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格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-05-11 12:40:34
时间:2023-05-11 12:40:34     小编:一叶知秋



on the first place, a no-car day is supposed to set up every week in our school.

because cars not only cause serious air pollution but also waste energy. on no-car day, neither students nor teachers are allowed to drive to school. meanwhile, just walk, jump, cycle or run. use our legs and enjoy the fun.

on the second place, we had best not use plastic bags any more.

no one can stand the “white pollution”. so, it is wise to use bags which can be reused again and again.

finally, one thing that we should keep in mind: every big thing comes from the subtle.

therefore, as students, we ought to turn out the lights the moment we leave, turn off the tap in time, and reuse our textbook and so on.

all in all, it weighs greatly for all of us to put the low carbon lifestyle into practice. just set our mind to these: no-car day, no plastic bags, and no waste. let’s do it now.


now society pays attention to green environmental protection and energy conservation. we should always remember "saving is glorious and waste is shameful". low carbon life should start from me and the small things around us. there are many things about low-carbon life around us. listen to me.

first, we should save water. when washing hands, try to turn the faucet down and turn it off in time. you can use the water your mother has washed vegetables or clothes to wash the toilet or mop.

moreover, we should save electricity. turn off the light when you go out. don't turn on the light to sleep. the temperature of the air conditioner should not be too low in summer and too high in winter. after charging the mobile phone and phs, unplug the charger in time.

secondly, use environmentally friendly vehicles. when going out, try not to use cars, motorcycles, electric bicycles and other means of transportation, but try to ride a bike or take a bus, and simply walk for a short distance. in this way, you can not only protect the environment, but also exercise.

finally, we should learn to save other life and school supplies. try not to use disposable products in daily life. for example, when you go to the supermarket, you should bring your own shopping bags instead of supermarket plastic bags, and do not use disposable tableware and paper cups. you can use the homework book not written on the back as draft paper.

low carbon life exists everywhere. as long as we work hard, we can do better. let's work together and take action together!


as is known to all, the survival environment, is the human is very concerned about a word. why do humans are very concerned about it? this is because the living environment, to human, to animals, all living things upon earth has great significance. the lack of a species, what can't seem to affect in humans, but in fact, the lack of a species, will produce great threat to all life on earth.

take shrimp, for instance, imagine that. if the earth did not have the sharks... what? i don't think should be like this: the shrimp, fish will starve to death, (though in fish recipes and other food, dried shrimp is a major food fish), and the big fish, also didn't eat for the extinction of small fish, also be starved to death...

thus, if less a creature in nature (including animals, plants, microorganisms, etc.), would be terrible, even have a high iq of human mind, also be restrained food chain, so human attaches great importance to this problem.

so how can i have a good living environment? this is very simple, as long as everyone can "low-carbon life"!

but the biggest problem is how a "low-carbon life", the so-called "low carbon life", is refers to the 'life work and rest when try your best to reduce the energy consumption, thereby reducing carbon, especially carbon dioxide emissions, thus reducing the pollution of the atmosphere, slow ecological deteriorating, mainly from power saving throttle and recovery of three links to change life details. '

should do low carbon life, electricity from solar terms and recovery of three links to change life details.


we live in this world, should know that. before the earth is a piece of green, the sky is blue, the sea birds fly freely in the sky, the fish in the water swim happy x animals running in the happy land, people help each other. the entire earth presents a harmonious picture. the earth mother's sweet smile.

but now, the earth has changed. a substantial reduction in green, and yellow is more and more, the earth is going on? this is not a lot of people cut down trees, this kind of behavior is not only let the survival of the birds have no home, also caused the collapse of large area, flood, etc. without trees, our earth looks like lost a balance.

and now every store sell cans, cans is a kind of pollution. the road, schools have become their safe house. and pots are made of aluminum, aluminum body also has a lot of harm to people. besides, do such a cup of coke, with a lot of process, it will waste a lot of resources.

the harm of old batteries. once after mixed with household waste, under certain conditions, will produce a series of chemical reaction, release toxins, influence people's body, damage the ecological environment.

now people developed science and technology, the factory in order to improve the efficiency, they put the stream discharge sewage as a good place, make the river dirty, strange smell, the more hateful is our mother river the yellow river is polluted, the yangtze river is more serious, the garbage everywhere, make quick passing pedestrians to cover your mouth.

so, we need actual work to prove it. such as water conservation. such as: finished with water after turn off the tap in time; wash dishes of water used to water the flowers, rinse mop, flush the toilet. don't drop a few drops of water faucet is nothing. a faucet drip a drop of water per second, water flow out of 36 party one year is made in vain. if a household monthly saving water from one side, the national how much water saving a month?

fortunately, people have learned the earth is pollution severity, everyone has to act, to protect our home together. but i also hope to those who did not move people to action, and a low back, picked up a piece of paper on the ground, a piece of skin, let us tomorrow is more beautiful, more beautiful!

i believe that as long as we all work hard, let the earth back to the appearance of a few hundred years ago not impossible!


all over the world more and more attention to global warming, melting glaciers, rising sea levels and species extinction of mankind problems today, you may is no stranger to "environmental protection" 2 words, however, you may not familiar with "low-carbon living" these four words. "low-carbon living" is a new environmental protection, advocate low carbon is very specific in the mouth, implement nothing more than two meanings: one is to reduce carbon emissions in the mouth, 2 it is to get to know each other by global warming has been expanded to the concept of environmental protection and energy saving.

as a middle school student, i had already familiar with the low carbon living. every day do not drink bottled water instead of drink himself in the water in the kettle. the weekend at home, lights, computers, air conditioning... any electrical appliances once no, is turn off. my alarm clock also from the electronic alarm clock instead of the traditional alarm clock. even the toothbrush son from electric toothbrush son into a traditional toothbrush son.

remember to develop with a dinner, my father will be the tv in the sitting room, the lights on, i saw hurriedly to tv, the lights were shut. father doubt ask: "what are you doing this is?" so, i told dad: "at the moment, 1000 - word composition in yushu earthquake all over the world more and more attention to global warming, melting glaciers, rising sea levels and species extinction, lighting, computers, air conditioning, tv... any electrical appliances once no, just turn off. let's definitely do environmental protection, because so much you can save electricity, can also be environmentally friendly." after listening to my words, my dad wake up a little nod thoroughly between russia but said: "yes, yes, it seems i still daughter understand!" immediately, i am not a shy smile.

on another occasion, my mother go to work. at that time, i found that didn't pull the mother's cell phone panels, so i went over it pulled out. jue after i call mother phs, said to her: "once the charging is complete, immediately unplug plug, otherwise...... will indirectly lead to low carbon global warming, melting glaciers, rising sea levels, species extinction, etc." i of a truth, let mother heard, uneven also suffer from clothing.

even the cultural level is not high at the moment of my grandfather and grandmother are involved in one. although they don't know what call "low carbon", but they know what is called "environmental protection" and "energy saving", so in around their houses full of all kinds of trees, on the one hand is to increase the oxygen, another beijing college students and enterprise alliance on the one hand is for the sake of environmental protection. there are other village people pay great attention to afforestation, so beautiful especially in the village. every summer vacation i like to go to my grandma's, where four order a year the air is fresh, and pleasantly cool in summer!

low-carbon living, for us ordinary people is an attitude, not ability, we should actively advocate and to practice low-carbon living, pay attention to the energy saving, fuel-efficient, backbone, start from the intravenous drip. actually "low carbon" is not difficult to do, just want a little more, you can be a real "low carbon", just like me, just like my family!


the earth is only home for human being, and it has now become scarred.

the earth, is to forgive a herd of negative wangyi guy, they are - human beings! humans throw broken glass bottle at the beach, a few years later found the original waste, was water into color stones! why? why? why? the earth so forgive mankind, human beings cannot pass the earth?

, earth is limited, so we can't think of it like infinite, humans, one day, these deposits are you out in one hundred million, at that time, you can regret in time?

the answer must be: too late.

from now on, may be too late.

do you know? when shopping, we always take things that a plastic bag, and the plastic bags thrown into the sea by the sea turtles eating, put in the forest, the inside of the oil residue will attract animals, burning can cause gas, buried in the earth 200 years not degradation, did you ever think of? inadvertently, for the sake of convenience, what you caused! although it is only 5 cents, but it is the pollution caused by far more than 5 cents!

in order to the earth, and to ourselves. best when go out to walk, ride a bike, by bus, anyhow is to reduce the emissions to a minimum. also, it's summer, air conditioning had better not less than 24 °, recycling waste paper, scrap metal, plastic, etc. wash a face to wash feet, water can also be used to flush the toilet. we were using the computer now, as long as the dim the screen, you can save electricity. once electricity saving, a drop of water is for the sake of our own!

for what we do, for the earth, but also for us, from now on, plant a tree!


our family's previous life was not environmentally friendly! the fridge is full of clutter; when the tv is turned on to the maximum brightness, it will not only hurt the eyes, but also waste power; the computer runs from morning to night.

finally one day, i can't live such a life! i decided to implement a low-carbon plan for our family.

first, tidy up the things in the refrigerator, so as not to waste power; secondly, dimming the brightness of the tv can protect your eyes and save power. it's really killing two birds with one stone; finally, parents are required to turn off the computer as soon as people go out, so as to make the whole family diligent and thrifty.

my mother loves to raise flowers. she planted several pots on the balcony, so that she can not only enjoy the fragrance of flowers, but also bring fresh air to the home; my father takes me swimming every day and always drives. i suggest my father take me out by bike, which not only reduces carbon dioxide emission, but also exercises; i used to like to wipe things with napkins. now i use a handkerchief instead, so i don't waste tree resources, and it's clean

look, low-carbon life can not only bring us more convenience, but also greatly save energy consumption and make our life colorful. i like low-carbon life and i must stick to it.

low carbon life can make us have a happy, comfortable and environmentally friendly home, bring us a happy and healthy life, create fresh air for us and make the earth greener and healthier!


the earth is our warm home. we live in this beautiful home, so we should take good care of it. now advocating low-carbon life is to make our earth more environmentally friendly and green without polluting the environment and wasting energy.

what is low carbon life? in short, low-carbon life is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. we should save water and electricity in our daily life, walk more, drive less, go to the supermarket, use more environmental protection bags and so on.

in the past, as soon as i got home from school, i always had some snacks first, and then played for a while. i didn't turn on the light to do my homework until it was dark. when i finished my homework, i didn't turn off the light in time, which was always wasted in vain. now, when i get home, i start to do my homework. as long as i finish my homework before dark, i can leave the light on. in this way, it not only saves electricity, but also achieves a low-carbon life.

i save not only electricity but also water. every time i wash my hands and face, i will connect the water in a small basin, and then screw the faucet tightly for fear of letting the water "escape".

now, i walk to school or near places every day, because walking more and taking less cars can not only save energy, but also exercise. it's really killing two birds with one stone!

dear students, each of us should start from saving a drop of water, a kilowatt hour of electricity, and work together to establish a low-carbon and green lifestyle. as long as we all act together, we can certainly make our life more low-carbon and environmentally friendly.


now advocate low carbon life, as the primary school, i won't make much contribution to the earth, but in low carbon life that on the one hand, i also try to do things i can do.

now i just have a holiday at home, will be the first to the family "operation"! grandmother cooking meals every day don't pay attention to save, i say: "grandma, now advocate low carbon life", if you like rice, cook the rice for 20 minutes and then, can shorten the time, should be used when cooking in the fire; burn something to wipe pan, not easy to boil and boil food with a pressure cooker, and helps save gas. also, wash dishes of water that clean out rice can be used to water the flowers, wash clothes of water can be used to mop the floor or flush the toilet." grandmother surprise of say: "is that so?! grandmother, don't know, just do what you say!"

dad always play while the computer before you go to sleep, i have the chance to say: dad, advocated "low-carbon life", now playing computer not only a waste of electricity, is not good for your eyes, you know, there are a lot of countries is because there are many people of reckless waste of electricity, so they often power outages, the day was fine, have to have lights in the evening! dad you look how poor they are, you still go to bed early! dad said happily: "my daughter grow up, know more than me, has a point, i will try, also join your" low carbon gens ". my heart crossed.

in the evening, grandpa opened the tv, voice is very big. i said: "grandpa, now people are constantly improve low carbon consciousness, the voice is small, low brightness can power saving, and your mobile phone, the evening is turned off when not in use, can reduce the number of charging." grandpa all smiles said: "you not the kui is a great granddaughter, i know at an early age saving, these i also thought, i will do." i am pleased to jump three feet high, grandpa is the "low carbon" crowd.

i can't ask someone to low carbon, oneself also want to do, i will immediately take action. do drink plain boiled water more, drink less; less with paper towel to wipe hands; choose a day every week don't eat meat. less to buy school supplies extra clothes and life; book with the positive, don't use correction fluid and tape.

i hope everyone a low-carbon habit, low-carbon awareness, to achieve low carbon pacesetter.


now everybody advocates the "low-carbon life", but the low carbon life is not a light lip service, should use the actual action to really do it. everyone has his own way of life, to do low carbon life should have the consciousness of environmental protection in the first place. what is green?

environmental protection, environmental protection as the name implies is to protect the environment. can't afford to waste resources and save water, save electricity. environmental protection is our primary school must be done. open the lights for an hour every day, with a glass of water, less a month down much can save electricity, how much water! since we go to school the teacher taught us to protect the environment, not spitting, cannot littering. abundant resources are as good as once upon a time, many are turned into desert oasis. what all of the "greenhouse effect". to this, we more to low-carbon life to protect the environment.

what is the low-carbon life?

"low-carbon life" (low carbonlife), is refers to life work and rest when try your best to reduce the energy consumption, thereby reducing carbon, especially carbon dioxide emissions, thus reducing the pollution of the atmosphere, slow ecological deteriorating, mainly from energy-saving solar terms and recovery of three links to change life details.

as the chinese civilization and polite, courteous is to respect the rights of their own lives and at the same time, we also want to respect other people's life rights against infringement. let's start from the trivial details, pay attention to energy saving, water saving, fuel-efficient, throttle, make low-carbon living a life attitude and philosophy of life. set your strength, together to protect the earth mother.

protecting environment starts from me, starts from the minor matter, starts from the campus, let us all to a low carbon life make the campus more beautiful!


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