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格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-04-08 11:09:31
时间:2023-04-08 11:09:31     小编:zdfb



1, with a keen eye to look at their teaching.

any great research comes from practice, all based on the study of a large number of facts. teaching and research is no exception, the actual teaching of education, multi-angle, multi-level research, which is to carry out teaching and research work important basis. many people are often missing is the actual teaching process, we will encounter a variety of problems, such as school and family society, school management, teaching and learning, new curriculum reform, which are teaching and research object, we can not turn a blind eye, but should use octavia's vision to examine their own teaching, to observe, discover, solve problems, with the purpose of improving the quality of education and teaching to think, analyze and solve problems.

2, inspanidual research, case analysis, writing teaching papers

usually, i pay attention to the teaching theory of learning, from the side of the actual teaching of education to start, select the appropriate scope or direction of the study, the thematic research, give full play to their strengths and hobbies, strengthen student ability, this semester, the subject research "primary school mathematics stratification exercise experimental research" has made some progress. at the same time, in the daily teaching work

teacher teaching research self - evaluation

, focus on strengthening the analysis of typical cases, teaching reflection, and actively write teaching papers, so as to improve the depth of teaching and research results, breadth and theoretical level. write two papers this semester.

3, solidly carry out the activities of disciplines; to guide the daily teaching of young teachers; lectures, assessment activities

i can deepen the study of teaching theory, actively participate in the teaching and research activities of the school, solidly carry out the activities of the discipline group once a week; as a backbone teacher, can their valuable experience unreservedly passed on to young teachers to guide their daily teaching work, although they set foot on the job only a few years, but in my careful guidance, they participated in the activities of young teachers, respectively, lesson activities and awards; i do a good job in their own work at the same time, of the class more than 20 sections, to promote the growth of young teachers.

a summary of the work of the comprehensive teaching and research

the second semester of the 20xx-20xx school year

time flies, full and happy education and teaching work in tension and busy in a semester. this semester under the correct leadership of the school leaders, our comprehensive group of teachers to carry out teaching and research in-depth education reform work, from the students to cultivate the spirit of innovation and practical ability to start to improve the cultural quality and aesthetic ability of students to reform and optimize the classroom teaching process , improve the efficiency of classroom teaching, better completion of the semester of teaching work.

this semester, we have a comprehensive teaching and research group to carry out a series of disciplinary activities. we launched the music art, sports evaluation class. mrs. snow on behalf of the school took part in the county's english quality class selection, and achieved good results.

1, conscientiously implement the various tasks of conventional teaching

the whole group of teachers to seriously study and understand the school teaching work plan and the system requirements, implemented in practice. in the routine teaching inspection, lesson plans, preparation of full. the content is complete. comprehensive group of teachers in the teaching process, infiltration of new ideas, through the new spirit, the use of new methods, each class has new discoveries and new progress. in the review stage, in accordance with the curriculum requirements, carefully developed test program. the whole group of teachers to listen to the task have reached the school requirements.

2, the introduction of high-quality open class

this semester we have conducted several open classes, to 40 young people under the age of one per semester a public course. these open classes have been tried again and again, carefully prepared to focus on the collective wisdom of the whole group of teachers, so as to achieve good teaching results, also received peer praise, fully demonstrated our teaching and research group strong overall strength level. student's personality is fully demonstrated and training, teacher-student interaction, interaction,

organizational interaction, environmental interaction, in a limited time, every student has been more adequate exercise and performance oom is full of mobile sunshine, equality, harmony and communication coexistence, discovery, challenges and meditation in the classroom with no cold dark "dead corner". thinking of the active, frequency of the flash point, so that students become the real master of the classroom.

third, add luster to the school

our teaching conditions are bitter, and our dedication is 100%. in addition to education and teaching work, the teaching and research group of this semester also helped the school leaders to do well in various example, the county's cultural entertainment, large class activities competitions, science and technology activities. in order to the normal work of the school as a whole, each teacher in the completion of teaching work at the same time, hard working, and strive to complete the task.

of course, the entire teaching and research activities also have shortcomings, reflected in the following aspects:

1, teaching and research activities carried out not solid; our group arranged for teaching and research activities on friday time, but because we are more complex teaching and research groups, and sometimes too many school affairs, too miscellaneous, and can not guarantee adequate teaching and research time. it is suggested that the school establish the system from the system to ensure the integrity and perfection of the education and teaching research.

2, teaching and research group teachers are relatively young, the lack of teaching and research experience and professional theoretical guidance, vision is not open, narrow-minded, resulting in not comprehensive view, the idea is not deep enough. to allow teachers to go out, more visits, more learning, broaden their horizons, pioneering ideas.









本人思想健康纯正,能吃苦耐劳,有崇高的理想和伟大的目标,注重个人道德修养, 一直一严谨的态度和积极 的热情投身于学习和工作中,在学习上,三年来我虚心求学、刻苦认真、吃苦耐劳,及时总结,通过系统地学习掌握较为扎实的基础知识。自己的自学能力以及分析、解决问题的能力 成绩得到了导师及同学们的肯定,树立了良好的学习榜样。我热爱自己的专业还,还利用课余时间专修计算机专业知识,使我能轻松操作各种网络和办公软件.,在书法和体育运动都获得好 面的等级考试已达标.除了在专业知识方面精益求精外,平时我还涉猎了大量网络编程,网络管理与维护,网页设计等知识.并且相信在以后理论与实际结合当中,能有更大提高.





虽然有成功的泪水,也有失败的 辛酸,然而日益激烈的社会竟争也使我充分地认识到成为一名德智体全面发展的优秀 大学生的重要性。无论如何,过去的是我不断奋斗、不断完善自我的一年。






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