variety of lenovo and comprehension, "sea life bright moon, tianya" at this time of the family, "love you to the glebe's old, accompany you to the end of the world" love, distance separates no bosom friends, "" friendship," alone on tall building, at the end of the world road "sad," tianya reduced people at the same time, why should meet had met "comfort," the end of the world where no fangcao "open-minded," the ends of the earth are not sharp, far more days "detachment, and" backward "mentality, and so on. fusion of natural landscape and human emotion, it is the end of the world's unique charm.

first, we went to the beach. ready to ride boats to riyueshi located at sea. on the boat, the wind blowing my face, and the seagulls flying on my head, boats passing rolled up heavy waves on the sea. in the sea, i can't express my joy for such an environment. not for a moment, then to the riyueshi. there are two pieces of stone like, like month. appreciate for a while. and in a place called "the seas run dry and the rocks crumble. unexpectedly, open boat people begin to blackmail to us, or take us straight to tianya stone, or charge a small boat to take us to 100 "the seas run dry and the rocks crumble and diaoyutai". we thought for a while, anyway to came, then continue to go to "the seas run dry and the rocks crumble. that is just a rock. then went to the diaoyutai state guesthouse. there are lots of seafood to sell, are expensive. and the turtles. a man decides to 10 yuan. so start haggling. but still not settled at last. so we called up the open boat, sit on the left the diaoyutai state guesthouse. straight toward the tianya stone on the shore. we came to cape tianya stone and stone. two separate stone engraved with the end of the world and the cape. legend has it that a couple in love of men and women, respectively from two feudal family, they love their ethnic opposition, and forced to flee to both jumped into the sea, into two pieces of stone, forever. later generations to commemorate their firmness love, quartering "tianya" cape ", "then the men and women in love with" the ends of the earth forever at your feet "to show their own accomplishments.

then we came to the "south tianyi column". "tianya" "cape" two being walk about three hundred meters, a statue standing tall conical stone, like a magic at the sky, that is "south tianyi column" stone, about 7 meters high, look like a philosopher's head, the side like a ship sets up "a ketch". the design is on the reverse of the fourth edition of rmb 2 "south tianyi column" here. legend has it, it is "gong gong anger and touch not island, bl 10 fold, d the land" of "sky column," south alone were sent here to hold the day. qing xuantong first year (1911), the time of the scarp state the year fan yun ladder is according to the above, inscribed copy of "south tianyi column" this four characters.


天涯海角依山傍水,风景独特。步入游览区,沙滩上那一对拔地而起的高10多米,长60多米的青灰色巨石赫然入目。两石分别刻有“天涯”和“海角”字样,意为天之边缘,海之尽头。 这里融碧水、蓝天于一色,烟波浩瀚,帆影点点。椰林婆娑,奇石林立,如诗如画。那刻有“天涯”、“海角”、“南天一柱”、“海判南天”的巨石雄峙南海之滨,为海南一绝。



然后我们便来到了“南天一柱”。 “天涯”“海角”二石东走约三百米,一尊高大兀立的圆锥形奇石,象一支神笔直指苍穹,这便是“南天一柱”石,高约 7米,正面看像一颗哲人的头颅,侧面看像一艘古船上升起的“双桅帆”。第四版2元人民币背面的图案就是这里的“南天一柱”。有传说讲,它是“共工怒而触不周山,天柱折,地维绝”的“天柱”一截,被派遣到这里来独撑南天。清宣统元年(1920xx年),当时的崖州知州范云梯就根据上述说法,题刻下“南天一柱”这四个大字。


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