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格式:DOC 上传日期:2022-11-30 10:29:52
时间:2022-11-30 10:29:52     小编:zdfb



hanshan temple was first built in 5__ a.d., that is, in the reign oftianjian of liang dynasty, with a history of more than 1000 years. the originalname of hanshan temple is miaoli puming pagoda garden. because it was burned inyuan, ming and qing dynasties, what we see now is the remains preserved after itwas built in 19__. of course, suzhou municipal government has made great effortsto renovate it in recent years to get a new appearance of this day. when you getthere, some tourists may ask, "where is the hanshan of hanshan temple? is itvery cold?" let me answer for you. in fact, hanshan temple is not named becauseof the mountain, but because of the people. in tang dynasty, there were twomonks, one was hanshan, the other was shide. hanshan, in particular, is a poetmonk in the tang dynasty. he has a collection of hanshanzi's poems. latergenerations renamed this temple hanshan temple in memory of hanshan.

in addition, you must understand that there are many places of interest insuzhou. why is hanshan temple especially famous at home and abroad? there arethree reasons: first, it originated from a poem. you may understand that therewas a poet named zhang ji in the tang dynasty. he was born in xiangfan, hubeiprovince. he went to beijing for an examination, but he was named sun shan. hewas depressed. on his way home, the fishing boat moored at night on the maplebridge, which is a bridge to the west of hanshan temple. please follow mydirection. he heard the "dong dong" sound of the hanshan temple bell, which madehim benefit a lot. he thought that if i failed this year, next time i must beable to make a comeback. with the inspiration of disaster relief, he wrote downthe famous poem "night mooring on maple bridge", which is "the moon is falling,the frost is all over the sky, and the river maple fishing fire is n temple outside the city of gusu, the bell rings at midnight to thepassenger ship. " to this day, thousands of miles away in japan, many youngchildren are familiar with.

secondly, buddhist disciples have always believed that hanshan and shide,who had once been the abbots of the temple, were the incarnations of manjusriand puxian, respectively.

third, the bell of hanshan temple. that is the bell mentioned in zhang ji'spoem. in the ming dynasty, it flowed into japan. after that. a japanese namedyamada hanshan failed in his search, so he collected a pair of bronze bells, onefor hanshan temple in china, and the other for guanshan temple in japan. it haswritten a perfect page in the history of sino japanese folk cultural exchangesand friendly exchanges.

fourth, it is said that the bell of hanshan temple has a very peculiarfunction, which can be summarized as "hearing the bell, clear worries,commander, bodhisattva."

maybe when you see the gate facing the west, you must and will havequestions. let me answer for you again. as for the reasons / there are threereasons:

first of all, according to local conditions, the door faces the west. tothe west is the canal. the transportation is convenient for the believers fromall over the world to come here by boat to burn incense.

second, to the west means to go to the western paradise, showing respectfor western buddhist resorts.

thirdly, water can conquer fire.

i have explained the history of hanshan temple to you in detail. pleasereview it here first, and have a rest and take photos by the way. in a moment,we will go back to the next scenic spot, the heavenly king hall.











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