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2023年幼儿英语教学场景 幼儿英语教学常用口语(精选四篇)

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2023年幼儿英语教学场景 幼儿英语教学常用口语(精选四篇)
时间:2023-05-19 19:07:21     小编:xiejingc


幼儿英语教学场景 幼儿英语教学常用口语篇一




a、营造语言氛围环境是幼儿英语教学的首要原则。语言的起源是交际的需要,那就是说语言之所以能产生,是由环境“逼造”出来的,这就要求教师在教室内外多用英语设置环境。表述语意,切不可见学生听不懂看不明白就用汉语取而代之。幼儿园应为幼儿创设一个基本的英语环境,从英语课到活动课及午餐、午休等环节都应使幼儿有一个听英语和说英语的环境,把课堂教学同幼儿的自然习惯相结合。如画的太阳就写上“sun”,画的树就写上“tree”,画的花就写上“flower”,画的鸟就写上“bird”,画的蝴蝶就写上“butterfly”„„等等之类的。不过应该特别指出的是这些用外语设计的环境要经常引导幼儿去了解、去学习、不然就成了“只供菩萨不烧香”。仅只有环境的营造还不够,还需要教师语言的熏陶。英语教师在与孩子交流时应大量使用英语,其他工作人员和其他科任老师也应尽量地用英语表述问题,如幼儿进园就说“good morning”,吃早饭就问“what's for breakfast? ”,睡觉就说“go to bed”,起床就说“get up”,下午再说“good afternoon”,离园就说“good bye”。总之,我们要让幼儿随时随处能听到英语,感受到英语,要让幼儿好比身处外语世界一般。




幼儿英语教学场景 幼儿英语教学常用口语篇二


在小学英语教学的课堂上,有许多学生喜闻乐见、乐此不疲的活动形式,如play games, sing a song, have a race, say a rhyme等等。其中琅琅上口的chant是我们最常见、运用最广、操作最简单,也是学生最熟悉的一种课堂辅助形式,如果正确有效地使用,可以为我们的课堂“增光添彩”。

一.字母教学,let’s chant.对于初学英语的小学生来说,26个英文字母是他们认识的第一组“新朋友”,刚刚学会汉语拼音的他们,极易将两者弄混,特别是字形相近或读音相似的字母,如“b” 和“d”,“g” 和“j”,“r”和 “i”,“p” 和“q”,“u” 和“v”等。我设计了“b,b向右转,b,b第二个。”,“d,d向左转,d,d第四个。”,“g,g9带钩,j,j像鱼钩。”“r,r小树苗,i,i带帽子。”“p,p9转身,q,q像个9。”“u,u像酒杯,v,v像衣领。”基于chant简单易记,琅琅上口的原则,学生念得顺,记得牢,并不易忘记。



e 的家族有八位,bcde,gptv,e,e是族长。

/e/的家族没族长,它的成员有七位,flmn, sx 和z。

u 的家族有三位,uqw ,u,u是族长。

i 的家族只有两位,i,y谁是族长?, 当然当然是i。(手势指着自己)

r,o 家族只有一个,它们自己是族长。


二.单词教学,let’s chant.在学习字母的过程中,教师和学生都初尝chant教学所带来的“甜头”,那么在相应的单词教学中,教师仍可以继续发挥其无穷的魅力。如三年级上册的动物单词教学中,教师可示范“cat cat 喵喵叫,cat cat 是小猫,dog dog 汪汪汪,dog dog 是小狗……”接下来,放手让学生发挥“创意”,于是新奇的chant便一一亮相,如“monkey monkey 爱吃桃/爱爬树,monkey monkey 是小猴。”“panda,panda爱吃竹/黑眼圈,panda,panda是熊猫。”……学生的创意层出不穷。这种“原创chant”不仅让学生思维动起来,而且更具生命力,在学生的脑海扎得更深。

在随后的水果类、颜色类、食物类、文具类单词的教学中,学生的这种“原创chant”将大放异彩,如“apple,apple红又大,apple,apple是苹果。pear,pear水分多,pear,pear是鸭梨,banana,banana像小船,banana,banana是香蕉。……”“pen, pen爱吸水,pen, pen是钢笔,pencil,pencil尖脑袋,pencil,pencil是铅笔,ballpen, ballpen带小珠,ballpen, ballpen圆珠笔。pencil-box,pencil-box肚子大,pencil-box pencil-box铅笔盒,rubber,rubber真好用,有了错误我就擦。”……


三.音标教学,let’s chant.小学生的逻辑思维和理解力较弱,却充满了丰富的想象力。于是在一节音标课上,当我出示完[ ] 这个音标,没有像往常一样领读,而是有意地引导学生发挥想象“同学们,你们看这个音标像什么?” 学生们先是愣了一下,“今天的miss tao怎么有点不一样?”在得到我的点头肯定后,他们便争先恐后地举起手来。“像两个e背靠背。”“我说它像一朵花。”“一朵花?不错。那像什么花呢?”“菊花、喇叭花、梅花……”“是挺像的,那我们来给它取个好听的名字,叫做„梅花音‟。”学生们的积极性一下子被调动起来。接着一个个生动形象的音标名字层出不穷。“[ ]像个三角,何不叫它„三角音 ‟?”“ [i]戴顶小帽子,像个 „小绅士‟。”“[ ]多像我们的小耳朵啊。叫它„耳朵音‟吧。”“[ ]不是我们的老朋友了吗?一个倒的e,发音有点像„饿‟。”“那正的[e]像一个人在笑,我说叫它„开口笑‟。”……大家你一言我一语地发表“高见”,还时不时对别人的形容作出评价,并提出自己的看法。一节原本生涩难懂的音标课就在孩子们无限的想象和激烈的讨论中完成了,而他们对自己的小小创意也是颇为得意的。有一个教育者曾经这样说过“如果你给了鸟儿飞翔的自由,它会比你想像中飞得更高。”在读准单词的基础上,我们可以结合以上的形象记忆法进行归纳记忆,并编成顺口溜口诀:

a的字母五种音,[ei]字母音,[ ]梅花音,[a:]看牙医,[ ]耳朵音,[ ]我饿了.e的字母两种音,[i:]字母音,[e]开口笑。


o的字母四种音,[ou]字母音,[ ]三角音,[ ]像耳朵,[u:]别哭了。

u的字母四种音,[ju:]字母音,[ ]三角音,[u]发短音,[u:]别哭了。


四.句型教学,let’s chant.不仅单词可以使用“chant”进行教学,一些句型,特别是对于学生难念的长句子,教师可利用chant进行分解教学。如“can i have a look?”一句,对于三年级的学生难度较高,如果是一直机械地跟着教师重复,不仅错误率较高,而且容易导致学生产生“挫败感”。我们不妨可以利用这样的chant:“look,look,have a look” “can i ,can i” “can i have a look?”,效果“立竿见影”。又如“what else do you need?”一句的教学,学生对于else的尾音/s/特别容易漏读,即我们常说的“吃音”现象。而这时一个chant 就能“化险为夷”:“else,else,what else?”,“do you need,do you need” “what else do you need?”

五.对话教学,let’s chant.在对话教学的过程中,chant的作用也是不可小视的,三年级下册中的教学内容有句型“what‟s …plus…?”, “what‟s...minus...?”及其回答“it‟s....”及相应的评价“that‟s , you are wrong.”。对话教学完毕后,教师可设计一个整体的chant以此对整个语篇进行巩固和整体回顾。

plus,plus,what‟s one plus one?

two,two, it‟s ,yes, you‟re ,minus, what‟s ten minus two?

seven,seven,it‟s ,sorry, you‟re wrong.(以上部分边打拍子边齐念)

so what‟s it?(师问全体学生)

eight,eight, it‟s eight.(全体学生回答)

yes,yes, you‟re right.(师评价)


六.语法教学,let’s chant.当学生渐渐步入高年级的英语课堂后,越来越多的语法知识将占据他们学习英语的空间,如现在进行时,一般过去时的用法,have 和has的用法等等,千头万绪,学生一时无从抓起,长此以往,部分学生一遇到语法知识,便产生了“怕”和“怵”的心理。如何利用chant帮助他们更好地掌握语法知识呢?如现在进行时的基本结构是be动词+动词ing,可在实践的练习过程中,多数学生往往只亲睐于动词ing,对于be动词的用法不够敏感,常常丢掉它。与其教师一遍遍地强调be动词+动词ing的结构,不如将其编成chant:“现在进行时,正在发生的事。be动词is,am,are,后面紧随动词ing, be动词+动词ing,一个都不能少。”又如have 和has的用法区别,学生易混淆,一个chant也可以帮他们准确地区分:“have,has都是有,you,i,复数后用have,其他的全部用has.”除了chant的辅助作用,语法教学还需要一定练习训练,才能掌握得更扎实。


幼儿英语教学场景 幼儿英语教学常用口语篇三


本学期听了几十节英语课,发现有很多教师在课堂教学中都很喜欢使用chant。chant 又称数来宝,它的特点是短小、生动、有趣,它特有的音调节奏很受学生喜欢。好的chant 简单易懂、上口快、容易记忆,节奏感强,轻松有趣,有助于学生的听、说、读的训练。同时,对培养学生的学习兴趣、良好的思想品德和行为习惯有着重要的辅助作用。因此在教学中,教师应恰当运用chant,以有助于课堂效率的提高。本文从chant 的运用效果方面阐明英语歌谣在课堂教学中的作用,并提出在教学上使用英语歌谣的注意事项,以求使英语歌谣能有效地推动小学英语教学。

【课堂实录1】(通过freetalk,师自然引出hobby 的话题)t: what are your hobbies? s1: i like reading.s2: i like playing football.s3: i like singing.t: very , boys and ’s say a chant“: my hobbies”.(课件展示chant)surf, surf ,surf the , play,play , go ,go , do, do , watch, watch , listen, listen to ,catch, catch butterflies.画线部分为新授内容,教师通过这个chant 自然地从复习过渡到了新授环节,并激起了学生学习新知的兴趣。

【课堂实录2】(学生学习了单词juice、noodles、coffee、pies、sweets、biscuits、chocolate 后,教师让他们试着读以下的chant)lunch train juice, juice ,, coffee, , sweets, , milk, t, biscuit, , jummy, jummy!教师让学生根据chant,边读边做游戏。学生在游戏过程中,很好地锻炼了听、说、读的能力,并快速地掌握了新词。

【课堂实录3】(教师上完policeman 之后, 请学生一起念一首chant)t: let’s say a chant.i’m a policeman, a tall ’s a policewoman, a nice policewoman(.由于又增加了tall、nice 这些单词,学生很费力地读完)(教师上完worker 后,又请学生一起念一首chant)

t: let’s say a ’re a worker, a very good worker.i’m a waiter, a happy happy waiter.(“very good”、“happy”对四年级的学生而言,流利的读出有一定的难度。读这些chant,占去了大量课堂时间,影响了教学目标的实现)


那么,如何合理地运用chant 呢? 1.课堂起始阶段插入。

(1)渲染英语课堂气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣。“教学应从诱发和激起求知欲开始,从做好学习的心理准备开始。”在课堂初始阶段插入歌谣,既可安定学生的情绪,又可以让其慢慢进入英语课堂的学习氛围。如在全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛的决赛中,西安的李玉华老师在课堂的起始阶段安排学生齐唱“if you are happy”:“if you are happy and you know it,clap your hands(.clap, clap)?”让学生拍拍手,动一动,紧张的课堂气氛便被愉快的歌声舒缓下来。在课堂起始阶段调整了学生的学习情绪,激发了学生的

学习兴趣并集中了学生的注意力。最后,这一节课在评选中获得一等奖。(2)承上启下,导入新课。课堂起始阶段插入chant,可以为开展新课教学作铺垫。在教学中,许多教师在课堂的开始,采用表演课文或交谈过渡到新课,有时这种做法会令学生精神紧张而造成学生课堂尾段疲劳,或授课时已经精神分散。如果在课堂的起始阶段选择合适的歌谣,不但可放松学生的精神,而且可起到承上启下、事半功倍的作用。如在学习句型“what does she/ he want to be?”时,先让学生唱歌谣“i want to be?”,通过动作了解歌曲大意,然后再转入新课这样既复习了关于工作的单词,又以歌唱的形式把


(1)操练和巩固新知。课堂发展阶段运用歌谣是最常用的教学方式,歌谣一方面可以帮助操练新知识,另一方面可以拓展学生的知识面。如在课堂实录2 中,教师插入chant———lunch train,让全班学生边说边演,不但让学生很快地复习了新知,而且课堂充满充满了趣味,使学生在不知不觉中牢牢掌握了新词。(2)快捷记忆单词、句型。

①用于相近读音中的单词教学。在编chant 时,教师应尽量用读音相近的单词,朗朗上口,从而让学生轻松地记忆单词,避免另加新单词。如我在单词教学中,发现有的单词的发音极其接近,学生在记忆时经常混淆,如ball 和boy, kite 和cat,mouth 和mouse.于是,我自编chant 让学生记忆:ball , ball 是只球;boy ,boy 是男孩。mouse,mouse 叽叽叽;mouth, mouth 啦啦啦。kite, kite fly the kite;cat ,cat at home.②用于句型教学。chant 用于句型教学能起到意想不到的效果,如教学“how are you?”句型时,我利用chant 让学生记忆句型,收到了很好的教学效果。how are you? fine, thank are you? i’m fine, thank are you? very well,thank you.3.课堂结束阶段的运用。在课堂结束时,利用歌谣检查学生的学习情况和反馈教学效果,可以激发学生主动参与,容易为学生所接受。如复习schoolthings 时,教师可以引用歌谣“pen and pencil”:

“pen, pencil, ruler, book and , pencil,ruler, book, rubber and pencil-case, pencil-sharpener.i pack my bag every day.”作为评价标准,以检查学生的学习情况。这首歌谣中包含了新课的重点单词“pen, pencil, ruler, book, rubber, pencil-case, pencilsharpener”与句型“i pack my bag every day ”。学生对歌谣的掌握情况直接反映学生的学习情况。4.课外拓展的运用。我不仅在课上让学生使用chant,还鼓励学生在课后多编、多说、多演,体验英语学习就在生活中。我常常能听到学生念着课上的chant 欢快奔出课堂,看到孩子们在课间用自编的chant 开心地做游戏??chant 具有浓郁的趣味性和极强的魅力,恰当地使用它,不但可以活跃课堂气氛,突破教学难点,而且可以发展学生的语言能力。

另外,使用chant 时,应注意不选用晦涩难懂的英语歌谣,不滥用英语歌谣。古语云:“过犹不及。”一般课堂上使用一到两首歌谣效果比较好。不宜采用节奏难掌握的英语歌谣,不使用不符合儿童心理特点的歌谣。儿童以形象思维为主,chant 最好用简单的

动作或事物表达出歌词的意思,令学生产生形象记忆,以利于记忆知识。歌词也应当简单、容易上口。复杂的歌词令学生感到有压力,从而产生心理负担。chant 简单易懂、轻快直观,符合小学生的心理特点。只要善于在教学中用英语歌谣来教授课本抽象的知识,就可以启发学生的想像力与创造力,培养学生的创新精神;只要在教学中合理地使用英语歌谣,就可以激发学生的学习兴趣,渲染课堂气氛,增强学生的自信心,减轻学生的学习负担。我们一定要合理使用chant,以促进课堂教学效率的提高。


动物园,动物多,小朋友,听我说,tiger tiger 是老虎,凶猛的老虎有斑纹,stripes stripes 是斑纹; lion lion 金毛狮,金色的狮子有鬣毛,mane mane 是鬣毛; elephant elephant 是大象,可爱的大象鼻子长,trunk trunk 是象鼻; kangaroo kangaroo 是袋鼠,育儿袋里装宝宝,pouch pouch 育儿袋; 动物特征记得牢,保护动物我第一。



五彩的flower真美丽,in front of房前种。清清的river潺潺流,behind、behind房后走。葱葱的tree遮绿荫,beside、beside站两旁。


一月january雪花飞; 二月 february年来到; 三月 march花儿笑; 四月 april风筝飞; 五月may去劳动; 六月june节日到; 七月july向着党; 八月 august烈日照; 九月 september回学校; 十月 october庆国庆;

十一月 november 初冬到; 十二月december过圣诞。




green绿,purple紫,orange橙色桔子样,pink粉红画女郎; black黑,white白,brown棕色画座房。形状歌

shape 形状真奇妙,直线、方形、圆、三角,line,line, square, circle, circle, triangle, triangle 三条边,line 就是一条线,circle 是个大圆圈, square 方形记心间.方向歌

east东,太阳红,west西,月儿明; south南方天气热,north北方天气冷。物主代词

我的my,你的your,男的他的用his, 女的她的就用her, 物品它的用its, 我们的our ,你们的your,动词

我是am,你是are, is跟着他、她、它, 复数全部都用are

幼儿英语教学场景 幼儿英语教学常用口语篇四

what are you doing now

what are you doing now? i am reading are you doing now? i am jumping are you doing now? i am running are you doing now? i am laughing hi hi hi ha ha ha ha ha ears nose mouth chant chua chua ears , eng eng nose, sh sh mouth, um um song

hello hello how are you , fine , fine, fine ,thank hello how are you, oh oh just so hello how are you, no no i am song

left , left ,right ,right ,go ,turn around go go go!hing is moving now

everything is moving me show you head is shaking, shaking ,shaking, arms are swing, swing ,swing , legs are moving, moving, moving ,ger

hamburger hamburger turn around hamburger hamburger touch the ground hamburger hamburger reach up high hamburger hamburger touch the sky s chant

point up, point down ,show me one stand up ,sit down, show me two clap your hands and stamp your feet, show me to me listen to me a , write b , show me

doctor doctor help help nurse nurse shoot shoot shoot buzz!ouch.9.what can you see look ,look what can you see? i can see a bird in the tree.i can see a monkey drinking tea.i can see a tiger watching ha ha 10.take a bath

you are dirty , you are we dirty , are we a a ya ya ya.i am song apple round, apple red, apple juicy, apple sweet, apple, apple, i love sweet i love to thumb up big thumb up, big thumb down, clap your hands, turn around;big thumb up, big thumb dowm, stamp your feet, turn around;big thumb up, big thumb down, come here, ……, go back sit bad wolf who’s afraid of the big bad wolf, big bad wolf, big bad wolf, who’s afraid of the big bad wolf, la ha ha ha ha…….(ss go back)nt elephant, elephant, why is your nose so long? that’s because my mother’s nose is also very boys one little, two little, three little indians;four little, five little, six little indians;seven little, eight little, nine little indians;ten little indian boys.(from 10 to 1) bridge london bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down, london bridge is falling down, my fair g song g, walking, walking, walking;jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump;running, running, running, running, running;running, now we g, walking, walking, walking;one plus one, one plus one;running, running, running, running, running, running;equals two, equals song if you’re happy, and you know it, you clap your hands;if you’re happy, and you know it, you clap your hands;if you’re happy, and you know it, and you really want to show it,if you’re happy and you know it, you clap your hands.(stamp your feet, give me a kiss, say “hurrah”)

shoulders knees and toes head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes, head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes, eyes, ears, mouth and nose, head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and , eyes eyes, eyes, shuar….shuar….shuar….;ears, ears, ah….ah….ah….;nose, nose, no, no, no;mouth, mouth,(kiss),(kiss),(kiss)hands, hands,(clap),(clap),(clap);feet, feet,(stamp),(stamp),(stamp), angry, angry, hern, hern, hern;shy, shy, hern, hern, hern cry, cry, wuu, wuu, wuu;happy, happy, haa, haa, haa is thumbkin? where is thumbkin? where is thumbkin? here i i are you this morning? very well and thank away, run away.(pointer, tall man, ring man, pinky), rain, go away rain, rain, go away, come again another day, little kay wants to play,(little kids/children)rain, rain, go e here is a beehive, where are the bees, hidden away, and nobody sees, watch and see them come out of the hive, one, two, three, four, five, zzzzzzzz…….. to find a good friend fry to find, try to find, try to find a good friend, solutions and shake your hands, you and i are good s 1 finger, 1finger, turn turn turn, turn to what, turn to a brush, shua shua shua 2 finger, 2finger, turn turn turn, turn to what, turn to a rabbit, jump jump jump 3 finger, 3finger, turn turn turn, turn to what, turn to a fork, yummy yummy yummy 4 finger, 4finger, turn turn turn, turn to what, turn to a cat, meoow meoow meoow 5 finger, 5finger, turn turn turn, turn to what, turn to a tiger, ouuu ouuu ouuu 6 finger, 6finger, turn turn turn, turn to what, turn to a cow, murnn murnn murnn 7 finger, 7finger, turn turn turn, turn to what, turn to a snake, s s s finger, 8finger, turn turn turn, turn to what, turn to a gun, bunn bunn bunn 9 finger, 9finger, turn turn turn, turn to what, turn to a hook, 1 2 3 10 finger, 10finger, turn turn turn, turn to what, turn to a stone, paper scissors stone ody look at me everybody look at me, please shake your body, i want to know if you are , my body, you and a shakula, shakula, shakula to u;shakula, shakula, shakula to n;shakula, shakula, shakula to m;shakula, shakula, shakula to you and and down up, up, touch your head;down, down, touch your toes;up and down, turn around;wiggle your body, please sit face two big eyes, one little nose, two big hands, ten little toes, one big mouth, two small ears, long straight hair, what a funny face, ha ha ha ha, make a funny face, ha ha ha ……. shake shake, shake, head to toes;shake, shake, mouth to ears;shake, shake, ears to your boat , row, row your boat;gently down the stream;merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily;life is but a , walk walk in the sun;walk in the sun;merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily;walk in the sun.(jump--wind, run—rain)r, teacher, what do you see? teacher, teacher, what do you see? i see a bird singing in the tree.(teacher)bird, bird, what do you see? i see a fish swimming in the sea.(bird)fish, fish, what do you see? i see a frog looking at me.(fish)frog, frog, what do you see? i see a pig watching tv.(frog)pig, pig, what do you see? i see a ……aho, i want to go peepee!(pig) and dry here is some soap and shampoo, here is a towel just for you, here is a pair of slippers, a bathmat just for your body, wash your hair;dry your body, dry your yourself and dry yourself, every where!34.i’m hungry

i’m hungry, have some , i have some ’s all, there is no more? no more!no more? no more!(hungry—cookie;thirsty—milk;thirsty—juice)e, little star twinkle, twinkle, little i wonder what you above the world so high, like a diamond in the e, twinkle, little star, how i wander what you s 1-10 1, 1, run, run, run;2, 2, go the zoo;3, 3, swim in the sea;4, 4, stay by the shore;5, 5, find a beehive;6, 6, pick up the sticks;7, 7, go to 7-11;8, 8, stand by the gate;9, 9, from a line;10, 10, catch the hen.3s 1-5 1, 1, there is one sun;2, 2, there are two shoes;3, 3, there are three trees;4, 4, there are four doors;5, 5, there are five , hey 1, 2, hey, are you today? 1, 2, hey, ’s a nice day.1, 2, hey, birthday!1, 2, hey, en’s day!yeah! pocky you put your right hand in, you put your right hand out;you put your right hand in, and you shake it all about;that’s what it is all about.(left hand, right foot, left foot, right hip, left hip, right shoulder, left shoulder, head, wholeself)oo i can jump, jump, jump, i can jump, jump, jump, i’m a little ne you are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy, when skys are never know dear, how much i love you, please don’t take my sunshine hop i jump, i hop, i run, run, run;i jump, i hop, i turn around;i jump, i hop, i bend my the bus people on the bus go up and down, up and down, up and down, people on the bus go up and down, all through the tow.(the babies-hernn hernn;the ’t cry;the cows-nurnn…) song sunday la la la;monday la la la;tuesday la la la;wednesday la la la;thursday la la la;friday la la la;saturday la la la song fishes, fishes, where are you? can you show me where they , fishes, there they are swimming in the lake(sea).ds song monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, and days of ay and sunday, saturday and sunday are ’s great! are you doing i’m listening to music.i’m reading a book.i’m writing a here and look.i’m playing football.i’m talking to you.i’m doing my you doing it too? is a word/fruit/…..in my and jill two little black bird sitting on the hill;one named jack, the other named away jack, fly away jill;come back jack, come back theme songs barney is a dinosaur, from our imagination, and when he’s tall he’s what we call, a dinosaur everyone stand in a row bend down bend down, touch your toes, hello everyone stand in a line, hands up hands down close your happy happy everyday la la la la la la happy sunny sunny it’s a sunny on, let’s go, let’s go to , ’s a sunny morning(song)good morning.i’m your ’re my ’s your name? my name is stand up!please sit down!good morning.i’m your ’re my ’s your name? i’m stand up!please sit down!good morning!good morning!good morning…!’s ready

breakfast’s(lunch’s, dinner’s)’s on the ast’s(lunch’s, dinner’s)ready ’s the knife, the fork, the ’s the placemat, where’s the , we’re ’s and girls stand in a down, bend down, touch your and girls stand in a up, stand up, close your on and a place for you and on to , happy, a.b.c.58.a.b.c.d.e.f.g.i’m to me.h.i.j.k.l.m.n.i’m again.o.p.q.r.s.t.u.i’m about you? v.w.x.y.z.i’m you know me?

, hello, , hello, 1, 2, 3 hello, hello, you and us let us la let us cha let’s have a 61.i see red.i see brown.i stand up.i sit down.i see orange.i see blue.i see a tiger in the doodle went to town, riding on a stuck a feather in his cap, and called it macaroni.


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