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时间:2023-05-24 08:13:40     小编:xiejingc














describe the most beautiful natural scenery you have ever should say

what it is specific about

where you see it

who you go with

and explain why you think it is the most beautiful

考生要马上和interesting trip联系到一起,不要认为是新的话题。你可以谈论青岛、大连或深圳的某些景色。考官可能还会问以下问题:

what measures does your government take to protect natural scenery?do you think it is effective?what role does tourism play in your country's economy?what should you pay attention to in travel?所以,在平时练习中,就某一话题自己也应尽可能地举一反三,多角度给自己提出问题,练习回答,这样既可应对考试,也能切实提高自己英语口语的反映能力。



第一篇 场景

b: 你看上去心情不好,怎么啦?

b:you look a bit down today? what happened? a:我昨天晚上在电话上和父母吵架了。我想去听周杰伦的演唱会,但是他们觉得是浪费钱和时间。

a: i had an argument with my parents last night on the phone.i told them i wanted to go to jay chou‟s concert, but they think it‟s a waste of time and money.b: 别想太多,最好好好和你父母谈谈。现在父母和孩子之间有代沟很正常。

b:don„t ‟d better have a good talk with your parents, telling them why you want to go to the ‟s normal that nowadays, there is generation gap between parents and their children.a问b:代沟?什么是代沟? ab: generation gap? what is it? b:代购就是指不同年代的人在生活,思维方式和行为方式中存在的差异,c你与你父母之间存在代沟吗?

b: generation gap means that people of different generations share different opinions on ways of life, thinking and behavior.a:哦,了解了。那么你和你父母之间有代沟么?

a:ok, how about you and your parents? is there generation gap between you? b: 当然,我想每个家庭或多或少都存在吧。c&d,你们觉得呢? b:yes, we i think actually there is some kind of generation gap in every family.c&d, how do you think? c:我同意你的看法。其实我也和我父母经常对很多事情有不同的看法,所以有时也有争吵。

c:i agree with ly my parents and i often think differently about a lot of things, thus sometimes we also have argument with each other.d:我也同意你们的看法。但是幸运的是虽然我和父母有很多观点不一样,但是我们从来不会有争吵。

d:i also share the same opinion as you i think lucky for us, we never argue with each other even though we have different views on a lot of things.c: 是吗?那你和你父母是怎么样达到相互理解的呢?如果你们对一个问题存在分歧的时候,你们会怎么做?

c:oh really? thenhow could your parents and you share mutual understanding?and if there is spanergence on a problem, what would you do? d:我父母经常坐下来与我促膝长谈,我们经常分享欢乐与悲伤.并且我们也经常站在对方的角度去考虑问题。如果我们在一个问题上发生分歧,我们双方都会把我们自己的观点列出来,然后权衡一下总的利和弊,再做出最终的决定。

d: my parents and i often sit up together talking with each other and we share our happiness and we try to see things in the position of each if we have different opinions on a problem, then we both side will list our own views and then try to look at them will final make a decision based on the overall weight of pros and cons.c:嗯这倒是个消除代沟的好方法.c: yup, this is really a very good way to bridge the generation gap.b:确实是。并且我觉得正因为有代沟,所以每个家庭里面就会发生很多特别的故事。

b: actually because of the generation gap, ithink every family has a lot of special stories.c:是的。a, 你家什么故事最令你印象深刻,能给我们大家分享下么?

c:right.a, what family stories impressed you most? can you share with us? a:最令我印象深刻的应该就是曾经在与父母吵架后而离家出走。但是我身上没钱,所以在挨饿两顿饭后,坚持不住了不得不回家向父母道歉。其实现在回想一下还真是可笑。

a: i remember once i ran away from home after an argument with my i had no money, thus after i had nothing for two meals, i felt so hungry that i had to go home and apologized to my when i think about it, i really think i am too childish at that time.b&c&d: 大笑。。


a: b,你怎么去评判一个人? a:b,how do you judge people? b:我会首先看他的行为举止,再听取一下别人对他的判断

b: first, iwill judge him by his i will refer to others for their opinions on this person.c:我赞同b的方式,并且我觉得在我们的日常生活中给别人留下好印象很重要。

c: i also share the same way to judge people like i think it‟s vital to make a good impression on others in our daily life.d:哦,为什么给别人留下好印象很重要?

d:ooh, why it is important to make a good impression on others? c:我认为给别人留下一个好印象会让自己更受欢迎,所以能交到更多的朋友

c: it will make you more popular if you make a good impression on others and which can help you to make more friends.a:确实是这样。比如你去参加面试,如果你给别人留下了很好的第一印象,那么你会比别人有更多的优势, 会有更多几率获得这份工作。

a:that‟s example, if you go for an interview, if you make a very good first impression on the interviewers, you have more advantages over have more chances to get the job.d:那么我们怎么才能给别人留下好的印象呢?

d:then how can we make a good impression on others? b:首先我们必须得有礼貌然后在与人交谈时要显得落落大方, 然后最重要是要有自信

b:in my opinion, ithink we must be polite and socially graceful while talking with most important, we need to be confident with ourselves.a:是的我也认为有礼貌与有信心是必要的条件

a: right.i also think being polite and confident is very important to make good impressions on others.第三篇 b:what is aids? a:艾滋是一种能破坏人体免疫系统的疾病,会使人对感染和疾病没有防御能力。比较糟糕的是现在没有药物能够治愈它。

a: aids is a disease that break down the body‟s immune system and leaves a person defenseless against infections and ‟s worse is that right now no medicine available is helpful, thus aids is incurable.b:听起来好可怕 b:sounds terrible.c:是呀,我们该怎么办啊? c: right, what should we do about it? d:不用担心,只要了解艾滋病的相关信息就可以避免我们被感染上。

d:don‟t worry, we can protect us from being infected as long as we try to know about it.b:松一口气了。只要能预防,那么就没有那么可怕了。那么感染上aids的症状有哪些呢?

b:ok thatis a long as there is a way to prevent it, it‟s not so what are the symptoms of aids? a:有很多症状。比如体重急剧下降,反复的发烧或者经常夜间盗汗,经常感觉不明原因的疲劳等等。

a: there are a lot of hiv as rapid weight loss, recurring fever or profuse night sweats, profound and unexplained fatigue etc.c:好吧,那我以后得注意下这个了。那么艾滋可以通过哪些方式传染呢?

c: ooh, pay attention to it in the what are the ways of aids infection? d:艾滋病主要通过血液和其他体液传播。人们可能因为没有预防措施的性行为或者输入被感染的血液而被感染艾滋。

d:hiv spreads through blood and other body transmit hiv by having unprotected sex or by receiving infected blood transfusions b:我也听说艾滋也会通过母婴传播,是真的吗?

b:i also heard that people can transmit hiv through this true? d: 是的。母婴也是传播hiv的一种方式。d: that‟s ‟s also one way to spread hiv.c:那么我们怎么保护我们不被感染呢?

c:then how to prevent ourselves from being infected? a:不要和别人共用注册器皿以及采取有预防措施的性行为。a: don‟t share drug injection equipment and have protected sexual activity.d:同样要摄取足够的营养,加强锻炼

d:besides, we also need to have enough nutrition and exercise more.a: 是的 a: rigt.c;谢谢 a&d.学到了很多 c:thank you a&d.i learned a lot.b: 是的,谢谢你们。b: right, thank you very much.第四篇

a: cheers, my friends(干杯朋友们),we are going to college this looking forward to it(真的很期待).bcd: cheers.a: actually every time i think about it, i feel very excited.i am always imaging about my college life(我经常幻想我的大学生活).i think it must be very exciting, colorful and full of fresh things(我想我的大学生活一定会激情四射,多姿多彩).b, what do you think your college life will be? b: i think my college life is going to be meaningful and colorful.c: do you have any plans to make your college life meaningful and colorful? b:in my opinion, making a lot of friends is important to make our college life meaningful.i plan to join as many clubs(社团)or activities as possible to stay active during my college life.i want to learn to socialize with other people(和人交际)so that i can improve my interpersonal skill(社交能力).the more friends i have, the more meaningful my college life will be.c: right.i also hope my college life will be s acquiring knowledge(除了获取知识),i want to gain more practical experiences(积累更多实际的经验)like finding more part time job(找兼职)to be fully prepared for stepping into the society(为踏入社会做充分的准备).a: come on, ‟t focus on eating(不要只吃).tell us how you are expecting your college life.(告诉我们你是怎样期待你的大学生活的)d:haha, you know guys, eating yummy food is the most enjoyable thing in my how can i just talk in front of so much good food? ok, just a to be serious(言归正传), talking about my college life, i want it to be successful.a:ooh, ambitious(雄心壮志呀).any plan to make it?(有计划怎么实现么?)d: yes, i , besides the major i am admitted to, i want to study for another major on economics.(首先除了我现在被录取的专业,我还想修另一个经济学专业).thus i will acquire two degrees the time i graduate from the university.(这样我毕业的时候会拿到双学位).this is my plan for at the same time, like c just mentioned(像c刚刚说的), i will make full use of my part time(充分利用业余时间)to do more part time this way, i will acquire more practical experiences.b: nice guys.i think we all are going to have a very wonderful and unforgettable college for it.第五篇

a:hey, you read the news about one college student who helped to raise the fallen granny but later was asked to compensate for the medical expense? b: no, not could that happen? a:because the granny lied and said the college student was the one who pushed her down(推倒她).this really shocked me(让我震惊).i really cannot understand why the granny told the lie and hurt a person who actually saved her life.c: actually nowadays,this kind of thing does happen now and then.(事实上,现在这样的事情时有发生)

more and more people are lacking ofhonesty.(越来越多人缺乏诚实)

b:what‟s your definition of “honesty”?(你是怎么定义诚实的?)

c: for me, honesty means speaking the truth and being fair and upright in act.(行为公道正派)d:i agree with i think nowadays, more and more external conditions force people to tell a lie(外界条件迫使人们说谎).for example, employees lied to their boss because they want to get a better position;students lied to their parents because they don‟t want to be punished.b:that‟s i think honesty is one of the great virtues we cherish in chinese nowadays, we should also cherish as a college student, i think we can do something to stand up for example, we should make sure we ourselves always tell the truth to set good example for then we need to propagate that honesty is the best policy among others.d: that‟s ‟s do it together and make the society more beautiful and harmonious(和谐的)。


a:just now i saw tom, he is always so hurry, he walks so fast.b: it‟s normal, isn‟t it?(很正常不是吗?)don‟t forget he is an americans are so hurry in anywhere and anytime.c: you are right.i heard that americans believe no one stands still.(没有人会停止不前)if you are not moving ahead, you are falling behind.(如果你不往前,你就会落后)this attitudes results in a nation of people committed to researching, experimenting and exploring.(正是这种态度观念造就了一个致力于研究实验开发的名族)time is one of the elements that americans save carefully, the other being labor.d: but why do many people cherish time? b: in the current competitive society, time is is a precious resource and many people have a rather acute sense of the shortness of each lifetime.a: also the rapid development of the world give people so much pressure that they become more and more hurried.d: yes, ly nowadays we can see a lot of people rushing seem to try to save any time they , what do you think is a waste of time? a: in my opinion, a lot of students spend their time playing computer games all day is a kind of wasting some people spend all day idling is also a kind of time waste.b: i totally agree with how do you think we can make full use of our time in our study? c: i think we can get up early in the morning to study english or other courses which need during the day, while we are having the lessons, don‟t waste time talking or sleeping, listening carefully to our at night, finish the homework first and then can go on to do some other things for relaxing.d: good ‟s do it from now on.第七篇

a: 嗨,朋友们,我最近我在打算向我的女友求婚。但她是一个外国人,我父母对此还有些担忧。

如今,人们经常对多文化婚姻持保留意见,因为种族和文化差异可能使婚姻生活复杂化。然而,仍有很多人拥有和谐和幸福的多文化婚姻。你们怎么看?你介意和不同文化背景的人结婚吗? a:hi guys, i‟m thinking propose to my girlfriend since she is a foreigner, my parents still have some ys, people often harbor reservations about a mixed marriage because racial and cultural differences may complicate the marriage r, still many people have harmonious and happy marriages across about you guys? would you mind marrying a person from a different culture or nation? b: 嗯, 考虑到文化冲突,其实我不太接受多文化婚姻。首先,我认为对我来说,很难爱上不同的文化背景的人。俗话说物以类聚人以群分。来自不同文化的人可能会在观点,行为上有冲突。我们怎么去处理异族婚姻带来的文化差异呢?

b: hmm, due to the cultural crush, actually i don‟t prefer a mixed of all, i think for me, it‟s difficult to fall in love with someone from a different ‟s a saying that birds with the same feather, block from different culture might have many conflicts in their values, opinions, to deal with the cultural difference in mixed marriage?


c:i think understanding each other is very important for a there is mutual understanding between the couple, then i don‟t think the cultural crash is a big the contrary, i think it‟s a good ‟s very interesting to know different people‟s opinions to one kind of small conflicts can also inspire you to accept fresh things or once you can try your best to understand and respect each other, you can have much more fun in a mixed marriage.d:是的,我同意c。有许多因素可能会导致一个失败的婚姻,如误解,冷漠,和其他失衡因素。但我认为最大的问题可能是不当的沟通。面对文化冲突,在忽视或批判你的爱人之前,首先,你可以与他/她进行积极沟通,让他/她知道你的疑惑和感受,并努力了解接受他/她的真实想法和感受。只要沟通恰当,我相信你们可以战胜文化冲突。因为首先你们相爱,而爱的基础是信任和理解。

d: yes i agree with are many factors might lead to a failed marriage, such as misunderstanding, apathy, and other i think the biggest issue might be the improper cultural crush occurs, before ignore or judge your lover, first you can communicate with him/her in a proper way, to let him/her know your questions and feelings, and try to understand what he/she think and feel.i believe that you can work through the conflicts with harmonious communications, because first of all you love each the foundation of love is trust and understanding.a:好吧,我想我知道如何说服我的父母了。我相信我和女朋友会有一个非常和谐幸福的多文化婚姻生活。

a: ok, i think i know how to persuade my i believe my girlfriend and i will have a very harmonious and happy mixed marriage life.b&c&d: 提前恭喜了!

b&c&d: congratulations in advance!


a:嗨,老兄,最近怎么样?有什么新鲜事么?我太无聊了。a: hey buddy, anything special these days? i am so bored.b: 没呀。不过我上周去我姐姐家了,感受很深,现在的小孩真的被宠坏了。。b: nothing.i visited my sister last weekend.i have to say how spoiled nowadays children are.c:是呀,现在好多小孩都被宠坏了。我知道一个事情,你们听后肯定都觉得很不可思议。

有一个上海复旦大学的学生找不到回学校的路了,然后警察不得不送他回学校。结果他的爸爸居然说这是他家小孩第一次独自旅行。不过很讽刺的是,他们其实是上海本地人。。c: that‟s ys, a lot of children have been spoiled.i knew 1 story totally unbelievable: one college student from fu dan university got lost on his way to policeman had to escort him father said it was the 1st time his son went on a long journey ally, they are local, they are from sh.b: 我完全相信这种事会发生。我想我姐姐的小孩也是被溺爱的。她是家里面的独女,父母又忙于工作,绝大多数时间都是奶奶在照顾她。所以她父母觉得亏欠她太多,基本上她奶奶是对她有求必应的。在他们眼里,她就说掌上明珠。

b: it is possible.i believe sister‟s baby, lily, is so is the only parents are busy at most of the time granny takes care of parents think they owe her too much, thus they grant whatever is is the apple of their eye.a:是的,这是一个父母现在溺爱小孩的原因。同时,现在有些父母,因为他们自己的童年很苦,现在自己有余钱了,就希望给他们的孩子创造更幸福舒适的童年,所以经常给他们买很多玩具,帮他们做任何事情。

a: ‟s one of the reasons why parents spoil their also there are some parents who have bitter since they have more spare money, they try their best to make their children‟s life happier, more they buy them many toys, help them do everything.d:唉,其实父母溺爱会带来很严重的后果。他们的小孩会变得很自我中心,生活也不能自理,并且很容易染上坏习惯。我觉得真的父母应该意识到溺爱孩子的这些后果,停止溺爱,多注重家庭教育,引导孩子往积极向上的方向发展。

c: too ly parents‟ spoiling their children will bring bad children will become self-centered and will be unable to live independently, and also easily to acquire bad habits.i think parents should realize these bad effects of spoiling they should stop spoil their children by paying more attention to their family their children in a positive, healthy and upward direction.






2.用英语写一篇300字以上的文章,简要介绍你的学校,你所在的学院,及你所学专业的情况。并用英语向别人描述以上信息。可参考文章introduction to wenzhou university。





opening & closing a conversation

beautiful day, isn’t it?

er, can you spare me a minute?

i am not quite sure what you was nice talking to , thanks for talking to us & dislikes

i like /love(music).i prefer(talk shows)to(soap operas).i enjoy(net chatting)

my favorite sport is(swimming).i am fond of(reading).i hate(being laughed at).i don’t care for(kentucky fried chickens).that’s the last thing i need.(speeches)bore rities & differences

there is something in common in(the ways we celebrate…)

(our ways of celebrating…)are just the same as yours.(christmas in …)is as joyful as(the spring festival in china).there are some differences between(the ways we observe the new year).(christmas activities)are quite different from(spring festival activities).our ways of … are not the same as sing one’s opinion

i think/ don’t think(appearance counts a great deal in a job interview).as to/for me,(i am used to working long hours).as far as i am concerned,(i’d like to read this book).personally,(i would say yes to your proposal).studies and courses

are you busy with your studies this term?

do you have a busy schedule this semester?

how many courses do you have for this semester?

i have four required courses and two optional courses this subject do you do best?

i am an average are you getting along with your college life?

what courses will you take for the next term?

who is teaching you english this term?

about a university

the university was founded in of the students and some faculty members live on many foreign students do you have?---the total enrollment of the foreign students is about your university on the foreign students exchange program? ’d like to know your opinions about your teaching and research welcome suggestions and campus is very beautiful and all the teachers are kind and helpful, and the students work you very much for your university has its own strong fact, we can basically spanide all the universities in china into 2 of them are good on the may not be famous, but they are really strong in some departments or research the library

how many books can i borrow altogether?

could you recommend me an american novel?

we read newspapers and magazines in the reading room the library, there are usually three sections: references, fiction(文学类书籍)and open stacks system is applied in the ing is limited to five books and we have to renew them in two tests

i have been sitting here for more than 2 hours working on the different and difficult english words and found no interest in ’s all that i have to take part in the you give me some tips on how to prepare for the exams?

but i have been having a lot of difficulty doing listening part of tests needs some special is easier said than done.i can understand how you feel about it.i had cet-4 last semester and wanted to drop it after the first several weeks, but i decided to stick to it and i am glad i the time it was over, i had really learned a you are really concerned about the social development, you may find that what we can learn in class is not enough for us in the we need to learn something outside the you don’t take the exam, how can you learn if you have already acquired the knowledge?

i never wait until the last minute before the must work hard in the course of our is punishing himself for not allowing more time to intake basic materials;he is having emotional anxiety and physical fatigue which will block his course materials should be reviewed at least once a week after being studied, again at midway, and then again in the final review before the sing english learning

i often speak english with my tell you the truth, i seldom speak english.i make mistakes whenever i open my mouth to speak mistakes, no progress.i think the best way to improve our oral english is to speak as much as teaching

the multimedia system helps foreign language learners to learn faster and better.i think in this way the benefit for the english learner does not stop at the improvement of their spoken english.i am looking forward to the popularization of the multimedia you use them freely?

i can cope with the written exam, but as for the oral english….we only have one oral classe every week;while after the class, the chance for me to speak to native speakers is so one’s future career

i’d like to be a/an biologist/physician/college professor/teacher/programmer/.i can travel to a lot of places of interest if i work as a sales ion/science and technology/social stability /international trade is essential to the

development of our country,so i want to have a career in…

what matters most to me is a friendly atmosphere/comfortable working environment /handsome pay/good prospects of promotion/challenging there’s a will, there is a and a bit of luck are all you need to realize your dreams.i never doubt that my dream will come true some day.i think it is wise to be realistic/not to aim at smething that is beyond do you want to do after graduation?

do you think i should get my mater’s degree?

the more education you have, the better chance you can get.i want to pursue my graduate know great achievements have been made in my field but i don’t think what i’ve learned so far is enough for me for the future you don’t make plans ahead of others, you will lag behind

life and sports

now i find that getting a good work-out a couple of times a week actually makes me feel more energetic.i like swimming, but i prefer to play table tennis.i have benign working out every day for a month now.i am fine with every sport as long as it can give me physical about ainments

how do you spend your spare time?

what do you usually do on weekends?

i always find nothing to do in my spare time.i have many things to do to enjoy myself after school.i can sit still all day, listening to some popular or classical ing to music can help you to relax after a whole day for a whole week’s study.i like going to surf the internet on ’s not important what i chat.i can do that with many kinds of people, learning about the society from what they say and the way they say ng

i usually do my shopping in large supermarkets/campus stores/shops nearby, since they often have good buys/it saves arkets are so can get almost everything you want in a big supermarket.i like books/music, so sometimes i go to a campus bookstore to hunt for my favorite cds/recent bestsellers.i seldom go takes too much -time jobs

the important thing, i think, is to get some working pay is the a part-time job you can learn things that you can’t normally learn no campus/from books i need to support myself, so i am really concerned with how much i can earn.i would like to find a part-time job as an office worker/secretary/receptionist /tour guide/waitress/ tutor/computer operator.ⅲ、英语口语比赛部分参考试题


china develop personal automobiles?

do you have a dream of having a car of your own? illustrate your attitude towards the development of personal words and expressions

automobile industry轿车工业

toxic gases有毒气体

g and modern technologies

cloning is a controversial des towards it and other modern technologies vary from person to rate your attitude towards cloning and modern words and expressions


transplant patients需要移植的病人

impose a ban on cloning humans 禁止克隆人

e migrant workers

a huge migration of chinese farmers into big cities is a phenomenon in the is a piece of news concerning migrant workers in it rate your attitude towards it.据《人民日报》报道,每年春节一过,全国的大小火车站就挤满了去沿海城市打工的农民。改革开放以来,已有几千万的农民涌入东部城市。他们为推动当地的经济建设作出了巨大的贡献。但同时也带来许多社会问题。如城市交通环境问题,就业问题,人口问题。其中犯罪问题尤为突出。

key words and expressions

rural migrants/workers民工

ns of advertising

people now take advertising for granted, though they have different opinions of is a piece of news concerning it carefully and illustrate your attitude towards it.据《消费报》报道,广告已成了人们日常生活中不可缺少的东西。据一项民意调查,买电视机,冰箱,空调等耐用品有87%的人是根据广告去买的。买日用品和食品的有71%是根据广告的。尽管广告给人们的生活带来许多方便,但人们对广告过滥表示不满。不仅一个电视片被广告插得支离破碎,连报道新闻也不时插进广告。尤其是对虚假广告,人们更是深恶痛绝。

key words and expressions

commercial电视广告appeal to consumers吸引顾客false or deceptive advertisements 虚假广告compete for customers 争夺顾客

yong couples and their parents live separately?

now young people tend to move out to establish their own households when they get married and leave their parents living lly, there are nuclear families and a family with a young couple living together with their s with your parents and express your preference by comparing the advantages and disadvantages of two types of the words and expressions

establish one’s own household建立自己的家

generation gap代沟

a nuclear family 三口之家


in the last 20 years nearly one million chinese people have gone n the causes

and illustrate your attitude towards words and expressions

the open-door policy开放政策

hunting for college graduates

now college graduates find it increasingly difficult to get a desirable difficulty college graduates have in hunting for jobs can be somewhere on the n the words and expressions

be assigned a job分配工作

social connections社会关系

nment in china

the environmental problem in china is getting ing to the statistics, there is an increase in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere and a loss of forests and rural areas of n the causes and suggest the solutions to the words and expressions


ecological balance生态平衡

e students taking part-time more and more chinese college students take part-time n the causes and illustrate your words and expressions



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