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格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-05-10 13:12:38
时间:2023-05-10 13:12:38     小编:一叶知秋



tourists: on the way to jinshan, let me first introduce the formation ofjinshan. jinshan is located in the northwest of zhenjiang city, with a height of44 meters and a circumference of 520 meters. it used to be a suspended reefisland in the sea. with the vicissitudes of life, because the yangtze riverimpacted the guazhou on the north bank of jinshan many times in the change offlow direction, the whole guazhou collapsed into the yangtze river in the firstyear of the reign of emperor guangxu of the qing dynasty (1875).

the famous of jinshan is closely related to the construction of jinshantemple. as early as the late eastern jin dynasty, a zexin temple was built onjinshan. in the tang dynasty, there was a buddhist monk named fahai who openedthe mountain and got gold here. he rebuilt the ancient temple and renamed itjinshan temple. the scale of the temple is very grand, and the incense hascontinued to this day.

there are many moving legends in the beautiful jinshan. the story of "wateroverflowing jinshan temple" in the legend of white snake adds a layer of mysteryto jinshan. tourists: let's go to jinshan now!

[jiang tianchan's guard: mountain gate tianwang hall daxiong hall]

ladies and gentlemen, we are now at the gate of jinshan temple. lookingfrom the right side, there is a plaque of "jiangtian temple" hanging on thegate, which was inscribed by emperor kangxi of qing dynasty when he visitedjinshan. the mountain gate has a strict atmosphere, with two ming dynasty stonelions on both sides. i don't know if you have observed that the mountain gatesof temples in china generally face south, but the mountain gates of jinshantemple face west. this is because jinshan originally stands in the middle of theriver, the yangtze river flows from west to east, and the temple gate faceswest. standing at the temple gate, you can see the magnificent momentum of "theriver goes to the east and the mountains come to the west". this also reflectsthe ingenuity of chinese ancient architects.

jinshan temple was first built in the eastern jin dynasty. it has a historyof more than 1600 years. it was formerly known as zexin temple. since the tangdynasty, people have called it jinshan temple. in its heyday, there were morethan 3000 monks, and as many as 10000 monks participated in zen buddhism, whichplayed an outstanding role in buddhist temples.

good! please follow me to the mountain gate. this is the temple of heavenlykings. it is a five bay palace building with a single eaves on the top of themountain. in the middle is maitreya buddha, who is always smiling. behind it iswei tuo, the dharma protector of buddhism. on both sides are four heavenlykings.

walking out of tianwang hall and facing the hall with heavy eaves on thetop of xieshan mountain, it is "daxiong hall", which is inscribed by zhao puchu,president of china buddhist association. it was built in october 1989, with atotal area of 800 square meters. with yellow walls, red columns, golden glazedroof, white stone column base and railing, the whole hall has both themagnificent momentum of northern temples and the exquisite and elegant style ofsouthern gardens, which makes it particularly majestic and magnificent.

entering the main hall, the three golden buddha statues in the middle sitside by side, namely buddha shiying, buddha pharmacist and buddha amitabha; onboth sides stand eighteen arhats, with tall and vivid images. on the left andright attics sat 56 tianzun. let's take a look at the back. in the center of thesculpture, there is guanyin bodhisattva, shancai boy on the left and dragon girlon the right. in the front left, manjusri bodhisattva rides a green lion, and inthe front right, puxian bodhisattva rides a white elephant. all around theisland, there are 53 painted statues of bodhisattvas of different sizes andshapes, which have been visited by shancai boy. in particular, deyun picchu injinshan temple and jinshan temple island are also among them. coming here, weseem to have entered a wonderful world of buddhism.

[xizhao pavilion guanyin pavilion four treasures of jinshan]

please follow me to climb the mountain from the back of the main hall andenter the sunset pavilion. there are seven well preserved steles left byqianlong during his southern tour of jinshan. these stone tablets recordqianlong's comments on the beautiful scenery of jinshan in his six visits to thesouth of the yangtze river, and also leave an interesting rumor: qianlong wasnot born to his father emperor yongzheng. he came to jinshan temple six times tofind his biological father.

from xizhao pavilion to guanyin pavilion, you can visit the four treasuresroom. there are four treasures of jinshan: "zhou ding, bronze drum, jade beltand jinshan painting". first of all, let's take a look at the "zhou ding": thisis a bronze ware awarded by king xuan of zhou to sui qiqi, the commander of thenorthern expedition, more than 2700 years ago, so it's called the "zhou dynastysui qiqi ding". in 1884, ye zhiguang presented it to jinshan temple forcollection. then look at the "bronze drum of the eastern han dynasty": it wasgiven to jinshan temple by kuiyuan, the magistrate of zhenjiang in the qingdynasty. it is said that it was created by zhuge liang. it can fight drums onthe front and cook utensils on the back. it is called "zhuge drum" by the please enjoy the "dongpo jade belt": it is said that su dongpo of the songdynasty lost a bet with buddhist monk fo yin to jinshan temple. the belt isdecorated with white jade pieces of different shapes, such as rectangle, circleand heart. although the jade belt has been used for more than 900 years, it isstill as bright and clean as a mirror. finally, please enjoy the picture ofjinshan: it was painted by wen zhengming, one of the "four masters of mingdynasty". in the painting, the river is vast, and the golden mountain flows inthe middle. zuo youwen wrote poems about ming dynasty, followed by inscriptionsand postscripts of celebrities of past dynasties.

[miaogaotai - lengjiatai]

from guanyin pavilion to the south along the stone steps, we come tomiaogaotai, the platform of miaogaotai. this is the jinshan buddhist seal builtby drilling in the song and yuan dynasties, also known as the sun sutraplatform. it is said that su dongpo's famous ci poem shuidiaogtou was inspiredhere. the eternal story of "liang hongyu fighting against jinshan" also happenedhere. in 1130, han shizhong, a famous general of the southern song dynasty,invaded jinshan with 400 sailors and tens of thousands of soldiers. han's wife,liang hongyu, ascended the stage and personally challenged the battle drum toencourage the morale of the song army. since then, the heroines have beenimmortal for thousands of years.

from miaogaotai to the south, i came to lengjietai, also known assujinglou, which is located on the hillside of the south side of jindong."lengga" is an indian word, which means "not to live", or a mountain far awayfrom the sea. this pavilion, which is surrounded by mountains and rocks, is veryskillful. from bottom to top, it has to pass through the triple towers. it isdifficult to find its way to each floor. but as soon as the entrance is opened,suddenly there are stairs to climb. we have to take twists and turns to get tothe top of the building. it really feels like "the mountains are heavy, thewaters are complex, there is no way out, and the willows are dark and theflowers are bright".

in the two spacious lounges on the top floor, you can see many ancientmahogany furniture, celebrity paintings and calligraphy. there is an exquisitesquare pavilion in the center, which was named "xuelang pavilion" because of thedisplay of xuelang stone left by su dongpo. it is said that su dongpo wasentrusted by his old friend foyin master in his later years to write "lengjiasutra". zhao puchu, president of the buddhist association of china, wrote a poemhere: "the pure wind and bright moon are priceless, and there is love near themountains and far away from the water.". when we walk on the corridor outsidethe hall on the top of the stage and have a panoramic view, can we also feel theartistic conception of "clear wind and bright moon, close to mountains and faraway from water" when we see the beautiful scenery of blue sky and riversky?

[liuyun pavilion, foyin shanfang, qifengshi, guxianren cave]

ladies and gentlemen, please follow me up the steps from lengjia terrace toliuyun pavilion on the top of jinshan mountain. liuyun pavilion is the most openplace in jinshan. it is said that emperor kangxi accompanied his mother to visitjinshan. when he came here, he could not help saying: "here is a panoramic viewof the river and the sky." in order to please the emperor, the officialsrespectfully invited the emperor to write an inscription. when kangxi wrote"jiang tianyi", he forgot to write and couldn't write any more. one of theministers saw this situation and immediately knelt down to play: "i see youtoday." when kangxi heard that "i see you now", he suddenly realized and wrotethe word "lan" in his essay. because the traditional chinese character "lan" iscomposed of "chen", "jin" and "jian", the minister skillfully used the method ofword splitting to remind kangxi. although this is a legend, these four words arenot all at once. look, the word "jiang tianyi" is bigger than the word "lan".because kangxi imperial pen "jiangtian glance" monument in the pavilion, soliuyun pavilion is also known as "jiangtian glance pavilion".

not far from the north of liuyun pavilion is foyin mountain house. this isthe residence of the famous master foyin in song dynasty. according to legend,foyin and su dongpo were good friends in their youth. once they made a bet,foyin failed, but they had no choice but to become a monk. because of hisexcellent knowledge, he eventually became the abbot of jinshan and jiaoshantemples, while su dongpo became a famous scholar in song dynasty. they oftenchanted poems and painted here.

from the foyin mountain house to the northwest, along the road to the west,you come to the qifeng pavilion on the jin'ao mountain, which is also calledqifeng pavilion. it is said that yue fei was urged back to lin'an by 12 goldmedals. he passed through zhenjiang and went to jinshan temple to visit abbotdaoyue. he told him that when he was camping in guazhou last night, he dreamedof two dogs talking. dao yue explained her dream and said, "two dogs are talkingto each other, which is a prison word. i'm afraid there will be a prisondisaster here. be careful." before leaving, dao yue presented a poem: "the wavesare surging under the storm pavilion. be careful to hold the rudder firmly. bewary of the bad will of your fellow boat, and push yourself into the waves. "intended to remind yue fei. when yue fei was killed in the storm pavilion, hesighed: "i regret not listening to the words of daoyue." later, when qin huilearned that the abbot of daoyue in jinshan temple could not predict, he sentgeneral he li to arrest him. when he arrived in jinshan, he saw daoyue calling abuddhist assembly and said, "i am 49 years old, and i have the end of right andwrong. not for yourself, just because you speak more. he li comes from thesouth, i go to the west. it's not that the buddha is powerful. it's almost doneby hand. " then he went back to heaven. qin hui didn't get dao yue. he thoughtthat the seven peaks on jin'ao mountain were outstanding, and every generationhad eminent monks. in a rage, he ordered to flatten the seven peaks to destroyfeng shui. later generations built this "seven peak pavilion" in memory of yuefei and dao yue.

along the north side of qifeng pavilion, there is a 6.6-meter-deep cave. ahalf pavilion is built according to the cave. it is a taoist relic. legend hasit that immortal lu dongbin once watched the river here, so it is calledimmortal cave. chinese buddhists once worshipped guanyin in this cave, alsoknown as baiyi cave. if you are interested, you can go down and have a look atthis ancient immortal cave.


jinshan scenic spot is a national aaaaa scenic spot. it is located in thenorthwest of zhenjiang city, north of the tropic of cancer. with a height of 44meters and a circumference of 520 meters, it used to be the only island in theyangtze river. it is known as a "lotus" in the middle of the yangtze river. shenkuo's poem "the water on both sides of the building is connected, and the sky inthe mirror of jiangnan and jiangbei" in the song dynasty is a portrayal ofjinshan. the architectural style of jinshan buddhist temple is unique. it isbuilt close to the mountain, with halls, pavilions and pavilions, and ed with each other, it is bright and blue. in addition, cishou pagodastands on the top of jinshan mountain, rising abruptly from the ground, makingthe whole jinshan mountain seem like a magnificent temple, forming a uniquestyle of "temple wrapped mountain".

entering the mountain gate is the heavenly king hall, which is a palacestyle building with a single eaves and a mountain to rest

maitreya buddha, whose mouth is always open, is flanked by the fourheavenly kings, also known as the four vajras. behind the heavenly king hall isthe majestic hall with double eaves and xieshan. in the center of the main hallare three golden statues of sakyamuni buddha, pharmacist buddha and amitabhabuddha. on the west wall are eighteen arhats. on the left and right attics sit56 heavenly statues. there are islands on the back of the three buddhas. aroundthe island are the statues of 53 bodhisattvas of various sizes and shapes.

the rooms on both sides of the main hall are the abbot's room and the placewhere the benefactor is received.

climbing from the back of the main hall to xizhao pavilion, there are sevenqianlong steles preserved in the pavilion. ascending from xizhao pavilion toguanyin pavilion, there are four treasure rooms displaying the four treasures ofjinshan: zhou ding, tonggu, yudai and jinshan map.

guanyin pavilion is connected with miaogaotai and lengjiatai in the south,and cishou tower and fahai cave rafters in the north. from lingjiatai to thenorth, you can reach liuyun pavilion, the peak of jinshan mountain. in thepavilion, there is a stone tablet named "jiangtian glance" written by emperorkangxi. therefore, this pavilion is also called jiangtian glance pavilion. inthe northwest of liuyun pavilion, there is a qifeng pavilion commemorating yuefei, a national hero of the southern song dynasty. to the north of the pavilion,there is an ancient immortal cave at the foot of jin'ao mountain, which is arelic of taoism.

from guanyin pavilion to the north, you can climb the cishou tower, whichwas first built in qiliang, more than 1400 years ago. there used to be twopagodas in jinshan, which have been abandoned. the existing pagoda was rebuiltin 1900. the body of the tower is a wooden structure with seven steps. there arestairs to go up and down. each floor is surrounded by corridors andguardrails.

from the cishou pagoda to fahai cave, this is the place where the founderof jinshan temple, pei toutuo, the buddhist monk fahai, practiced hard. thereare statues of fahai in the cave. in the north of fahai cave and beside yudaibridge, there is a white dragon cave. according to legend, there are stonestatues of white lady and xiaoqing in the cave.

along the bailong cave right up not far to chaoyang cave, this cave is alsoknown as rizhao rock. the hanging rock on the top of the cave is engraved withthe word "rizhao rock". every time the sun rises, the stone wall in this area isfacing the rising sun, and the golden light is shining everywhere. the water andsky are all red, which is a wonder. it is the best place to watch the sunrise injinshan. the three characters "chaoyang cave" carved on the cliff were writtenby tengmi in ming dynasty.


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