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2023年博士面试英语自我介绍 面试英语自我介绍优秀

格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-05-24 10:54:14
2023年博士面试英语自我介绍 面试英语自我介绍优秀
时间:2023-05-24 10:54:14     小编:xiejingc


博士面试英语自我介绍 面试英语自我介绍篇一

“being good is must; successful, however, is plus.” father adopts the idea of his father. especially in military service, i realized it more precisely. people said: military service makes a boy to man, i agree that.

i realized the importance of english and began to study diligently when i was eighteen. i did not start in my early age, but i hope that i could pass the test of general english proficiency test. and this is my best wish at the moment.

after completing my military service, i have been looking for a challenging goal for me to achieve. and i found that the intermediate of general english proficiency test fits my new achievement properly.

i graduated from taipei commercial junior college, majored in business administration. instead of spending much time in playing, i devoted myself to my studies and paid attention to all meaningful things happened in daily life. by the way, i learned a lot from mr. wang, the professor of my business class. he is my good friend till now an often gives some appropriate suggestions toward my problem confusion.

my father is, in the same way, a good consultant to me. as he said: i am in poor education, little for you; to clarify, what he have given is far beyond his words, i do think so. i was born in a country of ping tung country, farming is our career of generations. there are four people in my family, mother is housewife and my brother is a student of an agriculture college.

i am optimistic and active, and i am confident that i can pass the test. thank you for your precious to read my autobiography.

博士面试英语自我介绍 面试英语自我介绍篇二

1. 生活辛苦,我来问候,冬季来临,寒冷加重,添件衣服,放慢节奏,看张报纸,吃了水果,要是无聊,转此短信。世界问候日,祝你一切都好。

2. 要保健,常锻炼;冬季末,天仍寒;多保暖,衣莫单;荤和素,都吃点;多喝汤,很关键;按时睡,别熬夜;多笑笑,人乐观;好心情,一万年!

3. 起得比鸡早,睡得比狗晚,干的比牛多,吃的比猫少。周末到啦,你也该歇歇啦。因为列宁说过“不会休息的人就不会工作。"祝你周末愉快哦,我亲爱的电脑。

4. 送你一把∝╬══→斩掉你堆积一周的压力。送你一杆枪▄︻┻═┳·把你的烦恼消灭光。送你一把<,剪出笑脸把你绕。周末快乐!

5. 星期一,赖床不想起;星期二,公交太难挤;星期三,压力全给你;星期四,迟到要登记;星期五,来个深呼吸。周末了,以上要求全不理,只有快乐随着你。

6. 周末是什么?股票不开盘,压力全消散,幸福喜开颜,问候不间断,相聚在一起,友情无期限,出去透个气,快乐总弥漫,收到短信息,偷偷喜一喜。

7. 上班很辛苦,忙碌到周五;上班很艰辛,就为讨点薪;上班很无奈,幸福你才怪;上班很遭罪,物价跟着贵。周末了,出去放松一下吧,自我调节身心健康。

8. 苦了吧,累了吧,心烦了吧,又想周末了吧?赖床了吧,轻松了吧,又无聊了吧,电话响起了,我的短信到了,周末了,别宅着了,出去溜达溜达,冒冒泡。

9. 把快乐心情打包,装进周末的背囊,带着阳光一起上路,在悠闲的时光里坐坐,在明媚的心情里逛逛,在祝福的短信里笑笑,在幸福的梦境里躺躺。

10. 五天的疲惫,在今天化解,五天的`收获,在今天盘点,五天的愉快,在今天蔓延,请接受我的周末祝福,拥抱一个快乐开心的周末“情人”,祝你周末幸福!

11. 忙碌了一周,幸福向你一路小跑,烦恼被笑容挤跑,工作躲掉静悄悄,k歌旅游开心找,心情伴着音乐美妙,事业财运向你靠,嘿!祝你周末乐得逍遥!

12. 真心话,只需要短短几行字就能表达,真情感,什么方式都可以传输,快乐只需要你微笑,周末了,送去我的问候,祝你快乐幸福。

13. 小鸟有了翅膀才能高飞,轮船有了动力才能航行万里,人有了休息才能更好地拼搏,周末到,有了我的祝福希望你能更开心;祝周末愉快!

14. 周末休息时间短,朋友不妨聚聚餐,谈天说地侃大山,寂寞孤独会走远,远离烦恼看不见,心情快乐身轻闲,祝福收收心温暖,愿你周末心里甜。

15. 周末问候响战鼓,快乐前锋来开路,杀得烦恼哇哇哭,打得压力喊呜呼,好运充当你下属,吉祥如意听吩咐,祝你幸福不停步,收获笑容难计数!

16. 周末来到,任务记好;忘记忧伤,远离烦恼;带上快乐,约上微笑;结伴锻炼,健康抓牢;精彩生活,注意报到;开机迎接,祝福风暴;周末快乐,幸福逍遥!

17. 世上的事情,都是一得伴一失:加班给你薪水,但它带不来自由;自由带给你享受,但它带不来钱财。懂得选择,懂得幸福。祝你周末总是那么开心!

18. 逛逛热闹的街,释放压抑的心情;躺躺暖暖的床;舒展疲惫的神经;听听动人的歌,远离枯燥的环境;望望祝福的心,睁开幸福的眼睛。祝周末好心情!

19. 经过幸福机关层层筛选,快乐部门严格审议,决定推荐你为周末逍遥典范,希望你戒骄戒躁,努力不断,有空就请我吃饭这是最关键。哈哈,记得联系哟!

20. 周末送你甜蜜线索,朝着快乐一路高歌,遇到忧伤记得躲躲,悠闲天地莫要错过,顺利抵达幸福小窝,朋友连线吃吃喝喝,注意没事偷着乐乐。祝甜蜜周末!


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