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格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-05-14 13:50:36
时间:2023-05-14 13:50:36     小编:xiejingc








不愧是夏天,骄阳似火,酷暑炙人,趁着天空万里无云, 我和刘力哥顶着炎炎赤日去攀登深圳最有名的、最秀丽的山— —莲花山。

说到莲花山,大家一定不陌生,可对于昨天初到深圳的刘 力哥来说,那可是件新鲜事儿。 我们从莲花山的东门上山,一路上,我们看到了各种热带植物,有的笔直,有的斜着掩盖了一片天空;的是一片单调的 绿,有的树叶旁还有众星拱月般的无名小花簇拥着它们

拐进一条人比较少的小道,虽然人少,但那却不可以证明这条 小道的景色比大道逊色:绿树成荫、摇曳多姿、翠色欲流、枝繁 叶茂、百花盛开、姹紫嫣红、争苏斗妍、生气勃勃……所能形 容此地的形容词可谓是枚不胜举。

走着走着,我们看见前面有一块巨大的、深红色的石碑, 上面深深地刻着“我是人民的儿子,我深情地爱着我的祖国和 人民。”几个苍劲有力、金色的大字,我的第一反映便是拉着 刘力哥向前冲去,果然没跑多远,就看见了望着深圳南面的、著名的邓爷爷——深圳特区的创始人和改革开放的伟大总 设计师。

顺着雕像所看的方向放眼望去,看到的是线条流畅,色彩 鲜明的市政大厦(市民中心);设计独特、气势宏伟的图书 馆、音乐厅;变化繁多、容量巨大的青少年宫。

望着山脚下日新月异的深圳的变化,我不禁感慨万千,伟 大的设计师们为我们铺设的这条道路,我们一定要将她建设得 更加美好!!!


不愧是夏天,骄阳似火,酷暑炙人,趁着天空万里无云, 我和刘力哥顶着炎炎赤日去攀登深圳最有名的、最秀丽的山— —莲花山。

说到莲花山,大家一定不陌生,可对于昨天初到深圳的刘 力哥来说,那可是件新鲜事儿。 我们从莲花山的东门上山,一路上,我们看到了各种热带植物,有的笔直,有的斜着掩盖了一片天空;的是一片单调的 绿,有的树叶旁还有众星拱月般的无名小花簇拥着它们

拐进一条人比较少的小道,虽然人少,但那却不可以证明这条 小道的景色比大道逊色:绿树成荫、摇曳多姿、翠色欲流、枝繁 叶茂、百花盛开、姹紫嫣红、争苏斗妍、生气勃勃……所能形 容此地的形容词可谓是枚不胜举。

走着走着,我们看见前面有一块巨大的、深红色的石碑, 上面深深地刻着“我是人民的儿子,我深情地爱着我的祖国和 人民。”几个苍劲有力、金色的大字,我的第一反映便是拉着 刘力哥向前冲去,果然没跑多远,就看见了望着深圳南面的、著名的邓xx爷爷——深圳特区的创始人和改革开放的伟大总 设计师。

顺着雕像所看的方向放眼望去,看到的是线条流畅,色彩 鲜明的市政大厦(市民中心);设计独特、气势宏伟的图书 馆、音乐厅;变化繁多、容量巨大的青少年宫。

望着山脚下日新月异的深圳的变化,我不禁感慨万千,伟 大的设计师们为我们铺设的这条道路,我们一定要将她建设得 更加美好!!!









** in as a travel agency sales, stores primarily responsible for the reception of guests

** in as a travel agency primarily responsible for sales of products sold in europe and other lines, independent process to resolve the problems in the sales.

a web site in as marketing assistant main duties:

online and offline activities, planning, implementation, activities on-site implementation

in 2005, as a sales job * travel, mainly responsible for the reception guests outlets

2006 in * * travel as sales is mainly responsible for the marketing europe etc, independent in solving product lines in the process of sales.

a website in 2007 as the market assistant responsibilities:

online and offline event planning, execution, the execution

in 2005,i was engaged in sales work in an agent, mainly in charged of reception of retail customers,and in 2006, i was in charged of sales of goods aimed at europe and independently solved the problems in the sale process. in 2007,i worked as marketing assistant in a website, my main duties concerning online or offline event planning, execution and so on.




shenzhen is the youngest city of china. though it has a history of 7,000 years, its true development didnt start until 1980 when china start its refom and openging policy, so i believe most of of the chinese will recognize it as the youngest city. with its vigour of youth, shenzhen has developed at an incredible speed. in a time range of 30 years, it has changed from a nameless fish town to one of the most prosperous city in china. and shenzhen yet, hasnt stopped its pace of growing. in summer , it will hold the 26th universiade whose magor stadium, chunchan, has became a mew sight of the city. i firmly believe shenzhen will be even more recognized worldwidely after this game.


shenzhen is rich in its native produce, such as “three yellow chickens” from longgang, litchi from nantou, peach from nanshan, pear from shiyan, mandarin orange from jinggui, square persimmons from longhua. wildlife in the list of state protection is tiger-striped frogs, boas, rhesus monkeys, zibets, leopards, and pangolins. shenzhen has 230 kilometers long coastline with a wealth of aquatics, of which oyster from shajing is a special native produce.

a system of tourist attractions characterized by distinctively local and natural and cultural touches has taken shape in shenzhen. there are 50 attraction sites inluding, among others, such as the offshore field in the west, the sarafi park, overseas chinese town holiday resort and golf club at guanlanhu (the two grade aaaa attractions), aircraft carrier minsks


speaking of shenzhen’s tourism, of course there are numerous “theme parks” famous both in china and overseas, because shenzhen’s theme parks are not only multitudinous but also excellent, they take the lead in china’s theme parks, some people even entitle shenzhen the “capital of thematic parks” as a good fame. whether it is the window of the world of “you give me one day, and i will give one world” or the splendid china folk culture village of “walking into the history by one step, and traveling all around china by one day”; whether it is the happy valley of “prosperous bustling urban happy land” or minsk aircraft carrier bearing glory and dreams, all of them are not only a series of wonderful exhibitions, but also one vivid miniature after another of blend of the chinese culture with the world civilization. a tour of shenzhen’s thematic parks should not miss several large-scale literary performances there – the music epic distinguished and admirable heroes of bygone years in the window of the world, the singing and dancing pageant dragons and phoenixes dancing in china in the china folk culture village, and the urban melodrama unlimited gladness in the happy of the.


on june 18, 1994 started doing business window of the shenzhen world,was situated to the beautiful shenzhen bay bank, the area 480,000square meters. the scenic area spanides into the world square, theasian area, the oceanian area, the european area, the african area,the americas area, the world sculpture garden and the internationalstreet eight wide ranges according to the world region structure andthe tour active content. as take brings honor to the world cultureessence as the subject large-scale cultural traveling scenic area, shegathers together 130 worlds famous landscapes, the collection naturalscenery, the folk custom character and style, the folk dance, thelarge-scale performance as well as the high tech participation projectto a garden, has reappeared a wonderful world.


shenzhen city, guangdong province, china and south africa is located in coastal areas, north east of the pearl river peoples republic of china is located in shenzhen city, guangdong province, china and south africa along the coast, land area location of longitude 113 ° 46 to 114 ° 37, latitude 22 ° 27 to 22 ° 52. kilometers from east to west, north-south width (the shortest department) is km, east of mirs bay, west lianzhu estuary, south of hong kong and kowloon peninsula, bordering the new territories of hong kong acroa river, known as the xxxhong kongs back garden . xxxshenzhen this emerging clean and beautiful city, four seasons vegetation cong long, the local government according to local conditions to develop a number of tourist attractions, natural scenery and unique combination of man-made structures. shenzhen has a long history, culture developed, is also very rich in tourism resources, save on the ground, the ground is very rich in cultural relics

80 years, shenzhen museum, archaeologists conducted a survey on cultural relics and found a large number of valuable ancient buildings, ancient ruins, ancient tombs, ancient temples, ancient sites and scenic spots and so on. shenzhen municipal peoples government in 1983 and has published two groups of key cultural relics protection units, and monuments were restored, reproduction of the original style, in order for visitors to view.

shenzhen is a sub-provincial city of guangdong province in southern china, located at the border with the hong kong special administrative region. shenzhen is a centre of foreign investment and since the late 1970s has been one of the fastest growing cities in the world. it is also the busiest port in china. in the past two decades, outsiders have invested more than $30 billion in shenzhen for building factories and forming joint ventures.

the one-time fishing village of shenzhen, singled out by late chinese paramount leader deng xiaoping, was the first of the special economic zones (sez) in china. it was originally established in 1979 due to its proximity to hong kong, then a prosperous british colony. the sez was created to be an experimental ground of capitalism in xxxsocialism with chinese

the location was chosen to attract industrial investments from hong kong since the two places share the same language, dialect and culture. the concept proved to be a great success, propelling the further opening up of china and continuous economic reform. shenzhen eventually became one of the largest cities in the pearl river delta region, which has become one of the economic powerhouses of china as well as the largest manufacturing base in the world.

shenzhen, formerly known as baoan county, was promoted to prefecture level, directly governed by guangdong province, in november 1979. in may 1980, shenzhen was formally nominated as a special economic zone, the first one of its kind in china. it was given the right of provincial-level economic administration in november 1988.

shenzhen is the earliest of the five special economic zones in china. deng xiaoping is usually credited with the opening up of economic revival in china, often epitomized with the city of shenzhen, which profited the most from the first legacies of deng.

the boomtown of shenzhen is located in the pearl river delta. the municipality covers an area of 2,020 km² (780 sq. miles) including urban and rural areas, with a population of thirteen million. shenzhen is a sub-tropical maritime region, with frequent tropical cyclones in summer and early autumn, with an average temperature of °c year-round (72°f) although daytime temperatures can exceed 35°c.

shenzhen is located on the border with the hong kong sar acrothe sham chun river and sha tau kok river, 160 km south of the provincial capital of guangzhou, and 70 km south of the industrial city of dongguan. to the west, the resort city of zhuhai is a 60 km away.

although shenzhen enjoys a good reputation for shopping and travel, some hong kong citizens are concerned about the relatively high crime rate in shenzhen. reports of businessmen and tourists being robbed and kidnapped in shenzhen are not uncommon in hong kong newspa-pe-rs.

shenzhens major tourist attractions include the chinese folk culture villages, the window of the world, happy valley, splendid china and the safari park in nanshan district, the dameisha promenade and xiaomeisha beach resort in yantian district, zhongying street, xianhu lake botanical garden, and the minsk world. the city also offers free admission to a number of public parks including the lianhuashan park, lizhi park and wutongshan park. shenzhen is famous for the great variety of cuisines that its numerous restaurants provide.


at the end of the zhou dynasty, the area we now know as china had fallen into a state of fragmentation and conflict. while the zhou dynasty had ruled for several centuries, several other states, originally feudal domains, tried to carve out their own kingdoms. the state of qin would eventually emerge the victor and unify all of china under one rule for the first time in history.

qu yuan served as minister to the zhou emperor. a wise and articulate man, he was loved by the common people. he did much to fight against the rampant corruption that plagued the court-- thereby earning the envy and fear of other officials. therefore, when he urged the emperor to avoid conflict with the qin kingdom, the officials pressured the emperor to have him removed from service. in exile, he traveled, taught and wrote for several years. hearing that the zhou had been defeated by the qin, he fell into despair and threw himself into the milou river. his last poem reads:

many a heavy sigh i have in my despair,

grieving that i was born in such an unlucky time.

i yoked a team of jade dragons to a phoenix chariot,

and waited for the wind to come,

to sour up on my journey

as he was so loved by the people, fishermen rushed out in long boats, beating drums to scare the fish away, and throwing zong zi into the water to feed braver fish so that they would not eat qu yuans body.

the modern dragon boat festival started from that time to this day, people commemorated qu yuan through dragon boat races, eating zong zi, and several other activities, on the anniversary of his death: the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.

dragon boat races are the most exciting part of the festival, drawing crowds of spectators. dragon boats are generally brightly painted and decorated canoes. ranging anywhere from 40 to 100 feet in length, their heads are shaped like open-mouthed dragons, while the sterns end with a scaly




teachers day is on september 10th every year.(教师节在每年的九月十日。)


teachers day is a teacher to teach holiday a peoples republic of china for the current year on september the founding of the prc, cancelled 1951 teachers day, 1985 reconstruction of the teachers day, on september 10th, still in use there are more and more people in the initiative will confucius birthdays as teachers.



on teachers dayeve, the superior departments will have to salute some retired teacher, thank them for the party, for the cause of education and made great school, students will give the teacher some meaningful gift,for example at home or outdoors picking flowers;homemade holiday card, the card to write on the heartfelt speech, wish happy teachers day.

the seniors are also spontaneously organized rehearsing some interesting literary program,on teachers day, dedicated to the beloved teacher, teacher and spent the happy day.



teachers day, different countries have different way to celebrate. for example:

teachers day in albania is on march 7th every year, is the day before mothers day. teachers day in the day, albania day holiday.

the czech teachers day is a holiday, on march 28th, the day is janá moskomensky ( comenius ) birthday. the students in the teachers day to give flowers to their teacher.

teachers day in india is on september 5th, and to commemorate the india second president , he is also an educator. traditionally, the india teacher s day, the school work is handed over to the higher grade students, teachers can leave.


our teachers day is celebrated in much the same way from other also vary depending on the area there is also some no matter what, are inseparable from the happy teachers day on this theme, the students will give teachers send to express his meaning a gift, even if it is to send a flower, can also reflect the deep feeling of teacher and student








have you been to shenzhen, you have been to shenzhen to know that the folk culture village is one of the ten major scenic spots in shenzhen, and today i was lucky to have a visit to the folk culture village.

approaching the folk village, we see a big sign of xxxchinese folk culture villagexxx.

as soon as i entered the gate, i saw the comic pavilion, the tea house... there are all the things, and we walk around to appreciate the ancient architecture, as if we have returned to the old town.

walking is heard very lively hubbub, i have attracted attention in the past, a look that is a group of people playing throwing hydrangea, that is not really throwing hydrangea, is a piece of the score board, a ball, a rope, a ball, as long as gently swinging rope let go the ball flew across the score board. to see who scored the most, i also took part in one, and my luck was not so good, eight balls only two hit the score board. its xxxbad luckxxx.

in the end throwing hydrangea, walk on a white horse into my sight, you may not know, but i am a xxxlostxxx i want to see the horse for a circle, but dad had to wash pockets, i cant wait to cross on horseback, feel so good. but when i walk around and play it back, im scared to death. its a real repent.

we walk, see miao, buyi village...... , there are musical instruments, sandals, clothing and so on, every village has its own characteristics, make me feel dizzy.

the most attractive thing for me is the xxxtorrentxxx of the project, we put on a raincoat, seat in float like a ship, slowly move away, along the way, look at the scenery on both sides, looking at the animal model one by one, imagine the animal model is used to do? i thought, i felt water sprayed on my face, and the water came from there? it turned out to be from the animals mouth. we slowly drifted with the curtain, there are waves, we are always on tenterhooks floating forward, it is impossible to guard against, spray a body of water, they use every kind of the way to the us. it was not easy to go ashore, and it was shot two times by a water gun. the whole down a xxxsoaked .

the chinese folk culture village is really fun. i dont introduce it here. friends, if you have the opportunity to visit yourself.
















不愧是夏天,骄阳似火,酷暑炙人,趁着天空万里无云, 我和刘力哥顶着炎炎赤日去攀登深圳最有名的、最秀丽的山— —莲花山。

说到莲花山,大家一定不陌生,可对于昨天初到深圳的刘 力哥来说,那可是件新鲜事儿。 我们从莲花山的东门上山,一路上,我们看到了各种热带植物,有的笔直,有的斜着掩盖了一片天空;的是一片单调的 绿,有的树叶旁还有众星拱月般的无名小花簇拥着它们

拐进一条人比较少的小道,虽然人少,但那却不可以证明这条 小道的景色比大道逊色:绿树成荫、摇曳多姿、翠色欲流、枝繁 叶茂、百花盛开、姹紫嫣红、争苏斗妍、生气勃勃……所能形 容此地的形容词可谓是枚不胜举。

走着走着,我们看见前面有一块巨大的、深红色的石碑, 上面深深地刻着“我是人民的儿子,我深情地爱着我的祖国和 人民。”几个苍劲有力、金色的大字,我的第一反映便是拉着 刘力哥向前冲去,果然没跑多远,就看见了望着深圳南面的、著名的邓爷爷——深圳特区的创始人和改革开放的伟大总 设计师。

顺着雕像所看的方向放眼望去,看到的是线条流畅,色彩 鲜明的市政大厦(市民中心);设计独特、气势宏伟的图书 馆、音乐厅;变化繁多、容量巨大的青少年宫。

望着山脚下日新月异的深圳的变化,我不禁感慨万千,伟 大的设计师们为我们铺设的这条道路,我们一定要将她建设得 更加美好!!!



春天,大地焕然一新,百花争奇斗艳, 虽说深圳四季常绿,没有多大的变化,可是路边有些树木还是要应节,在冬日时早把绿色的“衣裳”兑得干干净净;现在春天来,又不厌其烦的换上新装。枯黄了整个冬天的小草又披上了翠绿的斗篷,公园里的许多的花儿也迫不及待的绽放,忙于点缀这松软的地毯小草从土地里努力地钻了出来。太阳公公早早地起了床来工作,把小草照的嫩绿,把花儿照的鲜艳,把大树照的更加有生命力。百鸟争鸣,小鸟愉快无忧地唱起了欢快的歌谣。溪水丁冬丁冬响。冬爷爷告别了深圳,春姑娘来到了深圳。








shenzhen is the youngest city of china. though it has a history of 7,000 years, its true development didnt start until 1980 when china start its refom and openging policy, so i believe most of of the chinese will recognize it as the youngest city. with its vigour of youth, shenzhen has developed at an incredible speed. in a time range of 30 years, it has changed from a nameless fish town to one of the most prosperous city in china. and shenzhen yet, hasnt stopped its pace of growing. in summer , it will hold the 26th universiade whose magor stadium, chunchan, has became a mew sight of the city. i firmly believe shenzhen will be even more recognized worldwidely after this game.


shenzhen is rich in its native produce, such as “three yellow chickens” from longgang, litchi from nantou, peach from nanshan, pear from shiyan, mandarin orange from jinggui, square persimmons from longhua. wildlife in the list of state protection is tiger-striped frogs, boas, rhesus monkeys, zibets, leopards, and pangolins. shenzhen has 230 kilometers long coastline with a wealth of aquatics, of which oyster from shajing is a special native produce.

a system of tourist attractions characterized by distinctively local and natural and cultural touches has taken shape in shenzhen. there are 50 attraction sites inluding, among others, such as the offshore field in the west, the sarafi park, overseas chinese town holiday resort and golf club at guanlanhu (the two grade aaaa attractions), aircraft carrier minsks


speaking of shenzhen’s tourism, of course there are numerous “theme parks” famous both in china and overseas, because shenzhen’s theme parks are not only multitudinous but also excellent, they take the lead in china’s theme parks, some people even entitle shenzhen the “capital of thematic parks” as a good fame. whether it is the window of the world of “you give me one day, and i will give one world” or the splendid china folk culture village of “walking into the history by one step, and traveling all around china by one day”; whether it is the happy valley of “prosperous bustling urban happy land” or minsk aircraft carrier bearing glory and dreams, all of them are not only a series of wonderful exhibitions, but also one vivid miniature after another of blend of the chinese culture with the world civilization. a tour of shenzhen’s thematic parks should not miss several large-scale literary performances there – the music epic distinguished and admirable heroes of bygone years in the window of the world, the singing and dancing pageant dragons and phoenixes dancing in china in the china folk culture village, and the urban melodrama unlimited gladness in the happy of the.


on june 18, 1994 started doing business window of the shenzhen world,was situated to the beautiful shenzhen bay bank, the area 480,000square meters. the scenic area spanides into the world square, theasian area, the oceanian area, the european area, the african area,the americas area, the world sculpture garden and the internationalstreet eight wide ranges according to the world region structure andthe tour active content. as take brings honor to the world cultureessence as the subject large-scale cultural traveling scenic area, shegathers together 130 worlds famous landscapes, the collection naturalscenery, the folk custom character and style, the folk dance, thelarge-scale performance as well as the high tech participation projectto a garden, has reappeared a wonderful world.


my dad works from monday to friday in a bank. he uses the computer to count money.  his job is very important in the bank.

dad is also busy at home.  at weekends he cooks dinner. usually he cooks italian food. on sundays he makes five pieces of pizza. sometimes he cooks chicken and makes chinese food. my mum watches and helps him. i help my dad, too. i wash the dishes.

many people think it is strange for a man to cook. but my dad enjoys his hobby. cooking relaxes him. he is a weekend cook.





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