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格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-05-11 19:02:01
时间:2023-05-11 19:02:01     小编:xiejingc



hello, my dear friends, it is my great honor to be here and give a speech. today i want to talk about the importance of finding *me time*.

may i begin my speech by asking you a question? do you often feel tired, stressed or worried? if you do have these problems, you are lack of me-time to relax yourself. psychologist tell us that stress is caused by too much work or study , heavy responsibilities , and quickened pace of life . in my point of view, if you want to have a healthy mind and body, having your own me-time is very important.

let me take myself as an example. i was a carefree and outgoing girl before i entered the junior high school. i had much me-time and did anything i like after class. i kept a lovely pet and whenever i have time i played with her happily. however, the situation is quite different now. when i want to turn on the tv、surf on the internet or go out shopping with my friends, my parents always look at me seriously and say “ don’t forget to spend more time on your lessons. if you don’t cherish every minute of your time, other students will catch up with you.”

so, every day, every moment, i am overwhelmed by all kinds of assignments. i become more and more silent and can’t sleep well before the exams because i’m dressed and worried about my results. i feel so tired and how i want to have me time to relax myself. i long for a period of time that i could walk in a small path in the countryside, sing my favourite song and smell the essence of nature.

my dear friends, having your own me-time is important. i firmly believe that achievements depend on our health. if we want to have a more harmonious state to work better, we should find more *me time* and keep off the overwhelm stresses. talks, jokes, games, fresh air or beautiful scenes will be helpful for you. trust me, you’ll be more refreshable and energetic.

















现在,随着我的'成长,正在成为成年人,所以在父母眼里,我不再是一个孩子。有时,他们会说& quot你& # 39;我长大了,不是小孩子了!"我一听这个头就疼。

当我还是个小男孩的时候,我的生活是如此的轻松。但是现在,前面的海浪更大,大海更曲折,我成为一名中学生,这一切我都过去了。我& # 39;我更高,作业更多,学习更多的科目,有更多的考试。当我还是个孩子的时候,无论发生什么我都是错的,没有人来责怪我。但是现在,如果我做错了什么,我的父母就会大喊大叫。轻松的时光将离我远去。我会更忙。

学习压力一直困扰着我。长大后,更多的工作渐渐像小山一样。放学后,我不敢玩,去看自己喜欢的书,我& # 39;恐怕我能& # 39;为了完成这项工作,我只能拼命把我书里的钢笔弄成波浪形,例如,我必须在回家的路上跑步。课程也逐渐繁重。每天晚上回家复习,我看了很多书,我真的不知道学习什么科目,是语文?还是数学?还是地理?或者……






岁月只能使皮肤起皱纹。一旦失去了生活的激情,甚至灵魂也会老去,会让生活变得干燥,没有生气。无论是60岁的'男孩还是16岁的男孩,每个人心里都渴望着奇迹,像孩子一样眨着眼睛,期待着下一次,期待着生活的情趣,在你我灵魂深处都有一个电台中继站――只有你我还年轻,你总能听到希望的呼唤,总能喜悦地欢呼,总能传递勇气的信号,总能展现青春的活力& bdquo& bdquo& bdquo





good evening, honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen.

it’s my great pleasure to stand here to present my speech―change the world, change ourselves.

it’s noticable that western holidays are becoming increasingly popular day by day, while chinese traditional festivals are being somewhat neglected. not long before about 10 doctors in beijing university and qinghua unversity announced that we should reject the invasion of western holidays ,because they regard western holidays as an challenge against our traditional festivals and culture.

frankly speaking, i don’t quite agree with , we should never neglect or even discard our traditonal festivals as china boasts a brilliant history and splendid traditions. (examples).but why can’t we absorb the meaningful western holidays and culture.

there are obvious reasons why some western holidays are so popular in china. on the one hand, some of the western holidays which we chinese don’t have are reasonable and meaningful, such as father’s day and april fool’s day etc. on the other hand,the prevalence of globalization enables western culture to prevail in china. overwhelmed by such a trend,chinese unconsiciously get involved in western holidays and culture.

with the further development of the whole world, the cultural communication between different countries and nations becomes faster and more and more important. we are indeed from different nations, but we are the citizens of the same world, so the outstanding culture of different nations is the commom wealth of everyone on the only way for us to protect our traditional culture is to reject the foreign culture? the answer is definitely no. what we ought to do is to spare no effort to educate chinese to get to know and treasure our splendid traditions instead of rejecting foreign culture. only by educating can we set our confidence and belief towards our culture. only by educating can we preserve and promote the wealth that our ancesters left for us.

at last i’d like to share a famouse saying of gandhi with all of you ,that is:if you want to change the world, then you must change yourself first.”












we and our yellow river: thriving together

good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. the issue of the yellow river has become the biggest concern of members of the chinese peoples political consultative conference. my childhood, in fact, is closely associated with the river. my father is an engineering geologist, and he used to take me with him on his trips to the hydropower stations on the river. i enjoyed those trips, especially the trip to longyang xia reservoir. although ten years have passed since my visit, i can still recall the scenery; i can still recall the water i saw at the reservoir. it was pure, clean and blue, not like the water i saw in the middle reaches of the river, which had turned brown and muddy after passing through the loess plateau.

once during our stay at the power station, we were caught in a thunderstorm. and when rain stopped, i could see trickles of water rolling down mountain slopes and flowing into the reservoir. it carried little mud or sand, because at that time, trees and grass still grew around the reservoir. and they protected the soil. at longyang xia i was struck by the beauty of nature, and as a child i wanted to stay there and to grow up with our yellow river.

li bai, the tang dynasty poet, said praises to the flowing water in the yellow river. he saw it as coming down from heaven and nurturing the people along her way to the sea. however, in 1997,for 330days, not a single drop of water from the yellow river went into the sea. and droughts are not the only punishment by nature. a friend of my father's, a university professor, is doing research on the yellow river. according to this professor, the yellow river will soon change its course if we allow this situation to continue. because there is no longer enough water to carry away the silt and mud in the lower reaches of the river and the riverbed rises higher and higher each year.

we have taken too much from nature, but given back too little in return. and this is the cost of the unbalanced growth. if we had taken care of the vegetation in the upper and middle reaches of the yellow river, we would still experience the river as li bai described it.

while the developed countries are consuming proportionally more natural resources than the rest of the world, they've also taken some good measures in protecting nature. and as a developing country, china can learn from them in this aspect.

last year, when i was visiting australia with a group of chinese students who had won prizes in an english skills test, our australian hosts invited us to join them for a horse-ride in the mountains. after two hours on horseback, we reached a valley, where there was a most beautiful meadow, with flowers in all colors dotted on a huge blanket of green. when i began to praise the beauty of nature, my friends told me that in this valley, there used to be a big mine and the wastewater from the mine turned everything brown. when the mine was abandoned, people made great efforts to restore the green vegetation. they also used the latest biological technology choosing the best grass seeds suitable for the local soil. so the beautiful meadow is a result of commitment, hard work, and new technology.

what happened to this valley in australia should also happen to our yellow river and, in fact, it is happening. i have seen farmers planting trees on mountains along the yellow river. i have seen them climb the mountain tops with seedlings on their shoulders because they had no machinery. i have seen them pour on trees the water they had carried up in buckets from miles down the valley. these farmers are quietly nourishing our yellow river, just as the river has nourished them.

and these farmers, men and women i don't know, gave me the confidence that we and our yellow river will grow together, and someday in the future, we will be able to drink the clean water from our yellow river again, because she is our dearest mother.

thank you.


i have been in university for about one year. during my stay here, i came to realize that university life is like drinking coke. we experience all tastes of life here, sour, sweet, bitter and hot.

i am from province, which is far away from here. i often miss my mum, friends, and relatives in my hometown. however, i can't see them very often. so loneliness always keeps me company. i am sad that i can't be there with them.

lucky for me, life in university is rich and colorful. with more free time,we can do many more things besides study, such as joining

societies clubs, and taking part-time jobs. such activities not only make our life more colorful, but also help us improve all kinds of skills. the university is a society miniature, what we learn here will benefit our future life.

our path in life will not always be smooth. setbacks can't be avoided. failing an important exam, break up with boy or girl friend, or refused by a promising company, such setbacks are likely to get us down. sometimes we fell so frustrated that we even burst into tears. drinkin coke is wonderful, despite the undesirble consequent hiccups. it's bitter, sour and peppery, but also sweet. and you'll even feel excited after gulping down a glass. a college experience is part of growing up. we cry, smile, fall in love, get hurt, leave, learn and then we become a better person.

university life is like drinking coke. i'm experiencing it. and i know, i enjoy it!



在面试中,你可以做几件事来塑造一个好的形象。首先,看起来像个胜利者。穿着保守得体,你就& # 39;我会看起来像你。我们将登上顶峰。第二,沟通清楚。仔细考虑每个问题,完全诚实地回答。记得眼神交流,保持良好的姿势。你需要看起来专注,但也要放松。第三,要有积极自信的态度。它& # 39;对自己的能力充满信心并对自己的未来感到乐观是很重要的。最后,做好准备。出示一份专业简历,准备好详细解释一切。









我。我很高兴站在这里给你做一个简短的演讲。今天我的话题是& ldquo青春& rdquo。我希望你会喜欢它,并发现你年轻时的重要性,以便更珍惜它。





岁月使皮肤起皱,但放弃热情会使灵魂起皱。担忧、恐惧、自我& ndash不信任扭曲心灵,使精神化为灰烬。

无论是16岁还是60岁,每个人都有& lsquo的心是奇迹的诱惑,对事物永恒的童心。接下来是生活游戏的乐趣。在你我的内心深处。s是一个无线电台:只要它接收到来自人类和宇宙的美好、希望、欢乐、勇气和力量的信息,只要你还年轻。























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