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格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-05-06 18:53:31
时间:2023-05-06 18:53:31     小编:zdfb



1. 资历不够的学生:哈佛大学甘乃迪政府学院的一个教授christopher avery做了调查显示申请预科对于分数以及其他方面的素质较低的学生来说优势并不明显,资历很差的学生不管申请什么学校都不会被录取。

2. obviously over-qualified. students who were slam-dunk candidates were admitted no matter when they applied, avery found, so early applications can unnecessarily limit their options.

2. 水平很高的学生:水平高的申请人不管申请什么学校都能被录取,所以预科申请会限制他们的选择。

3. reliant on financial aid. students who get into several colleges get more aid than those who get into only one, research shows. while students can appeal financial aid offers made by colleges, they're likely to have more bargaining power if they can leverage offers from competing schools. in fact, a growing number of colleges including harvard university, cornell university, and carnegie mellon university now state publicly that they will consider matching financial aid offers from competing colleges. students who commit to a single college in the fall can't get any competing offers.


4. late bloomers. while many public colleges' regular admissions deadlines are as early as november, many other colleges accept admissions through the spring of senior year. students who stumble academically sophomore or junior year—but are able to recover in their senior year—need the extra time to prove to admissions officers (and themselves) that they can succeed in college.

4. “大器晚成”的学生:很多公立大学的常规申请截止日期是11月份,而另外一些大学的申请是在高三的春季。那些高一高二成绩不突出的学生,在高三一年会有突破性的飞跃,他们需要更多的时间去证明自己能在大学里取得更高的成就,预科申请时间太早不能显示出自己的优势。

5. the undecided. few teenagers have clear career goals and a realistic understanding of what specific kinds of educational qualifications they want. "at the time they need to be preparing for college (many high schoolers) are just forming independent ideas about who they are and what interests them academically and socially," writes barbara schneider, an education professor at michigan state university.

5. 拿不定主意的学生:极少部分的学生对自己有清晰的职业目标和自己想获得的具体的教育层次。密歇根州立大学的教育教授barbara schneider写道,在准备申请大学的时候(一些高中生)要在心里有独立自主的想法,对于自我的认识以及学习上和生活上的兴趣爱好。

6. those who delayed their college search until senior year. it takes time to sort through hundreds of college options. students need to spend time understanding themselves and the quirks of each college, schneider believes. applicants who only start doing research in their senior year often don't have enough time to find a "perfect match" by early deadlines, some of which are as early as nov. 1.

schneider, who worries that the pressure to apply to college early could worsen what she calls "college fever," says her surveys of college graduates have turned up "some evidence that students who make these choices very early without having opportunities to explore other options, later on (in their twenties) report some dissatisfaction with their college choices and lives."




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