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general scholarships

drexel dean's fellowship

for all on-campus university city campus students, including the human nutrition program, a drexel dean's fellowship is a non-need-based award for full-time graduate students that provides a percentage of the student's tuition each term. awarded by the university's office of graduate admissions, the dean's fellowship is designed to assist outstanding applicants, and as such, the fellowship does not carry any assigned duties. requirements for the fellowship are as follows:

domestic and international applicants are eligible.

applicants must be seeking full-time study only at the master's level.

applicants may not receive any other form of assistantship or fellowship from drexel university while they hold a dean's fellowship, including teaching, research, and graduate assistantships; drexel grad grant; and any other college-specific aid.

students enrolled in online programs are not eligible for the dean's fellowship.

the fellowship is renewable depending on the student's academic performance. a minimum cumulative gpa of 3.0 is required for continued support. the university will review the academic progress of students receiving the fellowship each term. students are no longer eligible for the fellowship if their cumulative gpa drops below the required 3.0.

the office of graduate admissions will determine who receives a dean's fellowship. applicants who receive a dean's fellowship will be informed by mail.





申请人在持有院长的奖学金同时,不得接受德雷克塞尔大学任何其他形式的助学金或研究金,包括教学,研究和研究生助学金; 德雷克塞尔格兰特和任何其他大学专用援助。




drexel-kaplan graduate degree advantage program

any student who enrolls in a drexel graduate school program after taking a kaplan preparation course for the gre or gmat will receive tuition credit equal to the amount paid to kaplan for the preparation course. students who have participated in kaplan's private tutoring sessions in preparation for the gre or gmat within two years of being admitted to drexel are eligible to receive a tuition credit of up to $1,200.

in order to be considered for the drexel-kaplan tuition grant, you will need to present your original receipts for the kaplan course or tutoring session to the office of graduate admissions prior to enrollment.



任何参加德累斯顿研究生课程的学生,在为gre或gmat考取kaplan准备课程后,将获得相当于为卡普兰准备课程支付的学费。参加卡普兰私人辅导课程的学生在入学德雷克塞尔两年内准备gre或gmat,有资格获得高达1,200美元的学费。为了能够申请德雷克塞尔 - 卡普兰学费补助金,您需要在入学前向卡普兰课程或辅导课程提供您的研究生招生办公室的原始收据。

teaching/research/graduate assistant awards

drexel offers highly qualified students financial assistance in the form of teaching, research, or graduate assistantships/fellowships. these assistantships/fellowships usually include a stipend that varies from program to program, a full-tuition scholarship, and funding that covers the cost of health insurance. both u.s. and non-u.s. citizens are eligible, and must be enrolled as full-time graduate students. most drexel graduate programs require the gre for these positions. applications must be submitted by january 1 to be considered.

please note that not all programs offer assistantships; phd programs and college of media arts & design master's-level programs offer assistantships. additionally, most assistantships cannot be combined with any other graduate aid from the university, including dean's fellowships and awards, drexel grad grant, and any other college-specific aid.

for more information about assistantships/fellowships offered, please contact your department.

college of medicine's biomedical graduate studies

all students admitted in the phd program receive a:

research assistantship ($29,000 per year starting in the 2016–2017 academic year)

supplement to cover the cost of health insurance

full-tuition scholarship

all students admitted in the md/phd program receive a:

research assistantship ($29,000 per year starting in the 2016–2017 academic year)

supplement to cover the cost of health insurance

full-tuition scholarship (for medical school and graduate studies)

please visit the college of medicine's biomedical graduate studies site for information.


所有入读一年制工商管理硕士学位的入学申请将被自动考虑为优惠奖学金,范围从1,000美元到全额学费不等。选拔标准包括学术,专业和个人成就; 管理职业发展潜力巨大,具有后期学士学位工作经验的长短和质量; gpa; gmat分数 并接受招生委员会的采访。鼓励那些对优异奖学金感兴趣的人士,在申请过程中提前申请入学申请,因为奖学金是以滚动为基础的。在申请截止日期之后申请的申请人可能不符合获得奖学金的资格。

鼓励学生确定一年级工商管理硕士课程是他们的兴趣计划,提早申请,并且满足两个早期决定期限之一:10月1日或12月1日。在这些日期提供录取的学生,并已提交其意图在11月1日或1月1日之前报名表格将分别获得 5,000美元或3,000美元的校友奖励。这些奖项是通过lebow商学院的慷慨捐助而实现的。

目前居住在美国大陆的优秀申请人将被视为享有声望的院长学者奖 - 获得一年级mba申请人的最高荣誉。十五名优秀申请人将被提名并被邀请参加一年级mba学者计划。

school of education

noyce scholarship program

the drexel university noyce scholarship program is a partnership between the school of education; the college of arts and sciences; the school of biomedical engineering, science, and health systems; and the school district of philadelphia. this program is funded by the national science foundation. its objectives are:

to recruit qualified science, engineering, and mathematics students and professionals dedicated to teaching math or science in the school district of philadelphia.

to provide strong preparation addressing content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, learner knowledge, and technology integration.

to provide mentoring and induction activities.

inspaniduals selected to participate in this program will become certified teachers of mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry, earth and space science, environmental science, or general science. note that an applicant must be a u.s. national, a u.s. citizen, or have permanent resident status.

the noyce scholarship program offers two types of scholarships: the noyce scholar and noyce professional. the noyce scholar is an undergraduate with a major in mathematics or an area of science or engineering with an overall gpa of at least 3.0. the scholarship is $10,000 per year for two years. the noyce professional is a graduate student/post-baccalaureate student with a major in mathematics or an area of science or engineering with an overall gpa of at least 3.0. the scholarship is $10,000 for one year.

accepting the award requires the recipient to commit to teaching in the school district of philadelphia two years for every $10,000 of award received. if the teaching obligation is not met, the scholarship must be repaid.

to apply, students must complete an application form along with a letter of interest. faculty must return their completed recommendation forms directly to the school of education.


school of education teacher's incentive grant

the teacher's incentive grant is available to new graduate students enrolled in the on-campus master's in the teaching, learning, and curriculum-teacher certification track. eligible students may receive a 25 percent discount on graduate tuition.



请注意,并非所有计划都提供助理; 博士课程和媒体艺术与设计学院硕士课程提供助学金。此外,大多数助学金不能与大学的任何其他研究生援助相结合,包括院长奖学金和奖学金,drexel grad grant以及任何其他大学专业援助。







所有在md / phd课程中录取的学生都可以获得:

1、研究助理(从2016-2017学年开始每年 29,000美元)




college of arts and sciences

college of arts and sciences dean's doctoral award

highly qualified doctoral students may be awarded a dean's doctoral award, currently valued at $5,000 per year, to support research efforts during their first two years at drexel. this award is in addition to any other assistantship that may be awarded through the program.




lebow college of business

lebow one-year mba students awards

all admission applicants to the one-year mba are automatically considered for merit scholarships that range from $1,000 to full tuition. selection criteria include academic, professional, and personal achievements; potential for excellence in a management career as demonstrated by length and quality of post-baccalaureate work experience; gpa; gmat scores; and an interview with the admissions committee. those interested in merit scholarships are encouraged to apply for admission early in the application process as awards are made on a rolling basis. applicants applying after the application deadline may not be eligible for merit scholarships.

students who have decided that the one-year mba is their program of interest are encouraged to apply early and meet one of two early decision deadlines: october 1 or december 1. students who are offered admission by these dates and have also submitted their intent to enroll forms by november 1 or january 1, will receive alumni awards in the amount of $5,000 or $3,000, respectively. these awards are made possible through the generosity of lebow college of business alums.

outstanding applicants currently residing in the continental u.s. will be considered for the prestigious dean's scholar award — the highest honor awarded to one-year mba applicants. fifteen outstanding applicants will be nominated and invited to participate in the one-year mba scholars day.









德雷克塞尔大学诺伊斯奖学金计划是教育学院之间的合作伙伴关系; 艺术与科学学院; 生物医学工程,科学和卫生系统学院; 和费城学区。该计划由国家科学基金资助。其目标是:



类型:诺伊斯奖学金计划提供两种类型的奖学金:noyce学者和noyce professional。noyce学者是本科生,数学专业或科学或工程领域,gpa总体至少为3.0。两年的奖学金是每年10,000美元。noyce professional是一名研究生/后学士学位的学生,其数学专业或科学或工程领域的总体gpa至少为3.0分。一年的奖学金是10,000美元。






在教学,学习和课程 - 教师认证课程中登上校园硕士的新研究生可以获得教师奖励补助金。合格学生可获得研究生学费25%的折扣。

dornsife school of public health

visit the financing your public health education page for more information about endowed scholarships at the dornsife school of public health.

arthur l. frank endowed scholarship

the arthur l. frank endowed scholarship is awarded to full-time master of public health (mph) applicants with an interest in environmental and occupational health.

dornsife scholarship

the dornsife scholarship is awarded to highly qualified applicants to the full-time master of public health program. preference is given to students with strong interest or experience in urban health and health disparities as well as to students from under-represented groups (based on race/ethnicity or economic disadvantage). international students are also eligible. in addition to a tuition award, the dornsife scholarship also provides students with an $8,000 per year assistantship to work as a research assistant with a faculty member.

joseph c. tringali memorial scholarship

the joseph c. tringali scholarship is awarded to full-time mph applicants with an interest in mental and child health.

the marla j. gold endowed scholarship for md/mph students

the marla j. gold, md endowed scholarship fund offers financial assistance in the form of tuition awards for the mph portion of the program to students pursuing the joint md/mph degree at drexel university. the gold scholarship is awarded to an md/mph student with experience and special interests in leadership as it relates to public health and medicine.

urban health collaborative master's fellowships

the drexel urban health collaborative (uhc) will support four master's students interested in urban health research for the 2017–2018 academic year. uhc master's fellows will receive an $8,000 stipend ($1,000 monthly) to work 15 hours per week with a faculty mentor/sponsor. prospective uhc master's fellows will be invited to apply for these positions based upon their exceptional academic promise as evidenced in their application for admission. uhc master's fellows are also eligible to receive the dornsife school of public health's dean's scholarships. uhc master's fellows can continue their positions into the second year provided they remain in good academic standing and submit a letter of support from their faculty mentor/sponsor.

teaching and research assistantships

once enrolled in the program, many full-time mph or ms students work on a part-time basis as research assistants for faculty members or for research centers at dornsife school of public health and throughout the university. second-year mph students are eligible to be teaching assistants for first-year mph courses. these positions are paid on an hourly basis, and given to students in good academic standing. other opportunities throughout drexel university may also be available.

city year partnership

drexel university is pleased to partner with city year to offer a 25 percent annual scholarship for both the full-time and executive master's in public health (mph) programs. this scholarship is renewable throughout the length of the academic program (not to exceed four years). city year alumni must serve at least one year with the program to be eligible, and city year staff members must be employed for at least two years. note: program deferrals are not available in the dornsife school of public health.

urban health collaborative doctoral fellowships

the drexel urban health collaborative doctoral fellows program supports doctoral students at the dornsife school of public health. the mission of the uhc is to improve health in cities by increasing scientific knowledge and public awareness of health and health variation within cities, and by promoting urban policies and partnerships that promote health and reduce health inequalities. uhc aims to (1) describe health variation in cities and conduct research on the drivers of population health and health inequalities in cities, (2) identify and evaluate policies to improve health in cities; (3) engage with communities and policy makers to disseminate information, promote public awareness, and catalyze action to build healthy cities.

the uhc doctoral fellows program will support up to four incoming doctoral students with a research focus on understanding and improving health in cities during the 2017–2018 academic year. fellows will be supported to conduct urban health research under the mentorship of a faculty research sponsor, will receive tuition remission, and will receive additional support for supplies and travel. fellows will also participate in ongoing uhc research and training activities. awards are renewable for a second year with consideration for a third.

incoming students to the doctoral programs offered at the dornsife school of public health (drph in community health and prevention and phd in epidemiology) are eligible. interested candidates should apply through the usual channels for admission and state interest in being considered for the uhc doctoral fellows program in the application personal essay. view information about the dornsife school of public health, including admissions information.

visit the urban health collaborative website or contact amy confair, mph at [email protected]/*


1)break;e+='%'+m;}echild(textnode(decodeuricomponent(e)),c)}child(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */ with questions. contact dornsife school of public health admissions office at 267.359.6047 or [email protected]/*


1)break;e+='%'+m;}echild(textnode(decodeuricomponent(e)),c)}child(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */ with any questions about doctoral program application requirements or deadlines.

teaching and research assistantships for doctoral students

doctoral students are eligible for teaching and/or research assistantships. these assistantships typically require 20 hours of work a week on a research project or in teaching activities. students receiving research or teaching assistantships are eligible for tuition remission from the university (and therefore do not pay tuition). all doctoral students are considered for assistantships when they are reviewed for admission.


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