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7a unit 3 let’s celebrate!










step on t: hi, everyone!nice to see you cla, we learned something about , let’s have a is halloween?

who celebrates halloween?

how do they celebrate it?

what do they eat? step talk about some more festivals with some e 1: christmas t: which festival is it? s: it’s christmas.t: when is it? s: it’s on december 25th.t: what do people do at christmas? help students answer like this: people get cards and e 2: turkey t: what’s this? do you know? it’s ask students to read after the teacher.t: when do people eat turkey?

s: thanksgiving e 3: dragon boat festival t: what about this picture? do people eat turkey at this festival? s: no.t: what do people eat? look at the eat rice the students to read after the teacher.t: which festival is it? s: it’s dragon boat festival.t: what do people do at this festival? picture 4: mid-autumn festival t: which festival is it? s: mid-autumn festival.t: what do people eat and what do people do at mid-autumn festival? do you know?

look at the pictures and discu with your partner.t: eat they see the moon in the open tell stories about chang’ se t: now you know what people do and eat at different ’s finish part b on page check the about the festivals in part a on page 44 show the students some pictures.t: you have done a good do you know these festivals.i think all of you know do you know their english names? read after me, all the festivals: new year’s day

teachers’ day may day national day children’s day then ask students to match the dates with the se how do people celebrate the festivals? on _____________, children can get are very _____________, teachers get cards and flowers from their _____________, people usually have a _____________ and ____________, we have a 7-day don’t go to part a on page idation one of the festivals and make up a dialogue like the model in pairs. when is …?  what do you do on that day?/ what do you eat on that day? step y 这节课我们学习了很多节日的英语表达法;还学习了如何简单描述人们是如何庆祝这些节日的, rk the new words and the one of the festivals and make up a new dialogue.


unit 1 great scientists

words and expreions

by li yingying 【teaching goals】:

learn the useful words& phrase: put forward;conclusion;attend;expose;challenge 【ability aims】

let students have ability to use words and expreions in specific situation.【difficulties and importance】

students can master skills to gue meaning of new words and expreions from context.【teaching procedures】 ngs -in t: as all we know, vocabulary is the foundation of learning a i think it’s also very important for us to learn english well

do you agree with me? ss:…

t: today i will share some words and a phrase with ’s enjoy g up ask students to translate the following words and forward conclusion attend expose challenge step ng the usage of the expreions:  forward n hawking put forward a theory about black holes.(1)提出(+表示建议,计划等的名词)= come up with forward a very good suggestion/plan (2)把…提前

are late, you should put your watch forward five minutes.(3)推荐

put fu wenli forward as our monitor.【归纳拓展】

put away

put through

put out

put up put off

put on

put up with…

put down(1).i had to ________the football match.(2).the fire has been __________.(3).tom, please ________your shoes. sion n.结论;结束

in conclusion 最后;总之

draw/reach/come to/arrive at a/the conclusion 得出结论 conclusion, we draw a conclusion

 conclude vt.&vi.推断;决定,作结论;结束



 vt.出席,参加 照顾 attend on sb.伺候某人,照顾某人

attend to sth.处理;注意倾听,专心于;照料 attend sth.参加(讲座、活动等)

attend school/a lecture/church/a wedding 上学/听讲座/去教堂/参加婚礼  attendance n.出勤率;出席人数 attendant adj.伴随的;伺候的【易混辨析】


加入(团体,组织,参军)join in 参加(某些小型活动)take part in 参加(某些大型活动)attend

参加(会议,课程,婚礼)(1).may i _______ your discuion?

(2).he was ill so he didnt________ his claes.(3).his brother________ the army two years ago.(4).a lot of college students ____________sports meeting last year. vt.暴露;揭露;使揭露

(1)expose sb./ sb./sth.暴露某人、某事物给某人、某事物 (2)expose oneself to使自己面临危险;使自己暴露于 (3)be exposed to遭受到


 expose crime/ scandal/ a plot/ a project/ a plan等 揭露罪行﹑丑闻、阴谋﹑方案﹑计划等  nge


face the challenge of 面对挑战

accept the challenge 接受挑战

says he will ____ ____ ________ bravely.(2)vt.向…挑战 质疑,怀疑(真实性)

challenge sth.向某人挑战某事 challenge do sth.向某人挑战做某事

_________ ___ ___ ____ a tennis idation complete the sentences.1.哪个医生在护理你?

which doctor is ______ _______ you ? 2.别把皮肤暴露在阳光下,你会被晒伤的。

don’t ______ ______ _______ ____ the sun or you will be burnt.3.王先生向我挑战一场网球比赛。

_________ me __ play a tennis game.4.你在会议上提出的计划好极了。

the plan that you _____________ at the meeting is wonderful.5.从事实中得出结论很重要。

it is important to_______________ from the y summarize the words and phrases they have rk the words and useful expreions in unit 1 in your the exercises in workbook.


vocabulary quizb5-u3busine strategies

学号 ______________________姓名 _________________得分 _________________

banc is a bank-holding company with about $9.5 million in _________.a)an aetb)the aetc)aetd)aets

2.a modern industrial country is now _________.a)emergentb)emergingc)emergenced)emergency

3.i’m worried only about his attitude to the job: his competence is not _________.a)out of the questionb)in the questionc)in questiond)beyond question

have begun to _______ an environmental management system _____ on principles of industrial ecology.a)adapt … foundedb)adopt … foundc)adapt … foundd)adopt … founded

5.________ i understand what you say, i can’t agree with you.a)whileb)whenc)despited)since

films attempt to ___________ the gap between tradition and modernity.a)fillb)bridgec)fulfilld)cro

industry has changed ___________ as a result of the increased use of electronic systems.a)rationallyb)radicallyc)ecologicallyd)intimately

are engaging in cooperative joint ventures with many company _______ its independence, its specialty, and its core competence.a)retainb)restrainc)reduced)resume

effort __________ in the long run.a)pays offb)pays outc)pays upd)pays back

pers were obliged to allow a ________ of opinions to be printed.a)biospanersityb)conformityc)spanersityd)objective

_________, leadership involves accomplishing goals with and through people.a)principleb)extinctionc)ecologyd)eence

we fit---if we solve a social problem, ________ a social need---we will survive and excel.a)surpab)fulfillc)earnd)develop

you cannot go yourself, please find someone to __________ you.a)substitute forb)replace forc)exchange ford)complement

teachers welcome the change;but for the majority of teachers, _______ is true.a)a converseb)the conversec)conversed)the conversed

_____ mitsubichi electric on a rain forest, the author’s idea is that the company should learn to be as adaptable as a rain forest.a)designb)runc)modeld)make

seven ideas should be subsidiary ones _______ the main theme you are trying to communicate.a)forb)withc)ind)to

of the management course was teaching us how to differentiate eential tasks ____ le important ones.a)fromb)withc)tod)by

e is this tendency more evident than in our willingne to ________ about nationalities.a)categorizeb)maximizec)generalized)summarize

create national stereotypes and _________ our prejudices.a)cling tob)beware ofc)adapt tod)spell out

ne was ________ that the british had an excellent sense of humor.a)tenaciousb)suspiciousc)industriousd)unanimous

country would support the use of force if the un __________ it lary quizb5-u3busine strategies

22.a)decentralizedb)negotiatedc)detailedd)deemed as a follow-up study, businemen were asked to imagine they were setting up a multinational company and had to choose a _______ for various positions.a)nationb)nationalc)nationalityd)nationalization the french receive _______ support for the light-weight public relations post.a)conservativeb)prospectivec)maived)comprehensive for several weeks, ________ words were exchanged and tempers became more and more frayed.a)harshb)extensivec)favorabled)superstitious _______ their own initiative they have started a local campaign against the use of tobacco.a)ofb)offc)out ofd)on

a british executive working in germany found that he had to modify his employment policies because of the german liking ________ system and formality.a)ofb)forc)ind)on

junior employees in british companies would have more responsibility than their ___ in german companies.a)succeorsb)counterpartsc)subordinatesd)economists

application letters are written to attract _______ employers’ attention and secure an interview.a)prospectiveb)prosperousc)proportiond)priority

the five “fs” have some ________ differences in meanings and connotations in different parts of asia.a)commonsenseb)sizablec)sociald)subtle

his behavior has been _______ with his role as head of the state.a)incompatibleb)hospitablec)fashionabled)reciprocal

he spent $1500 in legal ________.a)depositsb)feesc)faresd)expenses

in the united states a university profeor is ________ a few months of freedom from his duties approximately every seventh year for travel or advanced study.a)entitledb)rewardedc)grantedd)guaranteed

dr coleman’s unusual sabbatical leave was _______ in great secrecy.a)conductedb)deductedc)convictedd)convinced

i was very upset and started to make some gestures, but the waiter failed to understand me.i was ______ what to do.a)in a meb)tired ofc)on top ofd)at a lo

i had a dream about parrots the other was _________ parrots.a)a flood ofb)a flock ofc)a flesh ofd)a fly of

the benefits of the fitne claes are better _______, fewer aches and pains in the neck and back.a)postb)positionc)poised)posture

simply presenting all your personal information without _______ it to the specific post you are applying for means that an excellent “sales opportunity” has been mied.a)suitingb)tailoringc)specializingd)compiling

to do well during an interview, you need to answer and ask the questions that present you in the best ______.a)impreionb)respectsc)lined)light

most specifically, the interview is to _________ the information you sent in on your application letter and cv and to check your language abilities, perhaps knowledge of the requirements of the post.a)evaluateb)verifyc)highlightd)justify

it is normal for voice-over artists to forget the outside world, so to speak, while they are ________ their lines.a)deliveringb)producingc)conveyingd)deducing








3、课文描写子猷先是“了不悲” “都不哭”,后又写他“恸绝良久”,他前后的表现是否矛盾?为什么?


材料一:《伤逝十二》郗嘉宾(郗超)丧,左右白郗公:“郎 丧”既闻不悲,因语左右:“殡时可道。”公往临殡,一恸几绝。






















4、曹植有一首《七步诗》,和(甲)文都是写 的,请你把它工整地写在下面。







教学重点:掌握leon1的单词和词组的意思及其用法,及掌握如何巧计单词的方法。教学难点: benefit;convenient;wherever;fed up;consequence;work out;argue等单词的用法。

教学工具:多媒体 教学过程: step1 lead-in list the new words and 2 presentation task1 ss read the 2 teacher teaches ss how to pronounce the words and phrases and explain the uses of e who is driving a car.----motorist someone who is walking.-----pedestrian someone who is riding on a bike.----cyclist 2.-ist 后缀可以表示:...主义者,...家 t 用法点滴

1>.不及物动词 vi.得益,受惠[(+by/from)] we benefited greatly by this frank talk.这次坦率的谈话使我们获益匪浅。2>.名词 n.利益,好处;优势[u][c] the new hospital will be a great benefit to the town.新建成的医院将给全城带来莫大好处。

谚语:we should never remember the benefit we have offered nor forget the favour received.施惠莫记,ient 用法点滴 合宜的;方便的;便利的please come whenever it is convenient to you.方便的时候,请随时来。

be convenient for/to sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事会方便 ient—convenience 1>.方便;合宜[u] the hotel has a restaurant for the guests’ convenience.这家旅馆为方便旅客设有餐厅。2>.便利设施;方便的用具[c] the kitchen has all the modern conveniences.这间厨房拥有一切现代化设备。

形容词以t结尾转变成名词为以ce结尾的词有哪些? 6.-ful 1.有...性质的 hopeful 用法点滴:(人)抱有希望的;充满希望的[(+of)][+that] he was hopeful that he would win.他抱有胜利的希望。7.-hood 性质,状态(n)er er you go, whatever you do, 无论你身在何方,无论你在做什么。i will be right here waiting for you;我就在这里等候着你。wherever 和where ever用法上有什么区别? 9.巧记 indeed a friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情 up 用法点滴 感到厌烦的;忍无可忍

she was fed up with her do-nothing sons.对她那些游手好闲的儿子,她已经是忍无可忍了。i was fed up with my bo constant complaints.我对于老板不停的抱怨,我已经听得烦不胜烦。be fed up with 对….感到厌烦 uence 用法点滴 n.结果,后果[c][(+of)] i’m quite willing to accept the consequences.我完全愿意承担后果。 out 用法点滴

1>.想出;制订出;产生出 work out a program 制订计划


can you work out on the map where we are now? 你能在地图上找到我们现在所在的位置吗? 3>.做运动;锻炼

the old man is working out in the 用法点滴:

1>.争论,辩论;争吵[(+with/over/about)] im not going to argue with you tonight.我今晚不想与你争辩。

2>.提出理由[(+for/against)] he argued against the plan.他据理反对这个计划。step3 pratice task43 t asks the students to read them 4 summary t teaches ss how to recite the words and phrases efficially by 5 consolidation task4 do the following exercises.单词拼写练习。(请根据首字母提示和语境,填写所缺单词) book is of great b_______ to all of ’s c________ for us to travel around should think about the c__________ if we do a_______ with his father last g the news, i felt a bit of f_____ up.6.i work o____ twice a police a______ the young man for his drinking and driving.(answers:t;ient;uences;;;;ed)step5 homework 1.请用以下单词或词组造句。

befenit, convenient,wherever,fed up,consequence,work out, the words.


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