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最新出国留学的自我介绍口语 出国留学自我介绍信中文五篇(优秀)

格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-05-24 09:21:02
最新出国留学的自我介绍口语 出国留学自我介绍信中文五篇(优秀)
时间:2023-05-24 09:21:02     小编:xiejingc


出国留学的自我介绍口语 出国留学自我介绍信中文篇一






学生 xxx xx年4月20日

introduce myself and my learning plan


family name x, given name xx.i was born in aug.05,1995.i was graduated from xxxx , got bachelor’s degree in

tourism management in july 2013.i love travel, in university i chose the tourism to study the tourism management course covers south korea's tourism south korea's unique cultural connotations touched me very much,i think if i can study further to south korea after course can help me to broaden my outlook and increase my first thing is that i must to solve the problem of language.i choose to learning xx国家 in angli language school of yintai after , i found the domestic school teach mostly written things, i must go to south korea grasping the precise local parents is strongly supported for my my parents had good salary to support me for all the cost.a friend recommended south korea university of white marble to me.i think i could study language first then learn other professional i get the language qualifications, i will continue to stay in this school graduate, i believe i could learn something more in this school.i will come back to china to open my own theme tourism planning company.i have full of passion to my major.i love my motherland, love my parents, of course.i must give thanks to my parents for their fostering.i believe we could make good life in the future through my regards

出国留学的自我介绍口语 出国留学自我介绍信中文篇二


近两年,随着出国留学热的兴起,近两年,随着出国留学热的兴起,我市也掀起 了一股留**。近日来,本报接到了许多咨询留学流 程等问题的电话。程等问题的电话。为使有意出国留学的学生和家长对 留学有一个全面系统的了解,留学有一个全面系统的了解,记者日前采访了浙江师 范大学出国留学服务中心副主任杨开睿和多名金华籍 留学生。

出国留学的第一步骤是确定留学国家和学 校。学生可根据自己的现有文化课成绩、外语水平以 学生可根据自己的现有文化课成绩、及喜欢的专业,结合欲留学国家的相关大学排名、及喜欢的专业,结合欲留学国家的相关大学排名、专 业排名、学校的学习生活环境来选择适合自己的学校。业排名、学校的学习生活环境来选择适合自己的学校。的学校 值得一提的是,学生及家长在选择学校时,值得一提的是,学生及家长在选择学校时,不适合单 一地考虑学校在国际或者在当地的综合排名,一地考虑学校在国际或者在当地的综合排名,学校的专业排名也具有非常大的参考价值。专业排名也具有非常大的参考价值。选择一所适合自 身发展能够学到真才实学的学校才是最重要的。身发展能够学到真才实学的学校才是最重要的。

在确定了欲留学的国家、学校及相应专业后,在确定了欲留学的国家、学校及相应专业后,学生应当按照对方学校的相关要求,学生应当按照对方学校的相关要求,把相应的申请材 料寄给学校以供参考、决定


高中生申请本科通常需要提供个人高中三年 完整的成绩单、高中毕业证书、语言能力证明,完整的成绩单、高中毕业证书、语言能力证明,有些 国家和学校还会要求提供学生的个人学习计划和会考 成绩单; 成绩单;初中生申请就读国外高中的材料大致与此相 同。学校在收到学生材料后,会根据学生的目前成绩 学校在收到学生材料后,在收到学生材料后 水平是否符合所申请专业的入学条件为评判标准,水平是否符合所申请专业的入学条件为评判标准,来 决定是否录取,也有的学校会安排面试或现场测试,决定是否录取,也有的学校会安排面试或现场测试,来考核申请者的学习能力和语言能力。来考核申请者的学习能力和语言能力。如英国的多数 学校都会派招生专员来中国对申请者进行入学面试。学校都会派招生专员来中国对申请者进行入学面试。初中或高中毕业的学生申请国外的高中或者 本科课程,本科课程,学生在申请时一般不强制要求提供语言能 力证明,力证明,学生可选择到留学国家先就读一年的高中预

科或本科预科来学习留学国家的语言(科或本科预科来学习留学国家的语言(但雅思 5 分或 分的学生除外)。托福 550 分的学生除外)。英语系国家读研一般有雅思要求

大学毕业出国读研的学生,以选择英语系国 大学毕业出国读研的学生,以选择英语系国 家居多。家居多。目前这些国家都承认雅思成绩作为学生的英 语能力证明,包括美国。所以学生一旦有了出国计划,语能力证明,包括美国。所以学生一旦有了出国计划,就应在大四的第一


目前英语系国家的大多数学校和专业对研究 生入学的雅思成绩要求是

6.5 分,也有个别专业如传 媒及一些国际顶级名校会要求学生的雅思成绩在 7 分 以上。以上。如果学生在大四第一学期还没有取得雅思考试 成绩,可选择边申请学校边准备雅思考试。此时,成绩,可选择边申请学校边准备雅思考试。此时,学 校如果满意学生各方面条件,会给学生发放一份 有条 校如果满意学生各方面条件,会给学生发放一份“有条 件录取通知书”。通知书要求学生在本科毕业后,件录取通知书。通知书要求学生在本科毕业后,将雅 思成绩单(分以上)、本科毕业证书)、本科毕业证 思成绩单(一般要求在 6.5 分以上)、本科毕业证书 和学位证书提供给学校以换取正式的录取通知书。和学位证书提供给学校以换取正式的录取通知书。另 外,如所选择的留学国家为韩国等其他非英语系国家,如所选择的留学国家为韩国等其他非英语系国家,学生不需考雅思,学生不需考雅思,但需要先读一年预科来学习该国语 言。


不管是初高中学生还是本科毕业生申请出国 留学,在收到学校正式的录取通知书后,留学,在收到学校正式的录取通知书后,即可开始办 理护照和申请签证。理护照和申请签证。

护照需由本人携带个人身份证和户口簿到申 请者户口所在地的出入境管理局填写表格办理,请者户口所在地的出入境管理局填写表格办理,通常 办证周期为 15 天。而签证则需将签证申请材料递交到 对方国家在中国的大使馆或者总领事馆申请留学签 证。金华的学生一般就近在各国驻上海的总领事馆申 金华的学生一般就近在各国驻上海的总领事馆申 请签证。请签证。申请人应当根据相关国家大使馆所要求的材 料清单(如家庭财产、身份证明等)料清单(如家庭财产、身份证明等)把所需材料递交 至领事馆。目前英国、澳大利亚、至领事馆。目前英国、澳大利亚、韩国等国家的留学 签证申请均不需要面签,签证申请均不需要面签,美国则需要由签证官亲自面 签。若申请条件合格,快则半个月,慢则三个月可收 若申请条件合格,快则半个月,到签证。到签证。

学生在获得签证后,应携带盖有签证的护照、学生在获得签证后,应携带盖有签证的护照、个人身份证、个人身份证、两张两寸彩色照片和 300~700 元的体检 费到当地出入境检验检疫局下属的国际旅行卫生保健 中心办理“国际旅行健康证明书 和 国际预防接种证 中心办理 国际旅行健康证明书”和“国际预防接种证 国际旅行健康证明书 书”。所有手续办理完毕的学生即可开始订机票,然后。所有手续办理完毕的学生即可开始订机票,联系学校进行最后的入学确认 由学校负责安排接机、联系学校进行最后的入学确认,由学校负责安排接机、住宿等一系列入学手续。吴骞)住宿等一系列入学手续。(本报记者 吴骞)

■相关背景 相关背景


读高中(根据 国家有关规定,国家有关规定,中国学生须在国内读完义务教育制度 规定的年限才能出国留学),最高留学层次是大学毕 规定的年限才能出国留学),最高留学层次是大学毕),业后出国读研,其中以高中毕业出国读大学人数为多。业后出国读研,其中以高中毕业出国读大学人数为多。

据统计,据统计,每年委托浙师大出国留学服务中心近两年,办理出国留学手续的金华学生有近100 人。近两年,我市学生选择留学的国家以韩国、英国、美国居多。我市学生选择留学的国家以韩国、英国、美国居多。其中韩国的平均留学费用(包括学费和生活费)其中韩国的平均留学费用(包括学费和生活费)7 万元人民币,万人民币存款 民币存款; 万~10 万元人民币,签证资金条件为 10 万人民币存款; 万元人民币,美国平均留学费用 12 万~30 万元人民币,签证资

万人民币存款; 金条件为 80 万人民币存款; 英国平均留学费用 25 万元人民币,万人民币存款; 万元人民币,本科签证资金条件 80 万人民币存款;加 万元人民币,拿大平均留学费用 15 万元人民币,签证资金条件 万人民币存款; 为 70 万人民币存款;澳大利亚平均留学费用 15 万元人民币,万~20 万元人民币,签证资金条件为 60 万~70 万人民 币存款。币存款。

办理出国前的事宜 在拿到签证后你就可以长长的松一口气了,因为你付出的所有努力终于化成了现实,然后要准备的就是体检、订飞机票和准备出国的物品,一切都准备妥当后就可以踏上飞机开始你新的旅





出国留学的自我介绍口语 出国留学自我介绍信中文篇三



学习教材:success pre-intermediate













学习教材:1.success intermediate

2.success upper


学习目的:英语句子的流利表达,能准确地表达自己的想法,观点,有比较成熟的英语思维 学习内容:高中所有语法知识点,国外文化的学习,阅读范围的拓展













学习目的:快速阅读,熟练的逻辑性,流利的总结能力,擅于用书面语进行写作,雅思听力 能快速地掌握大意并推出符合语意的单词,短语等














学习目的:流利,准确,有逻辑性地表达自己的想法,观点;适应国外的教学方式 学习内容:雅思经典口语应试技巧,国外学习和生活的方式







出国留学的自我介绍口语 出国留学自我介绍信中文篇四



morning greetings, dear teacher.i come very happily to here for yours name is xx.i when 21 years old.i come from naturally, a small cities guizhou raduate course period our country will complete in china jiaotong mainly in electrical engineering and automation.i very interesting computer, specially in programming.i am a difficult study student, particularly is interested in mine matter coming, i by enormous es the graduate student in several day of me to take a test, i insisted that studies surpasses 10 hour only as a result of this point, i may through the first test also person harbors the enormous i am a young boy, i have a dream to become a scientist.i want to realize my dream, causes itself to become a qualified person.i love my big, my very long time does the research in this r, i thought that further studies needs me to realize my dream is must seize any opportunity, self-development, particularly in this competition intense modern world.i thought that the graduate student may enrich my knowledge and ability causes me at my future professional ai jiaotong university is the most famous university our country, it provides the student the enough space to obtain further the outstanding responsible staffs and massive advanced, well-equipped laboratory in university.i was anticipating studies in is you to give me this opportunity.


i think that since the admission, the school has to comply with the rules and regulations, has a good ideological and moral quality, outstanding a strong collective sense of honor and sense of responsibility, adhere to the principle of practical work for things.i thought the correct chikunailao can have lofty ideals and great goals, the importance of personal moral cultivation, the adoption of a healthy life style, helpful, concerned about national school, i have been studying hard and assiduously, through systematic study and master a solid foundation of a good learning style and a clear learning targets, had received “outstanding member”, “miyoshi students” and other honors, has teachers and students of the affirmative, the study set a good school hours, i actively participated in physical training, enhance physical fitness, loves labor and actively participate in the school's cultural and sports activities, to participate in social practice, inherit and carry forward the spirit of arduous struggle, also participated in the school's literature and calligraphy association , enriching the after-school life, in all its aspects have been improved accordingly.“bao jianfeng from grounding out, plum blossom-to the bitter cold,” i firmly believe that through continuous learning and efforts to become a ideals, morality, culture, and discipline of students, with outstanding achievements meet the challenge, for the community i am a lifetime contribution to the construction of the power.


to whom it may concern:

as the dean of stonewell college, i have had the pleasure of knowing hannah smith for the last four has been a tremendous student and an asset to our school.i would like to take this opportunity to recommend hannah for your graduate program.i feel confident that she will continue to succeed in her is a dedicated student and thus far her grades have been class, she has proven to be a take-charge person who is able to successfully develop plans and implement has also assisted us in our admissions has successfully demonstrated leadership ability by counseling new and prospective advice has been a great help to these students, many of whom have taken time to share their comments with me regarding her pleasant and encouraging is for these reasons that i offer high recommendations for hannah without drive and abilities will truly be an asset to your you have any questions regarding this recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact ely, roger fleming dean of stonewell college.


good morning, professors.i am xxx from xxx university, and my major is ,it’s my great honor to be let me briefly introduce myself to you.i am very humorous and easy-going, enjoying a good relationship among my the past three years, i have worked very hard at my a result ,i built up a solid foundation of professional knowledge.i’d like to take the chances to put them into practice via many kinds of projects and experience has taught me the theoretical principles and practical methods to carry out research 's more, now i am good at analysis, with a strong sense of cooperation.i am always willing to achieve higher my spare time, i was very active and took part in different social activities, especially the volunteer activities, which cultivated me leadership skills, team spirits and the ability to deal with s, books and sports are also my favorite gh i have broad interests in many aspects and grasp the essential knowledge of the major, but i think at present, i can do many things in a superficial level, but not be competent to do things professionally owing to lack of ample knowledge and i think further study is still urgent for me to realize in all, xxx university, with a highly qualified faculty and strong academic environment is the one which i have long i hope to enter this college and further my education ’s you.


dear sir:

i am xxx.i was born in xxx.i graduate from senior high school and major in english.i started learning english since i was 12 years parents have a lot of american ’s why i have no problem communicating with americans or others by speaking my spare time, i like to do anything relating to english such as listening to english songs, watching english movies or tv programs, or even attending the activities held by some english clubs or institutes.i used to go abroad for a short-term english that time, i learned a lot of daily life english and saw a lot of different things.i think language is very interesting.i could express one substanceby using different i wish i could study and read more english literatures and enlarge my knowledge.


dear sir:

the reason why i want to go singapore is i like to learn some different culture and i can meet a lot people from all around the world, that way i can make more friends.i like the weather in singapore also.i will go back to china, the reason is very simple, because i am a chinese i will never forgot my honestly, i will pick tsinghua university, because to go to tsinghua university is one of the biggest dreams in my life and tsinghua university is the best university in my i like literature, i probably will like comedies more, beacuse i am an optimism and i want to make reader happy when they ready my essay.i want to be success in every single class in the university, when i graduate me want to be a business administration.i like to read the novel in my spare goal is to graduate as soon as possible, and find a good job, a husband and make allot money.i do have idol in my mind, she is my mother, she is very great woman and she will do every thing for me.i think high school entrance examination is very easy, but i know i still have allot think should learn.


dear sir:

good morning/afternoon everyone!it is my honor to be here and i really appreciate you offer me the chance of i will introduce myself name is xxx from xiangfan in hubei province.i'm an honest, responsible, and warm-hearted person.i can adapt different environments i like this kind of field very much and i take it as my now i have one year experience in this a 21 years man, i'd like to experience more to enrich myself and then it can help me to laid good foundation for my future is no use doing what we love ,we must love we do just like the the same time, i am really proud of myself applying for this job.i hope you can give me a chance and i will try my best to do it y,i hope your hotel can become the best one among hotel for your time.【出国留学自我介绍范文7篇】相关文章:










出国留学的自我介绍口语 出国留学自我介绍信中文篇五

self-introduction & study plan

basic information

my name is xxxxxxxxxx,and jhonvie is my english name.i was born in

novemberxx, xxxx ,in xxxxx rovince, i am studying as an undergraduate in xxxxxxxx college of xxxxxxxxxx university.i take tourism management as my are parts of the courses i have learned during my undergraduate as follows: tourism culture, principles of management, microeconomics,macroeconomics, principles of tourism, tourism geography, organization behavior, culture tourism, economic law, accounting principles, principles of statistics, management information onal information

i was born in a harmonic and cozy parents both work in a furniture cost of studying and living in korea will be offered by my both have stable are also in support of my exchange to korea.i really thank them a taught me how to be a good person when i was help me develop good habits and healthy, optimistic personalities.i had several outstanding achievements since onally, with an outgoing personality, i am able to make friends ,i am the minister of research department in college students' a student in tourism management, i know that communications between china and korea have developed quickly since the two countries established a diplomatic relationship in ally in recent years, china and korea 's

cultural and economic exchanges are on an unprecedented i have the idea of being an exchange student to er, the first-class faculties and teaching of hanyang university really attract plan

realizing the language barrier, i plan to improve my english and learn some basic korean from now on, so that i can live well at far as i am concerned, a six-month exchange study, can not let me learn a lot of professional addition to learn the school curriculum well.i have some other , must grasp korean in the shortest time and adapt korean travel around hanyang, understand the basic situation of hanyang, and even the whole south , make a few foreign friends, preferably the south korean local completes the studies to return to china, i will try my best to learn my professional courses and share my korea experience with my in all, during the semester, i will take advantage of all my time to enrich myself to improve my spoken language and to learn advanced concepts.i know that the road ahead maybe bumpy, but i believe that through my efforts, i can realize my you very much.


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