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格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-05-31 10:56:13
时间:2023-05-31 10:56:13     小编:文友











now, people are getting richer and richer. lets think, what will the life be like in the future?

in the future, we wont have to change many clothes every day. we will wear a kind of special clothes. we can be warm when we feel cold and be cool when we feel . they will have many beautiful colours. we can change the colour we like anytime.

in the future, there are more and more kinds of food we can choose. they will be much more delicio than now. they will not be expensive. we can buy them with little money. isnt it wonderful?

in the future, all of will live in beautiful hoes. it can move anywhere. when we want to change the place we live, it will take us quickly without any trouble.

in the future, we wont have to go to work by bus or bike. everyone will have a small but useful plane, we can go anywhere we like by plane. how great will be !

in the future, maybe each family will have a robot. our mother wont be busy at housework, they wont be tired. when we feel bad, we wont have to go to hospital to see a doctor. the teachers wont need to go to school to work because they can teach students through world wide web.



the future of the world is a wonderful and wonderful world.


the shoes of the future must be flying shoes, which can take people free to fly. people can wear it to play in the playground, go to work in the company, go to school and go to school. the chassis of the flying shoes has a small jet device that provides a forward and rising power to fly freely in the air. its load limit is 40 - 90 kilograms. its battery is specially made and has a long service life, and the battery is updated about two years for every pair of batteries for only two pairs of batteries. it can run about 30 kilometers per hour. its price is still very cheap, about 3000 yuan. the shoes can be recycled and do not pollute the air.


the future car should be the shape of the spacecraft, like the modern shenzhou five model. such a car can be close to the first cosmic speed. this car is not in need of repair, the highest technology for the rocket powered its way back. its chassis has 10 rocket tubes that can help it elevate the height and speed. his waist price 50000 yuan. people can take it to adventure in the universe and explore the mysteries of space. its shell is very hard and can resist the collisions of interstellar meteorites, and it is resistant to high temperature and radiation, and protects the safety of the passengers.


the future of television, is a portable eye, a button, the frame rotation time, can be moved forward by radio channel. he has a great role to protect his eyes and can be a battery for fifteen years. he can receive more than 100 radio stations, and people can watch their favorite programs at any time, anywhere.


the pen in the future is electronic. it allows you to write beautiful words without practice, and you can write other countries text according to needs. it has the function of dictionary, and it can also turn into rubber and erase the wrong words. it is a deformation of the button body, do bad when encountered self-defense weapons, like a laser gun.


this is the future of the world, the world is very beautiful, not yet, we should rely on our good study and wisdom to achieve it.


with the development of the technology, our life has become more and more colorful.

in the future, we dont need to eat anything, and what we need is just to charge ourselves with electric. there is a chip in our head which is used to save the energe.

we dont need to take a car, because all of human being have get a mutational dna, and all of us can fly. we can breath in the water just like fish. we live in the air, and we dont need to sleep. human being has found a lot of planets, and we can live anywhere we want. we are the most powerful species in the universe.

with the development of the technology, our life has become more and more terrible.

we don t have enough room to live, so all of the countries break into war. after the war, most of human beings are dead. the war has destroyed our planet. no fresh air, no fresh water, and more and more species die out. human being lose the ability to childbearing.

finally, all of living things in the earth are disappear. the earth become to a desert.
































everything has a door, and every door has a key. however, there is a universal key can open any one door, it is the xxxidealxxx. lofty ideal is the key to everything. and my ideal is to become a low carbon.

it is estimated that the water resources on the earth, is about salt water (the water in the sea and salt water lake), accounts for only , fresh water in fresh water, about are polar ice and difficult to use fresh water, can be human use of the rivers and lakes of the shallow groundwater is only .

on earth there is a parrot, there are more than 30 in the world.

every day is the size of a football field land to build a house.


see the groups data, my heart is not a cold, set when the low carbon is the ideal.

he said: xxxthe reality is this shore, ideal is other shore, separated by a raging river, action is the bridge on the river, in order to achieve the ideal, but not what matters is

so from now on, i want to save water. save a drop of water a day, a year, save 365 drop, so leave, to check the faucet for tight, is there a drop of water. use water to flush the toilet; wash dish with water to water the flowers; dont use electric switch off the power supply; the sun for the day lighting; summer dont open air conditioning as far as possible; dont use one-off chopsticks.

i want to be a low carbon, for the earth mother decompression, for our future job.

shelley said: xxxthe past belongs to death, and that the future belongs to im trying to struggle for my ideal. how about you?












in the world of the future, it is a peaceful, colorful and lively world.


the future of the world, no beggars begging; angry angry; victim cries; impolite bristle; wronged cry; no noisy noise......


the future world is peaceful, there is no war of billowing smoke, no thieves, no robbers and bandits who fight home, no gang losing humanity, no market hooligans and rascal...


the future of the world is beautiful. every busy street is driven by people and cars. both sides of the street, built a building will edifice, a few trees, they absorb carbon dioxide, from fresh oxygen, make people healthier.


the future of the world is a high-tech type. all vehicles have changed shape, also all the shortcomings of the car away, will they become automatic manned vehicles, as long as one told him to stop, it will stop, where are you going, just say, it will immediately get there, but also to ensure your safety, the most the important point is that it is not the driver, but automatically, and the traffic police is a robot, you can have all the knowledge will do the police into the robots mind, he will definitely not to command, error.

the future of the house is also the use of high-tech. as long as you are the owner of the room, you can touch your finger on the door, it can identify the owner, if it is, it will open the door, if not, it will not open the door. there will be many organs in the room. if you want to hide things in the secret room, press the agencies. the door of the chamber will soon open. when you come out, it will shut automatically, and there will be no trace on the doors location, so it will not be seen at all. if the room fires, it will automatically extinguish the fire. if someone smashed the window at night came in, no one is around you, then you are lying in bed, you can click on the organ, bed immediately into two halves, you can go to bed down, and then click on the organ, the man will come in the net nets above and snares below, let him move, he to have a good sleep, the morning after, again with this person.


the future of the world, there are many kinds of high-tech products and inventions, it makes our life more rich and colorful, full of sound and colour.

未来的世界,还有许许多多令我们猜想 不到的 ,它是奇妙的,令人难以琢磨的,我相信,未来的世界会更加美好的。

in the future world, there are so many things that we cant imagine. its wonderful and hard to understand. i believe that the future world will be better.























as our countrys progress and social development. more and more new technologies and applications are showed on front of us,i can imagine how the future of china how is look like? the future of china is standing in the forefront of advanced countries in the world.

at that time china is in the air transport development. it brings together the worlds most advanced design technology, the suspension is based on the train increased its stability. therefore, it is very easy to go anywhere while the people to get to where they want to go at the future. take this train while to get to where you want to go is very quickly. it saves peoples time and destinations differences. this new technology has brought us to solve the problem of the use of space savings. china in that era, it does not only have this technology, and also have the air housing, air supermarket such and such there are many air traffic facilities.

prosperity of the motherland, we are proud of this charming!





i imagine a lot about lives in the future. i think two words can summarize my imagination.

the first word is fast. in the future, we will have more quickly transportation means.

no matter how far we go, it takes only a short time.

with the development of science and technology, we can travel to the moon, mars or somewhere outer space.

people may can live in other planets.

the second word is convenient.

because of the fast development of our society, many work can be done by computers or even robots. lots of things are fully automated.

humans just need to give some simple instructions to complete complecated tasks.

this is my idea of the future life,what dou you think it?



i stepped on the spaceship, through the tunnel of time and space, and came to the long hope of 2050. if you want to know what the world of 2050 is, let me have a look at it.


walking down the spaceship, i was stunned by the sight of the sight. there is no one in the street. is the world of 2050 perished? all of a sudden, only xxxahxxx was heard, and my foot was heavily trampled on. look back, nothing. after a while, a voice flown through my ear: xxxbecause you dont wear a stealth coat, so i cant see then, just listen to the sound xxxdixxx, an uncle stood in front of me, i asked: xxxuncle, how can you see the road wearing a cloak?xxx the uncle said amiable, xxxsilly children, we can get in quickly as long as we enter the direction in the when i listened to my uncles words, i suddenly realized.


thanks uncle, i continue to go to the front. xxxah? how come the light is not? xxx as i was in a hurry, a car flew away from me. i was busy calling to understand that it was an aunt. i asked aunt: xxxthere are no traffic lights, how do you travel? arent people going to bump into the car? xxx the aunt smiled and said, xxxwe have small lights in our cars, and they will tell us all the xxxoh, its wonderful!xxx i cant help sighing.


thank you to my aunt and go on. go all the way, i was thirsty and tired, then took out a bottle, plump, plump...... have a drink at the bottom of the day. i was busy looking for the trash can, and suddenly a hand came out slowly from the ground and said to me in a dead machine voice, xxxplease put the garbage in my i can only do it. so its hands slowly retracted. looking at me, i cant help saying, xxxthe technology here is well developed!xxx


look, this is 2050, a new world! i hope that through our efforts, we hope that the long time will come soon.















our life will change greatly in the future.

in the future,every family will own at least one computer,with which we can shop online without going out.

that is really will be employed by every can help do much of the housework.

therefore family members will have more free time to spend time together.

in the future,kids dont need to attend school any more.

there is internet access in every family,with the help of which kids can study by themselves.


now, people are getting richer and richer. lets think, what will the life be like in the future?

in the future, we wont have to change many clothes every day. we will wear a kind of special clothes. we can be warm when we feel cold and be cool when we feel hot. they will have many beautiful colours. we can change the colour we like anytime.

in the future, there are more and more kinds of food we can choose. they will be much more delicious than now. they will not be expensive. we can buy them with little money. isnt it wonderful?

in the future, all of us will live in beautiful houses. it can move anywhere. when we want to change the place we live, it will take us quickly without any trouble.

in the future, we wont have to go to work by bus or bike. everyone will have a small but useful plane, we can go anywhere we like by plane. how great will be !

in the future, maybe each family will have a robot. our mother wont be busy at housework, they wont be tired. when we feel bad, we wont have to go to hospital to see a doctor. the teachers wont need to go to school to work because they can teach students through world wide web.





































today, people are happy to walk on the road. someone is tired and walks into the small pavilions that can be seen everywhere. why? its not a small pavilion. it turned out to be the xxxroad lutong magic housexxx.


xxxlulutong magic housexxx, invented by dr. jon, is said to have chosen the location to go after entering it, and it can arrive in a minute, which brings many conveniences to peoples travel.


my curiosity came up and decided to look at it. i walked into the pavilion and found a large display inside and a comfortable sofa. where am i going to go? by the way, let me go to the chinatown in the united states. so we chose: north america -- the united states -- new york -- chinatown, just after pressing the confirmation button, we heard a sweet girls voice: xxxchinatown of new york, reaching the destination in a with a strong ray of light on me, after a whirling, my feet fell, and opened my eyes, i was standing on the chinatown!


i wandered at random on the chinatown, and i found that all the friends of all over the world were in a cheerful conversation. what do you do with the language? we are not afraid, xxxlanguage translation machinexxx, the more than 2700 languages in the world can translation. its a wonderful work of science and technology.


kazakhstan! on the opposite side of the busiduo smell the smell coming from the restaurant! i think i havent had dinner yet. walk into the restaurant and come to a beautiful miss robot for me, and there are many similar robots next to other guests. there is no human service now. everything has an intelligent robot. the staff of the restaurant, except the head of the shop, are all robots.


robots can now undertake a variety of jobs, not only in public places, but also in many families as electronic nannies. in a word, peoples life can not be separated from it.

“滴滴 ——”,手机响了,原来是妈妈,让我回家呢!我依依不舍的离开了唐人街,再次走进“路路通魔法屋”,心想:唐人街,我会回来的!

xxxdrop -xxx, the cell phone is ringing, its mother, let me go home! i reluctantly left the chinatown, again into the xxxroad road magic housexxx, thinking: chinatown, i will come back!


this is the beautiful future of the world in my heart.


i hope that in the near future, all this will become a reality!


now, people are getting richer and richer. lets think, what will the life be like in the future?

in the future, we wont have to change many clothes every day. we will wear a kind of special clothes. we can be warm when we feel cold and be cool when we feel hot. they will have many beautiful colours. we can change the colour we like anytime.

in the future, there are more and more kinds of food we can choose. they will be much more delicious than now. they will not be expensive. we can buy them with little money. isnt it wonderful?

in the future, all of us will live in beautiful houses. it can move anywhere. when we want to change the place we live, it will take us quickly without any trouble.

in the future, we wont have to go to work by bus or bike. everyone will have a small but useful plane, we can go anywhere we like by plane. how great will be !

in the future, maybe each family will have a robot. our mother wont be busy at housework, they wont be tired. when we feel bad, we wont have to go to hospital to see a doctor. the teachers wont need to go to school to work because they can teach students through world wide web.



——未来世界英语作文 (菁选3篇)













students, time is passing. nowadays, science and technology are developed. the world is beautiful. so, what would you imagine the future of the world like? so, please join me in exploring the magic of the future world.

晚上,月亮发出微微月光。我躺在床上,想;未来的世界会是什么样子呢?我闭上了眼睛,进入了那甜甜的梦乡。果然,进入了那个神奇的世界,那就是未来。我来到一户人家 ,门开敞这,一位阿姨向我走来,他问我怎么会在这,我说;‘’我迷路了。‘’阿姨邀请我去他就住一晚上,我爽快地答应了。没想到,虽说是未来的世界,可是这里的人们的也变得热情好客。我来到院子里,看见了汽车,正想碰一下,没想到,他居然变成了飞机。科技实在太发达了。我来到客厅,发现做菜的既不是老奶奶,也不是阿姨,也不是姐姐,是一位机器人,他做饭香喷喷的,馋得我流水都快流出来了。再往里走,就看见一位姐姐正在看电视,没有遥控器,是有嘴说的。听这位姐姐说;‘’这台电视机还可以折叠,随身携带。‘’阿姨让我去看房间,我想离弦一样直奔房间。这才发现没有把手,阿姨走了过来,把他的手放了上去,这门居然自动说;‘’密码正确。‘’我一进屋,哇,太好啦。床用果栋制作而成,床头柜是用巧克力做成,枕头也是用 果冻制作。我一躺上面,我就别果冻弹了起来。叮铃铃…闹钟把我叫醒了,我边穿衣服边想:“但愿未来的世界会是这样。‘

at night, the moon makes a little moonlight. i lay on the bed and thought; what will the future of the world look like? i closed my eyes and went into the sweet dream. sure, into the magical world, that is the future. i came to a family, open the door, an aunt came to me, and he asked me how i was here, and i said, i lost my way. auntie invited me to stay for one night, and i agreed. i did not think, although it was the future world, but the people here also become enthusiastic and hospitable. i came to the yard and saw the car. i was trying to touch it. i didnt think that he had become an airplane. science and technology are too developed. i went to the living room, found that cooking is neither old nor grandma, aunt, or sister, is a robot, he cooked delicious food made of water, i almost flow out. walk again, i see a sister is watching tv, no remote control, there is a mouth to say. listen to the sister and say, this tv can be folded and carried with you. xxxauntxxx let me go to the room, i think was as straight to the room. it was only when there was no handle. the aunt walked over and put his hand on it. the door said it automatically; the password was right. im coming in, wow, thats all right. the bed is made of fruit, and the bedside cabinet is made of chocolate, and the pillow is made of jelly. as soon as i lay on it, i didnt get a jelly. jingle bell... i woke up with the alarm clock, and i thought, xxxi wish the world would be like this in the


the future of the world, we look forward to, we hope, hope that tomorrow is more beautiful, hope that the future is more colorful, safe and happy!












the future of the world may be brilliant, perhaps the rapid progress, no matter how the future of the world is unpredictable is change.


some people once thought that if people could fly to heaven, the image point is saying, xxxyou can get but with the development of modern science and technology to improve and continuously updated product promotes the exploration and understanding of science and technology people awaken people to contribute to society will and desire to make people to understand themselves and society, people in the beginning there is no light in the past, people still dont know what is the light also, do not know what time will the light just imagine slowly through time people knowledge accumulated slowly to create light, but only a start to know good but dont know too much energy consumption later people found the incandescent lamp can save electricity from the people and to engage in innovation to create more high-tech products, until now people invented the computer and other high-tech products, why? because people give full play to the initiative, the use of rational knowledge to guide practice, there is not enough light, since the united states invented the space shuttle launch and return after the success of people, scientists finally invented the long march chinese strive for progress with determination no. two b, and later successfully invented the shenzhou 1 - 4 unmanned spacecraft, again and later invented the shenzhou 5 - 6 manned spacecraft and the successful completion of the task.


in the past, some people might say that the future society is the same as it is now. this idea is wrong, and now want to look at the future of the world is beautiful, maybe a multimodal car maybe everyone has a plane to walk without go electric shoes can replace everything just click the button to fix all, then there is no thieves and police people have enough money to spend, in the farmers crops can be done by machine and a good harvest in the future, the world still needs efforts to strive for. in this way, we can lay a good foundation for the future and create a better future.


the earth is very bad now. everyone has been making carbon dioxide, making the ozone layer break a very big hole, so the earth has produced xxxgreenhouse effectxxx.

in the year three thousand, i looked from the spaceship to the earth, and the earths ozone layer had broken almost all the same. the suns strong ultraviolet rays directly into the earth, the earths sea has become a large xxxgray stinky ditchxxx.

entering the earth, every country and region has become a victim of the disaster. there are flood, debris flow, heavy rain, there are many people because of the strong ultraviolet rays of the sun, and got cancer.

at this time, the output of crops has been greatly reduced. many villagers are starving to death. everyone is hungry. let alone the house, people are homeless.

war is also a cause for the earth to go to destruction. human beings use nuclear bombs and atomic bombs to attack each other, destroy most of the earth, and make the world full of harmful rays. even thousands of years later, even organisms cant survive.

if we hadnt done the work of protecting the earth before three thousand ad, then the earth would become the scenario i mentioned above. at that time, the earth would explode to pieces like the xxxone day tourxxx.


with the development of the technology, our life has become more and more colorful.

in the future, we dont need to eat anything, and what we need is just to charge ourselves with electric. there is a chip in our head which is used to save the energe.

we dont need to take a car, because all of human being have get a mutational dna, and all of us can fly. we can breath in the water just like fish. we live in the air, and we dont need to sleep. human being has found a lot of planets, and we can live anywhere we want. we are the most powerful species in the universe.

with the development of the technology, our life has become more and more terrible.

we don t have enough room to live, so all of the countries break into war. after the war, most of human beings are dead. the war has destroyed our planet. no fresh air, no fresh water, and more and more species die out. human being lose the ability to childbearing.

finally, all of living things in the earth are disappear. the earth become to a desert.








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