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格式:DOC 上传日期:2024-03-20 22:01:08
时间:2024-03-20 22:01:08     小编:zdfb



2 i am having lunch now.

3jim is playing basketball with his friends on the ground.

4 we are watching a new film at home.

5 alex is writing an article now.

6 lucy is reading newspaper.

7 what is he doing now?

8 i am drinking a cup of tea now.

9 who is doing the cleaning?

10 is he making lunch?




二.现在进行时的标志:now.(现在) listen(听) look(看)等`

三.结构:主语+be(am,is,are)+动词的现在分词例如:i am watching tv.

he/she is swimming

we/they are listening to the music

四.现在分词的构成1.一般直接加-ing:look-looking go-going

2、以e结尾的动词变现在分词要去掉e再加-ing :come-coming have-having

3、以重读闭音节结尾的只有一个辅音字母的动词,要双写尾字母,再加-ing:get-getting put-putting 4.以辅音加y结尾的动词变现在分词,直接加-ing: study-studying fly-flying 5.以ie结尾的重读开音节动词改为y,再加-ing: die-dying tie-tying练习


1、 _____ ______ _____二.单项选择

1、 what’s he doing? he ____ a book.a. readb. readsc. is readingd. reading 2. is nancy doing homework? ____. a. no, she is b. no, she isn’t , she does d. yes, she isn’t 3. she can’t go with you. she ___homework now.a. dob. doesc. is doingd. is ! the bird ___ in the tree.a. sing b. singingc. is singingd. is sing三.用所给单词的适当形式填空

1、 it’s two o’clock in the afternoon. the boys _________(swim) at the pool. 2. look! they ________(dance)in the room.

______(wash) the dishes in the dining room now.4. look! lin tao ___________(do) his homework.5. 。listen! the boys ________(sing) in the classroom. ’s four now. the girl ________(fly) a kite.7.i ________(work) in the factory now.8._____ the boy ____(get) up now? yes, he is.9._____ the students _____(watch) tv? yes, they are.

10、 tom __________(not swim) in the lake. he is boating in the lake. 11. we __________(not clean) the classroom. we are playing. 四。 改错

1、 i writing on the blackboard now. 2. he is play basketball now. 3. look! the students are skateing. 4. the cat is runing after the birds now.



二.现在进行时的标志:now.(现在) listen(听) look(看)等`

三.结构:主语+be(am,is,are)+动词的现在分词例如:i am watching tv.

he/she is swimming

we/they are listening to the music

四.现在分词的构成1.一般直接加-ing:look-looking go-going

2、以e结尾的动词变现在分词要去掉e再加-ing :come-coming have-having

3、以重读闭音节结尾的只有一个辅音字母的动词,要双写尾字母,再加-ing:get-getting put-putting 4.以辅音加y结尾的动词变现在分词,直接加-ing: study-studying fly-flying 5.以ie结尾的重读开音节动词改为y,再加-ing: die-dying tie-tying练习


1_____ ______ _____二.单项选择

1、 what’s he doing? he ____ a book.a. readb. readsc. is readingd. reading 2. is nancy doing homework? ____. a. no, she is b. no, she isn’t , she does d. yes, she isn’t 3. she can’t go with you. she ___homework now.a. dob. doesc. is doingd. is ! the bird ___ in the tree.a. sing b. singingc. is singingd. is sing三.用所给单词的适当形式填空

1、 it’s two o’clock in the afternoon. the boys _________(swim) at the pool. 2. look! they ________(dance)in the room.

______(wash) the dishes in the dining room now.4look! lin tao ___________(do) his ! the boys ________(sing) in the classroom. ’s four now. the girl ________(fly) a kite.7.i ________(work) in the factory now.8._____ the boy ____(get) up now? yes, he is.9._____ the students _____(watch) tv? yes, they are.

10tom __________(not swim) in the lake. he is boating in the lake. 11we __________(not clean) the classroom. we are playing. 四。 改错

1i writing on the blackboard now. 2he is play basketball now. 3look! the students are skateing. 4the cat is runing after the birds now.


新概念 现在进行时和一般将来时 句子翻译:


2、他的爷爷奶奶准备做什么?他们准备去购物。他的爷爷奶奶正在做什么?他们正在购物。 准备做什么?tim准备去扫地。

4、你姐姐最喜欢的颜色是什么?她最喜欢的颜色是粉色。 5.他们打算做什么?他们打算去做饭。

6、那个男孩儿正在做什么?他正在等公交车。 7.看,她正走进卧室。她准备去整理床铺。 正在做什么?他正在爬树。

9、你哥哥打算做什么?他打算去清洁牙齿。 正在做什么?她正在脱大衣。 11.看,那个女孩儿正站在她妈妈旁边。 12.教室前面有一张桌子。(翻译成英语并改写成否定句) 13.墙上有一些图片。(翻译成英语并改成一般疑问句做否定回答) 14.卧室有一张床和两把椅子。

15、架子上有一些报纸吗?不,架子上没有报纸。架子上有一些票。 16.房间里有椅子吗?不,房间里没有椅子。房间的中间有一把扶手椅。 17.桌子下有一只猫。猫旁边有一只鞋子。 18.地板上有一些杂志。它们很脏。

19、那个女人正在做什么?她正在关水龙头。 20.看那个邮递员,他正在喝水。


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