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练习答案 key to written exercises 1.关键句型练习答案

a 1 i have just had breakfast.2 he has been in prison for six months.3 the police have not caught the thief yet.4 you have(already)asked that question three times(already).5 have you ever been to switzerland? 6 i have never been to switzerland.7 he is a wonderful has broken two records so far.8 i haven't seen george lately.c 1 he has just left the house.2 he has just had breakfast.3 she has just written a letter.4 my sister has just turned on the radio.5 my mother has just made the bed.6 she has just bought a new hat.d 1 he hasn't washed the dishes yet.2 she hasn't made the beds yet.3 he hasn't combed his hair yet.4 she hasn't swept the carpet yet.5 we haven't read ‘ macbeth’yet.e 1 have you seen the new play at ‘the globe’yet ? 2 have you taken your holidays yet ? 3 have you read this book yet ? 4 have you done your homework yet ? 5 have you finished your work yet ? 2 .难点练习答案 received 2 received 3 took 4 taken 5 take 3.多项选择题答案

1.d根据课文内容tim is an is working for a big firm..., working for a big firm as an engineer 是对的,其他3个与文章不符合。

2.b根据课文的最后一句my brother has never been abroadbefore„,应该选b.其他3个选择都与课文内容不符合。

3.a(在„„里面)不能和动词go连用;(在„„地方)也不能同go 连用;(进入„„内)可以与go连用,但是到某个国家不能用go into; 同动词go 连用 go to才能表示到某个地方去,如国家,城市等,所以选a.4.b本句是问“他在那儿呆了多久”。因为说话时他还在那,所以应该用现在完成时态。

he 是一般现在时; he 中没有过去分词been, 不符合语法; he 是一般过去时; he been 是现在完成时, 只有同表示一段时间的词连用时候才能用在完成时中,如for six months, for one 常与介词to连用表示“从„„到„„”,它很少用于现在完成时; 可以表示时间“到„„为止”,常用于过去完成时中和将来完成时中,但是它用在本句意思不对;(从„„以来)可以用在完成时态中,选b.才能使句子的时态和意思正确并且合乎逻辑。


b.a long time ago(很久以前)与原来句子不符合。


months ago(6个月前)也不对,句子中没有明确说明;只有a.a short time ago(不久前,最近)同just的意思相近,所以应该选a.7.c本句需要用现在完成时,已经给出了助动词has,只需要填上过去分词就可以了。 是过去式; 是现在分词; 是过去式, 是过去分词,所以选c.8.b本句需要选出与firm(公司)的同意义词。y(公司)和firm 的词意思相同。y(社会),y(工厂),(商店)都不是firm的同意义词, only(唯一的)ar(相似的,类似的)也有同样的意思,但是它不是和different相对应的反义词;(相象的,相同的) same(同一的,同样的)是different的反义词, than a village but smaller than a city才能准确表达town的含义,而其他3个选择都不表示这个意思。

11.c本句需要选出一个同前一句soon(不久)意义相接近的词,y(快速地), a shorttime(短时间), a hurry(匆忙地)这3个选择都与soon意思不同,y(不久)是soon的同义词.12.c本句需要选出同前句中fly(飞,乘飞机)的意思相应的短语。

air 是固定短语,表示方式,go by air 是惯用法,意思是“乘飞机去”, air, air, h air 都不是固定短语,意思都讲不通,所以选c.


lesson 29 练习答案 key to written exercises 1.关键句型练习答案

a what happened:flew(1.6);landed(1.8);landed(1.9);wanted(1.10);did not take(1.11)what has happened:has bought(1.1); has begun(1.1);has flown(11.7-8);has just refused(11.9-10)2.难点练习答案 bring 2 fetch 3 refused 4 deny 5 very 3.多项选择题答案

1.b 根据课文第3-4行the most surprising thing about it, however, is that it can land anywhere…可以判断只有b.是正确的,it doesn’t need a runway to land on(它着陆时不需要跑道)是课文所暗示的这个飞机的令人惊奇之处。其他3个选择都不能表明这飞机的令人惊奇之处。2.c 根据课文第7-8行…captain fawcett has flown passengers to many unusual places 和最后一行。。but captain fawcett did not take him because the trip was too dangerous fly passengers anywhere except very dangerous places(将载运旅客去任何地方,除了非常危险的地方)是正确的结论,其他3个选择都过于片面和绝对了。3.c is 句中修饰的词是物而不是人,因此不能用who 做关系代词;

is : whom做定语从句中的宾语,而本句需要的是做主语的关系代词;

is 不合语法

只有 is 是正确的,which 既可以做定语从句的主语,又可做宾语。

4.b 这是一个带形容词比较级的句子, surprising surprised 都是最高级,不合乎语法; surprised 虽然是比较级,但surprised(感到惊奇)主语应该是人,而本句的主语是it,故不能选d; surprising(更令人惊奇的)最合乎语法和题目意思。5.d then 不是正确的表达方式,应该是from then on;

then, that time都有“到那时”的意思,指截止到过去某一时间,都不能用于现在完成时;

that time(从那时起)是正确的表达方式,可以用于现在完成时。6.b 这是一个被动语态的句子,需要选一个合适的介词表示行为的主体,即动作的执行者,, , of 都不用于被动语态,只有 合乎语法,表示执行动作的人。7.a wanted the pilot 才能同前一句the man wanted to fly to rockall 的意思相符。 wanted 不合乎逻辑; pilot he wanted 不是主谓结构,不合乎语法; pilot the man wanted 同c一样,也不合乎语法。8.b 本句需要选出同前一句的unusual(不寻常的)意思相反的词。




(寻常的,常见的)是unusual的反义词,因此b.是答案。9.b (播种)最符合逻辑:“耕好的田地是准备播种的”。


g(结出种子)也有“播种”的意思,但作及物动词,常于with 连用,如seed the field with wheat,g(生长,长大)不合乎题目意思。10.b 只有b it is far from anywhere(它远离任何地方)才能同前一句it's a lonely village(那是一座孤零零的村庄)的意思相符合。(远的)没有强调“孤独”,只强调距离的远。(单独,独自)没有“孤独,寂寞”的含义; only one(仅有的一个)不符合题目意思。11.c (部分)不一定指的是地方,词义含糊;



(地点,场所)含义正确。12.b (空的,无人占据的)同前一句的deserted(无人问津)意思相同。a.a desert(n.沙漠),ned(被抛弃的),(浪费的)这3个都与deserted 含义不同。


lesson 30 练习答案 key to written exercises 1.关键句型练习答案

c 1 yes, i took some(photographs).no, i didn't take any(photographs).2 yes, i bought some(bread).no, i didn't buy any(bread).3 yes, i saw some(people).no, i didn't see any(people).d 1 refrigerators are necessary in hot countries.2 which river is the longest, the nile, the amazon, or the mississippi? 3 heyerdahl crossed the pacific on a raft.4 why is britain sometimes called the united kingdom? 5 we sailed up the red sea and then went through the suez canal.2.多项选择题答案

1.a 根据课文第2行i like sitting by the wayle on fine afternoons, sitting on the bank of the river when it’s fine 最符合课文的实际情况,其他3个选择都不是课文所提及的情况。2.a 根据课文第6-7行some people on the bank called out to the man in the boat, but he did not hear them 可以看出, people tried to warn the man about the ball(一些人设法提醒这个人注意球)是真实的,其他3个选择都与课文的实际内容不符。3.d 在河流的名字前面应该加定冠词,本句中的wayle 是河流的名字, wayle 最正确,而其他3个选择都不对.4.a 前一句中的介词across 是“横越”“从一边到另一边”的意思,要选出同它意思相近的词,才能同前面句子意义相同。

(越过),(环绕,绕过)(沿着)这3个词都不够恰当,h(穿过,从一边进另一边出)同across 含义相同 5.b (用力地)(几乎不)(强壮的)意思不对,是形容词,y 是副词,有“大胆地,刚毅地”意思.6.c the direction(朝着……的方向)才能同前一句the ball went towards a passing boat(球向着一只划过来的船飞去)的意思相符。ds(adv.向前方)词义不对,d(adj.向前的,在前部)也不合乎题目的意思, direction 不合乎语法。7.c ’t be seen 才能同前一句there weren’t any in sight(一个也看不见)的含义相符。’t see 是主动语态,不合乎题目意思,因为本句强调“被看见”应该用被动语态;’t seen 语态,时态都不正确;’t seen(没有被看见)是过去式,表示一种事实。本句强调他们“能否”被看见,而不是强调没被看见这一事实。8.c 前一句中的rowing 是“划船”的意思,(船桨)是划船用的。(行,争吵),(手杖,拐杖),(船或飞机的舵)都不是划船用的。9.d (喊叫)不合乎语法,不能直接跟宾语; with 表示喊叫的原因; for(为……喊)也不对,只有cried to(向……喊)最合乎语法。10.a (听到)词意思正确。 to(听)强调动作,而不强调结果;(介意,照料)不合乎题目意思; care of(照看)也不合乎题目意思。11.d d at(敲);




(打,击打)的词意思最符合题目意思。12.d eared(消失)是前半句中的run away 的结果。





新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解lesson 11

练习答案 key to written exercises 1.关键句型练习答案 a a he is now working(1.2)

b he gets(1.3);he always borrows(1.3);never pays it back(1.4)

c came in…worked(11.2-2);tony saw(1.4);came and sat(1.4);i asked him(1.6);he gave me(1.7);tony said(1.8)

d he has never borrowed(1.5);i have never borrowed(1.7)e i was having(1.1);he was eating(1.6)c 1 gets…got 2 have not had was writing…talked/ were talking 4 am typing passed/ were passing

d the taj mahal was built…after he became/ had become ruler, his wife… taj mahal was built in her s were called in…the taj mahal, which was begun in 1632 and(was)completed in 1654, cost a fortune…it has been visited by… 2.难点练习答案 a

a 1 the officer ordered the men to fire at the enemy.2 he wants his wife to wear this dress.3 she wants us to explain it.i cannot allow him to enter the room.b(sample sentences)1 he asked me to help him.2 we preferred her to stay at home.3 he taught me to speak mother wished me to collect the laundry.5 do you want her to visit you? b salary 2 lent…salary/ wages 3 borrowed 4 wages 5 wages 3.多项选择题答案

1.b根据课文第6-7行i asked him to lend me twenty pounds„ he gave me the moneyimmediately, 应该选b.而其他3个选择都不符合课文内容。

2.b根据文章第二阶段8-9行“i have never borrowed any money from you,...so now youcan pay for my dinner” writer hasn't ever lent him any moneybefore 是正确答案。 going 时态不对,go into 不表示延续时间很长的一个动作,不应该是进行时; gone时态不对,表示过去发生的动作,不应该用现在完成时; go 形式不对,只有在疑问句或表示强调的句子中,才能用这种形式;最符合该句的时态要求。

.a year ago(一年前), last year(自去年以来) ayear(有一年的时间)这三个表示时间的短语都不能用在现在进行时中。 the moment可以同现在进行时连用,因此选a.5.b这个句子是现在完成时,需要一个相应的时间短语。 week 不能作现在完成时的的时间状语;后面缺少表示时间的名词;d.a week ago 也不能做现在完成时的时间状语; tillnow(到目前为止)能同现在完成时连用,所以选b.6.c问“多少钱”需要用表示不可数的疑问词来提问。

many(多少)是对可数的事物或人提问的;不能对名词(钱)提问, few也不能对钱提问,只能修饰可数名词; much 是针对不可数的事物提问的,问“多少钱”,只能用how much提问, to 不合乎题目意思;语法不对,也不符合题目意思; want to 语序错误; you to 最合乎语法和题目意思。

才能使这个句子同前面的句子he gets a good salary的意思相同,而其他3个都与前面句子意思不符合。

, , 都不对, 合乎题目意思.10.c本句需要选出与前面句子中的pay back(偿还借款)意思相同的动词短语。 it again(再次付款)词意思不对; it(付钱,付清)意思不明确; it once more 同a意思相同; it有“偿还欠款或债务”的意思,同pay back 是同义词组, 前面应该有定冠词,不符合题目意思; 意思正确,但是前面缺少不定冠词;d.a different(不同的)不符合题目意思;r(另一个,再一个)最符合句子的含义。

12.d要找出同前面句子中immediately(立即.立刻)(不久)不是immediately a hurry(匆忙)不是immediately more(再一次) once(马上,立刻)是immediately 的同义词.


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