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格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-05-27 12:55:11
时间:2023-05-27 12:55:11     小编:一叶知秋



why should people care? because we need animals, and because once they are gone, there will never be any more. animals are more than just beautiful or interesting. they are more than just a source of food. every animal has its place in the balance of nature. destroying one kind of animal can create many problems. for example, when

farmers killed large numbers of hawks, the farmers' stores of corn and grain were destroyed by rats and mice. why? because hawks eat rats and mice, with no hawks to keep down their numbers, the rats and mice multiplied quickly.

luckily, some people are working to help save the animals. some groups raise money to let people know about the problem. and they try to get the governments to pass laws protecting animals in danger. quite a few countries have passed laws. these laws forbid the killing of any animal or plant on the danger list. slowly, the number of some animals in danger is growing.


为什么人们应该感到担忧呢?因为我们需要动物,因为它们一旦消失,就永远不会再出现。动物不仅仅是漂亮或有趣。它们不仅仅是人类的食物来源。在维持自然平衡中,每种动物都有其作用。毁灭某种动物会导致许多问题。比如,农民们如果杀死为数众多的鹰,他们谷物和粮食的仓库就会受到老鼠和田鼠的破坏。 为什么?因为鹰吃鼠类,没有鹰控制它们的数量,鼠类就会迅速繁殖。



today is sunday. it's sunny today . i go to the zoo with my mother. i can see many animals . there are tigers ,lions ,pandas ,snakes and many more. look ! the pandas are over there . they're from china . look at the baby panda ! it's climbing trees. how cute it is ! i love pandas.

next, we go to see the lions .the lions are so strong . their mouths are too big. the tigers ae next to them. they are from asia. they are yellow. at last,we go to see the monkeys . some are climbing moutains , some are eating bananas . they ' re so much fun !

i see many animals at the zoo and i 'm so happy today!





on wednesday, a sunny, i am cheerful mood and partners in the teacher led down the zoo visit.

we just go into the zoo attracted by a burst of applause in the past. follow the applause, we went to houyuan, there was a sea of people, and we squeeze some time to see the monkeys. those monkeys looks too interesting, mostly with a long brown hair, a face like a heart-shaped, small eyes, like peanuts, and a clever long tail; more interesting is their action, some monkeys in the trees, some in to another monkey monkey tickling, and the monkey is swinging in the tree; i will be in the hands of peanut threw a inside, see those monkeys like arrow immediately rushed over, a clever little monkey grabbed peanuts in confusion, with two dexterous hand fast break peanuts, taste with relish.

greets me after a colorful peony parrot, it's head like a dazzling sapphire, glittered in the sun, wearing a green armor, it's really beautiful! then i heard the birds melodious songs, really made me relaxed and happy. alive then, i saw only a kangaroo in a small house to play, finally let me sit up and take notice is the big baboon, eldest brother elder brothers give it food grade five, my brother throw not shelled peanut, baboon break does not open, with the hand to peanuts, rub, rub on the ground, the skylight, finally put the peanut peeling, baboon carefully taste the delicious peanuts, how delicious! the most i have a special liking to the peacock, a male peacock wearing blue crown, wearing coloured "small jacket", her nose up one, like a "big broom", really made my amazing, so beautiful, wow! i excitedly cried: "look, the peacock." open slowly, the peacock's tail, a fan, a fan, like a fairy in dance, feather on the spot like small eyes, against the background of the sun is very bright, peacock slowly rolling, show its charm, and a squeaking sound, "it's really like a fairy!" i love not himself commended.

time passed in a hurry, it's back to school, we are reluctant to leave the zoo, everything here is so beautiful, so we regretted leaving.



之后,映入我眼帘的是一只五颜六色的牡丹鹦鹉,它的头顶像一颗璀璨的蓝宝石,在阳光的照耀下闪闪发光,身披“绿铠甲”,可真美!然后我听到了鸟儿悦耳的鸣叫声,真是令我心旷神怡。接着,我看到一只只活蹦乱跳的袋鼠在小房子里尽情的玩耍,最后让我刮目相看的是阿拉伯大狒狒,五年级的大哥哥们给它丢食物,哥哥把没剥壳的花生扔进去,狒狒用手掰不开,便把花生在地上搓呀搓,费了九牛二虎之力,终于把花生剥开了,狒狒细细地品尝可口的花生,多好吃呀! 最令我情有独钟的就要数孔雀开屏了,公孔雀头带蓝皇冠,穿着五光十色的“小褂子”,尾巴一翘一翘的,像一把“大扫帚”,真是令我惊叹不已,太美了,哇!我兴奋地叫道:“快看,孔雀开屏了。”,孔雀的尾巴徐徐张开,一扇一扇,像一位小仙女在翩翩起舞,羽毛上的斑点像一个个小眼睛,在阳光的衬托下显得格外耀眼,孔雀缓缓转动起来,在展现它的风姿,并且发出吱吱的叫声,“真像仙女下凡啊!”我情不自尽地赞叹道。



when the arctic ocean freezes over in the autumn, polar bears set off in search of their favorite meals: fatty ringed seals and bearded seals. by the summer, the sea ice begins to melt and break apart. deprived of access to the tasty seals, polar bears spend the summer fasting. at least, that's what's supposed to happen. as the planet warms, the warmer ice-free season is getting longer and longer. so what's a hungry bear to do?

scientists once thought that polar bears might survive by supplementing their pinniped diet by turning to terrestrial foods like snow geese, their eggs and caribou.

"we've had this debate in the literature about whether terrestrial foods are nutritionally relevant to polar bears during the on-land season when the ice has melted."

university of alberta biologist nick pilfold.

"and we've known for a long time, going back to research in the early 70s, even going to back to early explorer logs, that polar bears will consume terrestrial based foods. but the debate was always whether those foods actually add up, energetically." in other words, do these substitutes provide enough nutrition to make up for the lost seals?

to find out, pilfold and his colleagues estimated the weight lost each day by polar bears in the wilds of western hudson bay during the ice-free season, when they could ostensibly be chowing down on terrestrial foods. then they compared that to the weight lost by bears that are temporarily held in manitoba's polar bear alert program.

while captive, the bears do not eat. they drop about one kilogram each day. but the wild bears, who had access to the arctic snack bar, lost the same amount of weight each day. the results are in the journal physiological and biochemical zoology.

"which is really saying that the terrestrial foods do not have dense enough energy to offset the mass loss. so this idea that bears can just switch from eating sea ice–based food to land food and that's going to help supplement against longer ice-free seasons, that really doesn't show up in the data."

the problem is that polar bears evolved to rely on the marine diet.

"the food on land is protein and carbohydrate based, and the food the polar bears really focus on is fat. fat is the name of the game for these bears; they're highly adapted to absorbing that fat into their system and putting it onto their body as body mass, so they can fast on it later on. and the only thing that's going to provide them with that type of fat are marine mammals. and they can only access those marine mammals when there's sea ice."

adult males can go eight months without food. but younger, sub-adult bears, which are no longer nursing and must hunt, can't last as long without sea ice. so as the arctic warms, younger polar bears will disproportionately die out. leaving the species' survival in doubt.













wolves are beautiful but they are not very big. they look like dogs. they have grey fur. wolves have very good eyesight, hearing and smell. they are very friendly towards each other. they often work as a team. they never attack people and they do not kill animals for fun. they eat animals, insects, snails and vegetables. the number of wolves is getting smaller and smaller because many of their living areas are getting smaller and smaller. if farmers keep taking the land, wolves will have nowhere to live and have no food to eat. also, people kill them for their fur. if this continues, then there will be no wolves in the world.

so, we must do something for wolves. what can we do? we can take the following actions to protect wolves:

1、make wolve reserves bigger

2、build more reserves

let us do something for wolves!







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