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rent 1.房价过高让很多人买不起房,而选择租房 2.也有人认为买方才能过的安稳 3.我的看法

nowadays more and more people become to be aware of the seriousne of buying an price of housing has kept increasing in recent years , which causes a big headache for people living in cities.a lot of people cannot afford to buy a house ,so they choose to rent instead of buying an group of people does not want to bear the burden of mortgage so that they opt for a practical g an apartment makes them have a place to stay and also they can focus on work as well as personal other people believe that an apartment owed by themselves make them feel safe and relived ,so they would rather borrow money from banks or friends to buy an far as i am concerned ,to buy or rent is all about peoples own when the housing price is standing too high ,it will be better to rent first and wait for the good timing when the price is going down to 2: on


hopping 1.现在许多年轻人不喜欢在一个岗位上呆一辈子,因而时常跳槽 2.产生这种现象的原因 3.我的看法

nowadays very few young people are willing to stay in a job position for long ,let alone for the whole changed their jobs are some factors contribute to this start with ,young people like fresh things,and it is easy for them to feel boring with the routine it is hard for them to stay in a same position for more ,young people are still looking for the best suitable work for are unwilling to waste time in a job they are not interested last but not least ,young people are not satisfied with the current salary ,they want to find a job which can give them a better far as i am concerned ,constant job hopping will not benefit young people in their career job has its advantages and young people will surely learn something as long as they are patient and wise young people should make best use of the job 3: online social

network 1.越来越多的人沉溺于社交网络,如facebook 人人网开心网等 2.这种现象的原因 3.我的看法

nowadays internet has playing a more and more important role in our daily life and more and more people have been addicted to the online social network ,such as facebookrenren and kaixin001 and so are several factors contribute to this start with ,it is a better way to have have fun to chat with a more ,they can get more information from the social addition ,people always have great interest of the virtual word ,and the online social network meet their far as i am concerned ,it is a good new way for people to keep in start with ,some people are addicted to it ,which makes them want to get online 24 hours a people spend too much time on one thing ,they will have no enough time for study and more ,online social network change peoples behaviour of chatting with virtual wold ,you just click the mouse and type in words instead of having a face-to-face will not benefit peoples long term friendship ,and even harm their relationships in the real 4: the most important skills for modern people 1.随着科技的发展,现代人的技能也随之变化

2.有人认为外语、计算机等技能很重要,也有人认为沟通技能更重要 3.在我看来.....with the development of science and technology ,the skills that modern people master are also changing with old skills including cooking and sewing are no longer be regarded as neceary what are the most important skills for modern people ?some people believe that foreign language skills and computer skills are on the top of the others hold that communication skills are the most far as i am concerned ,communication skills are of the greatest importance for modern reason goes as start with,everyone is interconnected with each other in the daily ication is the key in personal interaction and good communication skills can bring people sound more ,communication can let you learn more knowledge and skills from last but not least ,most of work done today requires rk ask for communication ,and effective communication mans a lot to the the reason why lots of big companies stre communication skills first when they are recruiting new 5: what is more important : character or academic achievement? 1.不少人认为考试成绩是评价学生的标准 2.也有人觉得应该以品格培养作为教育方向 3.我的看法

what is the standard to judge the performance of a student ,character or academic achievement?

there are different views among people as to this people believe that the exam marks should be the first standard concerned.a student s first duty is to study well,and academic achievement can show the result of a student s efforts and others hold that good character should be considered first when talking about the performance of a student, as character shows that whether a student has proper far as i am concerned ,sound character健全的品格 is more important in judging a students start with ,good exam marks can not be everything as that wont follow a student s whole sound character will be the only thing that lasts for more ,if a student has poor character ,good marks will be ore ,i believe that we should reform the education system and care more for students character 6:on the




grateful 1.感恩对于每个人的成长至关重要


have you ever said “thank you ”when your clamates helped you ?have you ever thought about repaying a busine partner who once lent you a hand ?if the answer is yes ,you must be a person who feels gratefulne makes your family more harmonious and helps you build a reliable cooperative relationship with other people ,which can help you make your life more colourful and r , there are le and le people who feel grateful in the modern the one hand ,people become more and more selfish and never think of what to the other hand ,some people take others love and care for granted and know nothing about far as i am concerned ,gratitude is important to our society ,and cultivating gratitude should begin from children with something should teach our children how important gratitude is and ask them to do small things for others to show their society can become more harmonious and beautiful because of 7: living with parents after

graduation 1.越来越多的毕业生毕业后仍然和父母住在一起 2.出现这种现象的原因 3.我的看法

nowadays more and more people tend to live with parents instead of renting an room after increasing of housing price bring a big headache to them ,so they prefer to live with are serval factors contribute to this start with ,because of high housing prices,most people cannot afford to buy a house after more ,with their limited incomes,the graduates feel streed with the high housing rent and living with parents can save them a lot of money which they may spend on housing and daily y, many people have been accustomed to depending on their parents and they cannot take care of far as i am concerned ,they should rent a room to live ,though living with parents may help them save much money.i also suggest that those who are so dependent on parents should learn to be independent as early as 8: more disasters than

before ? 1.最近人们对自然灾害的报道越来越关注 2.因而有不少人认为灾难比以前更多了 3.我的看法

nowadays more and more people become to be aware of the seriousne of attention has been paid to reports about natural disasters uakes ,droughts and floods bring great loes ,which greatly shocked cannot help raising the question :are there more disasters than before?

many people may say "yes " to this are more and more reports about disasters on tv and often cover details of disasters for days ,which easily gives views a false image that disasters happen every far as i am concerned ,the great coverage of natural disasters by the media reflects the environmental awarene of human are more concerned about environmental protection mow ,and this is the first step to be a better future of our 9: how






? 1.人们往往感受到来自同龄人的压力 2.如何缓解来自同龄人的压力

nowadays more and more people become to feel peer example ,your roommates smoke but you clamates wear expensive clothes but you these cases ,you may feel excluded if you dont do the same thing as they mes peer preures drive people crazy ,but you can only rely on yourself to deal with are two ways to deal with peer start with ,pay attention to your own feelings and decide what you should saying "no " to peer do the things against your more ,find friends who stand your hard for you to deal with peer preures alone,but its much easier if you can get support from your friends with those who have similar opinions or habits ,so that you wont feel a word ,peer preures can be eased if you have the courage to say "no " to it ,and fight with it with your true 10: lectures and discuions

1.有些学生喜欢讲座式教学,有些学生赞成讨论式教学 2.这两种教学各有利弊 3.我的看法

lectures and discuions are two main styles of teaching in universities ,and each has its own advantages and students are in favor of lectures ,but others enjoy discuions very ing is the most traditional teaching method in china ,because it is considered highly ts can get used to lectures easily ,for most of them have been taught in this way since primary rs play a very important role in lectures ,while students seldom have chances to the contrary ,discuions allow students to have chances to interact with each more ,students have more freedom and they can expre their ideas freely and ask questions about the r ,this cla can easily go out of control if there is no far as i am concerned ,i prefer discuions to lectures because of the open r ,teachers should take charge of the discuions to help the students learn 11: on





understanding 1.现在许多人在为人处事方面只关心自己的利益而很少去顾及他人 2.互相理解对说话的双方都非常重要 3.为此,我们应该

nowadays many people are so focused on their own interests that they hardly consider the feelings of uently ,misunderstanding ,or even conflicts, is important for people to understand each other during a start with ,mutual understanding makes it easy for both parties to reach an agreement on the topic they are more,we must admit that many transactions always concluded in an atmosphere of friendle and mutual last but not least ,for people who are friendly to each other ,this mutual understanding can definitely strengthen the love and friendship between the speaker and the listener can do much to help gain mutual the one hand ,speaker should try his best to expre himself clearly ,correctly , the other hand ,the listener also make every effort to be importantly ,both parties should take a friendly attitude to each 12: book smart or stre smart 1.有人觉得书本型人才重要 2.有人觉得实践型人才可贵 3.我的看法

there is a heated debate nowadays about which is better or more useful ,to be book smart or stre ent people have different people believe that to be book smart is more important fields like science and education need a great number of book-smart y can apply what they learn from books to their others hold that to be stre smart is much -smart people can deal with what they have learnt ,and solve practical problems are much useful than book-smart people to some far as i am concerned ,they both have their advantages, and our society require a result ,its much better if we are both book smart and stre 13: due attention should be given to

spoken english 1.越来越多的人忽视口语学习2.出现这种现象的原因和后果 3.为了改变这种状况,我认为。。

as we all know , spoken english plays an important role in learning r ,more and more students pay le attention to spoken english are serval factors contribute to this start with ,as for english,exams mainly focus on the written part,so the students would rather pay more attention to written english than spoken english,in order to get a better more ,many students lack courage to speak afraid of making mistakes ,they dare not speak english in order to change this situation ,the educational system should be reformed to keep a balance between written english and spoken english ,and schools should pay more attention to the most importantly ,students should be encouraged to make mistakes when speaking they are self-confident ,their spoken english is sure to 14 volunteering activities 1.越来越多的人加入到志愿者行列中来 2.志愿者活动对社会的意义 3.为此,我们可以

with the progre of society ,the volunteer spirit has spread all over the and more people are willing to be volunteers and take part in volunteering may acknowledge that getting involved in volunteer work makes our life more colourful and start with ,you show loving care to others when you are doing volunteer pa love to others and make others feel that there are always people caring about makes our society more more ,people whom you help may be influenced by your good deed and follow your a result ,all people may help and care about each other ,which makes the world a better place to live volunteer work is so meaningful ,we should call on more people to take part in volunteer young people are supposed to have the volunteer spirit and be active to de volunteer 15 keep connected with parents

1.随着社会的发展,父母和孩子之间的沟通似乎越来越少 2.产生这种现象的原因和后果 3.为了改变这种状况,我认为。。

many parents feel confused that, once upon a time ,their kids shared everything with them ,but now they dont even look at the development of modern society ,it seems that more and more children arent willing to communicate with their are serval factors contribute to this start with ,many kids think that they have nothing in common with their would rather communicate with more ,they feel that their parents dont understand them at they love to do is often against their parents will and they cant get any a result ,the generation gap between parents and children become wider and order to change this situation ,both parents and children should work s should learn to be a good listener and respect their childrens ideas ,whereas children should keep connected with their parents 16 my

view on knowledge economy

1.近年来,知识型经济在人们的经济活动中发挥着越来越大的作用 2.它产生了哪些影响 3.我的看法

knowledge economy ,which stre knowledge and people of talent , is gradually replacing the industrial is playing a more and more important role in our economic life in recent dge economy has obviously changed our ways of work ,busine and start with ,with the development of knowledge economy ,more and more people are transformed from traditional manufacturing industries to mew fields such as the internet and the computer science more ,knowledge economy has given rise to the boom of electronic commerce and online trade ,so you can do busine anytime and last but not least ,people have to keep learning something new to adapt to this explosive knowledge far as i am concerned,we should insist on developing knowledge economy and make efforts to educate the young generation , to contribute to the progre of knowledge 17 the impact of



on education

1.网络对传统教育产生了很大的影响,越来越多的人趋向于网络学习2.产生这种现象的原因 3.为此,我们自己应当.....nowadays internet is playing a more and more important role in our daily internet application is becoming wider and wider , it has great impact on a result , more and more people tend to choose online educati are serval factors contribute to this start with ,online learning breaks the limits of time and space and provide flexible learning opportunities for all more ,with the online learning ,one can learn leons from the best teachers of top schools which one cant have acce to addition ,online learning enables them to discu with others and ask questions freely without seeing each other ,which is prefect for shy last but not least ,online learning gives freedom to students ,so they can schedule their study according to their own pace of order to develop online learning ,there should be more schools providing all kinds of online leons for people who have different needs ,and more people should seize these learning opportunities to enrich their 18 on


1.有人认为地方方言应该禁止在公共场所使用 2.有人觉得使用方言是言论自由 3.我的看法

there are different views among people as to whether dialects should be forbidden in people believe that dialects should be forbidden in are so many people with various dialects in public that if everybody just speaks their own dialects ,it can easily lead to chaos in order to avoid this situation ,we have to choose mandarin as the official language ,for it can be understand by most r, others hold that everybody has the right to speak dialects have been used for thousands of years ,and they are valued as part of the traditional ore they shouldnt be far as i am concerned,everybody has the right to speak dialects should be maintained and they can be used in public as long as they de not cause misunderstanding among the er,we should take responsibility to preserve endangered 19 the




interviews 1.面试是应聘过程中的一个至关重要的环节 2.面试对招聘双方都有利 3.为此,我们可以....nowadays ,if you apply for a job ,you usually have to go through the job interview proce.a job interview is an undoubtedly vital proce in the course of applying for a interview benefit both the interviewer and the the one hand ,the interviewer is able to get more information about the candidate beyond his resume ,and to know what qualifications he has by judging from the performance in the examining the ability and personality ,they can decide whether he is the right person for the the other hand ,the candidate can decide whether he takes his job after he takes this job after he gets general information about it ,such as the income and working er ,he can gain precious experience by taking part in interviews, which is good for the following ore ,the interviewer should make efforts to improve the job interview proce to select the best candidate ,whereas the candidate should also get well prepared for a better 20 my




lies 1.有人认为生活中需要善意的谎言

2.有人认为任何形式的撒谎都是不对的行为 3.我的看法

the question about whether we should tell white lies in daily life has aroused an heated debate over these ent people have different people believe that we need white are moments in our life when we have to tell order to avoid hurting others feelings or to make others feel better ,we often tell white lies instead of conveying the lies have magic power to give people much hope and the long run ,when you tell lies to a patient who gets incurable disease ,he can probably enjoy the rest of his days more others hold that no one should tell lies ,no matter what kind of people may feel betrayed and even get more hurt once they find out the far as i am concerned,whether we should tell white lies really d better take into consideration what the occasion is and what the result may 21 should a formal distance be kept between students and teachers 1.良好的师生关系很重要

2.有人认为师生之间应该是朋友关系,有人则不这么认为 3.我的看法

a good interpersonal relationship between teachers and students is very eential for succeful education。and what is a prefect teacher-student relationship like ? should there be a formal distance between them ?

there are different views among people as to this people believe that teachers and students should be friends ,and there should be little distance between teacher enjoys being treated as a friend by the student and they can talk with each other about all the a relationship is treasured especially by the teenagers who are eager to grow others hold that there should be a formal distance between the teacher and the argue that only when the teacher keeps a distance from the student can he make fair judgement about all the students and avoid far as i am concerned,the distance between the teacher and the student can best be adjusted according to the specific situati is no need to regulate a set distance between the 22




countryside 1.许多大学毕业生自愿到农村工作 2.出现这种现象的原因 3.我的看法

nowadays more and more university graduates tend to work in the countryside as a volunteer instead of working in the are serval factors contribute to this start with ,with more and more university students graduating each year ,the job market competition becomes increasingly the enormous preure of finding a job ,many graduates tend to work in the more ,the village that are trying to employ university graduates are generally in the rich areas of the country ,which makes working there an attractive last but not least ,some university graduates,being from the countryside ,are eager to go back to home to contribute to the construction of their hometown and make their hometown more far as i am concerned, i think university graduates should go to work where they are needed most and where they can make full use of their g in the countryside can be truly an advisable 23

should old people stay at home or be placed in nursing homes ?

should old people stay with their children or go to the nursing homes ?

there are different views among people as to this people believe that old people should stay at one thing ,the expense of living at nursing homes is too much and they cannot afford for another ,the old may help with some housework and also the environment of staying at home is much better and they dont need to change their customs to adjust to the nursing others hold that people should be replaced in nursing they can not only have opportunities to communicate and have fun with their peers, but also be treated by profeional doctors and rmore ,with the old staying in nursing homes ,the young may have more time and energy to devote to their own far as i am concerned, the decision should be made with all factors fully all ,the opinion of the old should be themselves should be the ones who make the decision , not the 24








loan 1.介绍你的个人情况

2.申请助学贷款的原因、数额、用途 3.如何保证专款专用以及你的还款 dear sir or madam,i am a freshman in hk university majoring in international trade.i am applying to your bank for a loan of 10,000 is hard for me to make the application ,but i have year both my parents were laid off ,and to make matters worse , three months ago my mother was discovered to have caught a serious ore ,i could not get support for my study from my family any i treasure the opportunity to go to college very much ,and i have no choice but to ask for your the application as approved ,all the money will go to my tuition and fees for the next two years.i guarantee to repay the loan within five years ,that is , one year after my ed are documents confirming my statements.i would be greatly obliged if my application is sincerely ,li ming




本节重点以使用“by ”来阐述或表达做事的方法,在教学设计中我重点强调了如何用“by” 说、写,用“i go to school by bike” 导入,之后让学生discu学习中的策略,对程度较差的学生要求能用by 说一句话,对程度较好的学生要求用“by ”表达学习方法并能表明理由。这样做就是最大限度的为听力、阅读文章作出铺垫,而在文章的教学上首先让学生找出显在的方法句(即由“by ”引导的)和隐性的方法句(即没有“by ”引导,但仍然呈现一种方法),紧接着就是词汇的训练,将其体现在句子中,由词至句的操练,帮助学生明白意思并能掌握用法,而整个教学过程的检测体现于pair work和group work之中。本节着重从以下几点入手




九年级英语unit 2教学反思

本节课让学生学会描述自己和他人在外貌、性格、爱好等方面的变化。学会使用used to结构来表示过去经常而现在已不存在的习惯或状态。我在课前先让学生欣赏歌曲《yesterday once more》,让学生在怀旧的音乐氛围中观看一些旧照片,再通过新旧照片的对比来引出本课的教学重点并复习再现了一系列描述性形容词。通过让学生谈论自己和他人的各种变化来巩固练习used to 的用法,最后以 interview 来结束本课,希望学生能珍惜现在、展望未来。

在教学中,我发现我对used to的用法讲解的还不够透彻,在后来的学生调查活动中,我发现学生对used to的用法还没有完全掌握。若是我在教学中再做一下讲解,板书再清晰些,相信效果会好点。

1.针对日常教学重难点以及存在的疑难问题,自己出题进行针对性的训练。教师应多思考,多研究,分析教材的重难点、找出学生出错的根源,并把各种错误进行汇总,变换方式训练,达到举一反三的目的。例如,used to do sth., be/get used to(doing)sth.,be used to do sth., be used for doing sth.这些短语的用法,尽管反复训练,错误重现率还是很高。我们应通过造句、看图写话、设置情景等方式不断强化,再通过选择填空、句型转换、词形转换等题型进行训练,达到灵活运用的目的;又如,don’t have to do

1 sth.=don’t need to do sth.= needn’t do sth.这种句式不少学生难以理解,错误率也很高。要经过教师的耐心讲解、学生的反复练习,让学生在练习中领会实义动词与情态动词的区别,最后达到熟能生巧直至掌握的目的。

2.由浅入深,层层推进。对于学生难以理解的,先分类进行讲解、训练,待学生掌握后,再进行综合讲解、训练。这种有计划、分步骤、分层次的练习使学生的思路清晰,有利于弥补以前所学知识的欠缺。比如,时态一直是一些学生害怕的一个项目,到复习阶段,各种时态混在一起,混淆不清:一般过去时与过去进行时;一般过去时与现在完成时;现在完成时与过去完成时;一般将来时与过去将来时等。分类训练时,一定要学生弄清各种时态的特征:一般现在时表示经常性、一贯性发生的动作,与它常用的时间状语有:often , usually, always , on saturday, every day„过去完成时表示到过去某一时间止已经完成和发生的动作或状态。它表达的时间概念是“过去的过去”,与它连用的时间状语有:如,by the end of,by last week,before,when„在单项训练的基础上,再进行综合比较、鉴别、运用,学生会掌握地更牢固。如,在学习现在完成时时,我们按照学生的认知规律,设计以下练习:

初级:have you done your homework ______?(for,just,yet)中级:he hasn’t come to school because he is ill.(提问)______ _____he come to school? 高级:he came here two hours ago.(同义转换)he ______ ______ here for two hours.各种时态都分别先由浅入深进行单项训练,再进行综合训练。不断巩固,反复操练,直至掌握。


九年级英语unit 3教学反思



学生已经接触过被动语态的基本形式 be p.p.【教学内容】

unit 3 section a(the first period)

2 【教学目标】

(1)know how to use “should be allowed”.(2)talk about what you are allowed to do.【目标】


about what you are allowed to do and disagree 通过任务1中句型的操练,掌握should be p.p.的用法,能够运用句型组织句子;通过任务2学会熟练表达自己的观点,达到练中学,学中用。【教学步骤】


我先通过实际生活和学生问答,引出本课的结构、功能。t:what do your parents let you do at home? s:my mother lets me go shopping on sundays.t:that sounds you are allowed to go shopping on about you,tracy?

s:my father lets me watch tv at home.t: you are allowed to watch tv at home.几轮对话之后,教师在黑板上写出两句被动语态的句子,让学生自由讨论他们在家可以做的事情,然后列出清单。

2.布置任务,激励学生学会联系实际去运用被动语态。 任务1.收集个人资料。



任务4.展开讨论。针对校规的一些内容,用“teenagers should be allowed to do...because...“or ” teenagers should not be allowed to do...because...”句型来阐述自己的观点。

学生在收集时对自己感兴趣的都能记下来,不过有些学生在表达时对被动语态的灵活运用有待提高,如有些学生说“ my parents should be allowed me to play computer.”以及类似的句子。通过小组合作,有学生发现这个问题,有的能纠正,有的就举手问老师,所以我在他们的训练中反复强调主语在被动句中的位置,引导他们自己纠正错误,认识到主动句中的主语和谓语动词的关系。最后很多学生收集到下面一些句子。i am allowed to watch tv for half an hour every night.i am allowed to go shopping with friends once a week.i am not allowed to play computer games every night.教师将以上句子展示出来,要求他们根据这些句子内容,谈谈自己的观点,用teenagers should be allowed to do sth.句型来表达。3.操练。

九年级英语unit 4 教学反思












九年级英语unit 5教学反思



belong to , anxious, chase , catch , smell , lift , pretend , attempt , escape , dishonest , interview



四、交际用语:学会推测 a: whose volleyball is this ? b: it must be carla’s./ it could be ted’s.课前准备

根据句意及汉语或首字母提示填词 1. i’m really a________ to see him.2. a dog is c_______ a cat.3. hurry up , or we can’t c_______ the bus.4. the food s_______ delicious.5. the box is too heavy for me to l_______.6. they p______ not to see us.7. don’t a________ to do something impoible.8. the guitar may b______ to likes playing is a d_________ of us don’t like him.10.a tiger e_______ from the zoo , so the people in this city is very terrified(学生说,这些题目只是考单词,没有意义,意思删去也可以,我不支持。)学习过程


1. 属于 __________ 2。在。。前面 __________ 3。从。。逃走 __________ 4.用完 ___________ 5。当心 ___________ 6。假装做某事 ___________ 7.尝试做某事 ___________ 8。追赶某人 ___________ 9。知道 ___________ 10。拍电影 ___________ 11.因为 __________ 12。迟到 ___________ 13.拿相机的女人 _________ 14。玩的开心 ___________ 15.一些奇怪的东西________ 16。曾经去过 ___________(二)巩固练习完成句子

5 1. 这个篮球是tom的this basketball ______ tom’s./ this basketball ______ tom.2. tim 坐在mary 的前面 tim sits ______________ mary.3. 小心你们的拼写 ________________________ your spelling.4. 他用完了他所有的钱 he ____________________all his money.5. 我们应该尽量早点出发

we should ______________________ early.6. 这个发带不是我的,它属于lisa the hair band ____________________ _____________ lisa.7.当我认识他时,他还是一个中学生

when i ________________ him , he was only a middle school student.8.我父亲曾经去过北京 my father ________________ beijing.9.昨天我们打篮球很开心

we _____________________basketball yesterday.10.不要上学迟到 _____________________________.11.他们在天上看到一些奇怪的东西

they saw_______________________ in the sky.12.因为大风,我们不能上学

we can’t go to school _________________strong wind.(我要求学生当堂完成,他们说没必要,因为并不是每一题都是重点,只是巩固而已,后来就全班一起选了其中的6题来记忆,他们愿意做的事情,一下子就完成了。下次我还是要对优生的想法多加考虑,不必摆老师的资格)。巩固练习:

1. the french book ___________be tom’ is the only student who is studying french.2. the red car _____________ be mr zhang’ car is blue.3. the tennis ball ________be jim’s or john’ are both on the tennis team.4. the book _________ be is in my schoolbag 5. i can’t find my _________ be in the bedroom.6. the big vcd ________ belong to is small.能力提升

1. 那人一定是从美国来的 the man _______________ from the usa.2. 今天是星期天。他不可能在学校

today is ___________________.3. 有人在敲门,一定是父亲

someone is knocking at the ____________________my father.4. 这个书包可能是lilei的,他的和这个一样

the bag is ________________ this

6 5. 这个球拍可能是lisa的 the bat ______________________lisa’s.课堂小测

1.______ i close the window ? it’s so cold_____ return the bike can keep it till ’t ’t n’t not do you think “ anxious “ _____? g , where is your father ? i’m not _____ in the office. be _____ us half a day _______ the , climbing .climbing , to climb , climbing is tom ? he hasn’t come to school today.i think he ____be ’t boy stopped _____ tv and began to do his watch watch c, watching d you have fun _______ to music ? ing listen ed 9.________ the rain, we have to put off the e e of 10.i tell him _________ swim not swim to swim ’t swim escaped______ the burningare pretending ______ in read g sister like tea _______father _________ a day _____ their tv set , mend , to mend , to mend , mending ______________ out of the reading ’t take ’t take ’t be taken be taken 小结:这个讲学稿是很实用,主要是学生能理解,小测也是很适当,通过几天的学习,我发现遵循学生的学习习惯与实际情况,是每一个做老师要尽力做到的事,教与学是相彰的,我希望在以后教学过程中,我能多点从学生的角度去要求他们,去把教学做得更好。



概念: 定语从句是用来修饰、描述或提供有关名词、代词或整个主句信息的从句。它在整个句子中起形容词的作用。被修饰的名词,语法上称作先行词。从句由关系代词或关系副词引导。关系代词和关系副词不仅起引导定语从句、连接先行词的作用,同时还充当定语从句中的一个成分,如:主语、宾语、介词宾语、表语、定语或状语等。定语从句由下列关系代词和关系副词引导:


关系代词who,that 引导的从句修饰、指代人物,在从句中作主语。(1)关系代词作主语

(1)i thank the helped me.a.i thank the woman who helped me.b.i thank the woman that helped me.(2)关系代词作宾语

关系代词whom, who, that 在从句中作动词宾语时,修饰、指代人物。whom 是宾格形式,常用于较正式的英语中。who和that 常用于口语和非正式的英语中。在口语和非正式英语中更多的情况下,作动词宾语的关系代词常被省略。

(2)the man told me to come back.i saw him in the man whom i saw in the office told me to come man who i saw in the office told me to come man that i saw in the office told me to come man i saw in the office told me to come back.我在办公室见到的那为男士叫我回去。

注意:1.引导从句的关系代词一定要放在从句的最前面,例如: 从句whom i saw in the office,虽然关系代词whom 在句子中作动词的宾语,也应放在从句的最前面。

2.从句应尽可能地紧跟在所修饰的名词后面。从句whom i saw in the office是用来修饰the man, 所以应放在the man 后面。



(3)the woman spoke french.i traveled with her. woman with whom i travelled spoke french.和我一起旅行的那位女士讲法语。

注意:在这类句子中修饰、指代人物时,只能用whom。关系代词不可以用who 或that。也不可以省略


在口语和非正式英语中,介词往往放在原来的位置,即:在谓语动词之后。在这种情况下,关系代词可以是who/ whom/that,也可以省略。

woman whom i travelled with spoke woman who i travelled with spoke woman that i travelled with spoke woman i travelled with spoke english.2.修饰、指代事物

关系代词that, which引导的从句用来修饰、指代事物,它们在从句中可以作句子的主语也可以作宾语。


例句: did you hear about the earthquake? it happened in san francisco last you hear about the earthquake that happened in san francisco last week? you hear about the earthquake which happened in san francisco last week? 你听说上星期在旧金山发生的地震了吗?

关系代词that / which引导的定语从句修饰名词earthquake。在从句that / which happened in san francisco last week 中作句子的主语。“”

注意:当关系代词在从句中作主语时不能省略。 要比that正式一些。


例句: the movie wasn’t very saw it last movie that we saw last night wasn’t very good. movie which we saw last night wasn’t very good.9 movie we saw last night wasn’t very good.我们昨晚看的那部电影不怎么样。

关系代词that / which 引导的从句修饰名词the movie。在从句that we saw last night中,that/ which 作动词saw的宾语。关系代词作动词宾语的时候可以省略。



例句: he is standing on a it firm enough? the chair on which he is standing firm enough? 他站的那把椅子结实吗?

on which he is standing 是which引导的从句,修饰the chair。which在从句中作介词on的宾语。在英语口语和非正式的英语中,介词可以放在动词的后面。关系代词可以用which, that, 也可以省略。

the chair which he is standing on firm enough? the chair that he is standing on firm enough? the chair he is standing on firm enough? 在例句b.c.d.,从句that he is standing on中的介词后置,关系代词作介词on的宾语,可以用that/which, 也可以省略。



a.当从句修饰不定代词,如all, everything, something, little, much, none,the only, those 等时,必须用that 来引导从句。在从句中that作动词的直接宾语时,可以省略。例: listen, there is something(that)i must tell you.听着,有些事情我必须告诉你。

b.如果先行词被上述不定代词所修饰时,引导从句的关系代词也应用that.例: all the apples(that)we picked were sent to the factory.所有的我们摘的苹果都送到工厂去了。

c.如果先行词被形容词最高级或序数词所修饰,从句应用that 引导。

例: this is the best novel(that)i know.这是我所知道的最好的一部小说。

10 d.如果先行词被序数词所修饰,从句应用that 引导。

例: the first english film that interested me was gone with the wind.第一部使我感兴趣的英文电影是“飘”。3.表示所有格关系

whose 用来表示所属关系,它的意思相当于:his, her, its, their等等。whose 可以用来修饰人,也可以修饰物。whose和它所修饰的名词都置于句首。


(1)the man called the wallet was stolen.a. the man whose wallet was stolen called the police.钱包被窃的那个男人给警察打了电话。

whose引导的从句whose wallet was stolen,修饰the 在从句中起定语作用,修饰wallet,意思是his。


(2)i’m working in the walls are made of gla.(the walls of the house are made of gla.)a.i’m working in the house whose walls are made of gla.我在那座四面墙都是玻璃的房子里工作。

whose walls = the walls of the house whose = of which 4.修饰表示时间的名词

when 引导的从句往往是用来修饰一个表示时间的名词,如:time, year, month, day, century 等等。when 在从句中起时间状语的作用。

(1)i’ll never forget the day.i met you then(on that day).a.i’ll never forget the day when i met you.b.i’ll never forget the day on which i met you.我永远也忘不了见到你的那一天。

例句a.中when引导的从句修饰the 在从句中起时间状语的作用,意思是on the day.因此,when可以用on which替代。

(2)1949 is the new china was founded then(in that year).11 a.1949 is the year when the new china was founded.b.1949 is the year in which the new china was 引导的从句修饰表示时间的名词the year.1949年是新中国成立的那一年。when在从句中作时间状语,意思是in that year.在此句中,when 可以用in which 来替换。看例句b.在句中,which 指代的是the year.(3)7:50 is the plane arrives then(at that time).a.7:50 is the time when my plane arrives.b.7:50 is the time at which my plane arrives.7:50 是我乘坐的飞机到达的时间。

when引导的从句修饰名词the time, when在从句中作时间状语。意思是at that time.在这句话中,when可以用at which替代。


where引导的从句用来修饰表示地点的名词,例如:city, country, room, house等等。where 在从句中起地点状语的作用。

(1)the building is very lives there(in that building). building where he lives is very building in which he lives is very old. building which he lives in is very building that he lives in is very building he lives in is very old.他住的那座楼很旧。

在从句中作地点状语,意思是in that building.b.介词前置。



(2)that is the are going to have a picnic there(at that park).12 is the park where we are going to have a is the park at which we are going to have a is the park which we are going to have a picnic is the park that we are going to have a picnic is the park we are going to have a picnic at.那就是我们将去吃野餐的公园。(我们将在那个公园吃野餐)。where 的意思是at the park, 可以用at which替换。6.非限定性从句



(1) friend who had been driving all day suggested stopping at the next town.我那位开了一整天车的朋友建议到下一个镇子停下。


, who had been driving all day, suggested stopping at the next town.彼特开了一整天车,他建议到下一个镇子停下。

这是一句非限定性定语从句的句子,它只起补充信息的作用。如果,将从句who had been driving all day略掉,也不会影响句子的原意。

(2)the books , which you can get at any bookshop, will give you all the information you need.这些书将为你提供所需要的所有信息,你可以在任何一家书店买到。

(3)ann, whose children are at school all day, is trying to get a job.安的孩子们整天都在学校,(所以)她试图找一份工作做。

注意: 在非限定性定语从句中,只有wh-的代词可以使用。无论指人或指物都不能使用that。






















(三)要善于调动课堂积极性,例如一进课堂老师说:“do you know some interesting place of shanghai?”学生会作出不同的回答,引出更多的对话,从而达到交际的目的。适当让学生表演对话或课文内容并结合实际情况谈谈个人的感受。引导学生课后进行讨论,排练,然后在课堂表演。多鼓励,少批评。为了使学生更爱开口,在练习中,要重视运用鼓励性语言,不断强化学生参加交际的信心。











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