伦敦艺术大学和伦敦时装学院区别 伦敦艺术学院时装学院篇一
时装设计工艺 (fashion design technology)
时装管理 (fashion management)
时装摄影 (fashion photography)
时装推销 (fashion promotion)
时装研究 (fashion studies)
产品设计和开发(product design and development)
伦敦艺术大学和伦敦时装学院区别 伦敦艺术学院时装学院篇二
美容医疗和健身(beauty therapy and health studies)
时装设计技术(fashion design technology)
时装市场和发展(fashion marketing and promotion)
时装款式和摄影(fashion styling and photography)
专业化妆(specialist make-up styling)
edexel/btec国家证书(edexel/btec national diploma)
美容医疗 (beauty therapy)
时尚与服饰 (fashion & clothing)
美发与化妆 (hair and make-up styling)
edexel/btec基础学科国家证书(edexel/btec national diploma in foundation studies)
时装业的商业,零售,批发学(business and retail and distributive studies: fashion)