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最新bec中级阅读评分标准 bec中级阅读测试题型优质

格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-05-03 14:00:23
最新bec中级阅读评分标准 bec中级阅读测试题型优质
时间:2023-05-03 14:00:23     小编:zdfb


bec中级阅读评分标准 bec中级阅读测试题型篇一


every business i know has been through the wringer during the past two years. sadly the good times aren't returning any time soon. so i've compiled a list of some more creative and worthwhile ways companies can save money to help entrepreneurs keep afloat in spite of the challenges.

● do random expense claim audits.

abuse of expenses is endemic, but if staff know that even their mobile phone bills are checked occasionally, then they are less likely to take advantage. you should have very clear expense policies, so fiddlers are not able to use confusion to get away with cheating.

● buy second-hand.

we frequently buy reconditioned kitchen equipment for our restaurants. do not hesitate to choose used over showroom-new if it makes economic sense.

● lead from the front about costs.

as a boss, you should constantly question costs and try to be seen to be abstemious rather than extravagant – at least with corporate assets. if you are a spendthrift, you set a poor example that others will copy – with the company's money.

● ask for early payment discounts.

if you have the cash, it might be a great way to improve your margins. if your suppliers are under financial pressure, they may well agree a 5 per cent discount for swift settlement. it would take almost two years with current low interest rates to earn that much if you kept the money in the bank.

● understand what everyone does.

at least once a year, undertake a thorough analysis of all staff roles and try to work out their true productivity – and rationalise posts if necessary. remember: no one ever tells you they are underworked or that their contribution is inessential.

language points:

exam focus:

(1) what is not the purpose of random expense claim audits?

a preventing employees from taking advantage.

b fiddlers may not easily succeed in this way.

c to examine their mobile bills occasionally.

d to cut costs in this aspect.

(2) which is not a creative and worthwhile way to help bosses save money?

a choose used equipments as substitutes for brand-new ones.

b set examples as an abstemious boss.

c early payment to obtain discount

d rationalize posts frequently.


(1) c

(2) d



● 随机审计费用支出


● 购买二手货


● 带头控制成本


● 要求提前付款折扣


● 了解每个员工在干什么


you have your dream interview lined up. but how do you ensure that you get the best possible salary?

while the pay for junior-level positions is typically fixed, mid- to senior-level employees and managers have more flexibility to negotiate their salaries. here are some tips from recruiters and human-resource managers that can help improve your chances of snagging a high salary.

1. research, research, research

to get a better salary, begin by figuring out what's the highest you can get. 'do good homework on what are the prevailing salaries for a similar role in the industry,' says sanjay pandit, managing director of recruiting firm manpower services india.

this is easier said than done, because companies don't exactly publish their pay scales in the newspaper.

ask your friends or trustworthy colleagues about potential salaries for someone with your relevant experience and skills. if you are working through a recruiting company, they might be able to give you a range.

finally, you can try using networking web sites like linkedin to connect with people in the field or company you are applying to, who in turn could provide you with some guidance.

it might help to dig through the annual reports of the company you are applying to and read recent news reports, in order to figure out how the company is doing financially. a larger and more successful company can afford to pay higher salaries than a smaller or struggling one.

2. curb your eagerness

as with any negotiation, if you convey your eagerness for something, you lose your bargaining power. 'whoever shows more interest always gets less,' says sanjay muthal, managing director of executive search firm nugrid consulting pvt. ltd., in mumbai.

candidates need to strike a balance between appearing interested in the particular job, and not appearing too eager.

mr. muthal advises talking about macro issues such as the role you're applying for and potential responsibilities, rather than discussing the nitty-gritty of expected pay. 'if you generate a terrific impression, then salary follows,' he says.

3. wait to be asked

candidates should not begin the salary discussion because that makes them 'come across as being too money-minded,' says zak parker, regional hr director of north africa, middle east & southern asia for security services firm g4s plc.

wait for the company to start the salary negotiation. it might help to delay the discussion till all interview rounds are over. the further along you are in the interview process, the more interested the hiring managers would be in you. that puts you in a better position to ask for a higher salary, because the manager might go back to the human resources team or the budgeting team to ask for more money for you.

language points:

exam focus:


a ask friends for help.

b digging through daily newspaper.

c try to get connected with your recruiting company.

d surf the internet for more details.


a if you are interested in your job, you will be better paid.

b eagerness is essential in that it gives your employer more pressure on salary issue.

c make sure to get a job that you are interested in.

d try to hide your feelings so as not to lose the bargaining power.

oral topic:

in what way can you persuade your boss to raise your salary?


(1) b

(2) d




1. 研究,研究,再研究

要争取到更高的薪水,得先弄清楚自己能拿到的最高薪酬是多少。印度职介公司manpower services india总经理潘迪特(sanjay pandit)说,要好好研究一下该行业类似职位的主流薪酬状况。





2. 不要表现得迫不及待

在任何谈判中,如果你表现出自己渴望得到某样东西,就会失去谈判的筹码。印度孟买猎头公司nugrid consulting pvt. ltd.的总经理穆沙尔(sanjay muthal)说,你表现得越有兴趣,得到的反而越少。



3. 不要主动问薪水问题

安全服务提供商杰富仕公司(g4s plc)负责北非、中东、南亚区域的人力资源主管帕克尔(zak parker)说,应聘者不应该主动提出薪水问题,因为这会让人觉得你满脑子只想着钱。




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